Developmental Book Activities and Needs in Indonesia. INSTITUTION Wolf Management Services, New York, N.Y

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Developmental Book Activities and Needs in Indonesia. INSTITUTION Wolf Management Services, New York, N.Y DOCUMENT RESUME ED 037 225 LI 001 854 AUTHOR Barnett, Stanley A.; And Others TITLE Developmental Book Activities and Needs in Indonesia. INSTITUTION Wolf Management Services, New York, N.Y. SPONS AGENCY Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jun 67 NOTE 231p, EDRS PRICE EDRS Price HF-$1.00 HC-$11.65 DESCRIPTORS *Books, *Developing Nations, Education, *International Organizations, Libraries, Paper (Material), *Publishing Industry, *Surveys, Textbook Publications IDENTIFIERS *Indonesia ABSTRACT This report is the fourth in a series of six studies of developmental book activity in East Asia. The scope of work in the Republic of Indonesia included assessment of books and materials in the educational process; books used by individuals for the improvement of reading skills and for learning enrichment; books for technical and professional purposes; and books used in libraries and organized reference centers. This study was conducted in the midst of efforts that were being taken by the Government of Indonesia to rebuild that nation's shattered economy, Stringent reforms had begun to slow the inflation and ameliorate the problems which, in recent years, have distorted the Indonesian book market and book industry, as they have all other aspects of life. It was found that not only is the nation far short of the reading materials needed to serve school-age children and out-of-school youth and adults, but enrollments are growing at a much faster rate than population--and the problems entailed in providing books for potential readers have increased, not stabilized. For the immediate future, Indonesia needs assistance from all book-oriented agencies in the outside world. This report identifies a number of priority needs, problems and opportunities--and suggests solutions within the framework of existing economic, technical, financial, and manpower limitations. (Author/JB) WOLF MANAGEMENTI SERVICES 30 EASTFORTY-SECOND STREET NEW YORK, N.Y. 10017 DEVELOPMENTAL BOOK. ACTIVITIES AND NEEDS IN INDONESIA Stanley A. Barnett Emerson L. Brown Cecil K. Byrd Harold F. Chevalier Basil G. Dandison Herbert J. Gottlieb R. Murray Thomas U.S. DEPARTMENT OP HEALTH. EDUCATION WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING It POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED 00 NOT NECES- SARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Contract No. AID/csd-1162 June 1967 MN !z' TABLE OF CONTENTS Index to Tables and Figuresvi List of Abbreviations vii PREFACE.. viii Scope and Nature of the Survey viii A Note on the Reliability of Data xi 1. INTRODUCTION ANDSUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS . 1 Summary of Findings and Conclusions 1 Summary of Recommendations 9 A National Book Plan 10 Books in the Basic Schools 11 Materials in Higher Education 14 Improvement of Reading Skills and Learning Enrichment 18 Library Development 19 The Indonesian Book Industry20 Paper for Indonesia's Books 24 BOOKS IN THE FORMAL SCHOOL SYSTEM 2. BOOKS IN THE ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS . .25 Textbook Approval, Selection and Distribution 26 Theory and Practice 26 Contemplated Changes in the Procedure 29 Nature, Availability and Usage 32 The Great Lack of Books 33 The Textbook Gap and Suggestions for its Reduction 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Sketches of Representative Textbook Producers 42 Two State Enterprises 43 Private Publishers 45 Improving the Teaching of English48 Books for Technical and Vocational Education 49 Religious Textbooks 53 School Libraries 54 3. READING MATERIALS IN HIGHER EDUCATION 58 Coordination between Instruction and Reading Activities 59 Use of Books in Higher Education 63 The Acute Shortage and High Cost of Books63 Guided Study Versus Free Study 67 Improving English Language Facility 70 The Imported Book Problem 71 Undistributed Stocks on Hand 71 Imports of New Books 75 Locally Published Materials 79 Determination of Needed Materials 79 Development of Manuscripts 81 Publishing of Manuscripts 84 University Presses 85 Materials for Research Programs 86 Academic Libraries 89 Service of Collection 91 Book Stock91 Library Personnel93 BOOKS OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL SYSTEM 4. MATERIALS FOR LITERACY, AGRICULTURE AND THE PROFESSIONS . , 95 Books for Neoliterates and Adult . Education95 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Instructional Materials for Agriculture 98 Books in Learning Enrichment 99 5. LIBRARIES AND LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT 102 An Overview of Librarianship 102 Bureau of Libraries and Book Development 104 Public Libraries 106 People's Libraries 106 Ministry of Information Libraries 108 State Libraries 108 Special Libraries and Documentation Centers 110 The National Bibliographic Center 113 The Indonesian Library Association 114 Library Education 115 Proposal for a Library Development Survey 118 THE BOOK INDUSTRY AND FOREIGN AID 6. THE INDONESIAN BOOK INDUSTRY 120 Private Publishing and Distribution120 Indonesia's Publishers 120 Distribution and Booksellers 125 Pertinent Recommendations 128 Printing 133 A General Overview133 Review of Pertinent Areas 136 Printing Industry Recommendations 141 7. PAPER FOR INDONESIA'S BOOKS . .... 