The Alaska Earthquake Regional Effects
The Alaska Earthquake March 27,1964: Regional Effects This volume was published as separate chapters A-J GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 543 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William T. Pecora, Director CONTENTS [Letters designate the separately published chapters] ('1) Slide-induced waves, seiching, and ground fracturing caused by the earthquake of March 27, 1964, at Kenai Lake, Alaska, by David S. McCulloch. (B) Geomorphic effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964. in the Martin-Bering Rivers area, Alaska, by Samuel J. Tuthill and Wilson M. Laird. (C) Gravity survey and regional geology of the Prince William Sound, epicentral region. Alaska, by J. E. Case, L). F. Barnes, George Plafker, and S. L. Robbins. (D) Geologic effects of the March 1964 earthquake and associated seismic sea waves on Kadiali and nearby islands, Alaska, by George Plafker and Reuben Kachadooria~~. (E) Effects of the earthquake of Marc11 27. 1964, in the Coljl~erRiver Basin area, Alaska, by Oscar J. Ferrians, Jr. (F) Ground breakage and associated effects ill the Cook Inlet area. Alaska, resulting from the JIarch 27, 1964, earthquake, by Helen L. Foster and Thor x. V. Karlstrorn. (G) Surface faults on Montague Island associated with the 1964 Alahka earthquake, by George Plaflter. (13) Erosion and deposition on a beach raised by the 19ki4 earthyuake. Jfontagne Island, Alaska, by 11. J. Kirkby and Anne V. Kirkby. (I) Tectonics d the March 27,1964, Alaska earthquake. by Grorge I'lafker. (J) Effects of the Alaska earbhquake of March 27. 1964, on shore processes and beach ~norphology, by Kirk W.
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