R. the NORTTI STAFI'ordshire F'lora

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R. the NORTTI STAFI'ordshire F'lora tbi; {' ir',:.*r. THE NORTTI STAFI'ORDSHIRE F'LORA. INTRODUCTION. R. Gamet's Natural. History ol th4 County ol Stafiord, published i:r 1844 aud wilh Sufplement, 186o, contained tle first conplete flora of the clunf; in rqrr, J. B. Bagnall published a Fhra ol Stafoldskire comprising tle result of Gamer's work togetlrer with that of other workers, including his o'vlrr. The present work is coniued to the flora of tho nort& of tle counlr and. is an attempt to bdng up-to-date the records of ttre distribution of flowering plants ard ferns in this patti<:ll.ar are, nonh ol Staford. I have gir''en for all but the corD.monestspecies every publGhed rec-ord to which I have had access. and $'-herwer I have seen spe.cimens growing in the localitie given iu such records the symbol t has been afixed. On the ottrer hand, r,r'herever a locality is mentioued without a re{ereuce I have seeo qreci:aer:s of the particular plant growing there. No att€mpt has been made to give all the synon].rrs of each species, but only those used by other work€rs on Staffordshire botany. English names have also been appeoded for tlose desirous of having the local names used in North Stafiordshte. I have not dassified the localities because I consider tlat the only da-ssification of any real value would be one based upon the nature of the soil, and at prese[t the necessary infon:ration for such a dassification is not available. On ttre vexed question of " aliens " I have adopted tle attitude of S.T. Dllrna tn ttts Alien. F/oza ,'aay plant which does lrot ocrur in a natural habitat has been decribed as alieo. as iieil as tlose s hicb may occrr in nafiual habitats but which are kuowa to have bera introduced by artificial meal:.s. From a botanical point of view North Statrortlshire presents many exceedingly irterGting features. Geographically it is a little to the north-v'est of the ctntre of the couatry, and as a natural mrsequence it po,seses planis tlpical botl of the northem at]d southern poftions of our island, altJrough not ia tJee proportion we should be led to expect frcnn the sole consideratioa INTRODUCTION. o{ its situatiou. II. C. Watson, rnhts Cotnpendium ol the Cybde Britannica, has arranged British p1a:rts in definit€ groups or " Tpes of Distribution-" Of tlose whicb he recognize as soutb€m we have about tlree-frftls in Nortt Stafiordshin, whde of tlose which are tllical of tle north o{ Englaud we can only €laim a'bout oue half. ff the question of distance ouly w€treto be taken into accoult we ought to hal'e a $eater perctotage of the northern than of tle southern type. The discrepancy is due to the fact tlat North Stafiorclshire poss€ss€sa mote geuid dilnat€ than it would if latitude srre the doodlatirg factor ; tle Pernine Raoge shields us to some steot &om tle mld uortl aad eastwiucls audat tle same time increases our rainJall, The varied physical coniguration and the geological slnrcture enable the district to bec.ome the home of pla:rts partial to sp€cial habitats. Witlin the bousdaries of our district are to be fourld splendid erample of s'ub-alpiue, upland, lowland, heather- moor, w'oodland, river va.Iley and marsh areas, each v,ith its own peculiar flora. In addition, due to tle varied industrial enter- prises, r'e poss€ss many distinct 6"€s of l'aste ground and refuse heaps, each marked by special forms of plant life. My thanb are due and are gratefully giveo to tle many mesrbers of the North Staffordshire Field Club *'ho bave suppliecl me wit! inJorrratiou regarding the habitats ol certain plants, tle records of which rray be lound ia the various annual