Issue Number 445 February 2018 From the Being Valentine On 14 February 1381 the fourteen year old king of England, Richard II, celebrated his engagement to Anne of Bohemia. Geoffrey Chaucer supposedly wrote his poem, The Parliament of Fowls, to OUR MISSION celebrate this event - hence these lines in the poem: A community seeking to live well with God, For this was on St Valentine's Day, gathered around Jesus Christ in prayer and fellowship, When every fowl cometh there to choose his mate. and committed to welcome, worship and witness. So from 1381 onwards 14 February became the day on which lovers The Church Office exchanged tokens of their devotion to one another. The extent and , Skipton BD23 6AL type of such exchanges have changed over the centuries, but the 01756 710238 tradition is still very much alive. [email protected] The Rector This year St Valentine’s Day falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday. The Rectory, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL This might give you pause for thought if you are planning to give (or 01756 710326 indeed hoping to receive) chocolates as a token of devotion. [email protected] Chocolate is among the top choices of indulgence for people to forgo Curate during the forty days of Lent. On the other hand it may be that the 07495 151987 coincidence of dates is appropriate after all. One of many traditions [email protected] linking Valentine with love tells that he was a third century priest in Website Rome who was arrested for illicitly marrying Christian couples during a time of persecution. He was eventually put to death and is

SUNDAY remembered as a martyr.

