V"? , r,"lK ? .faOWp Tjfmi d WW VOL. XXY.--N0. 9.i HONOLULU, TUESDAY, MAECH 4, 1890. (WHOLE No. 1312. Business (Harlrs. (TarDs., Business THE WHALE FISHERY. were made at 22 cents. The market was gauratian (gazette latraiiimtouite then quite dull until August, wbea tha MISCELLANEOUS Annual Rerlew of the Industry for the price dropped to 19 cents, and to 1S MISCELLANEOUS. cents in September, the lowest price for PUBLI8HED BY Tear 1889. the year. In October it advanced to BISHOP & COMPANY. 19 WILLIAM C. PARKE, -- The Whalemen's Shipping List con- 20 cents, and in November to 21 HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., (Limited,) XTtT TEN PAGE EDITION. continuing to BSTABXiISECir 18S8, - tains the review of the whale fishery for cents, steady the close, -- A.tto3Lna.oy Tjqtou- when 22 cents was demanded. There Every Tuesday Morning, BANKERS. at 1889 which ia given below : :- was exported HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. OFFICE -13 KAAiruiuinj Street, during the year 326,825 TUESDAY, MARCH 1890. The past year has shown no improve- pounds. AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM DRAW EXCHANGE ON 1289 Honolulu. H. I. ly 4, ment over the preceding one in catches We estimate the import of sperm oil THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO into the Atlantic ports in 1890 11,000 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. AND AGENTS DC or results. Two Bperm whalers from the at TIIEIB NELLIE M. LOWREY, WHEN 8HIPS SAIL AWAY. to 13,000 barrels, and of whale oil 4000 Foretell Subscribers 86.00 In Advance New York, Boston, Paris. Pacific Ocean made good voyages, and to 5000 barrels. No estimate can be MESSRS. N M. ROTHSCHILD SONS, LONDON. Notary - "When ships sail away, some of the vessels cruising in the North made of whalebone, so much depending Which includes postages prepaid. Public. -FK- ANKFOKT-ON-THE-MAIN. upon OFFICE with W. R. Castle, opposite As on every day and South Atlantic did well, among the success of the Northern fleet. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Post-offic- They do from our H. M. WHITNEY, Business Manager. 1279 e. ly island home, them several schooners obtaining good London. There are earnest eyes FROM THE VOLCANO. The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydnev.Sydney. Searching catches on the Hatteras and Charleston OSce, So. 46 Merchant Street. The Bank of New Zealand, Auckland, and its H. N. CASTLE, the Bkies Branches in Christchurch, and Well- To see whence the stormB grounds. may come. The Raymond and Excursion- ington. For the ships bear The Arctic season was failure thep Whitcomb Bank of Colnmbia, Portland, 3Lttoxaa.y Tjarw afar, a RATES OF ADVERTISING. The British at To where strangers are, ists Return by the Klnau AllvPleased Oregon. OFFICE-- In the Cartwright Building, worst ever known only 72 whales being measured The Azores and Madeira Islands. Those who some hearts hold dear; With Their Trip. cmM Stockholm, Sweden. yl opposite Post Office. Merchant St. 1301 taken in the Arctic. The vessels in the iiiXoHparie. llwilmiSm Sni6mlyr And there's never a boat, The Kinau arrived Wednesday morn- The Chartered Bank of London, Australia and On the sea afloat, Japan and Ochotsk seas, and on Kodiac, K in 100 2 00 300 400 6 00 10 00 China, 6 Lines a K. But has ing from windward, having among her 12 Limes 1 " 150 300 4 00 5 00 SOO 12 00 HonckonR,"? okohama, Japan. And transact J. HOOKANO, cost some woman a tear. did better, 47 whales being taken on the 6 001 7 50 10 00 15 00 1256 GeneralBankinpBueinesB. y passengers, I J Liaes--2 " 200' 400 (Ex Deputy Sheriff.) former and 25 on the latter ground. sixteen ladies and gentlemen 35 e- SOO! 5 00! 75011000 14 00 woo When snips sail away Lin- " -- who had paid a visit to the crater of 3 Llnes- -4 " 4O0 6 00 100014 00 20 00 25 00 ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. There are who With the exception of two steamers in 23 00 40 00 E. G.HITCHCOCK, those pray, , 5 " 600 900 1400 1800 to Kilauea. Among the number was the 7 SOO 1200 i6oo!eooo 00 60 00 Collections Pbomptlt Attekded To. "God speed the other shore, the Arctic, the other eight steamers did 4500 6000 Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Bid Raymond 9- 10 " 1200 1800 2200200 1273 NORTP KOHALA, HAWAII. ly the storms to cease, no better and Whitcomb excursionists 3000 4000 7000 10000 than the sailing vessels. Three Column 1500 2000 Office at HILO, HAWAII. Let ie sea have peace, in charge of 1SO0 2500 400015000 90 00 14000 vessels were lost, the Ohio 2d in Bristol that genial gentleman, Mr. Oae Column - And the sun shine evermore; ea- N. B. Bills Pbosutlt Collected. ' Bay on on Henry C. Lyon They had fine weather, for publication, "o WILDER, Give