
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 68, 103002 ͑2003͒

Pulsar kicks from a dark-matter sterile

George M. Fuller,1,5 Alexander Kusenko, 2,3,5 Irina Mocioiu,4,5 and Silvia Pascoli2,5 1Department of Physics, UCSD, La Jolla, California 92093-0319, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90095-1547, USA 3RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA 4Department of Physics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA 5KITP, UCSB, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA ͑Received 11 July 2003; published 20 November 2003͒ We show that a sterile neutrino with a mass in the 1–20 keV range and a small mixing with the electron neutrino can simultaneously explain the origin of the motions and the dark matter in the Universe. An asymmetric neutrino emission from a hot nascent neutron can be the explanation of the observed pulsar velocities. In addition to the pulsar kick mechanism based on resonant neutrino transitions, we point out a new possibility: an asymmetric off-resonant emission of sterile . The two cases correspond to different values of the masses and mixing angles. In both cases we identify the ranges of parameters consistent with the pulsar kick, as well as cosmological constraints.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.103002 PACS number͑s͒: 97.60.Gb, 14.60.Pq, 95.35.ϩd

Pulsars are known to have large velocities ranging from densities depending on the direction of the magnetic field 100 to 1600 km sϪ1 ͓1͔. In contrast, the average velocity of relative to the neutrino ͓6,7͔. Oscillations of ac- an ordinary star in our is 30 km sϪ1. Born in a super- tive neutrinos could explain the observed velocities of pul- ␯ ↔␯ explosion of an ordinary star, the pulsar must, there- sars if the resonant conversion ␮,␶ e took place between fore, receive a substantial ‘‘kick’’ at birth. The high angular two different neutrinospheres ͓8–12͔. However, the neutrino velocities of may also be explained by the same kick masses required for the resonant transition between the two ͓2͔. The origin of the pulsar kicks remains an intriguing out- neutrinospheres, at density 1011Ϫ1012 gcmϪ3, are inconsis- standing puzzle. tent with the present limits on the masses of standard elec- According to numerical simulations of explo- troweak neutrinos. ͓ ͔ sions 3 , the asymmetries in the core collapse could not These limits do not apply, however, to sterile neutrinos Ϫ1 account for a kick velocity of more than 300–600 km s . that may have only a small mixing with the ordinary neutri- ͓ ͔ Although the average pulsar velocity is in this range 1 , nos. Resonant oscillations of active neutrinos into sterile there is a substantial population of pulsars with velocities in neutrinos have been proposed as a possible explanation of excess of 700 km s, including some with speeds over the pulsar kicks ͓13͔. It was recently pointed out that con- 1000 km sϪ1. These velocities appear to be too large to arise versions of trapped neutrinos in the core of a hot from an asymmetry in convection. Evolution of close binary can make the effective mixing angle close to that in vacuum systems has also been considered as a source of a kick ve- ͓14͔. This has important implications for the pulsar kick locity ͓4͔. Alternatively, it was argued ͓5͔ that the pulsar may be accelerated during the first few months after the super- mechanism because, in the absence of matter suppression of nova explosion by its electromagnetic , the asym- the mixing, the nonresonant production of sterile neutrinos metry resulting from the magnetic dipole moment being in- can dominate. This is asymmetric, and it can explain the clined to the rotation axis and offset from the center of the pulsar velocities as well. The same sterile neutrino in the keV star. Both of these mechanisms, however, have difficulties mass range can be the dark matter in the universe ͓14,15͔. explaining the observed magnitudes of the pulsar kick ve- Sterile neutrino with the requisite masses and mixing appear locities. in a number of theoretical models ͓16͔, for example, in mod- In this paper we point out a new way in which the pulsar els with broken mirror ͓17͔. kicks could be generated from off-resonant active-sterile We will assume that neutrinos have negligible magnetic neutrino conversion in the neutron star core. In addition, we moments and that they have only the standard interactions identify the parameters for which the resonant conversions with matter. Unusually large magnetic moments of neutrinos can take place. Both cases are consistent with the sterile ͓18͔, as well as other kinds of new physics ͓19͔ have also neutrino being the dark matter. been considered as the origin of the pulsar kicks. We will ␯ ␯ The neutrinos emitted from a nascent hot neutron star further assume that only e has a significant mixing with s , Ϫ Ϫ carry a total energy of 1053 erg. Only a 1% asymmetry in the characterized by sin2␪ϳ10 11Ϫ10 7, while the oscillations ␯ ␯ distribution of these neutrinos could produce a kick consis- between ␮,␶ and s are suppressed by small mixing angle tent with the observed magnitudes of pulsar velocities. De- and/or matter effects. ␯ ␯ spite negligible magnetic moments, neutrinos are affected by For a sufficiently small mixing angle between e and s , ␯ the strong magnetic field of the neutron star through their only one of the two mass eigenstates, 1, is trapped. The ͉␯ ϭ ␪ ͉␯ ϩ ␪ ͉␯ interactions with the polarized electrons in the medium. In orthogonal state, 2͘ cos m s͘ sin m e͘, escapes from particular, resonant neutrino oscillations occur at different the star freely. This state is produced in the same basic urca

