2020.04.24 Special Council Meeting Packet W Agenda
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AGENDA Special Meeting April 24, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Legion Hall - McCall City Hall City Council Virtual Meeting ANNOUNCEMENT: Due to McCall’s commitment to “flatten the curve” in response to the COVID-19 Emergency and ensuring that the City’s Business continues, this meeting will be a virtual meeting. No Public Comment will be accepted during this meeting. If you have comments for the Council concerning these topics, please send your comments to [email protected] in advance of the meeting. Thank you for your patience during this very difficult time. Any member of the public who would like to listen to the meeting can do so by clicking on the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_MDlhYTM4ZjctYmM3Yi00ZThlLWFiMjItY2U4OTRmYjM3M2F m%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223fcc6455-57cd-4466-86b4- 8d7a5b85d741%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d0a436ba-2afb-48e2-8936- acae1a2b4556%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d Or by calling in as follows: Dial 208-634-8900 when asked for the Conference ID enter: 483 841 114 #. BUSINESS AGENDA AB 20-133 Public Works Facility Master Plan – Plan Development Work Session #2 with City Council (Action Item) AB 20-132 McCall Local Housing Program (Action Item) AB 20-134 Request Approval of CARES Act Funding Application for the Airport (Action Item) ADJOURN American with Disabilities Act Notice: The City Council Meeting room is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need assistance, please contact City Hall at 634-7142 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Special Agenda April 24, 2020 BLANK PAGE McCALL CITY COUNCIL 216 East Park Street AGENDA BILL McCall, Idaho 83638 Number AB 20-133 Meeting Date April 24, 2020 AGENDA ITEM INFORMATION SUBJECT: Originator Department Approvals Initials or Supporter Public Works Facility Master Plan – Plan Mayor / Council Development Work Session #2 with City Council City Manager Clerk Treasurer Community Development Police Department Public Works Originator Golf Course COST IMPACT: N/A Parks and Recreation FUNDING N/A Airport SOURCE: Library TIMELINE: ASAP Information Systems Grant Coordinator SUMMARY STATEMENT: The City of McCall, Idaho has commissioned Horrocks Engineers and CRSA Architects to develop a Master Plan that evaluates the existing Public Works facilities at 518 N. Samson Trail, and make recommendations for modifications and improvements to those facilities in support the short- and long-term operations of the Department. In December 20, 2019, the project team conducted its first work session with City Council. They presented both the needs matrix as well as the cost matrix portions of the report with an emphasis on discussing the immediate critical life safety and operational needs. During this second work session, the team will present the final report version. The discussion will focus on three main areas: 1. Reviewing immediate critical life safety and operational needs with a focus on anticipated costs 2. Presenting conceptual on-site structure and utility plans that identify both near- and long-term improvements 3. Discussing with Council the overall costs of smaller, annual incremental investment vs. one-time, full replacement of the PW Facility as well as the feasibility and challenges of both approaches. 4. Direction from Council on finalizing this Master Plan report and establishing a direction for future implementation of improvements (both large and small) will allow the project team to complete the Master Plan phase and move forward on developing an implementation timeline, budget and schedule implementing improvements. Attached is the draft, final report. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff on approving/finalizing the Public Works Facility Master Plan. Provide direction to staff on developing an implementation plan for improvements to Public Works facilities. RECORD OF COUNCIL ACTION MEETING DATE ACTION 12-20-19 AB-19-280: Public Works Facility Master Plan Development Work Session #1 McCall City Public Works Facility Master Plan (Draft – For Review Only) 20 April 2020 Prepared for the City of McCall, Idaho By Horrocks Engineers 2775 W Navigator Dr #210 Meridian, ID 83642 (208) 895-2520 And CRSA 175 S Main Street, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 355-5915 (This page intentionally left blank) (Page 2 of 60) Table of Contents Executive Summery…………………………………….…….…..5 Introduction………………………………………….…………..5 I Recommendations & Priorities……………….……………5 A. Case #1………………………………….………………6 B. Case #2…………………………………………………10 C. Case #3…………………………………………………11 II Cost Planning Matrix…………………………………..….12 III Functional Needs Matrix………………………..…………16 IV Existing Facilities and Conditions Narrative………..……...24 V Existing Conditions Photos………………………..