Organised Crime Situation Report 2000
Council of Europe Organised crime situation report 2000 PC-S-CO (2001) 13E (Provisional) Strasbourg, December 2001 Council of Europe - Organ ised Crime situation report 2000 Document prepared by members and scientific experts of the Group of specialists on criminal law and criminological aspects of organised crime (PC-S-CO): Mr. Kauko AROMAA Director, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the UN (HEUNI), P.O. Box 161, FIN-00131 HELSINKI E-mail: Mr. Maximilian EDELBACHER Head, Major Crime Bureau, Rossauer Lände 5, A-1090 VIENNA Tel: 43-1-3134-636002, Fax: 43-1-3134-636008 E-mail: Mr. Thierry GODEFROY CESDIP, Immeuble Edison, 43 Boulevard Vauban, F- 78280 GUYANCOURT Tel: 33-134 521712; Fax: 33-134 521717 E-mail: Mr. Michael LEVI Professor of Criminology, Cardiff University, Clamorgaan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, GB–CARDIFF CF10 3WT Tel: 44-29-2087 4376, Fax: 44-29-2087 4436 E-mail: Mr. Toon VAN DER HEIJDEN Senior Policy Advisor on Drugs and Organised Crime, Criminal Intelligence Division, National Police Agency (KLPD), P.O. Box 3016, NL-2700 KX ZOETERMEER Tel: 31-79345 9312, Fax: 31-79345 9152 E-mail: Mr. Tom VANDER BEKEN Professor in Criminal Law, Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, Ghent University, Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 GENT Tel: +32-9-264.69.39, Fax: 32-9-236.6971 E-mail: 2 Council of Europe - Organ ised Crime situation report 2000 Contents
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