
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 131, Number 11, Pages 3345–3351 S 0002-9939(03)06920-X Article electronically published on February 14, 2003



(Communicated by Stephen D. Smith)

Abstract. For orders and conjugacy in finite theory, Lagrange’s Theo- rem and the class equation have universal application. Here, the class equation (extended to monoids via standard by conjugation) is applied to factorizable submonoids of the symmetric inverse monoid. In particular, if M is a monoid induced by a G of the Sn, then the ZG(M)(allelementsofM that commute with every element of G)is Z(G)∪{0} if and only if G is transitive. In the case where G is both transitive and of either p or p2 (for p prime), formulas are provided for the order of M as well as the number and sizes of its conjugacy classes.

1. Introduction In this paper, we study monoids of restrictions of under composition. Indeed, for each subgroup G of the symmetric group Sn of all permu- tations of N = {1, 2,... ,n}, we define the induced monoid M(G)={α : α is a restriction of some σ ∈ G} whose multiplication is function composition. These monoids are inverse (for each α ∈ M(G), there is a unique β ∈ M(G) satisfying α = αβα and β = βαβ)and factorizable (each α ∈ M(G)factorsα = εσ where ε is an idempotent and σ ∈ G is a unit). In the special case G = Sn, the induced monoid M(Sn) is denoted Cn, and it is widely known as the symmetric inverse monoid. Abstract factorizable inverse monoids have been studied by Chen and Hsieh [1]. The definition of the property of being factorizable (given originally for inverse monoids) has been generalized to arbitrary semigroups: A semigroup S is called factorizable if S = GE for some subgroup G of S and some E of idempotents

of S [7]. For example, the semigroup PTX of all partial transformations on a set X is factorizable if and only if X is finite [7]. A similar result holds for the semigroup

TX of all full transformations on X [7] and the symmetric inverse semigroup IX of all partial one-to-one transformations on X [1]. In the present paper, for various kinds of G of Sn, we study the induced submonoids M(G)ofCn. In Section 2 we provide definitions, in Section 3

Received by the editors April 12, 2002 and, in revised form, June 5, 2002. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 20M20, 20M15. Key words and phrases. Factorizable monoids, symmetric inverse semigroups, class equation, conjugacy classes, groups, transformation semigroups.

c 2003 American Mathematical Society 3345

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we consider orders |M(G)|, and in Section 4, using the class equation for finite monoids, we investigate conjugacy classes.

2. Basic definitions Let M be a monoid with the identity 1. Then u ∈ M is a unit when v ∈ M exists such that uv = vu =1.Ifsuchav exists, it is unique and denoted u−1. The G ⊆ M of all units is a subgroup of M, called the group of units of M. For example, Sn is the group of units of M(Sn)=Cn. The monoid Cn is of particular importance because every finite inverse monoid is isomorphic to a submonoid of Cn for some n [2, Theorem 5.1.7]. The elements of Cn are partial one-to-one transformations on N, they are sometimes called charts [6], and the domain and range of the chart α are denoted, respectively, dα and rα. An element b of a monoid M is called an inverse of a ∈ M if a = aba and b = bab.Wheneacha ∈ M has exactly one inverse, then M is an inverse monoid. For example, Cn is an inverse monoid since the required unique inverse of α ∈ Cn is α−1. Every inverse monoid M has a natural partial order given by a ≤ b whenever an idempotent e ∈ M exists such that a = eb [2, p. 152]. An inverse monoid M is factorizable when each a ∈ M is “under” a unit u ∈ M, i.e., a ≤ u [4]. In other words, an inverse monoid M is factorizable if every element of M can be factored as a product of an idempotent and a unit. For example, Cn is factorizable: For each idempotent ε ∈ Cn and each x ∈ N,eitherxε = x or xε is not defined, i.e., ε is