the people ' ' Nounivak Island, the Lucretia Intended 12981y GARDNER K. ret Herald Shoals the and eheotd be addrccted to the "Editor of the Hawa- On the ocean's breast, in Arctic, the a splendid trip, the Volcano was active Office Box. O. " Attorney-at-La- w schooner A. Hamilton is supposed to iian Gazette. Post &. and Notary Public And gladness, and hope to J. and also enjoyed themselves immensely. WIL.UEK CO., cheer; Ouna-lask- a, relating to Advertisements, Oh, God! take have been lost on her passage to Subscription., and Job Printlnc, ould be ad Corner of Fort and Queen Steets, Honolulu, OFFICE: HONOLULU HALE, care A never having been heard from. Mr. J. J. Williams, the world renowned Hawaiian Gazette, Of them everywhere, dressed to the "Manaeerof the Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Salt & Building 1264 MEBCHAUT photographer, party, BTBEET. ly our to" The poor season was attributed to the accompanied the Post Office Box, O." 1215 kind- - T For friends Thee are dear!"' yearly Materials of every prevailing warm weather and the ab- and his valuable experience u trip to Cards and all quarterly or ' vTt. i i in are payable iaadvance or on pre-- e When ships, sail away sence of ice and consequent absence of advertisements H. L. HOLSTEIN, ' the Volcano was much appreciated by eolation of the bill . HITMAN Hopeful and gay, whales, they being further north in the the tourists They went by way o advertisements must be ac- IIKOS.. And .. pack ice. X B All Toreicn no - Importers of General Merchandise,- - Attorney a.t Laxw. timid souls go too, i. Keauhou and found the journey to the r companied with the ?aywhen ordered iu(r And The steamers Orca and Thrasher went courageous will be taken of them. The rates of rBox Collections Pbomptlt Attended to. bands j jj,., Volcano house one of comfort. The nertce remit-aac- e as far as MacKenzie river and Herschel char-- es are civen in the above scale, and FRANCE, ENGLAND, GERMANY AND THE Keep other lands, crater was very active and a fine Bight American advertisements, 1268 KOHALA. HAWAII. l ' east for European or UNITED STATES. As their field of work, in view'1 Island, further than any whalers was witnessed The accommodations at or subscriptions may be made by postal order. God give were ever known to have been. Plenty No. 58 Queen Street, - Honolulu. H. I, them power iV i the Volcano house were highly spoken In every hour, . open water was found, and two whales THE H. H. WILLIAMS & CO., ' of. Arriving at Hilo on the return Advertiser Be the skies bright or dim, were captured by each vessel. home, the party Waiakea, Daily Pacific Commercial BYMAN BROTHERS. Importers, Manufacturers, Upholsterers, Through the efforts of the New Bed- visited Compant In age or youth, the Rainbow falls, Cocoanut Island, Is published bj the Hawaiian Gazette AND DEALERS IN ford Board of Trade, seconded by the Merchant Street, and delivered by Commission Merchants, In honor and truth, w and other points of interest. Hon. at hs Office in 20b San Francisco. and masters of whalers, a Carriers la the City, at Front Street, FURNITURE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, To bring glory and praise to Him. owners the D. H. Hitchcock extended hospi- paid to filling and shipping House of Refuge has been established by Six Dollars (86.00) For Annum. articular attention Pianos and Musical Instruments. tality to the party. At Mahukona Mr. to one address. 1215 Island orders. y When ships sail away, the United States Government at Point waio and Weekly perannnm 1264 105 FORT STREET. ly Chas. L. Wight entertained them during 810.00 Those who sail in them may Barrow. The material to build it and the steamer's brief stay They all speak Countries Postage paid, Win renown or direst supplies for the same were taken there Aiaiij iuuii.u glO.OO per annum CO., blame, in high terms of the accommodations on M. S. GRINBAT7M & WILLIAM C. ACHI, For our dear old by the U. S. steamers Bear and Thetis - Communications, land, the Bteamer Kinau and the kind atten- ea- Address all Commission Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and What should ever stand and bark Thos Pope, and with the as- HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPAQ , Merchants, tion of Capt. Lorenzen, Purser Beckley No. 124 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Noble and pure of fame. sistance of the whalemen the officers of 46 M.-C- U ml street. Eeal Estate Broker. and the other officers of the steamship. No. y God give them might the steamers erected the house, and it 1256 Attends all the Coubts or the Kingdom. The entire party was as follows: Mr. In the cause of right was placed in charge of Capt. Gilbert B. and Mrs.
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