08.00 Holy Communion In his poem Lent George Herbert writes:

09.15 Liquid Family Worship First Sunday of month It’s true, we cannot reach Christ’s fortieth day; 10.30 Sung Yet to go part of that religious day 18.30 Evening Prayer (said) April to September Is better than to rest 16.30 Evening Prayer (said) October to March To journey in the steps of Christ is the calling of every Christian. It was the Cross, what George Herbert calls ‘Christ’s fortieth day’, where WEDNESDAY that journey ended for our Lord on Good Friday. Unlike Valentine 10.00 Holy Communion most of us, like Herbert’s seventeenth century readers, will not be called to endure the ‘fortieth day’; but to do our best to share at least 18.45 Choir Practice some of Christ’s journey, with or without chocolate, is better (to paraphrase Herbert) All regular services are according to the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), except for the Family service, an informal service for young and old. than doing nothing. WEDDINGS and BAPTISMS: By arrangement via the Church Office. With good wishes for a blessed Lent, 1 2 RECTOR’S NOTES DR ELIZABETH MARY DAVIDSON (MOLLIE) RIP Rector’s Notes Mollie Davidson has recently Lent Groups: Jonathan has written a separate item elsewhere in this died. In their remaining years, magazine about this year’s Lent groups; and the full programme of she and her husband Chris services at the Priory for Holy Week and Easter is published in this decided to move to the South month’s magazine. Meanwhile, please note that there will be two Coast to be nearer to their celebrations of the Eucharist on Ash Wednesday, 14 February: a said family. Mollie was originally celebration at 10.00, and a Sung Eucharist at 19.00. Imposition of from Haworth but came to live Ashes will be offered at both services. in Beamsley when Chris retired Share: We were able to pay our Parish Share in full in 2017 for from his GP practice in the first time for ten years. This was largely due to the generous Bradford. They were both big response to our Gift Day Appeal in December which, after factoring in supporters of the Priory Church Gift Aid, raised over £6,500. Many thanks to all those who responded and Mollie would drive her small red car to church every Sunday and so readily. we could always set our clocks when we heard the two sharp Handrail Installation: Following the granting of a Faculty (the Church toots she gave entering the corner into the village. Mollie was a of England’s version of planning permission) a handrail has now been constant member of the Bolton Abbey Ladies Conservatives and installed to make access from the upper to the lower graveyard easier made many friends in the community; a kind and gentle person who and safer. is much missed. Heating System: Progress on our new heating system continues to Susan Rigby be encouraging. Scheduled Ancient Monument Consent and Planning Consent are both needed for aspects of the work in the churchyard. It was a privilege to know Mollie and to be doubly blessed to count The former has been granted (subject to conditions) by the Secretary her as a friend. We shared many interests, not least the Priory of State, and the planning application to the Yorkshire Dales National Church but also a love of the Bronte family. Haworth was where we Park was lodged in mid January. A Faculty from the Diocesan both grew up, she knew my parents. We both served on the Bronte Chancellor will be needed for the complete project and in December Society’s Council, as had Mollie’s Mother before her. The very the Diocesan Advisory Committee recommended a Faculty be distinctive sign outside the Museum is there thanks to her parents. granted, again subject to conditions. We owe our curate, Jonathan, a Mollie was one of the original committee responsible for setting up huge debt of gratitude for all the work he has done to drive the Manorlands Hospice in Oxenhope. heating project forward. It was very special for me to arrange flowers, (white roses-what else?) for Mollie’s granddaughter’s December wedding at the ATTENDANCES AT CHRISTMAS SERVICES 2017 Priory. I like to think that Kate, like Charlotte Bronte, looked like a snowdrop on her wedding day. Advent Carol Service 113 Richard and I shared many meals and tea and cakes together before Service of Lessons and Carols 146 Chris and Mollie’s move to Sussex. We visited Rottingdean several times, exchanged letters and cards and had many phone calls with Christingle 435 Mollie; a warm, friendly, just lovely lady who touched our lives. First Eucharist of Christmas 128 Jean Bull Festal Eucharist 76 Donations, in memory of Mollie, to the British Heart Foundation Lyndon Place, 2096 Coventry Road, Sheldon BIRMINGHAM B26 3YU 3 4 PARISH CHURCH COUNCIL 31 OCTOBER 2017 We were informed by the Rector that the Priory has the largest number of visitors of any church in our Diocese. What an accolade!!! Before the meeting the Rector announced the sad news that Jonathan A note for your diaries; Saturday 30 June at Ripon Cathedral. This is Cain’s father had died. Our thoughts and prayers were with Jonathan the date when Tony Cantlow will be ordained. Bishop Nick has now and his family at this sad time. confirmed his curacy. Well done Tony. Paul Middleton stated that our annual donations to external charities I hope that 2018 will be kind and peaceful to you all. had been increased to £4,000 and Michael Heatley was pleased to announce that the Gift Day had raised, so far, in excess of £5,200 Sandra Stubbs which was very good news. The bad news is that the pew donation PCC Secretary box has broken after serving the church for 40 years or more. This will be discussed at our next meeting. The PCC agreed for Ian Clokey to be added, with the Bishop’s permission, to the list of Eucharistic assistants and to administer the LENT QUIET DAY at the 08.00 Communion service. We hope that Ian will enjoy his role at the Priory. A Quiet Day has been arranged on The railings to the graveyard can now be finalised after receiving a 19 March at Parcevall Hall. The day faculty, and Matt Hey will paint a white line to the step adjacent to will run between 10.00 and 16.00 and the Boyle Room toilets. will include lunch. There are places Regarding the church heating, we are awaiting a notification of advice for up to 24 people which will be from the DAC and those of you who have been in Church whilst the allocated on a first come, first served heating has been broken will know how urgently we need warmth!!! basis. There will be a charge to cover the cost of the Quiet Day, which will The Priory Stall raised over £388 at the Christmas Bazaar with £1,500 be dependent on numbers, but which being raised by all the charities. Thanks were given to Carol Wade is expected to be approximately £30. and Val Middleton for co-ordinating this very successful event. The Advent Carol Service was held on a very cold Sunday evening but All are welcome and it is essential that you sign up by 26 February, the warmth of the service, which was beautiful and very moving, either by emailing Jonathan [email protected] or using along with our excellent choir made it very worthwhile. the sign-up sheet at the back of the Priory on Sunday mornings, to reserve a place. The Duke and Duchess kindly invited the whole congregation who attended the Estate Carol Service for a glass of mulled wine, which was greatly appreciated by all. LENT STUDY GROUPS The Live Nativity was again a huge success, with higher numbers than Two parallel study groups will run over five sessions during Lent. last year. The improved sound system augmented by three visitors Evening meetings will take place in Ilkley on from Opera North and the meticulous organization of Jonathan Cain Mondays at 19.30 on 19, 26 February and 5, 12, 19 March. made this a very special event. The Rector thanked Jonathan for all Daytime meetings will take place in the Boyle Room on his hard work especially at such a difficult time for him and his family. Wednesdays at 11.00 on 21, 28 February and 7, 14, 21 March. Instead of Three Wise Men, we had three brave men who turned out, All are welcome and it would help enormously with planning if you on their own, in inclement weather conditions to participate in the could sign up either by emailing Jonathan Roaming Carols. Well done to the Rector, Matt Hey and Tony Cantlow [email protected] or using the sign-up sheet at the back

