July/August 2016 Page

The Magazine for the Parish of Wolston, Brandon and Bretford

‘Feeling Saxy’, a seven-piece group of jazz saxophonists formed by University students, playing at the Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday.

News for a living community Produced by the Churches in Wolston July/August 2016 45p

Page 2 July/August 2016


Please email or telephone the appropriate Church Office regarding weddings, baptisms, funerals, home communion etc.

St Margaret’s Contacts: Church office: at the Baptist Church (use the side door, go upstairs) Open: Monday to Friday 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Tel & Email: (024) 7654 2722 [email protected] Website: www.wolston.org

Vicar of Wolston Rev. Kevin Flanagan The Vicarage, Brook St 7654 0778 Churchwardens Josie Gadsby 24 Rd 7654 3485 Mike Burdett 53 Avondale Rd, Brandon 7654 4274 Church secretaries Juliet Carter Monday to Wednesday 7654 2722 in Church Office Sue Burdett Thursday and Friday

Baptist Church Contacts: Church office: contact the Minister or Secretary (see below)

Minister Rev. Neil Moore-Smith 6 Willowbrook Road 7654 1884 Secretary Treasurer Keith Brameld 29 Meadow Road 7654 2483 Deacons Lynda Warren 33 Gibson Drive, Hillmorton 01788 877902 Jacqui Wells 32 School Street 7654 1423 Helen Adams 98 Teeswater Cl, Long Lawf. 01788 877663

Details of CHURCH SERVICES can be found on the centre pages of the magazine. Smaller groups, often meeting in homes, are always welcoming new members. Please phone either of the churches for details.

July/August 2016 Page 3 Helen Simmonds asks...

... Did we stay or did we go?

We’ll know the answer to that question about the EU by the time this is printed. But are there other times when we ask the question about something other than the EU? ‘Shall I stay or shall I go?’ It can apply to jobs, to houses, to marriages, to schools. It can even apply to life itself. One early Christian writer was in prison because of his faith and he knew he might be executed. He wrote - as if he’d be the one doing the choosing! ‘I don’t know what to choose. I could keep on living and doing something useful. It is a hard choice to make. I want to die and be with Christ, because that would be much better. But I know that all of you still need me.’ Or to put it more simply he said, ‘Shall I stay or shall I go.’ I admire people like that - people who think more about others than themselves. And I think he expresses his faith well. Christians do believe heaven will be life for ever with God, so we do look forward to it – just not yet! Recently we were in the Derbyshire Dales for the wedding of our son Mike. Nearby was a road through Winnats Pass where steep rocks enclose the road and the sun is often shut out. Scary stories are told of dastardly deeds done there! Psalm 23 links deep valleys with facing death for ourselves or for someone close to us. It says, ‘Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.’ Neil talked about death in the last magazine. Perhaps it’s because it’s important but hard to talk about. Have you heard of Death Cafes? At a Death Cafe people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. They say, ‘Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.’ See more at: deathcafe.com Shall we have one in Wolston? Would you stay [at home] or would you go? Helen

P. S. Did you know that anyone can have a Christian funeral service in their local church? The charges aren’t high and the service can be adapted to reflect the person who has died and the family and friends who are left behind.

Page 4 July/August 2016

From Wolston Parish Council

Down in the centre of the village, parallel to the brook, between the willow tree and the telephone box are three interesting boards. One contains a map of the parish as it was before the latest development took place, together with details of the public footpaths on land around the parish, and a brief history of the Millstone and why it was used as a focal point of the Millennium celebrations. The map is currently out of date, because the area designated as Priory Manor is not shown on it and the old barns adjacent to the Priory have not yet been developed into living accommodation. Similarly, the site of the former Red Lion Public House on Main Street and grounds has not been updated to show the new apartments. The next board contains notices and information relevant to the village from the Parish Council and other organisations. This is the second notice board at this location, the previous one having been taken down for refurbishment and relocation. The last is an interpretation board giving a fascinating glimpse of what the area could have been like back in the Ice Age with fearsome creatures, including straight-tusked elephants, roaming the countryside. The board also highlights the importance of the work undertaken by Professor Shotton in the 1950s which resulted in an area of the village being designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Wolston has had a number of quarry sites over the years, perhaps the most well- known of which was on Stretton Road. Sand and gravel was quarried to quite a depth and at one point the site was like a large adventure playground with pools of water in the bottom of it. Subsequently the site was filled with landfill material and in the early 1970s there were major concerns about what might have been deposited illegally, which could come back to haunt the village. This led to 30 foot boreholes being sunk checking for chemicals. As a result, future quarry proposals affecting Wolston have always met with opposition from residents, including the current site off Wolston Lane. The seam of sands and gravel at the Wolston Lane site is fairly shallow, so only inert material, which will be monitored, will be deposited to help return the land to arable use after the aggregates have been extracted. The sand and gravel deposit structure from the Pleistocene era of the Ice Age is described by the term ‘Wolstonian’ and is the result of the land around Wolston lying in the valley of an ancient river some half a million years ago. Possibly the

