The Parish of , Cononley and Bradley

Annual Report for the Parish of Kildwick, Cononley and Bradley, prepared for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to be held on Wednesday 11th November 2020 Reference and Administrative Information The Parish of Kildwick, Cononley and Bradley (commonly referred to as KCB) came into being on 1st September, 2019. It was formed from two parishes: St John’s, Cononley and St Mary’s, Bradley, together with St Andrew’s, Kildwick. In addition, St John’s, Cononley is part of a Local Ecumenical Partnership with the Methodist Church. Revd Julie Bacon had been the Interim Priest in charge of both parishes and she became Interim Incumbent of the new parish. The parish is part of the Episcopal Area of the Diocese of within the Church of . The correspondence address for correspondence from banks, utilities and insurance bodies is currently 15 Walker Close, Glusburn, BD20 8PW. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a corporate body established by the Church of England. The PCC operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure and is exempted from registering with the Charity Commission. Members of the PCC are either ex-officio, elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (the APCM) and holding office for up to three years, or co-opted by the PCC for one year. Members of the Deanery Synod are ex-officio members of the PCC, holding office for three years; they are also elected by the APCM. Members of the Diocesan Synod are also ex-officio members of the PCC. PCC members who have served from 1st September 2019 until 11th November 2020 are: Churchwardens: Robert Hall Joan E McCartney (Two vacancies) Deanery Synod Representatives: Shirley Hoskins Andrew Symonds Janet Wade Christopher Wright Elected Members: Lois Brown Tim Chapman Janet Clifford Lesley Cooke Jane Hall Anne Hunt Geraldine Sands Jill Wright There are currently no members co-opted to the Council. Structure, governance and management The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. All Church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and to stand for election to the PCC. The PCC operates through a Standing Committee, together with five Teams which would normally meet between full meetings of the Council and bring ideas and proposals to the PCC. Members of the Standing Committee have been the Incumbent, the Churchwardens, Mrs Jane Hall, Mrs Jill Wright (PCC Secretary) and Mrs Janet Wade (PCC Treasurer). This Committee is required by law and has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions that may be given from time to time by the PCC. The Standing Committee also acts as the Finance Committee for the PCC. In addition to these responsibilities, the PCC has complied with its duty to have regard to the House of Bishops’ Guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Mrs Geraldine Sands was appointed as the Parish Safeguarding Officer, following the retirement of Mrs Kathryn Morris from the role. The PCC adopted the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy. The five Teams established at the outset were the Church Wardens’ Team, the Treasury Team, the Buildings and Land Team, the Pastoral and Outreach Team and the Worship Team. Draft Terms of Reference and Operating Guidelines were introduced to the parish at an open meeting and subsequently adopted by PCC. They were to be reviewed in six months’ time. A key tenet of their operation is that they are populated not only by PCC members, but just as importantly by local people and people with an interest and appropriate skill set. Team members do not need to be church members. The Teams are accountable to the PCC and a member of the PCC would act as liaison between the two bodies. The Teams have begun to work, though obviously the pandemic has severely curtailed their operation.


The PCC’s objectives include the monitoring of all parish activities and during the period from 1st September 2019 to present, it has continued to fulfil this requirement. As well as responsibility for the maintenance of the church buildings of St Andrew, St John and St Mary, the PCC also has responsibility for the Parish Rooms and the Hearse House at Kildwick. Electoral Roll After the amalgamation of the Electoral Rolls for the two previous parishes, there are now 96 named parishioners on the Electoral Roll for the parish of Kildwick, Cononley and Bradley. This means we are allowed three representatives on the South and Wharfedale Deanery Synod. Elections to Deanery Synods are to be held this year, with representatives serving for a period of three years.

