Leumttig Extremism Liberty Vice, Barry Asserts
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1HUB8 DAY, JULY iT' 49antli»0t»r Averefe M|y Net Pm i ' The WeethOr ■ti. For the Waek aaSad Wmmmtt at 10: mJ WanOm Wm M y «t, 1064 — ' ■ ■hi B it Mtabrs at Boiton Fair 6—Igkt, tow « to 90. ____ _ n w y ars Bai^ 13,841 flataieagr zMwtty. aammf efeMMa at ___ PsMgaw; SOB « t U t. ManlMr at Om Aadtt avtadmo dtoweaa. Ugh to toM to and MM. Harold L BSdngold at Firemen Want to Buy Back Tha MOST wifh A Piiichurst lEumttig Butow Orenlatte _____ to 10 ONSdiiy Bd.; Donald L. Mc- at 'nm lira. MR o f Mr. Mid Mra MtmekmiAtT' A City of YSUago Chmnn __________ ^ . * 1 H. M<Aiagan o f W Ox- Tank Truck They Traded In aM to Mturn th« ____St; and Chilstopbar J. MORE PUVOR AND TENDERNESS — MORE MEAT TO EAT TOL. LXXXm, NO. 24S (CtoetoiHa AOvarttotog m Page 1») , . - at tto aama Uzna. MeNsi^ son of Mr. ai^ Mra (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1964 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Jatt intriinf of tlM commlttM Blakaly I t MdNafll of 171 S. Mortimer Raitow, assiatantt Atty. Harold Oarrtty prt- ^ l » Anc. 5 at • p.m. at Um Main S t fire chief, last night aMed se sented easement papere to the w ii« o( Stn. Harta Johnaon lectmen to buy back the old selectmen an a ilrainage ditoh T uritlngtoa. IS Beriday S t Mambars of Manchester tank truck that was traded in across from the new echool on Africa Heads Orange will meat tonight at on toe new one. Brandy Bt« Douglas Cheney requested Blast Detectors Tkm SalvattoB Araay win bold 7:S0 at the Benjamin J. Calla The department now has a a abaat meattog at 7 tonlgM at han Funeral Home, ISM Main chance to keep the truck for that the horse-shoe courts used Expect Little aa««w aiiii Btrdi Sts. David Ad- St., Bast Hartford, to pay re flOO, Harlow said. The truck by the town league located on win oonduet tba sarvloa. spects to John 'Anderson, a would be used for filling pri Brandy S t on the Junior-senior BEEF mamber. vate swimming pools to earn high school site be left Intact Placed in Orbit Extremism Liberty money fOr toe department fund, and be usable after the prop Of Summit Alnnaa Joba W. Portar, son and also might be used for erty Is turned over to the a( Mt. and ICrs. Lawta M. Por fighting bnufi fires. town. tar o( 70 WastxnlBstar Rd., ra-’ CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (A P )— Two Sentry satel CAIRO (AP) — Booming The selectmen agreed but Frank Paggioll, dog warden eantty oomplatad the first Police Arrests lites an(l a tiny Pygmy satellite rocketed into great egg- cannon salutes and ringing phssa at bis Uititad Statas Air said all funds earned by the reported he nuule nineteen cells unity slogans ushered in truck would have to be turned in June. He turned $6 over to shaped orbits today, in a complex triple launching that Ivyrea basic military training another African summit at Lackland Air Forea Basa, Arthur Bikemleks, 30, of 80 over to the town and after ex the treasurer. could lead to Unit^ States’ development of a fool-proof Mather St., last night was penses were deducted toe prof Five Votore Reglstored conference today, but few Texas. its would be returned to the system to detect illicit nuclear explosions in space. Vice, Barry Asserts ^charged with passing in a no At the voter making session The trio of radlaUon-zenaing^ delegates expected more Ihars wlO ba a Jamboree to passing sone. Police reported firemen’s fund. Approval of the last night five new voters were purchase is confingent on an packages rode into space atop a than the usual denuncia -«■ morrow at d:M p.m. at Camp that the violation took place as made. Two became independ single powerful Atlaz-Agena TTie Pygmy sateUite was in okay from too board of fi jected into Its pre-planned path tions of colonialism and Merrlewood, presented In an In- Bikemleks was traveling west ents and two registered as Re rocket that blamed brilliantly in tamatlanal thema by the camp on N. Main St. Ha is to appear nance. publicans and one registered as shortly aft6r the three satellites talk of short cuts to eco Selectmen announced that Bol the eariy morning darkness at ers for their parents. tai court Aug. 8. a Democrat. 