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VOL. XXY.--N0. 9.i HONOLULU, TUESDAY, MAECH 4, 1890. (WHOLE No. 1312. Business (Harlrs. (TarDs., Business THE WHALE FISHERY. were made at 22 cents. The market was gauratian (gazette latraiiimtouite then quite dull until August, wbea tha MISCELLANEOUS Annual Rerlew of the Industry for the price dropped to 19 cents, and to 1S MISCELLANEOUS. cents in September, the lowest price for PUBLI8HED BY Tear 1889. the year. In October it advanced to BISHOP & COMPANY. 19 WILLIAM C. PARKE, -- The Whalemen's Shipping List con- 20 cents, and in November to 21 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (Limited,) XTtT TEN PAGE EDITION. continuing to BSTABXiISECir 18S8, - tains the review of the whale fishery for cents, steady the close, -- A.tto3Lna.oy Tjqtou- when 22 cents was demanded. There Every Tuesday Morning, BANKERS. at 1889 which ia given below : :- was exported HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. OFFICE -13 KAAiruiuinj Street, during the year 326,825 TUESDAY, MARCH 1890. The past year has shown no improve- pounds. AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM DRAW EXCHANGE ON 1289 Honolulu. H. I. ly 4, ment over the preceding one in catches We estimate the import of sperm oil THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO into the Atlantic ports in 1890 11,000 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. AND AGENTS DC or results. Two Bperm whalers from the at TIIEIB NELLIE M. LOWREY, WHEN 8HIPS SAIL AWAY. to 13,000 barrels, and of whale oil 4000 Foretell Subscribers 86.00 In Advance New York, Boston, Paris. Pacific Ocean made good voyages, and to 5000 barrels. No estimate can be MESSRS. N M. ROTHSCHILD SONS, LONDON. Notary - "When ships sail away, some of the vessels cruising in the North made of whalebone, so much depending Which includes postages prepaid. Public. -FK- ANKFOKT-ON-THE-. upon OFFICE with W. R. Castle, opposite As on every day and Atlantic did well, among the success of the Northern fleet. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Post-offic- They do from our H. M. WHITNEY, Business Manager. 1279 e. ly island home, them several schooners obtaining good London. There are earnest eyes FROM THE VOLCANO. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydnev.Sydney. Searching catches on the Hatteras and Charleston OSce, So. 46 Merchant Street. The Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, and its H. N. CASTLE, the Bkies Branches in Christchurch, and Well- To see whence the stormB grounds. may come. The Raymond and Excursion- ington. For the ships bear The Arctic season was failure thep Whitcomb Bank of Colnmbia, Portland, 3Lttoxaa.y Tjarw afar, a RATES OF ADVERTISING. The British at To where strangers are, ists Return by the Klnau AllvPleased Oregon. OFFICE-- In the Cartwright Building, worst ever known only 72 whales being measured The Azores and Madeira Islands. Those who some hearts hold dear; With Their Trip. cmM Stockholm, Sweden. yl opposite Post Office. Merchant St. 1301 taken in the Arctic. The vessels in the iiiXoHparie. llwilmiSm Sni6mlyr And there's never a boat, The Kinau arrived Wednesday morn- The Chartered Bank of London, Australia and On the sea afloat, Japan and Ochotsk seas, and on Kodiac, K in 100 2 00 300 400 6 00 10 00 China, 6 Lines a K. But has ing from windward, having among her 12 Limes 1 " 150 300 4 00 5 00 SOO 12 00 HonckonR,"? okohama, Japan. And transact J. HOOKANO, cost some woman a tear. did better, 47 whales being taken on the 6 001 7 50 10 00 15 00 1256 GeneralBankinpBueinesB. y passengers, I J Liaes--2 " 200' 400 (Ex Deputy Sheriff.) former and 25 on the latter ground. sixteen ladies and gentlemen 35 e- SOO! 5 00! 75011000 14 00 woo When snips sail away Lin- " -- who had paid a visit to the crater of 3 Llnes- -4 " 4O0 6 00 100014 00 20 00 25 00 ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. There are who With the exception of two steamers in 23 00 40 00 E. G.HITCHCOCK, those pray, , 5 " 600 900 1400 1800 to Kilauea. Among the number was the 7 SOO 1200 i6oo!eooo 00 60 00 Collections Pbomptlt Attekded To. "God speed the other shore, the Arctic, the other eight steamers did 4500 6000 Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Bid Raymond 9- 10 " 1200 1800 2200200 1273 NORTP KOHALA, HAWAII. ly the storms to cease, no better and Whitcomb excursionists 3000 4000 7000 10000 than the sailing vessels. Three Column 1500 2000 Office at HILO, HAWAII. Let ie sea have peace, in charge of 1SO0 2500 400015000 90 00 14000 vessels were lost, the Ohio 2d in Bristol that genial gentleman, Mr. Oae Column - And the sun shine evermore; ea- N. B. Bills Pbosutlt Collected. ' Bay on on C. Lyon They had fine weather, for publication, "o WILDER, Give the people ' ' Nounivak Island, the Lucretia Intended 12981y GARDNER K. ret Herald Shoals the and eheotd be addrccted to the "Editor of the Hawa- On the ocean's breast, in Arctic, the a splendid trip, the Volcano was active Office Box. O. " Attorney-at-La- w schooner A. Hamilton is supposed to iian Gazette. Post &. and Notary Public And gladness, and hope to J. and also enjoyed themselves immensely. WIL.UEK CO., cheer; Ouna-lask- a, relating to Advertisements, Oh, God! take have been lost on her passage to Subscription., and Job Printlnc, ould be ad Corner of Fort and Queen Steets, Honolulu, OFFICE: HONOLULU , care A never having been heard from. Mr. J. J. Williams, the world renowned Hawaiian Gazette, Of them everywhere, dressed to the "Manaeerof the Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Salt & Building 1264 MEBCHAUT photographer, party, BTBEET. ly our to" The poor season was attributed to the accompanied the Post Office Box, O." 1215 kind- - T For friends Thee are dear!"' yearly Materials of every prevailing warm weather and the ab- and his valuable experience u trip to Cards and all quarterly or ' vTt. i i in are payable iaadvance or on pre-- e When ships, sail away sence of ice and consequent absence of advertisements H. L. HOLSTEIN, ' the Volcano was much appreciated by eolation of the bill . HITMAN Hopeful and gay, whales, they being further north in the the tourists They went by way o advertisements must be ac- IIKOS.. And .. pack ice. X B All Toreicn no - Importers of General Merchandise,- - Attorney a.t Laxw. timid souls go too, i. Keauhou and found the journey to the r companied with the ?aywhen ordered iu(r And The steamers Orca and Thrasher went courageous will be taken of them. The rates of rBox Collections Pbomptlt Attended to. bands j jj,., Volcano house one of comfort. The nertce remit-aac- e as far as MacKenzie river and Herschel char-- es are civen in the above scale, and FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY AND THE Keep other lands, crater was active and a fine Bight American advertisements, 1268 KOHALA. HAWAII. l ' east for European or UNITED STATES. As their field of work, in view'1 Island, further than any whalers was witnessed The accommodations at or subscriptions may be made by postal order. God give were ever known to have been. Plenty No. 58 Queen Street, - Honolulu. H. I, them power iV i the Volcano house were highly spoken In every hour, . open water was found, and two whales THE H. H. WILLIAMS & CO., ' of. Arriving at Hilo on the return Advertiser Be the skies bright or dim, were captured by each vessel. home, the party Waiakea, Daily Pacific Commercial BYMAN BROTHERS. Importers, Manufacturers, Upholsterers, Through the efforts of the New Bed- visited Compant In age or youth, the Rainbow falls, Cocoanut Island, Is published bj the Hawaiian Gazette AND DEALERS IN ford Board of Trade, seconded by the Merchant Street, and delivered by Commission Merchants, In honor and truth, w and other points of interest. Hon. at hs Office in 20b San Francisco. and masters of whalers, a Carriers la the City, at Front Street, FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, To bring glory and praise to Him. owners the D. H. Hitchcock extended hospi- paid to filling and shipping House of Refuge has been established by Six Dollars (86.00) For Annum. articular attention Pianos and Musical Instruments. tality to the party. At Mahukona Mr. to one address. 1215 Island orders. y When ships sail away, the United States Government at Point waio and Weekly perannnm 1264 105 FORT STREET. ly Chas. L. Wight entertained them during 810.00 Those who sail in them may Barrow. The material to build it and the steamer's brief stay They all speak Countries Postage paid, Win renown or direst supplies for the same were taken there Aiaiij iuuii.u glO.OO per annum CO., blame, in high terms of the accommodations on M. S. GRINBAT7M & WILLIAM C. ACHI, For our dear old by the U. S. steamers Bear and Thetis - Communications, land, the Bteamer Kinau and the kind atten- ea- Address all Commission Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and What should ever stand and bark Thos Pope, and with the as- HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPAQ , Merchants, tion of Capt. Lorenzen, Purser Beckley No. 124 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Noble and pure of fame. sistance of the whalemen the officers of 46 M.-C- U ml street. Eeal Estate Broker. and the other officers of the steamship. No. y God give them might the steamers erected the house, and it 1256 Attends all the Coubts or the Kingdom. The entire party was as follows: Mr. In the cause of right was placed in charge of Capt. B. and Mrs. N. R. Baker, Mrs. W. A. OFFICE: No. 36 Merchant Street, To . modations (Cards. HOJL.IJSTER & CO.. be fearless and strong and brave; Borden The house has accom Meyers, Mrs. M T Tatum, Miss Helen gmstes 1267 Honolulu, H. I. ly May they tidings take, for a large number of persons, and sev- TOBACCONISTS, Lewis, Miss Florence E. Stowe, Miss DRUGGISTS AND For the Saviour's sake, eral steamers and vessels being imperiled Minnie Garrison, Miss Shaw, Of by ice of Jeanette WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,-12- 33 the mercy that loves to save. the heavy east Point Barrow, at Mr. and Miss De Lucca, Miss B. O'Brien, PROFESSIONAL. one time it looked as if these accommo- 109 Fort StrePt. y When ships sail away, ' August Brosseau, J. J. Williams, Henry UNION FEED CO., dations were to be availed of the first C. Lyons, E. Spring and H. Riker. CHARLES I CARTER, They cannot stray year of their establishment. J. etX X-mc- If. E. MLcIITYKE & BBO, DEALERS IN Out of "Our Father's" sight; Bark Ohio, Capt. Allen, of this port, Attorney y Grocery, Feed Store and Bakery. Oh, God of love laBt The Mikado. 1257 No. 24 Merchant fatreet. referred to in our review as missing, Comer King and Fort Streets, Look down trom above, proved to have been lost with most of the Gilbert & Sullivan's opera.The Mikado, A. ROSA. HAY and GRAIN And keep 1251 Honolulu, H. I. T them both day and night. officers and crew, only seven being which is now in active rehearsal by local Xaarwr-- Queen and Edinburgh Sts. We cannot see Attorney saved. amateurs, is in two acts. The first act What the needs may be The North Pacific fleetof 1890. will 2To. 15 Kaahcxanu Stbeet, EMPIRE HOUSE, Ko-Ko- Proprietor TeLepIiozie 175. But our loving trust commends number 46 vessels, of which about 15 takes place in the court-yar- d of 's H. I. 7 J. OLDS, joji Honolulu, ::::::::: Island orders solicited. To the gracious care will go to the Japan and Ochotsk seas, official residence, and the second in his Hotel Corner Nunaou Avenue and Streets. 1290 3m That is everywhere, Bristol bay and Kbdiac7TeavTiig the Arc- garden. The dramatis personaleis as fol- W- - R. CASTLE, Choice Ales, Wines and Liquors The ships that sail, and our friends. fleet 31 r tic proper about vessels, the A.Ta?03E.ITES-5- -- .t ii.a--- w 1251 Ji Marianne Fabningham. smallest for many years. lows: The Mikado of Japan; Nanki-Po- o, of his son, disguised as a wandering And Xotary Public. Attends all the Courts E. S. CTJNHA ROSE, During the coming year about fifteen y W. I. vessels, principally engaged in sperm minstrel, and in love with Yum-Yu- m ; 0-- 5 the Kingdom. HILO, - - - - , HAWAII. A TEST CASE. whaling, are expected to return Ko-K- DEtotalX "7'iaa. Scaler. home, o, lord High executioner of Titipu; leaving of vessels ALERED MAGOON, UNION SAXOON, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker. the smallest number Pooh-Ba- h, Lord High everything else ; J. A Chinaman leai es the Kingdom. With- tonnage for 'and sperm whaling known Pish-Tus- h, At Law. In rfar of the " Hawaiian Gazette " building. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP a Noble lord; Yum-Yu- Counselor 1251 23 Merchant y out Complying fifty o, Attorney and No. Street. Tin and Iron Ware, Stamped Tin, With the taw and years. Pitti-Sin-g and Peep-b- three sisters, 42 Merchant Street, present fleet of 97 vessels, OFFICE Agate and Granite "Ware. Wants to Iteturn. The consists wards of Ko-K- o; Katisha, an elderly Honolulu, H. I. with 22,718 tonnage, being a reduction WM. MAEBTKKS, PHIL. OPPEROELT, HEBUANH FOCKE, ASSORTMENT OP lady, in love with Nanki-Po- o ; chorus of 1233 Z The law reads that Chinese who leave of 9 2770 . Honolulu. Honolulu. Honolulu. vessels, with tonnage, during school girls, nobles, guards and cavaliers. Stoves and Ranges always on hand. the kingdom ly- and desire to return must the past year. There are at present After the overture, the first act VEC1L into IV. hoffschTaegek & CO. my Stock will be sold at Reasonable Prices. open3 C0UKSELL0B AT LAW, ei All obtain a permit from the Minister of For- ing in Eastern ports 21 vessels, with 4112 with a chorus of men There are several A.TI0BNEY AND King and Bethel Streets, "Special attention paid to Plantation orders. tonnage. NOTARY PUBLIC, - -- eign Affairs and must also furnish the songs, duets, two trios, a quartette and of Honolulu, H. I., B- Please Give Me a Call. J Refiners purchased less crude sperm Acknowledgments 1306-6- act One And Agent for .aking Importers and Commission Merchants, m Minister with two photographs of him- choruses, in the number which .nnrumeSts for the Island of Oahu. oil during the year, say about 13,000 bar- is generally very taking is "Three Little street. Jlonolnlu. 1256 y self and pay a fee of five Campbell Block, Merchant, dollars and rels, against 21,000 barrels in 1888; but Maids from School," by Yum-Yu- 1210 . INSURANCE. on other hand quantity EIRE comply with other requirements. Chung the the exported Peep-B- o and Pittih-Sin- g. The music in was much larger than the previous year, IVS HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO Waa left the country without doing any- some parts, especially for the chorus, is JO II. PAW. w Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,, being 5800 barrels, against 1350 barrels. and COMMISSIONER ..., thing as required by the law and is de- rather difficult. Act 2 opens with a solo K0IABX PUBLIC WW.b.u, U.kU vuu.vv n The price opened the year at 69 cents Pitti-Sin- g Go sirous of by and a chorus of girls. In of DEEDS Machinery of Every Description Royal Insurance returning, but the Minister of and advanced to 7'3 cents in February, this act are a madrigal and a glee both New Yory JB3- - Made to Order. S For the States of California and LIVERPOOL, Foreign Affairs declares that he will not which was the highest price reached dur- of which must be well sung to be effec- Bishop & Co., Honolulu. Black-smithin- re-act- Bank of ing year. then to 60 cents tit-will- Ko-K- OfflM at the Particular attention paid to Ships' permit Chung Waa to return to and land the It tive. The song by o is 1251 . JOB WOKK executed on the shortest Capital and Funds, - $ 29,000,000 in August, from which time it gradually 1231 notice. y in the Hawaiian Kingdom, and that he very pretty The finale brings out the D- - S advanced to 70 cents in December, at J. M. WHITNEY, M. D.. D. will hinder and prevent him from so re- full company. UNION New Zealand, turning and landing. which holders were firm at the close. Dental Booms on Fort Street-Off- ice & The visible supply is 4130 and Fort E. O. HALL. SOS. A bill for an injunction has been filed barrels less Brewer's, Block, corner Hotel Capital, - - - S 10,000,000 : Kahuku Plantation. in LIMITED. by Chung Waa's attorney, praving than at same time last year, as follows 1227 y streets Entrance. Hotel street. that An Advertiser representative got on Importers and Dealers in Hardware, TAKE BISKS ON the Minister of Foreign Affairs may be Bbls. Plows, Paints, Oils and General Merchandise, enjoined from hindering 1 the weather side of Mr. H. M. von Holt , BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, and preventing Stock January , 1889 10,685 WILLIAM 0. OFFICERS: Chung Waa from returning and landing Afloat 1889 Monday and found that that gentle- ft WmW Hall President and Manager January 1, 7,115 MACHINERY, FURNITURE, in the Kingdom, and a of sub- EY-AT-LA- L C Abies Secretary and Treasurer that writ man had just returned from the country. ATTORN Auditor poena be directed com- Wm F Allen And all other Insurable Property at to the Minister 17,800 Being asked to state what he had been Honolulu. Thos May and E O White Directors manding him to appear and show cause 66 Fort Street, 12J3 Corner Fort and King Sts y Current Rates. Stock January 1, 1890 10,250 y why doing so far away from home, Harry 1256-- an injunction should not issue and Afloat January 1,1890 3,420 JOHN S. WALKER, be made perpetual and for such other re- said he had been driving cattle, or, in

HOBRON, & Co., y lief as other words, he had been transferring THOMAS W. TIIEO. II DAYIES 1270-l- Agent for Hawaiian Islands. the natureof the case may require 13,670 and for costs therein. 3,500 head of cattle and 150 horses and and Commission Merchants, dur- Fixtolic, Importers The petition states that Chung Waa is The market for whale oil was firm mules, belonging to the Kahuku ranch, Notary AKD AGENTS TOE MARINE INSURANCE. a Hawaiian subject, having been natur- ing the year, but the demand very mod- to Mr. B. F. Dillingham, the railroad W. O. Smith, 66 Fort street. only 6350 Office with Lloyd's and the Liverpool Underwriters, alized under the laws of the Kingdom on erate. The total sales reached magnate. That next week he would 165-l-w 1257--y one-ha- lf of sold British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company, the 11th day of August, 1886, as appears barrels, over which was commence the transfer of the stock at 1251 AndNorthem Assurance Company, y in at 35 38 cents, mostly Northern The undersigned is authorized to take by his naturalization papers. July Honouliuli to the same gentleman. oil, which may be said to have been Harry, by the way, remarked that there MISCELLANEOUS. C. Marine Bisks on about the ruling price for the year. For HUSTACE. The I'unchbowl Road. was more fun in transferring stock than (Formerly with B. F. BoIIes & Co.) HULLS, CARGOES, the remaining stock held here, 1350 bar- being Chairman of the Central Commit- ;LAU9 STUECEELS WM. Q.IBWIN Editor Daily Bulletin, rels of Nothern, 45 cents is demanded. FREIGHTS 'and to tee. & co.. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Dr. Pacific Commercial Advebtiseb. Sales were reported in San Francisco, from WJ1. G. mnu 111 King Street, under Harmony Hall. It is learned Mr. von Holt that COMMISSIONS, To hack on the arrival of the Arctic fleet, at 25 Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Family, Plantation, and Ships' Stores sup- hire spent bv reporter of the the McCandless Brothers have com- y plied at short notice. New Goods by every At Current Rates in the following Com- Advertiser in looking for the quar- 35 cents, the market closing at 30 menced boring an artesian well at Ka- 12J3 Honolulu, H.I. faith- ter of a mile of steamer. Orders .rom the other islands panies, viz : the Punchbowl road cents offered. About all the catch of huku, that two manager's residences fully executed. washed away, as stated in Tuesday the Eastern vessels in the North Pacific have been built, a store is JUL. UACKFELrD & CO., 1251 TELEPHONE No. 119. S evening's Bulletin erected, also Union Fire and Marine, of New $1.00 the past season was sold in San Fran- an office with a Bell telephone inside, General Commission Agents, Zealand, Received payment? cisco, except the Alaska's catch, which and there are five cottages up besides the H. I. y JOICVT. WATEBHOBSE, Upon reading of the great has been sent via Cape Horn, and 1256 Queen Strcet.Honolnln, Madgeburg General Ins. Co., disaster in East servants' quarters. Kahuku, he says, IMP0ETEE AND DEALER IS GENERAL the Bulletin the Advertiser reporter 400 barrels will come via Panama. is much changed since these improve- A. SCHAEFER & CO. MERCHANDISE. Sun Insurance Co., San Francisco. went right off to the Eoad Supervisor, Whalebone ruled at quite high prices ments, and one can readily believe him. F. and they together Merc's, 124o Queen Htreet. Honolulu. H. I. y went up and down the throughout the year. It opened at $3 25, There i3 no wonder at it, for go-ahe- Importers Commission JOHN road seven times were not advanced to $3 40 in February and to Hawaiian Islands. y S. WALKER, but able to men are interested in the scheme. 1233 Honolnlu, find re-act- 1270-l- y Agent for Hawaiian Islands. where the road had been washed $3 50 in June, but to $3 40 in B. LEWEES. r.J.LOWBET. C.M.COOKE away. & CO July, continuing steady until September, The Samoan Trade. M. S. GKINBATJM LEAVERS &. COOKE. Estate of E. Goto. The Minister of the Interior was next when sales were made during that and raroBTEns or Successors to Lzwxns & Dickson, visited, and he offers to eat a pound of the following month at reduced prices In his report to the State Department Dealers Lumber, IS HEREBY GIVEX Punchbowl rock for say $3 00 3 25. upon American trade in Samoa, Mr. W. Merchandise Commission Importers and in NOTICE the matter of the above estate for every yard of road new bone, It then General ad And of Building Materials, is steady untO of vice-consu- l, 7 all kinds Letters of Administration have this day been that washed away. This offer remains remained the result the Blacklock, says: "The 1223 Honolulu. H. I. 1220 y Issued to the undersigned. AH persons in- open to of Ifarchaats. Fort Street.Honolulu. the end the week. Arctic season was known, in November, ODStacle way of debted to the said estate should make imme- As a matter of failure, when price great in the American STEAM diate payment of their indebtedness, and all fact the road after the to be a the rose to PIONEER THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN claims against said estate should be presented heavy rain is uninjured, with the excep- $4 00 H 25, and advanced to $4 50 in trade in all classes of goods is the wast Manufactory and Bakery, within sts months or they irill be forever barred. tion of a few spots that are immaterial. December, at which it was firmly held. of steam connection with the Pacific Candy Companv. F. M. SWA2JZY. --JE . , Investment(Limited) " The next road disaster, we ask edi- The above quotations of price refer to coast, while with New Zealand we have SOHLBT Baker. Honolulu, Jan. 6. 1890. 13B9-- Jt the Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Mon y loaned for long or short periods. tor of the Bulletin to notify us, so as to Arctic bone, the greater portion of the a steamer every four weeks and also one nnd Fort y 1229 71 Hotel St., bet. Nnnann ON APPROVED SECURITY. Honolulu Iron Works Gompany. save hack hire. import being that kind. Japan, Ochotsk, every six weeks, and with Australia we Apply to W. L. , Manager. and South Sea were sold at correspond- have another one every four weeks. One

na-Offl- ing good prices, the closing price of the or two of our more enterprising G. MACFARI.ANE & CO 1215 ce Beaver Block. Fort St, t THE AlWrjAI, MEETING Kealla Lodge. merch- W. AT this Company held this day at the offices two former being $3 75. ants have received shipments of paints Importers and Commis6ion Merchants, of Theo. H. fc Co., the following Officers --The following are the officers of Kealia An importer of Dundee, Scotland, from San Francisco on & COMPANY. were elected for the ensuing year, Tiz : the mail steamers Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, C BREWER President Theo. H. Daries, Lodge No. 5 (alias Pythian Babe) for the holds all the stock of whalebone, about via New Zealand. There are many lines I (Limited) nt T. Rain Walker, 17 tons, on of all classes of goods pur- TOB present term. Unavoidable circum- that side the water, which in which can be AGENTS Mercantile and Commission Agents Secretary and Treasurer..F. M. Swanzy, is firmly held by per ton, to better Iron Gereral Auditor .T. R. Keywortk. stances have delayed him at 2500 chased advantage in the United MIrrlees, Watson & Co.. Scotland Street STREET, HONOLULU, H. the installing of the equivalent to $5.00 per pound. is States which, now works, Glasgow. QUEEN I. F. M. SWANZT, Secretary. It oar merchants have to February 1890 I311-- 3t officers until this H' John Fowler & Co., (Leeds) Limited Steam Plow I.I9T 01" ORICEB8. Honolulu. 17. late date: P.O., understood that the stock of 12 tons obtain from English colonies for want of -- Hugus, Wish-ar- d; 123 ana Liocomoure w orse. una. j P.C., jb - - President and Manager P. M. D.; C. C, H. G. held in the public warehouses in Lon- transportation from the United States. $ JOSEPH O. CARTER. Treasurer and Secretary FOE SALE ! V. C., A. Lindsay; P., Wm.Blais-del- l; don belongs to cutters. If the mail steamers running fromSfta ALLEN Auditor MEJJAS, C3L, W. F. -- SEC02fD-HAJS- T K.K.and S., Geo. H.Fairchild; Refined spermaceti sold'at 22 cents at Francisco to New Zealand and Australia, MRS. A. K. . i DOTJBI.E DIRECTORS. EFFECT. M. F E. E. Wade ; M. E., Wm. Easeie ; the commencement of the year, advan- called here a good trade would be built PaakleaaWe Drew and Cle&k Maker HENRTWATERHOUSE ON. C.B. BISHOP,. gar I. G., Wm. Henning; O. G., S. G. cing to 23 cents in Mjtvii, and con-tinn- ed up in a v rv with SAM-L- C. ALLEN. ly aptlt to short 'inie the United 1251 No 1" Emma street. 1366 1309-- 4t H. HACKFELD & CO. King. steady until June, when saled States." TUESDAY, MARCH UAWJlIIAN GAZETTE, i 2 rfrlj ft . f the needs and does not sacrifice some tfzsementSK MODERN AMAZONS. pliedTtTTJiis is one of i- - N jnost alJkbTelfeQtures of the Acfc lb eners L $veraerit l j r i ds J V !aujmtaitda andriir-waaBimpl- same. "we Had pcatponedthe Gne of the most fchorougfcfraidsj out of the question the If aws Punchbowl ?road and three or four f on a saloon eyetj madeBy American tAllow failures, to comply with it to EST MODUS IN BEBTJS. needed improvements, we women, if report be true, occurred pass unnoSced,on the very first oc- other might have macadamized the road lately in aWestern cityr. The casion oMheBtatute's operation. To -- PAGE EDITION. to volcano, but such a course TEN doomed liquor seller was warned secure-theobjec- t required, a simple the exceedingly foolish. Hatlo conviction was all sufficient, and the would been TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1890. beforehand, and like Bishop 1 Punchbowl road as it actually he barred his door and fondly ima-- prosecution asked for a nominal The penalty "whioll .was 'fixed by the' Brands, with all its imperfection on r.4 Wt. nnhlish in this mornings is-- gmea mat ne was saie. ixoc so. xu aiticuia 1 is an immense addition to C" I theJesson is generallyun its head i r n "- hnfVi nacaa Hio lnvnrlore-, inJlt. .court... Jf. sue tne... ii report.oi tnojiusuu ohv-j."- - w.., inmn A CURE lull derstood the object pf the proceed- - the attractiveness of Honolulu, and POSITIVE ings Bank for the year 1889,tiiand rec tne windows, xne liquor seuer waa 07$s jjso'far as'tthef publifefis con-ed,v- fll not the least of its advantages is , --every to the careful perusal of not reduced to a skeleton like his ings, for form of ommend it have been attained. that i$ .was gptsd cheagithaftit did our readers. German progenitor, but his windows were smashed, his glasses wrecked, The object of the election law is to not need to be paid for by the sacri- SKIN AND BLOOD our pplitics up to a higher fice of .p.theri needed improvements. u CHINESE IMMIGRATION. his beloved kegs and barrels and bring J experience of England, Future --Legislatures can and prob- 3 casks stove in, while their death plane. The DISEASE 1 j on Chi- ably will vote funds to improve it, The ministerial reply the dealing contents went to swell the Australia and some of the United IBIROIVI as they have done and will still con- .- os Scalp. ScofoU oa Neck. 3 nese question has attracted deserved streams in the gutter. A companion States have abundantly demon- attention abroad, as the article re- liquor seller was served likewise strated, to the confusion of all pro- tinue to do with regard to all other printed in our colnmns from the and three refractory druggists were fessional politicians, the utility and roads and public improvements, and RIMPLES to SCROFULA ( Sydney Daily Telegraph shows. cowed into submission. Moral necessity of such legislation. Our as other .countries have-don- e and "While this article is not entirely free the law is not perfect, but it is good; and continue to do. No country ever TMSFIGURIXG HUMORS, Humiliating Ernp-an- d RESOLVENT, thw new Blood Pari-fie- r. I roused womanhood can enforce U tiooa. Itching Burnine Skin Torture, Diuretic, and Aperient, cleanse the Blood from error, its comments are in the laws than all your marshals, it should be the earnest effort of all got good roads all at once. The New Loatssome Bom, and every specie of Itching, and Perssiration of all Impurities and Poiscaoa 0 quicker its bealy, Jflmpjy, inherited, bcroiuious, ana bjpoi-lltl-e Elements, and thus removes the CAUSE. Hence main just It is a mistake, however, courts and sheriffs parties to secure its enforcement in York" Central did not lay-- four Diseases of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, with it cures speedily, permanently, and economically. is a country tracks at the same time. The Lou of Hair, from infancy to old age, are cored by to suppose that this It would be an error to suppose, practice as well as its improve- air CCTtctnu. Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, Cntlcnra. the Sktjt Ccrx fa Medicinal Internally, and Cuticura and CcnctniA Sojlp, the Grzat a less in need of protection en- ment roads this country will probably1 Jelly for external use), instantly allays Itching and naturally however, that American women by further amendment. of great utln cures ana tfeautmers, externally . Inflammation, clears the Skin and Scalp of Humors, r from Chinese immigration than joy a monopoly in these deeds of There is only one way to grow better and more numerous by Sores, and Dandruff, destroys Dead Skin and Flesh, a Itcbinir and Bnrnlnr heals Ulcers, Sores, and Dlschargini Wotinds, re- others. On the contrary there is of laws the process of gradual development Bakers', Barbers', Grocers', Washerwoman's Itch, stores the Hair, and beautifies the Skin. o violence. The very same mail which secure the enforcement Itching Piles, and Delicate Irritations peculiar needs such to by none which naturally brought the account of the scene like this. is to be eternally vig- which governs all other human af both sexes, instantly relieved a warm bath exquisite tl It ' with, CuncORA Boat- and a single application of Cntlcnra SoaD. an Skin Beautifler - Aus- prepared li. V- protection more. America and common with other fairs. Cuticura, the great Skin Cure. This repeated and Toilet Requisite, from Cuticuha. above described, contained also a ilant Politics in indispensable, in treating Skin Diseases, Baby Hn. 3l size, daily, with three dose of Cuticura Resot.yeht, tralia have a territory of vast stirring narrative of a contest pre- human things, but more than they will speedily cnre Itching Disease of the Skin and mors, Htm itiemisnes, rnciuy iicsi, xuuues, a au- This week, Saturday, the pupils wnea burn, and Rough, Chapped, or Greasy Skin. n with large quantities of unuBed senting some analogous features are subject to an incessant and dan- ccaip, au other means aDsoiuteiy lati. II arable land, with a sparse popula- of Kawaiahao Seminary will give a A Magnificent Popular TVbrk on the Skin, Cntlcnra Remedies ore the only real Blood p among the Polish residents of Buf- gerous tendency to deterioration. with Engraved I'latcs, is wrapped about tho Re- Purifiers and Skin Beantiner free from mercury. concert at Kawaiahao Church. The sol-- 1 any other mineral or vege tion, a wealth of undeveloped re- dis- solvent. Also, one hundred Testimonials, arsenic, lead, xinc, or falo. Many of the women were No election law in the world can emniy sworn to Detore tee lirlttsh ComuI, which table poison, whatsoever, uuaranteea aosomieiy constantly and rap- proceeds are to aid in building the repeat thi story: have tne Analytical ox sources, and a satisfied with the priest who was ap- eradicate this tendency, but it can I been a terrible sufferer by inenuiu oi in oiata ai All hospital, which is to be erected in the jor years irora .Diseases or the akin and iilood; assachusctts. idly growing demand for labor. pointed to preside over their con- do much to neutralize its evils. hare been obliged to shun public places by reason di grounds of the school. The girls at cu my uisngunng numorfc; nac nau tne best phy For Sale all retail chemist and wholesale these conditions tend to mitigate sciences. No peaceful and religious sicians; nave spent hundreds of dollars, and got nrufa and dealers In medicine throughout the competi- Mr. Paikuli's offence was not one Kawaiahao Seminary are receiving jxj reuei unui x usea me ctticvra iuimewes, world. CuTlcmu, 50 cents per box, large U... the evils arising from the remedy suggesting itself, they re- which have cured me, and left my skin and blood tl.0O: Cuticura Soap. 25 cents: Cuncuiu. Shay. the very na- so short a time as two years ago. It very thorough and competent as well as pure as a child's. Send for our sixty-fou- r page ino Soap, 15 cents; Cuticuha Resolvent, tion of cheap labor. In solved on a summary process which bock, "How to Cure Skin Disease." Address por bottle. Chi- is an offence created and defined by as careful and patient instruction in ture of the case, the influx of in default of legal aid they resolved Hawaiian Consicnebs, PltXFARES BY THE the new law. This does not imply singing, and the results show it. 9, nese might continue for a genera- to Berve themselves. Gathering in Smith & Co., Honolulu. Potter Drog& Chemical Co., Boston, TJ.S.A. i 9 Very few persons id Honolulu, we! tion before it could assume really large numbers around the church that it was not objectionable and well as now. are sure, are at all aware how well dangerous proportions. they refused the obnoxious ecclesi- wrong then, as The of indefinite num- they sing. Mr. Berger's string or--' "With us here the case is entirely astic ingress into the sacred build- practice hiring an chestra will also tend to assistance,! different. Our country is a mere dot ing. A lively scene followed, and as ber bf lunas for a small pecuniary and an especially agreeable and in-- on the surface of the ocean, our total the police were instructed not to use consideration, has always shaded i into bribery, and in many cases vir- teresting feature of the occasion will! population, a trifle, our market for their batons or their fists the women , be a new song composed by Mrs.j ,ii. labor necessarily 60 limited that the tually was bribery. Every new luna BUHLCH had things all their own way, and meant one vote more secured, and in Dominis. If this concert is patron- influx of a few thousand men at any held high carnival for a while, a vig- small districts where there were ized as it deserves to be, on its mer- time would glut it. In the United orous charge of SHlt and pepper The Genuine Article. In Quantities to Suit. colonies, many lunas and few voters, victory its as well as with reference to its! States and the British the judiciously discharged at the eyes of l matter is merely one of dealing with tended naturally to the side of many objects, it will be a success. their obtrusive foes, finally drove , hi- - Hn ,., ' 'OO a more or less serious inconvenience. them away and left these modern lunas. This is a case where no one ii existonce. can afford to cast the first stone, hir- CORRESPONDENCE. , "With us it is a struggle for Amazons victoriously masters of the j is absolutely nothing to pre- ing lunas being the orthodox practice There field. These excesses are certainly We do not of hold ourselves responsible for the .O'J I x JlGkA-TE'- v ' vent an incursion of Chinese into of all parties without exception. The statements made, or opinions expressed by our S curiosities history, and deserve to 6 n this Kingdom which would actually rank with the most celebrated of new law was intended among other correspondents. swamp its entire foreign, as well as their kind, with the things, to abolish this shady prac- "power" at the The Veto Power. native population, and reduce it to negro camp meetings, or the St. tice. Mr. Paikuli has adhered to the Mb. Editor: Some of our friends -:- - the position of a dependency of the Vitius' dance of mediaeval times. old tradition, under circumstances of SOAPS, who would like to restore to the King PEBEEKS Chinese Empire. The different in- The chivalry towards the the shadiest and has in consequence im weaker his veto power, -- for the ostensible dustrial conditions prevailing in sex which marks the attitude of the' violated one of the salient and im- reason that it would be a source of Asiatic countries make this kind of stranger, is hardly likely to last portant provisions. His conviction safety to the country in the event of peaceful invasion and conquest per- long, if it is often so injudiciously is a natural and desirable conse- AflMlAssortmeiit Just to Hand ex Stmr Australia. there being a corrupt legislature, fectly possible for any race possess- abused. quence, if the law is to be upheld. must confess to having very short ing the requisite energy. That the Stormy scenes seem to be epidemic THE PUNCHBOWL ROAD. memories and a willingness to at- w Chinese possess this energy has been across the water. We read of a Ger- tempt a very poor job atpullingwool X abundantly demonstrated. That the man church in Cincinnati in which - The absurd statement of-- our es- over peoples' eyes, or else admit their ...Ht .:- hardship and pressure of their exis- serious differences of doctrine finally teemed evening contemporary with inability to offer any valid reason tence at home make immigration a led to an effort at adjustment vi Depot for Joy's Vegetable as et regard to the Punchbowl road is on- therefore. Sarsaparilla necessity is equally well known. armis. The church was divided ly a 'sample of a great deal of loose They ignore the fact that there-for- m . The which Hawaii has to question against itself, the factions resolving talk in which the disgruntled are in movement which resulted in face is a much more serious one than themselves the adoption Consti- into a "liberal" and an the habit of indulging. As a matter of the present that which knocks at the doors of orthodox wing, each of which felt it- tution which withholds the veto of fact the recent road-makin- g of the power from the King, other nations. Shall we allow the self in possession of the and was the direct truth, Government is standing the test of result of his dogged persistency in light of western civilization, which disposed literal-nes- s with a dangerous rain and wear quite as well as any making a bad use. of his power, and WYETHS has so lately dawned on these Isl- to beat it into the obstreperous reasonable man ever expected. Mr. entirely overlook the fact amply ands, to be extinguished? No fact party. demonstrated by this same course, In this case, also, women John Phiilips declared publicly dur- is more certain than that civilization that the possession of the veto power were free participants. ing the election (and the Bulletin lVEalt, is dependent on economical condi- may be used with equal facility to Extract Etc. has fondly echoed him ever since) promote evil as well as suppress it. tions. Europe cannot sink to China's REY. J. N. PAIKULI. that the Punchbowl road was a fair They aver that they have no great industrial level without exchanging weather ditch fault to find with the Government half-ligh- The Court decided Tuesday that which the first hard her light for China's t. It that has in full sincerity of purpose Rev. J. N. rain would wash away. Mr. Phillips is no exaggeration to say that the Paikuli was guilty of and not a little success, put forth its both the perhaps relied on his hearers not best endeavors to instill very existence of everything which offences with which he was true life and charged under the new election law. patronizing, and hence not knowing vigor into the country they have makes our lives worthy and worth served the passed two years, with fir CO., There was much in the case anything about the condition of the but HOLLISTEB living, is involved in the Chinese that wonderful naive and amazing solici- was peculiar Punchbowl road, for, as a matter of question as it presents itself here. but on the whole the tude for the welfare of the dear charges fact, the country had already been ap This is not at all true, or not true were made out by abun- country, they propose to protect it th. dance of proof. Mr. Paikuli'ffown deluged with two hard rains, and the from the ravages of possible bad wl in anything like the same degree, in legislators, by written statement, with which curi road was still in excellent condition, restoring the power of 109 St., xm any other land. If we, under such veto to one who exercised when he Fort Honolulu ously enough in a condition that is equally satis- it 148 1304 ie circumstances, have not the right to his evidence given in had it, to the verge of costing the Court does not fying to the traveler and exasper- ho legislate in our own defence, than entirely agree, are Kingdom its independence. enough to ating to the chronic growler. We confess to being unable to see th. the right of must in convict him. oo It is on many accounts fortunate We have now had another hard a true heart behind this style of SO) very truth be obsolete. logic. Let us have that a case has so downpour, and the road is still not something that ap soon arisen under win noia water. washed away, t" im Every nation has a right to fight the new law, for it will convince a state of affairs so CHILD vexatious to HEN'S mi for whatever it has achieved worth everyone, and politicians in parti- the prophets of evil that St. Andrew 's Cathedral. 05 xm preserving. In this struggle it is of cular, that the election law is not they can hardly be blamed for man- Following is the report of Mr. Henry 1 trc course bound to preserve a due re- intended to be a dead letter, and ufacturing a little evidence. Smith, Treasurer of the Board of Trus- les of en gard for the rights of other nations. that a new order of things has actu- As a matter of fact the roads are tees St. Andrew's Cathedral, of the Th But the most zealous advocate of the ally begun. The law needs all the in very good condition, considering Cathedral building fund for the year 0 18S9: nu doctrine of "inborn" rights, never friends that it can command and it what has been spent on them. da pretended that the right to leave Total indebtedness Jan. 1, 1889 ?8,592 88 'needs not merely their passive ap Doubtless if Mr. Phillips or the Bul- RECEIPT8. Pr one's home and settle in the territory proval but letin (I) A Mi their active support. It had passed the last appropria- Loan negotiated Feb. 5, 1889 7,180 00 of a foreign power without that is sufficiently ahead of the average tion bill we should have had a broad, S. P. C. K. grant of 500 2,436 54 H th. Smallsums 84 B En power's consent, was one of the in- conscience of the average politician substantial avenue up Punchbowl, n cus- ' 19,628 38 tot born rights. It has always been to stand in serious danger of being solidly paved, perhaps tiled, balns-trade-d Trh EXPENDITURES. tomary to lay disabilities of various allowed to fall into disuse Fortun- and gilt-edge- d. t sic But of Amount due contractor. 7,19184 kinds on foreign residents, and while ately political opponents are likely course the Volcano road would Amount due treasurer 1,401 04 i TTlfl Balance toward reduction of loan. 1,035 50 i r the more liberal and human of to be very watchful of each other's have bfen as far from com- modern times has led in a large steps and very sure to know when pletion as ever, and so would $9,628 X measure to the abolition of such dis- the enemy makes a false one. From every other internal improvement The balance sheet of the Bishop's congregation for the year 1889 shows 3l is competent to Be-for- H abilities, it still any now on, it will not be unreasonable completed or commenced by m receipts $992 expenditures i the 93; $1,031 47; 0 5 government to revive them, when- to hope that the loose practices party. The economy of the balance due $38 54. The offerings of ever does so in the interests of formerly in vogue here will be present the Sunday school scholars amounted to it put administration has simply $46 40 during 1889 which was paid to the civilization. TMb is the basis of our an end to. consisted in making the funds Chinese Mission fund. The receipts of moral right to legislate against The sentence of the Court under by the Legislature to St. Andrew's sewing society for the year 'A the the first 18S96fere $615 70. Of this amount Chinese immigration. It is fact charge has been somewhat specified objects go as far towards $494 50 was paid towards the Cathedral s that the interests of our civilization misunderstood. Mr. Paikuli in that the accomplishments of those ob- building fund, $67" 85 is in the Postal 0 Savings Bank, 24 85 was spent for ma- are bound up with those of our work- case was convicted of a merely tech- jects as possible. is of It the kind terial and other expenses, an'd the ' bal- ing class. The social problem, the nical failure to comply with the pro- economy which the law requires of ance in hand is $28 50. tf. economical problem, is the problem visions of the law. No evidence of Ministers of the Crown and the kind The receipts for the Chinese mission - 1889 B fund during were $399 30, expendi- a- n of civilization itself. This is a truth any illegal or criminal intent on his which is practiced by all successful tures $360 35, leaving a balance on hand . which thinkers are coming to see, part was offered. While this is true, business men in of $38 95. T the conduct of their rJcF&Emf-- ,rFlNESHO&fecWttliY and which is beginning to be felt in it is also true that it was necessary private affairs. " The late William Bromley Barnes bad wm. left to the Bishop for church purposes KiHaKHmLitxzM; aanfe mwc... 05 ever widening circles. "When we to have it definitely understood that If a private citizen has a limited of $700. The widow life R the sum had a 53 legislate to protect the interests and the section requiring from every amount of money and a large num- interest in the amount, but'she died in January of this year ahd"frie'amoarif For Sale byjtlte improve condition of the laboring candidate a sworn statement of ex- of haa the ber pressing needs he divides been turned over to the Bishop by 'the MANUFACTORIES" SH0FC0. for penditures must be com- - 6t class,we are working civilization. literally his resources so as to meet all those executor and trustee Hon. S. M. Damon. 1206-- 14-- 2t