Review of Activity from 1st September 2019 to 11th November 2020 The PCC has met nine times thus far, with an average attendance of almost 12. The first three of those meetings were held in person and the latter six remotely, using the “Zoom” platform. Much of the work of the PCC during the first three meetings was centred on getting the governance and the day-to-day running of the work of the new parish into order. The lockdown which began on 23rd March, together with all its implications and its subsequent restrictions, has meant that that work has been given a very different focus. Initially, attention centred on the pastoral care of the congregations and on maintaining good systems of oversight and communication with our communities. Very quickly, the Incumbent began sharing Morning and Evening Prayer (by means of Facebook) with a wider congregation and this was clearly appreciated. As restrictions were gradually lifted and we were slowly able to begin to open our buildings, firstly for private prayer and then for worship, a lot of time was spent on the logistics of making them Covid secure. A new service pattern was planned, which interestingly meant an increase in non- Eucharistic worship which was led by lay members. One other major topic of discussion, thought and prayer has been the direction of future ministry with the KCB parish. The Incumbent’s three year Interim Licence is due to finish in mid-November 2020. Clearly, one effect of the pandemic has been to disrupt and bring almost to a complete halt any progress on the Five Interim Objectives. PCC has signified its agreement to an extension of the Licence for a further year and we await the final decision of the Bishop in this matter. PCC has voiced its very firm belief that any future Incumbent must be housed in the parish. To enable work to continue on the joining together of the three congregations, Revd Julie Bacon produced a detailed Summary Report of progress thus far and proposed next steps for the final three months of 2020.


Naturally, the restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic have affected the work of the Council. Work on the fabric of the buildings has continued. The reordering of Cononley St John’s building was completed with the purchase of chairs. The next stage is to implement a Mission Plan to enable full use to be made of a warm, welcoming and adaptable space. Work on a water pipe in the grounds to improve water pressure was successfully completed. Bradley St Mary’s stained glass windows are in process of being repaired and the grounds at the front of the church have been adapted for easier maintenance. The work of the Kildwick Repair and Renovation Group has continued slowly. Possible sources of funding for various projects are being explored, in particular for a Scoping Project to identify a way forward and the possible appointment of a Project Manager. Major work has been undertaken in the Parish Rooms to bring them up to standard for use by Kildwick CofE School’s Out of School Club. In spite of all that has been thrown at the PCC since its inception, it is clear that there is a lively Christian presence in the parish. Much of Jesus’ command to “love God and your neighbour as yourself” has been continued quietly and steadfastly in the communities which form the parish of Kildwick, Cononley and Bradley. May it continue to be so. Jill Wright PCC Secretary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Electoral Roll Report October 2020 The combined Electoral Roll for the KCB parishes currently stands at 96. Of these 48 members are from St Andrew’s, 32 members from St John’s and 16 members from St Mary’s. Of these 50 are resident in the Parish and 36 are non-resident Christine Anderton Electoral Roll Officer


Deanery Synod report April 2019 – October 2020 This is the first Synod report since April 2019. As the Deanery has been unaffected by the formation of the KCB parish, it seems sense to report from April 2019. The South Craven and Wharfedale Deanery Synod is formed from the parishes that stretch from Cowling and in the west to Menston and Ben Rhydding in the east. Our Area Dean is the Revd Philip Gray of St Margaret’s, Ilkley. Our lay representatives, initially for the two parishes and then for the single parish of “KCB” are Mrs Janet Wade, Mrs Shirley Hoskins, Mr Andrew Symonds and Mr Chris Wright. The Synod has met physically twice since our last APCM – and via Zoom a further three times. On 30th April 2019 we met in Christ Church, Lothersdale where, unfortunately, the high pollen count from the flower arrangements caused one of our representatives to leave early. Mrs. Sharon Bavington the Bradford Episcopal Area Ministry & Lay Training Officer presented a talk entitled “Helping our churches flourish”. Following discussion, we heard a presentation about the Otley Resource Centre which was led by Lizzie Reynolds and Revd Peter Willox. On 23rd May 2019 there was a meeting of the Bradford Episcopal Area Forum (BEAF) which discussed the new Diocesan Strategy that focuses on nurturing lay leadership and youth provision. Our next meeting was due to be held at St John’s, Menston on 5th September 2019. We were to have welcomed Bishop Toby to talk about the way that the Strategic Plan is likely to affect individual Parishes. Bishop Toby was not available, so this meeting was cancelled Our final physical meeting took place in Holy Trinity church in Cowling on 18th February 2020. Bishop Toby was able to be at this meeting and he reflected on his five years as Bishop of Bradford and how much he enjoys and is challenged by it. He stressed the need for us to keep our vision and morale – and our eyes up to God. We were asked to think about how to do things differently – we can’t do the same but with less clergy. In March, COVID struck – and all meetings became virtual. There have been four of these. None of the meetings has had a formal agenda. In July, we considered Bishop Nick’s “Grid”. Sadly, this meeting was on a Thursday so I was not able to be present. I have no idea what Bp. Nick’s grid is… There was enthusiasm for a further meeting and this was convened in early August. With just 14 members present, we discussed what churches were doing as the lockdown was easing. It was interesting to hear the different approaches made by different churches, ranging from the basic to the draconian.