July/August 2016 Page 5 largest river in Britain at that time is thought to have stretched from Stratford to the Norfolk coast and is supposed to have deposited up to eight metres of sand and gravels which are found beneath the village and surrounding area. Much of this sediment has been extracted over the years for the production of aggregates needed in building. Quarrying has revealed important geological and archaeological finds that provide evidence for major climate change and human habitation during ’s Ice Age In the early 20th Century, the village made representations to get additional housing built in the village, which led to the council houses being built on Warwick Road and Kelsey’s Close. It is difficult to imagine what the village looked like at this stage but, if you have the chance to look at maps of the village from that era, you will see what a small amount of housing there was. The local History Group has produced an interesting book containing some fascinating pictures and maps of the village in 1911. It also reports how many families lived in some of the existing properties available. This helps to demonstrate why the village wanted additional housing. As the 20th Century progressed the demand for more housing was met by the developments of Stretton Road, Manor Estate, and Paddocks Close. Development of Meadow Road and Hawthorn Close was originally in small stages. Lammas Court, which replaced the prefabs on Dyers Lane, was originally supposed to provide affordable housing in perpetuity. In the rest of the century we had a majority of open-market housing at John Simpson Close, Chestnut Grove, Elmdene Close, Willowbrook Road, Larchfields, and some housing association properties in Abbots Walk and Priory Road. As the 20th Century came to a close Millennium Way, William Cree Close, Salisbury Close, Mill Close and Manor View were developed. Since then we have had St Margaret’s Avenue, Bluemel’s Drive, properties on the old Butler’s site, and now Priory Manor. As we are regularly reminded, house building requires sand and gravel so naturally the local quarry has a role to play in helping the County Council meet its ‘land bank” totals. It is inevitable that, as part of the Borough Council’s Local Plan development, they are considering where villages like our own, designated as Main Rural Settlements, could accommodate up to 100 more homes. It is encouraging that our Neighbourhood Development Plan Team has been advised of the pieces of land being put forward, by the owners, as potential sites for the village to consider for future housing. The NDP Team has also been exploring what sort of housing is likely to be required by the village to meet the aspirations of the whole community during that RBC “plan period”. As you can see everyone will be anxious to ensure that Wolston remains the place they love coming home to.

Tim Harvey-Smith Chairman Wolston Parish Council

Page 6 July/August 2016 Wolston WI News

Our speaker this month was Rosaria Di Giovanni who told us she was introduced to cookery at an early age and had to stand on a stool to reach the saucepan; she said her grandmother also had a big influence on her culinary skills. Rosaria then demonstrated how to make one of her favourite recipes which was Caponata Siciliana. If you were passing the village hall that evening you might have been tempted to call in to investigate the delicious smell but you would have had to join a long queue as most members were keen to sample the Caponata. Rosaria explained that the dish could be used as a snack, a starter and if more vegetables, meat or fish were added it could be a main course. She said that if she makes too much she puts it into a jar with a layer of olive oil on the surface and because some of the ingredients in the recipe can act as a preservative it will keep for a few years. The group who meet for a craft afternoon at the Stock Pot, Ryton Gardens, were very impressed with the tea cosies they used and were told that they sell them for charity so the group decided they would knit some to support the charity. They were then offered the use of a marquee to hold a “knitting tea cosy day” and a number of members came at different times of the day. Members of the public who were visiting the gardens came in to see what was happening. Some events members are looking forward to shortly are: “Made in Dagenham” at Rugby Theatre; our annual Ascot Day; a supper club arranged for July; and we are also hoping to have an afternoon tea in August so as usual there is a lot going on. Village Voices was formed five years ago and it was decided to hold a musical evening to celebrate which is being held at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, 9 September, 2016, at St. Margaret’s Church when they will be part of the entertainment. Tickets are £5 and light refreshments are included. The speaker we had scheduled for July has unfortunately had to cancel so at least Linda has had some notice to try and find a replacement speaker.

Jean Morgan

New members are always welcome at our meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month at 8pm in the Village Hall. For more details please contact the Secretary, Marion Fewkes on 7654 3470.

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Come and meet your Neighbourhood Plan Team They will be available to answer your questions about the potential impact of development on the village proposed in the new Rugby Borough Council - Local Plan. When: Saturday 25th June, from 9 am to 12 noon Where: Wolston Baptist Church

WCAVA – Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action Help For Local Groups Wolston Parish Council arranged a free ‘drop in’ session on 14th June with two specialists from WCAVA who help groups of all shapes and sizes become more efficient, both through improvements to structure and access to funding. The session was well attended and provided a wide range of advice covering aspects such as:  Starting a new community group;  Formalising an existing voluntary group;  Guidance on the best group structure to meet your needs if you want to apply for external funding;  How, where and when to apply for external funding;  Many other topics relating to the way groups work, and how they may be further developed and funded. If you were unable to attend but would like advice on how to set up or formalise a group, and / or the best way to apply for grant funding, then please send an email to [email protected] or call 024 7654 5515 and we will put you in touch with WCAVA.

Page 8 July/August 2016

Burglary Season It’s that time of year when we can so easily make our houses tempting targets for burglars. When it gets hot and sunny it’s natural to open windows. But when you go out, do you remember to close them all? It may be horrible coming back to a stuffy, hot house, but it would be even worse coming back to find your stuff strewn everywhere and your best possessions missing. Even with the windows closed and the doors locked, we can give burglars a way in. Do you like to garden in the summer? Of course! It’s the best time to get out, and lots of people spend hours tending their lawns and borders. But what about your tools? Are they left out, or simply stored in an unlocked shed? You’d be surprised how easy it can be to force a window or door with a spade and a bit of muscle. Burglars know all this, of course, and look forward to the summer months because of these opportunities. A bit of awareness can stop them.  Close windows and doors when you go out, both front and back.  If you must leave windows open when you are out - because, for example, of pets - then fit locks that prevent the window being opened wide enough for someone to crawl through.  After each session, put your gardening tools away and lock them up, with a decent padlock.  Don’t leave car windows down while the car is on the drive, especially overnight. None of this is rocket science, it’s just a case of thinking ahead. Be safe and enjoy the summer!

Queen’s Award for Carriers of Hope A voluntary group from Coventry who work in the community to support newcomers to this city from 50 different countries has been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. Every week the volunteers at Circle of Friends and on the Furniture Project provide essential items for asylum seekers, refugees and Eastern European migrants. All of the items are donated by people from all over Coventry, Warwickshire and wider afield and are distributed at no cost to the recipients. More than 80 volunteers are actively involved each week and most of them are recruited from the 150+ families who are helped each week. Food, nappies, toiletries, cleaning products, clothes, shoes, school uniforms, baby equipment,

July/August 2016 Page 9 furniture, electrical goods, toys etc are collected and given away to those who need help. Sue Sampson and Gladys William from Carriers of Hope attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace on 19th May where they met the Queen and other winners of this year’s award. Carriers of Hope is one of 193 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year. The number of awards given to groups this year is slightly higher than last year, showing that the voluntary sector is thriving and full of innovative ideas to tackle community challenges. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work in their communities. The awards were created in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee and winners are announced each year on 2 June – the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.

