Jul to Dec 2013
Butterfly Conservation Hampshire and Isle of Wight Branch Page 1 of 33 Butterfly Conservation Hampshire and Saving butterflies, moths and our environment Isle of Wight Branch HOME ABOUT » EVENTS » CONSERVATION » SPECIES » SIGHTINGS » PUBLICATIONS » LINKS » ISLE OF WIGHT » MEMBERS » Wednesday 31st July Judith Frank reports from Byway stretch between Stockbridge and Broughton (SU337354) where the following observations were made: Holly Blue (2 "didn't settle long enough for me to be sure but seemed most likely to be hollies."), Peacock (1), Meadow Brown (2), Large White (9), Ringlet (9), Brimstone (1), Comma (2), Green-veined White (4), Gatekeeper (5). "On a day of only fleeting sunshine, I was interested to see what there might be on a section of byway through farmland not particularly managed for butterflies. A large patch of brambles yielded the most colour with the commas, gatekeepers and blues.". Speckled Wood Comma NT Owen reports from Roe Inclosure, Linwood (SU200086) where the following observations were made: Large White (2), Large Skipper (1), Gatekeeper (3), Small Skipper (1), Silver-washed Fritillary (4 "Including one Valezina form female"). Silver-washed Fritillary f. valezina Steve Benstead reports from Brading Down (SZ596867) where the following observations were made: Chalkhill Blue (5), Painted Lady (1), Clouded Yellow (1). "Overcast but warm". Gary palmer reports from barton common (SZ249931) where the following observations were made: Large White (2), Small White (3), Marbled White (3), Meadow Brown (20), Gatekeeper (35), Small Copper (1), Common Blue (1), vapourer moth (1 Larval "using poplar sapling"), peppered moth (1 Larval "using alder buckthorn"), buff tip moth (49 Larval "using mature sallow").
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