The meeting arranged for 24th September was postponed – to the date of our PCC meeting on 20th October. I would have been unable to be present at either of these and have had no indication of either an agenda or report. Clearly, none of our lay representatives attended this meeting. Chris Wright Deanery Synod representative ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Churchwarden’s Report on the Fabric, Goods & Ornaments of St. Mary’s Church Bradley, 2019-2020 There have been no additions to the goods and ornaments of the church over the past year. The works to ease the maintenance of the area in front of the church were undertaken earlier this year and our continued thanks go to Andrea for the work she has done keeping the garden area neat and tidy. Much of the works identified in the Quinquennial report, received in December 2017, remain to be done. The condition of the exterior decoration is poor and needs attention. There are some slipped and missing roof tiles and some of the rainwater goods need repair. Efforts are continuing to be made to get the roof work repairs done during the next few months. Work on repairs to the south window remain to be completed but have been much delayed due to the lockdown earlier in the year. One window has been repaired and reinstated but the other is still out for repair. Efforts will be made to encourage the contractor to reinstate it as soon as possible. Our thanks continue to go to Anne and John who often tackle minor repairs. Robert Hall

Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of St. John's, Cononley from March 2019 to October 2020 Following the Annual meeting in March the UCC continued to meet with regard to domestic arrangements at St. John's. In June the PCC met and discussed the Pastoral Reorganisation which would possibly be confirmed in October, 2019 when St. John's and St. Mary's would become a single parish along with St. Andrew's Kildwick. There have been no changes to the goods and ornaments at St. John's but the main thrust of the fabric was the refurbishment project which Harrisons Builders the local firm were undertaking and starting on the 19th August 2019. As we were selling the 6 pews, interested parties could view them on the 18th August and all of them were sold on that day, excluding 2 in the main body of the Church and some in the Choir stalls. The rest of the furniture and everything possible was removed for safe keeping and the silver and ornaments were also taken either to a safe or other safe places. New wooden chairs were ordered to replace the pews as directed by the faculty. Chairs for the Narthex would be ordered when appropriate. Harrisons felt that they could finish the necessary work early in the New Year. The congregation continued to worship in Cononley village institute with the usual services until .the refurbishment project was finished, new floor in the nave and narthex and carpets in the Sanctuary. The furniture that had been stored was brought back and the silver ware too. The services in St. John's started at the beginning of March until Churches were closed because of the coronavirus. During the lockdown period Harrisons replaced our old cast iron water pipe that was leaking with alkathene piping for which a faculty had been obtained. David Loss the village lengthman has continued to cut the grass in the Churchyard and it will mean that we can now focus on the Quinquennial report and address the work to be done. Janet Wade

Churchwardens’ Report on the Fabric, Goods and Ornaments of St Andrew’s Kildwick 2019 - 2020 As a new churchwarden, I am not entirely up to speed with all my duties yet, but I am trying to get a handle on things, as and when I can, since at the beginning we were not supposed to go into the building. Trying to comply with recommendations of the Quinquennial Inspection of 2016 in keeping our church and churchyard in reasonable condition. Organ has been tuned, another repair of Parish Room boiler and also hot water units have been carried out, as well as church heating. The annual clock service was carried out, as were fire extinguishers. Craven Bereavement Services did do the graveyard survey and mowed the green, as did Jill and Chris and Ian (volunteer). Memorial garden was mown by the paid person (David). From early this year things have been a little constrained by the dreaded Covid virus and therefore some things might have been delayed or even missed, especially as we were not allowed to open our buildings for months.


