Fakultät für Physik Stefan-Meyer-Institut Isotopenphysik für subatomare Physik


zum gemeinsamen V E R A – S M I – S E M I N A R von


A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory of Armenia and Institute of Structure & Nuclear Astrophysics University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

High Precision Mass Measurements of Nuclei and the Neutron Star Merger

The US science academies report on “Connecting Quarks to the Cosmos'' identified eleven of the most challenging open questions for all of physics in the 21st century. One of these eleven questions included the identification of the site(s) for the production of the heaviest elements found in nature: How were elements Fe to U made? Most of the elements above Fe in the periodic table are thought to have been produced by either the slow (s-process) or rapid (r-process) capture of neutrons in astrophysical environments. The s-process proceeds close to stability and astrophysical sites have been identified, while the r-process allows the production of nuclei much further from stability and potential sites remain mostly unresolved. The recent observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star mergers simultaneously with the spectroscopy indicated that rare earth elements were made in this so-called kilonova event. The questions remain, are there enough such mergers? Are mergers the only source of r-process elements ? This seminar will address the role of nuclear physics measurements, specifically the high precision measurement of nuclear masses and their role in understanding this potential site for the synthesis of the elements from Fe to U.

Donnerstag, 06. Juni 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.Widmann E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

Oana Gâza and Tiberiu Sava

Horia Hulubei – National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania

Research at the Centre for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in Bucharest

The AMS center in Bucharest was founded in 2013, relying on a High Voltage 1 MV Tandetron particle accelerator and the associated sample preparation laboratory. With this multi-isotopic AMS machine the routinely analyzed species are 14C, 10Be, 26Al and 129I, while recently different tests were performed to determine isotopic ratios in actinide species (239,240,242Pu, 236U). Radiocarbon remains the isotope with the largest share within our measurements, enabling studies in archaeology, environment and cultural heritage. A niche position in our radiocarbon analysis is represented by the dating of single amino- acids resulting from the separation of collagen extracted from potentially risky bone material using a High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. Beside the radiocarbon applications we present also some research examples of using isotopic ratios of 10Be/9Be, 26Al/27Al and 129I/127I for paleo-reconstruction of glaciers and oceanography, respectively.

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Terrestrial Environment Laboratory International Atomic Energy Agency, ,

New definition of the kilogram and the international δ-scales for stable isotope measurements

In November 2018, it was decided to change the definition of the kilogram as basis for the international (SI-unit) from use of the „Kilogram Prototype“ stored in Paris, to a new definition based on constants of nature. Such a change is not yet possible for other scales, like for those defining isotope ratio measurements used in many scientific areas. Variations of isotope ratios of elements provide insight in many processes, whether of geologic, biogenic, industrial or environmental nature. The necessary high precision for those measurements is achieved by direct comparison of samples with established international reference materials, in so called δ-scale measurements. While the concept is well proven and applied now for over 30 elements, it depends on the long-term availability of the scale defining reference materials. At the IAEA, scale defining materials for hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and sulphur are preserved and distributed. This presentation will discuss the situation to maintain these δ-scales, compare it with the case of the kilogram, and will provide examples of challenges and solutions to preserve scales over long time periods for worldwide consistency of measurements.

Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

Karin Hain

Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, , Austria

Study of the global distribution of the long-lived radionuclide Tc-99 with AMS

5 The long-lived fission product Technetium-99 (t1/2 = 2.1·10 a) has been released into the environment by reprocessing plants and as global fallout by nuclear weapons tests (around 140 TBq). The meta-stable 99mTc is increasingly used as medical tracer leading to an additional accumulation of its decay product 99Tc as waste. Due to the expected mobility and its long half-life, 99Tc is not only a radionuclide of primary concern for nuclear waste storage, but is also considered a potential oceanographic tracer. Whereas the liquid 99Tc emissions from the reprocessing plants are rather well studied, there is hardly any data on the global distribution of 99Tc in environmental reservoirs affected by nuclear weapons fallout. We recently started a FWF funded project to improve this situation by pursuing two different approaches for the detection of 99Tc: A large accelerator system in combination with a gas-filled magnet system, available at the Technical University of Munich, and the Ion-Laser-InterAction-Mass-Spectrometry (ILIAMS) setup at VERA. The AMS setup in Munich, which has already shown sufficient suppression of the stable isobar 99Ru, is currently being applied to analyse environmental 99Tc concentrations e.g. in Pacific Ocean water and a peat bog. First results on the detected 99Tc concentrations and suitable chemical procedures for the extraction of Tc will be presented after an overview of previous studies on the Tc distribution in the environment and the general research questions of the present project.

Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics, ETH Zurich

14C dating potentials for interdisciplinary collaborations in the protection of cultural heritage and the detection of forgeries

During the last seven decades, radiocarbon dating revolutionized chronologies of archeological and environmental records. Radiocarbon dating of cultural heritage objects, although applied from the early days on, was only sporadically presented and published. Recent developments in the AMS technique expanded the field of applications by allowing almost non-destructive sampling of precious objects. Moreover, new material types such as binding media, mortar or iron can be analyzed allowing for studies of a wide range of objects for research as well as for detection of forgeries. However, as the success in applications of the method to the detection of forgeries created a great interest within the trade of antiquities, the radiocarbon community is searching for a critical approach that will prevent analysis of looted antique objects. The last but not least problem that requires attention is the diminishing level of atmospheric 14C, caused by the combustion of fossil carbon which will soon reduce the 14C excess from the above-ground nuclear weapons testing period to below the pre-bomb level, with consequences for 14C dating [1].

[1] Heather D. Graven, Impact of fossil fuel emissions on atmospheric radiocarbon and various applications of radiocarbon over this century, PNAS 112 (2015) 9542.

Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan

The study of radioactive iodine from the Fukushima accident

131 129 A large amount of the radioactive iodine isotopes I (t1/2 = 8.01 d) and I (t1/2 = 1.57×107 y) were released into the environment during the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant (FDNPP) accident on March 2011. Radioactive iodine is one of the key fission products to be monitored due to the tendency of accumulation in the thyroid gland. There is an ethical obligation of science to serve society, and to help Japanese to better understand what happened, how it happened and why, even though public trust in science was lost in the aftermath of the accident. The study of radioactive iodine from the accident can fulfill this obligation. Information of environmental radiation monitoring was required in the initial phase of the FDNPP accident in making rational assessment of the radiological consequences to the public. However, in reality, it was not available at that time since monitoring system did not function due to the loss of power supply. Part of the on-site release characteristics and transportation mechanisms have been estimated via long-lived 129I in environmental samples. Two key questions of the macroscopic and microscopic dynamics of 129I have been investigated with large-scale soil and terrestrial water sampling. The results from these studies will be presented in the seminar.

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

A. J. Timothy JULL

Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA & Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary

Annual carbon-14 variability in tree-rings: Causes and what does this mean for the calibration curve?

Various 14C excursions apparently caused by an increase of incoming cosmic rays on a short time-scale found in the Late Holocene have generated widespread interest and have been reproduced in many different tree-ring records (Miyake et al. 2012, 2013 2017; Büntgen et al. 2018). The excursions at 774-775 AD and 993-994 AD are well-documented but with an increasing number of studies using annual 14C analysis a range of new structures are being revealed. This includes rapid increase events such as at 660 BC (Park et al. 2017) and 3372 BC (Wang et al. 2018) likely due to extreme solar proton events (SPE). However, other types of changes in 14C production seem more likely the result of other solar processes, such as around 5480 BC (Miyake et al. 2017), and in the sixteenth century BC (Pearson et al. 2018) and 815 BC (Jull et al. 2018). A diverse range of processes have the potential to affect cosmic-ray flux, including solar events, gamma-ray bursts, geomagnetic shifts and supernova. While research on the latter has proved inconclusive so far, such studies are providing a wealth of new information through which to characterize new ‘events’ in 14C structure and to begin to understand the processes behind them. This research has much modern relevance in terms of understanding solar-climate forcing as well as the potential damages to technology brought about by events such as solar flares. These effects are also highly relevant to dating using the current international radiocarbon calibration curve based on decadal data.

