Monique Roffey | 400 pages | 31 Mar 2011 | Simon & Schuster Ltd | 9781849833035 | English | London, Adaptive Learning Platform | Learning Games | Sumdog

Probably the biggest difference between the two is that a usually signals an end to the rain, while a sundog often means that rain, or snow is on the way. Good luck? In medieval times, the three bright lights were sometimes interpreted as the sign of the trinity, a sign of great fortune. Nowadays, they are a sign that you were lucky to be looking at the sky at just the right time. Seen one headed to town Saturday morning. I posted it to my Facebook not realizing what I had photographed. A friend of mine explained to me what it was. Wish I could share my photo with you. I think I saw these moving back and forth in the sky yesterday in my backyard idk, I also saw the moon go all the way up in the sky before it diasapeared all together. Being from Louisiana, I may never see one. But now I have an excuse to go visit up north. That is some cool info. Thanks for posting that. Skip to main content. What Are Sundogs? Beside the Sun! By James J. July 18, About This Blog. Related Articles . What do you want to read next? Fire Rainbows and Fire Tornadoes. What is a Rainbow? might have sun dogs formed by both water-ice and CO 2 -ice. On the planets— , , , and —other crystals form clouds of , methane , and other substances that can produce halos with four or more sun dogs. However, sun dogs represent just one of many different types of halos. For referring to the atmospheric phenomenon in general, the term ice crystal halo s is more appropriate. The exact etymology of sun dog largely remains a mystery. The Oxford English Dictionary states it as being "of obscure origin". The phenomena [sic] of false which sometimes attend or dog the true when seen through the mist parhelions. In Norfolk a sun-dog is a light spot near the sun, and water-dogs are the light watery clouds; dog here is no doubt the same word as dag , dew or mist as "a little dag of rain" Philolog. Dog in English as a verb can mean "hunt, track, or follow", [11] so Dog the true [sun] has meant track the true [sun] since the s. Alternatively, Jonas Persson suggested that out of Norse mythology and archaic names — Danish : solhunde sun dog , Norwegian : solhund sun dog , Swedish : solvarg sun wolf — in the Scandinavian languages, constellations of two wolves hunting the Sun and the Moon, one after and one before, may be a possible origin for the term. In the Anglo-Cornish dialect of Cornwall , United Kingdom , sun dogs are known as weather dogs described as "a short segment of a rainbow seen on the horizon, foreshowing foul weather". This is in turn related to the Anglo-Cornish term cock's eye for a halo round the sun or the moon, also a portent of bad weather. Meteorology III. The poet Aratus Phaenomena , lines — mentions parhelia as part of his catalogue of Weather Signs; according to him, they can indicate rain, wind, or an approaching storm. Artemidorus in his Oneirocritica 'On the Interpretation of Dreams' included the mock suns amongst a list of celestial deities. A passage in 's On the Republic 54—51 BC is one of many by Greek and Roman authors who refer to sun dogs and similar phenomena:. Be it so, said Tubero; and since you invite me to discussion, and present the opportunity, let us first examine, before any one else arrives, what can be the nature of the parhelion, or double sun, which was mentioned in the senate. Those that affirm they witnessed this prodigy are neither few nor unworthy of credit, so that there is more reason for investigation than incredulity. Seneca makes an incidental reference to sun dogs in the first book of his Naturales Quaestiones. The 2nd-century Roman writer and philosopher Apuleius in his Apologia XV says "What is the cause of the prismatic colours of the rainbow, or of the appearance in heaven of two rival images of the sun, with sundry other phenomena treated in a monumental volume by of Syracuse. Fulcher of Chartres , writing in Jerusalem in the early twelfth century, notes in his Historia Hierosolymitana that on February 23, Above their circle a halo appeared, shining very brightly, extending in its breadth as if it were some kind of city. Inside this circle a half-circle appeared, similar to a rainbow, distinct in its fourfold color, in the higher part curved towards the two aforementioned Suns, touching them in an embrace of the Sun. The prelude to the Battle of Mortimer's Cross in Herefordshire , in is supposed to have involved the appearance of a halo display with three "suns". The Yorkist commander, later Edward IV of England , convinced his initially frightened troops that