December 3, 2020

TO: Jorge Gadala-Maria

FROM: Scott Pippin

RE: FCC Public Notice Requirements for WHSR(AM) Sale

In connection with the sale of station WHSR(AM) to HMDF, LLC, the station must post a public notice of the filing of the FCC assignment application on the BBGI website.1 Details about the notice are set forth below.

Website Posting Requirements

WHSR must post a public notice on the BBGI website within 5 business days of the date of acceptance by the FCC of the assignment application. The application was accepted by the FCC on December 2, so you must post the public notice on the BBGI website no later than December 9. After posting, the notice must remain on the BBGI website for at least 30 consecutive days.2

Per our telephone discussion, a hyperlink called “FCC Applications” should be placed at the bottom of the BBGI home page. That link should direct to a separate webpage that contains the text of the public notice, as set forth below. At the bottom of the webpage, there should be a sentence that states the date on which the webpage was last updated: “This webpage was last updated on ______[insert date of posting].”

1 Such notices are usually posted on station websites; however, because WHSR does not currently have a website, the notice must be posted on the website of the corporate parent, BBGI. See Amendment of Section 73.3580 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding Public Notice of the Filing of Applications, Report and Order, FCC 20-65 (¶ 12). Such notices are usually also broadcast on the station; however, because WHSR is not currently transmitting, the station is only required to post the public notice on the BBGI website. See id. (¶ 24).

2 After the 30 day period, the public notice may be removed from the BBGI website, at which time the WHSR public notice text should be replaced with the following text: “There are no pending applications subject to the FCC’s public notice posting requirement.” The date that the text is changed should be noted in a sentence at the bottom of the posting that says “This webpage was last updated on ______[insert date of posting].”

Recordkeeping Requirements

After the public notice has been posted on the website for 30 days, you should complete the Certificate of Compliance that is attached to this memo as Attachment A. You should retain a copy of the text of the public notice and the Certificate of Compliance for your own internal records. You should also print a screenshot of the public notice as it appears on the website and save the screenshot in your records. Do not place these documents in the station’s public inspection file.

If you have any questions about the public notice requirements, please let me know.


Text of Public Notice for WHSR(AM) Assignment Application Filing

For Posting on the BBGI Website (BBGI.com)

On December 1, 2020, Beasley Media Group Licenses, LLC, licensee of WHSR(AM), 980 AM,

Pompano Beach, , filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission to

assign its broadcast license to HMDF, LLC. Members of the public wishing to view this application or obtain information about how to file comments and petitions on the application can visit https://publicfiles.fcc.gov/am-profile/whsr/applications-and-related-


This webpage was last updated on ______[insert date of posting].

Attachment A

Certificate of Compliance with the Broadcast Requirement for WHSR(AM)

The attached public notice of the FCC application proposing to assign the license of

WHSR(AM) from Beasley Media Group License LLC to HMDF, LLC, was posted to the

BBGI.com website on ______[date] and remained there for 30 consecutive days.



Retain a copy of the text of the public notice and a copy of this Certificate of Compliance in WHSR’s internal files.

(Do not place in the station’s public inspection file.)