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Magnetorotational Instabilities and Pulsar Kick Velocities

Magnetorotational Instabilities and Pulsar Kick Velocities

New Astronomy 43 (2016) 6–9

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Magnetorotational instabilities and kick velocities

Ricardo Heras∗

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom highlights

• A model involving birth magneto-rotational instabilities (MRI) in neutron (NS) is suggested. • A conversion of energy during a birth MRI is used to explain the NS kick velocities. • Periods of ms and magnetic fields of 1016 G during a birth MRI yield the observed NS kick velocities. article info abstract

Article history: At the end of their birth process, neutron stars can be subject to a magnetorotational instability in which a Received 19 April 2015 conversion of kinetic energy of differential rotation into and kinetic energies is expected to occur at Revised 25 June 2015 the Alfvén timescale of a few ms. This birth energy conversion predicts the observed large velocity of neutron Accepted 15 July 2015 stars if during the evolving of this instability the periods are of a few ms and the magnetic fields reach values Availableonline26July2015 of 1016 G. Communicated by E.P.J van den Heuvel © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Neutron stars Magnetic fields Magnetorotational instabilities

A major unsolved problem in is to explain why neu- tion of the observed neutron velocities seems to be Maxwellian, tron stars exhibit space velocities well above those of their progen- which points to a common acceleration mechanism (Hansen and itor stars (Anderson and Lyne, 1983; Chatterjee et al., 2005; Fryer, Phinney, 1997; Hobbs et al., 2005). The elusive kick mechanism ap- 2004; Hobbs et al., 2005; Lai, 2004; Lai et al., 2001; Postnov and pears to be connected with the possibility that during some stage Yungelson, 2006). Most neutron stars have been measured to possess of their birth process, neutron stars reach magnetic fields typical of high space velocities in the range of 100–1000 km/s, while their pro- and periods typical of millisecond (Duncan and genitor stars have velocities of the order of 10–20 km/s (Arzoumanian Thompson, 1992; Thompson, 1994; Usov, 1992). et al., 2002; Cordes and Chernoff, 1998; Fryer et al., 1998; Hansen In this paper we suggest that the kick velocity of neutron stars and Phinney, 1997; Lorimer et al., 1997; Lyne and Lorimer, 1994). It may arise from a magnetorotational instability (MRI) produced at the is generally accepted that neutron stars receive a substantial kick at end of their birth process. More specifically, a newly-born neutron birth, which produce their observed space velocities. However, the star can be subject to a MRI evolving at the Alfvén time of a few ms physical origin of this kick is unclear. Some of the proposed kick in which an emission of radiation energy accompanied by a gain of mechanisms require large initial magnetic fields in the kinetic energy of translation can be produced at the expense of a range (1014 –1016 G) and asymmetric emission of (Kusenko loss of kinetic energy of differential rotation. If during the evolving and Segrè, 1996; 1997; Lai and Qian, 1998; Maruyama et al., 2011). of this birth MRI the period is of a few ms and the magnetic field Other mechanisms require a rapid initial rotation to produce sub- reaches values of 1016 G then we show that the gain of kinetic en- stantial kicks (Khokhlov et al., 1999; Sawai et al., 2008; Spruit and ergy of translation can predict the observed large kick velocity of Phinney, 1998). Hydrodynamical models have also been suggested, neutron stars. Our suggestion is supported by studies showing that which are based on recoil due to asymmetric supernovae (Burrows there is an amplification of the magnetic field and a transference of et al., 2007; Burrows and Hayes, 1996; Nordhaus et al., 2012; Scheck angular during the evolving of MRI in newly-born neu- et al., 2004). Recent models rely on the existence of topological vector tron stars (Akiyama et al., 2003; Masada et al., 2012; Thompson et al., currents (Charbonneau and Zhitnitsky, 2010). The current distribu- 2005). Simulations have shown that birth MRI can generate magnetic fields of the order of 1016 –1017 G in several ms (Siegel et al., 2013; Thompson et al., 2005). ∗ Tel.: +44 7826803964; fax: +44 20 7679 7145. E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected] http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.newast.2015.07.004 1384-1076/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. R. Heras / New Astronomy 43 (2016) 6–9 7

