T A+ I Councillor Joe Cressy
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,9r)uncillor Joe Cressy - Gouncil Members - Council Members I City of Toronto 2015-03-09, 2i44 PM Mmu Web page Printout .t A+ I Council Members Councillor Cressy's committee, agency and Councillor Joe Cressy corporation appointments Profile: \ hrd 20 Trinity-Spadina . Toronto and East York Community eouneil Toronto City Hall r Board of Health . Parks and Environment Committee 100 Queen Skeet West, Suite C50 . Subcommittee on Climate Chanoe Mitiqation€nd Toronto, ON MsH 2N2 Adaptation Phone: 41 6-392-4(N4 External Boards and Committees Councillor [email protected] . Art Gallery of Ontario Board of Trustees . Campieluouse_BgaftLelMAnagement r Canadian National Exhibition Association, Municipal Section . Toronto and East York Communitv Preservation Staff Panel . Toronto Community Housing-.]QqpqalSn..r[letlQ Board of Directors Executive Assistant Executive Assistant . University Settlement Communitv Centre Andrew Schwab Lia Brewer Committee lbrewef @toronto.ca r Youth Equrty Champion Constituency Assistant Constituency A$istant Robin Buxton-Potts Breni Gilliard [email protected] bsi!i32@-lare!ls.ca Related links Administlative Assistant o Council Members Code Angela Daeun Bae of Conduct . lntegritY Commissioner a@elabae@lsrsda,sa o Lobbyist Registrar . eiU-.QJs&s-9ffe Profile Joe Cressy has been guided throughout his life by two main principles: to care deeply for those around him and to work ceaselessly for social justice- He was bom and raised in downtown Toronto. He grew up on \ /elmer Road, learned to swim at the University of Toronto pool, to ride a bike around Jean Sibelius Park, and to skate at the Harboudront Centre and Varsity Arena. He was raised in a family in which community and public service are defining values, values that have driven him his whole life. His wife Nina, the manager of a women's shelter in downtown Toronto, shares the same passion for public aervice. Joe is an environmental activist. ln his role as Campaigns Coordinator at the Polaris lnstitute he suc@ssfully pushed Toronto City Council and 75 municipalities across Canada to ban bottled water in city buildings and to invest in and promote safe public water. Joe is deeply concerned about the increasing income gap in our City. As a former Board Directorof The Stop Gommunity Food Centre, he sought to raise the issues of income inequality and food security by providing direct serviGs sucfi as local bake ovens, community gardens and markets, and food banks, and also by sponsoring sustainable-food-systems education and promoting community advocacy. Joe worked with Olivia Chow to create and launch "l Heart Public Transit," a local campaign for a national transit strategy that would allow for sustainable, and predictable long{erm funding for transit in Toronto. Joe understands that strong social infrastructure and social services are vital to the quality of life in a big city. He was a Board Director at Social Planning Toronto, an organization that is committed to research and advocacy to ensure a strong quality of life for all Torontonians and participation by local people in decisions that affect their lives, Joe is driven to challenge inequality wherever he finds it. As the former Director of Campaigns and Outreach at the Stephen Le!\ris Foundation, he worked to support community-based HIV/AIDS organizations in sub-Saharan Africa. He has also led literary programs in fly-in Aboriginal reseryes In Northern Ontario, worked with anti-poverty and human http://www1 .toronto.calwps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=2d329a50a668941 oVgnVCM 1 0000071 d60f89RCRD Page 1 of 2.