2018 BOE Minutes May 30, 2018
16 2018 MINUTES OF THE STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Wednesday, May 30, 2018 The Board met at its offices at 450 N Street, Sacramento, at 9:30 a.m., with Mr. Runner, Chairman, Ms. Ma, Vice Chairwoman, Mr. Horton, Ms. Harkey and Ms. Yee present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ms. Yee. The Board recessed at 9:33 a.m. and reconvened at 9:37 a.m. with Mr. Runner, Ms. Ma, Mr. Horton, Ms. Harkey and Ms. Yee present. BOARD MEMBER ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPH The annual Board photograph was taken. BOARD MEMBER REQUESTED MATTER Recommendation for Board Positions on ACA 12 & AB 1596 Ms. Ma made introductory remarks regarding her recommendation for Board Positions on ACA 12 & AB 1596: Property Tax Relief to Families of Disabled Children (Exhibit 5.1). Speaker: Assembly Member Todd Gloria, Representing the 78th District Action: Upon motion of Ms. Harkey, seconded by Mr. Horton and unanimously carried, Mr. Runner, Ms. Ma, Mr. Horton, Ms. Harkey and Ms. Yee voting yes, the Board supported the bills as recommended by Ms. Ma. Exhibits to these minutes are incorporated by reference. PROPERTY TAX MATTER STATE ASSESSED PROPERTIES VALUE SETTING Richard Reisinger, Chief, State-Assessed Properties Division, Property Tax Department, made introductory remarks regarding the valuation of state-assessed properties. Electric Generation Facilities Action: Upon motion of Ms. Harkey, seconded by Ms. Yee and unanimously carried, Mr. Runner, Ms. Ma, Mr. Horton, Ms. Harkey and Ms. Yee voting yes, the Board ordered that the market value to be used in the assessment
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