148 Imports 149 Local Production 152 Paper Needs and Recommendations 156 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 8. ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN DONORS 161 United Nations Development Agencies 163 UNESCO 163 UNICEF164 United States Agencies 165 AID 165 USIA/USIS 168 The Library of Congress 169 The Ford Foundation170 Other Foreign Entities 171 APPENDICES: A. DIMENSIONS OF THE MARKET FOR BOOKS 172 Books Published in Indonesia 172 Book Statistics 172 Book Translations 175 Book Imports 175 Recent History 175 The Present Situation178 Book-Related Actions and Regulations of the Government180 B. BACKGROUND FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE NATURE AND USE OF BOOKS 182 Geography182 Ethnic and Language Conditions 184 Religion 186 Political Confrontations 188 Economic Conditions190 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) C. EDUCATION IN INDONESIA 194 Historical Perspective194 Schooling Under the Dutch194 Japanese Control of Education196 Post-World War II 198 The Administrative Structure 200 Cost of Education202 The Educational Effort203 Elementary Schooling203 Junior High Education and Short Courses 207 Senior High Education208 Higher Education210 D. THE INDONESIAN COUNTERPART TEAM 214 Bibliography 215 INDEX TO TABLES AND FIGURES Table Page 1. Estimated Effective Typesetting'Capacity in Indonesia 137 2. Per Capita Paper Consumption of East Asian Countries, 1964 148 3. Jajasan Lektur Newsprint Allocations for Books, 1961-1967 151 4. Estimated Amount of Newsprint Required for Textbook Publication (prepared for Ministry of Education) 156 5. Production of Books and Pamphlets in Selected East Asian Countries, 1964. 172 a 6. "Books" Published in Indonesia, 1961-1963. 174 7. Exports of Books to Indonesia from Fourteen Leading Countries, 1962-1964 178 8. Public Expenditure on Education in East Asia, at Percent of Total Government Expenditure . 203 9. Student Enrollment in the Basic Schools of the Ministry of Education, 1966-1967 . 205 10. Elementary School Enrollment, by Grade, 1966-1967 206 11. General Junior High School (S.M.P.) and Religious Junior High School Enrollment by Grade, 1966-1967 207 12. General Senior High School (S.M.A.) and Religious Senior High School Enrollment by. Grade, 1966-1967 209 Figure 1. Cartoon on Rising Book Prices, "Operasi", March 17, 1967 .. 36 2. Organization of the Ministry of Education and Culture 201 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AID-The Agency for International Development BE Rate- Bonus Export Rate: a floating exchange rate for import transactions. Items which qualify for the rate may be imported freely CBA)- Central Book Activities unit, Office of Technical CBA/TCR) Cooperation and Research, AID /Washington* HHI- Indonesian initials for a glazed newsprint, half- , way between newsprint and "wood-free" book paper. IKAPI- Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (Indonesian Book Pub- lishers' Association) IMG- Informational Media Guaranty, a USIA program through which U. S. exporters sell educa- tional materials for local currency to im- porters in dollar-short countries. MIPI- Madjelis Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (the Council for Sciences of Indonesia) PDIN- Pusat Dokumentasi Ilmiah Nasional (the Indonesian National Scientific Documentation Center) SD-Sekolah Dasar (elementary school) SMA- Sekolah Menengah Atas (senior high school) SMP Sekolah Menengah Pertama (junior high school) UNESCO- United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF- United Nations Children's Fund USAID- U. S. Agency for International Development Mission to Indonesia USDA- U. S. Department of Agriculture USIA- U. S. Information Agency, Washington, D. C. USIS- U. S. Information Service Mission to Indonesia *The Central Book. Activitiesprogram unit, located in AID's Office of Education and HumanResources, was trans- ferred in mid-1967 from TCR to the Office of Program and Policy Coordination. vii PREFACE Scope and Nature of the Survey This report is the fourth in a series of six studies of developmental book activity in East Asia. It covers the Republic of Indonesia, which was surveyed by the Wolf Management Services team from March 4 through April 13, 1967.* The six-country project was developed and funded by the Central Book Activities unit of AID's Office of Technical Cooperation and Research, to implement President Johnson's February 2, 1966 recommendations concerning increased international flow of books and other educational materials. Of
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