completely determined by its domain. So for A ⊆ N, εA will denote the idempotent ∈ ∈ in Cn with domain A. Next, for a unit σ Sn, the element εAσ Cn is a restriction of σ to A. Indeed, every α ∈ Cn is a restriction of some unit σ ∈ Sn to A = dα.It follows that Cn is a factorizable inverse monoid. We shall use “G ≤ Sn”toindicatethatG is a subgroup of Sn.Itiseasytosee that the induced monoid M(G) is an inverse submonoid of Cn. And since M(G) consists of all elements of the form εσ where ε ∈ Cn is idempotent and σ ∈ G,it is factorizable. In fact, M(G) is the largest (with respect to inclusion) factorizable submonoid of Cn that has G as its group of units. ≤ ⊆ ∈ For G Sn and A N,thestabilizer GA of A consists of all σ G such that ∈ { } xσ = x for every x A.IfA = x ,wewriteGA = Gx and call Gx the stabilizer of ≤ x. It is clear that GA is a subgroup of G. A subgroup G Sn is balanced if for all ⊆ | | | | A, B N of the same cardinality, we have GA = GB . For example, Sn and its alternating subgroup An are balanced, while the cyclic subgroup G = h(1 2)i generated by the 2-cycle (12) in S4 is not balanced. A group G ≤ Sn is transitive if for all x, y ∈ N,aσ ∈ G exists such that y = xσ; semiregular if Gx = {1} for each x ∈ N;andregular if it is both semiregular and transitive. Note that every

semiregular group G is balanced since GA = {1} for every non-empty A ⊆ N. For abstract monoids M,wesayb ∈ M is conjugate to a ∈ M if b = u−1au for some unit u ∈ M. The subset [a] of all elements of M conjugate to a is the conjugacy class of a;and{ [a]:a ∈ M} is a partition of M. ⊆ M { ∈ } For each set A N,letRA = εAσ : σ G denote the set of all elements in M R M = M(G) that have domain A.(ThesetRA is a Green’s -class of M;see[2, ∅ M { } p. 45] for the definition of Green’s relations.) Note that if A = ,thenRA = 0 , where 0 is the empty (or zero) transformation on N.

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3. Order of M(G) The next lemma is crucial in proving the counting theorems of this section.

Lemma 3.1. Let G ≤ Sn and M = M(G).ForeachA ⊆ N, |G| | M | RA = . |GA|

M → Proof. Define f : RA G/GA by f(εAσ)=GAσ.Thenf is well-defined and one-to-one since for all σ, ρ ∈ G, −1 −1 εAσ = εAρ ⇔ εA = εAρσ ⇔ ρσ ∈ GA ⇔ ρ ∈ GAσ ⇔ GAσ = GAρ.

| M | | | | | Since the function f is clearly onto, it follows that RA is the number G / GA of

right of GA in G. 

The next three theorems give, respectively, formulas for orders of monoids in- duced by balanced, semiregular, and transitive abelian groups. Let k ∈{0, 1,... ,n}. Then C(n, k) denotes “n choose k” (the number of k-element subsets of N), and for a balanced group G ≤ Sn, mk denotes |G{1,... ,k}|.Thatis,mk is the size of the ⊆ | | stabilizer GA for any k-element set A N.NotethatG∅ = G and so m0 = G .

Theorem 3.2. Let G ≤ Sn be balanced and M = M(G).Then Xn C(n, k) |M| = |G| . mk k=0

⊆ M M Proof. When A, B N are distinct, RA and RB are disjoint (the domain of any ∈ M ∈{ } εAσ RA is A). So for each k 0, 1,... ,n ,thereareC(n, k) pairwise disjoint M | | sets RA with A = k. But since G is balanced, Lemma 3.1 shows that each set M | | | | | | | | | | RA with A = k has G / GA = G /mk elements. Thus, M has C(n, k)( G /mk) elements with domains of size k. The result follows. 

To illustrate Theorem 3.2, first suppose G = Sn.ThenM = Cn and mk = (n − k)! for every k, showing that Xn C(n, k) |C | = n! . n (n − k)! k=0 c Second, suppose G = An.ThenM = An, the alternating monoid. (The monoid c An, which is a natural extension of the alternating group, was discovered by the ≥ − (n−k)! first author [5].) For G = An,wehavemk =1(ifk n 1) and mk = 2 (if k ≤ n − 2). Thus − − n! nX2 C(n, k) n! n! nX2 C(n, k) (n +1)! |Ac | = + C(n, n − 1) + C(n, n)=n! + . n 2 (n−k)! 2 2 (n − k)! 2 k=0 2 k=0 The next theorem is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.2 because when G is semiregular, it is balanced, m0 = |G|,andmk =1foreachk =1, 2,... ,n.