it represented the three sons of the Duke of York, and Edward's troops won a decisive victory. Another early clear description of sun dogs is by Jacob Hutter , who wrote in his Brotherly Faithfulness: Epistles from a Time of Persecution :. My beloved children, I want to tell you that on the day after the departure of our brothers Kuntz and Michel, on a Friday, we saw three suns in the sky for a good long time, about an hour, as well as two rainbows. These had their backs turned toward each other, almost touching in the middle, and their ends pointed away from each other. And this I, Jakob, saw with my own eyes, and many brothers and sisters saw it with me. After a while the two suns and rainbows disappeared, and only the one sun remained. Even though the other two suns were not as bright as the one, they were clearly visible. I feel this was no small miracle… [23]. The original was written in German and is from a letter originally sent in November from Auspitz in Moravia to the Adige Valley in Tyrol. The Thursday after was 30 October. For two hours in the morning of 20 April , the skies over the city were filled with white circles and arcs crossing the sky, while additional suns i. The phenomenon quickly resulted in rumours of an omen of God's forthcoming revenge on King Gustav Vasa — for having introduced Protestantism during the s and for being heavy-handed with his enemies allied with the Danish king. Hoping to end speculations, the Chancellor and Lutheran scholar — ordered a painting to be produced documenting the event. When confronted with the painting, the king, however, interpreted it as a conspiracy — the real sun of course being himself threatened by competing fake suns, one being Olaus Petri and the other the clergyman and scholar Laurentius Andreae — , both thus accused of treachery, but eventually escaping capital punishment. The original painting is lost, but a copy from the s survives and can still be seen in the church in central . A series of complex parhelia displays in Rome in , and again in , were described by Christoph Scheiner in his book Parhelia , one of the earliest works on the subject. On 20 February the people of Danzig witnessed a complex halo display , described by Georg Fehlau in a pamphlet, the Sevenfold Sun Miracle , and again the following year by in his book, Mercurius in Sole visus Gedani. In , winter in the British Colony of Newfoundland was referred to as the 'Winter of Three Suns' and was unusually cold with 15 days of temperatures between 3—10 degrees below zero. On 14 February , the people of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region witnessed a complex halo display , in which all five sun halos were linked to each other by rays, forming a circle among them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Atmospheric optical phenomenon. Sundogs: Rainbows Beside the Sun

She then recalls something Tom witnessed—when he drove past Mort alone, he saw Shooter and Mort in his rear view mirror, but Shooter was transparent. Amy then reveals that while digging through Mort's house, she found Shooter's trademark hat. She left it right-side up on a trash bag. When she returned, she found a note from Shooter inside the overturned hat, revealing that he has traveled back to Mississippi with the story he came for, "Crowfoot Mile. The storyline of the movie differs from that of the novel, most notably in their respective endings. In the movie, Mort kills his wife and her lover, while in the novel he is killed before he has a chance to do so. In the movie, after months it is shown that Mort grew corn in his wife's garden, where it is implied that he buried her and her lover, thus removing any proof that he murdered them. Another difference is the titles of the short stories: in the movie, Mort Rainey wrote a story called "Secret Window" and John Shooter wrote "Sowing Season. King has been the subject of unfounded accusations of plagiarism. A woman claimed that King stole several of her story ideas and based characters from his books on her. All of her cases have been dismissed. The fake bomb was made of pencils with paperclips wrapped around the erasers. Peebles is asked to give a speech to his local Rotary Club. An office assistant Naomi Higgins directs him to the public library to check out books that might help with his speechwriting. At the library, he receives a library card and assistance in finding books from an elderly librarian, Ardelia Lortz. Having noticed a series of disturbing posters in the children's section, including one featuring a frightening "Library Policeman" character, he discusses their appropriateness with Ardelia. After being rebuffed by her, Sam