October 27, 2017 Via email:
[email protected] Ms. Roselle Martino Assistant Deputy Minister Population and Public Health Division Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care 10th Floor, 80 Grosvenor Street Toronto, ON M7A 2C4 Dear Ms. Martino: On behalf of the Sudbury & District Board of Health, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Report of the Minister’s Expert Panel on Public Health. In its review, the Board of Health considered the analyses of the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa), dialogue at the Ministry’s Expert Panel information sessions, and the deliberations of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), among other discussions. Please note that the Sudbury & District Board of Health endorses alPHa’s submission dated October 17, 2017, which is attached to this letter. We applaud the Minister for his attention to this important sector of the health system in the context of health system transformation, and we recognize the Expert Panel members for their hard work in carrying out the Minister’s mandate. We would like to note that many of the principles and criteria that guided the work of the Expert Panel resonated with us, including in particular, the importance of maintaining a strong independent voice for public health, continuing to build meaningful relationships with municipalities and other community partners, the importance of accountability and transparency, and the need to ensure appropriate and equitable public health capacity across Ontario. The perspectives of the Sudbury & District Board of Health are informed by the fact that we are an autonomous governance body for local public health in Northern Ontario.