……....42 Attachments…………………………………………..……….…59 Attachment #1 – Topographic Survey (2011) by Skiftun Land Surveying, Inc. Attachment #2 – Conceptual Civil Site, Grading and Utilities Master Plan Attachment #3 – Conceptual Grading Cross Sections (2 sheets) Attachment #4 – Wet Detention Pond Drainage Area Plan (Page 3 of 60) (This page intentionally left blank) (Page 4 of 60) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Master Plan investigates the operational and facilities needs of the City of McCall’s (the City) Public Works Department (PWD), defines the physical facilities necessary to meet those needs in the near and long term, provides estimated costs to develop the needed facilities, and defines priorities for the various items of work. Priorities are generally defined as Existing Facilities Deficiencies, Operational Facilities Requirements – Short Term, and Operational Facilities Requirements – Long Term/Future. This evaluation, including the supporting data which follows the Recommendations and Priorities, substantiates the conclusion that it is likely infeasible to relocate Public Works personnel, equipment, and operations to either an entirely new location, or temporarily off-site so as to allow redevelopment of the existing site in a single large project. Therefore, this Master Plan focuses primarily on the details, sequencing, and associated costs of implementing multiple phases of new construction and incremental improvements to existing facilities at the current location. (“Case #1, below.) INTRODUCTION The City of McCall, Idaho, commissioned the preparation of this Master Plan to evaluate the existing Public Works facilities and make recommendations for modifications and improvements in support the short- and long-term operations of the Department. The Master Plan comprises the following five basic components. First is the prioritized list of recommendations, with supporting plans and maps. Second is a Cost Planning Matrix, which identifies potential costs for each recommended item of construction. Third is the Needs Matrix, which identifies the facilities needed to support operations of the DPW and its subsidiary agencies. Fourth is a narrative describing the existing facilities, their condition, anticipated new facilities, and the case for these developments. Finally, the fifth component is a selection of photographs of the existing facilities, documenting existing conditions. Supplementary information in the form of maps and plans follows as Attachments. Field investigations were conducted on 5 and 6 September 2019. The investigating team conducted extensive interviews with project stakeholders from the City, including PWD personnel, the City’s Building Official, and representatives from the City’s Planning Department. Investigators also explored the site and buildings, making extensive photographs of existing conditions and items of concern or note. Additional research has been conducted subsequent to the field verification, as have ongoing consultations with PWD personnel. An interim presentation was made to the City Council on Friday, 20 December 2019. This Master Plan incorporates all findings and review comments received to-date. I. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PRIORITIES This report addresses primarily short- and intermediate-term improvements, as the existing facilities are not considered viable for long term (50+ years) planning. There are several cases to be considered in developing goals for improving PWD facilities. There are essentially three approaches available in addressing the short- and long-term operational needs of the Department. - Case #1- Improve facilities on the existing site. This option is consistent with the information available as a result of this study. It assumes that funding will be available annually for a series of relatively small, but high- priority projects, and the site will retain most of its existing features, with some few modifications which can be implemented incrementally over a period of time. This case would, of necessity, place significant emphasis on addressing high priority items, such as life safety code violations, accessibility, minimum operational criteria, (Page 5 of 60) and on those items which are desirable and could be seen as low-cost, high-return investments. - Case #2 – Redevelop the existing PWD site in a single project. - Case #3 – Relocate all PWD facilities, personnel, and operations permanently to an alternate site. A. Case #1 – Improve Facilities on the Existing Site 1. Existing Facilities Deficiencies - The existing facilities can provide substantially better utility and efficiency if more fully developed in a carefully coordinated fashion. The existing shop/office building requires substantial improvements to provide a safe and efficient workspace for staff and personnel. a) There are several issues of immediate concern regarding