checks out the books with the warning that they must be returned on time or else "I'll have to send the Library Policeman after you. The speech is a success, but Naomi informs Sam that Ardelia Lortz has been dead for many years. Ardelia, as a young woman, committed suicide in after murdering two children and a local deputy sheriff. The books are accidentally destroyed and a menacing Library Policeman terrorizes Sam at his house. Dave believes Ardelia is seeking revenge and a new host. While the trio attempt to stop Ardelia's return, Sam recalls a repressed memory: a man claiming to be a "Library Policeman" raped and threatened Sam when he was a young child in St. However, the new Library Policeman is not just a recreation of the man from Sam's past, but also an embodiment of Ardelia, who wants Sam as her new host. Dave dies defending Sam and Naomi from Ardelia. Kevin Delevan receives a Sun Polaroid camera for his fifteenth birthday. He discovers that there is something strange about the camera: the only pictures it produces are of a malicious black dog which seems to move closer with each shot as though to attack the photographer. On a recommendation, Kevin seeks help from Reginald "Pop" Merrill, the wealthy and unscrupulous owner of a junk shop in the town of Castle Rock, Maine. While just as unsettled by the phenomenon as Kevin, Merrill sees an opportunity to further his own interests; namely, selling the camera to a paranormal enthusiast for a great deal of money. He manages to switch out the camera for another of the same model, which Kevin destroys. Much to his dismay, however, Merrill cannot rid himself of the Sun as his customers either dismiss it as a fake or decline to purchase it due to the discomfort and unease they feel upon viewing the photographs. Furthermore, Merrill finds himself increasingly compelled to use the Sun — the dog slowly advancing and transforming into something more savage and monstrous with every picture he takes. In the meantime, Kevin is plagued by recurring nightmares about the dog. Realizing that Merrill tricked him and the Sun was never destroyed, he sets out to prevent Merrill from taking any more pictures for fear that the dog will "break through" into the real world. By this point, the camera's influence over Merrill has caused him to lose his grip on sanity. After waking up one night to find himself holding the Sun and repeatedly pressing its trigger, Merrill resolves to smash it in the morning. However, he hallucinates that one of the cuckoo clocks hanging on the wall of his store is really the camera, and smashes the clock instead. Under the illusion that he's repairing a clock at his workbench, Merrill starts taking pictures again. At this moment, Kevin and his father arrive to confront Merrill, but they are too late to stop him. The dog tears its way out of the final photograph, killing Merrill in the process. Inspired by his nightmares, Kevin has brought another Sun with him, and just as the dog is about to release itself, he takes its picture, trapping it once more in the "Polaroid world". In the epilogue, Kevin gets a computer for his following birthday. In order to test its word processor function, he types " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. It is not sleeping. It is not lazy. It's coming for you, Kevin. It's very hungry. Keep in touch! Sign up for our latest news and updates by email. Sign up free Watch: Sumdog in 90 seconds. Prepare for the MTC. Explore Spelling. Double mathematical fluency A recent study found that using Sumdog Maths for 30 minutes a week almost doubled pupil's fluency progress. Read the Impact Report. Build fluency with Sumdog Tables Reinforce learning with regular practice Tables fluency is an essential step towards becoming a confident learner. Start practising. Learn More in these related Britannica articles:. Sun , star around which Earth and the other components of the solar system revolve. It is the dominant body of the system, constituting more than 99 percent of its entire mass. The Sun is the source of an enormous amount of energy, a portion of which provides Earth with the…. Known since prehistoric times, it is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun. Cloud , any visible mass of water droplets, ice crystals, or a mixture of both that is suspended in the air, usually at a considerable height see video. Fog is a shallow layer of cloud at or near ground level. Clouds are formed when relatively moist air rises. As a mass of…. Four Past Midnight - Wikipedia