During the closure, I did visit church at least once a week to check on whether there was any damage, and usually found that Chris had been around doing odd jobs. All the usual working parties for cleaning/tidying inside and out did not happen. Problems with heating system seems to be ongoing and it is not really adequate. The Parish rooms have had the Health and Safety issues done to comply with Ofsted for the Out of School Club. I am trying to establish what checks should be done when so I can arrange for them to be done. Meetings were held by Zoom, which is not a good medium for some of us (me). As there have been no fact to fact meeting, some matters may have not been discussed. Thank you to all for your patience and understanding during these odd times and supporting us when we have had services, by engaging with the rules we have had to impose. They might be with us for a long time yet! Joan E. McCartney ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




ENVELOPES 4630.41 SHARE 6522.00

CASH 622.93 GAS 645.64

GIFT AID 1607.00 ELECTRIC 195.22





COFFEE MORNING 200.00 KILDWICK (rent of room contribution) 200.00

WATER AID (5p) 170.00 MARTIN HOUSE 100.00

LDBF /FEES 315.14 WATER AID 170.00

LEGACY (CHEW) 1000.00

£14,088.67 £ 13,006.02

BALANCE 31/12/18 £28.69 BALANCE 31/12/19 £1,111.34


£14,117.36 £14,117.36

CCLA 2019

INTEREST 83.37 BALANCE 31/12/2018 £11,091.16

BALANCE 31/12/19 £11,174.53 St. John’s United Church, Annual Accounts 2019

General Restricted Total Total Funds Funds 2019 2018 Receipts Regular Planned Giving £ 11,379 £ 1,186 £ 12,565 £ 12,313 Collections/Donations £ 1,115 £ - £ 1,115 £ 3,353 All other giving £ 259 £ 1,654 £ 1,913 £ 305 Gift Aid Tax Recovered £ 3,537 £ - £ 3,537 £ 3,385 Grant from Methodist Partners £ 100,000 £ 100,000 £ -

Charity Appeals £ 47 £ - £ 47 £ 41

Fund Raising/Special Events £ - £ 1,334 £ 1,334 £ 2,736 Church Activities (incl Fees) £ 1,083 £ 160 £ 1,243 £ 280 Investment Interest £ 202 £ - £ 202 £ 114

Total Receipts £ 17,622 £ 104,334 £ 121,956 £ 22,527

Payments (Bill for KF Diocesan Parish Share £ 10,726 £ - £ 10,726 £ 11,000 Institute) Methodist LEP Contribution £ 779 £ - £ 779 £ 716 Church renovations £ - £ 45,600 £ 45,600 £ - Clergy/Lay expenses £ 481 £ - £ 481 £ 239 Fund Raising/Special Events £ - £ 378 £ 378 £ 276 Church Maintence/Admin costs £ 2,432 £ - £ 2,432 £ 4,560 Charity £ 47 £ - £ 47 £ 41

Total Payments £ 14,465 £ 45,978 £ 60,443 £ 16,832

Excess of receipts over payments £3,157 £58,356 £ 61,513 £ 5,695 Excess of payments over receipts Transfer to Deposit Account £ 4,740 £ 2,936

St. John’s United Church, Annual Accounts 2019

Year CBF Deposit Account 2019 2019 2019 ending 2018 General funds Restricted TOTAL TOTAL Balance at 31/12/2018 £ 3,550 £ 20,948 £ 24,498 £ 21,448 Receipts Transfers £ - £ 4,741 £ 4,741 £ 2,936 Interest £ 202 £ - £ 202 £ 114

Payments £ - £ - £ - £ -

Balance as at 31/12/19 £ 3,752 £ 25,689 £ 29,441 £ 24,498

Statement of Assets and Liabilities 31/12/19 Cash in hand £ - £ - £ - £ -

Bank Current Account £ 6,071 £ 54,523 £ 60,594 £ 3,209 Less unpresented cheque £ 910 £ - £ 910 £ 95 Net Balance at 31/12/2020 £ 5,161 £ 54,523 £ 59,684 £ 3,114


End of Year Financial Statements 2019


Unrestricted Designated Restricted Endowment Total Prior year funds funds funds funds 2019 2018 Income and endowments from: Donations and legacies 3,333 — — — 3,333 663 Income from charitable activities 30,147 — 930 — 31,077 34,450 Other trading activities 4,666 — — — 4,666 3,522 Other income 5,418 — — — 5,418 5,893 Total income 43,565 — 930 — 44,495 44,529

Expenditure on: Raising funds 699 — — — 699 516 Expenditure on charitable activities 33,092 — — — 33,092 39,345 Other expenditure 11,349 — — — 11,349 250 Total expenditure 45,141 — — — 45,141 40,111

Net income / (expenditure) resources before (1,575) — 930 — (645) 4,418 transfer

Other recognised gains / losses Net movement in funds (1,575) — 930 — (645) 4,418