0556-2821/2003/68͑10͒/103002͑5͒/$20.0068 103002-1 ©2003 The American Physical Society FULLER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 68, 103002 ͑2003͒

␯ ϩ ϩ Ϫ ¯␯ ϩ ϩ ϩ ϳ reactions ( e n p e and e p n e ) with the ef- time scale ms, electron capture reactions in the core will ␯ fective Lagrangian coupling equal the weak coupling times return the system to beta equilibrium and the e so produced ␪ sin m . will be converted. These processes will continue until both Urca processes are affected by the magnetic field, and so beta equilibrium and a steady state equilibration are the active neutrinos are produced asymmetrically depending achieved. Once the equilibrium is achieved, the effective on the direction of their momenta relative to the magnetic mixing angle in matter is close to that in vacuum. In Ref. field. Chugai ͓20͔ and Dorofeev et al. ͓21͔ have proposed ͓13͔, this effect was not taken into account, and only the that this asymmetry might explain the pulsar kick velocities. resonant emission from a thin shell was considered. A larger However, the asymmetry in the production amplitudes does mixing angle makes a big difference in that the emission off not lead to an appreciable asymmetry in the emission of neu- resonance becomes possible from the entire volume of the trinos because this asymmetry is washed out by scattering neutron star core. ͓22͔. Therefore, the mechanism considered in Refs. ͓20,21͔ The equilibration mechanism relies on the fact that, in ␯ →␯ does not work. general, the probability of e s oscillations is different for ͉␯ However, since 2͘ is not trapped anywhere in the star, neutrinos and antineutrinos due to the opposite sign of Vm in ͑ ͓͒ ͔ ␯ the asymmetry in its emission is exactly equal to the produc- Eq. 1 32 . The resulting change in the amounts of e and ¯␯ ͓ ͔ tion asymmetry. Depending on the parameters, this asymme- e drives Vm to zero. Following Ref. 14 , we estimate the try can be as large as 25%, just as in the case of the active time scale for this process: neutrinos ͓21͔. If the sterile neutrinos carry away about 10% of the thermal energy, the resulting overall asymmetry can (0) urca V m ␴␯ reach the required few percent, which is what one needs to ␶ Ӎ m n ͩ ͵ ⌸ ͗ ͑␯ →␯ ͒͘ d Pm e s explain the pulsar kick velocities. V ͱ2G ␳ e(⑀␯Ϫ␮␯)/Tϩ1 ␯ F The production cross section of 2 depends on the effec- ␪ ␴urca Ϫ1 tive mixing angle in matter m , which, in general, is differ- ¯␯ ␪ Ϫ ͵ ⌸ ͗ ͑¯␯ →¯␯ ͒ͪ͘ ͑ ͒ ent from the vacuum mixing angle : d Pm e s , 4 e(⑀¯␯Ϫ␮¯␯)/Tϩ1 ͑⌬m2/2p͒2sin22␪ 2 ␪ ϭ Ϫ sin 2 m , ⌸ϭ ␲2 1⑀2 ⑀ (0) ⌬ 2 ͒2 2 ␪ϩ ⌬ 2 ␪Ϫ ͒2 where d (2 ) ␯d ␯ , and Vm is the initial value of ͑ m /2p sin 2 ͑ m /2p cos 2 Vm ͑1͒ the matter potential Vm . Since the neutrino emission depends on the value of ͑ ͒ ␯ ¯␯ ͗P ͘, the time scales for resonant and off-resonant conver- where the matter potential Vm is positive negative for ( ), m ␯ sions differ. In the vacuum case, ⌬m2/(2͗E͘)Ͼ͉V ͉, this respectively; p is the momentum. For the case of e , which m is relevant for our discussion, V reads mechanism is not relevant, because Vm is negligible from the m ⌬ 2 ϳ start. In the case of resonance, m /(2͗E͘) Vm , the con- G ␳ versions of ␯ ’s are strongly enhanced over the ¯␯ ’s. There- F e e V ϭ ͑3Y Ϫ1ϩ4Y ␯ ϩ2Y ␯ ϩ2Y ␯ ͒. ͑2͒ fore the equilibration mechanism is very efficient. Using Eq. m ͱ e e ␮ ␶ 2mn ͑4͒, we estimate the time: In a core collapse supernova, the initial value of this matter 5 2 (0) 6 ⌬m2/2V(0)Ϫ␮ Ӎ Ϫ ϩ 2 ͱ2␲ m ͑V ͒ m potential is Vm ( 0.2... 0.5)V0, where V0 on-res n m ͩ ͪ 14 Ϫ3 ␶ Ӎ e T ϩ1 ϭG ␳/ͱ2m Ӎ3.8 eV(␳/10 gcm ). The average prob- V 3 2 5 F n G ␳ ͑⌬m ͒ sin 2␪ ␯ →␯ F ability of e s conversion in presence of matter is ␭ 2 Ϫ1 1 osc g ͗P ͘ϭ ͫ1ϩͩ ͪ ͬ sin22␪ , ͑3͒ 14 m ␭ m Ϫ 10 2 2 s 2ϫ10 9 s cm3 20 MeV 6 ⌬m2 ϳ ͩ ͪ . ␪ ␳ 2 where we have included a possible suppression due to quan- sin 2 T 10 keV tum damping ͓23͔, which depends on the oscillation length ͑5͒ ␭ ␭ osc and scattering length s . ͓ ͔ (0) It was pointed out in Ref. 14 that, in the presence of This holds as long as the resonance condition Vm Ӎ⌬ 2 sterile neutrinos, rapid conversions can take place between m /(2͗E͘) is satisfied. The back-reaction effects on Vm different neutrino flavors. This, in turn, can drive the effec- due to the change in Y ␯ may slow down the equilibration. → e tive potential to its stable equilibrium fixed point Vm 0. Their detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this paper; we This equilibration takes place on a very short time scale and do not expect the back reaction to alter the time scales sig- ␯ results in the destruction of the initial asymmetry of e over nificantly. ¯␯ ͑ e . The initial electron lepton number asymmetry in the If neutrinos are converted off-resonance, it is necessary to supernova core depends on the details of the prior stellar evaluate the integral in Eq. ͑4͒ taking into account that both collapse history and, especially, the electron capture on the chemical potential and the reaction rates for neutrinos heavy nuclei and neutrino transport in the in-fall epoch.͒ and antineutrinos are different. An approximate evaluation of This, in turn, leaves the system out of ␤-equilibrium. On a the time scale yields


