David C. Warltier, M.D., Ph.D., Editor

Anesthesiology 2007; 107:502–8 Copyright © 2007, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Sedation and Care for Ophthalmologic during Local/Regional Anesthesia Mary Ann Vann, M.D.,* Babatunde O. Ogunnaike, M.D.,† Girish P. Joshi, M.B., B.S., M.D., F.F.A.R.C.S.I.‡

Anesthesia care for the patients undergoing ophthalmologic care with respect to sedation for surgery performed surgical procedures during local/regional anesthesia balances during local/regional anesthesia, particularly goals of patient comfort with safety and an optimal outcome in and vitreoretinal surgical procedures. a highly cost-conscious environment. This article discusses cur- rent practices and trends in anesthesia care with respect to sedation for eye surgery during local/regional anesthesia. Al- though there is no evidence that one local/regional anesthesia Ophthalmologic Procedures and technique or sedation analgesia regimen is superior to the oth- Local/Regional Anesthetic Techniques ers, this review highlights important differences between these varied approaches. The type of block used for the ophthalmo- Cataract and vitreoretinal are the most fre- logic surgery alters the sedation requirements. Changes in sur- quently performed intraocular surgical procedures.2,3§ gical techniques have increased the popularity of topical anes- The increased prevalence of cataract extraction by thesia, which reduces the need for sedation analgesia and may lessen the need for an anesthesia practitioner. The involvement phacoemulsification has led to decreased use of injection of an anesthesia practitioner in eye surgery varies from facility eye blocks and more use of topical anesthesia. Topical to facility based on costs, anesthesiologist availability, and is applied as drops or gels and may be sup- standards. Anesthesia care choices are often made based on plemented by intracameral injection by the surgeon for surgeon skill and anesthesiologist comfort, as well as the ex- better intraoperative pain control.4 Vitreoretinal surgery pectations and needs of the patient. usually requires at least a sub-Tenon block and, more ANESTHESIA care for the patients undergoing ophthal- frequently, injection anesthetic techniques. A sub-Tenon mologic surgical procedures during local/regional anes- block consists of injected below the thesia balances goals of patient comfort with safety and surface of the using a blunt cannula, with some of 5 an optimal outcome. Regarding sedation, Hug1 wrote: the local anesthetic diffusing to the retrobulbar space. “generally speaking, the required doses of analgesic and Performance of conventional injection blocks involves sedative hypnotic drugs are proportional to the intensity delivery of local anesthetic into the periorbital space of noxious stimulation.” Therefore, any discussion of (peribulbar block) or within the eye muscle cone (ret- 6 7 sedation for eye surgery must consider the type of sur- robulbar block), individually or in combination. A sep- gical procedure and the local anesthetic technique used arate facial nerve block may be performed to limit as well as patients’ comorbidities. Newer surgical tech- movement and sensation. niques for eye surgery have reduced the need for tradi- The variability among local/regional anesthesia tech- tional injection eye blocks (i.e., peribulbar and retrobul- niques pertains to sensations, visual ability, extraocular bar blocks) and increased the popularity of topical movements, and eyelid function as well as associated anesthesia. This has altered the need for sedation anal- complications. The type of block used for the ophthal- gesia and the presence of an anesthesia practitioner mologic surgery alters the sedation requirements due to during ophthalmologic surgery performed during local/ patient discomfort or fear, or by increasing surgical dif- regional anesthesia. This article discusses the anesthesia ficulties. Visual experiences occur in the majority of patients during phacoemulsification, although it varies with the local anesthetic technique. This has been de- * Instructor in Anesthesia, Harvard , Department of Anesthesia 8 and Critical Care, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts. scribed as frightening in 3–16% of patients. During † Associate Professor of and , ‡ Professor of topical anesthesia, patients more often perceive light Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. and colors, or even the surgeon’s hands and instru- 9,10 Received from the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, ments, and subjectively feel pain during iris manipu- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas. Submitted for lation, globe expansion, and implantation.4,11 Pa- publication January 3, 2007. Accepted for publication April 20, 2007. Support was provided solely from institutional and/or departmental sources. tients undergoing during topical Address correspondence to Dr. Joshi: University of Texas Southwestern Med- anesthesia have been found to have more intraoperative ical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75235-9068. and postoperative discomfort than those given a sub- [email protected]. This article may be accessed for personal use at 12,13 no charge through the Journal Web site, www.anesthesiology.org. Tenon block. The retrobulbar and peribulbar blocks § http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/tp/anesttp.htm. Accessed April 21, 2007. result in equivalent levels of pain control, which are

Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007 502 ANESTHESIA CARE AND EYE SURGERY 503

Table 1. Comparisons of Local/Regional Anesthesia Techniques

Topical Sub-Tenon Block Peribulbar Block

Pain on administration 0 or Ϫϩor ϩϩ ϩϩ or ϩϩϩ ϩϩϩ Surgical pain prevented ϪϪ ϩϩϩ ϩϩ ϩϩ Eye akinesia ϪϪϪ 0orϩϩϩϩϩ Eyelid sensation blocked ϪϪϪ ϩ ϩ ϩ Visual sensations experienced ϩϩϩ ϩϩ or ϩϩ ϩ

ϩ represents strength of affirmative evidence; 0 represents insufficient evidence; Ϫ represents strength of contrary evidence. From references 2, 8, 14, and 17. superior to that of topical anesthesia.14 It has been re- indicated that the placement of the intravenous cannula ported that additional sedation or analgesia was required was the worst discomfort during their cataract surgery, intraoperatively more often in patients having topical thus suggesting that the eye blocks were not uncomfort- anesthesia versus retrobulbar block.15 The use of injec- able. When 98 patients underwent bilateral cataract sur- tion blocks was associated with lower systolic blood gery 1 week apart with differing anesthesia techniques pressures, even in hypertensive patients, as compared for each eye, topical versus peribulbar/retrobulbar with topical anesthesia.16 block, 70 patients preferred peribulbar/retrobulbar, 10 Surgeons have reported better surgical conditions in patients preferred topical (all had topical anesthesia for patients during retrobulbar or peribulbar blocks as com- the first eye), and 18 patients indicated no preference.20 pared with topical anesthesia.15,17 A survey conducted at The authors suggested that they could predict the pa- the Congress of the International Council of Ophthal- tient’s suitability for topical anesthesia based on their mology in 2002 illustrated the wide variability in anes- response to preoperative eye measurements performed thesia techniques from country to country.18 Among in the ophthalmologist’s office (e.g., tonometry, the mea- ophthalmologists from the United States, topical anes- sure of intraocular pressures and A-scan, the ultrasound thesia was used by 23%, retrobulbar blocks were used by measurement of eye length). Therefore, if the patient 46%, and peribulbar blocks were used by 23%. Com- cannot tolerate these painless examinations where con- pared with the other countries represented at the Con- tact with an anesthetized eye is required, it is unlikely gress, the American ophthalmologists used topical anes- that he or she will tolerate a surgical procedure during thesia with equal frequency, but administered more topical anesthesia. retrobulbar blocks and fewer peribulbar blocks. There is wide variability in operative conditions, sen- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evi- sations, and pain relief dependent on the type of local dence report reviewed articles pertaining to cataract anesthesia administered for intraocular surgery.2,8,14,17 surgery from 1968 to 1999 and determined the strengths Using published data that present the strength of evi- of evidence for the effectiveness of the various local dence as “strong evidence,” “weak evidence,” or “no anesthesia techniques.2 There was strong evidence that evidence,” the differences between local/regional anes- globe akinesia is equivalent in retrobulbar and peribulbar thetic techniques for variables such as pain (during techniques. They found weak evidence that the pain on placement of the block and during the surgery), eye injection is slightly less with peribulbar blocks as com- akinesia, eyelid sensation, and visual sensations were pared with retrobulbar techniques. There was moderate quantified on a ϩ or Ϫ scale, and the conflicts of evi- evidence that the administration of a sub-Tenon block dence are presented as a range (table 1).2,8,14,17 Of note, causes less discomfort than a retrobulbar block. As far as surgeon use of, as well as patient suitability and expec- intraoperative pain is concerned, they found strong evi- tations for, eye blocks may differ based on geographic dence that retrobulbar blocks result in far less surgical locale in addition to other demographic factors, such as pain than topical anesthesia, moderate evidence that age, income, and location of care (e.g., community hos- peribulbar blocks result in less pain than topical anes- pital vs. tertiary center). thesia, and weak evidence that sub-Tenon block patients experience less pain than those who have topical anes- thesia. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Sedation Analgesia Techniques report remarked that the rates of ocular perforation complicating the injection blocks are sufficiently low (1 Both the types of eye procedures, including surgical in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000) and that they were rarely ad- techniques, and the local anesthetic technique (e.g., top- dressed. ical vs. block) may determine the need for sedation In two studies, one of which administered combina- analgesia. Sedative analgesic techniques have evolved tion peribulbar/retrobulbar blocks7 and the other of with the availability of newer shorter-acting sedation– which administered sub-Tenon blocks,19 the patients hypnotic and analgesic drugs. There are several drugs

Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007 504 VANN ET AL. and regimens for sedation and analgesia during eye sur- tion of movement and did not cause any clinically sig- gery, but perhaps propofol may be the most familiar. nificant respiratory depression. Patient movement and This section will focus on propofol sedation for eye sneezing during injection occurred more frequently after surgery as well as some of the newer agents and tech- propofol. Although 27% in the remifentanil group had niques for sedation and analgesia such as remifentanil, recall of block administration compared with 15% in the dexmedetomidine, and patient-controlled sedation anal- propofol group, none of these patients reported that it gesia. was an unpleasant experience. Holas et al.26 compared the efficacy and safety of using infusions of remifentanil (0.05 Ϯ 0.03 ␮g ⅐ kgϪ1 ⅐ minϪ1), Propofol propofol (1.5 Ϯ 0.5 mg ⅐ kgϪ1 ⅐ hϪ1), or both remifen- tanil (0.03 Ϯ 0.01 ␮g ⅐ kgϪ1 ⅐ minϪ1) and propofol (0.7 Propofol has been commonly used for sedation be- Ϫ Ϫ Ϯ 0.2 mg ⅐ kg 1 ⅐ h 1) for sedation during eye surgery cause of its unique recovery profile as well as its anti- under retrobulbar block. Superior pain relief was emetic properties and rapid emergence. Habib et al.21 achieved with remifentanil used as a sole agent when reported that a single bolus dose of propofol (15–75 mg, compared with propofol. The incidence on postopera- intravenously) administered 2–3 min before peribulbar tive nausea and vomiting in the remifentanil alone group block effectively reduced recall of the eye block without was 27% compared with 0% in the propofol alone and major systemic or need for airway support. propofol with remifentanil groups.26 Of note, in contrast Almost 88% of patients did not recall the peribulbar to the current practice in which the sedation/analgesia is block. The dose of propofol used in this study was based provided by a single dose, these authors used a contin- on the formula of Hocking and Balmer,22 based on the uous infusion of the hypnotic and analgesic drugs, which patient’s weight and age (56 ϩ [0.25 ϫ weight in kg] Ϫ may explain the high incidence of postoperative nausea [0.53 ϫ age in yr]). In a retrospective study, Ferrari and and/or vomiting in the remifentanil only group. Rewari Donlon23 compared the efficacy of propofol, methohexi- et al. 27 compared remifentanil (1 ␮g/kg), remifentanil tal, and midazolam during and after administration of (0.5 ␮g/kg) plus propofol (0.5 mg/kg), remifentanil (1 retrobulbar block. They found that propofol was equal ␮g/kg) plus propofol (0.5 mg/kg), and saline (control to both midazolam and methohexital in providing ade- group) in patients undergoing eye surgery. They found