Political Handbook & T NGO Calendar 2012 A N Z A N Legal Reform Processes for I the Promotion of Civil Rights A This Handbook belongs to ... Name: Organisation: Address: Telephone: E-Mail: EDITORIAL EDITORS Angela K. Ishengoma (Coordinator) PUBLISHED BY Andrea Cordes Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Jacquelyn Howard P.O. Box 4472 Kawawa Road Plot No. 397 LAYOUT / TYPESETTING / DESIGN Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Lars-Christian Treusch Telephone: 255-22 2668575 / 2668786 PRINT Fax: 255-22 2668669 Mobile: 0754-884485 iPrint Ltd. E-Mail:
[email protected] NB: Articles which carry an author´s name do not necessarily reflect the view of FES. All facts and figures in this Calendar are correct to the best of our knowledge. However, FES bears no responsibility for over- sights, mistakes or omissions. COPYRIGHT © 2011 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dar es Salaam A commercial resale of published brochures, books and general printed matters by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stif- tung are prohibited unless the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung gives its explicit and written approval beforehand. The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation congratula- tes Tanzania Mainland on 50 Years of Independence! Dear Friends and Partners of the FES Tanzania Welcome to the FES Political Handbook and NGO Calendar 2012! To commemorate the monumental occasion of Tanzania Mainland ce- lebrating 50 Years of Independence, this year’s edition of our Political Handbook focuses on the Legal Reform Processes that have taken place within Tanzania over the last 50 years in regards to Civil Rights. The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation has had the privilege of working with Tan- zania on many levels since 1968.