3! :SBriCTf5g

r: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, MARCH 4. 1890 .j pliedrwjttiL This iB one of the needs and does not sacrifice some MODERN AMAZONS. - yalaBbTerfeatures of Acfc. 'fb ofnere. k rfoverndiBnt w I I s .most the t ' aoF A ds Vv & y Gne of the" most thorough-raid- s out of the question the same. Tf we had postponedtifae , ,, . . ever, iy fcnillow failures; to comply with it to Punchbowl ;road and three or lour EST MODUS IK "REBUS. on a saioon maae dv American.i women, if report be true, occurred pass unnoticedfbn the very first oc- other needed improvements, we lately in city;. The casion of- - the statute's operation. To might have macadamized the road TEN -- PAGE. EDITION. aWestern doomed liquor seller was warned secure-th'e-obje- required, a simple to the volcano, but such a course was sufficient, would been exceedingly foolish. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1890. beforehand, and like Bishop Hatlo conviction all and the 4 he barred his door and fondly ima- prosecution asked for a nominal. The, Punchbowl road as it actually .was fixed stands, with all its imperfection on is- so. penalty whicn ' by the I "We this' morning's' gined that he was safe. Not In l publish in Giticuia. the-less- generally-understoo- d is" Wi on head an immense addition to sue the full reporipf theXostal Sav-- . both cases thejnYadera.came kuat. .court If is its pf proceed- the attractiveness of A POSITIVE CURE ingsBank for the year 1889, and rec- the windows. The liquor seller was the object the Honolulu, and P? not his ings,, so 'far as'thef piibli&fis con- not the least of its advantages is ommend it to the careful perusal of reduced to a skeleton like . for every form-- ' of our readers. German progenitor, but his windows cerned, Tvill have been attained. that it .was got.sd cheap; thatf ,lt did were smashed, his glasses wrecked, The object of the election law is to not need to be paid for by the sacri- SKIN AND BLOOD IMMIGRATION. his beloved kegs and barrels and bring our politics up to a higher fice of lotherj needed improvements. 2 CHINESE i casks stove in, while their death plane. ' The experience of England, Euture --Legislatures can and prob-- DISEASE f The ministerial reply on the Chi- dealing contents went to swell the Australia and some of the United aDiy win vote tunas to improve it, RcTrms on SaSp. FROM Scrofol oa Kacfc. nese question has attracted deserved streams in the gutter. A companion States have abundantly demon- as they have done and will still con- I T attention abroad, as the articlw re- liquor seller was served likewise strated, to the confusion of all pro- tinue to do with regard to al! other printed in our columns from the fessional politicians, the utility and roads and public c and three refractory druggists were improvements, and to SCROFULA Sydney Daily Telegraph shows. cowed into submission. Moral necessity of such legislation. Our as other .countries have- - done and PIMPLES a "While this article is not entirely free fa roused womanhood can enforce the law is not perfect but it is good; and continue to do. No country ever DISFIGURING HUilORS, Humiliating RESOLVENT, lha new 31ood comments are in the and Burning Skin Torturt,ll ficr. Diuretic, and .Aperient, cieaniea the Blood d from error, its laws quicker than all your marshals, it should be the earnest effort of all got good roads all al once. The New LiOK&aome borei. and every epecie of Itchiag.jand Perspiration of all Jmourittea asd.Poiaeaoa s main is a mistake, however, Bealv. Pimplv-- . Inherited. Scrofulous, and Syphi Elements, and thus remotes the CAUSE. Hence just It courts and sheriffs parties to secure its enforcement in York" Central did not layits four litic DUeaiea of the Blood, Skin, and Scalp, with itI cures speedily, permanently, and economically. to suppose that this is a country Lou of Hair, from infancy to old age, are cured by . It would be an error to suppose, practice as well as its improve- tracks alFat the same time. The the nevr Blood Purifier, a Clii'lcuRi. Resoltxxt, Cuticnra. the Giucat Skik Curs fa ITedicfa! naturally less in need of protection however, that American women en- ment by further amendment. roads of this country will probably Internally, and Cuticura and Ccncuiu. Soap, the Jelly for external use), instantly allays Itching and xi from Chinese immigration than great bun Cure and lieautmere, eztemaily, inflammation, clears me sun ana acaip or unaon, d joy a monopoly in these deeds of There is only one way to grow better and more numerous by Sores, and Dandruff, destroys Dead Skin and Flesh, others. On the contrary there is licnlng and liurninr heals fleers, Bores, and Duchanrinc Wounds, re o. violence. The very same mail which secure the" enforcement of laws the process of gradual development Bakers', Barbers', Grocers', washerwoman' Itch, stores the Hair, and beautifies the Skin. Itching Piles, and Delicate Irritations peculiarj none which naturally neeas sucn - tl brought the account of- the scene like this. It is to be eternally vig- which governs all other human af- to both sexes, instantly relieved by a warm bath V protection more. America and Aus- s with Ctrncmu Boat and a singlo application of Cnticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Beantiner above described, contained also a ilant Politics in common with other fairs. Cuticuiu, the great Skin Core. This repeated and Toilet Requisite, prepared from Cutkxka. is indispensable in treating Skin Diseases, Baby Hu tralia have a territory of vast size, Btirring of a pre- daily, with three doses of CcmcnRA Rzsoi.yemt, XD narrative contest human things, but more than they will speedily cure Itching Disease of the Skin and mors, BKm uiemisnes, mcjuy ileal, itasnes, aua quantities of unused This week, Saturday, the pupils burn, and Rough, Chapped, or Greasy Skis. to with large senting some analogous features are subject to an incessant and dan- ecaip, wnea all otner means absolutely fall. a sparse popula- of Kawaiahao Seminary P arable land, with among the Polish residents of Buf- gerous tendency to deterioration. will give a A Magnificent Popular TVbrk on the Skin, Cnticura Remedies are the only real Blood tion, a wealth of undeveloped re- concert at Kawaiahao Church. The with Engraved Plates, is wrapped about the Re- Purifiers and Bkin Beautulers free from mercury. falo. Many of the women were dis- No election law in the world can solvent. Also, one hundred Testimonials, sol- arsenic, lead, zinc, or any other mineral or Tege-- sources, and a constantly and rap- proceeds are to aid in building the emnly sworn to before the British Consul, which table poison wnatsoever. uuaranteed absolutely satisfied with the priest who was ap- eradicate this tendency, but it can repeat this story: I have been a terrible sufferer by the Analytical Chemists of the Stato of ai idly growing demand for labor. All hospital, which is to be erected in the for years from Diseases of the Skin and Blood; assachusetts. di pointed to preside over their con- do much to neutralize its evils. luvc ueen outigea hi sunn puuiic places oy reason these conditions tend to mitigate sciences. grouhds'of the school. The girls at ox my disfiguring bumon.; have had the best phy. For Salo by all retail chemists and wholesale No peaceful and religious sidans; have spent hundreds of dollars, ana cot druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the competi- Mr. offence was not one Kawaiahao Seminary bo relief until T 60 Si the evils arising from the remedy suggesting itself, they re- Paikuli's are receiving used the Cctkuba Rhmewes. world. Crnctnu, centa per box, largo boxes, which have cured me, and left my skin aDd blood $1.00; Coticcra Soap, 25 cents: CtrnctntA Ssat. na- so short a time as two years ago. very thorough and competent as well as pure sixty-fou- te tion of cheap labor. In the very solved on a summary process which It as a child's. Send for our r page ino Soap, 15 cents: Ccticvba Resolvent. ti ture of the case, the influx of Chi- is an offence created and defined by as careful and patient instruction in v, uun h i,ure oim diseases. ' .auurcss per bottle. in default of legal aid they resolved Hawaiian Consignees, Prepared by tfa nese might continue for a genera- the new law. This does not imply singing, and the results show it. the d( to serve themselves. Gathering in Smith & Co., Honolulu. Potter Drug & Chemical Co., Uoston, U.S.A. VS j tion before it could assume really large numbers around the church that it was not objectionable and Very few persons id Honolulu, wei are well' st dangerous proportions. they refused the obnoxious ecclesi- wrong then, as well as now. The sure, are at all aware how XT "mr r- . mey mx. or- U "With us here the case is entirely astic ingress into the sacred build- practice of hiring an indefinite num- sing. merger a string sV chestra will also to different. Our country is a mere dot ing. A lively scene followed, and as ber of lunas for a small pecuniary tend assistance,) R and an especially in-- se on the surface of the ocean, our total the police were instructed not to use consideration, has always shaded agreeable and i teresting ot population, a trifle, our market for their batons or their fists the women into bribery, and in many cases vir- feature of the occasion will, be a new Mrs.) to labor necessarily so limited that the had things all their own way, and tually was bribery. Every newluna song composed by BUHA.CH er men meant vote Dominis. this concert is patron- influx of a few thousand at any held high carnival ior a while, a vig- one more secured, and in If H ized as time would glut it In the United orous charge of salt and pepper small districts where there were it deserves to be, on its mer- ai States and the British colonies, the many lunas and few voters, victory its as well as with reference to its! The Genuine Article. In Quantities to Suit. judiciously discharged at of, 1 theeyes . '. .V matter is merely one of dealing with tended naturally to the Bide of many objects, it will be a success. their obtrusive foes, finally drove . ti n. .'-- iw toO bi a more or less serious inconvenience. them away and left these modern lunas. xms is a case wnere no one a.

hi "With us is a struggle for existence. can afford to cast the stone, hir- CORRESPONDENCE. -- it Amazons victoriously masters first vM -- . bi of the ( There is absolutely nothing to pre- field. ing lunas being the orthodox practice G Ihese excesses are certainly We do not vent an incursion of Chinese into of all parties withont exception. hold ourselves responsible for the uc 1 m curiosities of history, and deserve to The statements made, or opinions expressed by our f i this Kingdom which would actually ar rank with the most celebrated of new law was intended among other correspondents. "' tfa swamp its entire foreign, as well as their kind, with the "power" at the things, to abolish this shady prac- ci native population, and reduce it to tice. Mr. Paikuli has adhered to the The Veto Power. ar negro camp meetings, or the St. of a of old Mb. Editor: Some of our friends -- gc the position dependency the Vitius' dance of mediaeval times. tradition, under circumstances of Am : in- who would to be Chinese Empire. The different The chivalry towards the weaker the shadiest and has in consequence like restore to the King his veto power, -- hi' dustrial conditions prevailing in sex which marks the attitude of the violated one of the salient and im- for the ostensible Asiatic countries make this kind of stranger, is hardly likely to last portant provisions. His conviction reason that it would be a source of nc peaceful invasion and conquest per- long, if is a natural and desirable conse- safety to the country jn the event of be it is often so injudiciously A.FulLAssortment Just to Hand ex Stmr Australia. there being- - a corrupt legislature, lil fectly possible for any race possess- abused. quence, if the law is to be upheld. must confess to having verv short CO ing the requisite energy. That the Stormy scenes seem to be epidemic THE PUHCHBOWL EOAD. memories and a willingness to at- sfc. Chinese possess this energy Las been across the water. "We read of a Ger w tempt a j f X se abundantly demonstrated. That the man church in Cincinnati in very poor job at pullingwool it faej which The statement of- - es- absurd our over peoples' eyes, 4& IA hardship and pressure of their exis- serious differences of doctrine finally orelBe admit their tHO del teemed evening contemporary with inability to offer any an tence at home make immigration a led to an effort at adjustment vi et valid reason Depot for regard to the Punchbowl road iB on- therefore. 'foy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, xai necessity is equally well known. armis. The church was divided ly a sample of a great deal of loose They ignore the fact that there-for- m Wl The question which Hawaii has to against itself, the factions resolving fac talk in which the disgruntled are in movement which resulted in face is a much more serious one than themselves into a "liberal" he and an the habit of indulging. As a matter the adoption of the present Consti- tfa that which knocks at the doors of orthodox wing, each of which felt it- tution which withholds the veto of fact the recent road-makin- g of the other nations. Shall we allow the self in possession of the truth, and power from the King, was the direct Government is standing the test of result of his dogged light of western civilization, which disposed with a dangerous literal- - persistency in rain and wear quite as well as any making a bad use of his power, and WYHJT'HS TI has so lately dawned on these Isl- ness to beat it into the obstreperous de reasonable man ever expected. Mr. entirely overlook the fact amply ands, to be extinguished? No fact party. In this case, also, women demonstrated by this mi John Phillips declared publicly dur- same course, is more certain than that civilization were free that the possession of the veto power participants. ing the S? is dependent on economical condi- election (and the Bulletin may be used with equal facilitv to Extract MTalt, has fondly echoed promote evil as well Etc. him ever since) as va tions. Europe cannot sink to China's REV. J. N. PAIKULI. suppress it. lai that the Punchbowl road was a fair They aver that they have no great industrial level without exchanging fault to find with the Government mi half-ligh- The Court decided Tuesday weather ditch which . the first hard her light for China's t. It that that has in full sincerity let : Eev. J. N. rain would of purpose is no exaggeration to say that the Paikuli was guilty of wash away. Mr. Phillips and not a little success, put forth its do both the perhaps tfa. very existence of everything which offences with which he was relied on his hearers not best endeavors to instill true life and vigor do makes our lives worthy and worth charged under the new election law. patronizing, and hence not knowing into the country they have served the passed two years, but with Ar an living, is involved in the Chinese There was much in the case that anything about the condition of the HOLLISTEE CO., was wonderful naive and amazing solici- question as presents peculiar but on the whole the Punchbowl road, for, as a matter of ap it itself here. tude for the welfare of the dear This is not at all true, or not true charges were made out by abun- fact, the country had already been country, they propose to protect it tfa. dance of proof. deluged with two ravages wl in anything like the same degree, in Mr. Paikuli's own hard rains, and the from the of possible bad written statement, with which curi- road was still in excellent condition, legislators, by restoring the power of . un any other land. If we, under such veto to one who exercised 109 Fort St., Honol-ul-o- fei ously enough his evidence given in a condition that is equally satis- it when he 148 1304 circumstances, have not the right to in had it, to the verge of costing the ho legislate Court does not entirely agree, are fying to the traveler and exasper- Kingdom tfa in our own defence, than its independence. the right of must in enough to convict him. ating to the chronic growler. We confess to being unable to see oo a true heart sol very truth be obsolete. It is on many accounts fortunate We have now had another hard behind this style of ap that a case has so soon arisen under downpour, and the road is still not logic. Let us have something that win noia water. un Every nation has a right to fight the new law, for it will convince "aautu away, a siare or anairs so xm for whatever it has achieved worth everyone, and politicians in parti- vexatious to the prophets of evil that St. Andrew 's Cathedral. CHILDREN'S rm preserving. In this struggle it is of cular, that the they can hardly 03 ire election law is not be blamed for man- Following is the report of Mr. Henry 1 course bound to re- let preserve a due intended to be a dead letter, and ufacturing a little evidence. Smith, Treasurer of the Board of Trus- gard for the rights of other nations. a new tees of St. 3 ere that order of things has actu- As a matter of fact the roads are Andrew's Cathedral, of the Tfa But the most zealous advocate of the ally begun. The law needs all the in very good condition, considering Cathedral building fund for the year 0 xn doctrine of 18S9: "inborn" rights, never friends that it can command and it what has been spent on them. da pretended the Total indebtedness Jan. 1, 18S9. . 8,592 88 A that right to leave needs not merely their passive Doubtless Mr. Bul- Pr ap if Phillips or the RECEIPTS. one's home and settle in the territory proval but their active letin Mi support. It had passed the last appropria- Loan negotiated Feb. 1889 R of a foreign power without is 5, 7,180 00 the that sufficiently ahead of the average tion bill we should have had a broad, S. P. C. K. grant of 500 2,436 54 H En power's consent, was one of in- Smallsums 1184 rH 0 T the conscience of the average politician substantial avenue up Punchbowl, tot born rights. has always cus- It been to stand in balus-trade- ' 19,628 33 xrfa serious danger of being solidly paved, perhaps tiled, d tomary to lay disabilities of various allowed to EXPENDITURES. fall into disuse Fortun- and gilt-edge- d. i sic But of Amount due contractor. 7,191 84 H- xna kinds on foreign residents, and while ately political opponents -l are likely course the Volcano road would Amount due treasurer 1,401 04 I r the more liberal and human spirit of to be Balance toward reduction of loan. 1,035 50 r very watchful of each other's have been as far from com- modern times has led in sm a large steps and very sure to know when pletion as ever, and so would 19,623 K noi to dis- measure the abolition of such the enemy makes a false one. From every other internal improvement The balance sheet of the Bishop's congregation for the year 1889 5 tit abilities, it is still competent to any now on, showi it will not be unreasonable completed or Ee-for- m mo commenced by the receipts 992 93 ; expenditures $1,031 47; 0 government to when- to Ca revive them, hope that the loose practices party. The economy of the balance due $38 54. The offerings of Th ever it does so in the interests of formerly in vogue here will be put present administration the Sunday school scholars amounted to has sirnply $46 40 during 1889 which was paid to the ovi civilization. This is the basis of our an end to. consisted wii in making the funds ap- Chinese 3Iisaion fund. The receipts of moral right to legislate against The sentence St. Andrew's sewing nm of the Court under propriated by the Legislature to society for the year Chinese immigration. It is the fact the first charge has been 1889 were $615 70. Of this amount A arc somewhat specified objects go as far towards $494 oO was paid the interests of towards Cathedral ent that the our civilization misunderstood. Mr. Paikuli in that the accomplishments of those ob- building fund, $67 85 is in the Postal u " ev are bound up with those of onr work case was convicted of a merely tech- jects as possible. is Savings Bank, $24 85 was spent for ma- It the kind of terial and other expenses, ana the bal- pri ing class. The social problem, the nical failure to comply with the pro- sue economy which the law requires of ance in hand is $28 50. economical problem, is problem visions of the law. the No evidence of .oLimBujxra unuo urown ana the land The receipts for the Chinese mission of civilization itself. This is a truth any illegal or criminal intent on his which is practiced fund during 1889 were $399 30, expendi- a by all successful tures $360 35, leaving a on 0" which thinkers are coming to part was offered. balance hand the see, While this is true, business men in the conduct of their of $38 95. pie and which is beginning to be felt in it is also true that it was " The late "William Bromley Barnes had FiNESHfiES.foeW.tlff necessary private affairs. mmmiattss. tire left to the Bishop for church purposes ITMPr 2g 'Msatc. . ever widening circles. "When we to have it definitely understood citizen-ha- 02 that If a private a limited the sum of $700. The widow had a life legislate to protect tfas ihe interests and the section requiring from every amount of money and a large num- interest in the amount, buffshe died in tS improve condition of the January of this year and tne'amouht JhaS For Sale by'the ier the laboring candidate a sworn statement of ex- - ber of pressing needs he divides MOTEACT.URW,SHOE"CO. working been turned over to the Bishop by "the class,J,we are for civilization. penditures must be literally com-- 1 his resources so as to meet M. all those executor and trustee Hon. S. Damon. 120-- 6t 14-- 2t -

M 'i''S,t3Wf'''


