Issue Number 416 June 2015 Vive la différence ‘There will be no mixture of populations to cause endless trouble. A clean sweep will be made.’ This was Winston Churchill’s summary of the agreement at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 that redrew the OUR MISSION boundaries of Europe. Fourteen million German speaking civilians, A community seeking to live well with God, who had lived for centuries across Eastern Europe, were forcibly ex- gathered around Jesus Christ in prayer and fellowship, pelled from their ancestral homelands. Two million of them died dur- and committed to welcome, worship and witness. ing the westward migrations. The survivors arrived, destitute and be- The Church Office wildered, in a post-war Germany whose population did not under- Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL stand their strange dialects and resented the extra demands they 01756 710238 made on scarce resources. These refugees – mainly old men, women,
[email protected] and children – paid a high price for the barbarity of the defeated Nazi The Rector regime. The Allied victory in Europe presaged, for them, the loss of The Rectory, Bolton Abbey, Skipton BD23 6AL everything they had known. 01756 710326
[email protected] Churchill’s observation that mixed populations cause ‘endless trouble’ Website is a bleak and pessimistic analysis of the human capacity for accom- modating difference. Sadly it is an analysis that, in our own time, Rwandan Tutsis, Bosnian Muslims, and Iraqi Christians (among many others) would probably share: suspicion of ‘the other’ begets persecu- SUNDAY tion; expulsion or, worse, genocide follow.