Flooding Warwickshire County Council are arranging a Community Form to discuss flooding in rural areas. Representatives from the Environment Agency (Coventry), Solihull & Warwickshire Resilience Team and the National Flood Forum will be attending. In addition there will be speakers from the County and Borough Councils. Held on the 14 July, the evening will start with a drop-in from 6.00 pm during which people will have a chance to talk informally to staff from various organisations. After that, from 7.00pm there will be short presentations and a question and answer session. Tea and biscuits will be served during the drop-in. The venue will be Rainsbrook Conference Centre, Kilsby Lane, CV21 4PN. The forum is open to all members of the public, but numbers are needed in advance for catering. If you wish to go, please phone the Rugby Area Team on 01788 533656.

Wolston on Facebook Did you know that Wolstonians are active on Facebook? Two groups have been set up. The ‘Wolston Village’ publicises community events and information and provides a forum for debate about village matters. It can get very lively! The ‘Wolston Bargains Bucket’ group is for people who want to buy, sell, or swap items. There are some real bargains on here, and it’s well worth a look every now and then. Both groups cover the general ‘parish’, that is, Wolston, Brandon, Bretford and Church Lawford. Just search for the group names and click on the ‘Join’ button to get regular updates to your Facebook Timeline.

Page 10 July/August 2016

Garden Party on June 11th On Saturday 11th of June we had much to celebrate! Many people from the village came to the Manor House Garden to celebrate HM the Queen’s 90th Birthday, the 202nd Anniversary of Wolston Baptist Church and Neil’s 60th Birthday! It was an afternoon to remember. We had prayed for fine weather & the rain stopped just in time for us to sit in the garden! We all enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea and had the opportunity to listen to some great Jazz played by a group of students from Warwick University. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Mrs. Madeleine Riley for allowing us to hold the garden party in her beautiful garden. Thanks too to the many people who worked so hard to make the day such a success. It’s so good to live in Wolston because the community really works together so well. Thank you to everyone who came, and for your generosity. You will be pleased to know that all our expenses were covered and we have money left over, that will now be given to four organisations in our village as a way of sharing our celebrations. Once again thanks to you all. Jacqui Wells

Some of the 120 guests enjoying their afternoon tea

July/August 2016 Page 11

with a jazz band...

... and a seemingly endless supply of tea, sandwiches and cakes.

Page 12 July/August 2016

Wolston Scouts would like to thank Rugby Borough Council for supporting their recent application for a grant, and Wolston Parish Council for providing match funding, thus doubling the amount awarded by RBC. This award of a significant amount of grant support will help us to undertake vital repair and renovation work to extend the life of the scout hut and upgrade the interior, thus enabling us to ‘be prepared’ to provide safe and secure facilities for Scouting in Wolston for the next generation.

Family Fun at Wolston Baptist Church Looking for a light-hearted service that’s fun for all ages? Our monthly family services are just the ticket, with crafts, games and action songs. Fast-moving and lasting around 45 minutes, it’s a great place for young and old alike to learn more about following Jesus. Come early for tea, coffee, squash and cakes. Come to our all-age service on Sunday July 10th Refreshments from 10.30, service starts at 11.00. All ages, all welcome - no charge!

Do you have something that others would want to know about? There’s no charge to individuals or local non-profit organisations. The next issue of the Avon Grapevine will be in September and the deadline for submissions is Wednesday August 17th. Email the editor at [email protected] or tel (024) 7654 1884.

July/August 2016 Page 13 A MUSICAL EVENING

On Friday, 24th June, 2016, a musical evening will be held at St. Margaret’s Church when, as part of the entertainment, the Village Voices choir will be singing some classical and also some popular songs. For some of the numbers the audience will be invited to join in so if you enjoy a ‘sing song’ keep the date clear and come along. Village Voices will be joined by an acappella group and soloist Billy Kyle. Tickets will be available at the door are £5, which includes light refreshments.

An Appreciation The Wolston, Brandon and Bretford Joint Burial Committee would like to place on record their thanks and appreciation to John and Mavis Rea who have looked after the cemetery in Dyers Lane Wolston for over ten years for all their hard work and dedication. They have kept the cemetery looking absolutely lovely and the very high standard they achieved has been greatly praised and much valued by all those who visit the cemetery. We wish them both a very happy and well earned retirement. Juliet Carter Clerk to the Committee

Wolston St Margaret’s Primary School Our Nursery has vacancies for September 2016. Classes are led by a qualified Early Years teacher and run from 9.00 - 12.00 am 5 mornings a week. If your child was born between 1/9/12 and 31/8/13 please contact the school office for more details on (024) 7654 2212. Also, on a completely separate note, an anyone donate any spare vegetable or herb plants for the school garden? All donations gratefully received.

Page 14 July/August 2016

Adult & Community Learning Adult Learning Courses Autumn 2016

Would you like to develop your skills, discover a rewarding hobby or improve your qualifications? Bring warmth and enrichment to those autumnal days with an adult learning course. Our programme starts in September 2016 and topics include: Computing: For beginners (ideal for those with little or no experience of using a computer), Next Steps (for improvers), iPad for beginners and improvers, ITQs for those who wish to gain qualifications. English, Maths and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages): Build confidence in these subjects, improve employment prospects and gain qualifications. Leisure courses include: Arts, Digital Photo Editing, History, Languages, Papercraft, Photography, Patchwork & Quilting, Sugarcraft, Upholstery& Soft Furnishings, Winter Crafts and more.