A TRIP AROUND ALASKA. opening in the roof as they always JfXW &9VM9T1SSXXWTS. .foreign 2tfwrtimtnis. bad to let the smoke and bad air out, and he had done the same with im- BY EDWARD BAILEY. provements in his own house. WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO., 4 (Continued.) Though all the Indians had built WM. H. TAYLOR, President. E. S. MOORE, Superintendent. frame they Shipping & "We left Yictoria at 2:15 p. m. and, houses for themselves Ceasissiei Merchants. were small and but temporary. In rounding the south end of Vancouv-er- s' due time they would build larger, & 218 California Street. San Franclfco. 1251 Island, pnrsned our way toward especially when the new saw-mi- ll EISDON IEON L0C0M0T1TE WOEKS "W. E. CR0SSMAH & BSO., ! the north pole. The shores seemed could again cut lumber. A large lot sandy and the hills were covered of logs were already collected. S. E. Corner of Howard and Beale Streets, San Francisco. COMMISSION MERCHANTS p. The prevailing rock here was with forests of fir. At 5 m. no slaty, with seams or veins of granite, 77 anil 79 Bread Street, XtfH Terlc.. was sight, land in which would not though there were indications of Btftrenet Castle & Cooke, and J. T. Water be the case if the atmosphere were kaolin or marble in the neghborhood. house. 1304 ly clear, for we were running among In this region also, the extreme THXO. B. DATIES. SXSOLD JAXIOIT. the numerous islands in the Gulf of south of Alaska, commenced the yel- low cedar, a very valuable wood, of THEO. 3. DAYIES & CO., Georgia. which I procured a specimen on our Wednesday, Jnly 31. In the mor- return. Just across the bay a beau- ' Commission ning we were running along with tiful cascade came leaping down the m mmw Am. Merchants, Yv ' rx am deep forests on both sides, clothing face of the mountain, lighting the mj dflf 12 & 13 Tie dark Blaty rock and the spruce for- ii. Alburn the mountainous hills from their ests around it. AJE HlilililSlllSiIb LIVERPOOL. 1301 ly summits down to the water's edge. We left Metlakatta at 1 p. si. and Here and there a break occurred a about that time the rain ceased. At Only "Pebble" Establishment. channel branched off or a point ran 3 p. si. we reached Fort Tongas, a cannery with no indications a into the channel. of fort. At 5:05 p. si. we arrived at Loring, in At 1 p. si. we came to "The Whirl- Naha Bay, where we landed to see pools" at Slackwater, the speed of the cannery, the most lively one per- the steamer having purposely been haps, which we saw in Alaska. As sBBRHPiWBHBiBlHH! Mullen's Optical Depot retarded so we should not arrive we approached the shores were strewn with salmon's heads and 1S5 Montgomery St., near Btish, S. F., Cat. there while the tides were running other offal which sent forth a vile swiftly, rendering it dangerous to stench. Here, since our visit, the r Specialty 35 Years.- - pass. Soon afterward we passed a Ancon was wrecked. The most complicated cases of defective vision tboronchlj- - diagnosed FREE jgi cannery with its attendant Indian Many hands, Chinese and Indian, Orders br mall or express prompt) principally women, were employed attended to. houses. At 8:15 we came to Queen Astigmatic under men ISnOoniponnd Lenses Mounted to Charlotte's Sound, which opens out white in all the various order at two hoars ' notice. 1SS1 ly to the broad Pacific, and consequent- operations of catching, dressing, ly we had the ocean swell for the cutting up, canning, boxing, solder- DR. J. GOLLIS BROWNE'S three hours it took to cross it. It ing, labeling, etc., etc., and a large mrszm&gzmr &3& was just at supper time and there business iB done. But we were not was no crowding at the table! The sorry to get away out of the OHLOEODTNE. stench in the course of fog came in with the ocean breeze the night DAVIDSON STEAM THE ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE. and reached Wrangel early AGENTS FOR THE PUMPS and rendered it damp and chilly. Fort Advice to Invalids. yon on the morning 3d. If wish to obtain So went to my trunk for thick flau- - of August quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, re- I At each place where we lief from pain and anguish, to calm and assuago Cf nels, which continued to wear for stopped weary achings I goods were landed only Steam Pump made that can be run at high piston speed, without shock, and with safety to the machine. Piston the of protracted disease, in- the remainder of the trip. Snowy or shipped; the THE stuffing boxes, valve seats, stems and lining of water cylinders are of the best composition metal U. S. Standard. vigorate the nervous media, and ttt-ula- the steamer carrying quantities of boxes circulating systems of the body, you will pro- mountains were in sight most of Pumps have been adopted tor use in the New Spreckels' Refinery, Philadelphia, the Brooklyn Water Works, vide yourself with that marvellous remedy dis- the for canning salmon, and taking away covered by Dr. J. Colli Browne (late Armv the time in East, when the Brooklyn, New York. U. S. Navy, etc., etc. Medical Staff), fog thinned so we could see those filled. I need not say that our" to which he gave the name of table was bountifully supplied Medal was awarded this Pump4bythe Massachusetts Cbaritable Mechanic Association, one of; if not CHLORODYNE, and which is admitted by them. Many rocky islands with the money Association, profession to be the most wonderful and valu- A oldest of its kind in the United States can not buy a cold medal from this merit alone able remedy ever also were passed, and on the morn- fresh salmon from this time onward, secures it, and it was won from a large number of exhibitors of steam pumps. discovered. and a later with the finest of CHLORODYNE is the bestremedy known fo ing of August 1st we had another little Sugar how of pattern, 18 Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis. Asthma. each Spreckels Refinery, of Philadelphia, are having built six Davidson Pumps, the plunger small toss where the swell from the halibut. At place where we THE steam cylinder, 14 in. water cylinder, 24 in. stroke; four Pumps, 12 in. steam cylinder, 10 in. water cylinder, 24 CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarr stopped the fishing to hca. and is the only specific in Cholera Pacific ocean by some means found mania seemed in. stroke, of the piston pattern, and two Pumps, 18 in. steam cylinder, 12 in.water cylinder, 24 in. stroke. Dysentery. asd seize on many of the passengers ; access to our peaceful channel. In Full stock of Boiler Feed Pumps, Light Tank and Circulating Pumps all sizes constantly on hand. CHLORODYNE effectually cuts short all at- and often in consequence was there tacks of .Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, tne mam our course all tiie way Spasms. and round to and back again to variety in our table fare. Salmon trout, and know not how many Manufacturers of Sugar Machinery CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neu. Yictoria was calm as any mill pond. I ralgla, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Toothache Day after day, and week after week, other kinds were brought on our Meningitis, 4c. table. But cannot say that had and Mills, Engines and Boilers, Sheet Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Flume, for a thousand miles or more there I I From Symes & Co., Pharmaceutical Chem was scarcely any me ion greater therelish of my boyhood days for Irrigating Pumps and Machinery, Double, Triple and Quadruple Effects, Juice Heaters, Vacuum Pans, ists. Medical Hall, Simla, January S, 1680. To the trout. Probably the water was Cooler Wagons Tanks, Improved Filter Presses, Railroad Cars and Railroad J.T. Davenport, Esq., 83, Great Rnssell Street, than the waves produced by the and Bloomsbury, London. Dear Sir, We embraco too pure to give them just the right Clarifiers, Heine Patent Safety Boiler, Material. this opportunity of congratulating you upon the rush of onr ship through the water. wide-sprea- d flavor. reputation this jnstlv esteemed roughest winds could medicine, Dr. Collls The that the (To continued.) J. Browne's Chlorodyne make it in some of the broadest bays be has carnea for itself, not only in HindoeUnI IMPROVED DIFFUSION APPAEATTJS but all over the East. Asa remedy for general or channels only reminded one of A Peruvian Field. utility, we must question whether a better is Battle CAPACITY AND RESULTS GUARANTEED. imported Into the country, and we shall be glad the waves on Lake Ontario. to The bark Edwin Heed of Phila- Plans and Estimates furnished on application. hear of Its finding a place in every Anglo-India- n On this day the hills were clothed home. The other brands, we aro sorry wit): very green forest brown had delphia, recently discharged a cargo tosay.arenow relegated to the native bazaars Pis-agu- and, of nitrate of soda brought from a, judging from their sale, we fancy their gone out of fashion though the sojourn there will be but evanescent. We tops of many tall fir trees were dry. Peru, which was gathered from could multiply instances ad infinitum of the ex- Tarapaco, JOELlSr DYER, A.gep.t, traordinary efficacy of Dr. Collls Browne's Chlo- - The hills were too steep to admit of the battlefield of where rnnvTIf. in Ttfnrrhroa anil TW.ni.lM. c 59-l- w 1287-l-y ROOM 11 SPRECKELS BLOCK, HONOLULU, H. I. soil lying on their surface unless the bodies of 4,000 Peruvian soldiers Cramps, Neuralgia, theVomitlng of Pregnancv. have lain unburied for ten years. ua aa m Kuc.a ocuauvc. 1UBI X.BTe OCCUfea held there by the roots of the trees nnaer our personal observation during many early age was The battle was fought between the years. In Choleraic DIarrhcea, and even in the themselves. An old rtifiTP TPfHiiI trtTmm nt U.n1 t the result. Peruvians and Chilians on Nov. 7, CALL FOR Plinla 1879, and the heavy losses sustained witnessed its surprisingly controlling power. ) The country was probably lime ii. f, ST Vlu" I0rm or Wig by the Peruvians forced them to re- Diamond Creamery ASZ POR medicine than Collls Browne's from a firm it stone, for along the shores, and Conviction that it is decldelythebest.andalso wherever bare spots appeared they treat, leaving their dead lying on the from a sense of duty we owe totheprofesslon presented a white surface which field. The nitrate of soda was gath- and the public, as we are of opinion that the ered among the corpses, loaded on BUTTER, substitution of any other than Collls Browne's would only be accounted for on such iiigirii,iBiijTpi IS a DELIBERATE BREACH Or PAITa ON TUX TABT THE CHEMIST TO - the backs of mules and carried down ana see mac eacn Or FltlSCHIEER AJTD PATIENT a supposition. Many large cliff of 1 2 3 and 7 jar Dears naroa Liemg's signature We to the port of Pisagua, where In lb., lb., lb. lb. Tins. across alike. are, Sir, faithfully yours, Symes & 4n white like marble appeared, and all it in sine in tne Label. Co., Members of the Pharm. Society of Great was transferred on lighters to Britlan. His Excellency the Viceroy's Chcp along the shores was a cavernous Finest Article for Warm Climates. IT181 m?i A K ists. appearance with many a stripe the bark. It will be manufactured M WZ4teSJxx3Lmxivn across it, as if lime washed from the into gunpowder. The bodies of FINEST AHD CHEAPEST CAUTION. Sir W. Pago the soldiers have mum- Wood stated that Dr. J. Collls Browne was, mountains above, had been depos- - turned into S. & CO., undoubtedly, the Inventor of Chlorodyne; mies, strange as it may seem, FOSTER the story that ' ited like icicles or stalactites on its after STOCK FOP. SOUPS. of the defendant Freeman was lying on that desert plain all these SOLE AGENTS, untrue, which, he regretted to say, surface; but more mapped than sus- MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. had been sworn to. Sce"The Times,' July 13. pended. years. In any other country they 1864. to skele- Invaluable for India as Sold We Ta-co- would have been reduced 26 and 23 California Street, San Francisco. in bottles at Is. lHd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., had in our company from an Efficient Tonic in all and lis. each. None is genuine without the well-know- tons in a short time, between the a n 1257-- ly words " Dr. Collls Mr. Duncan, man Topbe hai of all Storekeepers and Dealers throughout India. cases of Weakness. J. Browne's Chlorodyne" on Alaska, who has spent many ravages of wild beasts and exposure Keeps pood in the hottest the Government stamp. Overwhelming medl about Cookery Books Post Free on Amplication cal testimony accompanies each bottle. years in laboring for the Indians to the elements. For over 199 miles to the Climates, and for any on side of the not Company. length of time. Caution. Beware of Piracy and Imitations. and with marked success. Having either battlefield Sole LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF HEAT Co., Manufacture J. T. DAVENPORT. 33 belonged to the Church of England a blade of grass can be seen, owing ANDERSON & LUNDY, Limited, Fenchurch Avenue, London, England. Great Street. Bloomsbury. London. the bishops undertook to lord it to the nature of the soil. The ab- 1301 6m over him, which he resented; and as sence of grass and water accounts DE3NTTISTS. 1278 he was in British America and for the absence of wild beasts. The therefore subject to government dic- earth is so filled with the nitrate of Metropolitan Market tation, he resolved to leave and jro soda that this, in connection with the hot, dry atmosphere, has preserved ARTIFICIAL TEETH FROM over the line into the territory of the o the bodies of the men and horses azL "Fi-ntlir- United States. This he did a year OnoInsertedtoon Gold. Silver, AllnminnmSot In- from decay. The scene is a strange 1 or two ago,and seventy or eighty and Rabber Bases. . dians went with him, glad appar- one, indeed, and when the officers Crown and Bridge Work n specialty. King Stx-t- ently to be quit or English domina- and some of the passengers of the To persons wearing Rubber Plates which are a tion. Their number has now in- tmrK visited tne place tlley were constant source of irritation to the month and arising throat, we wonld recommend onr Prophylactic creased to upwards of 800; and they astonished. The fumes from Metal Plate. All operations performed in ac- the nitrate of soda have prevented cordance with the latest improvements in have shown a surprising energy dental science. Teeth extracted withont pain under Mr. Duncan's leadership in the uniforms of the soldiers from by the use of Nitrons Oxide lias. j clearing land, building houses, a becoming rotten and dropping off. &-- Hotel Street, Tresloan Premises. school, church, shops, storehouses On a bright and moonlight night 1260-l- y Choicest Meats and a lumber mill which was burnt the scene is said to suggest the idea 4 the battle had only been fought down, is now to be rebuilt, the that LEONHARD, P. H. FllOM but few days. The govern- F. W. , - - Jboiler and machinery being brought a Peruvian Established 1870. (Late of nawaii.) ment has not made any effort to bury by our vessel. One evening while NOTABV TUBLIC. Finest Herds. on board our vessel, Mr. Duncan the dead. The country is so poor crave some account of his work, and since its defeat by Chili that it has II a subscription was started to aid him as much as it can do to pay the trib- LEONHARD & ROSS as had been done on his voyage utes levied by Chili. National Grocer. down on the Corona. Subscriptions . G. J. WALLER, Prop. were coming in when a Mr. Lewis, a Investment Ag-ents- priest of the Church of England, The Samoan Times of January 18th Dimond Block, Nos. 95Z& 97 King Street, from Toronto, stepped to the table says : The King has issued orders to his and protested against it, saying that chiefs and people to go to their homes, FAMILIES AND SHIPPING "Mr, and remain there until the time arrives TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WORKER Duncan was a rebel against the for of the members of the Ellenslnrttli, State of Washinffton work- the selection Church and had no right to be new government. It is evident the in- was, without the authority ing, as he tention of the King to make no perma- Make a Specialty op Safe, Oonsebvattvz Plumbing1, ; SUPPLIEDON SHORT NOTICE of the Church, the only Church of nent appointments to high offices until investments for persons of moderate means in all its branches Christ which had authority to be, further instructions are received from who wish to place out a few hundred dol- We also learn lars to the best advantage. and much more of the same sort. the three Powers. that Artesian Well Pipe, all sizes; AND AT THE with he does not approve of too frequent na- Mr. Duncan answered him Thevalneof Heal Estate in EUensbargh old confessors, but tive meetings, which, are generally un- the spirit of the satisfactory all talk and little work is sorely and steadily rising every month. Lowest Market Prices. I could not help feeling glad that besides which there is always a consid- STOVES AND RANGES, Lewis had not the authority of a extrava- The $150 offer that we made last Jnly can erable amount of unnecessary UnS- m 1 Medallion, Bichmond, Top, to no longer be tonohed for less than $200. - Tip Palace, Flora, May, Contest, Grand Claverhouse, although he seemed gance and waste, which the country at Pnze, New Bival, Oper, Derby, Wren, Dolly, uypsy vjueen, .ranse; lEArmy uanges, a r-- All wish he had learned subse present cannot afford. fliagna ynarier, .buck, Superior, Magnet, Ueceola, Alamort.HH.VHU. WUHVUVIKnHnaa Charter Oak, Meats delivered from this Market are it I .Mimoie, xnwooa Stoves. quently that he had been a Metho- ELLENSBURCH and Laundry Galvanized Iron and Cornier Boilera for Bnntra-- - thoroughly chilled immediately after killing by Granite Iron "Ware, Nickel Plated and Plain ; dist preacher but had flopped over Special Toticcs. " means of a Patent Dry Air Re- Meat so to the Church of England a few IB A frigerator. treated retains all its juicy years ago. feelings may Galvanized Iron Water Pipe, all sizes, properties, and Is guaranteed to keep longer Yfith what freshly-kille- after delivery than d Beat. it be supposed we saw him conduct MR. W. F. ALLEN, AND LAID ON AT LOWEST BATES 13S0 3SI religious weeks later. COAL and IEON CITY, (?) services two AN OFFICE WITH MESSRS. BISHOP & "We arrived at Metlakatla at 7:03 Oast H' CO., corner of Merchant and Kaannmama Better than this it is impossible to have. Iron and Lead SoilPipe, BOUND VOLUMES yj a. si., and all distance was shut away streets, and he will be plnased to attend to any OF by 1224-6- m Ellens-burg- THE rain and fog. I went with others business entrusted to him. The October election proves that h on shore with rubber coat and shoes -- has a population of nearly 6000 or Goods, KINDS.- - Dun-jAan- 's r cent, greater ALL and umbrella. We visited Mr. THRTJM'S ALMANAC. 50 per than was generally Hawaiian Gazette supposed. BDBBEB HOSE AND house and the church, shop, ALL SIZES GBADES; AKB HAND-BOO- K EXCELS THE HAWAIIAN - JPschool, etc. ADDRESS, Lift and Force Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Galvanized Iron, Sheet Copper, SheetLead, Mr. Duncan does not in NO ALMANAC AND ANNUAL for reliable r Daily C. believe to Lead Pipe.Tin PlateWater CloeetsJUarble Slabs and BowlaaaHieled Wash Stand P. Advertiser making too great a change in the statistical and general information relating LEONHARD & BOSS, living these Islands. Price 60 cents; or mailed abroad of the Indians, especially in Aft Sale office of Pafalieatotn, iAn(t fth Rooms 5 & G lloi.oln'u "BV'Ir, For at the the matter of ventilating their THOS hum, Chandeliers Xamps and Xanterns, Etc. No. 46 Merchant street, Honolulu. houses. He believes in having an 1181- - Honolulu, H. I. It Elleneb rzh Wasulnetou iaW-3-ni July, 1889 dvtr

-- gf -- -, jyEtaarJB(rW'ff

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1890 V J saxnandjcfmtinueitojCcupy:itfor..the re- prosecution ishabitually allowed to taxation: ofthe'State for the supporTof gov- UStxa lurertiiiunU. 132 . autljoriti). needs." J mainder of the term of five years. "assist," as it is commonly called, ernment and for all public before Leroy Beaulieu (as quoted by Ely) 10. He must within two years inclose the the public prosecutor. This is pre- (Read the Honolulu Social Science with a substantial fence. Club, February 27. 1890. calls taxes, "the contributions reg- LIST OP IiETTERS land cisely was done in the prosecu- !' 11. pay quarterly advance.in-teres- t what ularly demanded of citizens by the He must in This subject is apt to be dismissed Remaining "Uncalled Vox" la the " on the unpaid purchase price at the tion referred to. Mr. Kinney was constituted authorities of, the land Gw VI as a disagreeable reminder of a govern- eral Post Office, Honolulu, 38, rate of ten per cent. The purchaser may retained, just as other attorneys are for meeting the expenses of lb. Ft." requisition, which cannot be evident that none 1890. pay the whole or any part of the purchase constantly being retained, to assist escaped, ment," But it is price at any time, which will stop interest.' which must be jjaid, arfd'tho. benefit of these definitions are sufficient; the prosecution? , j Anto, O Andrew, Chas e, taxation are very ."The preliminary agreeruentis of which lis noti always, apparent,! for the purposes of Andrecht, Jno (2) Anthony, Jos and.the land cannot be sold until 'if the'"defeated candidate for the often not to pay expenses of govern- Abrahams, Jas V , E J Yet at the present time it is occupy- G C all conditions are fulfilled, and after the Maui Nobility" thinks there were ment, but for the encouragement of Allen, Mrs Foreign Office Notice. ing tho attention 'df rrlany eminent suppress certain lines of Birddier, Mr Belio, G IX lapse of five years. s trade or to Foreign Office, J j malpractices on the part'of political of Brash, Miss S J D Browne, S T con- political economists, financiers and business. The protective tariff AT- - ht Honolulu. Feb. 26, lS90.f 13. Failure tocomply with anyof the opponents which rendered his defeat Bnhard, Aug Buckle, Miss ditions will work a forfeiture of the land. statesmenrjffTh'e status the United States, Germany and Bell, Mrs Henry Brown, J K J At. W. GIRV1N, Esq. has been ap- of taxation Within a short time further Lots will be an illegal one, the machinery of the other countries is not for revenue Braun, Jos Bollmann, C pointed His Hawaiian Majesty's Consul at in Haw&hicjemands the attention of Buschvust, Mrs C Blackburn, Fred 'U available in this District, which will be criminal law stands open to him and but for the supposed encourage- San Diego, in the State of California, all of 0UT.thinkers ; BrouKh ton , Mr Berry, H W "jfjf' Kanl-uko- u and public men ment of home production the fo United States of America. duly advertised. he can set it in motion, as Mr. Bryan. S O : I L. A. THURSTON, this is my apology for introducing revenue is merely incidental. In Chally, 1312-- lt 49-- 3t has done. The attorney whom Cathrine, Miss H 1 Minister of the Interior. the topic.' the United States at least we Chapman,MissL(2) Collins, Mr he may select will certainly be per- lab- D i Office. Feb. lSj, 1890. see how their statesmen are Costa, W Couzens. H Pursuant to a Resolution of the Legisla- Interior Looking abroad and back over the Christie, Jno Cutler, F J 44-- 2t mitted to assist the prosecution, and to get of the revenue i Assembly, passed May 4. 1882, the 1311 oring rid Chester, F A 3 tive) pages of hiBtory we find that taxa- protection. An Clarke. Chas ip 111., March 17, no one, we believe, will charge him while retaining the Costa, Frank Cobb, Chas Birthday of Kamehameha tion is dis- S. KA-N- E of Honolulu, has both universal and ancient illustration of taxation for the Costa, Chas will be observed as a National Holiday, MR. K.' with malice and bad faith if he em- appointed a Notary Public some form couragement of a certain line of Dow, Jno 2) Dorell.Thos and all Government Offices throughout the this day been ploys, as he naturally would, an at- In it must necessarily C of King- business is furnished by the tax of Douglas, Louis Dougherty, Jno Kingdom will be closed on that day. for the First Judicial Circuit the torney of his own political color. have been joined with government, a dom. L. A. THURSTON, 10 per cent placed upon the issue of Enghts, Miss R Eldredge. Chas T L. A. THURSTON. or government could not have been Eiuanta, Talon Everett, L M b Minister of the Interior. "Whether this is done, will not de- State and private banks at the time 1 Minister of the Interior. maintained. There is something, in Edwards, Geo d Interior Office, February 26, 1890. pend on the Government, on the of the creation of national banks (2) Dept. of Interior, Honolulu, March 1, but F, T F Forrest, Thos 8 1312-- 2t 49-- lt zeal of National Keform candidates. but not much, to be learned from an- the United States which resulted in Forrest, Fred Ferrari, Carlo 1312-- 2t 52-- 3t 1890. cred- cient wholly suppressing that class of Fonster, E Fobister. J A Certainly, if any general public methods; generally they con- Chas Depabtment of Finakce, ) com- banks. This is also illustrative of Flor, A Fisher, a CHRISTIAN ANDREWS and it is to be given to the loud sisted in seizing whatever waa near- Fernandez, Green Messes. Honolulu. H. I., Feb. 19, 1890.1 plaints of fraud, intimidation and the well established doctrine that r DAVID KUA, have this day been appointed est and most convenient, confiscating involves the Gerard, Mrs Gud Mr d All employees of the Government, and other illegal and indictable practices the power to tax also Green, Jas Geisler, C G (2) 41 Agents to Grant Marriage Licensos for it to public use. It was an extreme- tax-t- o persons whom monies maybe due Reform candidates, power to destroy. Ely defines Gaston, A D Guerrero, Mrs Jos o Hana, Maai, and Waimea, Kanai, respec- other to on the part of it ly simple form, following the adage tl at the Hawaiian Treasury on or before the ought to be only after the charges "Might be "one sided transiers of econo- Gray, Miss Jennie Gusnian, Louis tively. makes right." Collecting meeting ex- Gray, Mrs Sallie Ti 3ist day of March, are requested to pre- have been judicially investigated and mic goods for L. A. THURSTON, the taxes was an oppressive and ty- some Hubener, Chas Hermann, B sent vouohers for settlement on or before proved. We suspect that under the penses of government or for Minister of the Interior. rannical operation. Very frequently other purpose, with the intention Hai, Jaoe Hilder, Mrs IT 3t all persons haying monies of this practical Chas Interior Office, Feb. 19, 1890. 1312-- that date; and stern requirements the business wa3 let out to collectors, Haneberg, Adolph Heins, --T that a common burden shall be main- m on account of the Government are request- test, most of these charges will fail whose only requirement was to pay Hoggins, A tained by common contributions." Inns, J M lngersoll.Miss L B (2) MR. J. E. BROWN has this day been ed to make their returns promptly, in to materialize. over a certain amount to the govern- order that there may be no delay in closing Walker says: "The aggregate of all Jones, Thomas Jenney, CA appointed an Agent to take Acknowledg- ment, and if the amounts were fully C the accounts for the biennial fiscal period sums collected by the government is Johnson, Jackson, A P ments to Labor Contracts for the District ANGLICAN CHURCH CHRONICLE. and promptly paid, a deaf ear was revenue; the system by which it Johnson, W A ai of Honolulu, Island of Oahu. ending March 31, 1890. turned to the appeals of the miser- Kittredge, C 8 Konis, F di is collected is called taxation. THURSTON, S. M. DAMON, Right on time comes the March num- able and oppressed people who were King, Wm Kerr, A S L. A. The Hawaiian constitution says, Art- , Geo Kruse, Jno 43-- 1311-- 5t Minister of Finance. ber of the Anglican Church Chronicle. subject to the of ir- Minister of the Interior. exactions these icle "Each member of society has Kona Co Si It records the different events that have responsible This li Sugar Interior Office, Feb. 27, 1S90. happened at the church during the past a right to be protected in the enjoy- Le Reieveur, Mons Lovstad, Kaly te 1312-2- 50-- lt form of tax collecting still exists in t month, with news from England, United ment of life, liberty and property, Lovstad, N N Lacy, Ed th many parts of the Turkish domains Lafley, M A Leon, H M , States and the Colonies. In the Educa- according to law, and therefore he Lovestad. Mr Ludewig, Mr Sealed Tenders i)aiiJ&uatt(a$ty tional department, after referring to the and doubtless in other parts of Asia, shall obliged to contribute his d and in Africa; be Loues, Miss A Lee, E "Will be received at the Office of the Minis- wet weather and the epidemics, the anywhere, indeed, proportional share to the expense of Lofgrist, E Ludewig. Herman do ter of the Interior until WEDNESDAY, EST MODUS IK REBUS. Anglican says: "Thanks to better where just laws not control. this protection." The theory about Lavinson, Mrs 6t a little encouragement in The subject of is the 5th day of March, at 12 o'clock noon, methods, and taxation touched taxation and protection being reci- Mahauter &Co, P. (2) Monis, Jno the way of increased salary to teachers, upon incidentally in Luke ii, in the Myshusk, Jno McGraw. F M H for the Printing and Binding the License -- procal is about exploded and is a TEN PAGE EDITION. much good and lasting work is Being account Beth- Marshall. Jno Miller, Harrv Forms of the Department for the coming of Joseph's journey to treated with scant courtesy by finan- B I done for the Hawaiians. The older boys lehem. The tax, referred to, which Miller, Mrs Marmont, J R biennial period. are now very earnest in their endeavors cial and economical writers of the McCloy, A E (2) McAndress, J 6e TUESDAY, MARCH 4. 1890. English language, to was borne also by the women, was a Miller, Henry McGnire, J Schedule of forms and specimens can be to master the and day. The constitution of the United McKeague, Mrs Jno McCray, Peter oi avail themselves of every opportunity capitation tax. The Boman system gives power of levying to seen upon application to the Interior of States the Martin, Jos McDonnell, Jos A "We begin with this issue the held out to them for education. The re- taxation varied with different taxes, etc., prescribes that capi- Martin, A Miller, Jno et Office. The delivery of said License Forms periods history, on whole but marks of visitors from foreign lands of but the tation or direct taxes shall be in Nelson, Mr H must be made on or before the 25th inst. publication of an article by "W. E. some of the was lead us to think that in theory more nearly equitable to power Mrs M All Tenders be endorsed " Tenders on as acquirements is proportion population. The , Piper, H must Castle Taxation, which was read Hawaiians, as far than those of other nations of the to taxes is restricted Pfotenhauer, W Perry, W Printing License Forms." concerned, will favorably compare with of States levy for at the last meeting of the Social day. so shall not interfere with the Phillips, Thos Paulson. M boys in schools abroad. We trust other One of the reforms by that it Perry, J (2) Powers, Jno E tb The Minister of the Interior does not Science Club. The article is on a Ha- instituted reserved powers. The provisions things will be equal, and that the was of a Porter, P Petersen, R bi bind liimself to accept the lowest or any hold own in his own Augustus the imposition to taxtion in the several Parker, C H practical topic, is written with waiian may his col- with regard ht - bid. land, and make good use of his educa- regular tax on land which was State constitutions are as various as Quires, Miss w especial reference to our local prob- tic L. A. THURSTON, tion, to keep himself from going to the lected by officers delegated for the the instruments themselves. There Raab, A W Rosedale, Capt A A C; Minister of the Interior. lem and needs, and 'contains facts of wall. Verily he has much to contend purpose. But this orderly and prop- is no such thing as uniformity. Ryari", Andrew Rica. Joe m Dept. of Interior, Honolulu, March 1, which will revel- against, in the multiplicity of races er system was not extended to the Robinson, John Roche, Frank public interest be a Each State makes rules and a sys- Rogers, S 52-- over him. Philip Rixmann, Mr ar 1S90. 1312-l- t which arq striving to ride whole of Italy till the reign of Dio- effect ation to many. But in our opinion, if he will, he can tem for itself. In some the of Revas, Francisco. th cletian. socialist principles is evident. The Sten, H Sandeman, Mr ci still beat down all obstacles, and soar When the nations began to emerge In Re Hilea Sugar Co. cam- triumphant over all his competitors." cry Sylvia, C Schneider, Dr N E (2) ar The difficulty with all the from the mists of the dark ages then unreasoning and ignorant Smith, T Z Sawyer, W T Depabtment Intebiob, ? Anglican urges communicants to gc of the paign talk of our political opponents, The we see taxation is vitally associ- against capital appears in some. Suudin, John , O Honolulu, February 28th, 1890. J return to the custom of attending the that be both election ated with constitutional reform and The constitution of California pro- Snivth, G M Sandford, D F Whereas the Hilea Sugar Company, has before the and after it, early communion services in the cathe- vides all property in State Smith, A J Smith, J P hi gives on season of the liberty of the people. English that the pursuant to the Laws in such case made was that it was always wanting in dral, and advice the shall be subject to taxa- Smith, Mrs J T Schmidt, Joh and provided, duly filed with the under- Lent. The number taken altogether is history furnishes an instructive illus Swanston. A S Smithers, Mr specifications. You could see that re- tion, and names as property, Sharratt, W T Smith, T Z nc signed a Petition for the dissolution of the a very creditable one. The editors tration of how the two went nana m anonymous correspond- on the Queen's Hospital we give moneys, credits, bonds, stocks, dues, Stnythe, G. be said Corporation, together with a certificate the eternal marks hand. The great charter of King in full, as he is one of the visiting 1215 franchises and other Turton, Anos A Thurston, J HI as required by law ; ent had a grievance of some kind John in recognized the prin- C thereto annexed committee and knows the institution matters and things capable of Thomsen, Chris Tieinan, H - CO ciple that no tax could be levied J H Now therefore, notice is hereby given to that was what made him howl and well. They are as follows : Thomas, (2) T- without law. was private ownership, but spe- 8b; any and all persons who have been or are foam at the mouth and rush into "The Queen's Hospital is an institu- It cifically exempts growing crops. Vibrans, Mrs Abbey now interested in any manner whatsoever tion which ought to be more appreci- many times in subsequent years and Ward, James E Whitaker, George sef print but it was never possible to As this constitution was made Wilson, Wall, Chas 1 in the said Corporation, that objections to ated than it is, esieciaUy by those for then for a long time, indeed almost A W (3) J find out was. race. present, to and adopted at a time when Welsh . J ohn Wongham , M r de the granting of the said Petition must be just what it The grief whom it was founded, the native down to the the right Weight. Foreigners of every nation recognize the taxation was used by the the granger movement was particu- Ed an! filed in the office of the undersigned on or was public but the grievance pri- control Walker, Mrs J H White, Walter m; beneficence of the house and praise people through the Parliament to larly strong and feeling was most I before the 7th day of May, 1890, and that vate. everything in it highly. The manage- violent and active against capital, it Wilier, Capt E Wood, H S wi . any person or persons desiring to be heard wrest from the monarch one right or Whitvin. Miss C Wiley, J W ment i under the supervision of a body Brit- is not a matter of surprise that farm- White, Michael he ' thereon must be in attendance at the office The Oiaio from most privilege after another till the editor of the professes of trustees chosen the ers exempted their peculiar property, Young, C he of the undersigned in Aliiolani Hale, Hono- prominent citizens of Honolulu, who ish constitution has at last acquired to have discovered the remains of the its presont form. nor, that property generally owned Zeigler, C W th lulu, at 11 o'clock a. m. of that day, and one and all take a personal inter- by capitalists was taxed two or three why Punchbowl road at the bottom of the est in the hospital. The Executive Com- The right to tax is incident to sov- show cause said Petition should not be times over. As might have been ex- K granted. harbor, and evidently sees in the mittee is composed of five of these trus- ereignty. It is a sovereign power. Sf Parties inquiring for letters in the duty is to inform pected, immense volumes of capital above list, will please ask for "Adver- Tl LOKRIN A. THURSTON, whole thing the scheme of an unholy tees, whose especial The assertion of this right with a tised Letters." themselves of and rectify any departure were withdrawn from the State, and de 1312-- 9t denial of the right of representation Minister of the Interior. Government to rob the country of from the right and proper treatment of when hard times followed the Chin- F. WUNDENBERG, caused tho American revolution. In Postmaster-Genera- l. mi its real estate. This is a mistake, the patients, and of any dilapidation of ese were charged with being the sole Tenders. constitutional monarchies the power General Postofflce, Honolulu, Feb. 23, however. the buildings. These are again assisted cause of the trouble. Taxes have 1890. The Punohbowl road is by a visiting committee of three trustees is generally reserved to the repre- Tenders will be received at the Office of rec- never been popnlar in the United va still in place, and what the Oiaio has appointed by the vice-preside- every sentatives of the people. A fine the Board of Education until MONDAY, States, and the subject has received iTctjal lai J quarter. is their duty to visit and in- ognition of this right thus reserved ltcrtiscmcnt9. 10th of March at 12 o'clock noon, discovered is only its own campaign It I the nest, spect every part of the hospital, and to is illustrated in the Queen's speech but scant consideration, if measured mi the construction and completion of a off by its As fe for mud that has been washed by the record their observations. No expense on the opening of Parliament. It importance. a consequence f teacher's Cottage 20x30x10 ft. on the pre- recent Moreover, is is spared by the trustees in providing the the whole matter is in a somewhat COURT OF THE do ? rains. it not reads: "My Lords and gentlemen, Hawaiian Islands. In Probate. Iu the mises of the Government school at Hana-pep- e, crude as th suitable for building up the site of latest improvements and inventions in we have received the most cordial as- condition compared with matter of the Estate of JOHN McCOLGAN.of Kauai. medical appliances and the discoveries of an the revenue system of most Euro- Honolulu. Oahu, deceased. Order appointing do the new fish market. Fish are deli- physicians have the surances from other powers time for Probate of Will and directing publica- I Plan and specifications may be seen at in medicines. The the peace pean states. Most of the national tion ofaiotice of the same. an highest reputations for skill and atten- earnest desire to maintain A document, the Office of the Board of Education, Ho- cate material and need to be kept in of the world, etc., discussing the revenue is derived from indirect tax- purporting to be the last Will tion to their duties, and the other officers, ation, in the shape of duties, by and Testament of John McColgan, deceased, nolulu, and at Mr. T. H. Gibson's, School a better atmosphere than that of the including now a most efficient and kind- state of foreign relations and pro- having on the 3rd day of March. A. D. 1890, ap means of payment wide- been presented to said Probate Court, and Agent, Waimea, Kauai. Oiaio office. ly female nurse, are all that can be de- ceeds: "Gentlemen of the House of which the is thi ly distributed, and though a wasteful for the Probate thereof, and for the The Board does not bind itself to accept sired. We trust that the foolish, we had Commons, the estimates for services Issuance of Letters Testamentary to Jamea P. wr Ha- and expensive method, is an easy Morgan, having been nled by him. low est any bid. almost said criminal, neglect of the for the year have been made with a it is hereby an the or THE It ordered, that FKIDAY. the 21st PAIKULI PROSECUTION. waiians of this necessary means for their will re- one, as very few feel that while buy- day of March, A. D. 1S90, 10 fei By order of the Board of Education. due regard to economy and at o'clock, AJt. health and comfort, will now disappear, quire your consideration, etc." ing a pair of shoes, a yard of silk, or of said day, at the Court Boom or said Court, at ho and that they will soon fill the wards a of Aliiolani Hale, in Honolulu, be and the same W. JAS. SMITH, The strictures of the Bulletin on Then, on resuming internal affairs, pound sugar, they are paying is hereby .ppointed the time for provinc said th. Secretary. with the sick that are dying so fajt in taxes, and heavy ones. .. iji wu umnug saiu application, ween ana our commentary on the prosecution the address proceeds: "My Lords where any person oa Education Office, Feb. 25, 1S90. their uncomfortable homes." Though Adam Smith's conclusions interested may appear and sol of the Kev. Mr. Paikuli simply show a and gentlemen, etc." contest the said Will, and the grautine of 1312-- 2t 4S-- 3t While most people have a fairly and reasonings are disputed, his four ap how impossible is to say or do any PERSONAL. Date Honolulu, H. I., March 3, 1890. it clear perception of what may be a maxims regarding taxation are still By the Court: lm OHAS. THOMPSON, Esq., has this day the basis of most of the present the- 1313--3t J. H. EBIST. Deputy thing to escape the censure of a Among the arrivals on last mail tax, it is yet not an easy thing to de- mi been appointed an Agent to Acknowl- the ories. They are in take journal which has made up its mind steamer from the Coast, were Mr. and fine. One eminent authority says: brief: mi edgments to Labor Contracts for the Dis- 1st. The subjects of the State pinCTJIT COURT, SECONDm Mrs, N. R. Baker of Topeka, Kansas. legally determined ought y tre in advance to criticize and condemn. "Taxes are the to duuiciai uircuuor tne Hawaiian Islands. trict of Kau, Island of Hawaii. They have already visited the Volcano and legally collected contributions contribute to the support of gov- Iu Probate. lee L. A. THURSTON, The Advebtisek's remaaks on the ernment as nearly as in pro- Island of Maui. I and altogether they are much pleased of individuals for meeting the neces- possible s-- ers ? we portion to Havrailan Islands j Minister of the Interior. prosecution in question were, with the islands. Mr. and Mrs. Baker sary and general expenses of the their respective abilities. In the matter of the Estate of BECKEY Th 3t Interior Office, Feb. 13, 1S90. 1310-- think, such as any unprejudiced on- left Topeka in October, 18S9, and have state. No doubt this is what taxes 2d. The tax of each individual COCkETT, late of Walkapu, Maui, deceased. m been traveling ever since. They expect ought to be certain in amount A document, purporting to be the lat Will looker would pronounce moderate should be, but unfortunately it varies and and Testament of Beckey Cockett. late of Wal- da f to reach home in April. Mr. Baker first payment. kapu, JIaui, deceased, having ' Homestead Xot in Hilo, Hawaii. time of on the Kith day of non-partisa- n widely from what taxes are frequent- Pr and in the extreme. saw the light of day at Hilo, Hawaii, in 3d. Every tax ought to be levied January, A. D. 1890, been presented to said ' d' Notice is hereby given: 1853 His father, Floyd Baker, was at ly applied to. Take our own experi- Probate Court, and a petition for the Probate Mt The Bulletin had doubtless expected, at the time or in the manner most thereof, and for the issuance of Testa- 1. Thirty-nin- e that time the able district attorney of the ence. The gross perversion of the Letters tht That (39) Lots, varying in likely to be convenient to mentary to Charles Cockett, of Molokai. having size from 8 to 20 Acres, have been set apart perhaps for unknown reasons of its island of Hawaii. During his visit to public revenues to the support of a the tax been filed by him. En !J the Volcano last week, Mr. Baker stopped payer. ?Iherefcy ordered, that THURSDAY, the nifej in Kuaia and Paana in the District of Hilo. own, some partisan comment on our Board of Genealogy; for the protec- 10th day of tor at Hilo and met a large number of peo- 4th. Every tax ought to be so con- April, A. D. 1890, at 10 o'clock xJt. two to tion of so-call- tombs of chiefs, for of said day, at the Court Roomof Court, wh Hawaii, about miles the north of part. Failing to find any such, it is ple who parents re- said at knew his when they many similar ob- trived as to take out and keep out, Lahaina, Maul, be and the same ia hereby ap- sic Laupahoehoe, for Homestead purposes. gathered the Kaimiloa and pointed the time tot proving said reduced to calling the Advebtisee sided at Hilo, and he a great of the pockets of the people as - Will and SI in recent years illustrates the little hearing- said application, when ma 2. The surveys can be examined and deal of information which will be most jects as possible, above and where any A the "organ," and to reading a sense exercise of a power undoubtedly pos- over and what is Pe.r!, Interested may appear and contest the r prices ascertained at the Survey Office in interesting to his parents when he re- put into the treasury. said will, and the granting of Letters Testa- tl into our words utterly foreign to turns to the States. Mr. "Baker enjoyed sessed by the Legislature to apply mentary. 6Ui Honolulu, or at the office of Mr. A. B. Is T dis- himself very much at Hilo during his public revenues to objects wholly un- (To be continued.) It further ordered, that notice thereof be noi Lobenstein, Hilo, Hawaii. them. There was no thinly given by publication, for three successive brief stay. He is manager of the Kannas necessary and useless, not even weeks, in the Hawaiian Gazktts and Knokoa, tht 3. Mr. A. B. Lobenstein, of Hilo, will guised exultation in our observa- newspapers printed e: Newspaper Union, which supplies one national in character. The right to and published In Houolnlo. seventy-fou- r Rzw Dated Wailukn. H. I., February 25, 1830. mo point out, the Lots to any person desiring tions, nor anything in them either hundred and newspapers taxes for other than public pur- tXbvtxixszmmts. : ti with news. As Mr. Baker intends to use GEO.E.RICHAKDbON, Ca to see them, for which service he will be express or implied, which a discreet poses is expressly recognized in the Circuit Judge Second Judicial Circuit. H. 1. c write up his impressions of the. islands 1312--Jt Th person ap- well-dispos- entitled to a fee of ?1 from the and ed critic could con- constitutions of several of the States OTl a for use by the Union, it will be seen that TO a plying, strue as exultation. he is likely to spread correct information, of the American Union, and it ii ex- SP0ETSMEN! COURT OP TUB wil is no Hawaiian Islands. In Probate. In the s 4. Persons who may desire Lots shall ap- that we ought to appreciate, and that ercised in others where there matter of the naj 4 Estate of JULIA L. RAWSON, of ply in writing to the Minister of the Inter- will not do any harm to the islands. provision at all. AS HAVE PROCURED Honolnln, Oahu, deceased. Order appolntln? arc The Bulletin is utterly at sea with jfc I A time for Probate of Will, directing publica- ior, upon a blank form, copies of which In looking over the report of Chief Sometimes taxes are imposed for first-clas- s Machinist and Gun- - and ent oj to of a tion of notice of the same. may be obtained free, of said A. B. Loben- regard to the character of the Pai- Justice Wm. P. Lee the Legislature purelv private purposes. When smith from San Francisco, I am A document, purportine to be the last Will eve of 1854, we find the following well-know- n prepared to do all kinds and stein. kuli prosecution. was not a Gov reference Luther Martin of Maryland, of repair- Testament of Jnlia L. Kawson, deceased, pri It to Mr. Baker's father: "From the dis- ing in guns, locks, musical instruments, having on the 17th day of February, A. D. 1S30, as the Federal Bull Dog, in machines, oeen presented to said Probate Court, 5. The sum of ?10 must accompany each ernment measure in any sense. attorney of large and important sewing etc., with neatness and and a " sue ni It trict the with paralysis dispatch. petition for the Probate thereof, and for tke application. island of Hawaii, Floyd Baker, Esq., 1820 was stricken MR8. THOS. LACK, issuance of Letters Testamentary res was something in which the Minis- I 48-- 6t 1312-- lt to John S have received a valuable and satisfactory much sympathy was aroused and a 81 Fort street. walker, having been Sled by him. da 6. No applications will be considered from try had no concern and no hand. tax of It ia hereby ordered, that WEDNESDAY, the report of the judicial transactions of that law was passed imposing a 12th day the persons who already own land. law- ot March. A.D. 1888, at 10 o'clock The Bulletin is doubtless aware that district for the year 1853, and one which five dollars per annum upon all 2STOTIOE. ajc. ,of said day. at the Conrt Boom of said pie 7. Every applicant must be of full age. I think may be relied upon as correct. yers in the State for his benefit,which Court, at Aliiolani Hale, In. Honolulu, be the machinery of the criminal law has the same fs hereby appointed the time far urr 8. The applicantwill beallowed five years Mr. Baker visited every district on tax was actually collected for some XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT proving said Will, and hearing applica- yee tr can be set in motion by private par- except said which to pay land, during which the island, one, at mnch labor time. ' Arthur White holds my full power of tion, when and where any prsoa latetastsd in for the pleasure say- attorney to business may appar and contest the. said Will, tk ths OJ ties, as well as that of the civil law, and expense, and I take in says:"Taxes are the enforced transact all my till or 6 time it will be exempt from taxes. ing have learned from several Cooley further notice. granting letters testamentary. ai ten every such case, the at- that I contribution of persons Dateiiloaoluhi, H. I., February 17, 18. 9. He must within one year build a house and that in quarters that he has proved himself a proportional (Signed) 0. L. BRITO. By the Conrt: oj 1312--3t levied by the authority Honolulu, Feb. 28, I860. 51 13l0-- 3t oi upon the land and begin to occupy the torney engaged by parties desiring a useful and efficient officer." and property J. ti. BBIST, Deputy Cl.