Total funds brought forward 50,198 — 61,092 — 111,290 106,871

Total funds carried forward 48,622 — 62,022 — 110,644 111,290

Represented by

Unrestricted General fund 48,622 — — — 48,622 50,198

Restricted Binns Grave — — 2,485 — 2,485 2,485 Headley Trust — — 6,024 — 6,024 6,024 Heating Development Fund — — 7,537 — 7,537 7,537 Legacy Fund — — 43,042 — 43,042 43,042 Organ Fund — — 129 — 129 129 Slate Sponsor & Roof Fund — — 2,805 — 2,805 1,875



Class and code Description 2019 2018

Fixed assets 7411 Fixtures & Fittings Cost — 9,724 Total Fixed assets — 9,724

Current assets 8111 Co-Op; PCC Bills Account 25,273 11,829 8112 Co-Op; Planned Giving Account 1,674 4,110 8113 Co-Op; Good Causes Account 11,923 17,043 8121 CBF Deposit Account 72,230 72,230 8151 Petty Cash 411 111 Total Current assets 111,511 105,323

Liabilities 9141 3rd Party Funds - DBF 828 2,754 9142 3rd Party Funds - Clergy 147 76 9151 3rd Party Charitable Collections (108) — 9411 Accruals - General — 434 9911 Suspense - Income — 493 9912 Un-allocated Deposits - Weddings — — 9921 Suspense - Expenditure — 0 Total Liabilities 867 3,757

Net Asset surplus(deficit) 110,644 111,290

Reserves Excess / (deficit) to date (645) 4,418 Z01 Starting balances 111,290 106,871 Total Reserves 110,644 111,290

Represented by funds Unrestricted 48,622 50,198 Designated — — Restricted 62,022 61,092 Endowment — — Total 110,644 111,290



Accounting policies

The PCC is a public benefit entity within the meaning of FRS102. The financial statements have been prepared under the Charities Act 2011 and in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 governing individual accounts of PCC's and with the Regulations "true and fair view" provisions. The accounts are prepared under FRS102 (2016) as the applicable accounting standards and the 2016 version of the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting and Reporting for Charities Going concern

Going Concern

The Trustees have at the time of approving the financial statements a reasonable expectation that the Church has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial statements. (SORP(FRS102)).


Income in the Statement of Financial Activities is recognised when the Church has entitlement to the funds, any performance conditions attaching to the item(s) have been met, it is probable that the income will be received and the amount can be measured reliably. Donations, grants, gifts and lettings income are recognised when receivable.

Income from legacies is recognised once probate has been granted, provided that sufficient information has been received to enable valuation of the Church’s entitlement.


Expenditure is included in the Statement of Financial Activities on an accruals basis and includes irrecoverable VAT.

Fixed assets

Consecrated land and buildings and moveable church furnishings

In so far as consecrated and benefice property of any kind is excluded from the statutory definition of 'charity' by Section 10 (2) (a) and (c) of the Charities Act 2011 such assets are not capitalized in the financial statements. No value is placed on moveable church furnishings held by the church wardens on special trust to the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal since the PCC considers this to be inalienable property.

All expenditure incurred during the year on such items, whether maintenance or improvement is written off as expenditure in the SOFA and separately disclosed

Other fixtures, fittings and office equipment

Individual items costing £1,000 or less are written off when the asset is acquired. Other items are depreciated on a straight line basis over 4 years.


Investments are stated at market value

Current assets


Amounts owing to the PCC at the year-end are shown as debtors, less any provision for uncollectable amounts. Short term deposits include cash held on deposit wither with CCLA or the bank.

Short term deposits

These are cash held on deposit with the CCLA.


Debtors represent income to be recognised in a future accounting period.


Creditors, loans and provisions are recognised where the Church has a present obligation resulting from a past event that will probably result in the transfer of funds to a third party and the amount due to settle the obligation can be measured or estimated reliably.

Unrestricted Funds

These represent the remaining income funds of the PCC that are available for spending on the general purposes of the PCC, including amounts designated by the PCC for fixed assets for its own use or for spending on a future project and which are therefore not included in its ‘free reserves’ as disclosed in the trustees’ report.

Restricted Funds

These are income funds that have been received by the PCC for specific purposes, these funds must be protected and used only in connection with the intention of the original gift.