Details will be available online from early August 2016


For printed brochures or for more information please email [email protected] or ring an area office 024 7635 3065 () 01788 55 29 33 (Rugby)


July/August 2016 Page 15

Friends of Wolston St Margaret’s Primary School Parent and Teachers Association (PTA) The PTA is run by local parents and teachers, with the aim of supporting the school and pupils. This is done in a variety of ways, such as running school discos, funding for the Christmas panto and funding for IT equipment alongside more playground adventure equipment, both at the children’s request. We are always looking for others to join the PTA and there are no expectations, just a bit of enthusiasm! We try to make any fundraising fun and the next events are:  Summer Fayre 26th June, starting at 12noon till 3pm. Great fun with various stalls, entertainment, bouncy castle, raffle, etc. Small entrance fee on entry  Quiz night 15th July, Starting at 7.30pm in the school hall Cost of £6.50 per person, which include a fish and chip supper. Teams of 4-6, if you don’t have a team, just turn up and we’ll make one Your support will be much appreciated either by coming along to the above events or by becoming a Member of the PTA For more information contact Claire on 07587 153492

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers need your help! As the scouts group is thriving we need more adult help. We have young people from the age of 6 through to 18, boys and girls that need your help. We run a range of activities. As well as the weekly meetings we organise camping trips, hikes, sports days, football competitions, etc. So if you would like to become a leader or helper, we would love to hear from you. It’s great fun and fantastic as you see how much the youngsters grow in confidence and ability. Please give me a call to discuss and come for a visit to see what we get up to. Kevan Gibbings – Group Scout Leader (024) 7654 2837

Page 16 July/August 2016

Pub Quizzes at the Rose and Crown Raising money for local causes Rose and Crown pub quizzes raise money for local causes. They are fun quizzes, with no limit on team size, so bring your mates and have some fun. The next quiz will be on June 25th to raise money for Leukaemia research. The July quiz is provisionally set for the 23rd, but check beforehand, as the holiday season makes summer dates difficult. Entry costs £2 per person and all proceeds go to charity. Team registration starts from 7.30 pm, and the quiz begins at 8.00 pm. Get there early for a table!

Short Mat Bowls at the Village Hall Short mat bowls provides gentle indoor exercise for people of all ages (18+) and levels of mobility, as well as fun and companionship. Tuition is provided for those who want to learn or improve. Flat shoes must be worn. There is a charge of £2.50 per session to cover costs and refreshments. Sessions will be on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30 to 3.30. For more information, please contact Lesley Blay on (024) 7654 4531.

July/August 2016 Page 17

Oasis Coffee Morning Quality (but inexpensive) coffee and tea in a pleasant setting. The place to be on a Monday morning!

Browse the stalls of local crafts and enjoy the conversation. At the Baptist Church on Main Street from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm each Monday. Everyone welcome. Please note: Closed in August

Luncheon Club Over 50? for the over 60’s Join us on Thursday afternoons for card games and Scrabble. Wolston Leisure and Community Centre Refreshments provided. th Tuesday July 19 Every Thursday afternoon from Tuesday August 23rd 2.30 in the lounge of the Baptist Church (use side door). 12.30 - 3.30 pm Book early to avoid disappointment FOCUS Telephone: (024) 7654 1212

Wolston Knitting and Needlecraft Group Second and Fourth Thursdays 10.00 am to 12.00 pm (July 14th and 28th, August 11th and 25th) in the lounge at the Baptist Church (use the side door)

Come and learn to knit (needles and wool available) or show off your skills with any needlecraft. Beginners and experienced knitters/crocheters - all welcome Knit for yourself, for others, or for charity Just join in with the new craze! Tea, coffee and biscuits available, so knit, natter and nosh!

Page 18 July/August 2016

Men’s Breakfast Meeting Third Saturday of the month at 9.00 am St Margaret’s Church Rooms, Wolston

The Arise men’s breakfast group enjoyed the evangelist Bob Telford speaking at their June meeting, He eased into his talk with some good jokes then told something of his life story and, like so many before, his early life had nothing to do with church or people connected to Christianity. However he did find the witness of Christians made him ask questions that turned his life around. He said he would rather be in a community that cares and helps people than outside it. He then found a deeper understanding of what life was about and made a commitment to tell others about the love he found in making Jesus important in his life. The next Meeting will be on Saturday 16th July 2016 at the St Margaret’s Church rooms, Wolston, where a speaker from BETEL UK will explain the work they do with addicts. The meeting starts at 9.00am with the usual cooked breakfast costing just £2.00 a head. All men are welcome, so please come along. It would be helpful if you could let us know beforehand so we can provide the right quantity of food. Please call Peter Bridges on (024) 7654 3410 or Nigel Malka on (024) 7654 3040). Nigel Malka

Sunday July 3rd from 10.30am We are part of St. Margaret’s Church

Find us by the War Memorial, join in with an activity, enjoy a bacon butty and a drink.

July/August 2016 Page 19

This is a fun, interactive church event for any one of any age who wants to know more about being a follower of Jesus. It is very suitable for children and young people and anyone who wants to explore faith but doesn’t ‘do church’. We meet on the first Sunday each month in the hall at St. Margaret’s Primary School, Main Street, Wolston.