Newly-born neutron stars are assumed to be highly convec- tive and differentially rotating hot fluids (Stergioulas, 2003; Yamada and Sawai, 2004), which can be subject to MRI evolving at Alfvén timescales (Duez et al., 2006). During this birth MRI the star can con- vert its kinetic energy of differential rotation into magnetic energy (Akiyama et al., 2003; Spruit, 2008). It is then plausible to assume that the star can lose kinetic energy of differential rotation via ra- diation (a fraction of the total magnetic energy). Conceivable, in this stage the star can also gain kinetic energy of translation and this is the basic assumption of the model proposed here. We assume that at the end of a birth MRI, neutron stars experience the energy conversion     d Mv2 d α I2 P + =− d , (1) rad dt 2 dt 2

2/ where Prad is the instantaneous radiated power; Mv 2 is the kinetic α 2 energy; dI /2 is the kinetic energy of differential rotation; v is the α space velocity; d is a dimensionless constant parameter accounting for the differential rotation (Spruit, 2008); I = 2MR2/5 is the moment of inertia with M and R being the mass and radius, respectively; and  = 2π/P is the angular velocity with P being the period. In Eq. (1) we have assumed that there are not significant changes of the parameter α α d during the short period occurring the birth MRI. But in general d Fig. 1. Qualitative behaviour of the magnetic field of a newly-born during varies with time. the assumed MRI. The times −τA/2=−3msandτA/2=3 ms correspond to the begin- According to Eq. (1) an emission of radiation energy and an in- ning and end of this birth MRI. The value of the magnetic field at the beginning and = 13 = × 16 crease of kinetic energy of translation occur at the expense of a loss of end of the MRI is BA 10 G. The maximum value of the magnetic field BM 3 10 G occurs when B(0)=B . kinetic energy of differential rotation. We note that an equation simi- M α lar to Eq. (1) [without d and with Prad associated with the asymmet- ric radiation from an off-centered magnetic dipole] is the basis of the by Ohmic diffusion and/or other resistive processes, which occur on “rocket model” proposed by Harrison and Tademaru (1975).Another α time scales much larger than those of the birth MRI. equation also similar to Eq. (1) [without d and with Prad estimated An exponential growth occurs when the growth rate of the func- by an exponential field decay law] has been considered to study both tion is proportional to the current value of this function: f˙(t) ∝ f (t), the birth accelerations of neutron stars (Heras, 2013) and the birth- where the overdot means time differentiation. Analogously, an expo- ultra-fast-magnetic-field decay of neutron stars (Heras, 2012). It is nential decay occurs when f˙(t) ∝−f (t).Forthecaseofamagnetic pertinent to say that the idea that newly-born neutron stars would moment μ(t) the positive and negative growth rates can be described lose their rotational energy catastrophically on a timescale of seconds by the relationμ( ˙ t) ∝−μ(t) tanh (t/τa), where the hyperbolic tan- or less was suggested by Usov (1992). gent function has been introduced to describe the positive and neg- The instantaneous radiated power P in Eq. (1) must express the rad ative growth rates. The time τa is the associated characteristic time. idea that a MRI is responsible for a rapid exponential growth of the Accordingly, the behaviour of the of a newly-born magnetic field (Akiyama et al., 2003; Siegel et al., 2013; Yamada and neutron star during a birth MRI is assumed to be described by the Sawai, 2004). In this sense, Spruit (2008) has pointed out that some equationμ( ˙ t) =−(1/τa)μ(t) tanh (t/τa), whose solution reads form of MRI occurring during a differential rotation in the final stages of the core collapse phase may produce an exponential growth of μ(t) = μMsech (t/τa), (2) the magnetic field and that once formed, the magnetic field is in μ risk of decaying again by magnetic instabilities. Without consider- where M is the maximum value of the magnetic dipole moment sat- μ( ) = μ . ing changes of kinetic energy, it is well-known that abrupt changes isfying 0 M For a neutron star of radius R, the magnetic mo- μ μ( ) = ( ) 3 of kinetic energy of rotation produce abrupt changes of energy of ra- ment is related to the magnetic field B by means of t B t R diation. The characteristic time of rotation changes is similar to the (Jackson, 1998), which can be used together with Eq. (2) to obtain the characteristic time of radiation changes. Therefore if the birth MRI oc- expected magnetic field law curs at Alfvén times of ms then the radiative energy must be emitted B(t) = BMsech (t/τa), (3) in these times and therefore the increase and decrease of magnetic