Theorem 3.3. Let G ≤ Sn be semiregular and M = M(G).Then |M| = |G|(2n − 1) + 1.

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If G ≤ Sn is semiregular, then every non-zero α ∈ M(G) can be expressed

uniquely as α = εAσ where A = dα and σ ∈ G. Indeed, α = εAσ for some σ ∈ G −1 by the definition of M(G). Suppose εAσ = εAδ where σ, δ ∈ G.ThenεAσδ = εA −1 −1 and so σδ fixes every x ∈ A. It follows that σδ =1(sinceA =6 ∅ and Gx = {1} for every x ∈ N), and so σ = δ. Note that the observation above provides another proof of Theorem 3.3: To n construct a non-zero α = εAσ ∈ M(G), we have 2 − 1 choices for A and |G| choices for σ. For the next theorem, recall that the degree of G ≤ Sn is the number of points x ∈ N such that xσ =6 x for some σ ∈ G (the number of points that are moved by G). For example, the degree of An is n if n>1.

Theorem 3.4. Let G ≤ Sn be both transitive and abelian, and M = M(G).Then |M| = |G|(2|G| − 1) + 1. Proof. Since G is transitive and abelian, G is regular [8, Proposition 4.4]. Thus, by Theorem 3.3, |M| = |G|(2n − 1) + 1. Since G is regular, its degree and order are equal [8, Proposition 4.2]. But the degree of G is n since a transitive group moves every point. Thus n = |G| and so |M| = |G|(2|G| − 1) + 1. 

Corollary 3.5. Let G ≤ Sn be transitive, M = M(G),andp be a prime. Then: (1) If |G| = p,then|M| = p(2p − 1) + 1. 2 (2) If |G| = p2,then|M| = p2(2p − 1) + 1. Proof. The proof follows immediately from Theorem 3.4 and the fact that every group of order p or p2 is abelian. 

4. Conjugacy classes Let M be any monoid with G its group of units. Then a singleton set {x} is a conjugacy class if and only if x commutes with every u ∈ G. It follows that the center

ZG(M)={ x ∈ M : xu = ux for every u ∈ G } of M relative to G, which is a submonoid of M, counts the singleton conjugacy classes (just as the center Z(G)ofG counts the singleton conjugacy classes in the

group case). Moreover, ZG(M) is an inverse submonoid of M when M is an inverse

monoid, and ZG(M)=Z(G)whenM = G is a group. As in the case, we use centralizers to count elements in non-

singleton conjugacy classes. For x ∈ M,wedenotebyCG(x)thecentralizer of x in G, which is defined as the set of all members of G that commute with x.Itis

clear that the centralizer CG(x) is a subgroup of G. For any finite group G,itsclass equation is X | | | | G = Z(G) + [G : CG(ai)] i

where one ai ∈ G is chosen from each conjugacy class in G containing more than one element [3, (420), p. 76]. The class equation for finite groups is a special case of the class equation for finite monoids.

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Theorem 4.1. Let M be a finite monoid and let G be its group of units. Then X | | | | (1) M = ZG(M) + [G : CG(xi)] i

where one xi ∈ M is chosen from each conjugacy class in M containing more than one element.

Proof. By the definition of ZG(M), |ZG(M)| is the number of singleton conjugacy classes. Let x ∈ M be chosen from a conjugacy class [x] containing more than one

element, and let H = CG(x). It suffices to show that the number |[x]| of conjugates of x is equal to [G : H]. To this end, define f :[x] → G/H by f(u−1xu)=Hu. The function f is well-defined and one-to-one since

−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 u xu = v xv ⇔ xuv = uv x ⇔ uv ∈ CG(x)=H ⇔ Hu = Hv. Since f is clearly onto, |[x]| =[G : H]. 