Starting at 10.30 with a bring and share breakfast followed by a time of exploring God’s word through singing, craft, drama and all sorts of fun things. Finished by 12.00 All Welcome

Church activities for children and young people St Margaret’s provides an action-packed programme in the church rooms every Sunday morning. Crèche facilities are available in the church during the service. Sparklers 2½ - Reception meet during Sunday morning services Dynamite Years 1 - 6 meet during Sunday morning services Ignite+ Years 3 - 6 meet fortnightly on Thursdays Fused Years 7+ meet during Sunday morning services

ST. MARGARET’S OPEN CHURCH 2016 Your local Parish Church will be open to visitors again from Easter Monday 28th March until the last Friday in September from 2 pm to 4 pm on Monday to Friday. Stewards are on duty to welcome you and answer your questions. We love to see individuals and are also happy to accommodate small groups and arrange a conducted tour of the building if requested. The Parish Office will be glad to help with arranging for groups to visit – (024) 7654 2722

Family Announcements Wedding June 18th Julie Ann Wigley and Richard Alan Watmough

Funerals June 6th Henry (Harry) Parry Powell aged 95 June 27th Edward (Ted) James Bagshaw aged 86

Page 20 July/August 2016

St Margaret’s Wolston Services for July 2016

Sunday 3rd July 10.30 am Shared Breakfast 11.00 am Sunday Café outside by the War Memorial 11.00 am Holy Communion at church 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 10th July 11.00 am Summer Celebration an All Age Service in church celebrating our children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 17th July` 11.00 am Family Communion with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church 7.00 pm Youth led Service

Sunday 24th July 11.00 am Morning Worship with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 31st July 11.00 am Morning Worship with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church 11.00 am Family Communion with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Every Thursday morning at 10.30 am there is a service of Holy Communion in the Prayer Chapel, followed by coffee. In addition, there is a short said service of Morning Prayer from 9.00 to 9.30 am each Wednesday at Faith Cottage, 118 Main Street, Wolston.

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St Margaret’s Wolston Services for August 2016

Sunday 7th August 11.00 am Morning Worship at church with groups for children and teenagers. There is no Sunday Café this month 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 14th August 11.00 am Morning Worship with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 21st August 11.00 am Family Communion with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 28th August 11.00 am Morning Worship with groups for children and teenagers 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Sunday 4th September 10.30 am Shared Breakfast 11.00 am Sunday Café at St Margaret’s School 11.00 am Holy Communion at church 4.00 pm Prayer Hour in Church

Page 22 July/August 2016 Wolston Baptist Church 2 Main Street, Wolston

Minister Rev. Neil Moore-Smith 7654 1884 / 07540 581815 Secretary Treasurer Deacons Lynda Warren, Steve Warwood, Sue Newnham

Services for July/August 2016

Sunday July 3rd 11.00 am Mr John Shaw (Communion)

Sunday July 10th 11.00 am All-age Service

Sunday July 17th 11.00 am Rev Neil Moore-Smith (Communion)

Sunday July 24th 11.00 am Mrs Helen Simmonds

Sunday July 31st 11.00 am Mr Steve Warwood (Communion)

Sunday August 7th 11.00 am Rev Neil Moore-Smith (Communion)

Sunday August 14th 11.00 am Rev Neil Moore-Smith

Sunday August 21st 11.00 am Rev Norman Barr (Communion)

Sunday August 28th 11.00 am Rev Neil Moore-Smith

Sunday September 4th 11.00 am Rev Neil Moore-Smith (Communion)

July/August 2016 Page 23 St Peter’s Church Lawford Services for July/August 2016

Sunday 3rd July 10.00 am Family Service, Sunday 10th July 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 17th July 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 24th July 6.30 pm Holy Communion Sunday 31st July 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 7th August 10.00 am Family Service Sunday 14th August 9.15 am Holy Communion Sunday 21st August 9.15 am Morning Prayer Sunday 28th August 6.30 pm Holy Communion Sunday 4th September 10.00 am Family Service

Page 24 July/August 2016

Wolston and Brandon Garden and Allotments Association As the July edition of the Avon Grapevine also covers the month of August it is perhaps an ideal time to remind everyone of the annual Wolston flower and veg show which will take place on Saturday September 3rd at Wolston Village Hall. Even if you don't enter anything in the show,it’s worth coming just to have a look at the exhibits, which - apart from vegetables and flowers - includes cakes jams and much more. All the items on show are auctioned off from 3.30 onwards. The goods up for auction cost a fraction of what you would pay at a supermarket although in previous years it has been known for the children to outbid their parents! The trading shed situated in Stretton Road is open every Sunday from 10 am to 12 noon should you require any further information Allotment Plots There are still a few allotment plots available. If you are interested please ring 07826 164389. Have a lovely July and August and we look forward to seeing you all on Saturday September 3rd at the village hall. Dave Smith

War Memorial Gardens The gardens around the War Memorial, along with others in the village, are colourful with Spring foliage and flowers and we are looking forward to enjoying each successive season as the year rolls on. We do not intend to enter the Rugby in Bloom competition again this year, but instead shall be focusing our energies on ensuring that the existing planting thrives, whilst adding seasonal bedding as the opportunity arrives. We hope that the results of the ongoing work on the gardens continues to give pleasure to the Parishoners and reflects their gratitude to those whose names appear on the Memorial.

Marion Fewkes & Caroline Payne War Memorial Gardeners

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No walk in July or August Resume in September Have a good holiday!

We walk 4+ miles in generally gentle countryside. All are welcome for pleasant walking and conversation. Lifts available. Contact David Gadsby on (024) 7654 3485 for further information. Provisional dates for 2016: September 17th; October 15th; November 12th; December 17th.


Society outing on Sunday afternoon July 17th. We will have a guided walk around lesser known parts of historic Warwick. Please book places ahead: cost £2. Tea will be available, if wanted, in an interesting venue towards the end of the walk. We will meet on Stretton Village Green at 2 p.m. and lifts can be arranged. Visitors are welcome to join us; telephone Anne to book places on (024) 7654 2703. In May we enjoyed a visit to the impressive new exhibition in Radway church about the effect of the English Civil War battle of Edgehill, followed by a walkabout of the village.

Would you like to subscribe to Avon Grapevine or recommend it to a friend or neighbour? Simply fill in this form, cut it out and send it along with £4.50 for your annual subscription to the church office at the Baptist Church. Name …………………………………………………………………………...... Address ………………………………………………………………………......