fields producing such a radiative energy must occur at these times. where BM = B(0) is the maximum value of the magnetic field. The be- Accordingly, we assume here the existence of a birth MRI responsi- haviour of the magnetic field in the assumed birth MRI is qualitatively ble for a rapid exponential growth of the magnetic field, followed by shown in Fig. 1. μ2 − (μ4/μ2 − μ2/τ 2) − an equally rapid exponential decay of this field. More explicitly: at Eq. (2) implies the non-linear equation ¨ 4 ˙ ˙ a μ2/τ 4 = , μ( ) = 3 ( /τ ) the start of the assumed MRI, the magnetic field has the value BA and a 0 which combines with t BMR sech t a to yield then it exponentially grows to reach its maximum value B , followed       M 2 2 2 by a rapid exponential decrease reaching the final value B .Theexpo- B2 R6 t t A μ¨ 2(t) = M sech 2tanh − 1 . (4) nential growth and decay rates of the magnetic field are assumed to τ 4 τ τ a a a occur with the same characteristic time. In a more general treatment, ( ) = μ( )2/( 3) we can assume that the characteristic times of the field increasing is Using the Larmor formula Prad t 2¨ t 3c and Eq. (4),we different from that of the field decaying. However, both times must obtain the instantaneous radiated power by a newly-born neutron be of the order of Alfvén times of ms. A similar field behaviour but for star during the birth MRI, an electric field has been discussed in electromagnetism for the decay       2 2 2 of the electric dipole moment (Schantz, 1995). Expectably, after this 2B2 R6 t t P = M sech 2tanh − 1 . (5) rad 3τ 4 τ τ abrupt birth field decay, there will be a subsequent field decay caused 3c a a a 8 R. Heras / New Astronomy 43 (2016) 6–9

