Giant Earthquakes and Their Tsunamis

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Giant Earthquakes and Their Tsunamis Giant earthquakes and their tsunamis Tsunami Sand spit American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, and Valdivia, Chile 16–24 May 2010 Chapman Conference on Giant Earthquakes and Their Tsunamis Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, and Valdivia, Chile 16–24 May 2010 Conveners Brian Atwater, U.S. Geological Survey Sergio Barrientos, Universidad de Chile Marco Cisternas, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Kelin Wang, Geological Survey of Canada The conveners thank Nicolás Gorigoitia, Lynn Hayes, Mario Pino, Rob Wesson, and Cynthia Wilcox for helping to organize the conference. Sponsors The American Geophysical Union and the conference organizers acknowledge financial support from Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Universidad de Chile, UNESCO/IOC, U.S. Geological Survey, and the municipalities of Viña del Mar and Valparaiso. 1 Chapman Conference on Giant Earthquakes and Their Tsunamis May 16 Sun Talks, posters, and discussion — Hotel Marina del Rey*, Viña del Mar 17 Mon Public presentations — P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso 18-20 Tue-Thu Talks, posters, and discussion — Hotel Marina del Rey*, Viña del Mar 20-24 Thu-Mon Field trips — Maullín and Cocotué; Valdivia * Linda Andreani Room SUNDAY, 16 MAY Session 16A Overviews 0900–0930 Welcome 0930–0945 George PLAFKER Overview of the mechanism of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake and near-field tsunami with comparisons to the 1964 Alaska and 2004 Sumatra events 0945-1000 Onno ONCKEN Chile’s seismogenic coupling zones – geophysical and neotectonic observations from the South American subduction zone 1000-1015 Christophe VIGNY Upper plate deformation is dominated by varying coupling on the Chilean subduction zone 1015-1030 Inés CIFUENTES Fifty years after the great 1960 Chilean earthquake: What have we learned and how do we use what we know to reduce human tragedies? 1030-1100 Discussion 1100-1130 Coffee break 1130-1145 Daniel MELNICK Structural control on megathrust rupture: Insights from the 1960 Chile earthquake segment 1145-1200 Rolando ARMIJO Structural partitioning of the Chilean subduction margin: Evidence for a West Andean Thrust 1200-1215 Kenji SATAKE Tsunami warning systems: Impacts of the 1960 and 2004 global tsunamis 1215-1230 Emile OKAL From Nias to Maule: Have we become wiser in the wake of Sumatra? 1230-1300 Discussion 2 SUNDAY, 16 MAY continued Session 16P 1960 earthquakes: Tectonics, source, recurrence 1430-1435 Pedro FEYJÓ On the earthquake that razed Valdivia 1435-1730 Posters: Summaries (1435-1530) and Presentations (1530-1730) 16P-1 Daniel CARRIZO Seismic asperities and barriers related to subducting bathymetric features along the Nazca-South American plate boundary 16P-2 Andrés TASSARA Strength of the megathrust below the Chilean forearc, nature of seismic asperities and model for giant earthquake growth 16P-3 Marcos MORENO Earthquake cycle deformation and its link to upper plate structure in the southern Andes 16P-4 Jan BEHRMANN Differences in composition and strength of subducted sediment define the rupture of the great 1960 Chile earthquake 16P-5 Andreas RIETBROCK Imaging the subduction thrust with passive seismic arrays: A comparison between northern and southern Chile 16P-6 Salvador FARRERAS May 22 1960 earthquake source parameters as derived from tsunami run-ups on Easter Island and alongshore Chile 16P-7 Yushiro FUJII Tsunami source of the 1960 Chilean earthquake inferred from tide gauge data 16P-8 Matthias DORRIES The 1960 Chilean earthquake and the free oscillations of the earth 16P-9 Daniel MELNICK Megathrust earthquakes over the past 1.7 ka at Guafo island, south Chile 16P-10 Lisa ELY Geological evidence of past tsunamis at the boundary between the 1960 and 1835 earthquake rupture areas, south-central Chile 16P-11 Eduard REINHARDT Recovery estimates for the Río Cruces after the May 1960 Chilean earthquake 16P-12 Jorge QUEZADA Holocene coastal uplift in the northern segment of 1960 Chilean earthquakes 16P-13 Jasper MOERNAUT Recurrence of 1960-like earthquake shaking in south- central Chile revealed by lacustrine sedimentary records 1730-1830 Discussion 3 MONDAY, 17 MAY Session 17A Public presentations 0900-0910 Alfonso MUGA Welcome from P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso 0910-0920 Jorge SEQUEIRA Welcome on behalf of UNESCO-Chile 0920-0930 Inés CIFUENTES Welcome on behalf of the American Geophysical Union 0930-1000 Hiroo KANAMORI Revisiting the 1960 Chilean earthquake 1000-1030 Rodolfo SARAGONI The giant 1960 Chile earthquake: A large magnitude moderate earthquake 1030-1100 Hellmuth SIEVERS The seismic sea wave of 22 May 1960 along the Chilean coast: A personal account 1130-1200 Diana COMTE The 2010 Chile earthquake – variations in the rupture mode 1200-1230 Anne SOCQUET Modelling the source of the maule Mw 8.8 earthquake