Endowment Funds

These are funds received from specific endowments and the Capital value is protected and cannot normally be accessed, but the income can be spent in the same manner as unrestricted income



Total Unrestricted Designated Restricted Endowment 2019 ____2018



1321 - Donations - Charitable Funds — — — — — 26 1322 - Donations - Businesses — — — — — 107 1324 - Donations - Other Not For — — — — — 30 Profit 1331 - Legacy - Un-Restricted — — — — — 500 1332 - Legacy - Restricted 3,333 — — — 3,333 — Total 3,333 — — — 3,333 663


1111 - Gift Aided - Bank Receipts 13,494 — — — 13,494 15,254 1112 - Gift Aided - Envelopes 1,001 — — — 1,001 1,965 1121 - Non-Gift Aided - Bank 141 — — — 141 — Receipts 1122 - Non-Gift Aided - Envelopes 1,611 — — — 1,611 1,449 1211 - Collections - Cash / Loose 1,959 — — — 1,959 2,422 Plate 1221 - Collections - Weddings 289 — — — 289 67 1222 - Collections - Funerals 140 — — — 140 — 1223 - Collections - Baptisms 209 — — — 209 62 1229 - Collections - Other Services 1,413 — — — 1,413 1,025 1311 - Donations - Events/Gift Days — — — — — 80 1312 - Donations - Collection Boxes 1,301 — — — 1,301 360 1314 - Donations - Appeals — — 840 — 840 350 1315 - Donations - Other 3,578 — 90 — 3,668 2,480 1411 - Gift Aid - Main Scheme 3,987 — — — 3,987 5,764 1511 - Fundraising - Fairs, Fetes, 916 — — — 916 2,745 Shows 1512 - Fundraising - Sales of 104 — — — 104 164 Donated Items 1812 - Fees - Weddings, Banns (Inc. — — — — — 87 Cert) 1813 - Fees - Weddings, Marriage — — — — — 32 Cert 1815 - Fees - Weddings, Bells — — — — — 140 Total 30,147 — 930 — 31,077 34,450



1521 - Sales Income - 239 — — — 239 — Canteen/Coffee Club 1522 - Sales Income - Magazine — — — — — 245 Sales 1525 - Sales Income - Advertising 275 — — — 275 205 1528 - Sales Income - Other Church 600 — — — 600 1,298 Trading 1529 - Sales Income - Other Trading 180 — — — 180 — Activities 1811 - Fees - Weddings, Parish 1,838 — — — 1,838 670 Element 1821 - Fees - Funerals, Parish 1,534 — — — 1,534 874 Element 1831 - Fees - Baptisms, Parish — — — — — 14 Element 1899 - Fees - Contributions to — — — — — 215 Service Costs Total 4,666 — — — 4,666 3,522


1531 - Income - Use of Church/Hall 4,858 — — — 4,858 5,831 1613 - Interest - Deposit Account — — — — — 62 1999 - Other Extraordinary Income 560 — — — 560 — Total 5,418 — — — 5,418 5,893 INCOME TOTAL 43,565 — 930 — 44,495 44,529



3432 - Church - Music Licences & 459 — — — 459 427 Subscriptions 3544 - Church - Software — — — — — 89 Subscriptions 5232 - Canteen/Club - Food & Drink 240 — — — 240 — Total 699 — — — 699 516


2111 - Parish Share 17,000 — — — 17,000 13,500 2411 - Clergy Exps - Mileage 120 — — — 120 50 2421 - Vicarage Exps - — — — — — 176 Telephone/Broadband 6

