Western Society of Naturalists Meeting Program Sacramento, CA November 5–8, 2015 1 Western Society of Naturalists President ~ 2015 ~ Treasurer Gretchen Hofmann Andrew Brooks Dept. Ecology, Evolution, Website Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology and Marine Biology www.wsn-online.org UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106 Secretariat Santa Barbara, CA 93106
[email protected] Steven Morgan
[email protected] Eric Sanford Jay Stachowicz Member-at-Large President-Elect Brian Gaylord Hayley Carter Jay Stachowicz Ted Grosholz Calif. Ocean Science Trust Dept. Evolution & Ecology 1330 Broadway, Suite 1530 UC Davis, Davis, CA 95616 UC Davis Oakland, CA 94612 Davis, CA 95616 Bodega Marine Laboratory hayley.carter@
[email protected] Bodega Bay, CA 94923 oceansciencetrust.org
[email protected] 96TH ANNUAL MEETING NOVEMBER 5–8, 2015 IN SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA Registration and Information Welcome! The registration desk will be open Thurs 1700-2000, Fri-Sat 0730-1800, and Sun 0800-1000. Registration packets will be available at the registration table for those members who have pre-registered. Those who have not pre-registered but wish to attend the meeting can pay for membership and registration (with a $20 late fee) at the registration table. Unfortunately, banquet tickets cannot be sold at the meeting because the hotel requires final counts of attendees well in advance. The Attitude Adjustment Hour (AAH) is included in the registration price, so you will only need to show your badge for admittance. WSN T-shirts and other merchandise can be purchased or picked up at the WSN Student Committee table.