and early afterslip using GPS and insar data 1230-1300 Marcelo LAGOS Magnitude and impact of the 2010 Chilean tsunami 1300-1400 Conference luncheon Afternoon Outreach Introduced by Inés Cifuentes, Mabel Keller, and Marco Cisternas 4 TUESDAY, 18 MAY Session 18A Chilean earthquake of 27 February 2010 0900-0915 Michael SPRANGER Loss assessment of the Feb 27, 2010 Chile earthquake from a reinsurer’s perspective 0915-0930 Michael BEVIS The 27 February 2010 Maule earthquake: The emergency geodetic response and some of its early results 0930-1200 Posters: Summaries (0930-1010) and Presentations (1010-1200) 18A-1 Marc-Andre GUTSCHER What controls the frequency and size of megathrust earthquakes offshore Chile and Sumatra? Insights from crustal structure and thermal modeling 18A-2 Robert WESSON Long-term inter-seismic subsidence of Santa María Island, Chile (37°S) supported by resurvey of 1835 HMS Beagle soundings 18A-3 Ximena CONTARDO Potential seismogenic faults along the south central Chilean forearc, insight from seismic and bathymetric data 18A-4 Dave CHADWELL Offshore investigations of the 27 Feb. 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake rupture 18A-5 Richard ALLMENDINGER Interseismic strain, continental deformation, and great earthquakes of southern Chile 18A-6 Matthias ROSENAU Did the 27th February 2010 earthquake close the gap? Insights from pre-, co- and postseismic deformation pattern 18A-7 Anthony SLADEN A coseismic distributed-slip model for the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule (Chile) earthquake 18A-8 Benjamin BROOKS Megathrust seismic events, post-seismic deformation and mountain building: Andean deformation related to the 27 Feb. 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake 18A-9 Christophe VIGNY The Maule Mw 8.8 earthquake monitored by continuous and survey mode GPS 18A-10 Frederick BLUME Rapid GNSS and data communication system deployments in Chile and Argentina following the M 8.8 Maule earthquake 18A-11 Robert SMALLEY High-rate GPS seismograms from the 27 Feb. 2010, M=8.8, Maule Chile earthquake 18A-12 M. Meghan MILLER High-rate low-latency CGPS for science and first responders: Proof-of-concept for a Maule earthquake scenario 1200-1300 Discussion 5 TUESDAY, 18 MAY continued Session 18P 2010 earthquake and its near-field tsunami 1430-1445 Stephen MILLER Modeling of the preparatory processes in the source region and analysis of aftershock decay rates of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Chile earthquake 1445-1500 Marco CISTERNAS Similarities between the great Chilean earthquakes of 1835 and 2010 1500-1730 Posters: Ssummaries (1500-1540) and Presentations (1540-1730) 18P-1 Raul MADARIAGA The Maule Mw 8.8 earthquake: Modelling using 1 hz CGPS and seismic data 18P-2 Sutatcha HONGSRESAWAT Ultra-long period spectrum of the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake from the Earth's spheroidal modes 18P-3 Mohammad RAEESI Asperity distribution of the 27 Feb. 2010 (Mw = 8.8) Chile earthquake 18P-4 Catherine PETROFF Rapid reconnaissance survey of the february 27, 2010 Chile tsunami - Constitución to Colcura, Quidico to Mehuín 18P-5 Patricio CATALÁN Observations by the international tsunamy survey team, regions VII-VI and V of Chile 18P-6 Rodrigo CIENFUEGOS Observations on morphological changes produced by the impact of the February 27, 2010 tsunami along the coastline of V- VI-VII region 18P-7 Hermann FRITZ Field survey of the 27 February 2010 tsunami in Chile, regions Maule and Biobío (VII and VIII) 18P-8 Jorge QUEZADA The third tsunami wave in Biobío region bays during the Chilean 27th February 2010 earthquake 18P-9 M. Teresa RAMÍREZ Geomorphological effects from the 27 February 2010 tsunami: A post-tsunami survey, central Chile 18P-10 Eduardo JARAMILLO Before and after comparisons of the Chilean coast affected by the earthquake and tsunami of February 27th 18P-11 Ricardo NORAMBUENA International Tsunami Survey Team – Chile 1730-1830 Discussion 6 WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY Session 19A Global perspectives; South America 0900-0915 Kelin WANG What facilitates or hinders giant subduction earthquakes? 0915-1200 Posters: Summaries (0915-1000) and Presentations (1000-1200) 19A-1 Mark SIMONS Spatial heterogeneity and temporal persistence in seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrusts 19A-2 Jim MORI Are asperities persistent features in repeated great earthquakes? 19A-3 Gavin HAYES Applications of a new three-dimensional model of global subduction zone geometries to the understanding of seismogenesis 19A-4 Fabio CORBI Gel-quakes: Laboratory modeling of the subduction interplate seismic behavior 19A-5 Marco CISTERNAS Complex recurrence of large historical earthquakes in central Chile 19A-6 Raul MADARIAGA The M=7.7 Tocopilla earthquake of 14 November 2007, its aftershocks and consequences 19A-7 Sophie PEYRAT Source rupture processes of the 2005 and 2007 earthquakes in northern Chile,
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