Morphological Patterns of Primary Nonendocrine Human Pancreas Carcinoma'
[CANCER RESEARCH 35, 2234-2248, August 1975] Morphological Patterns of Primary Nonendocrine Human Pancreas Carcinoma' Antonio L Cubifla and Patrick J. Fitzgerald2 Department of Pathology, Memorial Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York UX@21 Summary the parenchymal cells. In the subsequent 5 decades terms such as mucous adenocarcinoma, colloid carcinoma, duct The study of histological sectionsof 406 casesof nonen adenocarcinoma, pleomorphic cancer, papillary adenocar docrine pancreas carcinoma at Memorial Hospital mdi cinoma, cystadenocarcinoma, and other variants, such as cated that morphological patterns of pancreas carcinoma epidermoid carcinoma, mucoepidermoid cancer, giant-cell could be delineated as follows: duct cell adenocarcinoma carcinoma, adenoacanthoma, and acinar cell carcinoma, (76%), giant-cell carcinoma (5%), microadenocarcinoma have appeared (7, 18, 23, 47, 62). Subtypes of islet-cell (4%), adenosquamous carcinoma (4%), mucinous adeno tumors have been defined (27). As pointed out by Baylor carcinoma (2%), anaplastic carcinoma (2%), cystadenocar and Berg (5) in discussing the limitations of their study of cinoma ( 1%), acinar cell carcinoma (1 %), carcinoma in 5000 patients with pancreas cancer from 8 cancer registries, childhood (under 1%), unclassified (7%). few pathologists precisely characterize the microscopic In 195 cases of patients with pancreas carcinoma, search features of their cases. was made for changes in the pancreas duct epithelium and We have reviewed cases of cancer of the pancreas at these were compared to duct epithelium in a control group Memorial Hospital to determine whether there are defina of 100 pancreases from autopsies of patients with nonpan ble morphological subgroups and to indicate their relative creatic cancer. The following incidences were found for distribution in our material.
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