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Supplement 2017 Under the Auspices of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy CAROL DAVILA Volume 12 (15) Supplement 2017 Supplement Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy CAROL DAVILA (May 29th-31st 2017) ISSN 2501-6903 ISSN-L 2501-6903 Volume 12 Supplement 2017 Editor-in-chief Deputy Editors Mircea CINTEZA (Romania) Dragos VINEREANU (Romania) Bogdan O. POPESCU (Romania) Senior Editors Ioanel SINESCU (Romania) Managing editors Alan G. FRASER (UK) Eliza Elena CINTEZA (Romania) Adriana ILIESIU (Romania) International Editorial Board Scientific Publishing Committee (University of Medicine and Pharmacy 1. Martin BURIAN (Austria) Carol Davila) 2. Gianfranco BUTERA (Italy) 3. Gheorghe CERIN (Italy) 1. Petru ARMEAN 4. Adrian COVIC (Romania) 2. Mihaela BALGRADEAN 5. Maurizio CUTOLO (Italy) 3. Ovidiu BAJENARU 6. Marco DIENA (Italy) 4. Mircea BEURAN 7. Heiner FANGERAU (Germany) 5. Dana BODNAR 8. Antonio FEDERICO (Italy) 6. Miron BOGDAN 9. Nicholas GOURTSOYIANNIS (Greece) 7. Alexandru BUCUR 10. Christopher GRANGER (USA) 8. Emanoil CEAUSU 11. Nicolae HANCU (Romania) 9. Delia CINTEZA 12. Marc HUMBERT (France) 10. Catalin CIRSTOIU 13. Mircea IVAN (USA) 11. Ileana CONSTANTINESCU 14. Vecsei LASZLO (Hungary) 12. Mircea DICULESCU 15. Gerald MAURER (Austria) 13. Ion FULGA 16. Serban MIHAILEANU (France) 14. Daniela FILIPESCU 17. Radu MIHAI (UK) 15. Mihai HINESCU 18. Lucian MIRON (Romania) 16. Ecaterina IONESCU 19. Piero PORTINCASA (Italy) 17. Ruxandra IONESCU 20. Schmidt THORSTEN (Germany) 18. Anca LUPU 21. Emil TOESCU (UK) 19. Dumitru LUPULIASA 22. Selman URANUES (Austria) 20. Dana MINCA 23. Victor VOICU (Romania) 21. Cristina PARVU DINU 22. Doina PLESCA 23. Bogdan A POPESCU 24. Adrian STREINU-CERCEL 25. Radu VLADAREANU IMPORTANT: • The journal is granted with B+ indicative by the CNCSIS. • The annual subscription comes along with a CMR certificate that offers you 5 EMC points. • Attention! The subscription can be solicited starting with any edition of the Medical Journal. For more information, please visit COPYRIGHT: All data, information and protocols from the official site and MÆDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine may be reproduced, copied or adapted, freely and unconditionally, under the provision to mention the source as follows: “taken/adapted from MÆDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine.” PUBLISHER: MEDIA MED PUBLICIS Address of editorial staff: 10, Petofi Sandor, District 1, Bucharest Phone: +4031 101 13 221 Mædica J Clin Med. ISSN: 2501-6903 ISSN-L: 2501-6903 MAEDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine A valuable Journal of clinical medicine, MAEDICA, has as a main purpose to enrich the quality of the medical practice in Romania through its scientific specialized content. From the summary: – the newest studies, research and discussions in clinical medicine nowadays; – scientific editorials that reflect an up-to-date synthesis of the results in the newest na- tional and international medical papers and research; – a number of clinical Romanian works and also articles from international collaborators; – the content of the Journal is in English only. The Journal has a great peer-review board and its content respects the international stan- dards of certified quality and originality of the articles. Subsequent to the CNCSIS accreditation, the publication was granted B+. At the present moment, MAEDICA - a Journal of Clinical Medicine is part of the inter- national data bases as follows: – PubMed – EBSCO Organizing committee Acad. Ioanel SINESCU Congress Chairman, Rector Prof. Dragos VINEREANU Congress Chairman, Vice-Rector Prof. Mircea BEURAN President of the Senate Prof. Ecaterina IONESCU Vice-Rector Prof. Catalina POIANA Vice-Rector Prof. Viorel JINGA Vice-Rector Prof. Bogdan O. POPESCU Vice-Rector Prof. Dana MINCA Vice-Rector Prof. Dumitru LUPULIASA Director of the Committee for PhD University Studies Prof. Catalin CIRSTOIU Dean Prof. Doina DRAGANESCU Dean Conf. Paula PERLEA Dean Conf. Nicoleta Maru Dean of the Faculty of Nurses and Midwives Prof. Ileana CONSTANTINESCU Director of Department for Grants and Scientific Research Prof. Simona RUTA Vice-Dean for Scientific Research Prof. Cristina PARVU Vice-Dean for Scientific Research Prof. Andreea DIDILESCU Vice-Dean for Scientific Research Prof. Mircea Ioan POPA Chairman of the Research Ethics Committee Prof. Ovidiu BAJENARU Chairman of the Senate’s Scientific Research Committee Prof. Victor PURCAREA Director of Publishing House Carol Davila Prof. Cristian CURCA Chairman of the Academic Ethics and Deontology Committee Prof. Octavian BUDA History of Medicine Dr. Silviu PITURU General Secretary Ec. Doina CRISAN Administrative Director Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine Content Abstracts of the posters exposed at the Congress