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MARY’S MEALS – PROJECT SALT PRIORY VERGER We are delighted to report that, thanks to During January our faithful verger of nearly four years, Tony Cantlow, some help from a growing network of laid down his verge for the last time in order to concentrate on the supporters across Lower Wharfedale, the final six months of his preparation for ordination in June. Tony’s second year fundraising target of £9,980 for the cheerful presence and Mary’s Meals project at the Sawali School in unobtrusive efficiency has Malawi was achieved. This brings the total been a great blessing to the raised over two years to £18,655, a fantastic Priory and we thank him achievement. Thanks once again to everyone who has contributed. warmly for all he has done. A new Mary’s Meals committee for Lower Wharfedale is being Tony was presented with a formed, with the dual purpose of raising awareness of and book token at the Parish encouraging fundraising for the charity’s work. If you would like to Eucharist on Sunday 21 be part of the committee, or to find out more, please contact January in a short ceremony Jonathan 07495 151987, [email protected]. The Lower in which we were also able Wharfedale group will maintain links with the Priory and it is hoped to welcome his successor that some fundraising activities will continue, the first of which will be Peter Lambert. We a Bake Sale at the Priory on Easter Day, 01 April. It would be great to remember both Tony and continue the good work achieved so far in reaching out to Peter in our prayers as they impoverished communities in the majority world. prepare for their respective Rebecca Cain new roles. Passing of the Verge WELCOME TEAM REPORT JANUARY 2018 This is, essentially, the final report for 2017. REFLECTION AND JOY Numbers of visitors are comparable with 2016. Bolton Priory March 4th 2018 at 15.00 Work is in hand for a Guides Trip trying to avoid a clash with Friends A concert of choral and instrumental music with chamber choir excursions. Cantores Salicium and Camerata Salicium As always, we need more guides to fill the guiding schedule. I am phoning any people who I think might be interested, and will be glad The programme includes William Byrd’s haunting ‘Ave verum corpus’, to receive suggestions of possible candidates. I will then call them Purcell’s ‘Thou knowest, Lord, the Secrets of our Hearts’ and without revealing my source! contemplative music by Tallis, Anerio, Handel and Bach. In the The Welcome Team AGM is arranged for Saturday, 24 February. second half the mood changes, with a sonata by Telemann played by Coffee will be served from 10.00 for a 10.30 start and I hope that as talented young local bassoonist, Ben Buckner, with cello and many of the Team as possible and anyone who might be interested in keyboard accompaniment. The choir is then joined by members of becoming a Guide will be able to attend. Please put the date in your Camerata Salicium in Haydn’s joyous ‘Little Organ Mass’, with its diary now. original accompaniment of two violins, cello and chamber organ. The I would be particularly pleased for suggestions on how the Welcome concert ends with singers and players joining together for J.S. Bach’s effort could develop over the next and following years. ‘Jesu joy of man’s desiring’, sung in its original German. Gerry Yates Lindy Williams 7 8

I am delighted to tell you that Baby Basics came second in the Holy Week and Easter at Bolton Priory 2018 Community Star Award Ceremony. Palm Sunday, 25 March The BD5 Health Visiting Team nominated Baby Basics. ‘We have recently referred several women into this service. Items are provided 08.00 Holy Communion free of charge to families who are often struggling financially. 10.30 Procession of Palms and Sung Eucharist with reading of the Providing this equipment reduces the pressure faced by some Passion according to St Mark vulnerable families at the end of their pregnancy’. 16.30 Sequence of words and music for Palm Sunday with The award highlighted the work of Baby Basics and hopefully will Cantores Salicium raise the profile. As the scheme becomes better known we are Monday of Holy Week, 26 March getting more requests for the baskets which are filled with essential 19.00 Holy Communion with the Ministry of Healing baby items and you can appreciate how grateful we are for the Tuesday of Holy Week, 27 March support we receive from Bolton Priory. 19.00 Holy Communion We have had a sudden rush of requests for Moses Baskets and, sadly, our stock is becoming depleted. Wednesday of Holy Week, 28 March To this end I am wondering if any Mums or Grandmothers have one 10.00 Holy Communion hidden away which they no longer have use for. If you can help I Maundy Thursday, 29 March would willingly collect or it could be left at the Priory. 19.00 Eucharist of the Last Supper with Footwashing With thanks. and Watch before the Blessed Sacrament until 21.00 Mary Vineall 01756 753013