Iu " 9

-- HAWAIIAN fcAZBTM., frufitoA?, MAltOtf 4, ifc90. 8 mBtoiiSa IMPROPER ELECTION RETURNS. M. Davidson, A. Rosa and S. K. Kano fendant, but was not luna for himt He THE KING' 3 CHAMBERLAIN. pointment and invalid without it? Tho 3Jro for defendant. did not pay mo any money for anything. clause in the appropriation bill is merely 2Uwtiscmtnt. The first witness called was Mr. Rose Kailaa paid me nothing A "Writ of JIanilatuua Applied for by a provision for the payment of a Cham- who stated 1 was chairman of election Cross-examine- d If defendant has put berlain. The item placed in the civil Col. Macfarlano to Obtain Ills Sal- is The Rev J. N. Faikuli, the Success- at Koolau on February 5, 1S90. Kaulu- in his report ho paid Kailaa and mo list, one of the five which constitutes that C. B. ary is by Su- , ful Candidate in the Sixth kou and defendant were candidates for inoiiev it is not true. Made Absolute the department of the appropriation bill. that district. Looks at exhibit A in J. N. Paikuli, the defendant, sworn, premo Court. We see no reason why this should be on Koolau elec- District, Trial in the former suit. 1 received this document stated : I was candidate at A decision was filed yesterday in the laced more under the direction of the and to the Minister oi the Inte- tion. Awa was my messenger. I did 8 of Police Court. sent it Supremo abinetthan any tho others. There rior. It is in defendant's handwriting. not pay John Paoa any money ; ho was Court signed by the majority are allowances to threo Royal person- Document put in evidence and admit- on my list of runners. Kailaa told me of the Justices in the case of Georgo W. ages, tho fifth is for His Majesty's house- Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer The Court Itoom Crowded During the ted by defense to be statement of defen- Paoa "would be one of my runners and I Macfarlano, relator vs. Samuel M. Da- hold expenses. It is not obligatory on u had a on met him his house expenses. Defendant counted him. at the King to appoint Hearing, Two Cases List- dant's I mon, Minister of Finance. Upon appli- a Chamberlain. He and the watcher the ballot box, Win. Paikuli, on election day ; did not pay him any might appoint ono at for, without this extra ened to 'With Close Attention he was on defendant's list as a watcher, money that morning. I did not throw cation a writ of mandamus, decision provision for salary, paying him out of AMI I'alkuli is Found Guilty in under the new law. I don't know of $4 over the fence to him. I gave him a reserved by Judd, C. J. the grant which ho receives for the State $5 v 15 otli Cases Aiqirals Paikuli using a committee room. of ballots. I did give Kahao The petitioner for the writ of manda- and expenses of the' occupant of the E:kage lodging. said he did Cross examined Defendant gave me and He mus alleges that the respondent Samuel throne. Commission Xotcd. a memo of his men before the election. : it but knew he had a large Merchant. I M. Damon There is, as we see and are informed, V. E. Paikuli stated Defendant is family so I insisted on him taking it. I is the Minister of Financo, no warrant in tho repealed statutes or in my father. On last election day, acted paid no money to Kaale. had no talks and as such has charge of the disburse The two charges against Rev. J. X. I I the precedents and practice following for him at the polls, watchini: the ballot with Kailaa about his reward. I mado ments oi me puDiic treasury; that in thereafter, for the statement, in tho Paikuli, the successful candidate in the report as thought 42 Queen box. Awa was clerk. I don't know out my I did because I the appropriation bill for the current seventh article of the respondent's return, Street, Honolulu. election at Koolau, which were preferred much about outside runners. I did not I owed my election to the people whoso that the Chamberlain is a public officer biennial period there was an appropria- on the 19th, were heard in the Police see my father pay money to anybody, names I put iu raj report, and they of the Hawaiian Government assigned as nor to my knowledge did he cause ought to bo paid. I did not promise to tion for the payment of His Majesty's a medium of communication between His Court Tuesday. There was a large at- be to influ- to money to paid to anybody, pay them, but I thought they ought Chamberlain, the sum of six thousand Majesty and His Majesty's Ministers, or Telephones Mutual 630; tendance in court during the hearing of ence the election. be paid and intended to pay them. Bell 87. It dollars ; that he was appointed and com- that he is necessarily cognizant of any of 1305 10-3-m the cases, which Listed all day. In the R. Makahalupa sworn stated I was at may have been against the law, but my missioned His Majesty's Chamberlain ; the public concerns of the Sovereign and first case the charge against the defend- Koolau election on February 5th, was at intentions were good. that ho has requested and demanded of of,the affairs of tho Government. The Cross-examine- d & the polls. Kailaa was acting as a run- I had the idea the said Minister of Finance the pay- Chamberlain attends no meetings of the CASTLE COOKE, ant was as follows: That defendant Ka-al- e ner for defendant, so was Kupahu. about pa3'ing my runners for the ment of said salary but he refused and King and Cabinet and has no official being a candidate within the meaning of was in telephone office. Kahao first time on the day I made out my re- still refuses to pay. knowledge of public business. He is an act entitled "An act to amend and voted and sat out in the yard, don't port. Did not have any such ideas on Tho respondent made return admitting only a medium of communication be- . (Exhibits B C not and consolidate the election laws of the know what he did and the day just after the election. I did that as such Minister of Finance he has tween the King and the Cabinet as a Shipping and Commission Merchaafs put in evidence, being list of defen- think I was doing anything wrong, did charge of the servant. influence with the Kingdom," approved September 10, public fur.ds; that the If he has dant's men, from Interior Office files). not think it was against the law. I said G. W. ap- King which to the policy """ - Macfarlane lias not been maybe adverse IMPOBTERS AND DKALKR8 IX 1SSS, is guilt- of the offense of failing to Cross examined I am a lawyer, on thought it would not be right for me to pointed to the office of His Majesty's of the Cabinet, it is only as a friend, and furnish the sworn statement prescribed election day was acting for Kaulukou, tell my runners what I would pay them. Chamberlain, and does not hold, and the influence of the King's friends cannot was polls all day. lunahoo-ikaika- " GENEBAL MERCHANDISE. in section 40 of said act, contrary to the at The items in my report "no na has not held such office by or with the be controlled. John Pana sworn stated I was a are not amounts paid to lunas consent or sanction of His Majesty's The opinion of the Justices rendered to provisions of section 9C thereof. W. A. voter at Kaneohe on February 5th. for acting as such. I put under this Ministers, or of any of such Ministers : the Cabinet August 3, 18S9, in reply to Plantation Agents, Kinney for the prosecution, M. David- (Witness is to paid to inadvertently, J. instructed not criminate head the fo Kahao that the petitioner does not perform the their request for a definition of the King's Life, Fire and Marine tf son, A. Rosa and S. K. Kane for defend- himself unless he chooses). On morn- because I did not understand the form duties of Chamberlain, that tho said powers under the Constitution, concludes ant. ing of election day, defendant came to of making up the account. That $5 was duties were performed by J. W. Rob- that, "acts of tho King are done upon Insurance Agents. The prosecution called as the first wit- my house and called me out. He was for my personal expenses. The $2 in ertson, etc., etc. the responsibility of his Cabinet, unless ness Asa Kaulia, who, being sworn, on horseback, and threw $4 over the the account was for a pair of shoes, I Following is the brief opinion of the it appears from express words or by the 153 HONOLULU, H. I. ly stated: I was inspector of election on fence at me. I asked him what it was bought one day when I got wet. I never Court which heads tho full decision : very nature of the case, that the act is of election day. There was only one poll- for, he said, "Oh, you are to be one of promised Kailaa anything. I went to The respondent refused to pay the .a personal cnaracter " Holding as we ing place ; the insectors were M. Rose, my runners I took the money. Waimanalo and asked Kaliai and Cum- salary of the relator as Chamberlain to do, that the office of Chamberlain is of a The Liverpool and Lon- chairman, Jas. Olds and myself. AVe Cross examined Defendant was mins how the men on the plantation His Majesty. non-politic- al and non-leg- al character, gave a certificate of his election to Pai- alone. It was before the polls were would vote. They said the men would Held, that the appointment of Cham- and the service personal to His Majesty, Grlohe kuli. I did not receive a sworn state- open, after sunrise. An old woman and vote as they pleased, but they thought I berlain was personal to His Majesty and his designation of tho person who shall don and ment of expenses from Paikuli, and have some children live at my house. No would get the majority of votes. I have did not require the approval of tho Cab- perform the service is an act of the latter not since. body but Paikuli and I were there when not told the men named in my list that inet. description, and the Cabinet is not re- INSUR-AJSTO- E Cross-examine- d I met my colleagues he threw the H at me. I had not talked that I intended to give them this money. Held, that the salary of office follows sponsible for it. CO (f with defendant before about being a I did not intend to pay them unless I cot .defense of judicata set in afterwards, not as inspectors. It was the title to it. The res up the ESTABLISHED IMS.) told me by one of the other inspectors runner. On election day I acted as the money, so I thought it was no use The writ of mandamus is made abso- 2d and 3d articles of the return does not that a statement ot expenses connected runner both for defendant and Kaulu telling them. lute. stand on the principle which supports was was kou. Kaulukou did not give or promise The defense rested here. COURT. pleas. The Assets 8 40,908,890 with the election received. It BY THE such plaintiff herein has Net Income 9,87tt,888 remarked that Paikuli had given his re- me any money or reward. When voters Mr. M. Rose in rebuttal said Last determining controversy not had an adjudication against him Claims 1'ald which- pali . In the raised 112.869,999 port of expenses and told to me by Rose. came up to me, I old them that Saturday I met Kailaa at the I by these proceedings the controlling which he has allowed to become final. ever of the two men they proposed to asked him if he did not get the $10. He was after ten days had elapsed when question of principle is He had appealed from the decision of Takes Risks against or Damage by It vote for was a good mau. 1 worked in said, no, but had been promised to whether the Lois Firs I was told this. it King's Chamberlain is such an officer as the Justice hearing his application for a on Bolldloes, Machinery, Sugar Ulllf, Dwelling Re-dire- ct this way during the day. by urnuure, on I had no conversation with him Paikuli. is required to be commissioned to his mandamus against the then Minister of ami r ins moil tavoraDla terms. Re-dire- ct of fo de- Paikuli at all since election. Kaulukou had given me After arguments counsel the office Finance. Before the case could bo heard written authority to act as runner for fense Honor said in order that his acts therein may Jas. Olds, sworn, stated : I am one of and prosecution, His be legalized, and whether his appoint- by the Appellate Court the Minister, Mr. him before defendant gave me the $4, he found the defendant guilty and sen- Bishop & Co. the inspectors of election of the Sixth ment requires to be approved by the Green had resigned. It would then ll8S-6-m district. Since election I have not re- and I had accepted Kaulukou's appoint- tenced him to pay a fine of $50 and $3 90 have been futile to proceed to obtain a ment. was generally known costs. An appeal to the Supreme Court Cabinet. ceived any statement of expenses from It that I We adopt of la- mandamus directing Wm.L.Green to pay was a runner for Kaulukou. When Ka- was noted bv defendant's counsel. here the language our Paikuli. mented associate Preston in the case re- money from tho Government treasury It BECHSTEIN PIANOS! Cross-examine- also to d I have not seen Pai- ulukou appointed me I intended was impossible to substitute Samuel M. for accepted ferred to in the respondent's return, of kuli since. act Paikuli. I Kaulukou's The San Francisco Koute to Australia. vs. Wm. Damon in the appellate proceedings in- appointment until heard from defen- this petitioner L. Green, the John A. Hassinger, sworn, stated: I Writing of the above a New York preceding Minister of Finance. He asmuch as he had not made the refusal Clerk of Interior Depart- dant. If a man had told me he was on which the mandamus was asked. Am Chief the journal says : "Any concern with less says : ment. (Producing document.) Defend- going to vote for Paikuli I could not have The plaintiffs proceedings in the HAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE "It will be necessary in the first place first for the sale of C. Becusteik's ant gave me .this. Brought in three en- stopped him . I made no protest when 'grit' than is displayed by the Oceanic instance therefore terminated without had sent in to consider what is the status of the celebrated Pianofortes, we beg to solicit velopes ; one contained this document ; I heard defendant inv name Steamship Company of San Francisco office prejudice, and it would be a denial of orders for of his runners. Chamberlain. It is not a statutory either Horizontal or Upright another, the certificate of election ; and as one long given as de- justice not to allow him to commence Grand. defen- would since have up a the duties appertaining to which are the third was addressed to defendant. When fined by statutes again after a demand on the new incum- gave me the $4 did not tell him hopeless task the efforts to continue the law. The creating the This was returned to him. This docu- dant I I bent which was refused. See U. S. vs. TESTIMONXA-L- S : was one of Kaulukou's runners. I spent San Francisco office and defining the duties were re- ment was opened in presence of defend- steamship service between pealed Civil Code in 1859 Boutwell, 17 604. " For twenty-eigh- t years that I have now $4. by the and ant. This, as I remember, is a copy of the and the Australasian colonies in view of until session of the Legislature of The third ground upon which the pay- used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- Kahao, sworn, stated I was elector in the tained their superiority. Liszt." the original document. Cannot account the many discouragements they have 18G4--5 no provision was made for ment of the salary is refused as set forth Koolau and voted on February 5th. the " A noble lor its being in my possession. ("Witness payment of such an officer, ap- in the . sixth and tenth articles of the inexhaustible and sympathetic slept my house be- encountered. On the one side the when an fulness ot tone, with was here temporarily excused to obtain Paikule at the night of was for return is that the petitioner has not in together an exquisite morning un- propriation $5,000 made the action, which admits of the utmost original document.) fore election. In the he asked United States, apparently entirely of Majesty's fact performed the duties of the office. variety was to pay for lodging of him- 'salary His Chamberlain of shade bears testimony to the fact that Rose, sworn, stated: Vas chair- what he concerned as to the future of our growing secretary' and appropriation for In this case the petitioner makes replica- il. self and son. I said I wanted no pay. and the manufacture has attained the utmost man of Board of Inspectors at Koolau trade with Australia ; on the other the 'Chamberlain and secretary' continued tion by affidavit that while absent from degree of perfection in the act of instru- election February 5. Received state- Defendant forced $5 on me. I did not tho Kingdom he was performing duties for colonies, naturally disgusted at American until 1888, when it appears as 'Cham- ment making. Bcbikstxis." ment of Paikuli's election expenses Feb- know what it was for. It was early in berlain' only. for His Majesty, having gone abroad by morning of election day. au- of ruary 15, not from him directly but from Kaulukou apathy and almost tired sustaining the "The duties of the Chamberlain have his command, and that provision was For further narticulars annlv to my wife. "Was in the field when it was thorized me in writing to act for him as bulk of the expense of the mail transpor- made for the performance of Chamber- Prof. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to runner and accepted the position. This been personal to His Majesty, and it is handed to me. It was I tation between the two countries, while now for the first time, so far as I am lain's duties near his person by a H. HACKFELD As CO., to Minister of the Interior Mon- was before the defendant gave me the whom he pays out of Sole Agents for Sent it sys- aware, and I have had many opportuni- his the Hawn. Is!. if Canada and her subsidised railroad 1307-3-m day, 17th. Noticed that statement was $5. I don't know he had heard that I from my salary. This is a duplicate or collateral 19 was runner for to ties connection with former not sworn to. a Kaulukou. I had not tem is only awaiting a chance swoop governments of knowing, that the right defense, not consistent with the trans-Pacif- ic Cross-examine- d told him. I did not act as runner for down on the remainder of our ( Live about ten miles of the government to approve of the ap- ground that the relator was not the from here. Document was handed to either candidate on election day. I did business. The Oceanic Com- Chamberlain for the want of a sufficient for pointment has ever been asserted, and me by niy wife, who said Win. Henry not act Kaulukou because defendant pany, in the face of these disadvantages, it is not suggested by the respondent appointment. In considering whether paid me $5 for sleeping house, be- gave it to her. had in his have maintained an excelleat service that it has been. he performed Chamberlain's duties, we deliv- and considering defendant's station, I tween San Francisco and Australasia, "Wm. Henry, sworn, stated: I Attorney-Gener- al in treat it on the ground that he was not to work against of "The his brief ered document to Mrs. Rose. Think it did care him. I am running fast steamships the finest to practice in duly appointed, Can the Minister the only Kahao in Kaneohe. defend- luxuriously equipped refers the Great Britain was on Saturday subsequent to election. If type, and in ever' where such an official would with of Finance inquire into the per- not paid me $5 would way to afloat. retire Received it from Kailaa with request to ant had the I have equal the best ocean liners Ministry, and refers especially to formance of the duty of an office by worked for Kaulukou anyway, and per- They dispatch vessels of the the deliver to one of the election inspectors. the their line question which early pres- the incumbent thereof and refuse to pay haps for defendant too. had promptly arose in her (Inspecting document.) This resembles I made regularly and and reckon with Majesty's reign as to the appoint- the salary if he judges there has been no speeches public meetings in favor of almost absolute safety day of their ent .the paper. at the ment of the bedchamber women, and performance. The .first answer in this Cross-examine- Kaulukou before election day. made arrival, making their route not only the d "Was wrapped in a I claims that by analogy the same rule particular case of a personal appointment newspaper addressed to three different two speeches. I am assistant manager most comfortable and the shortest but held at the pleasure of the appointing plantation. worked for going to should apply here Pioneer Steam parties. at Kaneohe Have the most interesting travelers do not think there is power would be, that if it is satisfactory twenty years on plantation for Mr. or from the colonies from Europe "I such analogy, Kailaa, sworn, stated .Remember giv- that or the the rules regulating the holding of offices to him the Minister of Finance may not CANDY FACTORY ASD BAKERY. ing a document to Deputy Sheriff some Rose. United States." in Great Britain, and the responsibility examine into the performance of the ser- Cross-examin- at time after election. Did'not give it to Paikuli lives of have vice. And this rule may be carried F, HORN, Practical Confectioner, "Waikane, some distance from my house. Ministers, been the growth of Henry. Don't know the deputy sheriff. IIooulu and HooTa Lahul Society. centuries, and are not and cannot be further. Could it be claimed that the Pastry Cook and Baker. half-whit-e. to iiim Sat- Kaulukou said nothing about pay when Minister can pass upon right to sal- He is a Gave it The officers of the above society are applicable here according to our consti- the No. 71 Hotel St. - Telephone 74. Mr. Henry and others he employed me. Paikuli spent one ary of any clerk or other appointee of any urday afternoon. tution. In fact if the practice obtaining 35-t- night house the week before elec- as follows : President, Her Majesty the 1209 f were present when I gave it to him. at iny in Great Britain were applicable and in of the Departments? But the rule ex tion. live about a quarter of a mile Queen ; Vice-Preside- A. de Souza Paikuli gave it to my wife with a mes- I Mrs. force here, the Court would not have to tends still further.to public officers other be- from the polls. is abont ten miles Ulu-ko- sage to deliver it. Paikuli had gone It Cannavarro ; Secretary, Mrs. C. H. u consider this case, because if His Ma- than those holding at the pleasure, of ap- Recognize in from defendant's house to the polls. De- to su- CASTLE & COOKE, fore I returned. document ; Treasurer, Mrs. J. I. Dowsett. Fol- jesty would not act upon the advice of pointing powers, that is say, to handwriting. A newspaper fendant and I talked very little about perior officers holding office by commis- Paikuli's lowing is the report ot the Treasurer pre- his responsible advisers, in matters in was tied loosely about with a string. the election. He asked me which way sion. It is clearly established that the 0 go. which they consider themselves respon- life, Fire and Marine was addressed in Paikuli's hand- the plantation would I said I did sented at a recent meeting: sible, they would compensation of an office does not de- It not know. have to give way or writing but did not notice to whom. BECEIPT3. resign. pend on time or labor expended in dis- Prosecution put in evidence exhibit Cannot ixjsitively identify this as the am of opinion office charging the duties of it, but upon the D, request of fifty for defendant Cash in hands of the Treasurer "I that the of ti.irvr. electors Chamberlain is personal to His Majesty, title to it. The salary follows the title. ! Mr. to stand for election. July,18S9 $ 18 25 Insurance Agents K. Makahalupa, sworn, stated: Received interest on Government and that there is no legal necessity for the Any other rule than this would admit an document to deliver to L. Kaulukou sworn, stated was a intolerable scrutiny by the Minister of Hose handed me J. I Bonds 120 00 appointment to be by commission or in AGENTS FOE: Interior Department. Delivered it to candidate at Koolau. I asked Kahao A donation of 5 00 writing, and that it does not require the Finance into the measure of the services Minister Thurston in person. "Was pres- and Paoa if they would be lunas for me. Dues, avails of meetings from approval of the Ministers. of every officer in the Government, and ent when Kailaa brought it to Kaneohe. They consented. I first spoke to Kahao JuIy,18S9 17 15 "Should a person be appointed to the the principle legitimately carried out New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. He brought it on Saturday, saying he on January 20th ; that evening at a pub- office whom the Ministers consider would empower the Minister to make had something from Paikuli. Directed lic meeting. Kahao made a speech for f ICO 40 objectionable, they partial payments in proportion to the OP BOSTON. 1 EXPENDITURES, can exercise some " him to hand it to deputy sheriff, me and after that I consulted with him amount of the service as he should de- control in the Legislature by declining JEtna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. John A. Hassinger returned at this as my luna. The last time I spoke to Paid out to assist indigent families to ask for a vote for the Ealary." termine it. Not in this way can faithful point and said Am unable to produce him in that capacity was night before having siqk children; clothing We performance of duty be insured or the and food for care of yonng may regard it as a crucial test original of this document as before in- election. He came to my place ; he said babies of of omission of it be punished. UNION from July, 1889 $ 102 25 the requirement a commission to tended. Am sure Paikuli gave me three he thought I would be elected and he consider whether the Tacts of the officer People vs. Tieman, 8 Abb. 359. to correct testimony. would work for me. On election day he Mayfield vs. Moore, 53 111. Comp'any envelopes Wish Cash in hands of Treasnrer..? 58 15 are legal or illegal, valid or invalid, as 428. Insurance Received a letter of date May 17th, men- did not work for me. Some of the peo- he may be commissioned or not. The Com. vs. Bowman, 25 Penn. 23. FIRE AND MABLNE, tioning enclosure of election expenses of ple on defendant's list worked for him ; The following is the property of the statute of 1850 prescribing in amendment O'Leary vs. Board of Education, 93 Paikuli and Kaulukou. My impression others I am not sure about. I know society : certain duties to the Chamberlain was N.Y.I. OF SAX FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. of document before the Kailaa worked for defendant, so did Dorsey vs. Smyth, 28 21. of two copies In Government 6 Bonds..?2,000 repealed in 1859, likewise the statute of Cal. ISO y possession of Looks exhibit A. This is per cent 00 is Court is the only one in the Paoa. at In the Postal Savings Bank (in- 1848 providing for his appointment. By The writ ordered to be made abso- Interior Department. Can find no other. Paikuli's writing. Kailaa, Paoa and cluding interest for 1889) G.403 78 this earlier statute it was made obliga lute. Document is endorsed in hand of Jno. Kupahu were working outside the polls ; Cash in hands of Treasurer as tory on His Majesty with the approba- A. F. Jupd, J. N. S. WILLIAMS, H. Brown, temporarily acting as clerk. other men were inside as clerk, messen- above 53 15 tion of the Privy Council, to appoint a Lawrence McCully, Mr. Davidson for the defendant moved ger and watcher. I came within two royal Ricji'd. F. Total Chamberlain of the household who Bickerton. ENGINEER and C0NTRACI0K, for the dismissal of the case on the votes of a tie. ?3,4G193 shall be solely entitled to draw upon the February 26, 1890. Cross-examine- AND ground that the prosecution had failed d I and my friends Minister of Finance for all the expenses TS PREPARED TO DESIGN "White Paul Neumann and Charles L. Carter - contract for all classes of Sugar Extrac- After Mr. Kinney spoke to about eighty people in the dis- The 3lan in Foreign Lands. Attorney-G- to make but a case. of the royal household, and it shall not be for the Relator; C. W. Ashford, tion Machinery, Machinery, denied the mo- trict to assist me. All of the eighty or Irrigating had replied the Court Professor Haddon, the English natur- lawful for any person in this Kingdom to eneral, and A. P. Peterson, Dep- Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, defendant was sentenced thereabouts, had written authority to tion, and the alist, who has just spent some months debit His Majesty or any other person on uty, for the Respondent. Engines of all kinds and for all purposes, to five minutes' imprisonment afc hard act for me. I did not pay or promise to his behalf, except the Chamberlain, such In addition to the above opinion of the "Water Wheels, Water Conduits, both Pipes of They on on the islands south of New lhnr and to nav $3 75 costs. The de pay one them. acted for me Guinea, debts not to be recoverable at law. No Court, Chief Justice Judd filed addi- and Flnmes, Steam Boilers of various fendant's counsel noted an appeal . account of my speeches. I had messen- says there will never again be so good a check or draft of the King on the treasury tional views. kinds, etc., etc. The second charge against the de- ger, watcher add clerk on election day. time as now to study the natives and could be paid unless it was countersigned Mr. Justice Dole filed a dissenting in the afternoon. George Nakiauwa was messenger. Diffusion Machinery fendant was heard make anthropological collections, as the by the Chamberlain, and the Chamber- opinion. In all its branches a specialty; The charge was as follours: The de- The prosecution here rested, and coun- lain might be held personally liable to illegal sel for defendant moved for discharge. Papuans there are dying out fast, and Plantations supplied with Chemical and fendant was charged with an creditors for expenditures in excess of Analytical Apparatus of the veay best de- practice, in hiring others to act as can- The Court denied the motion. are still more rapidly discarding their the stated allowance. Neoj Stftocritscmcnts. scription to oader. vassers or runners for the purpose of Kailaa was then called for the defense. native arts, preferrine to buy the mer- The legal inference from the repeal of Close attention paid to all orders ad promoting the election of a candidate, to He said : I was runner for defendant on chandise that the whites bring among the statutes which required a Chamber- satisfaction to the purchaser guaranteed. wit, himself, the said J. N. Paikuli, at election day. Nothing was said between them. Recent travelers in the Congo lain to be appointed, with the approval P.O. Box 38G. Fort St., Heaelmla. an election, to wit: the election of rep- us about pay. I have been paid noth- basin say the introduction of European of the Privy Council, and which gave him EGGS FOB SETTING 7 139My resentative to the Legislature from the ing. A few days before the election de- manufactures is playing the mischief powers and duties, there being no other and slept at Kahao's with ob- sixth district of the island of Oahu, at fendant I house; native handiwork. Dr. Wolf statutes enacted concerning him, is that Big G has given bbItm-s- al and the general election throughout the had supper breakfast there. served this fact far south of the Congo, the Chamberlain is not now an officer of Carta la "JH sailsfactiua la Ike 1890, the Cross-examine- d Defendant never and said that some places Tl JO OATS. cure ot UonerrltiM aa4 Kingdom, held February 5, for in the natives the law. His office not being estab- FROMTHOROUGH-bre-d a V me jack-kniv- es JHnrHnau4 purpose of choosing by ballot the elec- said anything to about reward. If who have acquired foreign lished by law and no duties being pre- White Faced E3f MSMSeleurcufv Ulert. prescribe Has tive members of the Legislative afore- defendant haput down in his statement and other hardware are likely to forget scribed by law, he requires no commis- Black Spanish and feet safe la i $10 Ea In It to aM said; Buch hiring on the part of defen- that be has paid me it is false. I the art of iron working. Mr. Hore on sion, as he requires no oath of office. Brown Leghorn Hens. MMflfnaj rtlMlM fl. known defendant thirty years ; ho Lake Tanganyika impor- Orders taken for all l.J.gTKKS,8.., dant being contrary to law, and more have deprecates the Without an appointment by commission HL en- He and are equally tation of any kinds of Thorough HaLS particularly the provisions of an act is a preacher. I merchandise that will ruin of the King, what would there be for the PRICK, V good Sometimes we may hi liable native industries. to bred Poultry from the yards of one of the I.tI titled "An act to amend and consolidate men. There seems be a Cabinet to approve of? Without leiral largest TrutaSaflaV'SUriJ SoM by ImsfctMa. ap- Mr. Rose had seen some and best Breeders on the Pacific the election laws of the Kingdom" to err. I told I nevfr tendency in savage lands to accept duties, what is there done by him which Coast. Apply to 1888 any the white man as a valuable agent for requires Holustxx A Co., Wholesale Agents. proved on the 10th of September, $10. a legal appointment? What ' S. P. 8IMOND8, Bxxsoh, Smith A Co., Wholesale Agent sworn, knoto de promotion of of at-3- W. A. Kinney for the prosecution, J Kaale, stated: I the laziness. , acts his are made valid by such ap- - 1308 m 182 King Street.