8:22 a.m. EST. separated from the booster to nomic progress. Events Dean Burch ton’s participation In the crea Under the new transfer law day. ’The second summit meeting tion of toe four-town refuse dis The Air Force reported 30 Because of an Intricate flight four additional voters were ac minutes later that the 10- story- of the fledgling Organization of trict will be dealt with at the cepted. These are independents plan intended to station the twin African Unity brought together Takes Post next town meeting. An average tall booster had drilled the three In State until they are able to affiliate satellites Into separate highly Sentry satellites at the high most of the dominant personali fee of $8.76 per ton would be with a party. point of the course, officials will ties In 84 Independent African charged for using toe incin elliptical orbits. Miller Left Tile exact path was not not know unUl about 10:80 a.m. nations above and below the Sa erator. Baseball Scores known immediately but early Sunday whether the launching is hara—the great divide between Firm Launched After local approval toe state Yesterday Fiano Realty de feated Bolton Dairy 8-5. Don tracking informaUon Indicated completely successful. the Arab north and the Negro SAN FRANCISCO (AP) legislature would have to pass south. ald Roeer pitched for Fiano the payloads were very close to Small rockets aboard the pair In Gamble for —Launcing his presidential a special act creating toe ref the Intended course ranging are to arrest them at widely President Gamal Abdel Nas use district. The incinerator, to Realty and Wajme Depathy pitched for Bolton Dairy. from 120 to 63,000 miles above scattered points 68,000 miles up ser of the United Arab Republic campaign with the declara be built in Manchester, wonid stayed until long after midnight Racing Approval The junior league standings the earth. —one about 18 hours after tion that “ extremism in the not be ready until June of 1967. launching, the other about 37 at Cairo airport, greeting each Selectmen approved payment are; Bolton Dairy nine wins, All three space messengers defense of liberty is no vice, were flashing clear radio sig hours later. chief' of state or government HARTFORD (AP) — In o f $100 out of its budget to the four losses; MAM Oil eight head. An Egyptian army band Arizona Sen. Barry Gold- wins, five losses; Fiano Realty Try Our Service Meat Counter nals to ground stations. The shot originally had been corporation papers were New Bngland Refuse Oosnmlttee AN OUTSTANDING VALUE U. S. CHOICE I was the fourth time the scheduled for Wednesday mom blared the national anthems of water moved today to ce to cover expenses. All towns In six wins, six losses, and White the new countries, and crowds filed here today for the Glass one win, nine' loeses. United States had orbited three 1 ing but was postponed because ment his control of the Re volved in toe refuse plan have VERY TENDER for Top Quality Ground Meats. satellites with one rocket. ’The of technical problems. of students and workers ap Connecticut Harness Rac already dpiie so. In the minor le a n e Cava plauded the arriving guests. publican party. naugh Oarage will play Crock record is four in one shot set by ing Association, Inc., in a Goldwater told cheering, A letter from Leo Mulcahy, ett Agency today. a good example o f Plnehurst’s high standards. another Atlas-Agena last year. (See Page Four) Officially, the conference long-shot gamble that the stamping, hom-blowing conven state police commissioner, in Rib Roast Plnehurst meat men select only lean Gov’t, hopes to further the cause of Af tion delegates as he accepted formed selectmen that Bolton rican unity, step up the fight for 1965 legislature will legal Manchester Bvealng' Herald inspected fresh U.S. lean meat to make Into their ize such racing with pari the GOP nomination in toe Cow will not get a resident state Bolton correspondent (substi the liberation of Africa’s re Palace Thursday night that "It grmiad meat. maining colonial territories, and trocper this year unless the tute), Marlon Knl^t, teleplione mutuel betting. is the cause of Republicanism BEEF .And they grind small batches many timsa end the white rule in South Afri state-legislature approves it 648-1888. 6th and 7th ribs or whole The papers, filed with toe to ensure that power remains in Bolton is fourth on the wait dally. That’* why they can guarantee the fresh Cohn Acquitted ca and Southern Rhodesia. secretary of state’s office, call 7-rib roast. Tliese have been recurring toe hands of toe people.’’ ing Hst. ness and quality so evident In this meat which for a stock corporation with “ The Good Lord raised up thia Selectmen were notified of a themes at meetings of the or 5,000 shares at a $10 per share I f jrou buy the whole-SO to 83 lb. roast tor your fraaier... la sold toe service w ay.. .not cello-wrapped. ganization since its birth at Ad mighty republic to be a home of meeting at the State Oapitol par value.