Blind Kuwaiti Celts rout Wizards clarinet player on home court wows Arabs to take series lead Got Talent7 45 Min 28º Max 42º FREE NO: 17225 - Friday, May 12, 2017 See Page 9 Local FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2017 In my view Photo of the day The new face of Kuwait By Sana Kalim
[email protected] hildren born in the early 2000s are teenagers now. The Gen ‘Z’, ‘Home Generation’, Post- CMillennials or whatever strange label they wear, are trying to find themselves in this morphing world we live in. They are looked upon as being more open minded - accepting other cultures a lot more readily (thanks to the Internet). These children are building upon the foundation of the previous generations, eyeing the world through a very unique perspective - they understand that the only way the world can become better is when we realize that we all want to live by each oth- er’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. Moreover, learning from the previous generation with their ‘can do’ attitude, they are the people that will take the first steps down a new road, armed with controversial thinking and beaming intelligence. If you are ever against this force which typhoons are named after, just stop and think - who has really raised them? This generation will suffer, just like the ones before them. With the rise of IS, global tensions and global warming, a united generation is needed. We have to Yarnbombing - the art of covering public spaces with knitted or crocheted textiles - at a local community garden in this 2015 file photo.