Good Friday, 30 March 10.00 Children’s Service and Hot Cross Buns 12.00 The Three Hours Devotion, including the Liturgy of Good Friday 19.00 Music for Good Friday with the Priory Choir

Holy Saturday, 31 March 19.00 Easter Eve Ceremonies, with Lighting of the Easter Candle Easter Day, 01 April 08.00 Holy Communion 10.30 Sung Festal Eucharist

18.30 Evening Prayer Lorely Rossell, Baby Basics co ordinator for Bradford, and her sons receiving the Runners Up Certificate in the Community Stars Award in December. 9 10

FEBRUARY 15 Thursday 11.00 Palm Crosses to be made, Boyle Room 04 SUNDAY SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 16 Friday 19.30 The Friends of Bolton Priory Spring Lecture 18 SUNDAY LENT 5 09.15 Liquid Family Service 07 Wednesday 19.30 Wednesday Nighters 09 Friday 09.30 Finance Committee Meeting PALM CROSSES 11 SUNDAY PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE Palm Crosses will be made in the Boyle Room, 12.30 Holy Baptism, Jack Hollis on Thursday 15 March at 10.00, led by Betty Nelmes. Please note this year it will be on a 14 Wednesday Ash Wednesday Thursday. This is always a very happy occasion. 10.00 Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes Please either just come along or have a word with 19.00 Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes Betty, 01943 602391. 18 SUNDAY LENT 1 If you have any palm crosses left over from last year we would be very grateful to receive them 19 Monday 19.30 Lent Study Group to make ash for Ash Wednesday 14 February. 21 Wednesday 11.00 Lent Study Group Please leave them in church. 24 Saturday 10.00 Guides AGM in BAVH 25 SUNDAY LENT 2 THANK YOU

26 Monday 19.30 Lent Study Group I would like to express my thanks to everyone who sent me kind 28 Wednesday 11.00 Lent Study Group messages after Molly’s death and for all the prayers for her daughter, MARCH Susie Hawkins. 04 SUNDAY LENT 3 James Pearson 09.15 Liquid Family Service 15.00 Afternoon Concert ‘Byrd, Bach and FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS Beyond’, Cantores Salicium HOLY BAPTISM 05 Monday 19.30 Lent Study Group 12 November Elizabeth Smith and George Kershaw 07 Wednesday 11.00 Lent Study Group 17 December William Wardrope 19.30 Wednesday Nighters SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY 10 Saturday 09.00 Meeting for those wishing to marry at 21 December Jonathan Burton and Jenny Bollington the Priory FUNERAL SERVICE 11 SUNDAY MOTHERING SUNDAY, LENT 4 09 November Pat Jolly 12 Monday 19.30 Lent Study Group INTERMENT OF ASHES 13 Tuesday 19.30 PCC 19 November Anne Lloyd 14 Wednesday 11.00 Lent Study group 20 December Maureen Roberts

11 12 LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION: BOLTON ABBEY CRICKET CLUB 2017 It is with great sadness that we are having to move away from Bolton Abbey and the Dales. Bolton Abbey CC had a great season last year We have been up here for fourteen years, seven fantastic years high with the 1sts narrowly missing out on promotion up on the shooting moor at Broadshaw, then over at the reservoir at to Division 2 and the 2nds ending the season Elslack. We have deep affection for the Priory, we married here, and mid-table in Division 6. We had several new will miss the wonderful people we have got to know. players join the club and we’d love to welcome Work is taking us down to the Midlands; in the interim though, we more people (male and female) to play for us, are looking to rent accommodation in the Dales from around first even if you can only manage a handful of games through the summer. week in March for approximately three to six months until we find a Indoor nets start on Sunday 04 March at Ermysteds School in Skipton. home in the Midlands. There’s no charge so why not come along and give it a go! We are busy looking for an available house on the rental market, but if you know of empty properties or holiday lets that could do with living in then please do let us know. We are quiet, considerate and polite! All the best, Louis and Annette della-Porta 07933 317752 [email protected]