Note that the class equation (1) is a special case of a more general formula enumerating the elements of a finite set S onwhichanactionofafinitegroupG is defined [3, (40), p. 76]. In particular, the action underlying Theorem 4.1 is that of G acting on M by conjugation. Corollary 4.2. Let M be a finite monoid and let G be its group of units. Then the order of each conjugacy class of M divides the order of G.

Proof. Let x ∈ M. By the proof of Theorem 4.1, |[x]| is equal to [G : CG(x)], which divides |G|. 

In passing, we observe that for any u ∈ G,wehavex ∈ G if and only if u−1xu ∈ G. It follows that each conjugacy class of M is either a subset of G or of M − G. In other words, the set of conjugacy classes of a finite monoid refines the doubleton partition {G, M − G} of M.

We shall now investigate the center ZG(M) of a submonoid M of Cn induced by its group of units G. The next theorem shows that only special elements of a ≤ ⊆ monoid M induced by G Sn can be members of ZG(M). A subset A N is called invariant under G if Aσ ⊆ A for every σ ∈ G. ≤ ∈ Theorem 4.3. Let G Sn and M = M(G).Letα ZG(M) with A = dα.Then A is invariant under G and α is a permutation on A.

Proof. Since A = dα,wehaveα = εAσ for some σ ∈ G.Letρ be any element of

G.Sinceα ∈ ZG(M), we have εAσρ = ρεAσ.Letx ∈ A.Thenx(εAσρ) is defined,

and so x(ρεAσ) is also defined. But the latter can happen only if xρ ∈ A.Thus

Aρ ⊆ A and so A is invariant under G.Inparticular,Aσ ⊆ A and so α = εAσ is a permutation on A. 

≤ ∪{ }⊆ For any G Sn and M = M(G), we have Z(G) 0 ZG(M)where0is the zero transformation on N. The next theorem characterizes those groups G for

which ZG(M)=Z(G) ∪{0},thatis,ZG(M) is as small as possible. ≤ ∪{ } Theorem 4.4. Let G Sn and M = M(G).ThenZG(M)=Z(G) 0 if and only if G is transitive.

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Proof. Suppose G is transitive and α = εAσ ∈ ZG(M) − (Z(G) ∪{0}). Then A is a non-empty proper subset of N.Choosex ∈ A and y ∈ N − A.Since G is transitive, there is ρ ∈ G such that xρ = y.Thenαρ = ρα implies that

x(εAσρ)=x(ρεAσ)=y(εAσ). But this is a contradiction since x(εAσρ) is defined

and y(εAσ) is undefined. Conversely, suppose G is not transitive. Then for a fixed x ∈ N,letA ⊆ N be the G-orbit of x,thatis,A = { xσ : σ ∈ G }.SinceG is not transitive, A is a

proper subset of N, showing that the idempotent εA 6∈ G ∪{0}. In addition, since

Aσ = A for each σ ∈ G,wehaveεAσ = σεA for each σ ∈ G.ThusεA ∈ ZG(M)

and so ZG(M) =6 Z(G) ∪{0}.  For applications of the results above, we provide two theorems.

Theorem 4.5. Let G ≤ Sn be transitive of order p,wherep is a prime, and let M = M(G).ThenM has p+1 singleton conjugacy classes and 2p −2 non-singleton classes, each of size p.

Proof. Since G is transitive and abelian, Theorem 4.4 yields ZG(M)=Z(G)∪{0} = G ∪{0}.ThusM has |G| +1 = p + 1 singleton conjugacy classes. For a non- singleton class [α], Corollary 4.2 shows that |[α]| divides |G| = p. Thus, every such class has size p. It follows that the number m of non-singleton classes satisfies p+1+mp = |M|. But this equation coupled with |M| =(2p −1)p+1 (Corollary 3.5) shows that m =2p − 2. 