2451 - Visiting Clergy - Exps 36 — — — 36 1,320 3211 - Upkeep of Services - 2,840 — — — 2,840 3,075 Organist/Pianist 3213 - Upkeep of Services - Warden 15 — — — 15 — & Verger Exp 3312 - Upkeep of Services - Wine & 21 — — — 21 128 Wafers 3313 - Upkeep of Services - 30 — — — 30 135 Consumables 3314 - Upkeep of Services - Printing — — — — — 267 3316 - Upkeep of Services - Church — — — — — 246 Decorations 3317 - Upkeep of Services - Gifts 80 — — — 80 — 3318 - Upkeep of Services - Other 19 — — — 19 8 Celebration C 3319 - Upkeep of Services - Other 51 — — — 51 152 Books & Stati 3421 - Church - Organ Maint 320 — — — 320 300 3511 - Church - General Insurances 3,734 — — — 3,734 3,633 3521 - Church - Printing & P'copier 1,955 — — — 1,955 1,740 (Inc. Magaz 3522 - Church - Postage — — — — — 69 3523 - Church - Stationary 333 — — — 333 446 3542 - Church - ICT Consumables — — — — — 33 3553 - Church - Other Office 66 — — — 66 — Subscriptions 3621 - Church - Fabric (Minor Maint) 222 — — — 222 677 3625 - Church - Equipment Testing — — — — — 96 3633 - Church - Cleaning Materials — — — — — 16 3634 - Church - Specialist Cleaning 120 — — — 120 — 3635 - Church - Waste Collection — — — — — 32 3642 - Church - Grounds Routine 1,355 — — — 1,355 1,275 Works 3911 - Church - Utilities; Electricity 440 — — — 440 1,442 3912 - Church - Utilities; Gas 1,697 — — — 1,697 5,411 3914 - Church - Utilities; Water 169 — — — 169 186 4111 - Hall - General Insurances 489 — — — 489 466 4131 - Hall - Office Equipment — — — — — 119 4212 - Hall - Fixtures & Fittings — — — — — 47 4222 - Hall - Boiler Maint & Repair 413 — — — 413 62 4224 - Hall - Equipment Testing 52 — — — 52 290 4232 - Hall - Cleaning Contractors 990 — — — 990 1,140 4511 - Hall - Utilities; Electricity 227 — — — 227 1,025 4512 - Hall - Utilities; Gas 288 — — — 288 1,695 5211 - Events Hire of Facilities — — — — — 50 5246 - COGS - Memorial Items — — — — — 25 Total 33,092 — — — 33,092 39,345



3599 - Church - Other Running Costs 800 — — — 800 — 3612 - Church - Fixtures & Fittings 9,724 — — — 9,724 — 5999 - Bank Charges & Interest 30 — — — 30 — Payable 6111 - Independent Examiners Fees — — — — — 250 9998 - Other Extraordinary Expenses 795 — — — 795 — Total 11,349 — — — 11,349 250 EXPENDITURE TOTAL 45,141 — — — 45,141 40,111

GRAND TOTAL (1,575) — 930 — (645) 4,418



General Designated Restricted Endowment 2019 2018 Fixed assets - Tangible assets Fixtures & Fittings Cost - (9,724) — 9,724 — — 9,724 Totals (9,724) — 9,724 — — 9,724

Current assets - Cash at bank and in hand Co-Op; PCC Bills Account - 24,343 — 930 — 25,273 11,829 Co-Op; Planned Giving Account - 1,674 — — — 1,674 4,110 Co-Op; Good Causes Account - 11,923 — — — 11,923 17,043 CBF Deposit Account - 20,862 — 51,368 — 72,230 72,230 Petty Cash - 411 — — — 411 111 Totals 59,213 — 52,298 — 111,511 105,323

Liabilities - Creditors: Amounts falling due in one year 3rd Party Funds - DBF - 828 — — — 828 2,754 3rd Party Funds - Clergy - 147 — — — 147 76 3rd Party Charitable Collections - (108) — — — (108) — Accruals - General - — — — — — 434 Suspense - Income - — — — — — 493 Suspense - Expenditure - — — — — — 0 Totals 867 — — — 867 3,757

Grand total 48,622 — 62,022 — 110,644 111,290



Opening Incoming Outgoing Transfers Gains/losses Closing Binns - Binns Grave Restricted 2,485 — — — — 2,485 Sub-total for Binns 2,485 — — — — 2,485

Headley - Headley Trust Restricted 6,024 — — — — 6,024 Sub-total for Headley 6,024 — — — — 6,024

Heating - Heating Development Restricted 7,537 — — — — 7,537 Sub-total for Heating 7,537 — — — — 7,537

Legacy - Legacy Fund Restricted 43,042 — — — — 43,042 Sub-total for Legacy 43,042 — — — — 43,042

Organ - Organ Fund Restricted 129 — — — — 129 Sub-total for Organ 129 — — — — 129

Roof - Slate Sponsor & Roof Restricted 1,875 930 — — — 2,805 Sub-total for Roof 1,875 930 — — — 2,805

General - General fund Unrestricted 50,198 43,565 45,141 — — 48,622 Sub-total for General 50,198 43,565 45,141 — — 48,622

Grand total 111,290 44,495 45,141 — — 110,644