Page 26 July/August 2016 WOLSTON GARDEN CLUB

Our meeting in June took the form of a visit to a local garden. This year we went to ‘The Granary’, near Fenny Compton; a garden open under the National Garden Scheme. As we travelled along through torrential rain with the windscreen wipers on full speed and watching the lightning in the sky, I did not have great expectations for an enjoyable evening. Our hosts, Lucy and Mike, could not have been more hospitable. They invited us into their home for refreshments and Lucy gave us an introduction to the garden, explained what was there previously and what improvements they had made. The rain had stopped by 8 o’clock, so we did get to walk around the garden and surrounding area. The couple had an extensive vegetable garden, fruit cages and a paddock containing a small copse. The garden surrounded the house on 3 sides and was bordered by the canal. We’re either an intrepid bunch of gardeners, or will go to any lengths for cake!

We will not be meeting again until September, a list of the remaining topics can be found on the village website page. There are a few seats left for the coach trip to Kew Gardens (2nd July). The cost is £16; NOT including entrance. Any queries, please call Valerie Griffin on (024) 7654 5469.

July/August 2016 Page 27 five acre community farm A community supported agriculture scheme

News from your community farm Things are growing! mid June we had the first spring onions, beetroot and carrots. The first cucumbers are being harvested. We are now past the hungry gap and up to offering trial shares. This way you can have four weeks without the commitment of being a member. Look at the website for more details. The Poly tunnels have worked well and we are now up to clearing the overwintered crops and sowing a second crop. We have some good soil and the weeds are thriving too. So the slow cool start seems to be past. Lets look forward to some great crops. Becca, our grower, in addition to the volunteers and work share people has been joined by Clare, a French student, who is here on a two month placement as part of her studies from her college in Toulouse. Say ‘hello’ to her if you visit the farm. [email protected] www.fiveacrefarm.org.uk www.facebook.com/FiveAcreCommunityFarm

The Brandon Club Social Club & Community Organisation Main St, Brandon, CV8 3HW • (024) 7654 2260

Euro 2016 Home Games - £2.50 per pint Do you know the benefits of being a member of the Brandon Club? Exclusive member bar prices • Pool, snooker, darts, skittles and more • Free hire of function room for social & charity events • Access to local pub game leagues • Discounted catering services • First refusal for all ticketed events (Annual inexpensive membership fee applies) Please pop in or call Kim, our stewardess, for more info. Opening hours: Mon to Thurs 5 - 11pm • Friday 2 - 11pm Saturday & Sunday 12noon - 11pm

Page 28 July/August 2016

Wolston Village Hall Mondays Tae Kwon Do 6.00 - 7.30 pm American Square Dancing 8.00 pm Tuesdays Tiddlywinks 9.15 am (for mums and babies under 3 yrs) Bryan School of Dancing 3.30 - 9.00 pm Wednesdays Short Mat Bowls 1.30 - 3.30 pm (Everyone welcome, help given to beginners, flat shoes must be worn) Bryan School of Dancing 4.15 - 7.15 pm Thursdays Bryan School of Dancing 4.00 - 7.00 pm Parish Council every 1st Thurs at 7.15 pm Women’s Institute every 2nd Thurs at 8.00 pm Garden Club every 3rd Thurs at 7.30 pm Saturdays Sequence Dance 1st Sat at 7.30 pm

The Hall is also available for hire for parties. Contact Lesley Blay on 7654 4531.

Fences installed or repaired Gates supplied and fitted Friendly, reliable, and local For a free quotation call Paul on 07938 783 763

All areas of domestic architecture undertaken Dimensional Surveys – Scheme Design – Planning aplan Applications – Building Regulations – Advice ARCHITECTURAL Please contact us to arrange a free, no DESIGN LIMITED obligation meeting.

T: 024 7693 7380 M: 07799 533995 E: [email protected] Registered Office: The Hall, Priory Hill, Rugby Road, Wolston, Warks, CV8 3FZ Registered Number: 6740908

July/August 2016 Page 29

Wolston Leisure and Community Centre

Fitness Room Opening Times Mondays 1.00 - 3.00 pm Tuesdays 6.00 - 9.00 pm Thursdays 6.00 - 9.00 pm Fridays 9.00 - 11.00 am 6.00 - 8.00 pm Membership is only £12 per year and £3.00 per session (£2.30 if over 60). For health and safety reasons an induction is required for new members to be shown how to use the gym equipment safely. Regular Activities Wolston Youth Project Mondays & Wednesdays 7.00 - 9.00 pm Age UK Fitness (Over 50’s) Tuesdays 10.30 - 11.30 am Taekwondo Wednesdays 6.30 - 8.30 pm Yoga Tuesdays 7.00 - 8.30 pm Fridays 11.15 am - 12.45 pm Body Conditioning Thursdays 11.15 am - 12.15 pm If anyone wishes to use the facilities on a regular basis for any activity, discount is given for block bookings.

Function Rooms and All-Weather Pitch There are two rooms available for private functions, weddings, parties, meetings etc. The all-weather pitch (full or half pitch) is available for hire for all age groups including children’s parties. Other Activities Debbie Wilson, our in-house Fitness Instructor also runs Cardiac Rehabilitation classes, GP referral sessions and classes for Dementia patients every week. Debbie regularly organises charity events and social outings.

What’s On In Wolston ?

Your local website (wolstonvillage.co.uk) now features a full ‘What’s On?’ of local events. This will be updated on a real time basis (as far as practicable!) so information will be added as soon as it is received and deleted or updated as soon as the event is complete. Recurring events are welcome, and the schedule will allow you to show complete details of your events, or just planned dates with more information to follow, for more than a year ahead. Just send an email with details of your event to [email protected] or call Bob on (024) 7654 4015 to discuss.