:i4- - tss. ...- - lristt i HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1890.

THE UNIVERSAL WAR AGAINST THE measures. It is interesting to noto Tcai SUiiu'rtiscinrnts. Vtlucriiscntents. SUturrlisemenls. the character of the legislation pro- CHINESE. posed by tho Ministry, viz: 1. That no Chinese other than teach- One of the last places in the world ers and officials sball be allowed to conio ex- B from which most people would to this country except in the capacity of id toontes ffi pect a protest against Chinese im- laborers. 'P. y migration is the Hawaiian group of 2. That no Chinese be admitted as la- 60. 1. unless the agricultural MIS islands. The conditions of climato borers necessities of tho country require it, nor until the C and the character of settlement in The undersigned having been ap- i i legislation hereunder indicated be sec- 1 those islands would seem to bo pe- ured. pointed Agents for the Hawa'ian Islands culiarly favorable to the employment 3. That Chinese not now engaged in of Chinese labor, and yet such is the trade or the mechanical occupations be FOK THE CELEBKATED pressure of competition from the in- prohibited from hereafter engaging vading race that the Hawaiian and therein. & oo. foreign population have been driven The third proposal jroes beyond Baldwin Locomotives PACIFIC HAEDWAEE CO., to demand severely restrictive meas- tho legislation of countries on I'l other ures to save the islands from becom- this question but tho necessities of From the Works of Successors to DILLINGHAM & CO., Fort Street. i ing a mere "dumping ground' for tho case appear to demand excep- i China-- Politically and socially very tional treatment "When we find I great strides have been made in Ha- Chinese merchants promoting rebel- Buraham, Parry, Williams & Co., 2 waii in recent years. The duties of lion, and Chinese workmen ousting DILLINGHAM. RICE PLOWS, made from our own patterns, from tho ? citizenship have been taken up by white men from their occupations, Philadelphia, Penn., suggestions of practical Planters. the natives, freedom of government influ- DILLINGHAM BREAKING PLOWS, covered by our own patents, the I their numbers and wealth and has been secured on a basis approxi- Are now prepared to give estimates O most successful Breaker ever introduced into this countrv. C ence become apparent, and drastic anil Riding," mating to that of the most advanced imperative for the receive orders for these engines, of any NEW DEAL PLOWS, both Walking and interchangeable. Theso a measures are O Plows have-ourow- n Mould Boards and Points and are unequalled for practical work. self-defens- size stylo. nations, a national coinage has been mere sake of e. Fortun- and fa ft DILLINGHAM DOUBLE FURROW PLOWS, patented in the United d adopted, agriculture and every form ately these colonies have been quick JSP Q States and in this countrv. extensively i i s of enterprise have been to realize the danger before it was H RED RIVER DOUBLE FURROW PLOWS. Sjecial Points, Steel Beams. promoted, security of life and pro- actually upon them and, as as we The Baldwin Locomotivk Wokks are The NEW DEAL GANG far now style of H m PLOWS with TRAl TION ENGINES. These perty has been guaranteed, large in- are concerned, there is now little manufacturing a locomo- Pious break up over fifty acres per dav in California, and are a new departure in tive particularly adopted ! a vestments of English and American more danger of an invasion from Q steam plowing. n capital have been made on the good China than there is from the moon. H o d faith of a stable administration of California the Chinese swarmed For Plantation Purposes, o In Our Sloolc of Goods in ALL Linet. in Very Complete and the Jaws, and the relations with the in so steadily that they numbered 8 we tl so strength- are in a Position to Oitor exceptional Terms to Buyers. United States have been per cent of the population along A number of which have recently been Y ened that a reciprocal treaty has been coast before the pressure A3 that of received at these Islands, and we will entered into which practically makes public opinion was sufficiently felt have pleasure in furnishing Plantation Being m Hawaiian group a part of the at Washington to . Agents for the BEST HOSE IN THE WORLD and receiving largo the make restriction Agents and Managers ith particulars of consignments every month, we are in a position to satisfy all wants. m commercial territory of the American tho law of the land. Other com same. P Republic. All thishas been accom- munities have suffered even to a Arrivalof "Deanfield" 5y"JDo not think that we cannot supplv an article because we do not The superiority of these Locomotives plished by the efforts of the Anglo-Saxo- n advertise it. Our Stock is too varied to itemize, but we can supplv the BEST greater extent, and universally the over all other makes is not only known settlers, aided by the rapidly instinct of has had GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. ai here but is aeknow ledged throughout the developing capacity of the native to be asserted against the invading United States. 1304 11 tf 1MCIFIC HARDWARE CO.. L'd. di race. JBut the continuous influx of Mongolian hordes. The Hawaiian the Chinese has menaced this pros- community is among the last to as- St pering condition. They have invaded sert its resistance against the pro- 131 Days from Liverpool! HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, te the islands in great numbers, gone cess of gradual extinction, and we WM. G. IEWIiY & CO., tl on to the plantations of the settlers, congratulate the Ministry of that xh Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, taken up plantations of their own, small but progressive kingdom upon 21 1307 d monopolised the menial occupations the breadth and vigor and directness Hawaiian Islands. V gi in the towns, threatened to oust the of its indictment against the "yellow LA.K&IC CAKGO OF st native and foreign population from agony." fSydnev Daily Telegraph aKlSTERAL lGtETTS, EXPEET trades laid such a gradual 1SS9. L. their and Dec. 27, UP-TOW- N jlstd a fit but unrelaxing grasp upon the com- a.ccou:nta.:nts P. mercial and industrial life of the NEWS ANU NOTES. se Book, Sews and Stationery Store collectors, country that the npcessity for prompt REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE oi and AGENTS, CUSTOM severe restriction both upon The free public library, established HOUSE, LOAN AND EXCHANGE to those who are in and against 106 FORT STREET. BROKERS. those in Baltimore five years ago by New Goods o er who would come in has been uni- Enoch Pratt, at an expense of about H versally recognised. Legislative ?1,250,000, is accomplishing a great Femander's POLYNESIAN RACES Departments of Easiness : action in this direction has been de- work among the reading classes. Books Accounts manded, and although not immedi- Last vear the number of books is- Three volumes complete can and accurately kept and properly adjusted. now be Collections will receive special attention and returns promptly ately had. . made. promised there can be very sued reached 4G1,S40. Conveyancing a Specialty-- Records searched and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished, little doubt from the tone of the It is said that the Xew York State ! Legal DocuiiENrs and Papers of every description carpfully drawn and handsomely reply given by the Ministry NOVELS engrossed. only last Bureau of Labor will add to its re- Anchors, Chains, Copying Translating in October to a petition on the subject BY JUL.TL. and in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. port for 1890 the average of wages Cocoa JIats, Kettles, Keal Instate bought and sold. Taxes paid Property safely i. a restrictive measure will be and insured. that not lost to working people in various Shpot Mlioic Oolilen "Wreath, Golden Sauce Pans, Fry Tans, Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rents collected. OlieCl iUUMl Uobin, In- tiKE Like lirst-cla3- s long delayed. trades by dullness in trade and in- Sour Folio, and Inscranck effected in Insurance Companies. The reply referred to takes really strumental Folios, etc., etc. lodteads, Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. clement weather. The report for Fence Wire, Lons Negotiated at Favorable Hates. the form of a manifesto bearing the 1S89 will soon be issued. VIOLIN, GUITAR AND BANJO STRINGS Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. signatures of the members of the Sheathing Metal, Skilled Unskilled Fur-NisiiE- T A cablegram says Professor and Labor Ministry. It is an able and inter- that SEE THE ZS'EW Hoofing Iron, Any Article Purchased or sold on commission. "vVeichselbaum of the University of Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular esting document, strong and digni- Cane Knives, attention. fied in tone and comprehensive in its Vienna has discovered the bacillus Merritt Type Writer. of influenza. He finds in it some treatment of the question. quotes Sixty It similarity to the pneumonia words can be written in a minute; ALL from documentary evidence gathered bacillus, can be learned in half an hour; send BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT but is sure that is a distinctly dif- White Lead, Red Lead, from all parts of the world (including it for circular. This is by far the best in- AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION AT MODERATE CHARGES. ferent microbe. strument for the price ever offered in Boiled Linseed Oil, Sir Henry Parkes' celebrated defiant this market. protest to Lord Salisbury against It is said that George T. Smith's Casty Oil, Belting, middlings purifier has Having the sacrifice of Australia to the Chi- increased the Coal Tar, Water Tanks. had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e vears in nese treaty) the most convincing wealth of the Northwest folly 500,-000,00- 0, TH0S. G. THRUM, Fire Brick, Alum, New ork City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an and the intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact ? roofs of the pernicious character of American Millers' ritoriiiETOit. Red Ochre, Fire Clay, and discretion, and respectfully X S Association has awarded him a gold 1303-1-51 solicit a trial. HiWimxi BUSINESS AGENCY. hinese immigration in its effects Bags, Twine, Bell Telephone No. medal for bringing out the most im- 274. 29 1304-- tf upon the communities it invades, Filter Cloth, and follows this up by a statement of portant invention ever made in mil the evils already ling machinery. threatening the I "15 Hawaiian Islands from this cause. The new States have all been nick- FILTER PRESSES. CASTLE & COOKE, As long as the Chinese population named, but the character of the Soap, Groceries, J Boots and Shoes, J was small in Hawaii they were nomenclature is more suggestive Paacbid Plantation, 1 IMPORTERS, "peaceful and inoffensive," but as than elegant. According to supposed Hawaii, March 9, 1SSS. ( Perumery, Flags, soon as they became strong in num- authorityNorth Dakota is the Flicker RlBdcm Iron and Locomotive Works, Sin Fran- Rope Brushes, bers and wealth they began show Tail State, South Dakota cisco. to Swing Cat, Gentlemen "We have used two of your Croquet Sete, Shipping and Commission Merchants, their power. Murders have been Washington Chinook, and Montana Filter Presses thisseason. They are easily Dressing Cases, committed by members se- the Stubbed Toe convenient, handled and are working of their State. entirely to onr satisfaction. I can recommend Mirrors, DEALERS IX mt cret societies; witnesses who in- The richest man in Eussia, Count no improvement on them. formed against them Very respectf nllv yours. v Saddles, have suddenly Sheremtjew, is about to produce (signed) A. Mioee, disappeared: when arrests were Puschkin's play, "Boris Godunow," Manager Paauhau Plantation. PLANTATION AND INSURANCE AGENTS. made the accused have been smug- in his own house, and has spent Bridles, gled out of the country; large sums Felts, Whips, Spurs, ou.uuu roupies on scenery ana cos- Heeia, Sept. 23, 18S9. Blankets, Sheeting, of rnoney were provided by wealthy tumes. The Ms. Jomt Dteb. Agent Kisfion Iron "Works, BUILDERS' kM GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL performers will be noble Dry Goods, Merinos. BIPLBIBRB, Chinese to bribe members of the amateurs, and the Koyal Opera will Honolulu. Legislature to vote against a certain Deas Sib: Please ship us one of your 30t Shawls, Handkerchiefs, supply the music and chorus. Compartment Filter 1'resseg, 210 square feet measure, and five members were con- It is a law of good society in China surface. same as the one supplied us last season, Lawns, victed which I am pleased to say has given us entire Mosquito ' SUPPLIES, of having accepted these that young widows never marry satisfaction. Yours truly, Netting, Leggings, bribes; and last, but certainly not again. "Widowhood is therefore held . GEO. B. EWABT, Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Manager Heeia Agricultural Co. Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' least, they instigated and provided in the highest esteem, and the older Velvets, Embroidered Dresses, and numbers' Tools, the "sinews of war"' for the insur- widow the grows the more agreeable These Presses are made extra heavy for rection in July last. These are does her position become with the high pressures, occupies a floor space of llx among the facts set forth in this people. Should she reach fifty years 4 ft., and presents a filtering surface of 240 square feet. A limited number in stock in Flannpl, HOUSE GOODS manifesto and vouched for by the she may, by applying to the Em- Honolulu and are sold at very low prices. FURNISHING Minister of Foreign Affairs, the peror, get a sum ltlsdon Iron Loco. Works, Basket Trunks, of money with Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Minister of the Interior, the Minister which to buy a tablet on which is San Francisco, Picnic Hampers, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and of Finance and the Attorney-Genera- l. for particulars enquire of Rugs, Mats, Carpets, engraved the sum of her virtues. JOHN DVEB Honolul In addition to this we are told The official Boom h'o. 3 Spreckels' G-ener- journal of the Congo Block: Clothing, Tweeds, . that "they are now gaining all the Free State at Brussels publishes de- BlU "W. O. nrWIJf & Co.. Aeenta Ginghams, Merchandise. advantages of a successful war with crees granting a civil status in legal Hosiery, out any of its dangers. Silently but matters to Catholic and Protestant Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, surely, year after year and step by missions in that country. Kins Leo Scarfs, step, they are invading and taking pold has contributed- - Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington m a sum of Sewing Machines, possession of almost every means of THERISDON money for establishing at Moanda, Underwear, Braces, livelihood in the country and sup- Dr. Jane & Sons in the Congo country, a sanitarium Iron and Locomotive Works, Sofa Family Medicines. planting native Hawaiians and in which African explorers and Pillows. S others of western civilization." Gloves, Flouncing, others in need of rest and medical Corner of Beal and Howard Streets, Having regard to these facts the treatment may be received. Embroidery. Curtains, Ministry lay down the following Table Napkins, lhe Germans have been the pio- San Francisco three propositions, which, with nom- neers in scientific forestry, as in California Table Cloths, CRYSTAL SODA alterations, WOEES inal might be adopted so many other lines of progress. W.H.TA7LOB President Water-proo- f Coats, by the Australian group: With a total forest area of only B. 9. MOOBE Superintendent Artificial Flowers. JOHN GRACE, " First The excessive proportion of 31,346,000 acres, of which 11,234,000 Dust Cloaks, Proprietor. - NO. 54 KING STREET. Chinese in the Kingdom, and their rapid to" belong the State, the German Builders of Steam Machinery Pajama Suits, encroachment upon the various business- Empire now has no less nine es and employments of than the country, re- schools of forestry, and SOLE MANUFACTURER OF quire adequate measures to prevent the during the In all its branches. THE epeedy three years ending with 1888 it pub- extinction in these islands of Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers Dinner Sets, Western civilization by that of the East, lished 177 books on the various High Pressure or Compound. GREAT BLOOD also Tea Sets, PURIFIER and the substitution of a Chinese for the branches of the subject, ten STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete, foreign ot Desert Sets, Hawaiian and other population. periodicals. with bulls wood, iron or composite. , Second Anglo-Saxo- n Fancy Crocker-- The perpetuation of OBDIKABY ESGESES compounded when ad- SAESAPAEILLA AM) i civilization, introduced into these visable. Common Crockery, . IEOJf WATER! Ktxo STEAM LADSCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs con- islands and adopted by the Hawaiian Utoertiscmcnts. Wedgewood' Ware, people early in the present century, structed with reference to the trade in which is they are to be employed. Speed, tonnage and Vases, essential to the continuance of a free draft of water guaranteed. government and of the political indepen- TO SPORTSMEN! 90GAB MILLS and Sugar Making Machinery of made after the most approved plans. GINGER dence the Kingdom; and such civil- Also, all ALE, ization can be perpetuated only by re- Holier Arou noricuusEcwa uierewixn. Umbrella Stands, PIPE, of taining a population who edu- AS WiXEB Boiler oi 4heet Iron, of any have been I HAVE PROCURED A size, made in suitable lengths for connecOng Decanters, first-clas- s Gun- Sarsaparilla, Lemon, cated therein, and who comprehend the Machinist and together, or Sheets rolled, punched and packed Cream and Plain workings - smith from San Francisco, am shipment, ready to be Salad Bowls, Stfii and benefits of popular repre- I for riveted on the ' eeniauve government. prepared, to do all kinds of repair ground. Mush Sets, - Third We helieve ing in guns, locks, musical instruments, HYDBAUL10 B1VET1SG, Boiler "Work and "Hater Flower Pots, Champagne- Cider, Etc., that sewing machines, etc., with neatness and Pipes made by this establishment, riveted by Etc. by nations as well as by indivi- dispatch. MKS. THOS. LACK, hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality of Filters, 1312-- work bein? far superior to band duals, is a principle universally recog- 46t lt 81 Fort street. work, Etc.. Etc., Etc. nized. SHIP "VfOBE, Ship and Steam Capstans, 8team ALL AREATED 1 "Winches. Air and Circulating Pumps, mad WATERS GUARANTEED PURE. In the foregoing propositions the RUPTURE- after the most approved plans. whole gound of opposition to Chi- KwtM DB.PIKCirs SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the Pacifir JIAGSEnC ELA.VTIC Coast Heine Safety Boiler. nese immigration in every civilized TKL'SJi"Onlrr.lM-ti-l- - Trau of the m the Tcrid. No Iron Hoops or SUI PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for Irrigation or vs. country in the world is tersely and city works purposes, built with the celebrated Truss radically thosnsdf Talve Hotion, superior to Mutual 330TELEPJIONES-el- effectively Taken connec- hu eared - Davy any other l stated. in Fof patient. Estah. 133. Perfect fit Has- trnues pump. 29B1 tion previously t&aworfdasdweffBirasUeufedft-lJfer- y. Theo. Davies & Co. with thtviacts cited, for foU particular. wnt for PxaipfeletNo-l- . & there can be no doubt of the neces- Addrrffl. JI.E. Ttbm Co7W Saeraaeato Street. DTEK ISLAND ORDER8 PROMPTLY SaFranajeo.ClU.8. e a onr Kew JOBS Honolulu ATTENDED TO. A. For Piles 1200-l- y sity for the adoption of remedial uatnuncat for Heme Treats U Prise, 9 o ta. 3d, ISm Boom No. 3, upstairs, Epreckels Block 133 111 1296-l- y HAWAIIAN UAZETTE. TUESDAY, MABOH 4, 1809. LOCAL AND GENERAL. LOCAL AND GENERAL. HILO NEWS LETTER. POSTAL SAVINGS BANK. 0AHU RAILWAY COMPAKT. Rubber hose all sires at the Pacific The Flrt Annual Mretinr Weetiim T Djereverseesuchweather. -- An was at Court Hardware Company: ' entertainment given " OMetrt for tho Conine ir The Thev sav that McGinty ft' to be found House Hall, Hilo, on February 15th fo'r JJew Wharf.

, Captain Jack Lee" is around town Works. , the benefit of the Gleancr'sSociety. The annual it thelron shaking with i Wednesday aftun.e. the first hands his friends. committee who were the getters up of bark Lady Lanipson took a small Statement of for. the Year meeting of tho Oahu Railway A Land The Yes, that is so, Mr. Horn, your butter- were Mrs. Severance, Transactions week. the entire affair L. 1 Company was held at the Company's mail to the Coast last t is scotch a capital thing for a cold. 3Irs J A Scott, and 3Ir. Richards. The 1889. office. Tho reports of tho President and of the Monthly The contents Planters' Arthur'Whita net proceeds were fSO. The stage was were read. On account of the will be found in another column. holds power of attorney Treasurer to transact business tor C. L. Brito. arranged with foot lights and extended iJl' illness of 3!r. W. G. Ashloy, tho Secre- .il A Japanese was fined $300 in the Hilo the whole width of the room. The cur- Genkiul Postofkick. tary, his rej)ort was not presented. At - A Chinaman was arrested on Saturday Court for dxstillinp rice wine.- Hawaiian Islands the" Ilice for larceny of lumber, the property of tains had been arranged with taste and Honolulu, 'I meeting 31r. Frank B. Auerbach .teDruary 'n'.isoo. Tho following offi- The Planters' Monthly for February Lewersi Cooke the largo flag of the barkentine.Quickstep) "J" acted as secretary. 10 of Postal Savings Bank Act cers wero elected for tho ensuing year: is out with an interesting table of con- was sumvu ut xuo iirvyrauiuiu nuo Sir: In accordance with Section the Hawaiian iu. President H . Paty. Ah Hung has been committed tor trial you of Transactions for the Year Ended John tents. follows: I have the honor to hand a ''Statement Vice-Preside- nt to the Supreme Court for larceny of $420, as James I. Dowsett, Sr. December 31st, 18S9," which bog to submit to Your Excellency's approval. Vice-Preside- nt Wil- Mr James W. Girvin has been ap- the property of Lewi Drew, i t Piano Duet 11 Trovatore ...... Melnotte I Second Wm. C. pointed Hawaiian Consul at San Diego, Mrs. and Miss Severance. I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant, der. California. There may bo a letter for you in the Art Criticisms in the National Art Gallery. WUNDENBERG, Third Vice-Preside- nt Robert Lewers. Fairy Chorus Eastman F. advertised list of letters remaining in the General. Treasurer 0. P. Ia'ukea. Mr. S. K. Kane has been appointed a Postoffiee. Peruse it earefuuv. The Gleaners. Postmaster .Secretary W. G. Ashley. Notary Public for the first Judicial Cir- Two Scenes from Nicholas Nickleby. To His Excellency Lorrin A. Thurstojj, 3Iinister of Interior. Auditor Wm. F. Allen. cuit of the Kingdom A man with the harmonious name of Mrs. Nickleby Miss Deyo Directors B. Castle, S. C. Miss Nickleby Miss Lyman James John Eskechello, is in the Station house Allen, T. R. Walker and Jas. G. Sen-ce- r. Mr. J. E Brown has been appointed awaiting trial on charge of larceny. Mrs. Nickleby's lover Mr. Richards to a Nicholas Nickleby Mr. W. E. Scott an agent to take acknowledgments All tho officers with tho four directors labor contracts for this district. Sach's show window is filled with em- The Keeper Mr.Burt Solo Thv Sentinel am I Watson Hawaiian Savings Bank Statement op Transactions Year constitute the Board of Directors. broideries, and prices marked in plain Postal for the The American tern Alcalde arrived La grippe has let go its grip on Hon. figures shows how reasonable they are. Mr. A. W. Burt. Ended, December 31, 1SS9. "YV. H. Corawell, and he is now in town, Tableaux last week with the piles and timbers for the company will at with a slightly less avoirdupois Tenders for printing and binding (a) Woman's Rights .; DEPOSITS. the wharf which license forms are called for in our "By (b) Marguerite .' once commence to build out nearly to We are sorrv to learn that Mr Paul Authority" column by the Minister of (c) Pudicitia the cattle pen. 3Ir. G. F. Allardt has Isenberg is confined to the house with a the Interior. (d) Polyhnmia Honolulu. Country Offices. & taken soundings and finds between 28 rather severe 3ttack of la grippe. (e) Filippo Lippo declaring love to Lucrezia and 30 feet of water there The wharf The meeting of the trustees of the Buti will 200 long and 60 feet wide. ) Bachelor's ' - be feet of lamp on (f Reveries 1Sf9- aga "fa n A new and complete line Sailor's Home Saturday morning was ' a 0 It is intended to have the filling-i- done, goods has just been received by late with regard to the site for the new home. Solo Out ou the Deep Lohr 2 Amount. a -- Amount. Amount. the wharf built and the line extended to arrivals by the Pacific Hardware Co. 3o action was taken at the meeting. Mrs. Henry Deacon, with piano and ? j o day of violin accompaniment by Mrs. Severance ?go Ewa plantation mill by the last 3Iay. At a meeting of Company B , Hono- - The Royal Hawaiian Band gives moon- and Capt. W. G. Tibbetts. Tuesday evening, Capt. light concerts at Thomas Square, Tues- Vocal Solo Mr. A. T. Atkinson January 515 $59,919 24 86 $12,80163 $ 16 lnln Rifles, held Recitation The Jealous Wife 509 8S 73 10,018 70 7 27 was Captain. day and Wednesday evenings, and at February 66.853 J. H. FisLer Mrs. W. E. Scott. 552 63,242 11 49 7,995 00 133 93 Xtw 5li!Dcrtiscincnts. the Hawaiian Hotel Friday evening. Chorus Carnovale Rossini .March of Pril 650 64,17199 85 17,688 55 212 45 Mr. Manoel de Freitas editor the Pantomimes Portuguese paper Aurora was last week The Cabinet do not approve of the May 52S 66,912 32 91 12.0S6 98 133 74 () The Ballad of the Oysterman 616 80,657 96 103 14,429 16 24149 Important Sale of committed for trial to the Supreme election of V. V. Ash ford as Colonel (b) The Three Lovers June . on charge of libel. commanding the Hawaiian volunteers. Julv 56S 75,404 50 101 13,547 81 303 47 Court a Solo Selection with banjo accompaniment. 501 50,000 81 87 8,410 92 390 54 A new election will have to take place. Captain Tibbetts. August Mr Allen Hutchinson, the sculptor, September 462 60,094 22 72 7.5S4 67 717 64 Household Furniture is going to Dr. Brodie's ranch for several The birthday of Kamehameha III , The question now is, after writing the October 540 66,87197 96 7,472 70 592 70 weeks. While there he will make a clay March 17th, will be observed as a na- programme, where to commence praise. November 4S3 51,626 9S 75 9,418 24 550 70 At Walkeo, Maai. 490 06 119 8,607 30 405 72 model of a stud horse on the ranch. tional holiday, and all Government The committee are deserving of much December 3S.970 offices throughout die Kingdom will be I am ltmmeted to sell at Public Auction, at Andrew Davis, who had a preliminary closed on that dav. credit. Those who took part in giving Total 6414 $744,725 84 1037 $130,06166 $3,689 81 the residence of P. N. Makee, Esq, (f bearing in the Police Court Wednesday so much pleasure deserve equal praise, Taiheo, Maul, six-room- cottage WITHDRAWALS. afternoon on a charge of rape, has been The on Richard for each one acquitted themselves to the committed for trial to the Supreme street lately occupied by Mr. L.J. Levey On Thursday, March 6, was sold Saturday at noon at auction b entire satisfaction of the audience. Mr. Warrants on o s-- n Court. Honolulu. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., that gentleman for $515 to Mr. J. H. Atkinson's solo was not on the pro- Country Offices. Mrs. Thos. Lack has now a first class P O 01 Congdon. The fencing realized $15. gramme and took us all by surprise. machinist and gunsmith at her store SI 1SS9 h, 0 S 3 2. The Entire Household Furniture Fort street, and is fully prepared to do Last Thursday night while a China- He sang in his usual good voice and was encored, singing in reply. . 2 Amount. 1 25. S Consisting of of repairing to guns, locks, ma- was his room on Mauna-ke- a 3 X .Amount. SCO5? all kinds man asleep in o; 5T gJ J chines, etc street, some one entered the room The Begging chorus was splendidly xpo ?po r and gave him a good beating. He is in rendered, one character we noticed was i HANDSOME calls for ten- the blind boy of Hilo, taken by 3Ir. Sev- The Board of Education bed and is unable to recognize his assail- 19S $22,692 11 15 $ 2.63S 87 115 7 38 for the boy is of institu- Januarv MarWB-to- D ders for the construction and completion ant. erance, one the 11 10 2S Boaroom Hanapepe, of as he goes around before February 144 17,514 926 41,145 7 of a teacher's cottage at tions Hilo, 236 40,157 48 7 623 20l 162 6 100 By column gives Tickets Tor the concert at Kawaiahao the Kinau arrives and blows a large reed March In Sets, Complete, Kauai. Our Authority April 2S4 33,436 54 6 530 75, 1(55 10 47 Church next Saturday evening by the whistle which imitates of the Kinau. Dlnlnc-roo- Furniture, fell particulars. that : 225 26,419 OS S 706 25 139 7 50 Parlor and Kawaiahao Seminary pupils are now on object of charity. Capt. Tib- May Brlc-a-Bra- Fine China and Glassware, He is an 269 31,263 61 17 50i 143 6 77 George Glendon who about three years sale at the Hawaiian News Co.'s store, betts of the barkentine Quickstep played June 2,661 Kitchen Furniture and Utensila, etc.. etc. ". 48,637 57 S 737 25 124 12 67 Two Handsome Book Cases and Books, ago got in trouble on Hawaii and had to Uptown book store and at the Seminary. violin obligato accompaniment, which Julv 314 a 2SS 47,353 86 19 92 4 60 serve out a sentence, is now in Apia, Price, 50 cents. showed instru- August 4,41115 that he understood that 26S 54,504 12 27 3,2S4 25 104 10 8S 1 Pair Carriap Horses aad advertises himself in the Samoan, ment, and the solo with banjo accom- September ail Buffi October. 316 43.1S7 65 14 2.12S SO 124 14 97 Times as an attorney-at-la- Some wilful person or persons have paniment by himself brought down the - 286 48,296 34 IS 2,865 25 86 S 64 2gr- This Sale Is in consequence of departnro pulled up the piles and tore off the braces November offers exceptionally good opportunity to house and was encored. 91 11 and an Elsewhere is an interesting article on holding them together, fixed in the Mr. Theo. H. Davies gave a lecture at December 351 3S.005 97 20 2,78S 78 82 purchasers. "The universal war against the Chinese" stream makai of Sunnv South on the Hilo, on 3Iission THOS. EVERETT, the Foreign Church, 3129 $451,473 44 169 59lil477 102 798 W. irein the Sydney Daily Telegraph, and new beach road. It will go hard with Work in India, on the 23d inst., before a Total $24,305 Auctioneer. which refers more particularly to Chi- them if they are caught. large audience, who were intensely in- Wailuku, Maul, Jan. 18, 1KXX 1306--St nese immigration to Hawaii. "that According to Anglican terested in all he said. He stated NATIONALITY OF DEPOSITORS AND CLASSIFICATION OF DEPOSITS. the Church work was an immense one, but the In this issue we give the decision of Chronicle the lately deceased Bishop of the Auction Sale of in- laborers were very few, which is the case s the Supreme Court in a case which Zululand has been connected with the so 3 5 c tC tC of for school houses of for 525 all over the world, but particularly in volves the titles sites Church England years. He India. and affects the interests of must have accumulated a good many So3brC,3i3- g.S Crown Leases! and churches, Rev. E. P. Baker gave a lecture on the Nationalities. ? 2.12 s S" Total. Amount. Lift and education. Bead it. barrelfuls of sermons in that time. CTQ -- S -- religion Volcano at the Foreign Church, Hilo, on 13 IP ip IP the 16th inst., illustrated with views of C. C. C & In sentencing Paikuli to five minutes' A private letter from Makawao states P. By order ef the Commissioners of Crown Lands, 1 imprisonment at hard labor for violating that there has been an extraordinary some of the larger ones. the Leases of the following Lands for a the election aw, Police Justice Foster amount of rain in the district lately, so On the 15th inst., at 2:30 p. m., there American 227 176 80 38 15 41 577 $276,253 04 said he imp h! the nominal penalty be- much so that Paia and Hamakuapoko were two shocks of earthquake. British 124 127 49 24 9 31 364 188,480 71 Term of Twenty Years cause no en .. rial intent had been shown. mills had to let up grinding, a very un- There was a ball at the Court-hous- e German 56 64 27 18 9 25 199 134,506 05 Will he sold at Public Auction, at Ionolula, usual thing for them to do, on account of hall on the evening of the 21st inst. Hawaiian 561 190 33 17 5 8 814 122,074 24 The officers of the Eoyal Hawaiian rain which brought out a pleasant company. Portuguese 41 79 26 17.... 1 164 59,592 48 ON MONDAY, MAR. Hotel Company for the ensuing year are: Again we feel the need of a hotel here. Foreign societies 13 9 S 6 3 7 46 40,877 22 24 President, Geo. W. Macfarlane; Vice-Preside- The little King street urchin who gave Tourists and others have lo be accom- 200 113 9 2 325 36,733 26 following Japanese 1.... AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. E C. Macfarlane ; Treasurer, his teacher the warning was modated at private houses sometimes Hawaiian Societies 33 23 2 4 3 3 68 24,866 24 : Wm. M. Graham; Secretary, Robert about right, after all "You have to be when it is not convenient. But we are Danish 3 3 1 2 9 6.367 43 1 The Fishpond known as Poubala, situate awful careful when you are getting over considered a hospitable people and do Norway 11 8 2 1 22 5,366 56 at Waikele, District of Ewa, Oahu, together CaUon. Sweden and with a strip of land 150 feet wide bordering it, or you will have a collapse, and if you the best that can be done for all who 6 7 1 1 15 not fail to visit N. S. "a Chinese 5,07108 alonz said Fishpond. Area 29 Acres, subject Ladies should have collapse you will get the am- come until the time when there is a hotel 2 2 62 to right of way granted to Oahu K. L, Co. store, and see mammoth dis- French 3 7 2,466 4 Sachs' the monia." to go to. 2 2 1 5 1,525 61 Upset Price $IW per annum. of embroideries and laces. These Spanish ... play A large lot of liquor was found in the 1 6 50 were imported direct from the Saturday was a very pleasant day, but Austrian . 5 1,363 2 All of the Kula Land adjoining the above goods Court-hous- e garret on the 22d inst. 7 12 33 Fishpond and running up to the Government manufacturers, and are therefore very Sunday morning the rain again poured It South Sea Islands 5 1,179 had evidently been put there for safe Sundry nationalities 2 5 1 8 2,885 50 Road to Waianae, containing 43 Acres. Upset moderate in price. down in torrents and it was showery the $100 per annum. rest of the morning and part of the after- keeping by some former sheriff and been ot forgotten perhaps. It is said to be in Total 1293 814 240 130 45 119 2,64li $90'9,613 87 3 The Land known as Makawai, and situ- The Pacific Hardware Company has noon, making it disagreeable out ate at Koolaupoko, Oahu. excepting- the let up about 4 o'clock, and fine condition and as smooth as velvet, received on the bark Ferris S. Thompson doors. It so say good judges rice lands and a small portion ol the kma. mouldings, the weather in the evening was quite Good grazing land and well watered. Area 1222 a. new liae of picture latest 3Ir. Theo. H. Davies, now of England, DEPOSITS. Acres more or less. Upset 250 per annum. tei-n- s, personally selected in San Fran- enjoyable, the moon shining brightly. formerly of Honolulu, entertained a large Balance due Depositors January 1, 1889 $477,475 85 cisco. By the way, read the Company's company of ladies and gentlemen at the 4 ThcAhupuaaof HonoVawat, In Kaanapali, plows. A picnic was given at Waialae Satur- Deposits Honolulu, 1SS9 6,414 Transactions.. $744,725 84 Maui, except the taro lands and 5 lots of kula aew advertisement about e, day afternoon in honor of 3Iiss honse of 3Ir. C. C. Kennedy, on the 22d " Country Offices, 18S9 1,037 " 130,061 66 land bv survey SO Principally grazing sister of Mrs. Purser B. Sutton, inst., by relating what he saw in India, land, and comprises an area of 32D0 Acres more The officers of the Honolulu Iron J. or less. Upset 3- per annum. ag from which country he has lately re- Works elected last week for the en-sai- who leaves on the next steamer for San Total Deposits, 1859 7,451 " 874,787 50 President, Theo. H. Francisco. La the evening the merry turned. He interested each one greatly, Interest credited on accounts closed during the year 3.6S9 81 5 The Ahnpuaa of Wahikuli or Mala, situate year are: for he saw and heard much during his in Lahaina, 3IauI. Grazing Land. Area 2607 Davies; Vke-Preside- Thomas Rain party found their way to Waikiki where " " " all accounts open Dec. 31, 1889.... 29,439 74 $200 per annum. "the visit; and it seemed to give him special Acres. Uptet Walker ; Secretary and Treasurer, F. 31. they had dinner 3t Branch hotel. Auditor T. R. Keyworth. The whole affair was very enjoyable. pleasure to impart what he had seen and ' Total Interest paid 18S9. 33,129 55 5 The upper portion of the Ahnpuaa of Swsnzy; heard. He was listened to with marked Kalopa, situate at Ilamakua, Hawaii, aud gene- for rally known as the "Lindsay Lease." Good The officers of Kamehameha Lodge of At the annual meeting of the Hawaii- attention at least an hour and a half, $1,385,392 90 grazing Land. Area 2T50 Acres. 3100 per Perfection No. 1, A. and A. S. R , for the an Carriage Manufacturing Company, and at the close sang some favorite solos WITHDRAWALS. annum. Hous-te- v, following showing that his voice was as strong and easuiag Masonic term are: S. F. held Friday afternoon, the Wahi-kul- l. Honolulu, 1889 3,129 Transactions.. 451,473 44 The Lease of the Lands Honokawai and V. M.; Wm.Auld, S. G. W.; B.H. officers were'elected forthe ensuing year: pure as ever. Withdrawals will be sold subject to J Esplnda's leases ; Downev, G. S. ; President, B. F. Dillingham ; Vice-Preside- Wilson, who has the largest livery Warrants on Country Offices, 1S89.... 169 " 24,305 59 which expire January 1. 1832, and February 1. Norton, J. G. W. J. T. parses Ph. Opfergelt, G. T. They will be in- Jas. G. Spencer; Secretary, W. O. stable at Hilo, makes the trip to the 16U3. respectively. It Is required that Volcano from short Tota Withdrawals 18S9 3,298 475,779 03 purchasing the Leaxe of 'he said Lands, will stalled on the 27th inst. Smith; Treasurer, Geo. Dillingham; here a one. Persons ' not later than 12 months alter the expiration of Auditor, C T Gulick Mr E. G. can take a brake or carriage for 15 miles the present leases, remove all Cattle, Goats and Mr. A, W. Bolster, photographer resigned position of and the balance of the distance on horse- Total Amount due Depositors Dec. 31, 1SS9 $909.613 87 Animals from the woods, and during the re- the Scbuman having his free full with bjT ap- mainder of the new Lease keep the fores' at J. J. Williams, has his bands manager, Geo. Dillingham has been ap back, or he will meet persons or all Cattle and Animals of all kinds. colored photographic work. Some of his pointed to fill the vacancy. pointment, who are on their way down INTEREST. completed, real- XST Maps of all the above Lands may be work in this line, just is from the crater, and bring them from Received on Deposits at Treasury Januarv 1 to seen particulars obtained upon application Half-wa- y Interest and ly artistic and shows that he is fully ac- There is to be a new waltz, it seems, House to Hilo by brake or car- July 1, 18S9 ." $ 3,631 57 to the Agent of Crown Lands, Aliiolanf Hale with what he is doing . Call in having discovered that tne riage. quainted Herr Strauss J. A. M. Received of Treasury amount of Coupons due July 1, 1889.. 14,250 00 CURTIS P. IAUKEA, at the sallery any time and. he will e present generation of dancers is not Hilo, February 24. " " 23,400 00 " Jan. 1,1890.. 1312-- td Agent of Crown Lands. pleased to show yon specimens. strong enough for the rapid Vienna Received on Deposits Treasurv July 1 to De- "Minuet Interest at whirl. The Waltz is to be the AN OLD RESIDENT GONE. cember 31, 1889 1,736 50 The steamer movements in March are name of the new dance, which is to begin Corporation Xotice. as sallows : The Australia is due from in the style of the minuet and gradually Total Interest received 18S9 '43,018 07 San Francisco March 7th ; the Alameda to develop into the W3ltz. It is to be in Death of 3Ir. John McColgan at the is doe on the Sth from the Colonies en Interest crediied on Accounts closed during 1889 3.6S9 81 three sets, and ladies may take lazy part- liipe Age of Seventy-fiv- e Years. " " " all Accounts open December 31, 18S9. . . 29,439 74 4T THE ANNUAL MEETING OP route to San Francisco; the Australia nimble-foote- ners for the slower passages and d After an illness of about month o- Stockholders of the Hawaiian Carriage sails tor tfan Francisco on the 14th, and move- a 3Ir. Co., this day, fol- dancers for the more rapid Total Interest paid 1889 33,129 55 Manufacturing, held the the Zealandia is due from San Francisco ments. John McColgan died at 9:20 o'clock lowing named officers were elected for the on the 15th en route to the Colonies. Friday morning at his residence, Judd ensuing year: following: A Balance of Interest to Credit Profit and Loss Account. $ 9.8S8 52 TheS F. Call has the street. The deceased was born in Lon- B. F. Dillingham President very fine colored transparency of Doepf-ne- Vice-Preside- A small schooner is being built by r J.G.Spencer nt Queen Victoria in her court robes is to & Comfort for trading purposes be- donderry, Ireland, December 24, 1814. TRIAL BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1889. Dr. Cr. W.O.Smith Secretary be seen as J. J. William's photograph tween islands in the South Seas. One He left his native country when quite a 87 George Dillingham Treasurer work of Mr. A. W. Deposits Total Amount due Depositors $909,613 Auditor gaHerv. It is the peculiarity of the craft is that the tops of remaining 3Ian-cheste- r, 00 C.T.Gulick well brought young man, and after in Haw. Treasury Deposits for which Bonds are to be issued. $135,000 Bolster and the colors are her rails are covered witn orass plates. Haw. Govt. Bonds Issued to the Postal Savings Bank and All of whom reside in Honolulu. even diamonds in the crown England, about two years he W. O. SMITH, out, the Under these are electric wires connected held by the Postmaster-Genera- l as security for Depositors 780,000 00 and necklace sparkling most brilliantly. schooner's started for the United States where he with a battery abaft the unpaid 962 46 61-- is well worthy Warrants Issued and outstanding Honolulu, Feb. 28, 1890. 1312 It is a piece of work that wheel. It is Jim Comfort's design. If resided fifteen years. He went to the Profit and Loss To be paid over to General Post Office 9,888 52 of a visit. any natives try to board the vessel with- California mines in 1849, but being too Cash Balance on hand 5,464 85 Notice to Creditors. At qnnn1 meeting of the Y. W. C. out permission the battery will be turned unwell to continue the rough life of a the on 3nd as Captain Comfort says, "We'll miner, he came to the islands m T. TJ.F held Thursday afternoon at the the $920,464 85 $920,464 85 TJISTDEKSIGXED, routine business just parafy-z- e 'em." latter part of the same year. From that THE been duly appointed Administrator of Y. 31. C. A. hall, only the Estate of EUWARD PRESTON, late of decided to bold time to the present, a little over forty Oahn, deceased: Notice was transacted. It was Honolulu NUMBER OF PASS BOOKS. Honolulu. Island of is a social April 1st. By the way that is 3anl Rifle Association. years, has been his home. hereby given to all persons to present their Probably the young For many years he was one of the Number of Pass Books outstanding December 31, 1889 1,860 claims the estate of said Edward Pres- All Fools day. On Saturday, February 22, there took leading merchant tailors of 1,477 ton, deceased, duly authenticated, whether se- when they de- this city, but issuedinl889 mortgage or otherwise under- ladies had that in view Kaluanui range third of years " " 1889 102 cured by to the cided on the d3y. The election of officers place at the late he has b$en interested in " renewed in signed, at his office on Merchant Street, in the monthly medal shoot of the 3Iaui Rifle sugar planting, and at the time of bis 3 439 city of Honolulu, Island of Oahu. within six was postponed ior one month. Ka-ma- they was one of the owners of lo " " closed in 1889 '793 months from the date hereof or will be All the shooting was at death the " barred, and ail persons indebted to said English Association. Sngar plantation on 3Iolokai. He forever Mr. W.T. Best, the great regular military guns estate are hereby requested to make immediate organist, has been selected to open the 200 yards with was of plain, unostentatious habits, but Total No. Pass Books outstanding Dec. 31, 1889 2.641 payment to the undersigned. town rSpringfield, Winchester and Sharp) of a kindly disposition, and leaves quite CECIL BROWN, organ now beine erected in the f Administrator Estate of Edward Preston, dee'd. was cloudy of tn 1511-- haM, Sydnev. The organ is the largest being used. The day and a circle relatives and friend'' whom Henkv F. Poor, Dated Honolulu. Feb. 24. 1S. 4t in the, world. 3Ir. Best will go to Sydney dark bad light for accurate shooting. he was much endeared. He leaves a Honolulu, February, 1890. Clerk Postal Savings Bank, by the Orient line of Eteamers, but in 3Ir. J. G. Anderson, Jr., took the first sister, Mrs. 31oorhead, btep-brothe- r, retaining will pass through Honolulu. medal with a score of 42 out of 50. Rev. Robert Moorbead, and cousins Daniel, WANTED! A letter will be forwarded to Mr. Best T. Gulick took, the second medal with a Hugh and D. McCorriston, the two latter TOR XOOIrAU, and Mr. 2". Ormstead the residing on Mblokai. WANTED HmilMiMM Honolulu, on the next steamer with the intention score of 35, a Uewpeteet Driver who 1 cajMfefo of CheckUg of making arrangements for his giving a third by making 34. The wet weather The funeral took place from the Ro- Tiie Weekly Gazette and Daily P. 0. Advertiser Freights. organ dampens the enthusiasm of the man Catholic Cathedral on Sunday after- Direct Communications to Honolulu recital on the Kaumakapfli church rather tar !0-i-f daring the stay of the steamer in port. riflemen. noon at 3 :30 o'clock. ABE M'HM XiTSl&XUNGr P,APERS OE1 TTECE KINGOOOM. Po Office Box O. GAZETTE, TUESDAY, HAJROH 4, 1810. 8 HUrUIAN

