The Westfield Leader Every Night the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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The Westfield Leader Every Night the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County 425 E.BROAB ST. WOV. .Ail* FREE PARKING • *•** THE WESTFIELD LEADER EVERY NIGHT THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY SEVENTY-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 20 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1967 • J'ubilEhcd atWestHeM, N.J SSvary Thursday 24 Pages—10 Centf Leader Resumes Education Outlay Soars To New High Town Council Once Again FOCUS Weekly Feature ,524,260 School Budget Up Under Full GOP Control With this issue, the Leader re- Monday's organizational meeting Roeber, whose appointment is for Moiowa and Kamler; fire, Kamler, sumes its presentation of the FOCUS of Town Council saw ths end of six tliree years. Perry, Peterson and Ferguson; laws series of articles written by Mrs. yeais of bipartisan representation as Arthur E. Homer was reappointed and rules, Kinney, Molowa, Perry Ruth B. Gilbert, which will appear 5.38%; Hearing January 24 the Republicans look over solid con- to a three-year term on the Zoning and Peterson; purchasing. Mayor weekly on the page opposite the trol of the municipal governing reins. Board of Adjustment while John T. Mulreany, Maran, Sargent, and air Leader editorial page. Tliree incumbent eouncilmen, the traffic development, Molowa, Kam- The Board of Education has announced the proposed budget McCoy was named to a similar term Tlie articles offer a vivid word t! e 19671967 6688 schooschoo!! Estimated revenues from all sources exclusive of local taxes, mayiir, and one new councilman OH the same agency. ler and Moran. picture of individuals in the West- i "" year totalintotalingg $65242605$6,524,260.500 , an iincreas e off fuch as surplus funds, state aid, and other income, are down were sworn into office highlighting Giles K. Atwood was selected for The mayor also announced the ex- field area whose backgrounds, hob- or 5,38 per cent over the present budget. Because of from $1,123,914 to $082,910, a decrease of $131,004. the brief afternoon'session. bies or personal achievements and the decision to build the addition on Grant School on a "pay as The board estimates that the net effect of the increase in another five-year term on the li- pansion of the nine-man cultural and you go" basis by using surplus funds as voted by the town Oct 18 Mayor Robert H. Mulreany was brary board while W. Vincent Abra- beautification advisory committee experience merit recognition. Also the school budget for 1967-68 will be to add $32 to the tax bill the first to be sworn to & nsw term the portion of the total budget to be raised locally is $5,531,350 50 liamson and Georga Boxer were rc- to 13 persons. The now members are included in the series will be fea- This amount is $463,995.82 or 9.16 per cent more than the previ- of a home which has an assessed value of $10,000. by Mi's, Joy Vrs"'h-.Ki, Town Clerk, appointcd to four-year terms on the Irving P. Donaldson, Arnold Claman, tures on local organizations, their ous year. The board and the administration began work on this budget who also read the cath of office for Board of Health. William D. Peek and George Smith. histories, activities and goals. early in this school year and the board publicly complimented the Carl W. Peterson of the First Ward; staff and tho salary committees of John A. Hoff, chairman of thu Mrs. Clara. Bolger, Mrs. Gloria Walter 0. Perry. StxTrnd, and Rob- Jefferson and Mrs. Irene Grubman he Westfield Education Association ert G. Ferguson, Third. Planning Board received another six- and the Parent-Teacher Council for year terra white Edward L. Brown were named to the Advisory Commit Egner 'Governor' Moi-riV M. Kamhr started his first toe on Community IlcMions. How Westfield Ranks In Per-Pupil Cost theihi r cooperation, term as the Fourth Ward council was appointed to filJ out the two- At a rtieeting of the Board of year unexpired term of Lynn B. Tip- In his annual message, which is the top in current expense per cause tlieir tax money is going A public hearing on Ihe proposed rnpresenlctive. He replaces Council- printed in full in today's issue of For 11th Annual Education Tuesday night, Df. pupil. Current expense includes directly into the educational pro- budget will bo held hi the senior man John D. Fifo, a Democrat, who son who resigned Saturday. Tipson Llllard E. Law, superintendent is moving out of town. the Leader, Mayor Mulreany ex all of the expenditures with tho gram for the young people in high school cafeteria Tuesday, Jan. did not t.eek re-sUeticm. pressed hope the state legislature Klondike Derby of schools, gave tho following exception of capital outlay and Westfield. 24 at 8 p.m. Following this hearing, Fife was the lira Democrat tu W. Hollis Plinton, Joseph A. would approve the town's proposed report: , debt service. Our graduates have earned the board will take final action on gain tlection It the governing bod" Wiondl and Leon M. Prince were new charter and that the question Figures recently released by The highest per pupil cost was and are maintaining an enviable the budget which will llien bo sub- in many years rn'l served two full named to three-year terms on the Fred Egner of 820 Shackamaxon the New Jersey School Develop- mitted So the school district voters would be decided by the voters Dr, has been named "Governor of $924.95 and the lowest was $416- record in college, business and terms. t?or the past two years ho was Recreation Commission. Mrs. Jane Novemiber. ment Council illustrate that the .50. WestfieWs per pupil cost industry. Over 