If the majority of these plate-shaped ice crystals are positioned with their flat sides horizontal to the ground, you will see a sundog. If the crystals are positioned at a mix of angles, your eyes will see a circular halo without the distinct "dogs. Sundogs can and do occur worldwide and during all seasons, but they are most common during winter months when ice crystals are more abundant. All that's needed for a sundog to form are either cirrus clouds or cirrostratus clouds ; only these clouds are cold enough to be made of the necessary plate-shaped ice crystals. The size of the sundog will be determined by the size of the crystals. The sundog occurs when sunlight is refracted off of these plate crystals per the following process:. Does something about this process sound vaguely familiar? If so, it's because another well-known optical weather phenomenon involves the refraction of light: the rainbow! Sundogs may look like bite-sized rainbows, but inspect one closer and you'll notice that its color scheme is actually reversed. Primary rainbows are red on the outside and violet on the inside, while sundogs are red on the side nearest the sun, with colors grading through orange to blue as you travel away from it. It is the dominant body of the system, constituting more than 99 percent of its entire mass. The Sun is the source of an enormous amount of energy, a portion of which provides Earth with the…. Known since prehistoric times, it is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun. Cloud , any visible mass of water droplets, ice crystals, or a mixture of both that is suspended in the air, usually at a considerable height see video. Fog is a shallow layer of cloud at or near ground level. Clouds are formed when relatively moist air rises. As a mass of…. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Day , every day in your inbox! Amy discovers that Mort has gone insane, having written the word "Shooter" all over the house. She goes to Mort's study, where "Shooter" attempts to kill her in an ambush. She manages to escape. Mort becomes himself again, addresses Amy, and dies. Later, Amy and Ted Milner—a man she had an affair with before divorcing Mort—discuss her ex-husband's motives. She insists that Mort had become two people, one of them a character so vivid it became real. She then recalls something Tom witnessed—when he drove past Mort alone, he saw Shooter and Mort in his rear view mirror, but Shooter was transparent. Amy then reveals that while digging through Mort's house, she found Shooter's trademark hat. She left it right-side up on a trash bag. When she returned, she found a note from Shooter inside the overturned hat, revealing that he has traveled back to Mississippi with the story he came for, "Crowfoot Mile. The storyline of the movie differs from that of the novel, most notably in their respective endings. In the movie, Mort kills his wife and her lover, while in the novel he is killed before he has a chance to do so. In the movie, after months it is shown that Mort grew corn in his wife's garden, where it is implied that he buried her and her lover, thus removing any proof that he murdered them. Another difference is the titles of the short stories: in the movie, Mort Rainey wrote a story called "Secret Window" and John Shooter wrote "Sowing Season. King has been the subject of unfounded accusations of plagiarism. A woman claimed that King stole several of her story ideas and based characters from his books on her. All of her cases have been dismissed. The fake bomb was made of pencils with paperclips wrapped around the erasers. Peebles is asked to give a speech to his local Rotary Club. An office assistant Naomi Higgins directs him to the public library to check out books that might help with his speechwriting. At the library, he receives a library card and assistance in finding books from an elderly librarian, Ardelia Lortz. Having noticed a series of disturbing posters in the children's section, including one featuring a frightening "Library Policeman" character, he discusses their appropriateness with Ardelia. After being rebuffed by her, Sam checks out the books with the warning that they must be returned on time or else "I'll have to send the Library Policeman after you. The speech is a success, but Naomi informs Sam that Ardelia Lortz has been dead for many years. Ardelia, as a young woman, committed suicide in after murdering two children and a local deputy sheriff. The books are accidentally destroyed and a menacing Library Policeman terrorizes Sam at his house. Dave believes Ardelia is seeking revenge and a new host. While the trio attempt to stop Ardelia's return, Sam recalls a repressed memory: a man claiming to be a "Library Policeman" raped and threatened Sam when he was a young child in St. However, the new Library Policeman