Donnerstag, 11. April 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Fachbereich Physik, Technische Universität München Garching, Germany

Supernova footprint on the doorstep: 60Fe, 53Mn, and other possible correlations

In our Galaxy, around 1 to 2 supernovae (SN) explode over the course of 100 years. Such a titanic event happened during the last 10 Million years close to our solar system, so to speak on our doorstep. The ejected debris has entered our solar- system, and a fraction lodged on our Earth and on the Moon. Clear signals are long-living radioisotopes, which 60 do not exist naturally or at low amounts on Earth; such as Fe (t1/2 = 2.6 Ma). After a short summary of measurement results of 60Fe, performed at TU-Munich and at ANU (Canberra), I will present first indications of another supernova-formed radioisotope in 53 deep-sea crusts, Mn (t1/2 = 3.7 Ma). The, so called, local fluff (local interstellar cloud), presently imbedding the solar system, could originate from these close-by SNe, hence should comprise 60Fe that enters the solar system now. Search in 500 kg snow from the Antarctica reveals a signal of 60Fe that supports a recent SN-origin of the local fluff. The time slot where we found 60Fe deposition in crusts and sediments, coincide with a drop in Earth’s temperature, that happened between 2 or 3 Million years before now, and it enforced glaciations on the Earth. These glaciations are considered the cause for the evolution and development of mankind. Possible correlations will be discussed.

Donnerstag, 09. Mai 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

Heinz-Eberhard MAHNKE

Freie Universität Berlin Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Berlin Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

Virtual Unfolding of Folded Papyri

The historical importance of ancient manuscripts is unique, since they provide information about the heritage of ancient cultures. Several texts are hidden in rolled or folded documents. Due to recent improvements with respect to sensitivity and resolution, spectacular disclosures of rolled hidden texts on parchment were possible by X-ray tomography, which will be reviewed. However, revealing text on folded manuscripts, especially on papyri, is even more challenging for two reasons, the folding technique and the delicate material. Manual unfolding is often not possible with respect to the fragile condition of the fragments. Recent results about virtual unfolding will be presented and discussed, first on a mockup to test the algorithm and then on ancient papyrus packages from the papyrus collection of the Musée du Louvre, originating from the island Elephantine near Aswan. This investigation is part of an ERC starting grant ELEPHANTINE (PI Verena Lepper, curator for Egyptian and Oriental Papyri at the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung Berlin).

Donnerstag, 07. März 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik


E I N L A D U N G zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Dresden, Germany present address: Faculty of Physics, Isotope Physics, University of Vienna, Austria

Chemistry and accelerator mass spectrometry – A life happily ever after?

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is the most sensitive analytical method to measure long-lived radionuclides. The detection limits are generally several orders of magnitude better, i.e. as low as 10-16 (radionuclide/stable nuclide), than any other mass spectrometry or decay counting method. AMS needs smaller sample sizes and measurements are finished within a few minutes to hours. However, it is often forgotten that research projects applying AMS start with taking appropriate samples, followed by labour- and cost-intensive sample preparation. The goal can easily be described as “making the big samples (up to several kg’s) to fit in an AMS target holder (< 10 mg)”. This includes getting rid of the matrix and the troublesome isobars. By technical improvements of AMS leading to lower detection limits or better mass-and-element discrimination, sample masses can be reduced to gram-quantities instead of kg’s allowing easier, faster, and cheaper chemistry. Recent AMS developments also address very efficiently isobar elimination. Nevertheless, some samples can contain different sources of the radionuclide-of-interest such as 10Be produced in the Earth’s atmosphere polluting the 10Be of interest produced in-situ in quartz. Hence, in this case chemistry is inevitable for cleaning the samples from the contamination. Another “mission” of chemistry might be the reduction of corresponding stable nuclides, e.g. 35,37Cl, 27Al, natFe by preceding cleaning or by gentle leaching to enhance the radionuclide/stable nuclide ratio or to minimize interfering nuclear reactions such as thermal-neutron capture on 35Cl. When applying isotope-dilution AMS to simultaneously determine the natCl content of a sample, which is an absolute requirement for surface exposure dating of Ca- or K-rich minerals, chemical sample preparation is also mandatory. As the majority of research projects involving AMS is of true interdisciplinary character, knowledge of sample preparation is usually passed-on to (young) non-chemists. These are trained learning-by-doing to perform the chemical preparation of their own samples. Therefore, the development of “routine” AMS sample preparation needs to have a strong focus on safety and easy-to-be-trained aspects with the least opportunity for failure. In conclusion, although new AMS technical developments for isobar suppression like the laser-negative ion interaction system at VERA promise to reduce elaborate chemistry in some cases, we should keep in mind that chemical knowledge will always be needed for a lot of interdisciplinary research projects.

Donnerstag, 28. März 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Department of Nuclear Physics Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Single atom counting for stellar nucleosynthesis studies

Understanding the elemental and isotopic abundances in the universe is one of the main goals in nuclear astrophysics. Nuclear reaction cross sections in the keV-MeV energy range are key variables in astrophysical network calculations, trying to model these abundances. Proper tuning of these models depends on the availability of experimentally determined reaction cross sections. Stellar particle energies can be simulated in accelerator based irradiation facilities. Accelerator mass spectrometry, an ultrasensitive technique for the determination of isotopic ratios, is the method of choice for measuring cross sections of reactions resulting in long-lived radionuclides. The high energies achievable with the Heavy Ion Accelerator (>200 MeV) at the Australian National University are ideal to tackle the challenging interferences from stable isobars also in the mass range up to 100 amu. This presentation will focus on new studies of the reactions 92Zr(n,γ)93Zr and 52Cr(α,n)55Fe. The first reaction is relevant for the slow neutron capture process (s process) taking place in later burning phases of stars. The mass region around 90 amu is of particular interest as it is the matching point between two components of the s process, taking part in different stellar environments. The second reaction relates to explosive events in massive stars and the new cross-section data provides anchor points for model calculations especially for energies close to reaction thresholds.

Donnerstag, 21. März 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator (VERA) Fakultät für Physik – Isotopenphysik, Universität Wien

11 PET-aided hadron therapy with C ion beams

In conventional carbon ion therapy, the means of dose verification are limited. However, if 11 one would fully substitute the stable treatment beam with a -emitter, e.g. C (t1/2=20.4 min), the treatment beam would contribute to the activity measurable with Positron Emission Tomography (PET). This allows for range verification by means of on- or off- line PET-imaging and can therefore uncover deviations from the treatment plan and finally improve the treatment precision. In this seminar possible future machine designs for hadron therapy accelerators will be discussed with a special focus on possibilities of coupling a radioactive ion beam production stage to a therapy accelerator. One of the challenges in realizing the treatment with radioactive beams is the highly demanding intensity requirement. 11CO+ beams can be produced with the Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) method through irradiation of a solid target with protons via the nuclear reaction 11B(p,n)11C. After ionization to the 1+ charge state and mass-separation, a charge breeding stage is required to match the continuously produced, molecular beam with the pulsed accelerator. Thereby, the charge breeder has to break up the molecules, increase the ions’ charge state, accumulate the beam and release it in pulses that match the accelerator cycle.

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

The AMS measurement capabilities at the University of Cologne

The Cologne center for accelerator mass spectrometry (CologneAMS) uses a 6 MV AMS system from HVEE and a dedicated AMS beamline for medium mass isotopes at the 10 MV FN tandem accelerator. Measurements of 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 36Cl and actinides are performed in routine operation since the founding in 2011. The 6 MV AMS system was subsequently extended by a gas ion source and a gas handling system, dedicated to small 14C samples. This enabled in-situ 14C and compound-specific AMS measurements. Because of the accessible high ion energy at the 10 MV FN accelerator an AMS beamline was build up, consisting of an injection system, an achromatic high energy mass spectrometer and a 135° gas-filled magnet for 53Mn and 60Fe measurement. New research projects are the measurement of 41Ca in reactor concrete as a reference nuclide for nuclear waste management and the determination of 3H, 14C and 36Cl in reactor 14 graphite. Therefore a new gas handling system for CO2 samples with high C concentrations is under construction, as well as a 100 kV tandem accelerator for 3H measurements. Additionally it is planned to install a 3 MV tandetron AMS system for nuclear waste management measurements.

Donnerstag, 07. November 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

R. Golser W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von


Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt D-60438 Frankfurt

From fossil to renewable energy resources ___ The need for giant energy storage

The change from fossil to renewable energy resources requires concepts for sustainable energy supply. The sun delivers such energy in form of sunlight in huge amounts much more than mankind consumes. This energy can be utilized by solar panels and windmills (On- and offshore). Since this energy production is not timed with the consumption of users one needs huge storage systems for the renewable energy. Large hydropower systems (HS) are the most efficient storage systems for short time periods up to a week. These HSs need two water reservoirs in different altitudes (upper and lower one) creating a large pressure difference at the turbine. A new concept of hydropower systems is presented here which utilizes the high water pressure on ocean beds or the floor of deep lakes. The existing ocean or lake presents the upper reservoir and man made huge concrete cavities on the bottom of the ocean or lake present the lower one. This storage concept was recently successfully tested in the STENSEA (SToring ENergy at SEA) project and can be very efficiently utilized also in switched-off brown coal mines enabling the so-called "Energie-Wende" in Germany. (https://www.iee.fraunhofer.de/de/projekte/suche/laufende/stensea-storing-energy-at- sea.html)

Donnerstag, 21. November 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

R. Golser W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

Eberhard WIDMANN

Stefan Meyer Institute of Subatomic Physics Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Precision spectroscopy of antihydrogen

Antihydrogen is being studied at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator, the only source of low-energy cooled antiproton beams in the world, which is now in operation for 20 years. It will be extended by the Extra Low ENergy Antiproton (ELENA) storage ring to provide even lower energy antiprotons, thus increasing the number of trapped antiprotons. Antihydrogen, the simplest anti-atom consisting of an antiproton and a positron, is of great interest for tests of CPT symmetry, since hydrogen is one of the best-known atoms. Measurements of the 1S-2S 2-photon transition and the ground state hyperfine splitting offer extremely sensitive results. The talk will give an overview on the status of experiments, where recently first spectroscopy results have been obtained in a neutral atom trap and describe the ongoing experiments of the ASACUSA collaboration aiming at an in-beam measurement of both the hydrogen and antihydrogen ground state hyperfine structure.

Donnerstag, 28. November 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

R. Golser W. Kutschera E.M. Wild

Fakultät für Physik



zum V E R A - S E M I N A R von

John L. WOOD

School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

What is the Atomic Nucleus Doing These Days?

The atomic nucleus is a manifestation of a fundamental level of organization of matter. It is also a unique manifestation of the quantum mechanical many-body problem. This saga began with the nuclear shell model in 1949, followed soon after by the Bohr collective model in 1952, and the nuclear pairing model in 1958. Many other models have come and about as many other models have gone in the past 60 years. Our understanding of nuclei is driven by experimental data. Our models have value for organizing data and designing new experiments; but they are only a “shadow”, at best, of nuclear structure. A presentation will be made of the current perspective of nuclear structure based upon the latest data; and a basic assessment of models and modeling of nuclear structure will be made. References: [1] David J. Rowe and John L. Wood, “Fundamentals of Nuclear Models: Foundational Models”, World Scientific (2010). [2] Kris Heyde and John L. Wood, “Shape Coexistence in Atomic Nuclei” Review of Modern Physics 83, 1467 (2011).

Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2019, 16:30 Uhr

1090 Wien, Währinger Str. 17, "Kavalierstrakt", 1. Stock, Victor-Franz-Hess Hörsaal

R. Golser W. Kutschera E.M. Wild