83 per cent of Tuesday, Feb. 14. tiie only Democrat on the governing L, Stone will serve for four years on Alaska" for the 11th annual Klon- Westfield Public School District He said council plans to develop a dike Derby to be held Jan. 14 at was listed as $56«.S9. Westfield last year's students continued "The electorate's acceptance ot body. the Welfare Board. new administrative code which would ranks at the mid-point of 61 com- ranked 44th out of 61 in the area their education with approxi- Ms budget will insure Uie continua- The following appointments were the Watchung Reservation, "Lieu- pared schools in per-pupi! expen- of administrative costs, 41st out Mayor Robert II. Mulrcany an- dovetail with the new charter and tenant Governor" is Frank Spera of mately 70 per cent at colleges ion of a sound educational program unanimously confirmed by the coun- work to implement the Master Plan. ditures. The statewide survey of fil in operation costs, and 52nd which were their first choice, nounced the following council work- Garwood. Boy Scout "Governor" is compares a cross section of rep- tor the students of our community," cil: Town attorney, Cuddies E. David- ing committees: Finance, Samuel M. Mayor Mulreany also reported the out of 58 ill transportation costs. Our students have garnered hon- stated Norman Morash, Board of son Jr.: admin'^rativ assistant, Paul Ambos of Troop 77, St. Paul's resentative schools and lists It was ranked 25th out of 61 in ors in various academic contests Kinney Jr., chairman, and Archer cultural and beautification commit' Episcopal Church and Boy Scout comparative costs in various Education president. Edward V. Enter' prosecutor, Jack D, Sargent, Albert L. Molowa and tee is expected to submit its plans the area of maintenance. in the county and the slate, as The major source of increase in J, Camilla; court clerk, Mrs. Doro- "Lieutenant Governor" is Bob Wall state-stipulated school budget well as consistently placing as Ferguson: public works, James C. for a center later this year and coun- of Troop 75, Church of St. Anne, Ro- In the aroa of instruction, the the proposed budget is for salaries thy L. Worth, and treasurer, Bert categories. Westfield ranked Westfield schools were ranked Merit scholars. Moran, Kinney, Perry and Sargent; cil hopes to establish a program for man Catholic, Garwood. ninth in size of the compared and provision for Blue Cross end L. Rocber. All of the terms aro for police, Molowa, Perry, Sargent and such a facility based on the com 26th from the top out of tiie 61 The major expenditure of an Blue Shield for all employees. one year with the exception of Mr. About 900 scouts ore expected to school districts, and the cross schools. Instructional expenses Peterson; welfare, Peterson, Kinney,' miltee's recommendations. section included various types of educational budget is for salar- Over 7« per cent of the proposed take part in the Derby this year in the analysis covered the great- ies, It requires superior teach- budget is allocated for salaries of all and they will be supervised by near- organization from kindergarten est portion of tho school budget through eighth grade, regional ers to provide the proper climate employees. The increase in this item ly 150 adult leaders. —teachers' and supervisors' sal- for good education. In order to amounts to $427,13? nr 9.4 per cent. The Klcndike Derby, sponsored by schools, and kindergarten thru aries, books, leaching materials, Fire Department 12th grade. sustain such a staff in these days Included in this increase is on ai' Colonial District, i, Watchung Coun- and school clerical costs. of critical teacher shortage, it lowance of $lui,245 for the addition cil, comprises the towns of West- The survey, an annual report It would appear that our rela- is necessary that our salary of six new teachers, an elctwmtary Warns Residents Mayor's Annual field, Garwood, Scotch Plains, Fan- of the N, J.
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    left?"? • ssmesaesgaB asggiMNmpiHg!*^ - •• jwswpfee -S9T : ;i- ^ '• ^ "am: •'' f iASi'tjUU,. i--^;' :;-1- ! JliW ir'»i^6f :»<5 •J; .ifT-v^'-.V. ••< •• " ••' • »i{ >;• AT TWO DOLLAES PEE ANNUM—IN ADVANCE PUBLISHED EVEEY TUESDAY MORNING, BY HOMEB BYINGTON, ;§. Jfitmilii Uttfospaptr. gtbirtrii la fatal $tefos mtV |ntasls, derail JnttUigtita, Jittratat,, ^politits, ^jricaBatt, Pw&atitts, % %tts, (filmcatwn, &. ^t.—€stablisjit!( in 1800. NOEWALK, CONN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1853. VOLUME XXXVI.—NUMBER 47. NUMBER 308—NEW SERIES. Why, Miss Ingle, I tnougnt you E. V. A. CHICHESTER'S conquest, accordingly. But she had mis­ ' You are so skilled in the art, Mr. The young gentleman colored very Flitergibbet," said the amiable sister, "I were in the nursery with Ina. It is 'GMWALLK " MISCELLANEO US \ taken her power. Morton sought h strangely at this question, while Ina re­ PAINTING, GLAZING company, indeed, but it was merely from wonder you dont give her lesson in pain­ quite an unusual circumstance to find sumed— JL H. BYINOTON, Editor & Proprietor. , i aud Paper Hanging Establishment. From the American Union. you here. Are you not afraid of the CATALOGUE. lA ting yourself." ''Oh, you ought to hear me My the Office West Side the Bridge in Leonard's HE subscriber has taken the Store recently : \ /WISHING. the attraction of her wit and vivacity, Barn Door Rollers and Hangers. "Excuse me, sis, I leave that to your draft of night air ?" said a considerate pretty prayer she made 'me. Brother nl :VK~ Building, over store of F. St. John.^ T occupied by Messrs. Randle & Piatt, and Dish Scrapers. Scrapers for wood a, stone.* BY JOHN G.
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