= The change of kinetic energy of differential rotation can be written as This condition restricts the values of BM and v. By assuming BM (α 2/ )/ = ( α π 2 2/ ) ( / 2)/ . × 16 d dI 2 dt 4 d MR 5 d 1 P dt Using this relation to- 3 10 G, we will apply Eqs. (11) and (12) to three different veloci- gether with Eqs. (1) and (5) we obtain the instantaneous energy ties: (a) If v = 100 km/s then Eq. (12) implies Pa <.0561 s. In particu- = . ≈ . = conversion occurring in the birth MRI: lar, if Pa 015 s then Eq. (11) gives Pb 0155 s; (b) If v 500 km/s         then P <.0233 s. For example, if P = .01 s then P ≈ .0108 s; and (c) 2 2 2 a a b 2B2 R6 t t d Mv2(t) If v = 1000 km/s then P <.0123 s. For instance, if P = .005 s then M sech 2tanh − 1 + a a 3τ 4 τ τ ≈ . ≤ . 3c a a a dt 2 Pb 0055 s. If the initial period satisfies Pa 015 s then the changes   −4 P = P − Pa (for the previous examples) are of the order of 10 sfor α π 2 2 b 4 d MR d 1 ≤ ≤ =− . (6) the interval of space velocities 100 km/s v 1000 km/s. 5 dt P2(t) We can use Eq. (10) to obtain a formula for the kick velocity   Let us consider the time τ during which the MRI evolves. We will A α π 2 2 7R3B2 τ (±τ / ) = , 8 d R 1 1 M call A the MRI time. We adopt the conditions B A 2 BA where v = − − , (13) kick 5 P2 P2 5625M BA is the value of the magnetic field at the beginning and end of the a b birth MRI. These conditions and the law in Eq. (2) imply the result ≡ = τ /( τ ) wherewehavewrittenv vkick to emphasize that the kick velocity BA BMsech [ A 2 a ] or equivalently α , , of neutron stars is originated by the birth MRI quantities: d BM Pa τA = 2τaasech(BA/BM), (7) and Pb. This result explains the absence of the suspected correlation between the current magnetic field and space velocity, the so-called where asech denotes the inverse hyperbolic secant function. “v–B correlation” (Cordes and Chernoff, 1998; Lorimer et al., 1997; Integration of Eq. (6) over the time interval in which the 1995). Let us rewrite Eq. (13) as −τ / ≤ ≤ τ / , assumed birth MRI evolves: A 2 t A 2 or equivalently, −τ ( / ) ≤ ≤ τ ( / ), aasech BA BM t aasech BA BM yields = 2 − 2 , vkick v[drot] v[rad] (14) 6( 2 − 2 )1/2( 4 + 4 − 2 2 ) 2 4 R BM BA 7BM 12BA 4BMBA Mv + where v[drot] is the component of the kick velocity originated by the 45 B3 c3τ 3 2  M a  change of kinetic energy of differential rotation   Ekin Erad     8α 1 1 4α π 2MR2 1 1 v = πR d − , (15) = d − , (8) [drot] 5 P2 P2 5 P2 P2 a b   a b and v[rad] is the component of the kick velocity originated by the α Erot d change of radiation energy = (−τ / ) = (+τ / ) where Pa P A 2 and Pb P A 2 are the values of the period 3 at the beginning and the end of the birth MRI, respectively. The quan- = BM 7R . = (τ / ) v[rad] (16) tity v v A 2 denotes the space velocity at the end of this insta- 75 M bility, which is assumed to be the current value of the observed kick We can infer the kick force F (t) producing v (t). Time- velocity. The initial condition v(−τ /2) = 0 has been adopted, which kick kick A integration of Eq. (6) from −τ /2tothetimet leads to is consistent with the idea that newly born stars acquire their space A velocity during the birth MRI. v (t) = v2 (t) − v2 (t), (17)   ≈ kick [drot] [rad] If BM BA then the radiation term in Eq. (8) reduces to Erad ( / ) 6 2 /( 3τ 3) 28 45 R BM c a and thus Eq. (8) becomes where     6 2 2 α π 2 2 28 R BM Mv 4 d MR 1 1 + = − . (9) ( ) = κ 1 − 1 , 3τ 3 2 2 v[drot] t (18) 45 c a 2 5 Pa P 2 ( )2 b Pa P t τ We expect that the time A is of a few ms for magnetic fields of in which κ = (8α π 2R2)/5, P = P(−τ /2), and the order of 1016 G. This expectation restricts the values of the time d a A τ τ  a and those of the relation BA/BM.Inparticular,if a is taken to 2 t τ ≈ / τ ( ) = (σ ) σ . be a 10R c then Eq. (7) implies a MRI time A in the interval v[rad] t Prad d (19) M −τ /  τ  = × 16 A 2 3ms A 6mswhenBM 3 10 and BA lies in the interval 13 ≤ ≤ 15 τ ≈ / = τ / = (τ / ) 10 G BA 10 G. The choice a 10R c is then consistent with If Eq. (18) is evaluated in the time t A 2 and we write Pb P A 2 τ ≈ / the model proposed here. Insertion of a 10R c into Eq. (9) yields then we obtain Eq. (15).Analogously,ifEq. (19) with Prad given by   Eq. (5) is evaluated in t = τ /2 and the conditions B  B and τ ≈ 7R3B2 Mv2 4α π 2MR2 1 1 A M A a M + = d − . (10) 10R/c are fulfilled then we obtain Eq. (16). Using Eqs. (18) and (19) we 11250 2 5 2 2 Pa Pb can derive the corresponding accelerations. They can be expressed as