Have you ever thought of becoming a Sidesman? It is not an onerous task. Numbers permitting, you would be required to be on duty one Sunday a month welcoming people to the service, handing out prayer books and generally preparing the Priory for the service; during the service helping with the collection and finally tidying up the Priory and counting the collection. There are usually four Sidesmen on duty at any given service so all those jobs are shared. Please don't be shy at coming forward and speak to Stephen Murgatroyd 01943 969762 or any sidesman on duty. Ryan Sidebottom presents the Bowling Cup to Merv Holme You will be welcome! Following the success of the 2017 annual dinner where Yorkshire and BOOKING BOLTON ABBEY England fast bowler Ryan Sidebottom was guest speaker, the next VILLAGE HALL annual dinner is planned for later in the season. If you are interested in booking the hall For more information, please get in touch with Rob Mayo please either email [email protected] or 07808 77126 [email protected] or telephone 01756 710587 Rob Mayo 13 14 LIVE NATIVITY 2017 In 2017 the As crowds gathered to see the second Live Promenade Nativity at Priory PCC re- Bolton Priory on 9 December 2017, we were blessed with wintry but committed, sunny weather. Once again the presentation of the Christmas story through its was made in partnership with friends at the tourism office of the Strategic Vision, Bolton Abbey Estate and featured plenty of animals, including sheep, to identifying goats, alpacas and, of course, a donkey. The cast was supplied largely opportunities by the Boyle and Petyt Primary School, who were supported by for outdoor veteran Priory performers Paul and Val Middleton, Ronnie Moore and evangelistic Peter Loweth. events that will capture the imagination of the 150,000 plus

people who visit the Priory every year. The Vision also re- commits us to working more closely with our friends at the Bolton Abbey Estate Office. The Live Nativity was once again a success on both these counts. Jonathan Cain

Photos by courtesy of Stephen Garnett

15 16 THE WEDNESDAY NIGHTERS’ 2018 PROGRAMME MAGAZINE ARCHIVES BOLTON ABBEY VILLAGE HALL, Wednesdays at 19.30 100 YEARS AGO-FEBRUARY 1918 07 Feb Exploring Arkengathdale PAROCHIAL NOTES Mark Saville The Heating Apparatus - The Rector and the Churchwardens have been making great efforts to obtain a new boiler and as a result it is 07 March In the Land of the Snow Leopard hoped that one will be installed and fixed in working order by Geoff Pawson March 1st. 04 April Murder and Mayhem at Otley Courthouse In Memoriam - There passed away on January 11th one of the best Jean Crawford respected men in our parish: Mr John Mitchell, the Duke’s head 02 May The Importance of Bees forester. He had not been well for some time, but he carried on his Sophie Pringle duties till within less than a week of his death. The funeral took place on January 15th at Bolton Abbey and there was a large attendance. 05 Sept Exploring Crete Much sympathy is felt for his daughters and for his two sons who are Richard Jones serving their country with the Forces. 03 Oct 200 Years of Addingham Sawmill Roll of Honour - Pte John Hartley, Corpl George Robinson, Gunner A. Ron Barrett Holmes, Pte Alan Gill, Pte Frank Carradice and others have recently 07 Nov David Hockney – Art and Artist been home on leave. God grant that they and all the others on our Gaby Robertshaw Roll may soon come home for good! Congratulations - We offer our hearty congratulations to a member 05 Dec Christmas Dinner of our choir, George Petyt, on his recent marriage. Everyone is welcome to join us, entrance is free, our raffle covers our th Carol Service - The carols sung by the choir on December 30 were costs. If you would like to help with refreshments or would like to bring much appreciated; solos were sung by Mr. George Petyt and Master a cake please have a word with Margaret Cody, 01756 710587. Norman Roose. GIVING TO THE PRIORY FRIENDS OF BOLTON PRIORY SPRING LECTURE £250,000 is needed each year to continue the ministry and The Friends Annual Spring Lecture will this year be given by David mission of the Priory. Whether you are a regular, occasional Pearson JP DL FRSA, Deputy Lieutenant West Yorkshire, in Bolton or one-off worshipper, parishioner or visitor please consider Abbey Village Hall at 19.30 on Friday 16 March. The subject will be giving to support the work of this ancient church. ‘The West Yorkshire Lieutenancy’. If you would like to join the planned giving scheme, please David is a Chairman on the Bradford Bench where he has served contact the Church Office. since 1997, has been a mentor with the Prince’s Trust and sat on and You can also make donations via text … worked for numerous charitable bodies. He has been a volunteer Text BOLP05 £10 to 70070 to donate to Bolton Priory. You can with the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway since 1968, for which he make a different donation by created its supporting Charitable Trust and was its first Chairman. He changing the amount. has served the Railway at various times as Secretary and Vice- Chairman and remains a Guard, Station Volunteer and Tour Guide. …and on-line at David was Gazetted as Deputy Lieutenant in December 2013. Tickets are available to everyone at £5 from the Church Office. If you Thank you. are applying for tickets by post please send a SAE 17 18 WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER INTERNATIONAL AND INTERDENOMINATIONAL All God’s Creation is Very Good!