is not just a recreation of the man from Sam's past, but also an embodiment of Ardelia, who wants Sam as her new host. Dave dies defending Sam and Naomi from Ardelia. Kevin Delevan receives a Sun Polaroid camera for his fifteenth birthday. He discovers that there is something strange about the camera: the only pictures it produces are of a malicious black dog which seems to move closer with each shot as though to attack the photographer. On a recommendation, Kevin seeks help from Reginald "Pop" Merrill, the wealthy and unscrupulous owner of a junk shop in the town of Castle Rock, Maine. While just as unsettled by the phenomenon as Kevin, Merrill sees an opportunity to further his own interests; namely, selling the camera to a paranormal enthusiast for a great deal of money. He manages to switch out the camera for another of the same model, which Kevin destroys. Much to his dismay, however, Merrill cannot rid himself of the Sun as his customers either dismiss it as a fake or decline to purchase it due to the discomfort and unease they feel upon viewing the photographs. Furthermore, Merrill finds himself increasingly compelled to use the Sun — the dog slowly advancing and transforming into something more savage and monstrous with every picture he takes. In the meantime, Kevin is plagued by recurring nightmares about the dog. Realizing that Merrill tricked him and the Sun was never destroyed, he sets out to prevent Merrill from taking any more pictures for fear that the dog will "break through" into the real world. By this point, the camera's influence over Merrill has caused him to lose his grip on sanity. After waking up one night to find himself holding the Sun and repeatedly pressing its trigger, Merrill resolves to smash it in the morning. However, he hallucinates that one of the cuckoo clocks hanging on the wall of his store is really the camera, and smashes the clock instead. Under the illusion that he's repairing a clock at his workbench, Merrill starts taking pictures again. At this moment, Kevin and his father arrive to confront Merrill, but they are too late to stop him. The dog tears its way out of the final photograph, killing Merrill in the process. Inspired by his nightmares, Kevin has brought another Sun with him, and just as the dog is about to release itself, he takes its picture, trapping it once more in the "Polaroid world". sun dog | Definition & Facts | Britannica

Does something about this process sound vaguely familiar? If so, it's because another well-known optical weather phenomenon involves the refraction of light: the rainbow! Sundogs may look like bite-sized rainbows, but inspect one closer and you'll notice that its color scheme is actually reversed. Primary rainbows are red on the outside and violet on the inside, while sundogs are red on the side nearest the sun, with colors grading through orange to blue as you travel away from it. In a double rainbow, the colors of the secondary bow are arranged in this same way. Sundogs are like secondary rainbows in another way too: Their colors are fainter than those of a primary bow. How visible or whitewashed a sundog's colors are depends on how much the ice crystals wobble as they float in the air. The more wobble, the more vibrant the sundog's colors. Despite their beauty, sundogs are indicative of foul weather, just like their halo cousins. Since the clouds that cause them cirrus and cirrostratus can signify an approaching weather system, sundogs themselves often indicate that rain will fall within the next 24 hours. Share Flipboard Email. Tiffany Means. Meteorology Expert. Updated January 20, ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. In medieval times, the three bright lights were sometimes interpreted as the sign of the trinity, a sign of great fortune. Nowadays, they are a sign that you were lucky to be looking at the sky at just the right time. Seen one headed to town Saturday morning. I posted it to my Facebook not realizing what I had photographed. A friend of mine explained to me what it was. Wish I could share my photo with you. I think I saw these moving back and forth in the sky yesterday in my backyard idk, I also saw the moon go all the way up in the sky before it diasapeared all together. Being from Louisiana, I may never see one. But now I have an excuse to go visit up north. That is some cool info. Thanks for posting that. Skip to main content. What Are Sundogs? Rainbows Beside the Sun! By James J. July 18, About This Blog. Related Articles Meteorology. What do you want to read next? Fire Rainbows and Fire Tornadoes. What is a Rainbow? How Rainbows Patrick's Day and Double kalender-diabetiker-notizbuch-blutz-963.pdf