Let us emphasize that Eq. (10) is valid when the magnetic field BM κ ˙( ) ( )  τ ≈ / P t Prad t is given by Eq. (3) and the conditions BM BA and a 10R c are a (t) = , a (t) = . (20) [drot] P3(t)v (t) [rad] v (t) fulfilled. Eq. (10) can be used to constrain the values of the periods Pa [drot] [rad] α = . , = . = and Pb.Infact,Eq. (10) with d 1 M 1 4M and R 10 km imply Time differentiation of Eq. (17) and the use of Eq. (20) gives the kick = / − / , (total) acceleration: a[kick] v[drot]a[drot] v[kick] v[rad]a[rad] v[kick] = 1 , Pb (11) which can alternatively be expressed as −2 − (κ 2 + κ 2) Pa 1B 2v M κP˙(t) P (t) a (t) = − rad . (21) κ ≈ . × −30 κ ≈ . × −12 −2 [kick] ( )3 ( ) ( ) where 1 281 10 cm/gr and 2 633 10 cm . Since Pb P t v[kick] t Mv[kick] t is real it follows that = We can evaluate a[kick] at t 0 to get an idea of the order of its mag- 1 nitude. According to Eq. (5), the power radiated at t = 0isP (0) Pa < . (12) rad κ 2 + κ 2 ≈ × 52 = × 16 = τ = . × 1BM 2v .1874 10 ergs for BM 3 10 G, R 10 km and a 3 33 R. Heras / New Astronomy 43 (2016) 6–9 9

−4 ≈ 10 s. From Eq. (17) it follows that v[kick](0) 128km/sifweas- Eq. (11) the period Pb may be of the same order of the current period sume Pa = .019 s, P(0) = .01986 s and M = 1.4M.Wewriteκ ≈ .158 P. Consider, for example, the magnetar SGR 1806-20 whose current × 13 2 α = . = ˙( ) ≈ . = . = × 15 10 cm (for d 0 1andR 10 km) and P 0 6 62 (calculated period and magnetic field are P 7 54 s and B 2 10 G. This ˙ ∼ /τ ≈ ≈ by P 2P A). Using all of these values in Eq. (21) we get: a[kick](0) magnetar has v⊥ 350 km/s (Olausen and Kaspi, 2014) which implies ≈ = × 15 .53 × 108 g(Heras, 2013). v 428 km/s. If we assume the birth MRI values BA 4 10 Gand = . = . The forces associated with accelerations in Eqs. (20) read Pa 0265996 s then Eq. (11) implies Pb 6 01 s. This result suggests that shortly after the evolving of the assumed birth MRI, this mag- MκP˙(t) MP (t) F (t) = , F (t) = rad . (22) netar acquired a period of the order of seconds. However, this con- [drot] 3( ) ( ) [rad] ( ) P t v[drot] t v[rad] t clusion faces the problem of how to physically explain the birth MRI change P = P − P of the order of seconds. By making use of F = (v F − v F )/v and Eqs. b a [kick] [drot] [drot] [rad] [rad] [kick] In summary, any convincing explanation for the observed large (22) we can obtain the kick (total) force space velocity of neutron stars should be traced to physical processes κMP˙(t) P (t) occurring during their birth. Accordingly, the space velocity should be F (t) = − rad . (23) [kick] ( )3 ( ) ( ) P t v[kick] t v[kick] t related with birth values of physical properties of these stars and not with current values of them. Here we have suggested that a MRI pro- It should be noted that Eq. (23) can naturally be interpreted in duced at the end of the birth process of neutron stars can be responsi- the context of the radiation reaction theory. If Ma = F ; F = [kick] ext ble for their large space velocities. We have shown how a rapid birth κ ˙/( 3 ) F =− / MP P v[kick] ;and rad Prad v[kick] then we obtain the well- MRI conversion of kinetic energy of differential rotation into radia- = known equation for the radiation reaction (Jackson, 1998): Ma tion energy and kinetic energy of translation occurring at the Alfvén F + F . ext rad time of a few ms yields an observed interval for neutron star veloci- The velocity v[rad] in Eq. (16) can be related to the Alfvén veloc- ties, ranging from several hundreds to a few thousands km/s. = / πρ ity v[Alf] B 4 .Forasphereofmass M and radius R the Alfvén = / / 3, velocity reads v[Alf] B 3M R √which combines with Eq. (16) References = = / . ≈ (making B BM) to yield v[rad] 21v[Alf] 75 This implies v[Alf] . ≈ = × 16 = . Akiyama, S., Wheeler, J.C., Meier, D.L., Lichtenstadt, I., 2003. Apj 584, 954. 16 37v[rad].Ifv[rad] 200 km/s for BM 3 10 G, M 1 4M and = ≈ . × 8 / , Anderson, B., Lyne, A.G., 1983. Nature 303, 597. 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