Page 30 July/August 2016

Directory of Useful Contacts

Local Groups and Societies Arise (Men’s Group) Peter Bridges 7654 3410 Nigel Malka 7654 3040 Brandon & Wolston Young Helen Stevens 7654 5620 Farmers Club (10-26 yrs) Hannah Jeyes 7654 2501 Brandon Ladies Ann Cartwright 7654 0617 Brandon, Bretford & Wolston Joy Stanton 7654 3404 History Group Bretford Bulldogs Cycle Speedway Joy Owen 01376 553828 Friends of Brandon Wood Beryl Smith 7654 5509 Ignite+ (School years 3-6) Jayne Flanagan 7654 0778 Little Stars Mhairi Boxer 07908 627089 (Mums, Carers & pre-school children) Tiddlywinks (Mums, Carers & pre-school children) Village Voices Jane Gibbs 7654 4430 (Women’s Singing Group) Valerie Hocking 7654 3572 Wolston & Brandon Allotment Assoc. Ray French 7654 4753 (Allotment Plot Enquiries/Allocation) Dave Smith 07826 164389 Wolston Badminton Club Deidre Postlewaite 7630 3373 Wolston Community Centre Derek Poole 7654 1212 Lisa Jones Wolston Garden Club Valerie Griffin 7654 5469 Wolston Knitting & Craft Circle Helen Adams 01788 877663 Wolston Motor Club John Halford 7654 2751 Wolston Neighbourhood Watch Karen Simmons 07799 723032 Wolston Reading Group Keith Francis 7654 4657 Wolston Village Hall Lesley Blay 7654 4531 Wolston WI Marion Fewkes 7654 3470

July/August 2016 Page 31

Uniformed Organisations General contact Kevan 7654 2837 Rainbows (girls 5-7 yrs) Andrea 07784 527754 Monday 6.00-7.00pm in Church Room Brownies (girls 7-10 yrs) Jenny 024 7654 5954 Monday 6.00-7.30pm in Scout Hut Guides (girls 10-14 yrs) Janet 07789 476714 Monday 6.30-8.00pm in Church Room Beavers (boys and girls 6-8 yrs) Matt 7654 1279 Tuesday 6.00-7.00pm in Scout Hut Cubs (boys and girls 8-10½ yrs) Jake 07879 484815 Wednesday 6.45-8.15pm in Scout Hut Scouts (boys and girls 10½-14 yrs) Pete 07523 288138 Thursday 7.15-9.00pm in Scout Hut Explorers (boys and girls 14-18 yrs) Fay 07919 387971 Friday 7.30-9.30pm

Parish, Borough, and County Councillors and Burial Committee Brandon & Bretford Parish Council Graham Wale 7654 4676 Hazeldene, Rugby Rd, Brandon Wolston Parish Council Tim Harvey-Smith 7654 5019 34 Manor Estate, Wolston Maria Meede (Clerk) 7654 5515 Wolston, Brandon & Bretford Juliet Carter 7654 3977 Joint Burial Committee Church Farm Hse, Main St, Brandon Rugby Borough Councillors Derek Poole 7654 3140 [email protected] Dave Ellis 07711 227779 [email protected] Sally Bragg 7654 3377 [email protected] Warwickshire County Councillor H Timms 7654 3643 [email protected] Borough and County Councils Rugby Borough Council 01788 533533 [email protected] Rugby Community Safety Wardens Emma Malt 0800 0968800 Perminder Rai [email protected] Warwickshire County Council 01788 533656 [email protected]

Page 32 July/August 2016

Community Services

Post Office (024) 7654 4871 Opening Hours Monday-Friday 9.00 am - 5.30 pm Saturday 9.00am - 12.30 pm Mail Collections Monday-Friday 5.00 pm Saturday 10.45 am Library 03005 558171 Opening Hours Monday-Wednesday 2.30 pm - 5.00 pm Thursday-Saturday 10.30 am - 1.00 pm Automated 24/7 renewal line 01926 499273 Email [email protected] Website www.warwickshire.gov.uk/libraries Wolston St. Margaret’s Primary School Address Brookside, Main Street, Wolston Coventry CV8 3HH Phone (024) 7654 2212 Email [email protected] Wolston Surgery (024) 7654 2192 Opening Hours Monday-Friday 8.30 am - 12.30 pm Monday 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 4.45 pm - 6.00 pm Repeat Prescriptions (024) 7654 2192 (Mornings only) You can now visit www.wolstonsurgery.co.uk for more information about the practice and to request repeat prescriptions. Wolston Pharmacy (024) 7654 0959 Opening Hours Monday-Friday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm Saturday 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Alliance Pharmacy (024) 7654 1663 Opening Hours Monday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm Tuesday 9.00 am - 6.30 pm Wednesday 9.00 am - 1.00 pm Thursday 9.00 am - 6.30 pm Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm Rugby Hospital of St Cross 01788 572831 UHCW (Walsgrave) (024) 7696 4000 To report non-emergency crimes, call 101. In emergencies always call 999. The members of the Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team can also be contacted for other issues on 101 or by email on [email protected]

July/August 2016 Page 33

Sear and Cowen Glass & Glazing Ltd Your local specialist for all glass and glazing supply and repairs including ROBAX® heat resistant glass:  Misted & broken double glazed units  Glass cut to size replaced  Bespoke mirrors  Window handles & hinges replaced  Kitchen splash backs  Next day toughened safety glass  U.P.V.C. specialists  Heat-resistant glass for stoves & log  Large range of composite doors burners Fensa registered. Est. 1995. Call today for a free estimate! 2a Fenwick Drive, Hillmorton, Rugby CV21 4PQ Rugby: 01788 546917  Leamington: 01926 659551 Coventry: 024 7662 0593  Daventry: 01327 31718 Email: [email protected] or visit www.searandcowenglazing.co.uk for more information

Page 34 July/August 2016 Warwickshire Chiropractic The Garden Cottage at Longfield, Do you need help Spring Hill, Bubbenhall, CV8 3BD at home? Telephone 024 7630 2033 Why suffer with aches and pains? Cleaning - Ironing - Sewing - I can help! Shopping? Pet care within your own home while you are on holiday or for Someone you can trust... short breaks? Gary Blood Regular or one-off jobs considered Painter and Decorator Retired Police Officer with Call for a quote or hourly rates 31 years’ service Wendy Gilsenan Tel (024) 7654 3936 Mobile 07501 004786 07841 340635 Email [email protected]

July/August 2016 Page 35


Over 25 years’ experience arranging travel, holidays and honeymoons - providing you with an unrivalled level of personal service. Also I’m local, in Wolston!