rq>orts of the Botanical section, printld il: tle Club's Trunsactiofts. The number of zuch helpers precludes any detailed rneotion of tlrem all, but chief arnong tlem are Mr. J. A. Audley, B.Sc,, Mr. S. A. Bennett,8.A., B.Sc., Miss E. M. Blake, I,L.A., Mr IL Daltry, the Rev. E. Deamn, 8.A., and Mr. J. R. B. Masefield, M.A. I should also like to record my indebtednes to Mr. G. Claridge Druce, LL.D., M.A., who has given me valuable assistance in tle narning of critical species. Complete rderences to tle rvorls con-sultedand to the forrner workes in tle North Stafrorclshirc flora will be given at the end of the fnal section. References, the volume numbers of lvhich are ir heavy t1tpe, are, without exception, to tbe Transactions ctrd. (ot) Annml Reporls ol the North Safordshite Field Club : in most case tle nane of the authoritv is ore6.xedto the reference, '"t,o.,.,; '-,;1',. v XLi ,.-,., i i' i...,i {,4r,: RANUNCULACE.E CLEM,{IIS !'ITAI.BA, I". rRAVEr,l,ER's JoY. Near Staford (Moore, 31, 75, 1897); in the grourds at lbsrt. Not wild in North Stafiordshire. THALICTRUM FLAVInI, L. ME.\Dovr'RUE. Burton (given but not confimred by Gamer, 38o); near Sta$ord (Douglas in Bagnall, 5). I have not seen it in tle north of the couatY.j' ' |' : . ANEMONE NEMOROSA, L. wooD A\EMoNE. Frequent in woods, sheltered hedge banks and scrub. Sometirne occurs on grasslaods, persisting as a relic of former wooalland. A. RANUNCUI,OIDES, L. yErrow ANEMoNE. Alien. Groviog plentifully about the la\a.n at Stapenhill vicarage (Browl in Gamer, :8r). A-DONIS AUTUMNAIIS, L. prrEAsANr's EyE. Alien. Tutbury (Bronn, 234) ; Oatamoorl (a10.,73. 19o6). MVOSURUS MINIMUS, L. MOUSE-TAIL. .-{ Burton (giverr but not confirmed by Garner, 36:). I have rrot seen this plant in North Stafiordshire. RANUNCULUS CIRCINATUS, Sibtl. weron cRowFoor. Ig. !it"-_Dou.", V!to-{etg. t @agaall, 5) ; near Stafiord (Douglas in Bagrrall, 5) ; Copmere Pool f (26, g+, r8g2\', in ttre Dovef and Trent trear Burton ; Dot cornmon in the latter (Brown, 233\; in a strearr between Enilon ancl Wall '- ' Gralrge. ., . ) )j ' v' R. FLUITANS, Lala. werEn cnowroot. In tJre Dane at Rushtori ; gorr'ed"Iet, in the Doyq4L pttgxet_e!, in the Chumet at Altont, aud in the Bll'the tlroughout its course(Bagnal1, 5) ; near Sta.fiordf(Douglas inBagnall,5)in theManyfold. ; !. ,,,,*t, r_.rj \:::, r,r;,,:, ,_ r' B- IIEtrEROPrI'LLUS, Weber. weTEn qp6wFoo{. r..li i. Hilderstone(4$, n7, ryr:\; Gunf (a19,156, r9r5). 4 RANnNCn!ACE6,./ | ' /" {r rrr..r:.. .^1 i- - i:: " J ;f hr'a.N;' ;t,r' y' R. PELTATUS. $brank. warER cRowFoor. Kaypersley Pmlt and Rudyard resewoirf (Painter,3l, 75, rSEI); If derstoue (Barns, 118,rt7, rgtz); feeder be . tween ttre Dare a:rd Rudyard. v VAR. TRIINCATUS, (Hiern). Hopton Pools,fugestre (Bagua[, 5). / vAR. EIORIBUNDUS, (Bab). Ilopton Pools,Ingestret (Bagual, 5) ; Knryersleyt (Painter, 2€, rr4, 1888); feederat Rudyaril. v/ R. I.ENORMANDI, F. Schultz. (R. C{ENOSUS,Guss).fuei,1r,,n61. ghartlev (Brow!, 233); near Flasht, Morridge Top near ftekf and neal Ramsor (Bagnall, 5) ; Kn4rersley Parkf (Pairo.+f:r,n, r\4, 1888); nearStone (Bostock, 25, rr, r89r) ; Wetley Moor ; Gun ; Cresswell'sPiece. The statemeutby Bagnall(5), Bisbop's Woods, (26, rr, r89r) is anerror. i, i - ''. lo' ' ,/ R. IIEDERACEUS, L. rys-r.EArEDcRowroor.tl€4ltr9i.ai . i/.1^\(:eli- Frequeuton wet mud and in shallov'strea&sarrd ditches. Hilderstole ; Denstone; Barlaston; Moslee; Norton. v,/ R, SCEI.ERATUS, L. crr.env-r.revsD cRowr€cyr. Frequent ia or near stagDantwater. Denstone; Hilder- stone; Stafiord; Treotlam; Ashley. rr'" R FI,AMMII A, L. LEssERspEARwoRr. Fairly corunoarin damp aud rnarshyplaces. Hildentone; BiddqJph;Denstone; Yarlet; Stafiord; Beecb. :''t'ffi.bt'i:'i:' !