e sold their and inxritstmcntj. tiwral jatojcnncTKntf. ha-- to be condemned aud owners have ship, tncrol Ceart ef tie HswaiUm will completo it. Tho sold. can n longer Baaco. Jaauary one-thir- d Tilnndt. la please Inform mo underwriters on the of ORIENT Term. 1890. "Will jou not asked to have what you intend doing with the tho cargo have JUST RECEIVED XamxiTfuaoe C onsopy will hardly bo possible the voyage prosecuted. The own- OF HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT. Tin; cargo? It two-third- C. P. Ols?o", Master of ers of the other s, have "JAMAICA, Da- charter a vessel here to take the Per - Iia. vs. Tkeo. H. to CASH ASSETS JAN 1ST, 1884 : : $1,411,8941 Bakk cargo on to Montevideo, but I think asked it, but under circumstauces in vie? A Co., Agents of Lixjyds impossible for will be no difficulty in selling which it became them Take rUk against Loss or Damajr by Fire AND THE IXDEMXITY MUTUAL, there same hero aud realize cost or to ship it. Tho parties have there- on Bullding,Merhaudlso, Machinery and Furn- MaKIXE I"SUKACE CO- - the contest, iture on favorable terms. A. JASOKU. very nearly cost. If you have no fore withdrawn from the 1S9 ly Agent for Hawaiian Islands. shall be glad to attend to without having been able to prose- Submission Without Action. one else I GrELgt-IVrA-J- voyage, or effectually to AS INVOICE OP J XsXaO S! JL this here for you. cute the prosecution beyond the port "Awaiting your reply by return seek its Marine Insurance Company, of Boston. The just operation of O? BERLIN Opinion of (he Court 6y --DoJe J. of mail, upon this state of thiugs, MORTON'S GOODS. 3 Gentlemen, the law "I remain, in my Judgment, is that which I The text of the submission is as Yours, Also: Now Landing "ROYAL 3?" XT ON" "Eespectfully have indicated. The owners of the from the O H. T JL. follows : "C. Bolte, content to AL10E,"nu iQToioeof General Insurance Company, undersigned, C. P. Olsson, Consul." cargo are take their "The Acting ship-owne- rs )F BERLIN Swedish bark Ida, goods here, and the to blaster of the o, - Fra-osc- 13 Dec, 1SS9. is, may ml plaintiff, and Thee H. Davies & "Sa- leave tliem here. It if I BlacM's say, a reluctant acquiescence Cis ai Thsabore Insnranco Companies have estab- Co., Agents of Lloyds and the In- "The Captain Swedish bark Ida, so M lished a General Agency here, and the under demnity Mutual Marine Insurance Honolulu, H. I.: forced upon them by an overruling JIN PART AS FOLLOWS: signed. General Agents, ars authorlied to take telegraphic necessity. shall therefore decre a Danger it Company, respectf ully represent : Dear Sir : Under I Aborted Pte Frnlw, Assorted Pickles, lllabt njrlB4t the tho. to-d- ay freight." nt tb Most RcanoRnble Kale, nail en -- there is a question in dif- instructions received from pro rata Pie Cranberries and Rhnburb, theSost JFnTornblo Term. That we beg is implied by defendants' IMckletl Walnuts, Oriental Ptckles. between them which might Llovds' agent at Xew York, It Mushroom CaUup, Walnnt Catsnp. 1S76 ly F. A. SCHAEFSR A CO.. General Agts. ference : to Soger's subject of a civil action in to append copy of telegram ior you counsel that the master refused Manco Wellsh, Relish. be the to port Jlanso Chutnejr. UUek Currant Vinegar, - the Supreme Court based upon the "Write Captain of Ida, Hono- forward the goods the of llaspbnrr Vinecar, Raspbury Syrup, HAMBURG- MAGDEBURG Lloyds' agents, New York destination, and therefore the ac- Mayonnaise Sauce, French Peas. following facts which are agreed lulu, we, French Mushrooms, English Pea. Firo Insurance Company, and Indemnity Mutual Marine In- ceptance by the defendants under Leiershe lilick Mushrooms, Cod Hoes h upon. Kippered Herrlncs, Findon Haddock. OF HAMBURG. v holders of en- such circumstances does not in law i The Ida, of which plain- surance Company, I!loat, Fresh Herrings, Jugged Hare, . " brk - to pay to Albert Sardines, "fUI.mXGS,MEKCUANISI.,-CUX- master, sailed from Taeouia dorsed bills of lading and charter- imply a promise freight BJ ITURE and Machinery Insured against tiff ii un- Lleblg's Extract Beef, In 2 oz and i ox Jar. on authorize you to sell cargo the intermediate port. We are Sausage. 1 Flro the nost favorable terms. State of "Washington, with a cargo party Oxford and 3 lb tins, A. JAKfiEK, agent vessel has to find in submission auy Copeland Peas. Pork Sausages, Ham, 1269 bound for Montevideo, through Lloyds' if able the Sausages, ly Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. of iember cannot direct or Tongue and Chicken oa or about the 8d day of August, been condemned and cargo evidence whatever, either be transhipped promptly, to which inferential, that the master refused ALL KINDS OF WASHINGTON 1SSS. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO., said cargo consisted of we would ask your attention and to tranship the goods; neither is "That acknowledge re- any the defend- Ground Spices in Glass OF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS. 477,SW ft. of lamberTfbstlng ten dol- will thank you to there evidence that in due course. ants insisted upon the performance lars per thousand in Tacoma, ceipt of this letter Tins Neapolitan Maccaroni, Cash Assets Jan. 1st. 1884 81,595,550.34. (Sl) So as we can Pearl Barley, Cocoa. 4 was shipped by Jas. E. "Ward fc " We are dear Sir, of the contract. far 'fins Epps CO and case as Choculate de Sante, Chocolate Men!er, 'Takes Co., of New York, 10 be delivered "Yours faithfully, gather from thu submitted Cocoatine, Cojo.3 Gelatine, Risks against Loss or Damage by Firo Cotton" & Co." to us, they freely and willingly, Freh Plums, in Glass Jars. on Buildings, Merchandise, Machinery and Furn- to their order at said 3Iontevideo. Bell Essences of Anchovies, etc. etc iture on favorable terms. A. JAEGER I being in possession of the -- J691y Agent for Hawaiian Islands. said cargo wa insured in . Bv Under the cir- after "That VroU:nry the Court. Also: per steamer from San Francisco; d juHiemmivt i. .uuiuur. .nuiw ilnbnfl cumstances shown by the submis- facts, adopted the plan of giviug at ttoyds, but' sion, the question whether or not up tho voyage, dissolving the ALL KINDS OF' that thee parties-- are not informed the underwriters have voluntarily charter party and closing out the whether the freight thereon is in- accepted the goods at Honolulu cargo in Honolulu ; they preferred ! or not. must be decisive of the case. It is this to a transhipment of the cargo, Provisions te oil-ta- sured f Oc- unless such transhipment could be ti "That upon the 10th day of established by all the authorities FLOUR, GRAIN, CEREALS, xfc lfccV, said bark put into Ho- the shipper voluntarily ac- made promptly, which was impos- tober, " that if In Great Variety; dt o nolulu in distress, that her cargo was' cepts the goods at the place of dis- sible. "The cases quoted by defend- in? port, ants' counsel as authority upon this ns discharged for the purpose of mak- aster, or at any intermediate Roll Bitter, Ft ing an examination of her condi- such acceptance terminates the voy- point are hardly applicable ; that Bte, (Map L, ih portion of the case of The Nathaniel M b$ tion, and upon survey said bark age aud all responsibility of the In 50 lb Kegs. er Hooper, (3 Sumn., 550) referred to, st x was found to be unsea worthy and carrier, and the ina-t- is entitled R vs. Chapman, (13 M. In fact every thing required for Family CO coodemned as unfit for repair. to freight pro rata itineris." (Pro- and llierboom S and Plantation use, etc. consequence of the con- S Wall., 161, Hunt tW., 239) raised the question of Ol " That in peller , th-y- , which was not d dition of said vessel said voyage cs. Kail-ell- 24 Me., 342, 1 Par- jjro rata freight, tc allowed, upon perishable goods, We have always on band a Choice Selec- er was broken up. That it is im- sons' Shipping and Adm., 239, 240 tion of ,.. A. JAEGER, Agent for the Haw'n Ia. H Te possible for the master to obtain and 239, note 2). which had been sold from absolute y SC another vessel in the Hawaiian The defendants' counsel contends necessity by the master in an inter- Chinese & Japanese Tea EM to mediate port. PRUSSIAN NATIONAL Kingdom to carry said cargo on that there has been on voluntary In Small Boxes; sit its port of destination. acceptance, but one "from neces- Caze vs. Bait. Ins. Co., (7 Cranch, iir OLD "That the plaintiff notified the sity in case the master chooses to 361) was a case of abandonment, FRESH BOASTED and GROUND OF STETTIN vs. Brittanic Ins. Co., KONA COFFEE. owners of the cargo of the forego- give up the cargo." and Metcalf XSTiKUSHXS . 18-4- ol 2 Q. 423, affirms rule which ing facts, who replied that they had It seems to us that the corres- B., the Parties wishing to send something very Capital : i RciclisBiarks 9,000,000. we have recognized but disallowed, Choice in Coffee to their friends abroad lr lot referred the matter to the under- pondence above set forth proves I prop- pro rata freight solely on the ground will find just the Article. writers, that the latter by telegram that the underwriters made a The undersigned having been appointed agent was no evidence of a - of flu authorized the plaintiff as follows : osition to the plaintiff, which being that there 1- FOR SALE CHEAP AT the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands vol- mutual of a prosecution of Is ,?J?paredt0 "cept risks Fire on "We authorize you to sell cargo accepted by him amounts to a waiver Buildings. Furniture, Merchandise. Froduce, through Lloyds' agent if vessel has untary acceptance of the cargo on the voyage or of a voluntary ac- Sugar Mills. 4c, on the most favorable terms. H. MAY & CO., JUSTED AND PAY- - it condemned and cargo cannot plaintiff notified ceptance of the goods at the inter- a PSiFir,?0MPTLT been their part. The v fie, be transhipped promptly. the owners of the arrival of the mediate port. Tea Dealers, Coffee Boasters, aad H. RTBilEKSCHNKrDEK, tre " That the plain tiff is ready to sell vessel at Honolulu in distress, of In regard to the rule for ascer- Provision Merchants. llT At Wilder Co.s. the cargo as above authorized, the discharge of her cargo for the taining the amount of freight to FORT STREET. : : HONOLULU Northern Assurance Company. which can be sold in Honolulu for purpose of making an examination which the master is entitled, we (13M-l-y about $16 per thousand, but claims of her condition, of her condemna- find that several methods have ESTABLISHED 1836. Par- he is entitled to freight from or probability thereof, and been adopted by the Courts. Accumulated Funds: 3,000,000 tbt that tion, the .... Tscooia toKooolulu, and,has,a lien I of the impossibility of procuring sons in 1 Shipping and Admiralty, FRANK GERTZ. ne cargo same, as Hawaiian 243, says, is not quite certain oa tae ior tne weii another vessel at the "It The agent of this Company in Honolulu has as for expenses incurred in Islands for transporting the cargo how the proportion shall be calcula- received instructions to cargo Honolulu ted when pro rata freight is due. Fort Street, Honolulu. up said in to its destination. The owners Reduce the Kates of Life Insurance aad In piling, storing and insuring were also requested to state their There are in fact but two ways of si In this country to a minimum rate, without the the ssine against fire, and that upon intentions in regard to the cargo, doing this. The part of the voyage any eitra premium for residence in the Hawaiian ed Islands. He a sale of said cargo would be en-tid- and were informed that a sale here for which freight is to be paid may -- As to a lien upon the proceeds would realize cost or very nearly be a geographical part or a com- Among the principal advantages attaching to a Life Policy In the NORTHERN. ' attention from the same in consequence of cost. The owners replied that they mercial (meaning a pecuniary) part. is specially drawn to the following: given all un- That is, the shipper may be held to P the Minority him to sell, had referred the matter to the Importer and Manufacturer of SURRENDER dis-peie- VALUES of Lapsed Policies ax of which chuins the defendant s. derwriters, now the defendants, pay, as in the earlier cases, so" much are held at the disposal of the Assured for Six bej who telegraphed to the .plaintiff : per mile or league for what has t Years. tbk " That it was necessary to dis- "We authorize you to sell been done out of the whole voyage, Ladies', Misses', Gents' IMMEDIATE PAYMENT of Claims, without cos charge said cargo in order to exam- cargo through Lloyds' agent if ves- or else so much as it would cost to deduction of diecount. CTf condition of vessel. and cargo bring them to the port at which ABOLITION of restrictions on Foreign Travel fOT ine the the sel has been condemned and Youths' and Residence. Usual goods are accepted. Every rule TKEO. H. DAVIES, "That the freight upon cannot be transhipped promptly." the ra 9 AGENT. & cargo Hono- must be a modification of one of mi seen a from Tacoma to Upon the receipt of this telegram FINE lulu is the sum of $6.50 per thou- the vessel had been condemned and these. The latter rule is that which TRANS - - - ATLANTIC Of.: sand, that there is no established it was clear that the cargo could not we think is favored and will be car rate of freight from Honolulu to "be transhipped promptly," and generally adopted in this country." BOOTS & SHOES Fire Insurance Company, Montevideo and to e&rry said cargo the plaintiff acceded to the request This latter rule is supported in the OF HAMBUEG. Of the Best and Latest Make. a vessel wjould have to be obtained and authorization of the- - under- case of Coffin vs. Storer, 5 Mass., Capital of the Co. and Reserve, Reichs 1304-3-m marks 6,000,000 ia the United States. writers, and is ready to sell the 251. Capital their Companieu.101,650,000 3 And it is agreed that the ques- cargo as soon as the issue before the We are unable for want of data " Total Heichsmark 107,650,000 lea tion as to the liability of the cargo Court is disposed of. to use the first rule and wculd in WILDEH'S thc to the payment of freight from Ta-oo- ntt The underwriters might have re- any case prefer the second in an rec port as well as said to cargo Hono- issue like the one before us, in NORTH GERMAN m to this for fused receive the at other costs and expenses or any lulu, and, upon a failure of the which the defendants appear to be Steamship Company Fire Insurance Company, IS3 by transportation part of the same respectively shall plaintiff to deliver it at Montevideo, benefitted the of D.) OF HAMBURG. C3l goods to Honolulu in an amount (LI3IITE MiT be submitted to your Honors. would not have been liable for any the Capital of the Co. Jfc Reserve Reichs-- The charter party bill of lading part of freight and would have nearly coinciding with tlie regular marks 8,830,000 of" the Capital their sL; and all correspondence between the had their remedy against the ship- freight from Tacoma to Honolulu, Companies 35,000,000 Total 43.83",O0O ths parties filed herewith shall be taken owners for ce of the which is agreed upon in the sub- Relchsmarks mission as 6.50 a thousand, which, sax charter party. On the other hand, STME. KIKATJ The undersigned. General Agents of the above OO.P The correspondence referred to the master might have refused to with the purchase price of 810 is LOBEXZEX : : : Commander. three companies for the Hawaiian Islands, are prepared to insure Buildings, Furniture, Mer- SXW the submission and made a part allow a sale of cargo in Hono- about equivalent to the market Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. m.. touching chandise and Prodnce, la the Maalaea Bay and Jlakena the eame Jlachinery, fcc, also stag .thereof is as follows : de- price in Honolulu. stLshaina Sugar and Rice Mills, and vessels in the har- lulu and insisted on his right to day; Mahnkona, Kawaihae, and Lacpahoehoe bor, against loss or damage by on day. Hilo at midnight. fire. the most Jnly 1SS9. liver it at Montevideo, and thereby We allow the plaintiff freight the following arriving at favorable terms. H.HACKFELD & CO jHk " New York, 2, 1304 ly to earn his whole freight; and accordingly, with the accustomed noxoLCLu: ABBrresATHo5oi.ui.u: .Master-jar- s i.aa, ruget aouna : tzAVza would in case be to a rates for pickets, laths and short Tnesday Oct. 15. Wednesday, Oct. 23 : After receiving on that entitled 2 NORTH BBITISH AHD " Dear Sir lengths, and also his necessary ex- Friday.- - Oct.25iSatnrday, Iov. MEBCAKTUE s board your vessel a full cargo as reasonable time to procure another Tnesday, Xov. S Wednesday, Not. 13 Ha "T-2- vessel for purpose. of penses for the removal from the Friday,. Nov.l5iSatnrday ? Insurance Company MS per your charter party, and having that Neither Tnesday. Nor. 26 Wednesday, Dec 4 in- piling and insurance of the 6 Saturday. 14 th signed bdl of lading therefor, you these courses were pursued, but dock, Friday. Dec Dec a cargo, but not for the expense of fne"div...... Dec. 17 Wednesday Dec 25 AAD will please proceed to the port of stead, the underwriters made Friday, Dec 27! Saturday, Jan. 4 LOSDOS EDI.Bl OH 3IO"nteideo and upon your arrival, proposition to the master to sell the discharging the same, the charter cargo at Honolulu and the master party providing for the delivery of ESTABLISHED 1809. report to 3Iessrs. Giosul Bonomi & HZSOBBCZSOFTHE COHPANTAS AT DEC. cargo from the ship's tackles. STME. LIKELIKE 31, 1868: Sons, who will give you instruc- consented thereto. This was a vol the 1 Authorized Capital 3,000.000 ad : t : : Coiaranader. S end discharge untary acceptance; the contract A. S. Hartwell for plaintiff; F. M. DAVIES Subscribed 2,500,000 tions for the of your Leaves Honolulu each week for Eanoakakal, 3 Paid up " 625,000 eC cargo. contained in the charter party for Hatch for defendant Eahulul, Huelo, Eeanae, Hana, Hamoa and 4 Fire Fnnd aud Reserves as at 31st d delivery of the cargo at Montevideo Honolulu, January 30, 1890. Klpahnln. December. 1889..... 1,783.112 Ep5 5 Life and Annuity Funds 4,455,01.s We speedy voyage, at a certain rate of freight, was 6 Revenue Pire Branch 1,279,344 Emin BCGU 7 Revenue Life & Annnity Branches 653.006 and "We are, yours truly, waived by mutual consent, which faiha. SKILAIJEA waiver relieved the defendants of It may not be1 generally known that ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB. & CO., Hi James E. Ward & Co." : Emin Pasha is, or was, a member of the CAJTEK05 : t CemraaBder. 1269 ly Agents for Ibe S the obligation to pay the freight e, Hawaiian Islands. 1S89. Jewish faith. He was born in Oppen, in Leaves Honolulu each week for Paauhau.Koho-Ialel- Sj& 'Hoor.trnr, Nov. 16, mentioned the charter party, Ookala. in and Prussia, ia the year 1840, and in the and fc Co., plaintiff responsibility fMssBS. Jamzs E. Ward the of further register of the Jewish congregation his The Liverpool & lendon & Globe is&? P. O. Box 1023, New Y'ork : under the same, and entitled him birth is registered thu3: "The child "GE-rxEitE- X: STMKLEHUA gorT Th Swedish to freight or compensation for trans- Isaak, eonof Lebel Schnitzer, born on CLABSE : : : : CemmaBder. INSURANCE CO. Olsson, came into cargo pro Sunday, being the 24th of the month Honolulu each week for Hakalau, and Capt. porting the --- denbark Ida, rata ilineris. Leave ASSETS .. $31,161,000 on Oct. 10th, in a leaking (Smyth cs. , 15 Barb., 53 ; 1 Adar(29thof March), of the year of the Onnmca. this port world 5,000." In the civil register his - - - condition. His papers show that Parsons' Ship, and Adm., 239). NET INCOME $9,000,000 father's name appears as Louis and his - has a cargo of lumber on board Judge Story in The Ship Nathan- own as father died when STE. MOKOLII CLAIMS PAID - - $88,714,000 iroE he Edward. His J J (3 565--6) 5 of mother, jreOBEGB CeaaaBder. CT seatfor your account from Tacoma to iel Hooper, Sumn., makes Emin was years age, and his each week for Kaanakakai, Have established an agency in Honolulu for of Leaves Honolulu the Hawaiian Islands, and the undersigned .Montevideo for order. The cargo the following comment which is nee Pauline Schweitzer, the daughter Kamalo, Pukoo. Labaina, Olowalo. Lanai. Ho are .? Kalaupapa. prepared to write risks against ftsri to be discharged and is now applicable to the case before us. a Jewish banker of Neisee, in Silesia, nnl, HaUwa,WalIau,Peleknnu,and soon afterward became a convert to FIRE ON 1UILDISGS, 2 piled in proper manner, and in a "The next question is, whether Christianity. The future Emin, after TICKETS per 8. S.XDTATJ for the g.good place, for your account, and I there is any just claim to upro rata service in Turkey, embraced the Mo- MERCKAKBISE & SWELLINGS : : : -- insured the "cargo against fire freight I think there is. Taking hammedan faith and married a daughter V0LCAH0 $50 On favorable terms. Dwelling: Klsks a jhave of Governor of Janina. was his MjxellUy. Detached dwellings and cements to mts all the circumstances together, I the It W. C. WILDER, Pretldeat. USE. Jiepairs anti-Semit- insured for s period of years, pre- xssuutueicu Jewish origin that led some of the ic tiree for two ; surveyors, will cost grosecufien of the S. B. X08K. ecretrr. miums. In advance. Vmtm promptly bv our local think the farther r--- ad. coc journals in Germany to oppose Cirr--- I PortSopeilntesiest. tHK)l Hail tntynble here iyin than three-foart- hs of the sum voyage has been abandoned or the rescne expedition on its first being OKFItE ' s wKortand Ccecn Street. Ho 13W 6k BI8HOP CO, ." zs H-- tux uMireJ nd he.-efor-e the vessel waived by both parties. The ship propo6ed.2 Bslalo. ii--i v