of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest (May 29th-31st 2017) Young Investigator Award 3 Surgical Specialities 3 Medical Specialities 6 Preclinical Specialities 10 Pharmacy 13 Preclinical Specialities 16 Dental Medicine 36 Pharmacy 39 Medical Specialities 49 Surgical Specialities 122 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 12, Supplement, 2017 1 Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine YOOUNGUNG INNVESTIGATORVESTIGATOR AWWARDARD SURGICAL SPECIALITIES (ID 66) Fertility preservation (ID 93) The dinamics of cervical before cancer treatment - a SOS human papillomavirus infection to Romanian hematological in conservatively treated women cancers for high- grade cervical Mihaela Nicoleta Plotogea1,2, Marina Rodica intraepithelial neoplasia Antonovici1,2, Ana Maria Rotaru2, Oana Ionescu1, Calina Maier, T. Maier, Mihai Mitran, Elvira Roxana Bohiltea1, Elvira Bratila1, Claudia Bratila Mehedintu1,2 Clinical Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology Prof. 1University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Dr. Panait Sirbu, Bucharest, Romania Bucharest, Romania 2Clinical Hospital Nicolae Malaxa, Bucharest, Romania Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the dinamics of HPV cervical infection in high-grade Introduction: Cancer diagnosis is lately found fre- CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) diagnosed quent among medical conditions in young patients. women who benefited from conization. Furthermore, Fortunately, the survival rate has increased due to ag- we sought to evaluate the correlation between the col- gressive treatments of chemo and radiotherapy, with a poscopic impression using the RCI (Reid Colposcopic high cure rate. The difficult overall recovery of the pa- Index) and HPV status. tients is hampered by a diagnosis as premature ovarian Material and methods: We conducted a prospec- failure, a frequent non-malign complication related to tive cohort study carried out in ”Prof. Dr. Panait Sîrbu” cancer treatment. The infertility diagnosis is taken as Clinical Hospital in Bucharest between november hard as the cancer itself by the patients. Not only the 2013- february 2016. A total of 290 women under- lack of fertility preservation, but even the failure to dis- went primary conization for high-grade cervical dyspla- cuss the fertility preservation options before cancer sia. In all patients colposcopy and HPV genotyping treatment may have negative consequences on wom- were performed before the intervention. The follow- en’s quality of life, women reporting less regret when up protocol consisted in co- testing performed at 12 informed prior to treatment. and 24 months after the procedure, as recommended Materials and methods: This research is a part of by ASCCP guidelines. Persistent/recurrent disease was an ongoing retrospective study started in 2014 and in- defined as histologically proven CIN during follow-up. cludes a number of 28 women, after signing an in- All patients were attended in our clinic and signed an formed consent. They were diagnosed with premature informed consent at admission according to the World ovarian failure following hematologic malignancies, Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. treated with aggressive chemotherapy and radiothera- Results: Among 290 women in study, 99.65% py (part of bone marrow transplant protocol). They were HPV- positive and more than a half (56.4%) had were asked to complete a questionnaire focusing on more than one genotype (mixed infection). HPV 16 psychological and physical impact of infertility and re- had the highest prevalence (22.5%) followed by HPV lated aspects. 18 (8.7%) and HPV 53 (9.3%). Out of 80 patients who Results: Analyzing the data, it appears that no fer- were HPV- positive at the first follow-up visit, 78.3% tility preservation procedures were mentioned and also had persistent/ recurrent lesions, with HPV 16 having no gynecological consult was performed to the patients the highest risk of persistence (p< 0.01). In addition, prior to cancer treatment. They were not informed age over 40 years, smoking and lack of use of barrier about the probable ovarian damage due to aggressive contraception were statistically associated with HPV treatment, up to induced menopause in most of the persistence. Patients who had a lesion with an initial cases. Patients reported that the infertility and prema- high-grade colposcopic impression (ICR > 6) also pre- ture menopause diagnosis was unexpected and severe- sented higher rates of HPV 16 and HPV 18 persistence ly decreased their quality of life and personal relation- (p= 0.03). Using Kaplan- Meier survival analysis we ships. The absence of a treatment also had a negative observed that disease-free intervals are significant high- impact alongside to consequences of urogenital
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