$*li*"R{'.I io-r'u3dr Very local in its distribution. Kingston Poolnear Sta.frord.t (Stokesin With., 618); Frcdeshall(given but not confrmed by Garner,38r); Densbone(!L, 5t, t877\l Enilon (418,g, r9r4), not there trow; Blakeooor Pool (55, r39, r92r). / R- AuRrcbMUs, L. cor.Droces. I.ocal. Burton (Browll, 234); Denstonef (1'L, Sr, r877l I Varlet (T_v1ecote,19, 28, 1885); bants of Dorey (Moore, 9.,75, r87il; Manyfold vallel't (31, 73, rgoo); Stantonf (85, 68, rgor); Stafrordt (88, rro, r9o4); Oakamoor(1O, n, rp6l; Ilamf (Fraser in Baguall, 5); Alstouefeld (Baga,all,S) ; Draycott-in-tle-Clay (Aud1ey,56, no, rgz2l i Dovedale; Musden Woods. d'*1'^a t'xL' t{To $.t<.r,r,'"bt RANnNcwactE 5 / R- AcRis, L. acRD Bur{ERcnP. Very commolr orr gmsslaud and grassy roaclsides. ,/ R. RDPEIT{S, L. CREEPTNGBr/trERcuP. Very common ia damp situations and ditches. A form occurs at Keele possessingten petals where it has persisted for many years. v/ R. B{ILBOSUS, L. BwBoUs BUTTERT'P. C-onrmon on grassland, particularly meadows. lotf$e flowered form in Burton meadows (Gamer, 382). ./' R. SARDOUS , Cnfiz. (R. HIRSUTUS, Cud). PAI,E HA.RY BUrrERcuP. Alie! Stafrordf and High Ofleyt (Gamer, 382); Burtor anil Newcastle (given but not confirmed by Ga1oer,38z); com- fie1ds, StrettoD (Brown, 234) ; Denstone (LL, 5r, 1877\; Oaka.rooor (N, 7 3, r9o'6'). ,/, R. PARVIFLORUS, L. sMAr.r.r[pwERED BurrERcrrp. On the banks of the Sandon road, hal{ a mile from Stone (Gamer, 382) ; Tutburv (given but not confirmed by Gamer, :82) ; cornfield by Outwood Hill (Brown, 234). ,/ R ARVENSIS, L. mRN suTrEncrp. Alien. Gamer (382) says " General in comfields." My experience ' . in North Sta.fiordshire does not confrm this as f have found it on only a {ew occasions. Hornirglq$/ anil Taterhill (Brown, 234) ; Derstone $1, 5r, 1877); Stafiordf (38, rro, r9o4) ; Cod<nage; Barlaston ; Whihr]ore. r'.' R. FICARIA, L.
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    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YOUR VILLAGE NEWSLETTER October 2016 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Benefice Ministry Team WORSHIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AT ~ Vicar B e ALSTONEFIELD : BUTTERTON : ILAM The Rev’d Prebendary n WARSLOW WITH ELKSTONES : WETTON Lawrence Price e 01335 350968 f i [email protected] c 2ND OCTOBER ~ 19TH AFT TRINITY (G) 9TH OCTOBER ~ 20TH AFT TRINITY (G) e 11.00am Butterton 11.00am Alstonefield ~ Churchwardens Benefice Holy Communion Harvest M ~ Alstonefield 3.00pm Warslow i Mrs Marion Beloe Harvest with HC n 01335 310253 i TH ST RD 16 OCTOBER ~ 21 AFT TRINITY (G) 23 OCTOBER ~ LAST AFT TRINITY (G) ~ Butterton s 11.00am Ilam 11.00am Wetton Mrs Barbara Woodward t Harvest with HC Benefice Holy Communion 01538 304324 r 11.00am Wetton MW 6.30pm Butterton Mrs Lily Hambleton-Plumb y 3.00pm Elkstones HC Songs of Praise 01538 304397 T 30TH OCTOBER ~ ALL SAINTS DAY 6TH NOVEMBER ~ 3RD SUNDAY BEF ADVENT ~ Ilam e (GOLD OR W) (R OR G) Mr Ian Smith a 10.30am Ilam AAW 11.00am Butterton 01335 350236 m Miss Ellen Clewes 11.00am Alstonefield HC Benefice Holy Communion ~ 01335 350437 3.00pm Warslow EW ~ 6.00pm Wetton ~ ~ Warslow with Elkstones All Souls ~ Mrs Rachel Moorcroft ~ (Warslow) 01298 84568 ~ Mrs Judy Prince ~ (Warslow) 01298 84351 ~ About our services this month Mr Reg Meakin ~ (Elkstones) 01538 304295 ~ We have Harvest Services – and we have other services for our own Parishes. ~ ~ Wetton ~ Miss Rosemary Crafts ~ We also have Benefice services of Holy Communion – just as we have done in 01335 310155 ~ recent months; and at which we have enjoyed being with our friends from Miss Clare Day ~ neighouring Parishes.
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