onds for some reasonable initial conditions. Hence, the mat- ter potential is not affected outside the resonant region. Therefore, in region 1 the pulsar kick mechanism works as described in Ref. ͓13͔, where the equilibration was not con- sidered ͓33͔. Off-resonance emission after Vm has equilibrated to zero. To get the pulsar kick, we require that a substantial fraction of energy be emitted in sterile neutrinos. The dominant pro- cess of neutrino production in the core is urca. One can es- timate the emissivity in sterile neutrinos following Ref. ͓14͔:

␴ 1 Eϳ ͵ ⌸⑀ urca ͗ ͘ ͑ ͒ d ␯ Pm . 7 e(⑀␯Ϫ␮)/Tϩ1 2 FIG. 1. Neutrino conversions can explain the pulsar kicks for values of parameters either in region 1 ͑Ref. ͓13͔͒, or in region 2 The emissivity depends on the value of ͗Pm͘. In the 2 ͓present work͔. In a band near the ⍀␯ϭ0.3 line, the sterile neutrino ‘‘vacuum’’ regime the emissivity is proportional to sin 2␪ can be the dark matter. and is independent of ⌬m2. The total energy emitted per unit mass is simply the emissivity multiplied by the time of emis- ␮ 4ͱ2␲2m ͑V(0)͒3 1 sion, which is 5–10 s. For given values of and T, the ␶off-resӍ n m requirement of emitting a certain fraction of the energy in V G3␳ ͑⌬m2͒2sin22␪ ␮3 F sterile neutrinos translates into a lower bound on the allowed values of sin22␪, as shown in Fig. 1. Such a bound is inde- ⌬ 2 Ӎ 6ϫ10Ϫ9 s V(0) 3 50 MeV 3 pendent of m , as long as the Vm 0 condition is satisfied. ϳ ͩ m ͪ ͩ ͪ Ϸ If the equilibration process is efficient, Vm 0 and the matter sin22␪ 0.1 eV ␮ ␯ →␯ effects are negligible. Then the oscillations e s are con- 2 ␪ 2 2 trolled by the vacuum mixing angle sin 2 . 10 keV ͓ ͔ ϫͩ ͪ . ͑6͒ As discussed by Dorofeev et al. 21 , the urca processes ⌬m2 result in an asymmetric neutrino production if the electrons are polarized. This asymmetry arises from the spin- Requiring that the off-resonance equilibration takes place multiplicity factor. Only the electrons in the lowest Landau during the first second, imposes a combined lower bound on level (nϭ0) contribute to this asymmetry. The number of ⌬m2 and sin22␪. In Fig. 1 this bound, for V(0)ϭ0.1 eV, ␮ neutrinos dN emitted into a solid angle d⍀ can be written as m ⍀ϭ ϩ⑀ ⌰ ⌰ ϭ50 MeV, Tϭ20 MeV, limits region 2 from below. (T dN/d N0(1 cos ␯), where ␯ is the angle between ϭ20 MeV is plausible for the immediate post core bounce the direction of the magnetic field and the neutrino momen- conditions, where models suggest a core temperature be- tum, and N0 is some normalization factor. The asymmetry tween tens of MeV and about 60 MeV ͓24͔.͒ parameter ⑀ is equal The probability of oscillation depends on the values of ⌬ 2 ␪ 2 2 m , sin , and Vm . One can identify three different re- g Ϫg E V A s gimes. ͑i͒ the ‘‘vacuum’’ case: ⌬m2/(2͗E͘)տ͉V ͉; ͑ii͒ the ⑀ϭ k ͩ ͪ , ͑8͒ m 2 2 0 E ⌬ 2 Ϸ g ϩ3g tot resonance regime, m /(2͗E͘) Vm , in which the conver- V A sion probability is strongly enhanced; ͑iii͒ the ‘‘matter- ⌬ 2 Ӷ suppressed’’ oscillations, for m /(2͗E͘) Vm , which have where g and g are the axial and vector couplings, E and V A tot a vanishing probability. E s are the total neutrino luminosity and that in sterile neutri- Whether or not a resonance occurs anywhere in the core nos, respectively. Following Ref. ͓21͔, we obtain depends on the mass of the sterile neutrino and its mixing angle with ␯ . The resonance occurs at some point in the e F͑0͒ ϭ ͑ ͒ core for parameters in the range marked ‘‘1’’ in Fig. 1. The k0 ϱ , 9 lower boundary of this region comes from enforcing the F͑0͒ϩ2 ͚ F͑n͒ adiabaticity and the weak damping conditions. The vertical nϭ1 span reflects the range of densities in the outer core of a neutron star. where The case of resonant emission. If the resonance condition is satisfied ͑region 1 in Fig. 1͒, the emissivity is strongly ϱ ͑ Ϫ Ϫͱ 2ϩ͑ ͒2ϩ ͒2 enhanced in the region of resonant density, while it is sup- mn m p p me* 2Bn ͑ ͒ϭ ͵ pressed elsewhere. The resonant region is a thin layer, whose F n dp . 0 ͱ 2ϩ͑ ͒2ϩ Ϫ␮ p me* 2Bn deviation from a spherical shape is due to the electron polar- expͭ ͮ ϩ1 ization in the magnetic field ͓6–8,13͔. For small mixing T angles ͑region 1͒, the time ␶off-res is longer than a few sec- ͑10͒ V

103002-3 FULLER et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 68, 103002 ͑2003͒