quate sedation and postoperative amnesia but had the that all treatment groups were superior to the control added advantages of reduced postoperative vomiting, group with respect to improved pain relief and lack of lower , and earlier return-to-home movement during the block. The combination of readiness. Interestingly, they did not find verbal re- remifentanil (0.5 ␮g/kg) with propofol (0.5 mg/kg) pro- sponse or grimacing during the block to correlate with vided excellent anxiety and pain relief with the least or predict patient recall. Patient movement is a common adverse effects. Significant respiratory depression was undesirable response to stimulation seen in eye surgery maximal in the remifentanil (1 ␮g/kg) plus propofol (0.5 patients during propofol sedation. A recent study re- mg/kg) group, whereas recall was greatest in the ported that titration of propofol to Bispectral Index or remifentanil (1 ␮g/kg) group. Another study found that middle-latency auditory evoked potentials did not re- remifentanil (0.3 ␮g/kg) significantly reduced pain dur- duce patient head movement when compared with ing injection of a retrobulbar block compared with pla- propofol sedation guided by an experienced anesthesia cebo. Bradycardia and nausea and/or vomiting each oc- practitioner.24 curred in 7% of patients receiving remifentanil compared with 0% and 2%, respectively, in patients receiving pla- Remifentanil cebo; however, there was no statistically significant dif- ference between the groups.28 Remifentanil is safe and Analgesia is an important part of sedation, anxiolysis, effective to use as a sole agent to provide acceptable and immobility during the performance of an eye block. conditions for injection eye blocks, although recall may Remifentanil is an ultrashort-acting opioid with a con- occur with this technique. text-sensitive half-time of approximately 3 min and elim- ination half-time of approximately 10 min. It has a rapid onset, with a blood–brain equilibration time of 1 min. Dexmedetomidine The efficacy and safety of remifentanil have been evalu- ␣ ated in patients receiving local/regional anesthesia for Dexmedetomidine is a highly selective 2 agonist that eye surgery. A prospective randomized double-blind surpasses the potency of clonidine. It had sedative, an- study compared intravenous propofol (0.5 mg/kg) and xiolytic, and analgesic properties without respiratory remifentanil (0.3 ␮g/kg) for sedation and immobility depression.29,30 Its actions are similar to those of benzo- during peribulbar/retrobulbar block.25 Remifentanil was diazepines when used for premedication. Virkkila¨ et al.31 found to be superior to propofol with respect to limita- conducted a study to determine the optimal dose of

Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007 ANESTHESIA CARE AND EYE SURGERY 505 intramuscular dexmedetomidine for premedication in with patient-controlled sedation with propofol for vit- ambulatory cataract surgery during block anesthesia. reoretinal surgery by Morley et al.36 did not find any Five groups of American Society of Anesthesiologists significant outcome differences between the two tech- physical status I–III patients (7 patients per group) were niques, except that anesthetist-administered midazolam given different doses of intramuscular dexmedetomidine produced more amnesia for the eye block. Aydin et al.37 (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.5 ␮g/kg) approximately 1 h investigated the effects of patient-controlled analgesia preoperatively. The 1-␮g/kg dose produced a 32% reduc- with fentanyl for cataract surgery during topical anesthe- tion in intraocular pressure and provided moderate se- sia. One group received patient-controlled analgesia dation but was not associated with significant hemody- with 5-␮g fentanyl boluses and lockout intervals of 5 min namic changes, whereas the 1.5-␮g/kg dose caused after an initial loading dose of 0.7 ␮g/kg. The control significant decreases in heart rate and systolic blood group received saline solution instead. They found that pressure. The authors suggested that the 1-␮g/kg dose during the earlier part of surgery, at 5 and 10 min, was optimal for intramuscular premedication for cata- sedation scores were significantly higher in the fentanyl ract surgery. Another study by the same authors com- group when compared with the control group, but the pared intramuscular dexmedetomidine (1 ␮g/kg), mida- scores became similar for the remainder of the intraop- zolam (20 ␮g/kg), and placebo as premedication for erative period. Patient and surgeon satisfaction was cataract surgery.32 Although both drugs produced simi- higher in the fentanyl group. The role of patient-con- lar sedative effects of short duration, dexmedetomidine trolled sedation for patients undergoing eye surgery re- decreased intraocular pressure whereas midazolam did mains unproven. not. Dexmedetomidine also produced a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. Sedation Analgesia Techniques and Outcome A recent study compared intravenous sedation with dexmedetomidine to midazolam for patients having cat- Although a number of drugs and regimens are used for aract surgery during peribulbar block.33 The investigator sedation analgesia for eye blocks, the question remains administered a dexmedetomidine bolus (1 ␮g/kg) fol- whether there are measurable differences in outcomes lowed by infusion (0.1–0.7 ␮g ⅐ kgϪ1 ⅐ hϪ1)toone such as pain, adverse events including surgical compli- group, and midazolam in boluses, 20 ␮g/kg to start cations, and patient satisfaction, which make one tech- followed by 0.5 mg as needed, to the other. Dexmedeto- nique superior to another. According to the American midine sedation at this dosage provided slightly higher Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claim database, pa- patient satisfaction, but at a cost of cardiovascular de- tient movement during ophthalmologic surgery was the pression and prolonged recovery room stays not found second most common cause of eye injury associated with midazolam. Lower doses, which may have less with anesthesia, all of which resulted in blindness.38 effect on blood pressure and recovery times, have not One-fifth of monitored anesthesia care claims in a recent been investigated for use in cataract surgery. The role of review of the American Society of Anesthesiologists dexmedetomidine for sedation during eye blocks needs closed claims database occurred during eye surgery.39 further evaluation. Three quarters of patients injured during sedation re- ceived a combination of two or more drugs. Among a large cataract surgery population (n ϭ Patient-controlled Sedation Techniques 19,250) in a study of nine eye centers, 26% of surgeries were accomplished with topical anesthesia, and the re- Patients undergoing eye surgery may benefit from pa- mainder were accomplished with injection blocks.40 Al- tient-controlled sedation to provide comfort and anxioly- though adverse medical events occurred infrequently, sis with minimal drowsiness. Janzen et al.34 evaluated administration of any intravenous sedation increased the patient acceptability and comfort of cataract surgery in incidence of adverse events as compared with topical elderly patients (n ϭ 20) during peribulbar block by anesthesia without sedation. The use of short-acting hyp- self-administration of propofol at a bolus dose of 0.25 notics during injection blocks increased the incidence of mg/kg with a lockout interval of 3 min. Ninety percent adverse events when used solely (1.4%) or when com- of participants found the patient-controlled sedation bined with opioids (1.75%), sedatives (2.65%), or both “useful” and would choose the same sedation again. (4.04%). Administration of more than one sedative agent Pac-Soo et al.35 evaluated patient-controlled bolus doses significantly increased the odds ratio for an adverse (without a lockout interval) of midazolam, propofol, or event, from 9.8–12.3 for one agent to 16.6–30.2 for two saline in patients undergoing cataract surgery during agents and 30.7 when three categories of drugs were peribulbar block. They found that the level of anxiety combined. Most of the adverse events in this study were was significantly reduced by patient-controlled sedation minor, such as treatment of bradyarrhythmias or hyper- with both propofol and midazolam. tension. Interestingly, no sedation regimen increased the A comparison of anesthetist-administered midazolam risk of death or hospitalization.

Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007 506 VANN ET AL.

Table 2. Options for Ophthalmologic Surgery by the anesthesiologist, which was conducted under sodium pentothal sedation. If nonmedical interventions Local/regional technique Topical anesthesia (hand holding, physical restraint, or verbal reassurance) Sub-Tenon block were excluded, 33.9% of cases still required some inter- Peribulbar block ventions. Four medical conditions were identified as Retrobulbar block Combination of peribulbar and retrobulbar block having increased need for interventions: systolic hyper- Sedation analgesia technique tension, pulmonary disease, renal disease, and previous None or current cancers. Patients younger than 60 yr required Oral sedation Intravenous hypnotic–sedatives and/or analgesics interventions 61% of the time, as opposed to 36.5% for Patient monitoring personnel older patients. When questioned, anesthesia personnel None believed their presence was either vital or helpful to the Registered nurse (surgeon supervised) 42 Anesthesia-trained personnel (registered nurse or respiratory therapist) success of operation 25% of the time. The authors Anesthesia practitioner available commented that they were unable to identify in advance Anesthesia practitioner present in the operating room which patients would benefit from anesthesia presence during the surgery. They concluded that “monitored anesthesia care by qualified anesthesia personnel is rea- Another publication analyzing this same population sonable and justified and contributes to the quality of reported that the strategy associated with the lowest patient care.” reports of pain, dissatisfaction, drowsiness, or nausea A retrospective review of 560 charts of cataract pa- and vomiting was injection block technique and admin- 41 tients in a teaching in Iowa by Pecka and Dex- istration of sedatives and diphenhydramine. In this ter43 found at least one anesthesia intervention occurred study, 5% of patients experienced pain (9% in the topical after block placement in 33% of 560 cataract cases. group), 16% experienced drowsiness, and 4% experi- These authors commented that there is “no justification enced nausea and/or vomiting. The group receiving opi- to decreasing the amount of time that anesthesiologist or oids with sedatives had fewer reports of pain but an nurse anesthetists spend caring for patients undergoing increased incidence of nausea and/or vomiting. No dif- cataract extraction with a retrobulbar block.” ferences in patient satisfaction scores or levels of drows- A report of 1,957 cases from Canada using anesthesia- iness were noted. trained registered respiratory care practitioners ques- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality evi- tioned the need for anesthesiologists during cataract dence report found only weak evidence that sedation surgery performed during topical anesthesia.44 They re- improved anxiety control, pain relief, or patient satisfac- 2 ported anesthesiologist interventions in only 4% of cases, tion. There was insufficient evidence that any class of but the registered respiratory care practitioners admin- sedative agent was associated with improved outcome istered sedation under anesthesiologist guidelines. These over other agents. The authors remarked that surgeon registered respiratory care practitioners had at least 2 yr specific factors such as duration of surgery might greatly of critical care experience and were certified in ad- influence the anesthesia needs and patient outcomes. vanced cardiac life support. They underwent a 30-day anesthesiologist-supervised training program that ended Role of Anesthesia Practitioner for Sedation with both a clinical evaluation and a written examina- during Eye Surgery tion. They administered intravenous sedation with mida- zolam (97.9% of patients) and fentanyl (83.1% of pa- With changes in the surgical techniques, the need for tients) in stepwise doses, per the evaluating anesthesia care for eye surgery is increasingly being anesthesiologist’s plan determined at the preoperative questioned. Several studies have examined the role of an visit, and additional agents at the discretion of the oper- anesthesia practitioner during eye surgery performed ating surgeon. The consulting anesthesiologist also cov- during local/regional anesthesia, and whether their pres- ered another operating room, supervising a resident in ence is cost effective. The local/regional anesthesia, se- that room, and a backup anesthesiologist was available. dation analgesia technique, and patient monitoring op- Of note, patients were enrolled in the study after a visit tions for eye surgery are included in table 2. Rosenfeld et to a preoperative , which may have led to the al.42 investigated the interventions of anesthesia person- exclusion of sicker patients. Although these authors did nel in 1,006 cataract patients. The authors noted that in not perform a formal cost–benefit analysis, they thought light of “increased scrutiny” of expenditures, that the use of “Registered Respiratory Care Practitioners “It is of more than academic interest to justify the need instead of anesthesiologists to provide monitored anes- for Monitored Anesthesia Care.” They found that 37.4% thesia care during cataract surgery could confer signifi- of patients having cataract surgery at their freestanding cant cost savings to the health care system.” surgery center in Florida required some intervention. In a retrospective review of 270 cataract operations These surgeries were performed after a peribulbar block monitored by registered nurses at a veterans administra-

Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007 ANESTHESIA CARE AND EYE SURGERY 507 tion medical center,45 only 24 cases (8.9%) required patient satisfaction with anesthesia care regardless of consultations with an available anesthesiologist. In just sedation strategy or the local anesthesia technique.2 one case, the anesthesiologist took over the patient’s Fung et al.47 published satisfaction scores for patients in care. In 23 of 24, cases the consulting anesthesiologist a Canadian community hospital undergoing cataract sur- left after providing assistance. Consultations were re- gery during topical anesthesia. Although two thirds of quired more frequently for patients with American Soci- the patients in this study requested only to be kept calm ety of Anesthesiologists physical status III (16%) as com- during surgery, all but 1 of 306 patients received bolus pared with American Society of Anesthesiologists sedation with midazolam, 70% received fentanyl, 24% physical status II (3.3%). The most common reasons for received propofol, and less than 5% received remifen- consultations were electrocardiogram interpretation (10 tanil. Interestingly, they found that the patients’ regard cases) and help with intravenous catheter placement (5 for the role of the anesthesiologist was higher in the cases). The authors attributed their adoption of regis- postoperative interview. After surgery, 87.6% of patients tered nurse monitoring for cataract surgery to the veter- indicated that the anesthesiologist was important or very ans administration system’s limited resources and diffi- important, as compared with 69.9% in the preoperative culty in obtaining “sufficient anesthesia personnel.” The period. In addition, 92% of patients indicated that there article described the anesthesiologist as “readily avail- was nothing about their care that they would have able” for consultation but did not specify whether they changed. The most important predictors of patient sat- had other duties during the time of the cataract surger- isfaction were the incidence of postoperative pain, the ies. They also noted that the small sample size (n ϭ 270) level of preoperative anxiety, and the surgeon. Low would not necessarily allow detection of infrequent satisfaction scores were also noted for younger patients events. and those in the middle-income group ($60–90K). The A survey of international ophthalmologists conducted authors concluded that “Our findings provide support in 2002 illustrated significant differences in the reported for the continued availability of sedation during cataract use of an anesthesia-trained personnel for monitoring of surgery” and “until its surgical causes become clearer, patients undergoing eye surgery during local/regional minimizing perioperative pain may well require more anesthesia.18 Ninety-seven percent of Australian ophthal- sedation and more, not less, vigilance during cataract mologists and 96% of American ophthalmologists indi- surgery.” Also, they made this editorial statement: “If cated routine use of monitoring by an anesthesia-trained quality of care means meeting the needs of patients, then professional. The lowest uses of anesthesia monitoring our findings provide support for the continued availabil- were reported by ophthalmologists from Malaysia (31%) ity of sedation during cataract surgery.” and Thailand (18%). An expert panel of surgeons and anesthesiologists was convened to assign preference val- ues to anesthesia care and outcomes as well as to per- Summary form cost analyses of these strategies.17 The preferred strategy was intravenous sedation with block anesthesia Newer surgical procedures and the increasing popu- and presence of an anesthesiologist during the case. The larity of topical anesthesia have altered the consider- estimated costs of this strategy ($324) were considerably ations for the anesthesia practitioner, but they do not greater than the second most preferred strategy: oral seem to have abolished the need for one. The involve- sedation, block anesthesia, anesthesiologist available but ment of anesthesiologists in eye surgery varies from not physically present ($42). facility to facility based on costs, anesthesiologist avail- Perhaps the utilization of anesthesia care during oph- ability, and local standards. There is no evidence that thalmologic surgery can be justified solely by the im- one local/regional anesthesia technique or sedation an- provement of patient and surgeon satisfaction. The sub- algesia regimen is superior to the others. Instead, anes- jective patient experience during eye surgery may vary thesia management choices are often made based solely greatly between locales and population subgroups based on surgeon skill and anesthesiologist comfort and, in on expectations and preferences. Prospective eye sur- many venues, the expectations and needs of the local gery patients were given theoretical choices of eye an- patient population. esthesia (topical vs. block) and types of sedation (intra- We would like to note some controversial issues venous vs. oral) with estimations of expected pain, side emerging for ophthalmologic surgery patients in the 21st effects, and recovery time in a study by Friedman et al.46 century. Will patient expectations for anesthesia care Patients chose the combination of oral sedation and correlate with payment for these services? In an age of injection block over topical anesthesia and intravenous sedation , increasing patient education re- sedation, although this regimen is used infrequently in sources, and greater anesthesia presence throughout the most practices. hospital, will anesthesia care for most ophthalmologic The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s ex- surgery patients be eliminated? Will , anesthesi- tensive review of the literature discovered a high level of ologists, and surgeons adopt varying standards of care

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Anesthesiology, V 107, No 3, Sep 2007