Embsay Methodist Chapel, Main Street, Friday 02 March at 14.00 The interdenominational movement of the Women’s World Day of Prayer invites everyone to attend one of over 5,000 services being held on Friday 02 March with the title ‘All God’s Creation is Very

Good’! We will join an estimated three million people around the world that day in a service which has been written this year by the women of Suriname in South America. Starting in Samoa as the sun rises, and ending as the sun sets off the coast of American Samoa, the service will have been translated into more than 95 languages and 1000 dialects as we are reminded that we have responsibilities in caring for this wonderful world we live in. With its vast rainforest and wealth of resources, Suriname asks us to pray for conservation and the protection of wildlife, through an awareness of pollution, misuse and abuse, as well as for the situation in Suriname and concerns for the future. This is not simply a day of prayer for women, but for everyone who cares about our world and those who live in it. For details of other services in your area and for further information and resources, please visit the WWDP website:

The artwork is copyrighted WDPIC and is used by permission

19 20 NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER FIGURES PRIORY DIRECTORY The average weekly attendance at all Sunday services of adults and children in November was 144 and in December 166. The average weekly receipts to the Priory in November were £1,818 and in Rector The Revd Canon Simon Cowling 01756 710326 December £1,909. In November 7,201 visitors were recorded and in Curate The Revd Jonathan Cain 07495 151987 Hon Assistant Clergy The Revd James Turnbull December there were 9,059 visitors. The Revd Christopher Armstrong Church Office Margaret Cody 01756 710238 PRIORY MAGAZINE DEADLINE – MARCH MAGAZINE Churchwardens Paul Middleton 01943 430654 Please may we have any copy by 15 February sent either to the Matthew Hey 07702 555339 Editor or the Church Office. Deputy Churchwardens Susan Barker 01756 711260 Barry Cody 01756 710587 PCC Secretary Sandra Stubbs 01943 463332 PCC Treasurer Michael Heatley 01423 509629 Gift Aid Peter Loweth 01756 711129 Director of Music Tim Raymond [email protected] Works Committee Matthew Hey 07702 555339 Deanery Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Tony Cantlow 01756 797478 Diocesan Synod Andrew Hartley 01943 600645 Verger Peter Lambert 07985136819 Sacristan Jennifer Hardaker Chalicists’ Rota Mike Vineall 01756 753013 Liquid Worship Judith Schofield 01756 720065 Electoral Roll Margaret Cody 01756 710238 Child Protection Libby Packett 01943 817450 Disabled Representative Sidesmen’s Rota Stephen Murgatroyd 01943 880091 Flower Rota Lorna Freegard 01943 607907 Welcome Team Leader Gerry Yates 01535 610690 Cleaning Rota Andrew Wade 01943 862614 Magazine Editor Val Middleton 01943 430654 [email protected] Magazine Deputy Editor Judith Allen 01943 434434 Magazine Advertising Andrew Hartley 01943 816363 Magazine Distribution Rosemary Murgatroyd 01943 880091 Priory Friends Jill Riley 01943 830190 Tickets are also available from Lionel and Ann Goodenough

(Priory Choir)

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