Events 169 – 03/20
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7HO %HOOV5RDG .LWFKHQ'HVLJQ 6WRUQRZD\+65$ VXSSO\ ,QVWDOODWLRQ ZZZRSXVFDUSHQWU\FRXN (PDLONLWFKHQVRSXVFDUSHQWU\#JPDLOFRP ±-RLQHU\±&RQVWUXFWLRQ± 22 Francis Street CleanSquad Stornoway •,QVXUDQFH%URNHUV Insurance Services Essential Cleaning Solutions RMk Isle of Lewis HS1 2NB • Risk Management -Office and Workplace Cleaning %XVLQHVV 3HUVRQDO -End of Tenancy t: 01851 704949 ADVICE •([FHOOHQW6HUYLFH Health & Safety YOU CAN 01851 706911 TRUST Thursday March 5th to Wednesday April 1st ISSUE 169 F Since 2008 R E E 2020 EVENTSin Lewis and Harris Find our shops in Tarbert, Inverness & Aberdeen airports ;ge]Yf\k]]gmj]p[alaf_ & our stockists throughout the UK f]ojYf_]g^@YjjakLo]]\[dgl` \aj][l^jgel`]K`YoZgklEadd *-Fgjl`:]Y[`Klj]]l$KlgjfgoYq$@K)*IP ooo&`Yjjaklo]]\`]Zja\]k&[ge l2()0-)/(((,.Gh]f)(Ye%-&+(he -ʝʖɚ :ʖɚ 6ʦʠSɛԭ 20 Bells Road Ticket Line 0300 30 20 444 703646 3 WEEKLY CASH PRIZES AND NOW!! - MONTHLY £1,000 DRAW SALE NOW ON BANGLA SPICE School welcome CHECK OUR FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM See page 2 PAGES FOR SPECIFIC DEALS AUTHENTIC BANGLADESHI CUISINE 3/$67(5%2$5' NEWLY REFURBISHED 6.,3+,5( 5(&<&/,1* WITH A NEW CHEF 2SHQFORVHGVNLSV 0(7$/ 5(&<&/,1* ISTANBUL AND A NEW MENU *YJa_kJgY\$KlgjfgoYq$@K)*J>L]d2()0-)/(-)--=eYad2af^g8Yf_mkeY[an]j&[g&mc KEBABS FISH ‘n’ CHIPS BURGERS CURRIES PIZZAS Monday to Thursday 5pm to 9.30pm RESTAURANT & TAKEAWAY Friday & Saturday 4.30pm to 10pm ,VODQG5RDG CLOSED SUNDAY FAMILY FRIENDLY RESTAURANT 6WRUQRZD\+65'6 WITH,QGLDQ&XLVLQH OVER 30 YEARS SERVING THE ISLAND Church Street $8723$576 3L]]DVSOMETHING IUHVKO\PDGH FOR%XUJHUV.HEDEV EVERYONE Tel: 700418 / 701118 )RUDOO\RXUPRWRULQJQHHGV VDOHV#DSVGLUHFWFRXN OPEN 7 DAYS Tues-Thursday 12pm-2.30pm 4.30-10.30pm Friday-Saturday: 12pm-3pm 4pm till late 7DNHWKHSDLQRXWRISD\UROO«FDOOXV 12:7$.,1*&5(',7'(%,7&$5'6Sunday: 12pm till late (open all day Sunday) 24 South Beach Street, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis -DPHV6WUHHW6WRUQRZD\+641 7HO Tel: 01851 700299 IRUVDYLQJV @gjeYff $QJXV&OLQWRQ DQGORDQVLQWKH /$0,1$7('3,1( 2XWHU+HEULGHV ?YjY_] :,1'2:6/7' 5LJV5RDG6WRUQRZD\,VOHRI/HZLV+65) /$5*(672&. ZHEVLWH ZZZKLVFRWFRP <ggjk 7HO)D[ HPDLO LQIR#KLVFRWFRP 9$5,2866,=(6 WHO (PDLODFOLQWRQ#EWFRQQHFWFRP EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 2 05/03/20 - 01/04/20 BRUNCH (9-11.30am) LUNCH & DINNER +44(0)1851 619 238 AND THERE’S AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER… with an additional 10 % off any booking price. Alasdair Allan MSP/BPA Surgery Notice Alasdair Allan, Member of the Scottish Parliament for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, will be holding the following advice VXUJHULHVLQKLVFRQVWLWXHQF\RI¿FHDW.HQQHWK6WUHHW School welcomes Stornoway should any constituent wish to meet with him: Monday 16 March, 2pm Monday 23 March, 1pm John Swinney If any constituent is unable to make the surgery, or would like a home tornoway primary had some high-ranking visitors last month. International Development and Europe from 2016 to 2018. He YLVLWZLWK$ODVGDLUSOHDVHFDOOWKHFRQVWLWXHQF\RI¿FHRQ speaks Scottish Gaelic and Norwegian in addition to English. or email [email protected] S On Thursday 13 February, the school was delighted to have a visit form Mr John Swinney, Deputy First Minister of Scotland and Pupils from Gaelic Medium classes described their experiences Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, and Dr Alasdair Allan, of Gaelic, drama and music. Alice Read also impressed Mr Swinney MSP. with her superb fi ddle playing. They listened to presentations from Ms C Macleod, headteacher, Mr Swinney was presented with a gift from Stornoway Primary )ULHQGVRI7KH1LFROVRQ and from Mrs Maciver, GM1-2 teacher, which described the school's School before he and his support staff, as well as representatives $VXVWDLQDEOHFRPPXQLW\IXQGHG7UXVWWRDVVLVWSXSLOV approaches to promoting Gaelic Language and Culture. from the Education Department, were given a short tour of the new RI7KH1LFROVRQ,QVWLWXWHZLWKPDLQODQGWUDYHOH[SHQVHV Alasdair Allan was the Scottish Government's Minister for nursery facilities being built adjacent to the existing buildings. )LQGRXWKRZ\RXFDQKHOSDGYDQFHWKHQH[W JHQHUDWLRQRI1LFROVRQSXSLOVDWZZZIRWQRUJXN HOW TO CONTACT US Editor: Fred Silver [email protected] Sub-editor: Sam McConnachie Design and layout: Andrew Jeffries [email protected] Advertising: Caroline Henderson [email protected] Offi ce Manager: Marie Anne Macdonald [email protected] Social Media & Distribution: Judi Hayes [email protected] Annie Delin, senior correspondent (Lewis and Harris): [email protected] Writers: Katie Macleod, Roz Macaskill, Melissa Silver NEXT EDITION: The deadline for information and advertising is Tuesday Tel: 01851 705743 24 March. The newspaper will appear on Wednesday 1 April EVENTS is published by Intermedia Services (Stornoway) Church House, 16 James Street, Stornoway HS1 2QN Tel: 01851 705743 05/03/20 - 01/04/20 EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 3 Furniture and Interior World DESIGN PRINT PUBLISH Menu Design and Print Internal and External Signs Stockists of the best furniture and interior design for over 20 years Divans and bedsteads, full range of quality mattresses including memory foam - biggest range available locally. Suites, bedroom and living room ranges available. Flyer Big range of soft furnishings … made-to-measure curtains, curtain rails, Design and Print towels, cushions and cushion covers, pillows, duvets and ready-made blinds 7 Inaclete Road, Stornoway GET IN TOUCH FOR A QUOTE FOR Tel: 01851 703370 Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday SIGNAGE, PRINTING OR GRAPHIC DESIGN E: [email protected] T: 01851 705743 FREE DELIVERY IN LEWIS AND HARRIS Church House, 16 James Street, Stornoway HS1 2QN Open The Woodlands all day… Centre footpath only food and Castle Grounds coffee, with or without Winter hours: Monday to Saturday 9.30 to 4.00pm A Stornoway Trust Enterprise a walk Photograph courtesy of Colin Cameron Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright 2016 Mothering Sunday - 22nd March Indoor Plant Order Gifts from Outdoor Bouquets £7.50 Planters Bundles Online from £15 from £25 from £30 l Tel: 01851 705798 EVENTS SECTION ONE - Page 4 05/03/20 - 01/04/20 Cancer group Plea over ferry raises £79,000 costs for young embers of the Cancer Research UK Isle of Lewis n appeal has gone to Kate Forbes MSP, Cabinet Secretary Mcommittee celebrated after it was revealed that the total Afor Finance; Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for their fundraising efforts in 2019 was £78,766. for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity; and Paul About 25 committee members were at the Annual General Wheelhouse, Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands, Meeting at Western Isles Hospital on 12 February to hear the for action to cut costs for young people using ferry crossings. announcement that nearly £79,000 had been raised in Lewis and The independent CalMac Community Board representing users of Harris to fund cancer research. ferries across the Clyde and Hebrides Ferries Services network told The total is down on last year’s record, but still well in excess of the Ministers: "We were pleased to note the very positive proposal to the previous annual average, which used to be between £60k and provide free bus travel for young people under 19. £65k, according to branch chair Amy Macaulay. The committee and supporters are pictured at the soup and pudding lunch in the MA Macleod Memorial Hall on 1 February, which raised over £1,000. "We are also supportive of the intention to encourage more young Amy said: “Last year was exceptional, but this year is still fantastic. people to use public transport whilst opening up the opportunity for We worked hard on our events and held some that were new and “We try to have different kinds of events to cover the island, bring young people in all areas to have equality of access regardless of different, including two events in Harris for the fi rst time.” in all age groups and attract all kinds of people.” their geography or fi nancial status. The Harris events were Here Come the Hearachs, a ladies’ lunch The committee has already started their 2020 fundraising, with three "This also brings into focus the position for young people for whom at Talla na Mara in October, following on the successful formula of events in the fi rst six weeks of the year, including joining the island’s other the ferry trip is their connecting bus trip, their way of accessing the Lewis Ladies’ Lunch which is a regular fi xture in the Stornoway cancer charities on World Cancer Day on 4 February, for a sponsored calendar. services and we believe all young people of the same age should be walk with candles to symbolise both remembrance and hope. afforded the same rights and opportunities for free travel. Also new were a sponsored Postman’s Walk in Harris and a sponsored four-legged walk in Stornoway, Hounds in the Grounds, "The agenda for fairer fares for our youth is not a new one for which brought dog-walkers out for the cause. the Community Board. As part of the Year of Young People 2018 we Bustle for hub opening proposed a revision of the fares charged to minibuses taking young Still the most successful fundraiser of the year was the annual people to extracurricular activities between and off our Islands. house-to-house collection in August, which brought in £17,102. lags, speeches and a hubbub of activity marked the opening Amy said: “People’s generosity is not diminishing. The topic Fof the new Who Cares? Scotland hub and offi ce, named Ar "This would remove the anomaly of such minibuses being charged of cancer is now so close to so many people and that is coming Cridhe in Gaelic, which translates to Our Heart, at Stornoway signifi cantly higher rates than an equivalent length motorhome and through in the amount they are giving.