T 024 7654 5876 or 07810 557237 E [email protected] W www.travelcounsellors.com/lucy.morgans

Bridesmaid Boutique GEMMA WRIGHTING Salon-based stylist at Masquerade Brandon hairdressers in taking the stress out of buying Also offering local mobile services: Cutting  Colouring  Perms Bridesmaid and Prom Dresses Blowdrys/Sets  Gents’ hair email [email protected] Phone me at salon: (024) 7654 2118 tel Lynn Secret 07980 122 278 Or on my mobile: 07557 352 122 http://www.bridesmaid-boutique.co.uk

Page 36 July/August 2016

Fair Trade Painting & Decorating

Specialist in exterior and interior re-decoration

Former Police Officer with the added bonus of being a time-served, City & Guilds, Advanced Craft decorator CHEF, COOK & since 1986. BOTTLEWASHERS All inclusive Caterers – we do Call Graeme Milne on everything so you don’t have to! Jain Galliford and her team have 07904594224 over 30 years of experience catering events and parties, both Email [email protected] formal and informal Weddings, Celebrations, Dinner Parties, Tea Parties, Funerals, BBQs & Business Lunches Wolston Fencing Company In your own home, or where ever For all your fencing requirements you need us, we source locally, Services also available: purchase, prepare, cook, serve,  Decking wash and tidy up  Driveway / patio paving / drainage ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE  Roofing, fascias & guttering  General building works WITHOUT THE STRESS! Please contact for a free quotation Call 07970 020205 or email: t. (024) 7704 8173 m. 07895 446900 [email protected]

Classes in Ballet, Tap, Disco, and Acrobatics for boys & girls aged 2½ upwards, and adults Lessons held at Wolston Village Hall For further details contact Amanda Thompson A.I.D.T.A on (024) 7654 5872 or email [email protected]

July/August 2016 Page 37

Alliance Pharmacy of Wolston 1a School St, Wolston CV8 3HG Our newly-opened Pharmacy is run by fully-qualified local pharmacists, on hand to give you advice and dispense your prescriptions. We can arrange collection of your prescription from your local surgery and free delivery of your medication to your chosen location. www.wolstonchemist.co.uk Tel: 024 7654 1663 Fax: 024 7654 1890

Ralph’s Heating Services For all your heating needs, from full installation to minor repairs. Warwickshire’s No. 1 for Boiler Breakdown and servicing at a time convenient to you. Boiler services and landlord certificates from £50.00

Paul Ralph, Wolston (024) 7654 2903 07923 297780 528322

escape beauty Whether it's a quick eyebrow shape, or relaxing facial, we all need a little 'me time' to be pampered, so why not take the time out to find somewhere to “escape”

Jackie Barden (024) 76635 221 or 07983 725414 25 Princethorpe Way escapebeautycoventry.com Ernesford Grange [email protected] Coventry CV3 2HE

Page 38 July/August 2016 WOLSTON PHARMACY

UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP - M W Philips Chemists The ONLY chemist in Wolston where you can have FACE-TO-FACE contact with a Pharmacist about your medicines FREE prescription collection from ALL local GP surgeries, delivery if required FREE Repeat Prescription Management services available You can also order your repeat prescriptions via our ONLINE service 12a School St, Wolston, CV8 3HF Visit our online store at Tel: (024) 7654 0959 www.mwphillipschemist.co.uk

Discover the Power of Aloe Vera Forever Living Products [FLP] are the world’s largest and most successful grower and producer of Aloe Vera products and are represented in this area by their Independent Distributor and Consultant Helma Austin For a confidential consultation telephone 024 7654 2784

Ailments successfully treated by FLP products include:

Arthritis  Eczema  Psoriasis  Asthma Colitis  I.B.S  Blood Pressure Muscular Pain  Burns This list is only an example of the range of ailments successfully treated. In addition FLP produce a full range of cosmetic products all based upon Aloe Vera.

MT BELLYS Pet Supplies FREE DELIVERY within a 10-mile radius of Wolston COM-PET-ITIVE PRICES Dogs to Cats - Rabbits to Hamsters - Parrots to Budgies - Hens to Wrens Order online at www.mtbellys.com or Tel 07523 978843 for a personal friendly service

July/August 2016 Page 39

Penny Gibbings Complementary Therapist - Reflexology, Bowen, Emmett ——————————————————————————————— Relieve stress, stiffness & pain — Feel better! Book a treatment. Vouchers available — a great present! Call me to see how I can help 024 7654 2837 / 07957 324360 www.pennygibbings.co.uk

Have a unique portrait of your pet or loved one created from your photo or Badgers Tearoom from life. Located within Brandon Marsh Nature Centre Contact Alex Thompson Family run business on (024) 7654 3397 Home cooked food Breakfast and lunch menu French & German tuition Daily Specials board Qualified teacher: Chris Mulley Tea, Coffee and Cake Primary, GCSE, Adult learners Open 10 am – 4 pm 7 days a week Learn for fun, get the grades or Evening room hire now available brush up your conversational skills! Call 0779 2650285 or 024 7654 3052 02476 301 160 Brandon lane, CV3 3GW.

Gigante Computers

Laptop and computer sales and repairs Health checks, virus removals, data

recovery, Internet and wireless issues

We also buy unwanted laptops and PCs

Stores in and Coventry

01926 887065 and 024 7641 9807


Page 40 July/August 2016

LORDS HILL FARM Farmhouse B&B Lords Hill Cattery 2 double en-suite rooms 30 deluxe chalets Ground floor accommodation Secure with all comforts

Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.lordshillfarm.co.uk www.lordshillcattery.co.uk Jane & Ian Gibbs, Lords Hill Farm, Coalpit Lane, Wolston, CV8 3GB Tel: (024) 7654 4430 Mobile: 07531 438074

Manager: Rob Fumagalli