Finally, the magnitude of the asymmetry is

k0 rE ⑀ϳ0.02ͩ ͪͩ ͪ , ͑13͒ 0.3 0.5

which can be of the order of the requisite few percent for magnetic fields 1015–1016 G, as can be seen from Fig. 2. The magnetic field at the surface of an average pulsar is estimated to be of the order of 1012–1013 G ͓26͔. However, the magnetic field inside a neutron star may be as high as 1016 G ͓26–29͔. The existence of such a strong magnetic FIG. 2. The fraction of electrons in the lowest Landau level as a field is suggested by the dynamics of formation of the neu- function of ␮ for Tϭ20 MeV. The value of the magnetic field in tron , as well as by the stability of the poloidal magnetic ͓ ͔ the core of a neutron star is shown next to each curve. field outside the pulsar 29 . Moreover, the discovery of soft gamma repeaters and their identification as ͓28͔, Here n is the electron Landau level, and we have assumed i.e., neutron stars with surface magnetic fields as large as 15 that protons and neutrons are non-relativistic, non- 10 G, gives one a strong reason to believe that the interiors degenerate, and that their can be neglected. The of many neutron stars may have magnetic fields as large as 1015–1016 G and that only in some cases this large magnetic effective electron mass at high density, me* , remains below 10–11 MeV everywhere in the star ͓24,25͔. Its exact value field breaks out to the surface. There is also a plausible does not affect the expression for F(n) in Eq. ͑10͒ by more physical mechanism by means of which such a large mag- than a few percent. If only the lowest Landau level is popu- netic field can form inside a neutron star through the so ϭ called ␣Ϫ⍀ dynamo effect ͓29,30͔. Nuclear matter inside a lated, then k0 1. The weaker the magnetic field, the more levels are populated, the smaller is the fraction k . In Fig. 2 cooling neutron star is expected to have a sufficient amount 0 16 we show k as a function of chemical potential ␮ for differ- of convection to generate magnetic fields as large as 10 G 0 ͓ ͔ ent values of the magnetic field B. We took the temperature 29 . to be Tϭ20 MeV. The ratio of luminosities rE translates into an upper bound E E ϭE E ϩE on the mixing angle. The allowed region for the masses and The ratio ( s / tot) s /( s ␯) can be estimated from the following: mixing angles is marked ‘‘2’’ in Fig. 1. Gravity waves from a pulsar kick due to neutrino conver- E T 6 sions may be observable ͓31͔ and can provide a way to test ͩ s ͪ ϳ 2␪ͩ core ͪ ͑ ͒ sin f f d.o.f. , 11 this mechanism. E␯ T␯ M -sphere To summarize, we have analyzed the pulsar kick resulting where f Ͻ1 is the fraction of enclosed mass of the core from active to sterile neutrino conversions. We have shown M ͓ ͔ from which the emission of sterile neutrinos is efficient, and that, in addition to resonant transitions 13 , the off-resonant у neutrino oscillations can also result in a pulsar kick consis- f d.o.f. 1 is an enhancement due to a possible increase in the effective degrees of freedom at high density ͓24͔. We take tent with observations. The two mechanisms require different Ϸ masses and mixing angles. We have identified the range of the core temperature Tcore (20–50) MeV, while the neutri- Ϸ parameters for which each of the two mechanisms can ex- nosphere temperature is T␯-sphere (2 –10) MeV. Hence, for sin2␪ϳ10Ϫ8 the ratio (E /E ) can be in the range plain the observed velocities of pulsars. Part of this range is s tot consistent with the sterile neutrino being the dark matter with WDM E ⍀ Ϸ0.27. ϭ s ϳ ͑ ͒ ␯ rE ͩ E ͪ 0.05–0.7. 12 A.K. thanks M. Prakash for discussions. The work of G.F. tot was supported in part by the NSF grant PHY-00-99499; that A higher ratio is in conflict with the observation of neutrinos of A.K. and S.P. was supported in part by the DOE Grant from SN1987A, while a lower value does not give a suffi- DE-FG03-91ER40662 and the NASA grant ATP02-0000- cient pulsar kick. Our point here is that, for reasonable values 0151. I.M. was supported by the DOE Grant DE-FG02- of parameters, the range in Eq. ͑12͒ is possible, even if not 95ER40906. The authors thank KITP at UCSB and CERN necessary. ͑S.P.͒ for hospitality.

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