" ""sfffJMlilffi TjVir MmSJWissiiifiiSiM ?tltf1l'iSffl?Si?"ffi - HTTAIUH .QAZEfK, T.qBSPjbTi. Mi.ftQg i,. 10. mmmmmmmmmm "" Sups-e- m Court ef tko X&walUut therefore to it enacted, etc The Act of Vubllc Instruction, dnted th 2d ot (Central SlbMttisnntntf. JCcw SltiwtHicwmtt. Isl&ads In B3nco, Jaau&ry provides for the election of a school com February, 1S38, approved by Hie Minis- Term. 1S90. mittee and by it anil the school agent ter of the luterior ntul the Minister of the selection of teachers in the villace Public Instruction, January 12. 1854, la Yukm.vr K?aiSKx vs. thk thiooliout the Kiugvloni. It provides in existence on thn tiles ,of the lHd ! Ihxvmj ov for the securing of unoccupied land from office . This school tionsv site vras'twed H.Hackfeld&Co. New Dress Materials Knuavriox. which the teacher is tojNthis jKtt as such until ISikt, when Hie school house Spring with a reversioh of the lainl to the Alii was removed therefrom by plaintiff. TUB the wr-skrn- .i Omnia solennlter esse NOW Ol'KS AT "King", translate! in Knlish praesumunuir HAVE JUST )tCSl'KU l'BU "Government" ' in case (he teacher acta. ,." m --SyiSty to Decfetv a ZY-mj- ceases to act as swh. ltovision is also All acts are presumed to be rightly Tfc swrvxr of s site for a $chcolhou$ made for the buiklinc of school houses done." The survey if the situ for the POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, bv compulsorv labor of school house made regularly according made hi pttruaneo of Stvtiou 7 of " the ivoe. A later Act of May, 1S4S, made it to the Statute of 1830, while it was iii BKs.BMIaillJ.G.lir ths Ad of Jly 9, 1S50, entitled ISth H. I. A a criminal offence for a land agent forw, is presumptive evidence first, of 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, A to jtrovkie for the totter - nMrtand xtxsuwefllrieucy of the xkonohiki) to refuse or withhold land the fact that the site was in the use us public 5ofeooWt wlen applievl for by the Geuoral School such when the Act was passed, uiul, : and occupation by second, of N. S. SACHS, i Proprietor of Education of site, Agent iu accordance with die School the fact that it had Invn the Bani the feiu granted for that,purpo by Its bwuertliS s - - nssortment of pmsnp:iv evidence that the . .- Wo lmve Just received nn Inmtonso was us Tiie next statute was passed in 1S4i iu King-- sit in as suoh at the time general organhing Govern- At this lapso of nearly all the acts the time, when Into - 1 Va the Act passed axtd that it had been (vol. Portoamors nud other am- l. gmascd for this purpose by the ment, statute of 146 1, p. 2tM the actors in these transactions are dead, vals, a largo couiplolo LntVtt Among the provisions of this law is one we are auihorixeil 6 iufer that the site aud Dress owwr of the lad iu which it "is assortiuoht of Spring Material, :lasLIaieriab,. The site did not pass to the that the general superintendent of each in question liad been taken for a school school "Shall power to allot land, house and was used and occupied as such, 4 J lessee of the land though not spe-dSe&- tty hw AT VERY LOW excepted. not otherwise appropriated, to the teach- when the Act of 1850 was enacted. This WHICH WE OFFER PRICES: ers and to the scliools of their reptire presumption is reinforced bv positive Day& Wool oaty JU Imraens of Faner and Qptmow par J". Groods Ficured Mixed Cunille, enta aMorint Srird qf Ouri Jtdd. C district subdivisions." "All land so set lesuniouy mat at eoa 'penou irelous a yard; theso are all new ratteiua aud Plaid ScoVcfe Qlaha, fast colors, at The averments in the bill are aixirt shall be registered as school lands to 1SW a grass school house had been SUCH AS latest stjte. 25 and 3T cents per jrd. sabst&atially as follows : On March in. the Interior Department,- - and shall be-- built on the lot aud was occupied as a Fanoj Figured Peralaa Lawu, only 25 cnt Chaiubrles in Solid Colors, FiffBred and public school, and fact liuls, Cottons, bleached and Stripes, nt 25 cents per yard, T 1$5S, Kamehameha being considereu as set apart to eleemosvnary by the that it had njard; rerr jtylish and hare the wrae fast lit, nses," and tiie teacher for ttotimeleing been used and occupied as a site for a unbleached ; effect as India Silks. ' colore. contain- ovraer of the land of Pokii, had the use, occupancy and usufruct of school house thereafter and until 1SS6, Sheetings, Denims. Ticks, Stripes, &o French Sateen9, now figures and new Aproa Ginshams, best qanlity, 8 yards for ing: acres, situate iu the district the land, which passed to his suc- when the house was removed by Plaintiff. A fine selection of shades,25 cents a jard. one dollar. Kauai, cessor. Section 14 cf this act pro- Having come to these conclusions, is of Kooa, Island of leased it it A Largo nnd Choice Assortment of Joan. for fifty vides that the general superinten- unnecessary to discuss many matters to one H. Gruben Goods in from the 1st July, 1S52, for dent of each district shall, under the upon which the evidence is contradictory Dress the Latest Styles yeus direction cf the Minister of Public and uncertain. ! GOODS ! the reatal of twenty-fiv- e cents per school We cannot find A7HITE GOODS WHITE indicate the siteor all that the Royal Patent checks and stripes. acre. On the 11th September, houses." Xo, 39, which is proffered by defendant Also, Curtains. Mosquito Netting Suitable for Dresses, in plain 153. Gruben assigned one undi- We must bear in mind that it was not as its title, was issued, as far as plain- Lawns, &c ; Fine White Nansook, at $1.50 a piece. rights au- vided half of the said leasehold until the organisation oi the Commission tiff's are concerned, without Woolen Goods of every description; Victoria Lawns, at 75 cents nnd $1 a piece, extra quality $1.25. premises to one Archibald Archer, to Quit Land Titles, which was accom- thority of law and inadvertently. The A complete line in new patterns, 10 yards plished by the general statutes of 1S46, title of the defendant as a Department Dotted, Figured and Striped Swiss Muslins, vrfao. "with of the administrator the the chiefs and people had any titles to of the Government in charge of the educa- G-ood-s J in a piece. 4 rstae of said Gruben, assigned on land ; and it was not until 1S4S that the tional interests of this Kingdom to this Tailors' the 1st October, 1S5S, all the said ilahele or great division was made by lot would be good as against plaintiff Clothing, O. & U. Shirts, Shawls, EMBROIDERIES ! BIG BARGAINS! leasehold premises to the plaintiff, which the interests of the King, chiefs without the issuance of this Patent to it. Blankets, Quilts, Towels, &c But was vrho since said and people in the lands of the Kingdom the Patent regularly issued in Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Bibbons, has ever held the were separated, followed by the final act pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of DIRECT IMPORTATION! demised premises under the said Hats, Umbrellas, Carpets, &c of the King ceding to the Government a the 13th August, 1SS0. Sealskin Traveling and Carnage Swiss and Hamburg Embroidery Edgings, in all widths and qualities. lease, except so far as said lease was portion of Sis reserved lands. The decree of Mr. Justice Bickerton Flounces, these are the very latest in necessary to proper dismissing the bill is Rugs, &c. Fancy Goods, Notions, Hemmed Stitch Embroidery merged in another lease of the same This review is the sustained. beautiful designs. land, since become a part of the uadersSinding of the set of July 9, 1S50, A. S. Hartwell for ptaintiff; A. P. Cs. of Best English and Australian of Dep. Attorney-Gener- al de- .Royal made to plain- which repealed the school law 1S46. Peterson. for Domain, the Section 7of the act of 1S50 is relied on by fendant. by the Commissioners of Crown HOGSKIN SADDLES! tiff the defendant as the foundation of its Honolulu, February 24, 1S90. Over Embroideries Lands, dated the 1st July, 1ST7, title to the parcel of the land in question. Mr. Justice Dole heard the arguments All In Swiss and Hamburg, in all qualities. years It reads "All sites for school houses aad in this case, but left for California before BOOTS AND SHOES, for thirty ; that said Archer in Children Skirt Lengths, Gruben entered and occupied houses for rcblie worshic now occunied the opinion of the Court was arrived at. SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, aid and in use and not owned byprivate par- BAGS AND BAGGING Ladies' Lengths and Holoku Lengths. the premises under said lease and Skirt ties; and all lands connected therewith, For every purpose; assignment ; that a piece of land of granted either by the Government or by Ttro SUtocrtiscmcnts. IsF These GOODS were bought direct from the Manufacturers in N abont two acres in extent within individuals, chiefs or landlords, with a Sail Twine and Filter-Pres- s Cloth Europe, and therefore we guarantee premises was, view to promote the interests of educa- the demised until Cutlery, Stationery, Jewelry, THE PRICES TO' BE LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. recently held by plaintiff. and it tion or religion, shall be reserved as Executor's Notice. Perfumery, Pipes, &c. Gavernment property, devoted to the Sent upon Application. has become of especial value to purposes above mentioned; the amount Island Orders Solicited. Samples Free ; now VTENITA FURNITURE! piaiaaff that the defendant is of land reserved for such sites, however, d interfering with plaintiff's use of not to exceed two acres in each case; and u'deksig:s-e- haying been LookingGlasses, &c. adjacent lands sold or appointed executor of the estate of said parcel and claims to be entitled in case the are Charles Jay deceased, no- Pianos, Herophones, Aristons, not Hardee, hereby . by virtne of Royal Patent o. leased, such lands shall be included." tifies all persons having claims against the Accordeons, Harmonicas, &c, it The Land Commission was in acrive ex- SS. timed in 1SS4, described therein estate to present them, properly certified, istence at the time this Act was passed for settlement. All persons indebted to TVEAPPING AND PRINTING HOLLISTER & CO s " Lot 2 and is agaiost plain- and was not nnaHy dissolved until March the estate are requested to settle their ac- PAPERS, tiff's protest, building a hoia? 31, ISoo, and this Act may properly be counts at an eariv date. 109 FORT STREET. tbereoB for a teacher's residence, regarded as in furtherance of the general J. O. CAKTER. Paints and OilSj &c. settling matters, well Executor Estate C. J. Hardee, dee'd. ttses to desist from so doing, scheme of land as Honolnle. Nov. 27, 1&9. Asphalt Roofing, Asbestos, aad ref as providing for the education cf the or accept another convenient site people. Barrels and Kegs, Keg Snooks and Wholesale and Retail said. plaintiff of- in Pokii, which The section of the Act of 1S50 above Estate of Lincoln Cabot. Rivets, fered to defendant without preju- quoted dearly contemplates that sites for IS HEREBY GITEX 2 Baxter Engines, Steam Pumps, dice. That as far as school booses and houses for public wor- NOTICEthe cutter o( tiie above e:W Autograph Presses, rights ia the land so patented are ship were occupied aad in use at the Letters of Adniciitnxioa hiie thU diy bees DRUGGISTS & TOBACCONISTS, date of the act, and we have seen that isjseil to tire cndtrslcnei. All penocs concerned, said patent was is- istme-dl- iu ! the taking o land purposes was to the said esMte sboold. site Iron Filter Presses sued without authority of law and this fcrsach payment of their icdebteices, led all AND MANUFACTURERS OF aataorized by the early laws. These chin? iiinit u!d estate ihotiLi be preheated inadvertently, and that defecdan. sites, as well as the lands connected witiin .coattisoftieTwlJI be' forerer barred. Sugar Coolers, Iron Bedsteads, Gov-e.-nme- F. X. SWXSZY. so at Galvanized Tubs and Buckets, ocght to be decreed trustee thereof therewith, were be reserved as Honolulu. Feb. S. ISO 13CW- -U to the ase of plaintiff ; that plaintiff property devoted to the uses of Lanterns, Axes, Hammers, on taking the aforesaid leases had educaacn or religion. Tin Plates, Sheet Lead, HOLLISTEE'S The claim, cannot well be made that & CO. Sheet Zinc, Galv. Iron Sheets, zj notice of defendant's claim to when the owner of the land, be he King, BENSON, SMITH & said parceL chief or private individual or the Govern- Galvanized Corrugated Iron & Ridging Water & Ginger The answer pats the plaintiff to ment, out cf which these sites were land Screws and Washers; proof of the first lease alleged in the taken, sold or leased the that the IOBBHiG ASD ItAMirACTUBXXG I3ST admits the lease from the site passed by the conveyance or demise GALVANIZED DEALERS bill: unless expressly excepted. It was not FENCE WIRE, Goeimissioeers of Crown. Lands ; v necessary to except them in the convey- Barbed Fence Wire, Photographic Goods of every description, admits plaintiff's possesioa of Po- ance for the law excepted them The had not exceed- A Yellow iletal, Comp. Nails, Iron Card Mounts, kii. except the part described in sate taken these sites, PK AGISTS Tanks, Cameras, lot of said Royal Patent Xo. 39 ; ing two acres in extent, wherever it was M Kinz-do- Albumen Paper, Etc., said, deemed desirable, throahoct the RAILS, Etc and avers that the lot has been do- STEEL by a quasi right ef eminent a rcxi. ar in possessioa of defendant since main, and reserved them as Gavernment tnrr Fishplates, Bolts, Spikes, 1$53, aad. has been used by the propertv devoted to the purposes of edu Switches, Portable Rails, AGENTS FOR of Public Instruction and cation, if they were sites of school houses, Minister Steel Sleepers, Portland Cement & Co's this defendant for public school aad of reoguo, if they were sites of Fire Bricks, Roof Slates, Boats, E. fizfH. T. Anthony Photographic Specialties, open notorious nooses of worship, and their alienation "lu? Baskets, Demijohns, parposes, aacer and was forbidden. We are thes led irresist- Drugs, Corks, &c. Eastman's Kodak Cameras, claim of ownership, and that in ibly to the eoaeicsioa of law. that, if the The Scovill & Adams Co. and the defead&m bsilt a school-hous- e parcel of controversy was, the S 1S5 land is at CHEMICAXS. GE OCEEIES-- schcol-hoas- e date e the Act ef 1S59, cocopted aad ia Celebrated Seed Dry and that a has been Pie Fruits, Sauces, Cond. Milk, Plates. maintained, aad a school conducted Ese as a site for a scbooi hocse, it dM not - aad could not puss to Gruben by the Blue Mottled Soap, Windsor Soap cnatiaeotfcJy- until 1SS&, K7,m-ahayib- on this lot :i Constantly on Hand, a Full Line of lsse oc HL of March 7, Medicinal Preoarations, Wash Blue, Cream of Tarter, waes plaintiff, who was then school 1S5S. Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Biscuits, agent, withoet authority of law or It is"Brged that the title to the lot in Stearin Candles, Rock Salt, the consent of defendant tortionsly controversy is not cootroUei by this Act Camphor, Safety Matches, e, ted for school houses "owned removed the seheoi-hous- and because sites Castor Oil, Epsom Salts. PURE CHEMICALS, by private parties"' are exempted from appropriate the lot to Hunyadi Janos, &C. to the operation of the Act. aad as Kame- From the leading Manufacturers of Europe and America. his own use ; that plaintiff has for hameha HI. owaei the land cf Pokii, he CROCKERY. . twenty years last past resided near as a "private parry" would owa the PATENT MEDICINES said lot, and during nearly all of school site withia its boundaries, unless Dinner and Breakfast Sets, Plates, Just to Hand Ex. Bark " Royal Alice," the tisee been defendant's ssrenr, a written zraat ef the lot from him be Bowls, Toilet Sets, Flower Pots, argument aa-soh- feftg defend- shows. We regard this as AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Assorted Urates, dec. and been weft aware of The sites cf school houses De Cologne, Apolinaris. Hnnyadi, Vichy ant's occapatioH of said lot. De- the Act were those far the GLASSWARE: Tumblers, Wine Farina. Ean fendant denies that said lot is. or psbiie schools supported by the Glasses, Sample Bottles, &c and Carlsbad Waters, Enos Fruit Salt, Joys' ever has been Crown La id, or that nahoB, and the clause "and not 115 aad lis Fort Street. intro-dacedfor- t0 owBel by was the Cigarettes, Morton's Olive Oil, Castor the Royal Patent 2o-- 39 was issued private parties" C XT 23: purpose cf excepting pri- LI O H, withoet the authority of law or vate sehe:ls, of whka there are a few Champagne. Port Wine, Sherry, Oil and Epsom Salts, Etc. and avers that the iastaaces mainly ia Honolulu, from the NO HOUSEHOLD Bitters, Rheinwine. Clarets, 1 3oyal was based apoo a operaooo of tits Aet. When the site was Cognac Patet Cterrj-Pectora- l. Brandy, Whiskey, Rum, taken under the Acts cf 1549 or 1545, for Shooil ever be withoct Avers deferaatioa and setting apart ot Dnrizg more thaa fgrtyyear3 Gin. Doornkat, Porter, Ale, AGENTS FOR a 12th January, a peblic sdbcot, Section 7 of the Act of Pauli , Pilsener, said land the 1S5Q applies to it. this medicine cas proven a speedy cnxe St in accordance with an Act of The Acs required the sites of school for Cofai3, Coogfcs, Sore Throat, Hoars-je&- j, Muller's Lagerbier, &c. Legistatere!, of Jaiy 9, 1S50, aad of booses or booses for pnbhe worship then Tnflgenza, Anrtrrrt, Bronchial Harzer Sauerbrunnen, (Mineral P.;Lorillard?s Tobaccos and all Water), a resotetion of the Privy Oooneii in cceaputioB, referred to in Section 7,or WSL S. KIMBALL & CO.'S Tobaccos and Cigarettes, passed fertheraace of the Act, thereafter, to be taken for school hocse Alcohol in bbls. and demijohns, Sec is sites, referred to ia Section 9, to be sur- PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. ob the 23d December, 1556. HAVANA CIGARS, ALLEN & GINTER'S Virginia Bright and Pet Cigarettes. veyed as wefi as the lands connected By la ne treafc lirngs are strengthened, ST XHZ COCBT. therewith, and registered in a book, to be tts voice becomes mere and American Smoking Tobacco, &c. This cose presents qeesaeos cf sEch deposited in the atSee of the Minister of flexible, and the injidiota approaches ! glea: to tee cemie3T as Psbhe Instracrioa foe the use cf the cf Ccnscmptfcn are consteractcd. In AIQ, STBAITOST AND STORM CIGABS Bpf'w ede.-rtt- wr expense re-,a- tfce iatcrescs ec nefiziea and King's Government, the cf the cases cf Wtcofing Cocgh, Creep, and invESJi-nd- ec HAWAIIAN SUGAR AND RICE ! as to r&ssre an exseodsti surveys tote defrayed out cf the avails ether afl:r:iT.t3 cf the Eke natore, to NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. cf sefeM" laads dearly shewiajr that trfcich children are pecaliariy liable, m-vot- Golden Gate and Crown The qcescka ef paraoccns interes. only pubec schools, seppefrted by the prompt relief car be obtained bymeasj Flour, in. xMs ctse is the aatsre aad vxl-- State, were referred to. We have iati-Esat-ed cf tfcs invarcable remedv. Parent Bread, Salmon, CaL Produce, &c taking: cf the sites by the idtljet tfcesfclescc aiirge eijgceej ct that the abccld alajs Lave the: Pectcral at & CO., fcrsciaoai hecses and chcreaes State was vaSdeveaif cut of lands then For Sale on 4he most Liberal HOLLISTER oseskcis King tand, thru guarding fW ujrjesaeet this Sins&ic by the Kin?. The is not Terms and at Lowest Prices by 1304 109 FORT STREET. Ir aest te bcroe ia caoi tins npnp. spedfcalfy named ia Secoba 7 cf the The Little Ones the iBZrrjc&zJsG Chiisdaiary to this Act, but the word "chiefs ?&& m f16 scsi&at lesrkscs illneis trfcieh may reads ia-cfc- de cueatrj xsd the coaTetsca Iarpe HaT&axa version is "aa ?' would tLrccgs lack ct ibis preeasticn. H. HACKFELD & CO. noaberscf theces aad people toils the Kiaz. The king was in an-cs-ect ! pciaagisT the chfefe fasssats zsafocs dales often called "KeLnNui," Cherry ARRIVED great chief," aad. he is still called Ajfer's Pectoral JUST puiress cf edccULsa aad even be&ce fee tee A FBESa SUPPLY OF eitaJbtishassEJ of a its "Ke LS." "Vide decfarstfoa of Eights the Govraaiat is great strength power, Wing Wo Tai & Co. pcesss fcna, edacG "srane eeacfied bj the of rryf!im4 HL aad Kekauicoai, of ct and ctrraiire Ha-TsraE-ia Beer. te eery Genuine Bavarian - Sj&z tnrrrTT-Ela- OwofcerS, era page 5 cf the a fesr drops being needed far each aad tke cocehS. cf enfe&to IS, Ioporters sd Wholesale DeiStrt in the pacjit? to IsaraiEg and repgfen. verscc. dsse. It is, thereto?, an &-- the earfesc cf thess fe tne Hariaxthas settled what we-dee- to "Augustinerbrau." be the Jaw which should control this Economical Medicine. Chinese, Japanese, American review cc facta estab-Esh- ed chapCe-Tcftf- cAlIivsarai pissedbj case, brief the JtU directions ceetmpoaj eaek bottU Mensburg StocM Beer, y the FT?gg aad fe ca O&cxkt 13, IS& by the evidence becomes acces- and Europem Goods. Itspneaafcfeisas feSsmsz "Tb&bsss sary. ALgO, ocSacatHe Saiocr rests is wisdom We aad them to be sabsantialfy as BjrUtrrlr bre reeefrred fxen ttotki Ia ana kno-sleiis- . Peace aad. preeperity foGsws: Atsccretfme previocs to 153, Sst7Drsz5iaiagyHttgfoeTBaw. Superior Havana Cigar, , xgrasssisoQlactHew-asbailtccth- lot XO. TooSa Tea, W&ite and CciondXAt ..ff-- a. fcw- - ii.k4c: i.anftj t.niT-.-- t d ia qaestscc aad va oxupsed as a school g..Tffh cocstaas prcqiy If the ttht? i was replaced by a wooden cce ia HOLIISIBK CO 10 Fosr St, Camphor Trunks, Wifte SOks ' cfr reges 1S62. AssTTcycfthSs lGtfcf two acres t So are act ttagat, acraace rase EOSOLCLC, ED.HOi'FSCBCL A.JBGKBR Co. te perpetsiL aad cHSdrea cf taecfaefe in extent, nise nyj. w. jusaxeaa, a Pjtee Stli, SlVcfUx.ekathei t,3CasiU rt CIzftn,&MtsAlit7, etc MM ra.-m- pcueggr, acr aay ctser cft7tfFgT" esaptcwe cyme ipciaas 12I5-- ? Scte Agents Hxs. TrfumAr

