YES! Count me in! I understand that to complete the course, I must attend the complete schedule for all six days. Sept. 6 – 8, 2019 Fri. 7:30am to Sun. 5:30pm W3-42-19 Sept 28 – 30, 2019 ADULT LEADERSHIP TRAINING Sat. 7:30am to Mon. 4:00pm

All fees must be paid by August 6, 2019, or I may forfeit my place in the course. G TH (Deadline may change if course fills early). TIN E F A UT E U R R C E

WOOD BADGE is the highest level leadership training program offered by the Boy Scouts of America for adult volunteers involved in all levels of (Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Exploring, Sea Scouts,Venturing, and district and council positions). Registration The first Wood Badge course was presented Registration is available on the in 1919 in England. It is the only adult lead- Piedmont Boy Council website ership training program that is offered by every scouting organization around the world, FOR MORE INFORMATION though it varies by country and region. Upon Contact Malcolm Talcott, Course Director, completing the course, you will join thou- 510-350-6699 or sands of other leaders around the world who [email protected] NORTH COAST CLUSTER have received the same beads, Marin, Piedmont, Redwood Empire and , and who are similarly dedicated to the values, mission and vision of Scouting. CAMP TAMARANCHO, Fairfax, CA September 6 – 8, 2019 September 28 – 30, 2019 COURSE DESIGN AND CONTENT: COST: Wood Badge consists of two parts. The first The fee for the course is $255 if paid by check, $263 part is a six-day (two 3-day weekends) residential if paid by credit card, prior to May 31, 2019. There- experience at a Scout Camp, where you learn and after, it is $280 or $288.50. All fees must be paid practice leadership skills in small and large groups. in full by August 6, 2019. If you are unable to attend There are practical applications and it is a lot of and notify Piedmont Council in writing prior to Au- fun. The leadership skills you learn are universal. In gust 6, 2019, any fees you have paid will be refunded. addition to helping you to become a better Scout Fees pay for training materials, supplies, meals and leader, these skills will help you become more snacks as well as a T-shirt and a hat for each partici- You can participate in this effective in your personal and professional life. pant. The fees are set as low as possible; each volun- awesome Two-Weekend teer staff member pays a fee to serve on the course each Training Course if you: In the second part of Wood Badge, too. The overall financial goal for the course is to participant uses leadership skills to complete five 4 Are currently registered as an adult Scouter break even, it is not a fund-raiser. Considering that personal goals that they have created which will in a , Scout BSA, Exploring, Sea corporate leadership training with similar content help their Scout unit. There is an 18-month dead- Scout or Venturing unit, or if you hold a typically costs more than $15,000, Wood Badge line to complete the goals, though many finish in district or council position is an incredible value and it’s fun, too! Financial less than a year. 4 Are at least 18 years old assistance may be available from your local council. 4 Have completed Youth Protection Training The Wood Badge course has been developed 4 Submit a completed application and pay and refined over the decades. It is based on aca- “The Wood Badge course ignited an enthusiasm your fee in full by August 6, 2019 demic and corporate leadership training research, for scouting in my heart that I hadn’t felt before. 4 courses and programs. The content is comprised Have Parts A, B and C of a current It inspired me to make a candid assessment of BSA Medical Form completed and signed of proven knowledge, material and methods from myself and to consciously practice the Scout Oath established and respected authors, leaders and and Law in my day to day activities. I’m a better by a doctor consultants in the field of leadership. adult leader because of it.” Sam W3-41-17

“The training has helped me broaden my horizon of different prospectives regarding scouting. I met many new people, made new friends, from other WOOD BADGE is not just training - it’s a leadership experience! Participate in the one Scouting tradition that exists councils as well as from our own. The collection of in every corner of the World! Learn about yourself and others! Develop leadership skills! Make lifelong friendships! dedicated people are the true inspiration.” Improve the performance of your Scout unit! Help create a better future for our youth and the world! Become a better leader by signing up for WOOD BADGE today! Bin W3-35-15