472 1'B.OCEEDINGS of the SOCIETY, APRIL 10, 187G. DID
2 47 1'B.OCEEDING SOCIETYE TH f SO , APRI , 187GL10 . I. NORTHMEE TH D DI N EXTIRPAT CELTIE ETH C INHABITANTE TH F SO HEBRIDES IN THE NINTH CENTURY ? BY CAPT. F. W. L. THOMAS, R.N., F.S.A. SOOT. y lamenteM d friend,' Professor Munc f Christianiaho ,a cop sen e ym t of his edition 6f the " Chronicle of Man " on its publication. This work contain sursa e foundatio histora Hebridee r th nfo f yo s durin Norse gth e period. Wit s characteristihhi c liberality e stateh , s therei . xviii.(p n ) " That in the western islands the original population was never wholly absorbe e Norwegiath y db n settlers Orkneyn i s a ,perhapd an , n Shetsi - land." J In reply, I informed him that in that part of the Hebrides in whic hI wa s stationed, nearly every farm, island lakd an ,e bor Norsa e e name thad e topographicath an ;t l e terminologth e n sami th s ea s ywa 1 So also Dasent—"The original inhabitants were not expelled, but held in bondage s thralls."—Pa . clxxxiv. vol . i Burnt. Njal-. Again r MurraM , s beeyha n in- formed that in St Kilda " All the topical names are Celtic, and the Northmen seem never to have reached the island."—Dialect of South. Counties of Scotland, p. 236. ease Nowth tislane n sidhilla th o , f f whics edi o o , name hth s evariousli y written ' Oiseval,' Ostrivail,' and by Martin 'Oterveaul,' which is a clerical error either for ' Osterveaul, ' Oserveaul, r o origina' e th bees d ha "lan n Austr-fell (Norse East-fell)= , East-hill.
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