2 Theorem 4.6. Let G ≤ Sn be transitive of order p ,wherep is a prime, and let 2 M = M(G).ThenM has p2 +1 singleton conjugacy classes and 2p +(q −1)2p −2q non-singleton classes where q = p when G is cyclic and q = p2 otherwise. Moreover, each non-singleton class is either of size p or size p2: 2 (1) If G cyclic, M has p(2p − 2) classes of size p and 2p − 2p of size p2. 2 (2) Otherwise, M has p(p + 1)(2p − 2) classes of size p and 2p − (p +1)2p +2p of size p2.

Proof. Since G is transitive, ZG(M)=Z(G) ∪{0} (Theorem 4.4), and since G is abelian, Z(G)=G.ThusM has |G|+1 = p2 +1 singleton conjugacy classes. For a non-singleton class [α], Corollary 4.2 shows that |[α]| divides |G| = p2. Thus, every 2 such class is either of order p or p . In addition, if |[α]| = p,then[G : CG(α)] = p

(proof of Theorem 4.1), and so |CG(α)| = p.

Suppose G = hτi is cyclic. First, we count α ∈ M such that |CG(α)| = p,thatis, p CG(α)=hτ i, the unique subgroup of G of order p. Thus it suffices to count those ∈ − p p p α M ZG(M) that commute with τ .Notethatτ is a product τ = ρ1ρ2 ...ρp of p disjoint cycles, each of length p. By the observation after Theorem 3.3, α k can be expressed uniquely as α = εAσ,whereA ⊆ N and σ = τ ∈ G for some 2 p k p p k k =1, 2,...,p . Wehavethatα commutes with τ ,thatis,εAτ τ = τ εAτ . −k p p Multiplying both sides of the last equality by τ ,weobtainεAτ = τ εA.It p follows that α = εAσ and τ commute precisely when A is the set of all points in N moved by some subset of cycles in the cycle decomposition of τ p.

Now, the number of elements of M − ZG(M)oftheformεAσ,whereA is the set of all points in N moved by some subset of cycles in the cycle decomposition of τ p, and σ ∈ G,is(2p − 2)p2 (since we have 2p − 2 choices for A and p2 choices for σ). p 2 (2 −2)p p − Hence the number of conjugacy classes in M with p members is p = p(2 2).

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Turning to the number of conjugacy classes in M with p2 members, we let m denote the number of classes of size p2. Then, recalling the formula for the size of M (Corollary 3.5), we have 2 [p2 +1]· 1+[p(2p − 2)] · p + m · p2 = p2(2p − 1) + 1, 2 which implies m =2p − 2p. Next, we suppose that G is not cyclic. Again, we count α ∈ M such that

|CG(α)| = p.SinceG is not cyclic, every non-identity element of G has order p. It follows that G has exactly p + 1 subgroups of order p,sayH1,... ,Hp+1,with Hi ∩ Hj = {1} for i =6 j.Fori ∈{1,... ,p+1},letτi be a generator of Hi.For ∈ | | every α M, CG(α) = p if and only if CG(α)=Hi for some i =1,... ,p+1. ∈ − Thus it suffices to count those α M ZG(M)thatcommutewithτi for exactly one i ∈{1,... ,p+1}. 2 Fix τi and note that, since G is regular and n = p , τi is a product τi = ρ1ρ2 ···ρp of p disjoint cycles, each of length p. By the argument in the cyclic case above, the ∈ − p − 2 number of α M ZG(M) that commute with the fixed τi is (2 2)p .Thusthe ∈ − p − 2 number of α M ZG(M) that commute with exactly one τi is (p + 1)(2 1)p (since we have p + 1 choices for τi). Hence the number of conjugacy classes in M p 2 (2 −2)(p+1)p p − with p members is p = p(p + 1)(2 2). Turning to the number of conjugacy classes in M with p2 members, we let m denote the number of classes of size p2. Then, recalling the formula for the size of M (Corollary 3.5), we have 2 [p2 +1]· 1+[p(p + 1)(2p − 2)] · p + m · p2 = p2(2p − 1) + 1, 2 which implies m =2p − (p +1)2p +2p.  References

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Department of Mathematics, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 E-mail address: [email protected] Department of Mathematics, Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 E-mail address: [email protected]

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