
The Auk 117(1):164–174, 2000


CHRISTOPHER A. LEPCZYK1 AND WILLIAM H. KARASOV Department of Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA

ABSTRACT.—We tested for the presence of compensatory growth (i.e. faster age-specific growth) following ephemeral periods of food restriction in altricial nestlings using the House Sparrow ( domesticus) as a model . To simulate periods of poor food con- ditions, we raised nestlings in captivity, fed them a synthetic diet, and held them at constant body mass for 48 h beginning on either day 3 or 6 of life. Controls were fed according to an age-specific feeding schedule that yielded normal growth curves. During realimentation, re- stricted nestlings did not achieve a faster rate of growth than that of controls. Instead, these nestlings either died (all controls lived) or gained mass at a rate similar to that of controls. Consequently, restricted nestlings reached asymptotic mass two days later than control nest- lings. Growth of culmen and tarsus was not affected, but growth of the eighth primary was reduced for several days in nestlings restricted at day 6 (i.e. late restricted), although this difference disappeared by the age of fledging. Because surviving nestlings achieved only a 15.9% increase in food consumption compared with unrestricted controls and were unable to translate it into a faster rate of growth, the nestlings may have been growing at a maximum rate. We found no differences between late-restricted and unrestricted nestlings in % water, % protein, % lipid, and % ash. The two groups were of similar maturity as measured by % body water and the water index. Our results are consistent with current theory in that pe- riods of food restriction delayed the schedule of mass accretion by the length of the restric- tion period. Although House Sparrows have a labile growth rate and developmental time, our results did not support the hypothesis of compensatory growth. Based on this and one other study, compensatory growth does not appear to occur in altricial . Received 6 May 1998, accepted 16 June 1999.

POSTNATAL GROWTH IN BIRDS is a period of Tompkins 1995), weather (Murphy 1985, Keller rapid mass gain, tissue maturation, and ana- and Van Noordwijk 1994), and asynchronous tomical development. Given these changes, hatching (Nisbet et al. 1995). Of these sources, postnatal growth is viewed as one of the most food abundance and diet quality are of partic- energetically demanding periods in a ’s life ular interest because they represent the energy cycle (Ricklefs 1983). Numerous hypotheses and nutrients necessary for growth and devel- have addressed how growth rates are ecologi- opment. cally adapted and potentially constrained (e.g. Different species may respond in markedly Lack 1968, Ricklefs 1969, Lilja et al. 1985, different fashions to fluctuations in food abun- Bosque and Bosque 1995). To date, it has been dance or quality. For example, nestling Zebra generally accepted that the transition from ne- Finches (Taeniopygia guttata) fed a low-quality onate to fledgling is a relatively fixed process. diet gained mass slower, reached a lower adult However, a growing body of literature indi- mass, and had shorter tarsi than control birds cates that growth and development can be quite fed a diet that was richer in protein (Boag 1987). variable. Sources of this variation include hab- Similarly, studies of European Robins (Eritha- itat differences (Richner et al. 1989), levels of cus rubecula) and Carrion Crows (Corvus corone) food abundance (Martin 1987, Cruz and Cruz have shown that ephemeral periods of poor 1990), diet quality (Boag 1987, Johnston 1993), food conditions result in abnormal growth, parasite loads (Møller 1990, Clayton and permanent stunting, lower fledging mass, and/or increased mortality (Lees 1949, Richner 1 Present address: Department of Fisheries and et al. 1989). In contrast, European Swifts (Apus Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, apus; Lack and Lack 1951), Mangrove Michigan 48824, USA. (Iridoprocne albilinea; Ricklefs 1976), House E-mail: [email protected] Martins (Delichon urbica; Bryant 1978), and 164 January 2000] Food Restriction and Growth 165

White-fronted Bee-eaters (Merops bullockoides; altricial birds would indicate that the normal Emlen et al. 1991) resumed normal growth growth rate is not at the physiological maxi- rates with no detrimental effects following mum, but rather operates in some optimal ephemeral periods of poor food conditions. The manner (Schew and Ricklefs 1998). The ques- ability to adjust growth rate, or the time to tion of optimality versus maximality is impor- reach a developmental endpoint, to prevailing tant because several hypotheses hold that altri- food conditions is termed labile development, cial growth rates are maximal, being limited which is a form of developmental plasticity only by some physiological bottleneck. In par- (Smith-Gill 1983, Schew and Ricklefs 1998). ticular, growth is thought to be limited by bot- Within the context of developmental plastic- tlenecks in either tissue maturity or the diges- ity lies an interesting but poorly studied phe- tive system (e.g. Ricklefs 1969, 1979; Lilja et al. nomenon known as compensatory (i.e. catch- 1985, Konarzewski 1988; Ricklefs et al. 1994). up) growth. Compensatory growth is best de- As such, accelerated growth would indicate fined as an accelerated growth rate relative to that nestlings are not growing maximally and age that occurs after a period of poor food con- hence are not limited by a physiological bottle- ditions or environmental perturbations (Boh- neck. Another question that can be addressed man 1955). True compensatory growth is when investigating accelerated growth is the marked by the addition of protein, minerals, concept of absolute time schedules. If fledging and water. This is important to note because is a relatively fixed event chronologically, then growth in its proper sense is represented by in- two possibilities exist following an environ- creases in protein and skeletal development, mental perturbation: (1) accelerated growth re- not increased fat deposition (Maynard et al. sulting in ‘‘normal’’ fledging mass; or (2) nor- 1979). Originally described in poultry and oth- mal or retarded growth resulting in decreased er agricultural (Wilson and Osbourn fledging mass. Thus, if compensatory growth 1960), compensatory growth has been observed or subnormal fledging mass were observed fol- in numerous taxa including invertebrates (Ca- lowing an ephemeral period of poor food con- low and Woolhead 1977), fish (Dobson and ditions, it would suggest that fledging or as- Holmes 1984), amphibians (Alford and Harris ymptotic mass occurs at a relatively fixed time 1988), and (Wilson and Osbourn in the nestling’s life cycle. Because of the short 1960). Among birds, compensatory growth has developmental time in altricial birds, the ob- been demonstrated in one precocial species servation of compensatory growth could sig- (Japanese Quail [Coturnix japonica]; