Hon’ble Speaker,

1. I present the Budget for the year 2014-15.

2. This is the second budget of our Government. In my opinion, Budget is not a document of estimates alone. This is an official document reflecting insights and aspirations of the Government and economic strength of the State. In this regard, the Budget for 2014-15 being presented by me is a document of our ambition for comprehensive inclusive growth and all round development of the State.

3. In the last Assembly election, we gave a promise to the people to provide clean, robust and transparent administration. The people reposed faith in our promise and gave a mandate to us in the last Assembly elections. Honouring the mandate from the people, we have delivered on most of our promises in a short period itself. The confidence of the people is the oxygen for elected Government in parliamentary system of democracy. The clean, robust and transparent administration provided by us in the past nine months is indicative of this achievement. 2 Budget 2014 - 15

4. In the last year’s budget document, we had announced various people oriented and developmental schemes. Most of those schemes have already been implemented. “Annabhagya” Scheme announced by the Government immediately on assumption of power has eliminated hunger of one crore families of our State and brought them happiness. Loan waiver of Rs.1368 crore for Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Backward Classes and Minorities has brought smiles on the faces of these people. Waiver of Rs.319 crore towards pending bills of “Kuteerjyothi” Scheme has lit a lamp in the houses of the poor. Incentive amount of Rs.818 crore given to about 7.4 lakh Co-operative milk producers has increased their income.

5. Welfare of agriculturists is the first priority of our Government. Accordingly, Agriculture Price Commission has been formed already to fix remunerative price for the farmers’ produce. Loans upto Rs.2 lakh at 0% interest rate has been provided to farmers. We are committed to utilize water resource potential for the agriculture. We have taken comprehensive measures to instill confidence in farmers and enhance respect for agriculture profession. Budget 2014 - 15 3

6. The prestigious scheme of our Government “Ksheerabhagya” is improving nutrition levels of more than one crore children through supply of free milk in Anganavadi and Schools. The insertion of Article 371J in the Constitution facilitated by strong concerns of our Government, has paved the way for the rise of region. We have made a significant achievement by constructing 2.5 lakh houses so far towards the goal of making the State free of huts. We have taken big strides for creation of urban basic infrastructure

7. Our Government strongly believes that providing food to the hungry, health for peaceful life, a roof for living, education for self reliance, employment for working hands, results befitting the efforts, protection for weaker sections should be priorities of a responsible Government.

8. Like the previous year’s budget, this year’s budget is also based on a foundation of Social justice and consists of several programmes for the development of the people deprived of opportunities. “Inclusive and all round development” is the basic goal of our budget. Through these programmes, we will endeavour to build happy, peaceful and strong Karnataka. 4 Budget 2014 - 15

9. We have strengthened our financial resources with determination despite the shadow of economic slowdown in the country. We have controlled leakage of our income. We have overcome the economic slowdown through resource mobilization measures. Provision of adequate funding for the budgeted schemes inspite of the difficulties is evidence of our sound financial management.

10. Improvements have been made by providing required funds for electricity and infrastructure development. “Rajiv Gandhi Arogyashree” Scheme has been implemented for people above the poverty line. For backward class students, a new scheme “Vidyasiri” has been formulated. “Manasvini” scheme for unmarried women and “Maithri” scheme for sexual minorities have provided assurance in their lives. Implementation of 15 point progress based programme for village development is realising the rural development dream of Mahatma Gandhi.

11. Political stability, skill based human resources, improvements in basic infrastructure, and, efficient administration system in our State has drawn attention of the industrialists from all over the world. New Information Technology Policy has been Budget 2014 - 15 5 announced. New Industrial Policy will be announced soon. Rural and Urban Development are like two wheels of our march on the path of progress.

State’s Economy

12. The State’s economy in 2013-14 was influenced by the slowdown in the National Economy and slow global recovery. It is estimated that the State Domestic Product grew at a rate of 5 % during 2013-14. Due to slow down, industrial sector growth is estimated to be 1.2 %. The growth in the services sector that contributes 60 % of the SDP has been estimated to be 7.2 %.

13. After recording a -4.9% growth in 2012-13, Agricultural sector has staged noticeable recovery. It gives me pleasure to inform the Honourable House that the Agricutural sector is estimated to record a growth of 3.6 % during 2013-14. Our Government policy of strong thrust to agricultural sector and timely availability of agricultural credit have galvanized the sector. The Loan waiver scheme of our Government has helped to reduce the loan burden on the agricultural community. 6 Budget 2014 - 15

14. While acknowledging the challenges that the economic condition presents, I would like to assure that my Government will put the economy of the State on a high growth path, by formulating and implementing growth promoting policies.

Overall Economic Position

15. The challenging economic environment is still continuing due to emerging market economies and slow down of the national economy. Still, a recovery of the national economy is expected. Riding on the growth of 4.6 % in agriculture sector, Indian economy is expected to achieve a growth rate of 4.9 % during 2013-14.

16. We need to be cautious about the growing inflation, which can slow down investments and growth. We believe that Government of and the Reserve Bank of India will take necessary steps for Economic and financial stability in the background of uncertain external environment. Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Council in its Economic Forecast has estimated the National GDP growth to be 5.3 % during 2013-14, which though less, indicates clear signs of economic recovery. Budget 2014 - 15 7

17. The growth in investment rate and in GSDP of the State will be dependent on progressive improvement in economic policy environment, removal of barriers to investment, fiscal deficit and control & stabilization of inflation.

State’s Financial Position

Plan Performance in 2013-14

18. The State Plan size for 2013-14 was fixed at Rs.48685 crore. This included support of Rs.41683 crore from the State budgetary resources and Rs.7002 crore as resources of Public Sector Enterprises. Total plan expenditure of the State including the share of Central Government is estimated at Rs. 50847 crore. This House had approved additional plan expenditure based on additional demands from various departments.

19. The revised estimates indicate that the State plan during 2013-14 has largely been implemented.

Annual Plan 2014-15

20. Government of India has reformulated all existing Centrally Sponsored Schemes into 66 schemes. The funds transfer for these schemes has been re-classified. From 2014-15 onwards central 8 Budget 2014 - 15 assistance for these schemes will be through the State Budget. As a result, these resources will also be part of the State Plan in future.

21. I am happy to announce that the Annual Plan for 2014-15 has been fixed at Rs 65,600 crore. This includes Rs.57,687 crore to be provided out of State Government resources and Rs.7913 crore from resources of Public Sector Enterprises. This enhanced plan size is almost 34.75 % more than the plan size of Rs. 48685 crore fixed for 2013-14.


MPÀÌ°UÀ MPÀÌ¢gÉ ©PÀÄ̪ÀÅzÀÄ dUÀªÉ¯Áè - ¸ÀªÀðdÕ 22. Our Government’s first priority is to mitigate the misery of the farmers of the State. Improving the lives of the farmers is prequisite for a healthy society.

23. Our Government will always be in the forefront to protect the interest of farmers. Through low interest agricultural loan, subsidized seeds, fertilizer, nutrients, agricultural improvements, soil conservation, market improvements, minimum support price, crop loss compensation, crop insurance Budget 2014 - 15 9 and several other programmes, the Government is attempting to support farmers at all stages. Freedom from debt is being facilitated through irrigation security, free electricity supply and loan waiver schemes. In no circumstances, our ‘Annadaatha’ should lose courage and become despondent. I would like to reiterate my assurance to the farmers that we are always with them.

24. Following are the achievements during 2013-14.

• Estimated food production of 131 lakh tonnes.

• Sowing in 70.35 lakh hectare during kharif.

• Distribution of 4.83 lakh quintal seeds to 17 lakh farmers for sowing during kharif 2013. Availability of 5.26 lakh quintals of seeds during rabi and summer.

• Effective distribution of 26.82 lakh tonnes of fertilizers. Availability of 7 lakh tonnes of fertilizers as buffer stock..

• Distribution of Rs.222.23 crore compensation to 12 lakh farmers under crop insurance schemes. 10 Budget 2014 - 15

• Coverage of 74 lakh hectares under Bhoochetana programme. Increase in yield by 21 to 43 percent.

• Priority to farm mechanization and processing of agriculture produce. Distribution of 50000 farm machinery and equipments.

• More emphasis to sprinkler and drip irrigation by distribution of sprinkler and drip irrigation sets for 28000 hectare area, 90% subsidy to all groups of farmers from the present year.

• Issue of order for constituting Agriculture Price Commission at State level to fix remunerative prices to agricultural crops.

• Action for installation of telemetric raingauge stations in all grama panchayats.

25. Comprehensive programmes have been formulated to facilitate production of 135 lakh tonnes of food grains during 2014-15.

26. 70% of the cultivation area in the State is under rainfed agriculture. Despite this limitation, 55% of food crop production and 75% of oilseed production Budget 2014 - 15 11 is contributed by the rainfed areas. Conservation of high quality natural resources like soil and water, and enhancement of Agriculture productivity and income levels of farmers and agriculture labourers needs to be ensured For improving livelihood of rain dependent farmers’ community, it is proposed to implement “Krishibhagya” scheme.

27. “Krishibhagya”scheme will be implemented initially in 5 major dry land zones covering 45 lakh hectares in 23 districts. Through conservation, storage and efficient use of rain water, adoption of profitable cropping systems, cultivation of high income earning horticultural crops, promotion of animal husbandry activities, establishment of processing industries and promotion of infrastructure creation for agriculture, the scheme aims to achieve sustainable growth in agriculture. 53 lakh farmers are expected to be benefitted by this scheme. It is planned to implement the scheme in a Mission Mode in a phased manner over five years.

28. Various components of the scheme will be implemented in 9 lakh hectares during 2014-15 by consolidating programmes of agriculture related departments. An allocation of Rs 500 crore has been provided for this scheme in 2014-15. 12 Budget 2014 - 15

29. Swabheejabivruddhi scheme is being implemented for higher production of quality sowing seeds in collaboration with seed production corporations, boards, agriculture universities and private agencies. It is proposed to establish basic infrastructure such as seed processing godowns and threshing yards, in addition to providing equipment for seed processing, concession in seed certification fee and grant of incentive to the seed production.

30. A special technology package for improving productivity of Ragi and Jowar crops will be implemented as these are major nutritional cereals of the State. Under a special package, distribution of minikits for improved varieties, application of comprehensive technology, use of improved implements and encouragement for seed production and processing will be provided.

31. Action will be taken to set up Service centres through registered charitable trusts,non- Governmental organizations and self help groups to facilitate availability of Agriculture equipments to farmers on hire basis.

32. A programme will be formulated for implementation through help line of Agriculture Budget 2014 - 15 13 department for advising and assisting the farmers in distress. Action will be taken to boost the self- confidence of the farmers not only by agriculture experts, but also by health specialists and other consellors. Suitable training will also be imparted to officers of Agriculture Department to prepare them to rush to the aid of farmers in distress.

33. Preference will be given to women agriculturists in providing seeds, fertilizers and loans at concessional rates, subsidies and other facilities for Agriculture, animal husbandry and sericulture.

34. Reservation in admission for children of farmers and Agricultural labourers in Diploma, B.Sc (Agriculture) and equivalent courses in Agriculture Universities of the State will be increased to 40%.

35. Total provision of Rs 3759 crore has been made for the programmes of Agriculture Department during 2014-15.


36. For bringing more farmers of Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes into horticulture and for facilitating higher income for them, improved technical knowhow, plant protection practices, mechanization 14 Budget 2014 - 15 value addition and other activities will be promoted by providing 90% assistance.

37. For promoting use of abundantly available solar power in horticulture sector through irrigation pumpsets, fencing, dryers and other power operated machinery, 75% subsidy will be provided. A provision of Rs.2 crore will be made for piloting this programme.

38. Programmes for rejuvenation of areca and coconut gardens which have suffered loss will be extended.

39. Pest and disease advance warning units will be established in selected blocks. These units will have facility for computerized analysis of climatic conditions. A provision of Rs.2 crore under integrated horticulture development programme will be made for providing assistance to farmers and organizations for this purpose.

40. Timely information on weather, cultivation practices, market prices etc., will be provided to registered farmers directly through mobile based short messaging system (SMS), computers and information kiosks. Allocation of Rs.2 crore will be made for taking up this programme on an experimental basis. Budget 2014 - 15 15

41. Special marketing programmes will be formulated for enabling the existing 21 district HOPCOMS to handle higher quantities of Horticultural produce through strengthening of Karnataka State Horticulture Produce Marketing Federation (KHF).

42. For entrepreneurship development and employment generation in horticulture sector, skill development programme will be taken up for nursery activities, areca and coconut crop harvesting and pruning, ornamental horticulture maintenance, processing and value addition activities and post harvest activities. For implementation of preliminary activites of this programme, Rs.1 crore will be given.

43. Total provision of Rs 1434 crore has been made for the programmes of Horticulture Department during 2014-15.

Animal Husbandry

44. Following are the achievements during 2013-14.

• Enhancement of incentive to milk producers from Rs.2 to Rs.4 with an expenditure of Rs.818 crore benefitting 7.4 lakh milk producers. 16 Budget 2014 - 15

• Allocation of Rs.65 crore for sheep and goat, piggery, dairy development programmes and livestock health programmes.

• Release of compensation of Rs.27 crore, to the farmers who have lost their animals to Foot and Mouth Disease. A special additional package of Rs.26 crore under RKVY scheme.

• Grant of Rs.77 crore for Infrastructure Development in Bidar, and Hassan Veterinary Colleges and Dairy College.

• Distribution of 5.25 lakh fodder mini kits to farmers out of expenditure of Rs.13.14 crore to grow green fodder in 52553 hectares.

45. 44 checkposts will be established at the State Borders for the control of livestock diseases. Rs.2.50 crore is allocated for this purpose.

46. Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratories will be established in 4 places in the State (Sira, Kolar, Bagalkote and Sirsi) through Animal Health and Biological Institute at a cost of Rs.2 crore. Budget 2014 - 15 17

47. In view of shortage of staff for vaccination programme against the livestock diseases, an incentive of Rs.4 crore will be provided for implementation of the programme through voluntary vaccinators. 48. To overcome scarcity of veterinary doctors in the state, 250 new veterinary graduates will be recruited directly and 250 retired veterinary doctors will be appointed on contract basis. 49. Guidelines and Rules will be formulated for maintenance and conservation of poultry farms and for providing subsidies. 50. Rs. 10 crore will be provided to open 100 new veterinary centers and to upgrade 100 primary veterinary centers into veterinary dispensaries. 51. 4112 veterinary institutions in the state will be networked through E-Governance initiatives. 52. Rs.15 crore will be provided as a one time assistance to sheep and wool producer Co-operative Societies which are in distress. 53. Compensation for death of sheep and goats will be increased from Rs.3000 to Rs.5000. 54. Incentive of 20 paise per litre of milk collected will be provided to the Milk Producers Co-operative Societies, towards administrative expenses. 18 Budget 2014 - 15

55. Total provision of Rs. 1757 crore has been made for the programmes of Animal Husbandry Department during 2014-15.


56. Rs.5 crore will be provided for waiver of loans taken by 1027 sericulturists and reelers during 1982-1995 under Indo-Dutch scheme.

57. 100 Customer Service Centres will be opened with involvement of local non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs for improving production and productivity of sericulture. An initial allocation of Rs.1 crore will be made to provide 90% subsidy for supply of equipment to these centres.

58. Cocoon and raw silk is being marketed through open auction currently. Comprehensive and transparent e-tendering system will be established for marketing of cocoon and raw silk.

59. Due to increase in cost of mulberry cultivation and cocoon production, it is proposed to revise existing production and productivity linked incentive from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 30/- per kg for improved cross breed Budget 2014 - 15 19 cocoons and from Rs. 40/- to Rs. 50/- per kg for bivoltine variety. 60. Total provision of Rs. 204 crore has been made for the programmes of Sericulture Department during 2014-15. Fisheries

61. Call centre based extension service will be provided to fishermen directly by consolidating information available at various levels. Under the scheme, SIM cards will be provided to fishermen to facilitate free communication in Karnataka of details of Governmental schemes, market prices, potential fishing zone and weather information. An allocation of Rs.1 crore will be provided for this scheme during 2014-15. 62. Action will be taken to improve hygienic conditions in 8 fishing harbours and 20 fish landing centers with financial assistance from National Fisheries Development Board as per the standards set by the European Union for import of food items. 63. At present farmers are dependent on Universities for testing of water and soil quality for setting up of freshwater fish farms. In 2014-15, it is proposed to 20 Budget 2014 - 15 distribute water and soil quality testing kits to District Level Offices at a cost of Rs.30 lakh to make the services easily accessible. 64. As natural feed available in water ponds is not sufficient for growth of fish, it is proposed to establish a supplementary feed production unit at Bhadra Fish Seed Production Farm to facilitate scientifically prepared quality feed in pellet form at affordable prices, to promote quality and expected results in fisheries.

65. Fisheries Resource Information Management System (FRIMS) will be implemented by computerizing the major activities of the Department for providing quick and transparent services to the public. Information on beneficiary approval, auction of fishing rights in tanks and fish seed production centers will be made available online in phased manner through FRIMS.

66. The facility of tax exemption for 1.5 lakh KL diesel for use by mechanised fishing vessel will be continued.

67. Jetty expansion will be taken up at Fish Landing Centre at Tengingudi of Bhatkal Taluk in Uttar District. Budget 2014 - 15 21

68. Construction of outer harbour with break water near Madikala of Uppunda village in Kundapura taluka, Udupi district will be taken up.

69. Construction of Oceanarium at Pilikula Nisarga Dhama, Dakshina Kannada district will be taken up through public private partnership.

70. 3000 houses will be constructed for houseless fishermen under Mathyashraya scheme.

71. Total provision of Rs. 221 crore has been made for the programmes of Fisheries Department during 2014-15.


72. Following are the achievements during 2013-14

• Interest free short term agriculture loans upto Rs.2 lakh.

• Agriculture Loans from Rs.2 lakhs to Rs.3 lakhs at 1% interest.

• Short term, Medium term and Long term agricultural loans from Rs.3 lakh to Rs.10 lakh at 3% interest. A grant of Rs.650 crore for interest subsidy. 22 Budget 2014 - 15

• Disbursement of Rs. 4933 crore Agricultural loan to 11.94 lakh members upto November 2013.

• Allocation of Rs. 45 crore to Yashaswini Scheme.

• Payment of enrolment fee for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe members from Yashaswini Trust. Enrolment of 5.7 lakh Scheduled Caste and 3.14 lakh Scheduled Tribe members.

• Commencement of construction of godowns in 62 centres with capacity of 1.6 lakh metric tonne at estimated expenditure of Rs.99 crore.

73. Rs.2246 crore has been released during 2013-14 which was remaining out of the total required amount of Rs.3278 crore towards waiver of Agriculture loans upto Rs.25000 taken during 01.08.2011 to 25.07.2012 and due as on 25.07.2012 and interest thereon. With this release, 15 lakh farmers have been freed from debt.

74. Our Government is the first Government in the Country to provide interest free agriculture loans upto Rs.2 lakh. During 2014-15, the limit for interest free Budget 2014 - 15 23 short term agriculture loan will be enhanced to Rs.3 lakh. Interest rate of 3% will be continued on Agricultural loans between Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 10 lakh.

75. Rs.45 crore has been provided to enhance the coverage of highly successful “Yashaswini” Health Scheme. This scheme has been confined so far to rural areas only. For extending the scope of the scheme to urban areas, Rs.10 crore has been reserved.

76. With a view to encourage women Co-operatives, to implement ‘Priyadarshini’ scheme in order to enroll more women in Co-operatives, Rs. 1 crore share capital assistance is provided to Women Co-operative Associations.

77. A special new scheme called “Ashakiran” will be implemented for establishing exclusive Co-operative societies for physically challenged persons. For encouraging enrolment of physically challenged persons in these societies, a provision of Rs.1 crore will be made.

78. Comprehensive reforms will be implemented in matters relating to purchase of land, timely allotment of land, protection of members’ rights in House Building Co-operative Societies. Action will be taken to formulate a suitable policy in this regard. 24 Budget 2014 - 15

79. Market access of the farmers will be enhanced by implementing warehouse based sales near the farms. Facilities will be set up for access to electronic auctions at nearby regulated markets and distant National markets through e-auction system provided by NCDEX exchange centre.

80. Agricultural Marketing Reforms Policy as announced in 2013-14 Budget has been implemented to provide transparent and competitive marketing system in Agriculture Markets. A Special Purpose Vehicle has been established under Public and Private Partnership and with NCDEX Spot Exchange.

81. Action has been taken for providing facility of value based warehouse receipts in 130 warehouses and for registration of these warehouses under the WDR Act. Computerization of activities of Karnataka State Warehousing Corporation has been planned.

82. “Grahaka Maarata Angala” will be established in APMCs to facilitate direct sale of fruits and vegetables by the farmers to the consumers. Action has been initiated for necessary amendment to the Karnataka Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation and Development) Act, 1966. Budget 2014 - 15 25

83. “Kayaka Nidhi” of Rs.1 crore for the welfare of manual labourers “Hamalis” working in APMC will be established. 50 percent of the amount will be borne by the Government and the remaining 50 percent through APMC cess collection.

84. The scheme of construction of Rytha Bhavans in APMC premises through APMC resources will be encouraged.

85. A Committee of experts will be formed for formulating a comprehensive Co-operation policy for revival of Co-operative societies and for ensuring availability of loans to all sections of society without any discrimination in line with the objectives of the Co-operative sector.

86. Total provision of Rs. 666 crore has been made for the programmes of Co-operation Department during 2014-15.

Water Resources

Major Irrigation

87. Following are the achievements during 2013-14 26 Budget 2014 - 15

Completed Projects

• Creation of irrigation potential for 1.15 lakh acres (46729 hectares). Field irrigation channels created for 56,030 acres. Rejuvenation works completed in respect of 2,402 acres of saline lands. Field drains have been created for 1.66 lakh acres. • Modernisation of Visweshwaraiah canal network completed. • Detailed Project Report prepared for Yetthinahole Project. Administrative approval accorded for an estimated cost of Rs. 12916 crore, inclusive of conveyance. Retendering of the first stage works is in progress. • Land acquisition, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities, required for facilitating the increasing of the height of to 524.25 metres have been put on fast track. A High Level Committee and Action Plan Review Committees have been constituted. Process for payment of compensation as per the new Land Acquisition Act has been put on fast track. Budget 2014 - 15 27

Projects where work has been intiatied.

• Works in respect of following projects under the Upper Krishna Stage -3 have been initiated. o Muluwada Lift irrigation Project o Chimmalagi Lift irrigation Project o Lift irrigation Project o Indi Lift irrigation Project (Extension) o Narayanapura Right Bank canal o Rampura Lift irrigation Project (Extension) o Mallabad Lift irrigation Project, and, o Herakal Lift irrigation Project • Work has been initiated in 2 packages for Drip Irrigation System under the Ramthal Lift irrigation Project Proposals submitted to Government of India for financial assistance

• Project for Modernisation of the Narayanapura Left Bank Canal Network, under the Krishna BhagyaJala Nigam, at 28 Budget 2014 - 15

an estimated cost of Rs. 3752 crore. This project will facilitate 25 % increase in Water Use efficiency of Narayanapura Left Bank Canal and will create irrigation facility for 1 lakh hectares of land in the fringe areas of the canal.

• Tunga Upper Bank Project at an estimated cost of Rs. 2562 crore. Investment clearance has been obtained from Central Water Commission.

• Karanja Project with a revised estimate of Rs. 635 crore.

• Project for comprehensive water management in Gondhi Dam Canal Network, at an estimated cost of Rs. 93 crore, with funding support from Asian Development Bank.

88. It is proposed to take up following works during the year 2014-15.

• The Krishna Tribunal has announced the final award. All the points in the award have been comprehensively examined. Every action will be taken to get State’s due share of water and get justice to the State. Budget 2014 - 15 29

• Paramashivaiah Committee has given its preliminary report. The report has suggested alternate ways of harnessing water from Western Ghats. The report is under serious consideration of the Government and appropriate action will be taken at the earliest.

• Action has been taken to ensure completion of all the ongoing irrigation projects in the Water Resources Department, over the next 5 years, as envisaged. Priority will be accorded to ensure progress of Stage 3 works of Upper Krishna Project.

• The Mahadayi River Dispute Tribunal has been constituted and the members of the Tribunal have inspected the Mahadayi Basin Area in Karnataka. State will continue its just fight to obtain rightful share of water, in line with the All Party decision.

• During 2014-15, irrigation potential will be created for 1,20,000 hectares. This will be facilitated by construction of field irrigation channels in 1,00,000 hectares, field drain 30 Budget 2014 - 15

channels in 1,00,000 hectares. Land reclamation works will be taken up in 30,000 hectares of saline and alkaline lands.

• Construction of Kudalasangama – Adavihala Bridge across , Herakal bridge across and bridge in lower part of Hippargi Anicut connecting Athani to Bilagi and Jamakhandi taluka will be taken up.

• Action will be taken to implement Micro Irrigation system in selected areas in the catchment of Koppal Lift Irrigation Project under the Upper Krishna Stage 3 Project and Thungabhadra Project

• Proposal will be submitted to Government of India to consider Upper Bhadra Project as a National Project.

• Venkateshwara Lift Irrigation Project, in Jamakhandi Taluk, Kempawada (Basaveshwara) Lift Irrigation Project near Inapur, the backwaters of Hipparagi, Lift irrigation project near Sasvehalli to provide water to tanks of Kasaba Hobli of Budget 2014 - 15 31

Channagiri, Santhebennur Hobli and Shanthisagara tank (Soolekere), from and Veerabhadreswara Lift Irrigation Project to harness waters of Ghataprabha river in Belgaum District will be taken up.

• A Project will be taken up in Dharwad district to fill up the tanks with waters from Bedthi river.

• In order to facilitate more effective supervision of projects, it is proposed to implement modern Telemetry Technology in Gondhi, Bhadra, Upper Tunga Project, Singatalur Project, Tungabhadra project and Vijayanagar canals, in collaboration with Asian Development Bank. This will facilitate better measurement of flow of water in the canals and create a centralized information system.

• Work will be initiated for generation of electricity through installation of Solar Panels in the irrigation areas, on a pilot basis. 32 Budget 2014 - 15

• Following modernisation works will be taken up: Modernisation of canals in Dharma Project; Modernization of canals of Kanva Reservoir; Improvements of RBLL canal; modernization of the Upper canal of Nugu Project; Modernization of Left and Right Bank Canals of Suvarnavathi reservoir; Modernisation of Left and Right Bank Canals of Chikkahole reservoir; Modernisation of Hanagodu Canal network in Hunsur taluk; Modernisation of Ramapura Dam canals; and HRBC/HRHLC canal networks of Hemavathi reservoir.

• Lining works of Taraka Left Bank Canal, Harangi Right Bank & Left Bank Canals, and Kabini Right Bank Canal Distributory Nos. 45, 46 and 55 will be taken up.

• Improvement works will be undertaken in Visweshwaraiah Canal System II Stage, Santemaralli and Honnur canals of Kabini Right Bank canal distributory No. 42 and Bangaradoddi Anicut Canal. Budget 2014 - 15 33

• Satanur Kailanch drinking water project will be taken up. Minor Irrigation 89. Following are the achievements during 2013-14 • Of the 489 works taken up in 7 phases, 361 works have been completed. • Implementation of 128 works is in progress. • Approval of Government of India has been received for taking up 132 new works at an estimated cost of Rs. 196. crore. • Government of India’s approval is expected for taking up 135 new works at an estimated cost of Rs. 90 crore. 90. During the current year, project proposals with an estimated outlay of Rs. 400 crore will be submitted to Government of India. 91. As per the announcement made in Budget Speech of 2013-14, orders have been issued constituting the Lake Development Authority for maintenance and development of irrigation tanks in the State. Action is being taken to enact suitable legislation in this regard. 34 Budget 2014 - 15

92. Under the “Suryajyothi – Raithara Balina Paramjyothi” programme, action is being taken to adopt Solar powered pump sets, on a pilot basis to the Community lift irrigation projects under Special Component Plan and Tribal Sub Plan, through Minor Irrigation Department. It is proposed to implement this programme in Hassan, Mysore, Chickmagalur, Chitradurga, , Mandya districts and Kollegal and Yelandur taluks of Chamarajanagar district in South Karnataka and in most of the districts in North Karnataka.

93. It is essential to take up comprehensive improvements of the old tanks in the State. During 2014-15, it is proposed to take up comprehensive development of one tank in each of the Assembly Constituencies, under the ““Kere Abhivruddhi – Naadina Shreyobhivruddhi” programme.

94. It is proposed to construct series of pickups across natural rivers and streams in the districts with severe groundwater decline, such as Gadag, Bijapur, Koppal, Kolar and Chikkaballapur.

95. During 2014-15, a total allocation of Rs11349 crore is allocated to Water Resources Department. Budget 2014 - 15 35

Forest, Environment and Ecology

96. Key achievements during 2013-14 • 7.67 crore seedlings have been planted in 83572 hectares. • 2.72 crore seedlings have been distributed for planting in private lands. • Consolidation of forest lands in urban areas of and Shimoga circles has been taken up. Chain link mesh fencing and compound construction have been taken up along forest boundaries to prevent encroachment of forest lands. • Samruddha Hasiru Grama Yojane has been extended to selected 80 villages of 80 sub-divisions. • 1209 hectares of plantations have been maintained and 150 hectares of plantations have been created. • 7.20 lakh seedlings of medicinal plants have been distributed. • A GPS based wireless network has been established. 36 Budget 2014 - 15

• To prevent man-animal conflict, maintenance of 335 kms of elephant proof trenches and 426 kms of solar fence has been taken up. Rs. 7.48 crore has been distributed as compensation for human life and crop losses.

97. A wood lot has been developed in Hennur Tank area of Bangalore city by the Forest Department. During 2014-15 this area will be developed into a Botanical garden to attract public and tourists.

98. In places having high elephant population, man-elephant conflicts have increased. It is proposed to construct barricades with used railway railings, around such forest areas, at a total cost of Rs. 212 crore.

99. 50 % subsidy will be provided to the farmers for erecting solar fences to protect their crops from wild animals.

100. The compensation paid to owners in case of cattle death due to man-animal conflict will be increased from Rs. 2500-3000 to Rs. 5000-6000. Similarly in respect of crop damages, the maximum compensation paid to the affected farmers will be increased from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000. Budget 2014 - 15 37

101. Total provision of Rs. 1690 crore has been made for Forest, Environment and Ecology Department during 2014-15.

Primary Education

“«zÉå¬ÄAzÀ ¸ÀévÀAvÀægÁVj” - §æºÀä²æà £ÁgÁAiÀÄtUÀÄgÀÄ 102. Universal education is the aim of the Government. No one in the society should be deprived of education. To facilitate this, a survey is underway to determine the actual number of “out of school” children. Suitable programmes will be implemented in different stages to bring these children to the mainstream.

103. To facilitate quality learning environment, filling up of 9405 posts of Government primary school teachers, 1137 Government High School teachers and 1130 Government Pre-university lecturers will be taken up. Action will be taken to fill up vacant posts of Kannada teachers in Minority language institutions.

104. 10,000 students belonging to 9th and 11th standards from 100 selected Government Composite PU Colleges will be imparted training in IT, Retail, Automative, Health Care, Beauty and Wellness 38 Budget 2014 - 15 domains. These programmes will be implemented through participation of industry, in collaboration with National Skill Development Corporation of Government of India.

105. Education Quality Monitoring Cell will be formed for monitoring and improving the education standards in schools. A sum of Rs. 2 crore will be provided for this purpose under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan.

106. Expert Committee will be reconstituted to ensure preparation of text books to promote social harmony, moral values, personality development, scientific and rational bent of mind, secular outlook and commitment to nation.

107. Akshara Foundation has developed Akshara Ganitha kits to facilitate teaching of mathematics in simple way to enable the 4th and 5th standard students to understand mathematics. These kits will be provided to students of Government schools in Hyderabad-Karnataka area in the first phase, in collaboration with Akshara Foundation, utilizing the assistance from Hyderabad – Karnataka Development Board. Budget 2014 - 15 39

108. An outlay of Rs. 3.27 crore is earmarked to provide minimum basic infrastructure to the needy Government Pre-University Colleges. 109. 178 Government High Schools will be set up in needy places, under the Rashtriya Maadhyamika Shiksha Abhiyaan. 110. DIES reports from 2009-10 to 2012-13 indicate a significant decline in the number of children progressing from 7th to 10th Standard. To mitigate this, it is proposed to take up programmes of academic counselling, career counselling, guidance and personal counselling to the children and guidance to their parents, under the Rashtriya Maadhyamika Shiksha Abhiyaan. An allocation of Rs. 1.27 crore will be provided. 111. Our Government will set up Gnana Kendras, initially in 250 Grama Panchayats in Hyderabad – Karnataka area, by constructing Library Buidlings under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme and with the assistance of Hyderabad – Karnataka Area Development Board. 112. It is proposed to set up Model Schools with Library, Science Laboratory and Computer education facilities, in all the Grama Panchayats to enable 40 Budget 2014 - 15 children from neighbouring schools to access these facilities. In the first phase, 100 Government Primary Schools in 100 Grama Panchayats of Hyderabad – Karnataka area will be upgraded as Model Primary Schools, with assistance of Hyderabad – Karnataka Area Development Board.

113. In order to enhance the quality of computer and computer aided education and for better monitoring of the projects, online system will be introduced from school to office level. This programme will be implemented under Information Communication Technology (ICT) Scheme.

114. Total provision of Rs. 17425 crore has been made for Primary and Secondary Education Department during 2014-15.

Higher Education

115. To promote development of human resources in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and other cutting edge technology areas, it is proposed to establish two Advanced Research Centres. An Advanced Research Centre will be set up in Bangalore utilizing funds of Visweshwaraiah Technical University and another will be set up at Udupi, under Budget 2014 - 15 41

Mangalore University, using the funds under Rashtriya Uchchatara Shikshana Abhiyana (RUSA).

116. Rashtriya Uchchatara Shikshana Abhiyana (RUSA) provides for recruitment of faculty members in Universities and Colleges. To begin with, 50 scientists and 50 teachers in 50 subjects will be recruited under the “Welcome Home” scheme for eminent research scholars and teachers of Indian Origin in foreign countries.

117. Best Teacher/Researcher awards will be instituted under the Rashtriya Uchchatara Shikshana Abhiyana (RUSA). Under this programme, 30 teachers will receive Rs. 50000/- each and 30 Researchers will receive Rs.100000/- each.

118. Deterioration in distance education will be prevented in co-ordination with International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore and Karnataka Virtual University will be established for providing immense benefit to the students in the system of formal, and informal education.

119. It is proposed to construct Maharani Commerce and MBA College along with Hostel facilities in a vacant site available at Paduvarahalli, Mysore. 42 Budget 2014 - 15

Similarly, an additional hostel is proposed to be constructed in the Nanjaraja Bahadur Choultry premises in Mysore.

120. A world class Centre of Excellence for Skill Development will be set up in Dandeli, Uttara Kannada, with the assistance of Visweshwaraiah Technical University.

121. It is proposed to set up a Central University at , Uttara Kannada, with funding support from Rashtriya Uchchatara Shikshana Abhiyana (RUSA).

122. To promote science education, it is proposed to upgrade 30 Science Colleges as Model Science Colleges in a phased manner at a cost of Rs. 2 crore each.

123. A new programme will be implemented, with the assistance of Hyderabad Karnataka Area Development Board, to promote participation of economically backward students of Hyderabad – Karnataka area.

124. Our Government will set up Karnataka Science and Innovation Foundation to encourage research, new concepts and path breaking technologies, Science and Technology courses in all the Universities and Colleges involved in teaching science and technology. Government will provide Rs 1 core for this purpose. Budget 2014 - 15 43

125. To promote participation of girls in higher education, the tuition fees and the laboratory fees paid by girl students in all the aided colleges will be waived. The Government will directly reimburse the amount on this account to the aided colleges. This scheme will benefit about 1.15 lakh girl students.

126. For publishing on the net the literary works of Maharshi Vemana through the ‘Vemana Peetha’ working in Karnataka University, and for taking up various programmes Rs. 1 crore will be provided.

127. For making available to the public comprehensive vachana literature of Basaveswara and other sharanas through Basaveswara Peetha, Karnataka University Rs.1 crore will be provided.

128. Total provision of Rs. 3880 crore has been made for Higher Education Department during 2014-15.

Health and Family Welfare

“DgÉÆÃUÀåªÉà ¨sÁUÀå” -£ÁtÄßr 129. A healthy man is an asset to the Society. Guarding the health of common man is the responsibility of the Government. 44 Budget 2014 - 15

130. Following are the achievements during 2013-14

• Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) reduced from 41 to 32 for every 1000 live births. Karnataka stands 6th in the Country.

• Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) reduced from 178 to 144 for every 1 lakh live births.

• Total Fertility Rate (TFR) has reduced from 2.07 to 1.9, which is less than the target limit of 2.1 set up by Government of India.

• Institutional Deliveries improved from 65 % to 98.1 %.

• Full immunization improved from 80 % to 100 %.

• Administration of Vitamin-A improved from 69 % to 92 %.

• Rajiv Aarogya Bhagya launched.

• Free supply of sanitary napkins to maintain menstrual hygiene.

• Establishment of Indian Institute of Public Health in Bangalore. Budget 2014 - 15 45

• Generic Drug Stores have been established.

• Incentives enhanced by the State Government to asha workers.

• Dialysis Centres established in one taluka hospital in each District.

• Rehabilitation programme launched for improving the health of endosulfan affected people in Coastal area of the State.

• Ayush Units established in general hospital in one taluka of each district of the State.

• Community Mental Health Centres set up in all the District Centres.

131. During 2013-14 Yoga training has been provided to 10,000 school teachers from 108 taluks of the State. These teachers are imparting Yoga training to school children to improve their physical and mental health.

132. Adoption of Testing software for Drug Testing Laboratories is in progress. The software has been implemented on a pilot basis in Drug Testing Laboratory at Bangalore. 46 Budget 2014 - 15

133. Bangalore Drug Testing Laboratory has obtained accreditation as per the norms of the National Accreditation Board for Laboratories. Action will be taken to obtain accreditation for the Regional Drug Testing Laboratories at and Bellary.

134. An amount of Rs. 5 crore will be provided to create basic infrastructure for effective implementation of Food Safety and Standards Act 2006.

135. State’s Oral Health Policy will be annouced. It is proposed to provide free dentures to senior citizens above 60 years belonging to BPL Category. Rs. 2 crore will be provided for this purpose.

136.Under “Mukhyamanthrigala Santhwana Yojane” compensation amount of Rs. 25000/- will be given through Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust, to road accident victims admitted to identified hospitals within the “Golden Hour”. Rs. 5 crore will be provided.

137. By relaxing the existing norms of two child limit and minimum age restriction of 19 years ‘Prasuti Aaraike and Madilu Kit programme’ will be extended to all the beneficiaries, in Bidar, Gulbarga, Koppal, , Yadgiri, Bellary, Bijapur, Bagalkote, Gadag and Chamarajnagar. Rs. 52 crore will be provided for this programme in 2014-15. Budget 2014 - 15 47

138. A new programme “Aaspathre Nairmalya” will be launched to encourage cleanliness of Government Hospitals.

139. AYUSH Department has developed energy biscuits aimed at preventing malnutrition in children. Government will examine the providing these biscuits as part of supplementary nutrition programme under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) to children in the backward districts of Kolar, Bagalkote, Bellary and Gulbarga.

140. In recent times, rare diseases such as Haemophilia, Thalassaemia, Sickle-cell Anaemia and Primary Immuno Deficiency are becoming common place. A Special Unit will be set up in Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore on experimental basis to provide medicines and treatment to patients suffering from these diseases.

Medical Education

141. To provide quality treatment to patients suffering from critical fatal diseases, it is proposed to set up three 250 bed Super Specialty Hospitals in the Revenue Regional headquarters at Mysore, Belgaum and Gulbarga. Rs. 6 crore will be provided during 2014-15 for this purpose. 48 Budget 2014 - 15

142. The policy of the Government is to provide one Government Medical College in every district of the State in a phased manner. As part of this, it is proposed to set up 6 new Medical Colleges in Tumkur, Chitradurga, Chikkaballapur, Bagalakot, Haveri and Yadgiri districts during 2014-15, in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi Health Sciences University. 143. VIMS, Bellary and KIMS, Hubli will be upgraded at a total capital cost of Rs. 150 crore each under the Central Sponsored Scheme of ‘Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana’ (PMSSY). Government of India will provide Rs. 120 crore as its share towards such capital expenditure. 144. Proposals have been submitted to Government of India for establishment of Tertiary Care Cancer Centres at Institute of Medical Sciences in Mandya and Gulbarga and approval is awaited. 145. Proposal has been submitted to Government of India for an assistance of Rs. 120 crore towards upgrading infrastructure of the Kidwai Memorial Cancer Institute and for according status of State Level Institute.

146. Total provision of Rs 6023 crore has been made for Health, Family Welfare and Medical Education Department during 2014-15. Budget 2014 - 15 49

Women and Child Development

ªÀÄ£É ªÀÄ£ÉAiÀÄ°è ¢Ã¥À ªÀÄÄr¹ ºÉÆvÀÄÛ ºÉÆwÛUÉ C£Àß Gt¹ vÀAzÉ - ªÀÄUÀĪÀ vÀ©âzÁPÉ ¤£ÀUÉ ¨ÉÃgÉ ºÉ¸ÀgÀÄ ¨ÉÃPÉ? ¹Ûçà JAzÀgÉ CµÉÖà ¸ÁPÉ. - f.J¸ï. ²ªÀgÀÄzÀæ¥Àà 147. Woman is the personification of love and affection. Welfare and protection of women is guiding principle of our Government. 148. In respect of loans provided to the women and women SHGs and institutions through Women Development Corporation, the unpaid principal and interest as of 31st March, 2013, will be paid. 149. The monthly honorarium of anganwadi worker and assistants will be enhanced by Rs. 500 and Rs. 250 respectively. 150. Special Treatment Units for Women will be set up to provide facilities of medical treatment and assistance, police assistance, legal assistance and consultation, under a single roof, to atrocity victims. Totally 35 such units will be set up, one each in 30 district hospitals of the State and in Bowring and 50 Budget 2014 - 15

Lady Curzon Hospital, KC General Hospital, Bangalore Medical College, NIMHANS and Jayadeva Hospital in Bangalore. 151. General Gram Sabhas are being conducted in all the Gram Panchayats of the State. Government will facilitate holding of Special Gram Sabhas to facilitate women to get their facilities and also to select suitable women beneficiaries under scheme of various development departments. 152. It is proposed to establish Sanitary Napkin Manufacturing units through Sthri Shakthi Groups/ Federations in 50 Taluks. A total allocation of Rs. 3 crore will be provided to meet the annual recurring expenditure of Rs. 6 lakh per unit. 153. Orphan and destitute children undergoing long term rehabilitation in Government child homes under the Juvenile Justice Act, will be provided with insurance to provide livelihood security. An allocation of Rs. 2.5 crore will be provided for this purpose. 154. During 2014-15, Sneha Shivira scheme will be implemented at a total cost of Rs. 4.23 crore, with State and Central sharing of 25:75 ratio,in the High Burden Districts (HBD) districts of Gulbarga, Kolar, Budget 2014 - 15 51

Bellary and Bagalkote. Under this programme, 12-day residential training programmes will be conducted in clusters of 4-5 anganwadi centres, for mothers and care givers of moderate to severely malnourished children, to impart skills in preparation of cost effective nutritious food, feeding practices and health and hygiene.

155. During 2014-15, multi-sector nutrition programme will be undertaken to address maternal and child under-nutrition in the four High Burden Districts (HBD) districts of Gulbarga, Kolar, Bellary and Bagalkote, at a total cost of Rs. 1.55 crore shared by the Central and State Governments in the ratio 75:25.

156. ‘Niramaya’ a health insurance scheme for the children belonging to BPL families and suffering from Autism, Cerebral Palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities, has been launched as per the requirement of National Trust Act, 1999. The scheme provides the beneficiaries with medical insurance coverage upto Rs.1 lakh per year based on one time payment of Rs. 250/- as premium. It is proposed to bring cover 45000 beneficiaries under this scheme at an estimated outlay of Rs. 1.12 crore. 52 Budget 2014 - 15

157. A monthly unemployment allowance of Rs. 1000/- will be provided to 5000 differently abled, unemployed persons who have studied beyond 10th Standard. An outlay of Rs. 2.16 crore is provided for this purpose.

158. An allocation of Rs. 4 crore is set aside for purchase of ‘talking laptops’ to facilitate latest technology and software enabled higher learning for visually challenged students.

159. Persons in the age group of 20-60 years, with severe physical disabilities and hailing from families with income less than Rs. 2 lakhs per annum will be provided motorized two wheelers. To provide this ‘once in a life time benefit’ to the eligible persons, an allocation of Rs. 7 crore is provided during 2014-15.

160. The annual grant amount to the day care centres for senior citizens will be enhanced from Rs. 4.15 lakhs to Rs. 11.20 lakhs. This scheme will be extended to another 10 districts. An allocation of Rs. 1.40 crore is provided during 2014-15 for this purpose.

161. 2 day care centres are functioning in urban areas for taking care of children above 3 years age, suffering from cerebral palsy, autism, mental Budget 2014 - 15 53 retardation and severe multiple disabilities. It is proposed to increase the monthly maintenance allowance in respect of these children from Rs. 2500/- to Rs. 10,000/-. An allocation of Rs. 50 lakhs is earmarked for this purpose. 162. Grants to the Special schools under Disabled Child Centric Education Programme will be doubled. An allocation of Rs. 17.87 crore will be provided for this purpose. 163. Currently an assistance of Rs. 35,000/- is being provided to disabled persons for undergoing surgeries to reduce or completely treat the disabilities. This will be enhanced to Rs. 1.00 lakh to cover hospitalization, treatment, medicine and other costs in addition to cost of surgery Rs.1 crore will be earmarked for this purpose. 164. Scholarship amount being given to students with disabilities will be doubled to incentivize them to continue the education and to bring them into main stream. An amount of Rs. 2.6 crore is provided for this purpose. 165. During 2014-15, a total allocation of Rs. 3671 crore is earmarked for Women and Child Development Department. 54 Budget 2014 - 15

Social Welfare

GvÀÛªÀÄ, ªÀÄzsÀåªÀÄ, PÀ¤µÀתÉAzÀÄ §AzÀ dAUÀªÀÄ JAzÉ£ÁzÉÆqÉ £ÉÆAzÉ£ÀAiÀiÁå, ¨ÉAzÉ£ÀAiÀiÁå, J£Àß QZÀÄÑ J£Àß ¸ÀÄnÖvÀÄÛ PÀÆqÀ® ¸ÀAUÀªÀÄzÉêÁ - §¸ÀªÀtÚ 166. In Karnataka many saints and social reformers have strived for establishment of society with equality. Following the path of their aspirations, our Government is striving to establish a society with equality.

167. The Karnataka Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan and Tribal Sub-Plan (Planning, Allocation and Utilization of Financial Resources) Act, 2013, is implemented. For the first time in the State, on the basis of 2011 Census, out of the plan allocation, to be met out of State’s internal resources, 17.15 % and 6.95 % have been reserved for SC and ST category respectively. Rs. 15,834 crore has been provided in the 2014-15 budget.

168. During 2014-15, 100 new residential schools will be set up at Hobli level, to impart quality education Budget 2014 - 15 55 to poor and meritorious SC/ST students. This will benefit 25000 students.

169. In view of growing demand for Post Matric Hostels, 100 new Post Matric hostels will be opened in Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore, Davanagere, Dharwad, Belgaum, Gulbarga and other education centres. Out of these hostels, one post-graduate hostel each for men and women students will be established at head quarters of five universities. From this facility 10000 students will be benefited.

170. Monthly boarding expenses for students residing in Government Ashrama School and Primary Residential Schools will be enhanced from Rs. 700/- to Rs. 800/- in the case of pre-matric students and from Rs. 900/- to Rs. 1000/- in the case of post-matric students. In the case of students residing in Morarji Desai Residential Schools, Rani Chennamma Residential school, Pre-university college hostels, the assistance will be enhanced from Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 1100/-.

171. Monthly food charges given to students in Grant-in-aid Pre-Matric and Post-Matric hostels will be enhanced from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 700/- and Rs. 600/- to Rs. 800/- respectively. 56 Budget 2014 - 15

172. “Vidya Siri”, one of the ambitious schemes of the Government will be also extended to post-graduate students belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes.

173. Students belonging to SC/ST category and pursuing Engineering, Medical, Journalism courses and Doctoral studies will be provided free laptops, under the SCP/TSP by the respective Departments.

174. Incentive given to the inter-caste marriage of SC girls will be enhanced from Rs. 50000/- to Rs.1 lakh.

175. The limit on the subsidy amount towards the loans advanced by the SC/ST Corporations will be enhanced from Rs.1 lakh to a maximum of Rs.2 lakhs, to enable more beneficiaries to avail credit facilities from banks.

176.The unit cost towards purchase and distribution of land to landless agricultural labourers under the ‘land ownership’ scheme will be enhanced from Rs. 7.5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs.

177. Action will be taken for rehabilitation and to provide alternate employment to identified manual scavengers in the State. Budget 2014 - 15 57

178. A grant of Rs. 75 crore will be provided for the comprehensive development of historic Bahaddur Bandi Kshethra belonging to Banjara Community, in Koppal.

179. Rs.1 crore will be provided for constructing a building in memory of Dalita Horatagara Late B. Krishanppa at Harihara.

180. Rs.1 crore will be provided for development of memorial of Dalit reformer Sri Kudmal Rangarao in Mangalore.

181. Construction of Community Bhavans including office complexes having Regional Offices of Thanda Development Corporation and community will be taken up at Mysore, Tumkur, Koppal, Dharwad and Raichur cities.

182. Special schemes will be formulated for identification and development of nomadic and seminomadic people SC/ST community. An allocation of Rs. 30 crore is earmarked for this purpose.

183. To overcome the unemployment problem in SC/ST community people and to encourage their participation in trade and business activities, guidelines will be formulated for specified preference 58 Budget 2014 - 15 to them in Government works upto Rs. 50 lakh and supplies upto Rs.5 lakh.

184. Financial assistance will be provided to the Educational Institutions run by religious and other organisations belonging to SC/ST category, for construction of school and hostel buildings and community bhavans.

185. About 164 acres of land in Beggar’s Relief Centre in Main Road, Bangalore will be developed as a park through BBMP at a cost of Rs. 10 crore.

186. 14 Beggar’s Relief Centres set up under Beggars Rehabilitation Scheme, will be comprehensively developed at a cost of Rs. 10 crore.

187. In 37 Talukas with higher population of ST, offices of ST Welfare Department will be set up.

188. Rs. 1 crore will be provided to set up Study Centre of Lower Strata Communities in the National Law School, to study and recommend solutions for bringing the SC/ST, Backward Classes and nomadic communities belonging to the lower strata of the society into the main stream. Budget 2014 - 15 59

189. A total of Rs. 4231 crore is provided to the Social Welfare Department for the year 2014-15.

Backward Classes Development

190. Construction of Devaraja Urs Bhavans will be taken up at 7 district head quarters and 50 taluk head quarters.

191. Construction of Devaraja Urs Bhavan will be taken up in Hunsur town of Mysore District at a cost of Rs.5 crore

192. Rs.35 crore will be provided for ensuring availability of basic facilities such as Cots, Solar Water Heater, Steam Cooking, Library, Computers, etc., in hostels and to provide jamakhana and blankets to all students in post-matric hostels once in three years.

193. 8 post graduate hostels, 4 each for men and women, will be established at head quarters of the universities.

194. Assistance will be given to 2000 candidates for taking coaching for competitive examinations like IAS, KAS, Bank Services, etc.,

195. Rs.50 crore will be provided for overall development of Golla community and other nomadic/ semi-nomadic tribes. 60 Budget 2014 - 15

196. As per present rules, if there is any shortage of candidates belonging to Backward Classes for recruitment to State Government Services, the posts may be carried forward upto 3 calendar years. The Government will examine carry forward of such posts upto 3 recruitments or a maximum of 5 calendar years, whichever is earlier.

197. ‘Vidyasiri’ boarding and lodging scheme will be extended to 50 thousand students in post matric hostels and Ph.D. students who are unable to get admission in hostels. Rs. 75 crore will be provided for this purpose.

198. Post matric students securing marks above the prescribed level will be encouraged through reimbursement of all prescribed fees payable in the colleges for their subsequent studies.

199. State Government’s Pre-metric scholarship rates will be enhanced to be on par with Government of India rates.

200. Co-operation Act will be amended to provide for reservation to Backward Classes in Co-operative Institutions.

201. Rs. 75 crore was provided to religious associations and institutions of Backward Classes for Budget 2014 - 15 61 construction of community halls and student hostel buildings during 2013-14. This amount will be enhanced to Rs. 100 crore in the current year.

202. A capital grant of Rs. 30 crore will be provided to Sri D. Devaraj Urs Backward Classes Development Corporation during 2014-15. The following programmes will be undertaken out of this.

• Loan assistance upto Rs.2 lakh at 2% interest will be provided for upgradation of skills of the traditional artisans belonging to Dhobi and Savitha Samaja and Thigala communities and for procurement of modern equipment.

• Action will be taken to develop Dhobi Ghats of Madiwala Community.

• Subsidy and loan assistance will be provided to fund unit cost of Rs.1 lakh for sheep and goat rearing to improve the economic status of backward classes which have adopted sheep/goat rearing as their main profession.

• Clusters having large number of kumbaras and artisans in pottery related activity will 62 Budget 2014 - 15

be identified and facilities will be provided for production of artistic pottery products and for improving skills of the people of Kumbara Community.

• Subsidy assistance of Rs.10000/- and loan assistance of Rs.1.1 lakh will be provided to fund unit cost of Rs.1.2 lakhs for taking up dairy activity by backward classes.

• Loans will be provided at 2% interest for construction of shops with expenditure of Rs.1.5 lakh per shop for providing marketing facilities and setting up marketing network in Grama Panchayath and Town Panchayath areas for products of traditional artisans.

• Action will be taken for repayment of installments of loan obtained from National Corporations as per State Governments loan waiver policy.

• Financial facility will be provided for the rehabilitation of arrack vendors who lost their employment due to abolition of arrack.

• Financial assistance will be provided to improve professional skills in Blacksmithy, Budget 2014 - 15 63

Carpentry, Goldsmithy and Stonecarving by persons belonging to Vishwakarma Community and to enhance their standard of living.

• Financial assistance will be provided to Uppara community for development of their traditional skills and for taking up other professions and employment.

• Financial assistance will be provided for development of the precincts of peepal tree where Sangolli Rayanna attained martyrdom and his tomb to convert it as a tourist place by the Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna Pratishtana.

203. A total allocation of Rs. 1445 crore is provided to Backward Classes Department during the year 2014-15.

Minorities Welfare, Haj And Wakf

“C®à¸ÀASÁåvÀgÀ£ÀÄß ºÉÃUÉ £ÀqɹPÉƼÀÄîwÛzÉ JA§ÄzÀgÀ ªÉÄÃ¯É D ¸ÀªÀiÁdzÀ £ÁUÀjPÀvÉAiÀÄ£ÀÄß C¼ÉAiÀħºÀÄzÀÄ” - ªÀĺÁvÁä UÁA¢üÃf 204. Our Government is for empowerment of religious minorities such as Muslims, Christians, 64 Budget 2014 - 15

Jains, Buddhists, Sikhs and Parsis. An amount of Rs. 110 crore has been provided for this purpose.

205. District Minority Welfare Offices are working in 23 districts. In remaining seven districts similar offices will be established.

206. Boarding expenses in Morarji Desai Residential Schools and minority hostels will be enhanced from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1100. In pre-matric hostels, the boarding expenses will be enhanced from Rs. 900 to Rs. 1000.

207. Food expenses in grant in aid hostels meant for the minorities will be enhanced from Rs.600 to Rs.750 per month. The annual family income limit will be enhanced from Rs.15000 to Rs.1 lakh for seeking admission in such hostels.

208. Assistance provided to the children in the orphanages and destitute homes run by minority non-governmental organizations will be enhanced from Rs. 350 to Rs.500 per month. The annual family income limit will be enhanced from Rs.11000 to Rs.30000.

209. An amount of Rs. 1.5 crore will be provided for providing e-Learning and teaching aids, and computers to 100 minority schools. Budget 2014 - 15 65

210. Coaching will be provided to the minority students in prestigious coaching institutes for appearing in IAS/KAS examinations. It is also proposed to provide coaching for police recruitment and common entrance test.

211. Construction of 70 hostel buildings has been taken up under the Special Development Programme. 50 new post-matric hostels with a strength of 60 students will be started.

212. An amount of Rs.24.65 crore will be provided for purchase of sites, construction of own building, additional works and repairs to the 30 Hostels being run in rented Buildings.

213. An amount of Rs.6.2 crore will be provided to create basic infrastructure facilities and to modernize 124 Minorities Hostels.

214. 3 new Morarji Desai Residential Schools and 2 P.U. Colleges will be started for the benefit of Minority students. Rs.6 crore has been provided for this purpose. An amount of Rs.36.82 crore will be provided for building construction, creation of basic infrastructure facilities and modernization of Morarji Desai Residential Schools running in rented buildings. 66 Budget 2014 - 15

215. An amount of Rs. 75 crore will be earmarked for implementation of Swavalambana Subsidy Loan Scheme, Shrama Shakthi Scheme, Micro Loan Scheme and Ganga Kalyana Scheme of Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation.

216. For preventing illegal encroachment of lands belonging to masjids, dargas, idgas and khabarsthans out of total 33000 Wakf properties in the State, an amount of Rs.10 crore will be provided for construction of compound walls and erection of fences.

217. An amount of Rs.125 crore will be provided under Christian Development Scheme for Repairs and Renovation of Churches, Community Halls, Skill development, incentives to students, orphanages, old age homes, and other activities.

218. It is proposed to set up Model residential schools on the lines of Kendriya Navodaya Vidyalayas in all the Districts, under the aegis of the Department of Minorities. In the first phase, two Model Residential Schools will be established in two districts. Rs.5 crore will be provided in this year for this new scheme.

219. Training will be given and basic facilities will be provided for skill development and employment opportunities for women belonging to minority Budget 2014 - 15 67 communities at Taluka level. Rs. 2 crore will be provided for this new scheme.

220. Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan Study and Research Centre will be established as a model centre for research in and for conducting evaluation of departmental programmes.

221. Additional grant of Rs. 17 crore will be provided during 2014-15 for completion of Haj Ghar being constructed by the Government at Tirumenahalli in Bangalore.

222. Action will be taken for construction of Haj Bhavans at Gulbarga and Mangalore.

223. During 2014-15, an allocation of Rs. 800 crore is provided to Department of Minorities Welfare, Haj and Wakf.


224. Following are the achievements in Housing sector during 2013-14.

• Completion of construction of 2.5 lakh houses till the end of January by Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited and distribution of 8833 sites. 68 Budget 2014 - 15

• Opening of bank accounts of beneficiaries at State level and direct release of amount to the bank account of beneficiaries based upon GPS based monitoring of the progress.

• SMS based communication to provide information about approval, progress and release of funds to beneficiaries.

• Under Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP) construction of 17237 houses with basic infrastructure at a cost of Rs. 411 crore in 135 slums of 32 cities/towns is under progress. Completion of 16494 houses till end of January. Expenditure of Rs.348 crore.

• Under Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP) construction of 24508 houses with basic infrastructure at a cost of Rs.728 crore in 125 slums coming under Bangalore and Mysore cities under progress. Completion of 20396 houses till end of January. Expenditure of Rs. 546.95 crore.

225. Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited has been awarded Gold Medal in Budget 2014 - 15 69 e-Governance for the year 2013-14 by the Central Government for “GPS Mobile Based Housing Monitoring and Fund Transfer System”. 226. A new policy to purchase land required for residential sites in rural and urban areas will be implemented. 227. During 2014-15, a target of constructing 10,000 houses for persons of special categories like leprosy cured, HIV affected, Devadasis, Nomadic tribes, people affected by communal riots, strikes and atrocities, freed bonded labourers, widows etc has been set. 228. Government had provided loan of Rs.1498 crore to 10.84 lakh beneficiaries under Ashraya Scheme. After introduction of “Nanna Mane Nanna Swatthu Scheme” so far, loan of Rs. 39 crore has been recovered. Principal amount of Rs.1458 crore and interestof Rs.1030 crore is still due. It is proposed to waive such loan and interest. This will benefit 10.84 lakh beneficiaries. 229. During 2014-15, it is targeted to distribute 20000 sites to rural and urban site-less people. A target of constructing 3 lakh houses has been set under various Housing schemes in this year. 70 Budget 2014 - 15

230. A total amount of Rs.230 crore including principal amount (Rs.153 crore) and interest (Rs.77 crore) payable by beneficiaries relating to 57,801 houses constructed under HUDCO and VAMBAY schemes between 1983 to 2005 by Karnataka Slum Clearance Board is due. The beneficiaries under HUDCO and VAMBAY housing schemes are slum dwellers belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minority Communities. These very poor people are unable to pay loan installments. Therefore, it is proposed to waive off this balance amount. By this, 57,801 families living in various slums in the State will be benefited.

231. During the year 2014-15, Karnataka Housing Board proposes to acquire 10,750 acres of land through land acquisition / purchase in 14 districts of the State. It is proposed to develop about 1.7 lakh properties in such land.

232. During 2014-15, Rs. 2457 crore is provided to Housing Department.

Labour, Employment & Training

233. The Department of Employment & Training has a target of providing Skill Training under various vocations to about 6.1 lakh persons in the coming Budget 2014 - 15 71 year. The achievements of the department in 2013-14 are as follows.

• Government order issued for establishment of 100 ITIs in backward taluks. Process of identification of suitable locations is under progress.

• Setting up of Sir M. Vishweswaraiah National Master Trainers’ Training Institute at Muddenahalli in Chikkaballapur District.

• Steps taken for establishment of 4 Skill Development Centres in Chamarajnagar district at a cost of Rs.7.63 crore in association with Karnataka Construction and Other Workers Welfare Board.

• Construction of building of 22 Government ITIs under NABARD scheme is under progress. Construction of buildings of 10 ITIs completed.

• Skill training to 59825 trainees under Central Government Scheme of Modular Employability Skills Training Programme.

234. It is proposed to start “Satellite and Advanced Media Education (SAME)” Programme under World 72 Budget 2014 - 15

Bank Vocational Training Improvement Scheme in 60 ITIs of the state.

235. 4 New ESI Hospitals will be opened in the state.

236. It is proposed to provide Vocational Training in trades like Plumbing, Hospitality, Tourism and such new areas.

237. Karnataka German Multi Skill Development Centres will be opened at Mangalore, Hubli and Belgaum under 2nd Stage.

238. It is proposed to set up Wind and Solar Energy Vocational Units in Gadag, Chitradurga and Belgaum. It is proposed to provide training to 1000 candidates in these 3 Centres.

239. Construction of own buildings and additional buildings necessary for 55 Government ITIs will be taken up at a cost of Rs.28 crore

240. It is proposed to establish one Digital Library in each of 158 Government ITIs to get new information necessary for training in such government ITIs. For this, grant of Rs.14.65 crore will be provided.

241. To encourage workers and industries, it is proposed to introduce ‘Chief Minister’s Shram Shakti Award’ in the state. Budget 2014 - 15 73

242. In collaboration with GIZ-Germany, 17 Social Security schemes are being implemented for unorganized workers in 10 taluks of 5 districts on pilot basis from 2009 to 31.3.2014, through single window system of ‘Karmika Seva Soulabhya Kendras’. It is proposed to extend this scheme to one taluk each in all 30 districts and establish 30 centres. For this, Rs.7 crore will be provided during this year.

243. Total provision of Rs 730 crore has been made for Labour, Employment, Training during 2014-15.

Kannada and Culture

244. Banavasi Development Authority will be set up for taking up comprehensive development of Banavasi, capital of Kadamba Kingdom, the first independent state of Kannadigas.

245. Rs.1 crore will be provided for development of Science Park and memorial of Dr. H.Narasimhaiah in Dr. H. N. High School premises in of Gowribidanur Taluk and Rs. 1 crore will be provided for development of martyr freedom fighters memorial building in Vidhurashwatha.

246. To bring solace in the last days of inmates of old age homes, cultural programmes like Kavya 74 Budget 2014 - 15

Vaachana, Gamaka, Harikathe, Classical Music, Janapada Ranga Roopaka etc., will be organized at a cost of Rs.1.5 crore.

247. A grant of Rs.5 crore will be provided for construction of memorial building and to organize cultural activities on the occasion of celebration of centenary of Kannada Sahitya Parishath.

248. A grant of Rs.2 crore will be provided to Women’s Associations and Self Help Groups to identify and exhibit cultural and artistic talent in women and children of the State.

249. To encourage literary interest in people, a grant of Rs.1 crore is provided to open book stalls at all district Rangamandira/Cultural Complexes to make available all publications of the department and academies under one roof.

250. Drama competitions will be organized at inter college level to encourage theatre art among students through professional theatre groups, associations and organizers at a cost of Rs.3 crore.

251. Rs.1 crore is provided for making documentaries of cultural heritage of music, dance, drama, literature, folk arts, yakshagana, sculpture etc., for preserving them for future generations. Budget 2014 - 15 75

252.The following programmes will be implemented th out of 13 Finance Commission grant of Rs. 50 crore.

• Modern technology like GIS mapping, documentation, 3D filming will be adopted to preserve and prevent encroachment of monuments and heritage buildings.

• Documentation and evaluation work of 14 cities declared as heritage centres for their development.

• Preparation of inventory of undeclared and unprotected monuments, documentation of unprotected monuments and their periodic preservation.

253. “Prachya Pragne” Programme will be organized to create awareness among students about the rich historic monuments as also tangible and intangible heritage wealth of Karnataka at an estimated cost of Rs.50 lakh.

254. A Kala Bhavan with modern facilities will be constructed in Arkavathy layout of Bangalore City to encourage Kannada, art and culture.

255. An allocation of Rs.1 crore will be provided to National Saint Poet Kanakadasa Study and Research 76 Budget 2014 - 15

Centre, to translate the 4 literary works and entire Keerthanas of Kanakadasa into 15 languages including English.

256. Financial assistance of Rs.1 crore will be provided to Maha Bodhi Sangha to support its Kannada Tipitaka Granthamale Project.

257. Mandya district is completing 75 years of its formation. Rs.2 crore will be provided for organizing Platinum Jubilee celebration to commemorate the services of Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar who was responsible for development of the district.

258. A grant of Rs. 1 crore will be provided for development of Mylar Mallanna Kshetra in Bhalki Taluk.

259. Total provision of Rs 295 crore has been made for Kannada and Culture Department during 2014-15.

Sports and Youth services

260. Youth Empowerment and Sports Department will be reorganized and strengthened. Our Government has already formulated new Youth Empowerment programmes as a part of implementation of Karnataka Youth Policy. For Budget 2014 - 15 77 implementation of these programmes during the year 2014-15, Rs 8.26 crore will be provided.

261. Yuva Shakthi Kendras will be established in every district at a cost of Rs.15 Lakh as a part of Youth Policy to facilitate youth to gather under one roof and to participate in physical fitness and sports activities.

262. Karnataka State Sports Policy will be formulated in the year 2014-15 to supplement overall development of sports in the State.

263. It is decided to award Rs. 1 crore for winners of gold medal, Rs. 50 lakh for silver medal winners and Rs. 25 lakh for bronze medal winners in Olympic Games, and similarly Rs. 25 lakh, Rs. 15 lakh and Rs. 8 lakh respectively to sportsmen participating and winning events in World Championship Games, Asian and Commonwealth Games. Similarly, Rs. 2 lakh, Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 50,000 respectively will be awarded to sportsmen participating and winning in national sports meets. This would encourage our sports persons to excel and bring fame to the State and the country.

264. With an intention to encourage indigenous rural sports, a total of Rs. 2.64 crore will be provided 78 Budget 2014 - 15 at Rs. 1.5 lakh per taluk for organizing a new programme called as ‘Grameena Kreedotsava’.

265. Monthly pension paid to former wrestlers will be enhanced from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 3,000.

266. 1500 international, national and State-level former sport-persons in the State are getting monthly honorarium of Rs.1500, Rs.1000 and Rs.750 respectively. It is proposed to enhance this monthly honorarium to Rs. 2000, Rs.1500 and Rs.1000.

267. A grant of Rs.2 Lakh each for restoration of 25 old garadi-mane and Rs. 5 Lakh each for construction of new garadi-mane will be provided.

268. On the lines of the Sports Authority of India, the daily diet allowance for sportspersons undergoing training in sports schools will be enhanced by Rs.50/- per day per sports person and Rs.150/- will be paid to junior sports persons and Rs.175/- to senior sportspersons.

269. During 2014-15 Shree Kanteerava Stadium at Bangalore will be upgraded.

270. An allocation of Rs. 2 crore will be provided for upgradation of basic infrastructure of Jakkur Flying School and for purchase of a new aircraft. Budget 2014 - 15 79

271.Total provision of Rs. 142 crore has been made for Youth Empowerment and Sports Department during 2014-15.

Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs

“£Ár£À DºÁgÀ ¸ÀA¥ÀvÀÄÛ GvÁࢸÀĪÀ d£ÀvÉ ºÀ¹«¤AzÀ £ÀgÀ¼À¨ÉÃPÁV®è” - qÁ.©.Dgï. CA¨ÉÃqÀÌgï 272. With the support of the NCDEX, a cell will be set up in the State Food and Civil Supplies Corporation. This cell will be responsible for dissemination of information about price trends and to take action against black marketeers and hoarders under Essential Commodities Act and also Prevention and Regulation of Black Market Order. Rs.1 crore will be provided for this. 273. A system will be formulated for distribution of quality tea, pulses, note books, salt and other goods to consumers through Fair Price Shops. 274. It is proposed to introduce smart ration card instead of the paper ration card. 275. It is proposed to construct Ahara Bhavan on the land available with the department. An initial amount of Rs. 2 crore will be provided for this. 80 Budget 2014 - 15

276. Total provision of Rs. 4474 crore has been made for Food and Civil Supplies Department during 2014-15.

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj UÁæªÀiÁ©üªÀÈ¢Þ JAzÀgÉ zÉñÁ©üªÀÈ¢Þ -ªÀĺÁvÀä UÁA¢üÃf 277. It is our prime duty to make the “Gram Swarajya” dream of Mahatma Gandhi into a reality.

278. For allotment of statutory additional grant based on the population of Zilla Panchayats, Rs. 85 crore will be earmarked.

279. Government has constituted a Task Force on Road Management for development of rural roads. For maintenance of rural roads under this programme Rs. 135 crore will be released.

280. Action plan will be prepared for development of roads of 20 kms in each rural assembly constituency. Of this 6km connectivity will be provided to villages with majority of residents belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe communities.

281. A 3 year programme will be implemented under “Grama Vikasa Yojane” for all round development of Budget 2014 - 15 81

5 villages in each Assembly constituency including two villages with majority of residents belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe communities.

282. “Gourava Yojane”, will be introduced to construct bathroom-cum-toilets for 1.50 lakh rural families under NREGA and NBA schemes.

283. A separate washing, bathroom and toilet complex will be constructed in 1000 villages of the State for the use of public in partnership with public organizations and NGOs or by utilising NREGA and NBA scheme funds.

284. For development of Abdul Najir Sab Rural Training Institute and its regional branches a grant of Rs. 6 crore will be released.

285. A grant of Rs.2 crore will be released to Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy & Development

286. 3207 villages have been identified as being affected with drinking water contaminated with fluoride, arsenic and other chemical contents in a survey conducted in 2013-14. Out of these villages pure drinking water supply scheme is being implemented in 2678 villages. Purified drinking water 82 Budget 2014 - 15 units will be established in 1000 villages during 2013-14 and in villages having unsafe sources of drinking water during 2014-15.

287. Multi village drinking water schemes will be implemented to overcome the drinking water problem and villagers will be provided with 55 to 85 LPCD drinking water per head. All schools and anganwadi kendras will be provided with pure drinking water. During 2014-15, action will be taken to implement 77 multi village drinking water programmes. By this scheme safe drinking water will be available to about 24 Lakh people of 14 districts.

288. Under a new scheme called ‘Jaladhara’ drinking water facility through tap connection will be provided to 5 lakh houses belonging to SC & ST and wherever needed, 1000 separate overhead tank will be constructed in SC/ST colonies under SCSP and STSP of National Rural Water Supply scheme.

289. As envisaged in the 73rd Constitutional Amendment, action will be taken to ensure that approval of the District Plan Committee is obtained for district plans before implementation, as per provisions of Sections 309 and 310 of the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, 1993 from 2015-16. Budget 2014 - 15 83

290. Creation of road side plantation and maintenance for 5 years will be taken up along 3000 km rural roads, under the “Salu marada Thimmakkana Neralu” scheme under MGNREGS.

291. 6000 Mukthidhamas at the rate of one for each Gramapanchayat with all basic facilities will be developed under MGNREG scheme.

292. Godowns will be constructed in each Gramapanchayat under MGNREGA scheme for storage of food grains of villagers and VSSNs.

293. Through ‘Ridge to Valley’ concept integrated development of water shed area will be taken-up by combining different schemes (MGNREGA and Watershed).

294. Construction of Rajeev Gandhi Seva Kendra buildings will taken-up in 300 Grama Panchayaths under MGNREGA scheme at an estimated cost of Rs.16.25 lakhs for each Kendra.

295. It is proposed to take-up two lakh individual works in eligible cases under centrally sponsored MGNREGA scheme in coordination with other departments. Approved works such as Land development, Horticulture, Fisheries, Nutrition Garden etc., will be covered under the scheme. 84 Budget 2014 - 15

296. The institution of Social Audit and Ombusman will be strengthened to ensure public awareness about the implementation and asset creation through MNREGS and other Rural development schemes.

297. To impart computer literacy, computer centres will be set up in 1000 rural habitations inhabitated by Most backward, SC and ST.

298. The honorarium to the elected representatives of PRIs will be doubled.

299. Training would be imparted to the PRI elected representatives through Hampi University. An allocation of Rs. 1 crore will be provided for this purpose.

300.A proposal for upgradation of 10000 K.M. rural roads at an estimated cost of Rs. 5688 crore, with the assistance of JICA has been submitted to Central Government and approval is awaited.

301. Construction of New Zilla Panchayat building will be taken up in Bidar.

302. During 2014-15 a total of Rs. 9361 crore is provided to Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department. Budget 2014 - 15 85

Planning and Area Development

303. Malanadu Area Development Board, Bayalu Seeme Development Board and Coastal area Development Board will be provided Rs. 38 crore, Rs. 20 crore and Rs.1 crore respectively.

304. It is proposed to provide Rs.601 crore under Legislators Local Area Development Scheme during 2014-15.

305. During 2014-15, the State will bring out a Human Development Report. This will be ready by December-2014.

306. It is proposed to provide Rs.2259 crore for addressing regional imbalance in 114 backward taluks identified in Dr. D.M.Nanjundappa report.

307. Computerization of Birth and Death registration will be undertaken in Anekal Taluk on a pilot project basis. After successful implementation, the project will be implemented in all other taluks in a phased manner.

308. During 2014-15 a total of Rs. 789 crore is provided to Planning and Area Development Department. 86 Budget 2014 - 15

Urban Development

Municipal Administration

309. It is targetted to implement 14 Drinking Water Supply Schemes and 10 Under Ground Drainage Schemes at an estimated cost of Rs.697 crore during the year 2014-15. Further, under UIDSSMT scheme a Centrally sponsored scheme, it is proposed to implement 6 water supply schemes and 7 Under Ground Drainage Schemes at an estimated cost of Rs.247.20 crore. It is proposed to implement new Drinking Water Supply Schemes in 10 towns and 2 Under Ground Drainage schemes under this programme at an estimated cost of Rs.400 crore.

310. Urban Development Department is making efforts to provide Water Supply and Sanitation facilities to Anganwadis located in Urban areas. Rs.5 crore will be provided for this purpose.

311. Towards making Karnataka a slum free State, 39 cities have been selected under Rajiv Awaas Yojana scheme. It is proposed to construct houses with basic infrastructure facilities for the residents presently residing in slum areas. Construction of 26,323 houses with basic infrastructure facilities will be taken up at Budget 2014 - 15 87 an estimated cost of Rs.1335 crore in 124 slum areas located in the cities of Bengaluru, Hubli-Dharwad, Gulbarga, Mysore, Davanagere, Belgaum, Kolar, Mandya, Chitradurga and Robertsonpet.

312. To extend housing facilities for the Economically Weaker Sections, it is proposed to earmark 15% of the built up houses by bringing necessary amendments to Karnataka Country and Town Planning Zonal Regulations.

313. National Urban Livelihood Mission will be implemented for skill development in towns having population above 1 lakh from next year. Urban alleviation programe will be launched next year in the remaining 181 cities under the new scheme called “Chief Minister’s Urban Alleviation Programe” at an estimated cost of Rs.25 crore.

314. To support scientific management of solid waste disposal in the state Rs.75 crore is earmarked during 2014-15.

315. Steps will be taken in the coming year to establish Modern Abattoirs in three cities with assistance from Government of India. 88 Budget 2014 - 15

316. To provide for more open spaces in urban areas steps would be taken to improve lakes through Urban Development Authorities. In 10 City Corporation limits projects for creation of open spaces like parks, lakes and stadiums will be taken up with support from other departments, Urban Development Authorities and communities. Modern Electric crematoria will be established in 10 identified ULBs. For this a total of Rs.25 crore is being provided.

317. For effective management of Urban Local Bodies training will be in the coming 4 years to all the officers and officials in 15 cities for capacity building. Rs.62.51 crore will be spent for this purpose.

318. For implementing Gruha Bhagya scheme for 1000 Poura Karmikas of Urban Local Bodies, Rs.25 crore is earmarked in 2014-15.

319. As an Energy Saving Measure in street lighting it is proposed to install automatic on and off facility and dimmers for which Rs.10 crore is earmarked in 2014-15 budget.

320. Mysore being a heritage city, it is proposed to renovate some of the heritage buildings, develop Devaraj Market, reconstruct Lansdowne building, Budget 2014 - 15 89 erect Jayachamarajendra Wodeyar statue in Harding circle and also to develop roads along the Dasara procession route and Irwin Road, for which Rs.100 crore special grant is earmarked. Bruhath Bangalore Maha Nagara Palike (BBMP) 321. Total grant of Rs. 1527 crore from the State Government to BBMP is expected under Nagarothana Scheme, 13th Finance Commission schemes, State Finance Commission schemes, Lake Development scheme and Chief Minister’s Special grant scheme. In addition to these grants, BBMP will utilize its own resources to take up following projects during 2014-15. • Comprehensive development of selected Arterial and Sub Arterial Roads for smooth flow of traffic at estimated cost of Rs.500 crore. • Widening of some of the important roads at estimated cost of Rs.300 crore as per the Master Plan 2015. • Construction of Railway underbridges and overbridges at estimated cost of Rs.200 crore in collaboration with Railway Authorities at important Railway Crossings in the City. 90 Budget 2014 - 15

• Comprehensive development of Footpaths at estimated cost of Rs.100 crore.

• Development of important junctions at estimated cost of Rs.100 crore.

• Development of 12 main roads under TENDER SURE model and other selected main roads at estimated cost of Rs.300 crore.

• Earmarking of Rs.250 crore for development of backward areas of earlier CMCs and TMCs within BBMP jurisdiction.

• Earmarking of Rs.100 crore for development and protection of 31 lakes

• Implementation of new parking policy at estimated cost of Rs. 10 crore.

• Allocation of Rs.100 crore for disposal and processing of solid waste.

• Allocation of Rs. 200 crore for construction of Grade Separators at important Junctions with heavy traffic density. Budget 2014 - 15 91

Bangalore Development Authority (BDA)

322. 3750 flats have been allotted to the public by Bangalore Development Authority as was proposed in 2013-14 Budget. Another 3000 flats nearing completion will be allocated by the end of March 2014. During 2014-15, around 8000 flats will be constructed and allotted to the public. 323. Formation of Nada Prabhu Kempegowda Layout is in progress and applications will be invited with in March 2014 for allotment of 5000 sites. During 2014-15 around 5000 sites will be formed and allotted to the public. 324. 54 Lakes will be protected by providing fencing. Comprehensive development of 39 lakes and Aranyikarana Hasiru Maale programme will be implemented at the cost of Rs. 100 crore. 325. Construction of Peripheral Ring Road at the cost of Rs. 5800 crore will be taken up during 2014-15 with assistance from JICA. 326. Construction of Underpass at Goraguntepalya of Tumkur Road Junction (NH-4) at a cost of Rs. 125 crore will be taken up under JNNURM during 2014-15. 92 Budget 2014 - 15

327. Elevated Corridor from ALISDA to BEL Circle at a cost of Rs. 191.86 crore will be taken up under JNNURM.

328. Construction of Elevated Corridor from Basaveshwara Circle (Chalukya Circle) to Hebbal Junction at a cost of Rs. 1100 crore will be taken up.

Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB)

329. For providing Water Supply to 110 villages in BBMP area, detailed project report will be prepared and work will be taken up with funding from external assistance agencies.

330. Detailed project report has been prepared for rehabilitation and renovation of 74 km Sewer lines and the work will be taken up during 2014-15 with 50% funding from Megacity Revolving Fund of KUIDFC and balance 50% from BWSSB.

331. Detailed project report has been prepared and construction of 300 MLD capacity Waste Water Treatment plants in place of existing 180 MLD plant will be taken up during 2014-15.

332. Detailed project report has been prepared and construction of 108 Waste Water Treatment plants of Budget 2014 - 15 93

1 to 2 MLD at various places in Bangalore city during 2014-15.

Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development Finance Corporation (KUIDFC)

333. Tender invitation process has been initiated for establishing water supply and UGD components under the newly sanctioned Integrated Water Resources Management Project for the cities of Davanagere, Harihara, Ranebennur, and Byadagi at an estimated cost of Rs.474 crore.

334. A project has been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs. 205 crore for providing adequate water supply and underground drainage facilities in 16 Urban Local Bodies, that have not been covered under any structured Water Supply and Under Ground Drainage schemes.

335. Works are being taken up for 24X7 water supply in 22 towns including Belgaum, Gulbarga, Hubli-Dharawad Municipal Corporations under other schemes of KUIDFC.

336. A proposal has been prepared for Heritage Based Urban Development Project at an estimated cost of 450 crore with assistance from the World Bank. 94 Budget 2014 - 15

The project will be implemented with the approval of Government of India.

337. Detailed project report for ‘City Cluster Development Programme’ with assistance from Asian Development Bank will be prepared and implementation will be taken up.

Bangalore Metro Rail

338. Work relating to the First Phase of Bangalore Metro Rail is under progress. The line from Peenya to Sampige Road has been completed and will be opened for public use. It is targeted to complete the entire network of 1st Phase by the end of March 2015.

339. Work relating to 2nd Phase of Metro comprising of 61 Stations covering the distance of 72.10 km is planned to be completed at the cost of Rs.26405 crore. For this, approval of the Central Government has been received.

Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT)

340. Action will be taken under Comprehensive Mobility Plan through effective transport policy to curb the increasing usage of private vehicles and air pollution and unregulated transport system in 52 towns of the State. Budget 2014 - 15 95

341. Total provision of Rs.9995 crore has been made for Urban Development Department during 2014-15.


342. Pension Adalats will be held at hobli levels and the social security pension schemes will be extended even more successfully. Action will be taken to identify 100% beneficiaries eligible under this scheme to grant pension to them.

343. Janashree Bima Yojane with Aam Admi Bima Yojane will be merged during the year, and Rs. 20 crore will be provided. Through this scheme insurance facility will be provided to artisans of 47 different classes.

344. In the recent days the problem of shortage of burial grounds has become acute. As there is a shortage of availability of Government land, Rs. 10 crore will be provided to purchase land for the purpose of burial ground not exceeding 2 acres. In this, priority will be given to formation of burial grounds for Schedule Castes and Schedule Tribes.

345. Monthly pension for former Patels will be enhanced to Rs. 2000 from the existing Rs. 1450. 96 Budget 2014 - 15

346. Government is committed to implement the new Transparency in Land Acquisition, Right to Proper Compensation, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013. By developing new software in accordance with the new Act and linking it with Bhoomi software, Pahanis will be updated automatically.

347. As Bhoomi software is one decade old and considering the needs of the present times, a new software called ‘Namma Bhoomi’ having state of the Art technology will be developed for modernizing the existing system and establishing a Complete Land Record Administration and Management Tool. The system will be made more effective for making land administration farmer friendly by decentralizing the land related services from taluk level to Hobli level using the new software.

348. Padasale Scheme will be implemented in all 176 taluks in order to provide all services to the public in taluk office under one roof.

349. In order to avoid frequent visit of farmers to taluk offices for correction of mistakes in their Pahanis, Revenue Adalats will be held at Hobli and village levels and thereby a movement for distribution of updated and corrected Pahanis will be launched. Budget 2014 - 15 97

350. After 60 years, Land re-survey work will be taken up in two phases for solving the problem of increased pending Phodi cases. The scheme will be commenced in the first phase in the five districts of Bangalore Rural, Chikkaballapur, Ramanagar, Tumkur and Belgaum and in the second phase in the remaining 25 districts.

351. In order to avoid frequent visits by students and parents to taluk offices during school admission time, caste and income certificates will be issued in schools itself by utilizing data available at Nada Kacheris.

352. Construction of district office complex buildings will be taken up in 6 districts including Mysore, the cultural centre of the State, at a cost of Rs. 135 crore. Construction of 12 Mini Vidhana Soudha buildings and ongoing construction of 24 Mini Vidhana Soudha buildings will be taken up at a cost of Rs. 101 crore.

353. With integration of Software and Bhoomi Software for registration and Khata of land, a facility will be extended to enable issue of Khata by concerned Tahasildar, even if the property is registered anywhere in the State. 98 Budget 2014 - 15

354. Rs 66.2 crore has been provided for rejuvenation and development of temples and Rs.15 crore has been provided for facilities to devotees and tourists and for basic infrastructure at religions and charitable institutions in 2014-15.

355. During 2014-15, action will be taken to provide subsidy to devotees travelling to Charudhama in our Country, in the same way as subsidy is provided to the devotees going to Manasa Sarovara.

356. A special grant of Rs. 6 crore will be provided to protect lands belonging to Mujarai Department, for taking survey to prevent encroachments and for proper utilization of properties and assets.

357. Total provision of Rs. 4293 crore has been made for Revenue Department during 2014-15.


358. Rs.20 crore has been provided for solar energy schemes.

359. During the year 2014-15, Government will provide Rs.6200 crore as subsidy for providing free electricity supply to irrigation pumpsets of farmers and Bhagyajyothi / Kuteerajyothi schemes. Budget 2014 - 15 99

360. In respect of Ganga Kalyana Scheme implemented by Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Minorities Corporations, electricity connections will be provided during 2014-15 for all pending irrigation pumpsets as on 31-3-2014, during 2014-15. 361. An amount of Rs.750 crore will be provided as Capital for the Electricity Supplying Companies (ESCOMs) during the year 2014-15. Following schemes will be implemented in these companies. • LED solar street lights will be installed in 50 villages in the jurisdiction of all the ESCOMs at a cost of Rs.5 lakhs per village. • Upgradation of ‘Distribution Automation System’ in 10 corporation areas at a cost of Rs.50 crore. • Additional inclusion of two sub-divisions in every ESCOM under the scheme of High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS). • Implementation of Smart Grid and Smart Meters scheme in 98 cities. • Implementation of Green Energy Corridor Scheme with the assistance of KPTCL and KFW. 100 Budget 2014 - 15

362. Total provision of Rs.11,693 crore has been made for the Energy Department.

Public Works

363. Following are the achievements during 2013-14.

• Development of 287 km State Highways.

• Development of 1008 km district and other roads.

• Construction / Repair of 34 bridges across State Highway and District Main Roads.

• Development of 88 km roads in the backward taluks coming under Special Development Plan at a cost of Rs.216.75 crore.

• Development of 36 km colony roads under SCSP at a cost of Rs.242.77 crore.

• Development of 12 km colony roads under STSP at a cost of Rs.77.20 crore.

• Development of 293 km roads under NABARD assistance at the cost of Rs.250 crore. Completion of 22 bridges. Rs.305 Budget 2014 - 15 101

crore action plan prepared for approval under NABARD RIDF-19 scheme. • Completion of 839 kms of 28 State Highways on EPC basis. • Construction of 9 mega bridges by KRDCL. Construction of 635 bridges under level- wise bridge construction scheme. • Implementation of 3103 works under Chief Minister’s Rural Road Development Fund. • Development of 3724 km roads under State Highway Development Project Phase-1 and 3745 km roads under State Highway Development Project Phase-2 is in progress. • Development of 46 km roads under “Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project” and development of 81 km roads under “Asian Development Bank”. • Completion of 105 km roads in 2 schemes on annuity basis under PPP. 364. Action will be taken to identify under developed roads in most backward and backward taluks. It is planned to improve 544 km of such roads under SDP programme. 102 Budget 2014 - 15

365. A special package of Rs. 50 crore will be provided during 2014-15 also to Kodagu district for repairs of roads and bridges damaged due to torrential rains. 366. Government of India has upgraded 199 km of State Highway as NH-150 and NH-167 during March 2013. Grant of Rs.120 crore is expected to be released shortly from the Government of India for the development of 46.4 km long roads of these two National Highways. 367. Government of India has approved the permanent repair work of Shiradi Ghat Road under NH-48 at a cost of Rs.95 crore. It is planned to complete this work within 18 months. 368. It is proposed to develop 18.5 km length of NH-48 in the stretch of Shiradi Ghat Section at a cost of Rs.2200 crore with the assistance of Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) for smooth vehicular traffic moment. The project includes construction of 7.7 km of small tunnel, 3.9 km of 4 bridges and 6.9 km of roads. 369. Consent has been given by the ADB for the proposal to give US $ 350 million to KSHIP Phase-2. Under this scheme, it is proposed to develop 1200 km roads under PPP. Budget 2014 - 15 103

370. It is proposed to take-up improvements of 8 State Highways of 452.70 km length at an estimated cost of Rs.1203 crore under the joint assistance of World Bank and Financial Institutions.

371. Out of 11 small ports along Western Coast, it is proposed to develop some ports through private participation, to encourage export and import activities.

372. With a view to encourage commercial and industrial activity in the State by developing small ports in coastal area of the State under PPP and for providing suitable infrastructure facilities, it is proposed to enforce ‘Karnataka Minor Ports Policy’.

373. Total provision of Rs.6634 crore has been made for Public Works Department during 2014-15.

Infrastructure Development

374. Bangalore International Airport has been renamed as Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru. Terminal-1 has been completed and commissioned. Action has been taken for enhancing the terminal building capacity from 12 million to 20 million passengers. 104 Budget 2014 - 15

375. Action will be taken to complete all the on-going Railway projects. Facilities will be provided for setting-up of Railway Boogi manufacturing Units at Kolar and Yadgiri. Rs.540 crore are provided for Railway projects. 376. Bangalore Gas Pipeline is functional and natural gas is being supplied to Bangalore. The distribution work of natural gas is in the final stage with the joint venture of KSIIDC and GAIL. Same will be completed at the earliest and action will be taken on priority basis for supply of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in Bangalore City. Action will be taken to introduce and adopt eco-friendly CNG in Urban Transport Vehicles in a phased manner. 377. Total provision of Rs.637 crore has been provided to the infrastructure development department. Commerce and Industries

378. Rs.10 crore will be provided for the upgradation of Convention Center at KTPO, White Field, in Co-ordination with the Government of India. 379. Karnataka Investment Promotion Programme (KIPP), will be undertaken with the assistance of External agencies with the objective to improving the Budget 2014 - 15 105 investment climate through sector loan for infrastructure development and loan programme for industrial policy implementation.

380. It is proposed to introduce One Time Settlement Scheme (OTS) by waiving the interest payable on the loans sanctioned to the units under PBS scheme by KVIC through KVIB. The scheme would benefit 21180 Khadi units/Institutions. Rs.26.15 crore is earmarked for this purpose during the year 2014-15.

381. For the purpose of bringing novelty in the design and having decided to provide marketing subsidy under ‘Karnataka Khadi Branding’ scheme, with the assistance of National Institute of Fashion Technology / National Institute of Design and also other famous branding consultants, assistance will be provided for the purpose of branding. For this purpose, a provision of Rs.2 crore is earmarked during 2014-15.

382. Rs.1 crore grant is provided for Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Sangha, Hubli.

383. Training and manufacturing centers will be set-up in naxal affected areas of Karkala Taluk, Udupi District and Sringeri through Karnataka State Coir Development Corporation. 106 Budget 2014 - 15

384. Interest subsidy of 9% which is allowed at present to village industries and khadi institutions which are availing additional working capital limited to Rs.3 lakhs in most backward, more backward and backward 114 taluks, will be extented to all 176 taluks in the State.

385. Venture Capital Support of Rs.10 crore will be provided to encourage potential entrepreneurs intending to set-up new industries through ‘Fund of Fund’ Scheme.

386. 1000 Residential Worksheds will be provided to skilled workers of the State under the new Special House Building Scheme at the cost of Rs.10 crore.

387. It is proposed to set-up “Coir Technology Park” at a cost of Rs.2 crore at Vijnana Gudda, Tumkur District, for the purpose of showcasing coir activities and eco-friendly coir products for entrepreneurs and tourists under a single roof.

388. It is proposed to establish 1000 micro enterprises in the rural areas by investing capital upto Rs.10 lakh through District Industries Centres with a view to encourage self-employment among the youths through various existing programmes and in Co-ordination with Financial Institutions. Budget 2014 - 15 107

389. Interest subsidy of 6% will be provided to new generation entrepreneurs to an extent of Rs.75 crore to motivate and promote entrepreneurship in the State through K.S.F.C. For this, a grant of Rs.4.50 crore is provided.

390. Financial support of 50% subject to a ceiling of Rs.7.50 lakhs for MSMEs in Aerospace Sector will be provided for obtaining certification like ISO 9100, NDACAP etc., to make them globally competitive. For this, a grant of Rs.75 lakhs is provided.

391. Department of Commerce and Industries shall make efforts to establish industrial townships in the State with the co-operation of Urban Development Department. Action will be taken to notify the two industrial townships especially during the year 2014-15.

392. The Government is committed to bring amendment to Minor Mineral Rules including Sand Policy in order to prevent illegal mining and transportation of mineral wealth of the State and for plugging loop holes in revenue collection of Government. In this regard, it is proposed to establish 10 modern check posts. It is also proposed to obtain land for the purpose of establishing modern check posts in 42 places. 108 Budget 2014 - 15

393. For the first time, the State will undertake the section survey of the existing mines, using total station survey equipments to prevent illegal extraction of the specified Minor Minerals namely Granite. In a phased manner such section survey exercise will be extended to other important Minor Minerals of the State.

394. State will map its Mineral wealth, by using modern means like heliborne survey and other non- destructive modern technologies to precisely determine, in-future, the presence of various minerals which can be economically extracted over a period of time. Survey work will be taken-up with the help of Geological Survey of India, India Bureau of Mines and other expert Agencies.

395. It is proposed to establish Gems and Jewellery SEZ in 10 hectares of land in Devanahalli of Bangalore Rural District, through Hatti Gold Mines Limited.

396. Reservation is provided to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in sand extraction, transportation and storage work and grant of Minor Minerals quarry leases/licenses in the amended Rules.

397. Special package will be formulated for rejuvenation of Handloom industry in the next 5 Budget 2014 - 15 109 years. Expert committee will be constituted to suggest measures for encouraging capital investment and market linkages, design and technology adoption, incentives for exports and empowerment of Handloom Development Corporation. 398. During the year 2014-15, Rs.120 crore will be provided under Weavers Special Package scheme for comprehensive development of Weavers. 399. Rs.75 crore will be provided for implementing New Readymade Garments Policy during the year 2014-15. 400. A sum of Rs.75 crore is needed for the rejuvenation of Mysore Sugar Company. This will be provided by developing the property of the said Company located in J.C. Road, Bangalore, in Co-ordination with another Government Institution i.e., Mysore Minerals Limited. 401. Total provision of Rs.975 crore has been made for the Commerce and Industries Department during 2014-15. Information Technology, Bio Technology and Science & Technology 402.Government encourages new ideas and innovations for high values for IT products and service 110 Budget 2014 - 15 companies. The aim is to make Karnataka an Innovation hub of the World. In this regard, Government will provide ‘’Plug and Play’’ Space for start-ups at subsidized rates.

403. Skill Development Societies will be constituted with an initial corpus of Rs.10 crore to meet the skill requirements of IT and Electronic companies. To encourage IT companies in 2 and 3 tier cities, Government will reimburse P.F. and E.S.I. amount upto Rs.2,000 per employee per month for a period of 2 years. This facility will be applicable only to the jobs created during 2014-15.

404. Greenfield ESDM Clusters will be set-up for Electronic Hardware sector either in Bangalore or Mysore, in association with Government of India.

405. Animation, Visual effects, Gaming and Comics (AVGC) Policy will be revised. Digital Media City and AVGC Labs will be set-up in PPP mode.

406. During the financial year 2014-15, two Sub Regional Science Centres will be set-up, one each in Chamarajanagar District and Gowribidanur Taluk of Chickballapur District, at a cost of Rs.3 crore for per centre. To encourage Science Education among Teachers/Lecturers, ‘Training the Trainers’ education Budget 2014 - 15 111 will be given through Karnataka Science and Technology Academy.

407.Robotics Technology is gaining prominence in several countries. Japan and Korea have high expertise in this area. It is proposed to give science education to the school students by using Robotics Technology and to provide Robotic Education for Engineering Students in association with Government of Korea.

408. During the year 2014-15, provision of Rs.200 crore has been provided to the Information Technology, Bio-Technology and Science & Technology Sector. e-Governance

409. Following programmes will be taken during 2014-15:

• Mobile Governance: 150 additional services of different departments will be provided through mobile platform, enabling citizens to get information at their finger tips.

• New e-Governance Policy will be formulated for consolidation of different departments by using new technology. 112 Budget 2014 - 15

• New State Data Center will be established at Suvarna Soudha, Belgaum, for the purpose of disaster recovery and business continuity.

• 50 new Citizen Service Centers will be opened under Karnataka One Scheme in tier-2 cities of the State.

• Cloud based IPV6 network will be set up under Karnataka State Wide Area Network 2.0 to provide additional bandwidth and connectivity upto Gram Panchayath level throughout the State.

• Human Resource Management Scheme (H.R.M.S.) 2.0 will be implemented and integrated with Khajane-2.

410.Total provision of Rs.139 crore has been made for the e-Governance department during 2014-15.


411. During 2014-15, , Rs.50 crore will be provided as an initial outlay to implement the recommendations made by the Karnataka Tourism Vision Group which was constituted to advise on the development of . Budget 2014 - 15 113

412. Kaveri Tourism Authority is proposed to be established for the purpose of promoting Mysore circle including Mandya, Chamaraja Nagar and Kodagu districts and to develop Royal Heritage City of Mysore. KSTDC will operate 6 new planned luxury bus tour packages from Mysore.

413. To make Bangalore tourist-friendly, it is proposed to establish Cubbon Park Management Authority, Global MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibition) Center Near International Airport, Aero Museum at Jakkur and Urban Park Near Turahalli forest area through Jungle Lodges and Resorts Ltd.

414. With historical city of Bidar on the watch list of World Monument Fund, publicity will be given to promote Bijapur-Gulbarga-Bidar tourist circle as weekend destination.

415. Our Government has sought relaxation of Coastal Regulation Zone guidelines to tap the tourist potential in the Coastal area of Karnataka by developing 42 beaches and 4 islands. Adventure tourism will be promoted by organising Coastal festivals. 114 Budget 2014 - 15

416. To showcase Karnataka’s rich cultural heritage and contribution, series of activities such as Karnataka Travel Mart, Pravasi Karnataka Divasa, Nethrani Beach festival, Talakadu Kaveri Festival, Nrityotsava at Nandi and Pattadakallu, Bidar Fort Festival, Kite and Folklore Festivals will be organised through private participation.

417. Tourism Interpretation Centers and Plazas will be set-up at Karwar, Mysore, Bijapur, Chamaraja Nagar, Dandeli and Kharapur-Kabini. Existing 8 Tourist Information Centers will be renovated.

418. ‘Programme for Adoption of Tourist Destination’ will be initiated in collaboration with Corporates.

419. ‘Investment-friendly Tourism Policy’ will be published to encourage new investors in tourism for investment of capital.

420. New Tourism Human Resource Development Policy will be formulated and announced.

421. To assess the quality of service providers in tourism sector, quality evaluation programmes will be launched.

422. Comprehensive development of Raja Seat in Madikeri will be taken up. Budget 2014 - 15 115

423. Total provision of Rs.399 crore has been made for the Tourism Department during 2014-15.

General Administration

424. The inclusion of Article 371 (J) in the Constitution of India for the development of Hyderabad-Karnataka area is a matter of pride. In this regard, action has been taken for providing reservation to the people of this area in employment, higher education, vocational education and to constitute Area Development Board. Provision of Rs.600 crore has been made for this new Board for the development of this area during this year. Apart from this, provision of Rs.1037 crore is made for the Special Development Works in Hyderabad-Karnataka area.

425. On the lines of Central Government implementing the Lokpal Act, 2013, action will be taken for formulating a new Act in Karntaka.

426. A committee under the Chairmanship of Sri P.C. Hota, retired Chairman of Union Public Service Commission was constituted to bring more transparency and prevent corruption and nepotism in the recruitment process undertaken by Karnataka Public Service Commission while recruiting candidates 116 Budget 2014 - 15 to the State Civil Services. Majority of the recommendations made by this committee have been accepted and action is being taken to implement them proactively.

427. To overcome the difficulties in the rules relating to the reimbursement of medical bills of the government servants, benefit of cashless medical treatment facility for 7 fatal diseases will be extended on pilot basis, to Government Servants and their dependants through the introduction of “Jyoti Sanjeevini” scheme.

428. A committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister for Law and Parliamentary Affairs in order to achieve transparency and simplicity in governance.

429. Freedom Fighters pension will be enhanced from Rs. 6000 to Rs.8000. Honorarium for participants from the State in Goa Liberation Movement will be enhanced from Rs. 2000 per month to Rs. 3000.


430. A High-Tech State Media Center on the lines of National Media Center at New will be established at Vartha Soudha in Bangalore at a cost of Rs.5 crore. Budget 2014 - 15 117

431. Multiplex theatres with four screen facilities to organise International Film Festivals and a Museum representing film industry will be developed in Amruthotsava Bhavana under construction at Nandini Layout in Bangalore at a cost of Rs.10 crore.

432. It is proposed to construct an international standard film city on the land reserved for Film City in Hesaraghatta, Bangalore, in association with interested and reputed international film studio companies.

433. Government will provide incentives and encourage entrepreneurs interested in building ‘Janatha Cinema Halls’ for facilitating exhibition of Kannada films in District and Taluk headquarters.

434. An annual award will be instituted to promote short films.

435. A separate health insurance scheme will be launched for accredited journalists and their family.

436. Pension given to retired journalists will be enhanced from Rs.3000 to Rs.6000.

437. Total provision of Rs.92 crore has been made for the Information Department during the year 2014-15. 118 Budget 2014 - 15


438. Ambulance-Signal Lights Synchronization Scheme will be implemented under B-Trac scheme at a cost of Rs. 72 crore. Likewise, M-Trac-1 and M-Trac-2 schemes will be implemented in Mysore and Mangalore cities at a cost of Rs.40 crore and Rs.25 crore respectively.

439. It is proposed to install CCTV cameras for the purpose of providing safety and security in the Central Jails of Mysore, Dharwad, Bellary, Bijapur and Gulbarga. Mobile jammers will be introduced at Central Jail of Bijapur and Gulbarga and District Jail of Mangalore. On the lines of Bangalore, Mysore and Bellary Central Jails, barbed wire fencing will be installed in the remaining 5 Central Jails and Main District Jails of the State.

440. As in Bangalore Central Jail, action will be taken to establish Water Processing Units in 7 Central Jails of the State.

441. For the purpose of enhancing nutritional value of the food for the convicts, daily food expense of Rs.48 per head will be enhanced to Rs.75. Budget 2014 - 15 119

442. It is proposed to construct Residential and Non-Residential buildings with all civic amenities for Indian Reserve Battalion at Bijapur and Munirabad, Koppal, at costs of Rs.19 crore and Rs.10 crore respectively. Works will be completed within 3 years. During 2014-15, an amount of Rs.9 crore including Rs.6.30 crore received from the Government of India will be spent for this purpose.

443. It is proposed to construct Office building for S.P., Yadgiri District, at an estimated cost of Rs.7.73 crore and the construction will be completed in 2 years.

444. Student-Police Cadet Scheme is being implemented during past 3 years. For this scheme, Rs.1.80 crore will be provided during 2014-15.

445. As a welfare measure to the police personnel, it is proposed to enhance Group Insurance amount from Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.20 lakhs for Head Constables, Police Constables and Followers and to extend this benefit to all the ranks in the Police Department upto Inspector level. This proposed group insurance scheme will give risk coverage for about 84,800 existing strength of officers and police personnel. 120 Budget 2014 - 15

446. It is proposed to increase the ex-gratia amount from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 30 lakh in case of death of police personal while on duty for maintenance of law & order and prevention of crime. This will cover all policemen including those in various wings of internal Security Division. Similarly, ex-gratia amount for permanent disability will be increased to Rs. 10 lakh and for serious injuries it will be increased to Rs. 2 lakhs.

447. Under Special Development Plan Rs. 15 crore will be granted for construction of Fire Station buildings and residential quarters.

448. Rs. 10 crore will be provided for construction of hostel building with all amenities and for purchase of equipment under K-SAFE scheme to R.A. Mundkur Fire Force Academy, Bangalore.

449. In recent days, the number of multistoreyed buildings is increasing in Bangalore. In order to attend to fire accidents happening in such buildings, modern Aerial Ladder Platform which can rise upto a height of 90 meters will be purchased for the department.

450. Rs. 1.80 crore will be provided for construction of Regional Training Centre for Home Guards and Civil Defence personnel at Davanagere District Centre. Budget 2014 - 15 121

451. It is proposed to establish 20 new Police Stations including 10 women police stations and 10 new Out Posts.

452. Total provision of Rs. 4496 crore has been made for Home Department during 2014-15.


453. Following are the achievements during 2013-14

• Distribution of 49,41,556 lakh smart card driving licenses.

• Distribution of 57,83,180 lakh smart card registration certificates.

• Compulsory online filing of applications relating to Learner’s License, Driving License, Vehicle registration implemented in 10 Regional Transport Officers of Bangalore from October 2013.

• Implementation of system of e-payment of Motor Vehicle tax and fees within next 3 months.

• Implementation of system of filing of application by the public irrespective of 122 Budget 2014 - 15

jurisdiction of their address in any of the 11 RTOs in Bangalore Urban and Rural districts from September 2013.

• Establishment of Vehicle Fitness Inspection Centre at Chokkanahalli (Hesaraghatta Hobli), Bangalore with the work of first phase with central assistance of Rs. 2.68 crore in progress.

454. For the convenience of the public, it is proposed to provide online services of receiving and attending to applications for registration of vehicles, learning and driving licenses in any of the offices in the districts having more than one Regional Transport Offices.

455. It is proposed to establish Vehicle Inspection and Certification Centers at Shimoga, Gulbarga and Mangalore.

456. It is proposed to establish Automated Driving Test Track at Bellary, Gadag and Madikeri during the year 2014-15.

457. A total of 1951 new vehicles have been added in all transport corporations during 2013-14. Transport corporations are going to add 3982 new vehicles, 28 new bus depots and 37 new bus stations out of their own resources during 2014-15. Budget 2014 - 15 123

458. Phase-I and Phase-II of the construction of Truck Terminal in an area of 13.28 acres and at a cost of Rs. 20.48 cr. in Dasanapura, Dasanapura Hobli, Bangalore North Taluk is in progress. Truck Terminal is proposed to be completed in 2014.

459. Total provision of Rs. 1489 crore has been made for Transport Department during the year 2014-15.

Law and Courts

460. Works of Construction of Administration Building, Staff quarters, Ladies Hostel, Indoor Stadium of Karnataka State Law University will be taken up during 2014-15. An amount of Rs. 10 crore is earmarked for this purpose.

461. Rs. 458 crore will be given for providing necessary infrastructural facilities to subordinate courts.

462. 10 additional fast track courts for conducting trials for atrocity like offences is sanctioned.

463. An amount of Rs.2 crore will be released during the year 2014-15 for the construction of third phase of Advocates’ Bhavan in the premises of Bangalore City Civil Magistrate Court. 124 Budget 2014 - 15

464. Total provision of Rs. 636 crore has been made for Law and Justice Department during 2014-15.

Fourteenth Finance Commission

465. In the memorandum submitted to the 14th Finance Commission in October 2013, the State Government has emphasized that the share of States in Central taxes should be increased from 32% to 40%. Also, we have strongly urged the Commission that equity and efficiency should be given equal weightage while evolving formula for sharing of taxes among the States. This will protect the interest of well performing States like ours. We have also put forth a request to the Commission for State – specific grants of Rs.105,495 crore including Rs.51,140 crore for development of infrastructure of Bangalore and Rs.15,940 crore for Development of Hyderabad Karnataka and other Backward Districts. We strongly believe that the Commission will use its constitutional mandate to strengthen the financial viability of the States to enable them to invest in their development activities.

466. Khajane II, an Integrated Financial Management System, will be implemented during 2014-15 at a total cost of Rs.90 crore, to provide a Budget 2014 - 15 125 single electronic platform to Government officials, banks and public, to carry out all financial transactions pertaining to the State Government. The project will enable citizens to make payments like taxes and fees to the Government online from their place of convenience. Beneficiaries, pensioners, contractors and suppliers can get their payments electronically direct to their bank accounts. This path breaking project is expected to bring transparency and efficiency and facilitate timely decision making for sound management of Government finances.


Goods and Services Tax:

467. We are working with the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers to bring about consensus among the States and the Centre on various issues relating to introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST). We would take all necessary steps to prepare our trade and industry as also the department for its introduction.

Commercial Taxes:

468. A revenue collection target of Rs.37740 crore is fixed for the current year and for the year 2014-15, revenue collection target is fixed at Rs.42000 crore. 126 Budget 2014 - 15

469. I have met the trade and industry representatives to get their valuable inputs in formulation of Budget. They have made several positive suggestions to make compliance simpler. Requests for tax concessions to certain commodities and sectors have also been made. I have tried to strike a balance between our need for resources for the larger interests of the society and the support that we can give to the trade and industry to be competitive. Several of the issues raised by them can be resolved through administrative measures and the Government would address them appropriately. Value Added Tax:

470. I compliment the trade and industry for having whole-heartedly supported all our e-governance initiatives aimed at making tax compliance easier and tax administration more effective. The Government proposes to improve the current initiatives and also provide the trade and industry newer facilities. Reliefs:

471. I propose to, 1) continue tax exemption on paddy, rice, wheat, pulses and products of rice and wheat for one more year from April 2014, Budget 2014 - 15 127

2) reduce tax on scented arecanut powder other than mixtures from 14.5% to 5.5%,

3) increase the registration limit from the current Rs.5 lakhs of annual turnover to Rs.7.5 lakhs as a relief to small dealers and to prepare ground for introduction of GST which envisage higher threshold for registration,

4) waive the penalty payable for default in filing of returns by small dealers who have no tax liability and opt for cancellation of their registration,

5) increase the minimum sale value fixed for obtaining electronic delivery note (e-SUGAM) from the present Rs.20000 to Rs.25000,

6) exempt works contractors from compulsory registration provision,

7) take suitable administrative measures to enable dealers to rectify mistakes in the returns which have no tax implication, 128 Budget 2014 - 15

8) provide for single second appeal against re-assessment for several tax periods of one financial year.

Additional Resource Mobilisation Measure:

472. The current system of Excise Tax on liquor is unable to capture substantial value addition that takes place in retail sale of liquor by clubs, lodging houses, star hotels, bar and restaurants. I therefore propose to levy lower VAT of 5.5% on liquor sold by bar and restaurants operating in urban areas and by clubs, lodging houses and star hotels.

Rationalisation measure:

473. I propose to provide for filing of annual statements by dealers in order to avoid disputes in the information provided by them in electronic returns.

Luxury Tax:


474. I propose to increase the minimum daily rent for taxation from the current Rs.500 to Rs.750. Budget 2014 - 15 129

Entry Tax:


475. I propose to exempt ethanol brought for mixing with petrol from entry tax.

Rationalisation Measure:

476. I propose to provide for filing of monthly returns by dealers and deemed acceptance of such returns as under VAT Act.


477. For the year 2014-15, a revenue collection target of Rs.14,400 crore is fixed to the Excise Department.

Additional Resources Mobilization Measures

478. I propose to increase the Additional Excise Duty on Beer from 122% to 135 % as in Annexure-II.

479. I propose to increase the Licence fee of Primary Distillery, Indian Liquor Manufacturing Distillery and Brewery by 50%.

480. I propose to increase the Licence fee of MSIL retail liquor shops (CL-11C) from Rs.1 lakh to Rs.3 lakhs. 130 Budget 2014 - 15

481. I propose to increase the fee for shifting of shops from one place to another, from the existing 25% to 50% of the Licence fee charged on the Licence in respect of such shops. Stamps and Registration 482. For the year 2013-14, revenue collection target is fixed at Rs.6500 crore and for the year 2014-15, revenue collection target is fixed at Rs.7450 crore. 483. I propose to, 1) exempt stamp duty in respect of subsequent sale deed executed in respect of the alternate site allotted by the Bangalore Development Authority, consequent to the denotification of the land. 2) exempt Stamp Duty on instruments executed between concerned persons under the Aerospace Policy 2013-23. 3) provide for remission and reduction of Stamp Duty on instruments specified in the Government notification dated: 23-04-2003, with retrospective effect. 4) reduce Stamp Duty on Award relating to movable properties from the current 5%, with rates ranging from 0.25% to 0.75%, on slab basis, as in Annexure-III. Budget 2014 - 15 131

5) levy Stamp Duty at uniform reduced rate of 2% on all Joint development agreements and their consequent Powers of Attorney, as in Annexure-III.

6) reduce Stamp Duty on instrument relating to Delivery Order from the current 0.5% to 0.1% on the value of goods imported into the State, and also to exempt stamp duty on goods imported into the State that are exempted from Customs Duty, as in Annexure-III.


484. For the year 2014-15, revenue collection target is fixed at Rs. 4350 crore.

485. I propose to levy Rs. 500 per seat per quarter for the Motor Cabs which costs more than Rs.15 lakhs and registered in other states and entering our state by obtaining tourist vehicle permit, instead of life time tax.

486. It is found that the vehicles are being registered in other States with lower rate of life time tax but plying in the State to avoid payment of life time tax levied in Karnataka. In order to prevent revenue loss from this, I propose to bring suitable amendment to the Motor Vehicle Taxation Act. 132 Budget 2014 - 15

Legal Amendments

487. The proposed tax measures and reliefs will be made effective from 1st March 2014. The required bills will be tabled before the august House in this session for carrying out amendments in the relevant tax laws for implementing the proposed changes.

Revised Estimates 2013-14

488. As per the Revised Estimates 2013-14, the Total Receipts are Rs. 1,12,422 crore as compared to the Budget Estimates of Rs.1,20,717 crore. The revenue mobilization efforts of the State stand at Rs. 94,270 crore of which the Own Tax Revenues collected are estimated at Rs. 61,530 crore.

489. As per the Revised Estimates, the Total Expenditure is Rs.1,16,212 crore. The Total Plan Expenditure of Rs. 48,034 crore estimated in Revised Estimates 2013-14 has seen an increase of 28 per cent over Accounts of 2012-13.

Budget Estimates 2014-15

490. The Total Receipts are estimated to be Rs.1,36,249 crore during 2014-15. The Budget Estimates envisage Revenue Receipts of Rs.1,11,039 crore and Capital Receipts of Rs.25,210 crore Budget 2014 - 15 133 including Borrowings of Rs.25,042 crore. The Total Expenditure is estimated to be Rs.1,38,008 crore consisting of Revenue Expenditure of Rs.1,10,757 crore and Capital Expenditure of Rs.20,490 crore and debt repayment of Rs.6,760 crore.

491. Revenue Surplus is estimated to be Rs.281 crore. Fiscal deficit is expected to be Rs.20,041 crore, which is 2.92% of GSDP. Total Liabilities at Rs.1,57,681 crore at the end of 2014-15 are estimated to be 23.01% of GSDP. This is within the limit of 25.2% for 2014-15 mandated in Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act.

492. Therefore, all these three fiscal parameters are within the mandate of the Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act. This reflects fiscal responsibility of the State.

Resource Mobilization

493. The State’s total Own Tax Revenue for 2014-15 is estimated to be Rs.69,870 crore with an increase of 13.55 % over the budget estimate for 2013-14.

494. Rs.4,473 crore is expected to be collected from non-tax revenues. The State Government expects to receive Rs.16,560 crore by way of the share in the 134 Budget 2014 - 15

Budget 2014-15 in Central Tax and another Rs.20,135 crore as grants from Government of India. These revenue receipts are estimated to be supplemented by gross borrowings of Rs.25,042 crore, non-debt receipts of Rs.75 crore and recovery of loans to the extent of Rs.93 crore.

495. Various State owned boards and corporations and local bodies are expected to mobilize Rs.7,913 crore through internal resource generation and borrowings made on the basis of their own financial strength and own revenues.

Hon’ble Speaker Sir,

496. This Budget reflects aspirations and priorities of our Government. We will make sincere efforts to implement them. In this regard, I seek Co-operation of all the Members of the House.

497. Now I commend the Budget for consideration of the august House and seek approval for Vote on Account for the expenditure upto 31st July 2014 as per the Budget Estimates.

Jai Hind

Jai Karnataka Budget 2014 - 15 135

BUDGET AT A GLANCE 136 Budget 2014 - 15


Item Budge Revised Budget Estimates Estimates Estimates 2013-14 2013-14 2014-15

Opening Balance -13.88 67.96 77.77 A. REVENUE ACCOUNT I. Recepits State Taxes 62464.00 61530.41 69869.75 Share of Central Taxes 15055.99 13974.99 16560.01 Grants from Cnetral Government 16428.11 14905.94 20135.43 Non-Tax Revenue 4038.28 3859.03 4473.43

Total-A. I 97986.38 94270.37 111038.62

II. Expenditure Social Services 37734.85 34883.63 42478.57 Economic Services 27958.06 29003.69 32398.78 General Services 25642.89 23988.05 29208.39 Grants-in-aid & Contributions 6054.73 6330.45 6671.60

Total-A. II 97390.53 94205.82 110757.34

A. Revenue Accounts Surplus/Deficits 595.85 64.55 281.28 Budget 2014 - 15 137


( ` in crores Item Budget Revised Budget Estimates Estimates Estimates 2013-14 2013-14 2014-15

B. CAPITAL ACCOUNT I. Recepits : I Loans from Government of India 2095.47 1227.85 1729.93 Open Market Loans (Net) 14956.39 13406.39 16733.71 Loans from LIC, RBI, NSSF & NCDC 1750.00 1750.00 2170.33 Recoveries of Loans and Advances 134.59 113.14 92.73 Public Account (Net) etc. 972.97 3799.97 1733.02 Total-B I 19909.42 20297.35 22459.72 II. Disbursements : Capital Outlay (Net) 17426.99 17721.70 19938.79 Repayment of Central Loans 713.36 681.75 774.43 Loans from LIC, RBI, GIC, NSSF and NCDC 1532.45 1534.52 1577.72 Disbursements of Loans & 752.93 414.12 476.60 Advances Total-B II 20425.73 20352.09 22767.54 B. Capital Account Surplus/ Deficit -516.31 -54.74 -307.82 C. Overall surplus/ Deficit for the year 79.54 9.81 -26.54 D. Closing Balance 65.66 77.77 51.23 138 Budget - 2014-15 Budget 2014 - 15 139  ^1J8_  ]V`^101C1:J]%`]QV_  `Q]QVRRR1 1QJ:C6H1V% 7 135 % of Declared Price Price Declared of 135 % 135 % of Declared Price Price Declared of 135 %     ^ :`: _ ^101C1:J]%`]QV_ R  61 1J$RR1 1QJ:C6H1V% 7]V` 122 % of Declared Price Price Declared of 122 % VHC:`VR `1HV ^]V`:` QJQ6_         Rs.125 & above Rs.125 & above ml (foronly) 330  C Q 1 1 2 Rs.140 & above Price Declared of 122 %   140 Budget 2014 - 15

or Rupees Rupees two for every hundred one rupees thereof on the Market Value or of part such undivided share or land, in interest right or Provided Provided that paid on power of the Attorney duty under Articles 41 (e) or 41 (eb), as the case may be, is adjustable towards the duty agreement for sale under Article payable 5(e) or instrument of sale or transfer, as the case on may between be, the same parties executed and in of respect same the property. on on the Market Value of such portion of the constructed or developed consideration area, and advanced, money higher. is whichever the if any; Proposed Proposed f Instrument Instrument f Duty Stamp (f) (f) If development relating to construction property, of including or a multi multi unit storied or house or portion building of or it or immovable unit of apartment or flat, executed owner or by lessee, as the and case be, may between and stipulation, whether developer, implied, that, in consideration of the having express owner a or or transferring or disposing lessee off, in any way, conveying undivided or share or right or If relating to property wherein Sale part of performance immovable contract. of the  (Para483) Annexure-III that, if stamp proper Existing andproposed ratesof Stamp duty One One rupee hundred for every rupees thereof on the market value of one or the property part subject-matter of development which is in the the agreement or consideration, on the whichever higher, subject to a is maximum lakhs. fifteen of rupees Provided duty clause(ea)of article 41 is on Power a of Attorney, executed paid under Provided Provided that if stamp duty the is paid on proper power of attorney under article 41(e) or 41(eb) as the case may, be executed between the same parties in respect of the same property, then the stamp duty chargeable agreement under Article 5 (e) shall on not exceed rupees two hundred. such If relating to construction If or to relating construction development immovable of including a multi-unit house or an building property, apartment or flat or portion or of unit a multi-storied by a building of developer or a builder or promoter or name called and the owner whatever or lessee, as the case may be, of such property that it , shall or be sold jointly If If immovable relating to wherein Sale part performance contract. of the of property

Instrument of Description Duty Stamp o Description

5 (e) 5 (e) Article Article Existing 5(f)

 Budget 2014 - 15 141

The term that, if the proper The The same conveyance [under duty Article 20(1)] on the as market value of a the consideration, such whichever is property, higher or stamp duty is clause paid (ea) of article under 41 on power of Attorney, executed by and between the parties same in respect same of property, the stamp then duty payable on the the corresponding under agreement clause (f) of article 5, shall not hundred. exceed two Rupees Explanation: “money advanced” in Article, means and this includes the security deposit whether adjustable. or refundable Provided

the the subject award, matter property. is of immovable Award, that is to say, any

a) a) If the property, which is interest interest in the land; the agrees developer to convey dispose off, in or any way, transfer portion of or the constructed or developed area to the owner or lessee, as the case be. may Explanation: The term “Developer” includes the promoter or builder or by whatever called. name Art. Art. 11. decision in by writing an arbitrator or directing award an being umpire, not a partition, on otherwise a than reference by an made order suit. a of the course in Court of the  between between the same parties in respect of the same property, the stamp duty such payable on agreement hundred. two rupees exceed shall not The The same stamp duty conveyance as a [under 20(1)] on article market value the of the property amount (which is the subject matter of or is higher whichever award), by by them or that a part of it shall be held jointly by them and remaining there of shall be sold jointly part them are by Award, Award, that is to say, decision any in writing arbitrator by an or being umpire, an award directing a not partition on made otherwise than a by an reference order of the Court suit. a course of in the 11. 11.  142 Budget 2014 - 15 % of the ¼ of the amount or % of the amount or

¾ % value. market Rupees thousand five hundred plus thirty rupees two lakh twenty five thousand plus seven amount amount or exceeding market value crores. rupees five Rupees Rupees thousand five hundred plus thirty ½ market seven value lakhs. fifty rupees exceeding market market value of the property, as set forth in the award, not does exceed fifty lakhs. rupees market value of the property rupees fifty lakhs but exceeds market value of the property five crores. rupees exceeds does does not crores. five rupees exceed the the subject award, matter property, of is movable b) b) If the property, which is i) Where the amount or ii) Where the amount or iii) Where the amount or Delivery Delivery order in respect of goods, entitling instrument say any to that is any person, therein named, or assignees his or the holder thereof, to the delivery of any goods any dock or lying port, in in any warehouse in which deposited on goods rent or hire, are or any upon wharf, stored such instrument or being 

Delivery Delivery order in respect of goods, that is to instrument say any entitling person, therein named, or any his assignees or the holder thereof, to the delivery any goods lying in any dock of or in port, in warehouse any which goods are stored or 24 24  Budget 2014 - 15 143


Goods for every one One rupee thousand rupees thereof or on the value of part the goods. Exemption: imported exempted from the levy which of Customs India. of Duty Government are by the

on on the Market Value of such constructed or developed Rupees Rupees two for every hundred one rupees thereof on the Market value or of part such undivided share or land, in interest right or Provided Provided that, the duty paid on agreement for sale under article 5(e), towards the is duty payable on adjustable such power under of executed between the same attorney article parties and in respect of the 41 same property. (e) signed signed by or on behalf of the owner of such goods therein, the property transfer of upon the sale or goods. of On the value “(ea) “(ea) If relating to development construction or property, of including a multi multi unit storied or house or portion building of or it or immovable unit of apartment or flat, executed owner or by lessee, as the and case may between When When given for consideration and or when coupled authorizing with the attorney to interest sell any property immovable and  One One rupee hundred for every rupees thereof, on one the market value or of property which part is matter of subject development in the power of consideration, attorney whichever or is on Rupee one one Rupee rupees for every five Rupees thereof. part or thousand one Provided that the duty paid on such power adjustable of towards attorney the for sale on payable agreement is duty under instrument of sale or article transfer, as the case may be, executed 5(e) between the same parties and in or respect property. of the same deposited deposited on rent or hire, or upon any instrument being signed by wharf, or on behalf of the owner of such such goods upon the sale or transfer of the property therein, immovable including a multi unit house or building property, apartment or flat or portion or of multi storage building unit by of (i) Where the value of the the of Where the value (i) exceed not does goods Rs.1,000. ii) Where the value of goods the exceeds thereof Rs.1,000 When consideration and or when coupled with given interest authorizing and the attorney to sell for property any immovable If relating to construction or development of any 41(e) (ea) 41  144 Budget 2014 - 15

that, if the proper respect respect property, of then duty the the stamp corresponding payable same power attorney on under clause (ea) of of the article hundred. two rupees exceed 41 shall not Provided Provided that, the duty paid on agreement for sale under article 5(e), towards the duty is payable on adjustable such power under of executed between the article same attorney parties and in 41 respect of the same property. (eb) portion, portion, the and consideration money advanced, any; if higher. is whichever Provided stamp duty is clause (f) of paid Article 5 on an under agreement between the same parties in executed

be, be, and stipulation, whether developer, implied, that, in consideration of the having express owner a or or transferring or disposing lessee off, in any way, conveying undivided or share interest or in the right land; or the agrees developer to convey dispose off, in or any way, transfer portion of or the constructed or developed area to the owner or lessee, as the case be. may Explanation: The term “Developer” includes the promoter or builder or by whatever called. name When given to person other than the than the other to person When given father, mother, wife sons, daughters, brothers, sisters in or husband, relation authorizing to such immovable person to property the State. Karnataka sell situated in executants

 higher higher subject to maximum of lakhs fifteen rupees Provided that, if proper stamp duty pay under article clause(f) 5 of on executed the between agreement, the same parties in respect of the same property, the payable on stamp such attorney duty power shall of hundred two rupees not exceed Provided Provided that the duty paid on such power adjustable of towards attorney the for sale on payable agreement is duty under Article instrument 5 of sale or transfer, (e) as the case or may be, executed on between the same parties in property. same the of respect

a a developer or a builder or promoter or by name whatever called stipulation that, having construction for a such development, the property shall be held jointly by the developer or promoter builder or by name or called or and the owner whatever or lessee, as the case may be, of such property, or that it shall be sold them or that jointly part of it by shall be held jointly by them and the remaining part there of shall be them. sold jointly by When given to person other than the wife father, or mother, daughters, brothers, sisters husband, in relation to sons, the executants authorizing such person to sell immovable State. Karnataka in situated property 41 (eb) (eb) 41   Budget -2014-15

Receipts - How the Rupee Comes (2014-15 BE)

State Non-Tax Revenue, 3 paise Public Account (Net), Share of Central 1 paisa Taxes, 12 paise

Grants from Central Govt., 15 paise State Tax Revenue, 51 paise

Borrowings, 18 paise 145 146 Budget - 2014-15 Budget - 2014-15 147 148 Budget - 2014-15