y ..--- mmmaMtMaCSSSSBSSSSma MARCH 4, laSO. 10 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TUESDAY, iXFcio 11 "Webb. Key-wtirt- h. XABRISD. 5tfntrft8emcnta. Jtftm QGtwclmmtnls. SUwrilfmestf. PORT OF HONOLULU. H. 1. R Younsr, Ah Yin. H TR i Hon AV H Cornwdl. Mrs D Taylor STArLES-PALt- At Olaa Prison, Hilo, aad daughter, and 56 deck. Hawaii. February 21. by the Rev. Step- Third, Sun and Moon. From Molokai. ror strar XIokoHi, Mar 1 hen L, Desha. S. Startles, to Miss Emily Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- , of c J. tTO-- Hugh and Dan McCorriston. Pali, both Honolulu. MRS. THOS. LACK, it Feb-ruar-v closure. closure. From Kauai, persinir Mikahala. Mar 2 CAMARA-CUNH- A At Honolulu, iS Hon OX Wilcox, MJ Rowell, Miss E 26th, by the Bishop of Olba. J. M. Xo. SI Fort Street, Honolulu. ACCORDANCE WITH THE TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Jr.," to Miss Mary Cunha, JL Harris, E C Damon and wife. Miss Walsh, Camara. 0. UtrORTKR AKD DXALXR provision of a certain mortgage made by provisions of a certain mortgage made by Pay . - lit P: E Km, J Dickson. II Kaia and wife, Mr both of Honolulu. Ahull w, of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Joseph II Kaweloand Lilly Kawelo. his wife, of Kekurnano, K Katsura, A lslaud, to W W Hall, Treasurer of II M 0 Koolau, Island of Kauai, to Alex LUdsy, of Johnson. SIi 1 Guns, Rifles, Rveolvers, re- 1988. r Tisurai, Mr Paine. Mr Benson, Mr Larsen, Society, of Honolnla. dated June 10th, 1S32, Kllanea, Kauai, dated August 20d, recorded I jMa nu DIKD. corded in Liber "6, pages 86 and 57; uotlcoU In Liber 114, page 349; notice is heresy give P IsuU. Chinese, and 52 deck. tke-sam- I.V ?. t.Sa fJ9)' .W 4.st i hereby given that the mortgage Intends to that the mortgagee intends to foreclose e xn Mos McCOLGAN At his residence, Judd And all kinds of FIRE ARMS; condition to Slr, s.ro5 s.in . us, 6.C 5.15 From Kanaipers.tnir'Waialeale. Mar 1 foreclose the same for condition broken, to wit: for broken, wit: 3B is 5.33 W E Rowell and 4 deck. street. Honolulu, on February 2Sth. also: of interest. interest. 5.' - - McColgan, a native of Ireland, ngeil Metallic Cartridges, all kinds and flies; Xoticc Is likewise given that after the expira- Notice Is likewise given that after the expira- WVA...J S.3U 3.; ?.JW From-Man- John ax i, lakelike, i .3j t.syu.sNM.w, tie; &.0T, .22 per stmr 75 years. and raper Shot Shell. lowder, tion of three week from tho dato of this notice, tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, Tier... X"eUv wUe. Gartenberg. Brs property conveyed by said mortgage th JTt ! V sj s.w n.ru.av e if. 6.0' n Dr Hall, D and A Shot and Caps, and all kinds of the property conveyed by said mortgage will be the will &.e" The funeral will take place from auc- for sale auction, cc-- si;p j ni.;ja pja tax. i.CJ MrFercerson and wife, Akai, Akongand & Sporting Goods. Stc, Btc advertised for sale at public auction, at tho at public at sx.... t Catholic Cathedral at 3:30 Honolulu, rooms of F Morgan. 23 deckt the Roman IXrORTSR AXD DSAUR IM tion rooms of Jas F Morgan, in OX Jas In llonolala, oi . 3Ls.v'is.Kvii-- t ett: s.esj s.ta rKTAKTCXSS, o'clock r. x. on Sunday, March 2d. Friends MONDAY, the 31t day of March, 1890, at 12 OX MOXDAT. the 31st day of March, 189W, c... J. and acquaintances are respectfully invited o'clock noon of said day. at 13 o'clock noon of said day. T--e whistle of tie Honolulu Swi rutins For San Francisco, per bark Lady to attend. Setwing MacMnes Further particulars can bo hid of W R Caitlo. Further particulars can be had of W R Castle. VS. KIU 1 blown iHT r electric slrsal t tie Dated Honolulu, March 4, 1890. Dated Honolulu, October 39, 1M. --- Lanipson, Feb 24 C S Kinssley. Aoixt TOR TUB IxtboVkd S-- tt precisely Hoaclalu V. HALL, ALEXANDER Mortgagee. cc raa G W. LINDSY. to? k Hawaii, W con- It Mead fin For Maui and per stmr AT CHAMBERS. TrcAiurer H. M. C. Society, Mortgagee. The presalsts covered by said saortgago to ct Bosoroln. liQ. to corrroail Volcano Dana and SUPREME COURT White and New Home Machines. The premises covered by said mortgage sist of: rwrt. rtactvea by ehrauesettis wt Hall, Feb 2J For J cob. m vittl2s.ta.Cw. wifeMr ETtreJt and wifcPr Derr and The Hew National and Fecrlest Hand Machine; sist of: 1st That certain piece of laad situated In for 6rwick This last It Remillard, Mxss Wkdxksday. 26. 1st AH that certain tract or parcel of land Pilaa. District or Kawalsau, Island of Kaaal.. in ca U.mariners ajsatewslsri. wife, Mrs Smith. Mr Feb. belug Palolo, or described R P 6640. by Kemillard. Miss Me3role, Mrs Sparhawk, SeTfin? Machine and Hand Xeedles lying, situated and in Island ia granted Kasaesaseha "A BKTOKE 1US HONOR JUSTICE BICEEBTOK. Oahu, and more particularly described In R P III to Nika k, and conveyed to said J H Kawele a Miss Swan ton. Waj ports A aney. ALL KIXDS; con- Kaka w Jleteorolotlesd. of of Or S$4i.andLC A IS3 granted to Eanae, and by deed of Eiako and his wife, recorded ProfWTBrirham, KCBamfJeld. MrsT In the matter the estate Lorenzo an area of 1 acre, 1 chains, and in Ltber 80, page 313, containing an area of 1" C ', Chad wicks and Brooks1 Machine Cotton taining VC. W Everett and niece. Captain Hopkins, Marchant, of Honolulu, deceased, intes- conveyed to said Ahull w and her husband de- acre, 3 roods and 15 perches. Cart-wris- Barbour's Linen Thread. Gbonjr.HoFon. J M Monsarrat. AJ tate. Account of F. A. Sehaefer, ceased, by deed of Kamnnanahu, dated August 2d Also that certain dwelling-hous-e of J H ci ilr. 1S79, 58, 472 Kawelo by Moloaa stream, or Mr and Mrs Gibbard, Mr Center. trustee for period from September 15th. and recorded In Liber folios situated mats! 1 ; the Corticelli Silk colors. 473. 1S1S-- 41 Hose's house. In said District of th Iy i ? ? Mrs Dunn, and in all and Eawalhan. ; 1 lis WCAchi,MrsJAlapai, SO, 1SSS, to December 31, 1SS9. This Eaual. 1312- -lt lu 95 deck. trustee account, vouchers Havinc secured the services ot a first-cla- ss C D Bryant, presents his Gun and Locksmith and thorough mechanic I Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- a. For San Francisco. i bark Court, exaru-inin-sr am prepared to do 11 SJ.fSS 9ii TXE. wife chUd.J and inventory. The after all kinds of Kepairs. Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- iloi Feb2o HX Kennedr, and approved The browning and boring Gun a specialty. closure. nt 1 a? fc:s ' Grace and three children. J H. Kennedy, the same, tbem. sc Vei vouchers were returned to the trustee. Sewins; Machine. Lock, Snrsrical, closure. Id E. and P S Rogers. Nautical and Surveying TN ACCORDANCE WITH! THE of TSr SXE. The receipts were $2,499 So, expendi- Instruments, JL provisions of a certain mortgage made by For Maui, per stmr Likehke. Feb 25 Cleaned and Repaired with Quick Dispatch. TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE. lit.. i.XE.1 D tures, $1,345 oo ; balance on hand, B. Ealilimokn k. and Kallli k. and Ealat w. of JL mortgage made by pt Sit Dr Hall. Mrs Moses and Mr Moses. - Hono- provisions of a certain SO. W- Q00D WORK GUARANTEED. - Ealihi. Honolulu, to S, B. Honnakaha of Eoolani v, and Kauapo, her husband, to C Alexander Jr. Joe Pias. Pr Hutchinson. $1,150 The trustee in person. dated Xovember 13th, 1SS3, recorded E xv. lulu, Eapule, dated 28 Jnly, 1SS8, recorded tn Liber M D Monsarrat. wife and child. Mrs J A decision was filed in the case of Geo. SOIX ACSST IOR Liber S6, page 14S;'hiotice is hereby given that Wal-bridg- e. IKS. page 136; notice is hereby given that the 1TLL1GEXGE. R D s SH1F?1"G Kamanoalu. Mrs W B Keanu, W. Maciarlane, Relator, vs. S. M. Da- sxvxrxjaaii-ci- the mortgagee intends to foreclose the same for mortgagee intends to foreclose the same for ca J Richardson, and about SO deck. respond- condition broken, to wit: of condition broken, to wit: or mon, Miuister of Finance. The interest. the fa A1UUVAL.. For Kauai, rer stmr Mikahala. ieb25 ent had refused to pay the salary of the Base Ball and Sporting Goods. Xotice is likewise given that after the expira- interest. Bertel-man- n, Xotice is Ilkewiso given that after the expira-tlo- n th A Croup andVife. R A Macfie. F held the ap- tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, i!MWLT.reb.21. C s relator. The Court that of three weeks from tho date or this notice, IT J X Kauai. Miss Cunningham. FANCY DEPARTMENT! the property conveyed by said mortgage will be conveyed mortuage will - Hew."ye.frtKLHsiBafcua. pointment of Chamberlain was personal the property by said Smr KBa- Briw. Miss Ward, F Haiard, Hon H P not require the AGENT FOR advertised for sale at public auction, at the for sale at public auction, at the auc- er Feb. 25. Baldwin, Mrs Brown. W E Deverett, and to His ilajesty and did Balls' Health Preserving Corsets, and auction rooms of Jas. F. .Morgan, in Honolulu. tion rooms or F Morgan, in Honolulu, OX Txisat. day Ifc90. Jas er 40 approval of the Cabinet, and that the Mme. Demorest's Reliable Cut Paper Patterns, OX MONDAY, the 31st of March. at SATURDAY, 22d day or March, U90, at 12 Harfand fnsmKil&uea and about deck. 12 noon of said day. the 5rKaala 27 salary of office follows the title to it. The Largest and Best Assortment of o'clock noon of said day. th HfceJet, ", For'Haaiakua, per stair .Iwalani. Feb Further particulars can be had of W. R. Castle. can be of W". C. ... was signed by Judd, C. J., 1S90.. Further particulars had Achi, eo 5rJKBHfe& irtfflt'Iaaaias Mrs Collins. A Brede, H Hall, and 20 decision Stamping Patterns and Materials for Dated Honolulu. March 4th, Attorney at law. McCulIy, J., and Bickerton, J. A dis- G. P. HOSTJAEAHA. Mortgagee. Dated 17. WzasxswiT. Peh. deck. all Kinds con- Honolulu. February 1S. R 2. senting opinion was filed by Dole, J. of Fancy Work. The premises covered by said mortgage C. E. EAPULE, Mortgagee. ifereases. fnKa iT&ci and XS Lessons given, and all orders promptly sist of; The premises covered by said mortgage con- Soar Kiwu. premises in Apana 1 Tuuksdav, Feb. 27. ailed. Island orders solicited. 13l2-3- m 1st All those described sist of: sotes. R. P. 1495, L. C. A. 123S to naenui. 4.10 chain or parcel situated, Am :em AtesKe. al:h. 25 dars iroa smrrixo BEFORE HIS HO"OK CHIEF JCST1CE JUDD. said R. 1st All that piece of land d Hortgagee's of land at Ealihi, also the Apana HI In and described in a survey made by W II Pease, l,Brt TTr5ad. Notice of Inten- P. H of an acre, conveyed to said Kalill by deed on the 20th day or January, 1S52, toPnupnu.Xo. rs IS Le Cfaire, frcKoo-- The barkeatine Ella is at Mahukona Chung Waa vs. Jono. Austin, ilinister recorded In Liber 35 page 355. SimrC Bisks. of Foreign Anairs. Bill for injunc- to 5219, and containing an area ot 3 acv and 1 th laa. waiting for sugar an tion Foreclose. 2nd AH those premises described in R.P. rood. iKrssikkT.Peb.Sr. Cagtain'J . CeeJ arrired tion. ThepIaintifLdesires to return to 3267 L. C. A 4S59 to Ohiki 1.50 acres at Eeanae. 2d All that piece cr parcel or land situated' , The bark Sonoma, GIYHN' Maui- - 55 "jOTICE IS HEREBY Enolan. described in Royal Patent Xo. 1250 to Hana-ol- e, at this porf Friday morning? in.ballast, the E3ngdom?hut the defendant declares a that pursuant to a power of sale con- 3rd those premises described R. and i" th All in P. lying in Eoloa, Kauai. 1311-- 4t - Sfcr 34fcooJa EtsV. days from Callao. he will not let him because hehas not tained in a certain mortage deed bearing date 3215 13.7 acres at Pahoa, Eoolau, ii 5 OS ira FKm.vr, Feb. 2S. The ship Peanf eld will finish discharg- conformed to the laws of the Kingdom. November 10th. 1SS6, made by Napahoa and Maui. t& cargo o: general merchandise Fri- o Wailele. her husband of Honolulu, Oahn, lo 4th All these premises described in R. P. Mortgagee's Notice of Fore days Iroui ing her The bill was read and also the answer David or Honoko-han- . AafeartSeaiaa. J Le, 55 Saturday. Kual said Honolulu, Oahu. Hawaiian 4615 L. C. A. 5927 to Eapoi, H acre at day or the defendant. W. B, Castle took the IUnds, and of record in the office of the Eapaukua, 2, Maui. closure. in C O 'VVlaaKKre, Ward, 25 dsjs The American tern Era. Captain J. O. stand and testified, and offered in evi- Registrar of Conveyances, in Honolulu, in 5th all right, title and interest or Eslilimo-k- u AaV'i Liber 101, pages 297 and 2a3; and for breach of certain or parcel land, 1-j-b Depaneixi Bay. B C. Wiknian, left on Thursday morning in dence naturalization papers of Chung in and to that tract of TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE as ballast for Eureka, CaL the conditions in said raorgace deed contained lying, situate and being in Waianu and Pahoa, X provisions of a certain mortgage made by ScfcrLaviiw KoalaB. "Waa and a letter from the Minister of to wit: the of both principal and more particularly described Lease, th irts Pepeekeo. Hawaii. Welch was from Eeanae. in Aona and Akona to Sing Chong and Company, 3ebrHsls&al& from The bark Andrew mored Foreign Affairs to W. B. Castle, dated interest when due, that ine nndersicned in- recorded in Liber 45 page 4S1. Containing an dated 2d December. 1SS3, recorded in Liber 97, be se, to 1312- Sekr Leabi. SacaL the old Custom House wharf to the tends foreclose said raorgage. and that all area of 107 acres. -lt page 333; is hereby given the mort- fca February 20, 1590. After argumenthy and singular the lands, heredita- notice that E STCTU.Y. ilST. L Friday, where she will receives counsel," tenement and gagees intend to foreclose the same for condi- load of sugar. the Court reserves decision. ments in said mortage deed named and des- tions broken, to principal CO Saar Waisteile. Cfcaner, fros. Silscea W. R, Castle and H. N. Castle for plain- cribed, will after the time limited by law be wit: of The bark Ferris S.Thompson will com- sold at public auction, on account of breach Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- and interest. S3 xadHiaaleL , . tiff; Deputy Attorney-Gener- al Peterson the Xotice is likewise given that after the expira- -r ilatasilaj-- Ka- - mence receiving sugar after the departure of the conditions as hereinbefore mentioned, th M- Jai ilak. for defendant. Chas. Creighton. closure. tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, ri of the S. S. Australia. She will be hauled Attorney for Mortgagee. the property convej ed by said mortgage will Tvl Dated Honolnla. Febrv 25th. 1SS0. Moikohi. 2IcGrsor.frKaiIoiokaL on the Marine railway some day this BEFORE HIS H0X0K JUSTICE ll'CUIXY. TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE for sale at public auction, at the'anc-tlo- n tr DASlfiL KTAI, Mortruee. JL rooms of Jas F Morgan. In Honolulu, OX ve SryrvxT. 2. week. The property in aid mortgage d- - -- cribed provisions of two certain mortgages made by ilar. In re estate of W. B.Barnes. Petition Albert Trask and Euaole, his wife, of Eakaako. SATURDAY, the 5th dav of Aoril. 1S90. at 12: HasL The Alcaldehas discharged her 170 piles being as follows: "o'clock noon of said day. 5air Litelike. Divies. from old Custom House of S. M. Damon, executor and trustee, O Vela Apana Aina a nan Itxi e waiho 'la ma Honolulu, Island of Oahu, to ffn Dean, of - Gaiaptfl. from Kauai. for wharves at the ex- Honolulu, Oahu, dated January 17th, 18S5. re- Further particular- - ran be bad of W. U.Achi, ca- Mifcthaia. She will commence discharging for discharse. The Court orders the Kailca, Oahu. oia ka Ap.na Aina i hnike ia ma Attorney Law. Eagland. frora .twapaa, wharf. Palapala Sila Nnl Helu Helu corded in Liber 95, page 14, and Liber 109, page at St Senr'Saaia, to-da- Allen ecutor and trustee discharged. S. 11. ka aEuIcaua Dated Honolulu. February 24, 1890. her3,Crfeeiof lumber at ma ka inoa o Kahaipuna, 2 250. and covering in part the same property; acai. he in- SIXG CHONG A CO.. Mortgagees. lit Z-ar- A Robinson's wharf. Damon in person. notice is hereby given that the mortgagee Schr ilcksola fiKs Oahs-- kallL to same .The property covered by said mortgage con- Bowne. Captain JUS- hoomaka rua kihi e hele ana Ak tends foreclose the for condition re The tern W. S. Bluhni, n,TEKMEDIAKY COUKT BEFORE MB. ke Hikina broken, to wit: of interest. sist of: All the crops of Awa growing upon tho sailed from Mahukona, Hawaii, February X'CUIXY. 54 Kora i 5.T0 Eh ma ka palena no Hapaimama, Ahupuaas and lands of Papa, Kolo Ot TICE 43 520 Xotice is likewise given that after the expira- Allka and Francisco, 12510 bap-suga- r maiaiU akn Hem ii Kora i Kh ma ko South Eona, Hawaii, ten acres Papa, more xefai:tckes. 21st, for JNtn. with 49 tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, at or th 24. The King vs. Ah Kid and Ah Hon. Konohiki, malaiU akn He HikiSSOKhma less, five acres Allka, more or thirty-acre- s Mmtpat. Feb. weighing pounds, and 43 the property conveyed by said mortgage will be at less, 1.555 Eahawai.malalla aku Ak HikiUT Eh ma at Eolo. more or less. 1311-4- 1 lot valued at fr$.574 72. Unlawful possession of opium. Aaolle Ak Kora 243 Kh ma advertised for sale at public auction, at the Haw kerk Ladr LaspJa. Sodergwa, kahawai. raalalla akn 4SH i rooms Morgan, in Honolulu, W-- pros, was entered in the case of Ah Kid. ka palena Eoele, malaiia aka Ak 31 Hik 099 Eh auction of Jas F for San Francisco." The barkeatiae.Qnlckstep. Captain OX MOXDAY, the 31st day of March, 18W), Fran-jcisc- o, guilty ma!aUaakuHem54Hlki2S0Ehma ka palena ilokelE. XcGregor. for itdolai, libbetls. sailed from Hilo for san Ah Hon pleads and is sentenced at 12 o'clock noon of said day. Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- - i& 25 with 410 to pay fine of $50 and to be imprisoned Eoele. malaiia aku Hem ST Hik 1230 Eh ma at5gsC February th, toes usar a kahawal.raalaiU akn Ak 25 HikiOM Kh ma Further particulars can be had of W R Castle. aarJ?ACaia'csia5.ire2wsfW"Soo!aa, from-Wainak- u mill, and 37 tbdsrisar at hard labor for twentv-fou-r hours. C. i He 2 Dated Honolulu, March 1. 1S90. closure. a. kahwai a biki ka hoomaka ana. Eka, WM. DEAX, Mortgagee. it frorxWaiakea mill, One passenger, Mr. Creighton for the Crown; W. Castle 1 SMOO Eh huinaba. 13l2-- 4t e E. The premises covered by said mortgage con- TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE: 'sir 2iarr &c Haaalei. fTni WHson. left on her. for defendants. sist or: X provisions of a certain mortgage made by fie Sifcr iiarv E Fecter for Kaaapepe-Si- r The schooner John G. North arrived at The King vs. Ah Kan and Sai Mau. Xortgasee's Notice of Fore- - lit All those premises described in deed of Frank Metcalf or Honolulu, Oahu, and Alice, iUUfc for Scola-Sia- sr rr ilocris Mahukoca February 19th, 17 days from Assault and battery. The Court sen- M. Eeawekolohe and Eaanaana his wife, to Jas. his wife, to the Hawaiian Investment and 1t froea itctoiaL San Francisco, with "705 lbs bread,20 cases closure. Wright, recorded Liber 28, page 258, being a Agency Company, Limited, a Foreign Corpora- pay fine of 3455 fit FeS. 2S. S,S5p lbs fertilizer, S3 sacks tences defendants to a $5 each. portion of land described In RP 2579, L C A tion, dated February Uth. A D 1885, recorded in TrrsaiT. canned meats, con- 73, pages 233 hereby-give- n provisions, 404 C. Creighton for the Crown; W. R. ACCORDANCE WITH THE toKaulefor Liliha; said premises being Liber to 236; notice is fit fW Haialas' aad raeal.lipkgs ctls barley, P:prOTisioss of a certain mortgage made by veyed to said A. Trask and Euaole by deed of that the undersigned, present assignee or Simr LAca. dark. 2S4 sks . 30 bfeis 107 M Castle for defendants. S' HoDOsac. 5 X-- , bran salmon. shinrfes. Chas X Arnold and Cecilia Arnold, his wife, of said J. VTright, recorded Liber S3, page 15. said mortgage intends to foreclose the same for t. . - u...... Hilo, Hawaii, Cooke, said broken, Y 1 I '.- Tk M'p tirr; lffiraiiroadriestetc.Taluedlat?2i)? j Fetday) Feb. 2S. triors BarrfetE of 2nd All the right, title and interest of condition to wit: of prin- .s 7i:2Mau.r -- " 1SS3. .. : I TT-,-- n liarJc'La.iivLtimrsonlCS3i- - dated March 30th. recorded in mortgagors in those premises described in R. P. cipal and interest, and upon such foreclosure, Mr - Th . - m j i BEFORE THE TUX! COUBT. L-- 0 Tiber M.page 132; notice is hereby given that 3400, L. A. 7155 to Eawauke, acres at will Bell at public auction, at a time and place tasa sailed trom tnis port iloa-da- y soieriren. Geo. W. Damon, tae aiortsasee mtenas to toreciose tne same lor Ealihi, Oahu. to be hereafter designated, all and singular the iraala.es, Som.. ae aad Vokaso, as m morning with a full cargo, including Hacfarianevs. S.M. conditioa broken, to wit: of in- 3rd AU those premises described in R. P. lands, tenements and hereditaments described, H.S55 bass sugar, 2C0 empty gasoline tanks. Minister of Finance. Peremptory writ terest. 356, to Eanin, 2 acres at Ealihi. in said mortgage as below specified. S- fe Simr Xfiakste. Otsaptel, for'Kasai, ai Value. Sllo 6R. The consigners were: of mandamus was issued on the 27th for Notice is likewise civen that after the expira- 4th All those premises described In R. Further particulars can be had of TV. A. Ein-ne- y, en Castie & Cooke, 210 bass scurar: C Brewer the payment on the 2Sth of the amount tion of three weeks from the dateof this notice, L. C. A. 14S3, to J. H. Eaehn for Eekohai, 42 Merchant btreet, Honolulu, Attorney D Bryant. Jawfeoo.forSaa Co., 7420 bigs scgaxrTHl Davitss Jt Co.. the properry conveyed by said mortgage will be acres at Moanajn, Oahu. for Assignee. sa Am barkC 6 of salary due the petitioner. The writ advertised for sale at public auction, at the 5th That certain tract or house lot in Eakaa, ALEXANDER J. CARTWBIGHT. Fraaefcco. 215 bigs sugar. to-d-ay 22-1- th. 3gaet.a; ra. was returned and the $3,000 paid aactioa. room of JasF'Morran. in Honolulu. ko, Honolulu, containing of an acre The property to be sold is all that piece or ? spt Littifc.DaTjei. for ap The American bark C. D. Bryant. Caps. into Court, and by the Court paid to the OX MOXDAT. the 31st day of March. 1SS0, at 12 covering a portion of the premises describedin. parcel of land containing four and 0 acres Hj YV"aiiiaie. CktDry. for KawmaK Jacobson. sailed on Monday morning ior o'clock noon of said day. Eul 3455, R. P. 2679 or Eaule no Liliha, convye or thereabouts, situate in Manoa Valley. Island, smtirPtiir r atSj3&. Sua Fraacfcco with a large cargo, includ- petitioner. Farther partlcnlars can be had of W B Castle. ed to A. Trask by deed recorded In Liber 4, of Oahu, and comprised in and granted by As Dated Honolulu. March 1SS0. page40O. 1312-U--9 Royal Patent (purchase) Xo. 24. 1311- -lt Sdbr SjTrsaaatti for KMa.e ing; 23jK3bagsscs5x, 3.0 bags rice, and rvrrBvrnfiTtv DITISIOK BEFOEE HIS 4. Lsviaia. for Sva. MRS. HAERIET E. COOEE. Mortgagee. Stkr 7 pfcrs feraircre. The shippers were: H. HO"OS JUSTICE it'CCIXY. The premises covered by said mortgage con- Fore- "P Scftvr Skk azMl Elia. for .fioatae. Ha&feid A: Co 19J675 bags sugar; M. S. sist of: Mortgagee's Notice of Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- soc Scfcr Xarr E Fct5r for Ssmni. Grmbsesis & Co.. 4S? bags sugar; Wmg SeeWai vs. J. H. Soper. Trespass. 1st AH that certain tract or parcel of land closure. Kxxssamix. Feb. 2SL Wo Cbaa & Co.. 3 bags race. Totals, Heard, argued and decision reserved. situate in Piihonca, Hilo, Hawaii, more parti- closure and Sale. b cularly descrilKd in deed of J Sieasen to H A Haia-ks- toBwge. domestic vaice. tiZiSfL H. X. Castle and 31. Hatch for plain- th Stxsx TilnTiT Hoc. 2ye. von liO; F. Bridges, recorded Ia Liber 72, page 471, contain- ACCORDANCE WITIT THE ACCORDANCE WITH THE. Pteyreteo ami Eonoom. - Tbebark Ferris . Thompson which ar- tiff, C. Creightoa for defendant. ing an area of IjsT acres, and beinjr a portion of provisions of a certain moitea?e made by provisions or a COG Kp- F Helen or certain mortgage made by Hxk&ast. premises described in R 1143, L C A Thomas E Xathanieland EXathaniel, Ban Teen Hee (Ch), Sou Titsl. Wtboc. for rived soaday frosi San Francisco brosght THE LUXALILO ESTATE. those P or Oahn, to George Castle, of Honolulu, Island or raerr$Mndt--- e $3,-41-. to Paulo. Honolulu, Island P Oahu, H to W C Parke. err Sdkr SawaJSiUB for Sfiton a cargo of vained at 2t; dated October 8th, 1S8S, re- I. Trustee of said Hono- re of H. M. Lunalilo de- 2d Also all that certain tract or parcel of of Hocoluin, Oahu. lulu, dated August 3d. 1S33, recorded In fo Scfcr 3arr E Foewr Eaau The sbtpmeats indcdeI51 ctls wheat. 913 la estate said corded in Liber 115, pages 213 and 214; notice is Liber lr ef. 3125 concerning investment. land situate at Piihonua and adjoining the 112, pages 79 and 80, and by the Executrix or Kastk. Eaffixnd. for rTgftt asti csis barley. 165 bbls rlocr. 5 cs gals ceased. Order premises aforesaid, and being the sime pre- hereby given that the mortgagee intends to the Will or said mortgagee dii & ICO) S9.S45 same for condition broken, assigned to Rose Sr wine. lbs hops, lbs tea. lbs Upon reading and filing the petition of mises conveyed to H A Bridges by deed of RF foreclose.the to wit: Molteno or said Honolulu, on the 13th day nen-pay- rf ent of or Feb-- 27. sogar, 140 cssalraon, 13? eds oats, 79 ctls of Bickfrtou, recorded in Liber 74, page 131, con- interest December, A D 16S9, Rose-Molteno-, Tar2s.T. W. O. Smith the managing trustee likewise given expira- and by said eora. 165 f taining an area of 25.S95 superficial feet, all said Xotice is that after the duly assigned to D & Am wr Est. J O "WnSasin. for SBreis. sks middlinss. 10 sks ertairer. the estate of H. 31. Lunalilo, deceased, tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, Joha Holt of said 23&sisbraB, 2L J bbfe Hme. 441 es canned premise being conveyed to said Chas X Arnold Honolulu, on the 15th day of January, 1839, both of Stttr IwaJaai. Weir, for aad dated February 26, 1SS0, asking theap bydeedcf Cooke, dated March 30, the property conveyed by said mortgage will be of which assignments 4&4 pkgs saidHametE the'auc-tio- are recorded in Liber 112. goeis aad bottied ler. 1:35. and recorded Liber &4. page 131. Subject advertised for sale at public auction, at n page Ch proval of the Court for an investment of in or Morgan, 79; notice is hereby given that John D Staor J A Osbswks. CcSses, er The Americaji bark Forest Queen, Can. to a lease dated Augusts, 1563, for two years, rooms Jas F in Honoluln, OX Holt the Assignee of said mortgage say$2S,C0O in the stockof C. Brewer & privilege of an extension one year. MOXDAY. the 31st day ot March, ISM), at 12 intends to MBSJai as S a J. C. M. Winding, sailed on Saturday with the for foreclose the same for condition broken, tr s. 1Sj5J Co., limited, an Hawaiian corporation, 1312-4-1 o'clock noon of said day. morning for San Fraacssco with Further particulars can be had dr W R Castle. of principal and interest, U54)Ji3; val-ne- d the Court here having reference to an Xotice is likewise given expira- TIC F3si.T. Feb.25. bags segar weiiag pjends. Dated Honolulu. March 1, 1S. or that arter the $3i3iF 22. The sfaipcers were as order of this Court made in open Court GEORGE P. CASTLE, Mortgagee. tion three weeks from the date of this notice, his Stcwr C 3fcbop. Le Csaire. for Wtix-m- e. at the property conveyed by said mortgage will bo S ioBoTs: F. A. Sehaefer iCo. oc June 2, 1SS6, "that the words of the The premises covered by said mortgage con- advertised for jts.oatac.ar? California Lands th sale at public auction, auc- one-fif- at the ies "aiaitt, Xotsfefc a segar, C. Brewer Co. 5XS1 bags wfll sist of: That undivided right or inter- rooms aai-Se- testator's regardlns investments to house-lot- , tion of Jas F Morgan, in Honoluln ON hr iCo-UaJba- est in and to that certain containing thf segar, Theo. if. Davfesi ss made in some secure manner to mean dwelling MOXDAYthe 24th day of March, 'at j UHtBfeo for TTaarsea-S- ir &. he 312 fathoms with the house and o clock noon 10, sugar, CarapbsH, Marshall Co. 5S5 u, of said day. re Xn&Mfc, mortgages on real estate and it would he FOR SALE. other buildings thereon situated in Auwaio-lim- ior Sra. bescees fcaaarjetsv Tool teenage L,'i2i Honolulu, upon of Further particulars can be had of A P Peter- SZ3 to advance two-thir- ds the extcntion Kin an , axcsa.T, iLrr. L. tons. safe not more than Street caer School. Being the same premises son. of of Dated Honolulu, February 21, 18S0. ABBfc&FOKStQoc-Ni- . ITki&sg, forSaa Tne Amerkan tern Akaide, Captaia A. the market value the property to he conveyed to Euhiakalant by deed of Jno O Kame-hameh- JOHX D. HOLT, Smfch." axrived oe Wednesday. 25 days pledged for security' considers that Dominis. Administrator oi the estate of a Assignee IV. by deed of July 1st, 1S65. recorded of the Mortgagee. - Port Tawssesd- - iih. s. cargo o lum- such investments made be made with- The premises covered by said mortgage con- Am F S Se&ed- Biriifa, ior fros m in Liber 19, page 465, of which premises mort-gag- k sist of AU FOct Towsnd. ber. Exjerknced raolerate weather the out referecee to the Court for approval, is hereof five heirs. 1312 It the right, title and interest of Kaa Sebr SLsjetstauiK i itiwiorc. eBtiretrip. Eefortsthat the barkKrwcfc that the words of the said orders, rXDERSIG:s'ED WISHES Teen Hee, in and to a certain lease from TWkert was to leave Port Towasend the Kawelo et al, to s Ah Mi, and assigned by said "that hen a'ter the trustees make writ- THEinform, the public that he has opened a S Ah 311 to said mortgagor, 3Ier-chi- said lease being day after the Alcalde, with IjKM:Ofeetof Branch California Land OSce, at Xo. 42 nt VJE55ELS IX POET. ten application and receive the Court's Mortgagee's Notice of Fore- dated December 1st, 1636, and demising those tester. The AfcaMe is consigned to street, Honolulu. rem ites situate on tbemakai, Ewa corner m-ctn-aes to proposed invest- of JCessrs. ABea & EobrasoB- - Her car? endorsement as all To persons wishinz to invent in Choice Tin- closure. lotel and Eonia Street in said Honolulu, Lyoes. Vtwi so they would en- ner. Agricsitcre. Fruit or Grazing Lands in the term for a FSs ifti:. Eaicai!-B- 32iXOi feet c femfcer aad ITOpQes ments hy them be of fifteen years. 1311-- 4t USS Mme&.'CecfeLiB. Eo. t "to in- ine State of CaHfonii.or In Desirable Build- - lorwistrves. tered ex record" refers proposed TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE Andres- We4dh7 Xsrstoo. ing Lots' in the beautiful City and Suburbs cf JL provisions of a certain mortgaze made by Ecifetd-"Wofcei- C. O. vestments cot received by mortgage on Gakiasd, its unrivaled climate and oppor- B& s. from LrrerpML The Ameracia bsrt Whitmore. with W M H prepared offer every induce- S Ealeikan, of Honolulu. Island of Oahu. to nrrer- -- agee's Notice - ,x bkXBn JobaSaifek. Kartfcr. feTreastie. Capsalr Ward, arrived at this port Friday, real estate and is the authority for the tunities, I am to H E Hyde, or Honolulu. Oahn, dated May 9th, rs of Fore- 25 frocs. DeBorscre Bay, B. G. Sailed "duly ment in the way of bargains. recorded 2, pages 55 days present application. Having con- The Lands which here oiler have all been 13, in Liber and 56; closure. o, I notice hereby given mortgagee in- Bt Alex XeAjfi. Fras. Setnctstfe. fre'Departaxe Bay en February 3d: had sidered the facts set forth in said" peti-tio- most carefully Inspected by thoroughly reliable is that the TN ACCORDANCE bfcns? Piffil. Port TonasessL very stormy and westerly gates : continued surveyor, employed specially for that purpose. tends to foreclose the same for condition WITH THE Irssrd. the Court hereby approves of the broken, to wit: nt of interest. X provisions of a certain mortgage made by Ieaj&edr Irriae. Lrrerf mL s cH 40 deg. north was reached; thea had and I am therefore enabled to give satisfactory given Paialna k. or Kamoililll, Honolulu, Sp 2& investment as proposed in the petition every offered will Xotice la likewise that after the expira- Island of btan PStoser. Dot. taja Fraatfcco. aortheriy and north winds to degwest; guarantee that piece strictly tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, Oahu. to Robert Grieve, dated 2Sth December st herein. A. F. Judd, with given by me. ' btOBte G GrisSth, tiiesce strocg easterly arat soEta-ea- eorresposd the description conveyed A D 1B83. and recorded in 115, page ce Am S W3dr. Saa Fraa. Titles to these Lands are perfect, being the property by said mortgage will be Liber 3fary Dyrsk.xj. winds t3 Fe&ruary 23d when sxrosgporth-es- st L. McCuixY, The advertised for sale at public auction, at the is hereby given that the mortgagee in- ,w bitae Wiaktei. were" Bics2EToy. hi the mats state school lands. rooms tends to foreclose the same Ceatral Asserxs. wises experienced, raghsed Bich F. The previous personal inspection thereof at auction of James rMorgan,in Honolnla. for condition Mctekai oc February 27th. The OX 3IOXDAY, the 31st day of March, 1KO, broken, to wif of interests dne. Hasr WB Gctrex. Dafci. S Fraassox CO. great expense, offers absolute security to pur- 12 noon of said day. Xotice is likewise given v yewrasde. Whitmore is ax WiMers Stearaship inducement cdered by at o'clock that after the expira- bk B F Has. Pnaeiarc. dced Jlafclti KecrcatioB G rotted. chasers azd is as so Further particulars can be had of W R Castle. tion of three weeks from the date of this notice, S Thoeapsae. Fraaesco. wharfl 13J5 toosof coal for other dealer is state school lauds is California. 1&S0 the conveyed Bi Ferris PKer.S i tceknn ranges xrern acre npward Dated Honolulu, March 1. property by said mortgage will be y Xera Aieaide. Sasish. Pon ToTrasess. AHrf: .fc Eafaas3c her agents. The rftVfki Beereatioa Grounds are The price $ZM)pez H. E. HYDE, Mortgagee. advertised for sale at public auction, at the auc- . x according to quality and location, and there U DtseoTe-rr- Frarr-o- premises covered by con-sist- tion rooms or Jas F Morgan, Ast bark Xcilfea. S. cksed to the public until the opening of no iozbi. by taking into account the rapid The said mortgage in Honoluln. ON - Biy. All that. certain tract of land lying, SATURDAY, the 22d day of March, A D lhSoTat BiCOT!t2sorerTirard- Depiriare grcwih and prcgression of that State, that these 12 o'clock noon said day. Lee. Caiias- - the hasehall season. Any horses or sleek cfVred ngure a situated, and being ia Eapalos. Pauoa, Oahu. of B5: Saaossa. sulhczzte: sszsrzss sis. Iiids at these low must within more particularly described In R P2254 . L c a Further particulars can be had or "William C. fccmdori the land will be sect to the few years command a much higher price and tt 11 J Americarj f to Eaiwihsia, containing an area of 0 Acbi. Attorney at Law. The barkesarie 2ewscoyr pofTrid without further nodce. .secure to every investor proit cot easily or Dated Honolulu. February 14. 1830. equaled any Hue speculation. an acre; cosveyta to taia Ealeikan by deed srS Cip Joirfcoa, sailed froa. hahtrhri for L in other of of Eekah una, dated May 22d,lS80, recorded ROBERT GRIEVE, Mortgagee. Frarariaeo Febrrr lj8J7 A.THrEST05r This opportunity will be open for a limited In by Sti tr?ph. with Minister Liber M, page 99. 1312--Jt The premises eovered said mortgage con- Tested. isaSrscs. Dii. tf Cotraercial of the Interior. tirae oz.ij, zzd I therefore extend an invitation sists Off 2fc D. Brewer Bcstac Apr2 toes scrarct Eawasan to ail who wish to seesrespod and cheap hoses Bi J. Sagar Ccrpsy. . - . 1st That piece or parcel of land described in SJaa Bcsrordsie ..Lrrerpcc -- AprI5 in that szxSZm.t Sute and country, and also Royal Patent Xo. 1086 to Hooklekle, situate Ar-.mn- mosey Mortgagee's Notice at Port lemsseai The scfc&uier ChaHerer, At s recent London sale Voltaire's to these who desire to Invest a little to of Fore- Waioll aforesaid, containing an area of m ucrev Bifiaw tca.-irrg- . -- Taac Thtxrtpsoa. is rzsar to great advantage and vn.it, la eallcpou me conveyed by fairs to by deed SciiExssiwc ....EtoeSat- - at thrri sfgaafrxre brought only two guineas, 11 Kasukahlki dated - irfS. Frararisco scent and obtain f parrlcslarj. closure. 13th day of January. 1865, recorded SiSsSesrl.-SewKasd- : arai leave for ssn acost three, fce cheerfully given. the AD la -- SLO Sir Isaac Xestan's a letter by Izformatfoc win 24. pages 398 and 399; Sch Do5ge March ch with mss for Hawaaart roora with J", A. Xa&ooy, Attorney, ACCORDANCE WITH Liber peo Xarr Coarrerecii Scgar Coccparry. Bcerfrell len poonds, and one by EfOSoe FT of THE 2d That piece or parcel of land described la . . .Ce&tsesHJit XarS Xo. 42 Xercha street, provisions a certain mortgage made br Boys! Xo. 9548 to Papa, by txe-t- a Kaai Virgin Patent and Hloio w, Sitssis Meror2-Cag- Johnson cnly nine potmds. Jas aad Xahea Kaal, his o Kama-kabl- SaFraacisco 3farT Tie ATrffrican ship e GJkrrer, A.MOBOFF. wife conveyed to Makanul and by kl SSAcstrxSa. Eohala, HawalLto 8 B Dole. TrasW, of Houol Maianul to --Ssn Fraarsoo.. rscScharzisz-he- carsoct coal at zlsjsx- i- by deed dated the h day of August. A SSZeaiiaSt .Hirls I Iulo,Oaha, dated January 3), 1655, recorded In iss, aad w2 eoczntEce to load susarfrcm. ! 5, page 13; DlheO, recorded la Liber 84, pages 270 and 271, Jfotice to Creditors Liber notice is hereby given that area 3 15 Bsia XarciL Sth. wiH sa2 atoct miSfHJEii. the mortgagee intends to foreclose containing an of rood ana perches. aicct ice the taste for 2d That one-ha-lf interest ot JV, nt Eaaloa is 1 ffl Tf FASSESGEEl. tbelSdhferSaaFrjrnHcowah. UZGdzoss. HA.V- cocditioa broken, to 4 rpHE UZTDEESIGiTED - wit: of the estate of tSamsii Kaaloa, in g beea duly appointed Adsf of interest. tltsste In said Th brigar.nfne Gsusada. d.- - Warts. sittrator Waleli conveyed by said W Kaaloa to Kama-kaiil- ki Zstale cf ALASA alia CH2X LAX, Sotiee Is Hxewif e giTen that after the expira-tie- a J lamii. arriTedas Sahcfei Fe&rcxrr24tr: 17 days tiei of three weeks from the by deed dated the Slk day of October. A deceased (senior parts tr Is. the lnc cf Tarn Ta dateof this notice 1S7I, recorded Ranf-Jff- baric Ferris S. D In Liber 48, pas 341 and 348. c. FrcsriSsnrrarariseo.jer San Frarariseo with satfcfa. 741 conveyed fnss focr. tz Co.). 3akawao, is. the Islxsd cf Xctiee the property by said raortfcaze will be ita-T- kMM-lp- t r. K0TICE! Xai. hat at said TTaioll, Feb 25 FTetey. fees 252 an advertised pobiie anc-ti- cn Escssoc. 2er J fsfe.fcrsrSI cis. cxtzs. -- is fcerehy zirec to perscsi to preient their for sale at anctioa, at the tlte persszr Feb I S&4 ens. torisy- - 22 zsss. sairsca, etc vafr- - ftTOTICE IS HKKKKK GIVES' cfvfr:l agzrrrt the said estate dcly asthesti-cate- d rccsj of Jas ? Horns', is Honolnla. OX Kataaksalki, by deed daicd the day" taenvSi FnsiKiaL ?.tf, t-- of' 4th of a se MOXDAY, day March, sed at I13.T44. fter tSsff-.- t rzfr her taer-e&irad- JA tie 3DTLKT & EOESZ2. whether leexred rj mJKl&z er other- the 3It a 5rrcf Maia-wao,ft- Liberie, GWard. FYr-T'irT- he page Frsn-erac- I to the his o'clock soos of said day. she wS lead ssgar for San o. ef HrwH. it cere SstoiTt kr wise uxdersizsed ai oce ia 40Sadr497.Mtiifasr m are of lroedasd. FrGsXarisradEa.'arari, gergnrtr KTt,ttt. csgjgg-- TiiteiiieawjarsafiT6 Ishmdef 3tnt,wStiia fir stostss FsrtkersMrtlcalcri can be had el W B Castle, perches. Fe&2 Froc th VcSraao: 5" E Biker sailcsstzezrrl sj tie rxinc PtiSTiranr Ca, fees tie dale herecf, or they will be forever Dated Hscoisla, March 4, ej wiicS. eeSees fc&J tarred, and all perssss indebted the said S. E. DOLB, Trastee,la. 3rrtVga;ee. ,tfcr3SJ 7 rfe ot lacd situate k arai e2e, E C Ltcc A Brossa, 3rs B a3 z'ScCer fc Eccser, to at Waioli, conveyed fey Ins as to Kaataka Lews. JCss Scorrc ssd pr ail eSt esrzzacitd Zscace are hereby rsuejted to aufce izsaediaK The premises covered by nsid asertgafe cos-fi- st Meress, Miss J ta J BOK5. fcrt. jaTjtectta the szdersizzed. or: That undivided one-fr- tsose pre-asis- es BT?T-Tr fgg O'Brierr. iJrsTatnt, 32ss ceas5otlt. la situate ta-T- . 1r-rfr- 7, LA. AXDEZWS. at MakMtc. Eoaaia. Hawaii, aat X3SjM ly-frw- JEss-Sacr- jat pises or pare) toad aitsate at 2ss Garriaea, Mr EAMAIOPILI It Sarifayx, ECSAIAC PA5TA7I03f CO-- r Adurisistrater Zstaieof Alasx alias Chea Jdzg, aaers particularly dscrlded ia KF4CT5, LCA Frocnway-pzzz- sz ! In Koyal Patent ccsSM IteLasSr&Sudn,! HEiker. JCarct: 31. to tee sse en ss.axl 3 3f. Heeier. Pr-riii-sst. deceased. HsS to Kisso, falser f said !, esaUislag as T.9tsHtJ'a4,MMtatalEj( m. 8 Tz-f- cJ Uli--H e 11 0 Mam of Waf C I WrtSV 3Gs ifxry HrtfiScorx, sac DiltdSiiaww.Xiui,Xtrckl,li. of aad acre. lZlt-- it aaacrev 4t 0sr jf