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[email protected] Economic Manuscripts Costs of Repairing Albany’s Blockhouse in 1709, Including Rum for the Workers 1. Abeel, Johannes: [MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENT, SIGNED BY JOHANNES ABEEL, DETAILING EXPENSES FOR REPAIRS ON THE “OLD BLOCK- HOUSE”]. Albany. 1709. [1]p. Folio. Old fold lines, light soiling and wear. Good. Manuscript document detailing the expenses associated with the repair of the old blockhouse in Albany, signed by Albany official Johannes Abeel. Abeel (1667- 1711) was an Albany native and merchant who held various local offices, including mayor of Albany from 1709 to 1710 – likely the capacity in which he signed off on the present account. Work began and was mostly performed in mid-November, finally finishing in late January. Of the fifteen line items listed, eight are for “1 quart rum” for the laborers (each costing one shilling and three pence), four are for nails, and the other three list the labor of two individual men – Jacob and Cornelius Boogert. Total cost was £9/3/3. $500. A Decade’s Worth of Ships’ Accounts 2. Alexander, Albion D.: [MANUSCRIPT ACCOUNT BOOK BELONG- ING TO CAPTAIN ALBION D. ALEXANDER OF MAINE]. [Maine and elsewhere]. 1849-1860. [25]pp. Folio. Contemporary stiff paper wrappers, lettered on cover. Light soiling to covers; minor soiling internally, but generally quite bright and clean. Very good. An account book kept by Albion D. Alexander (b.1822), a ship captain from Maine, detailing accounts for several ships over a ten year period.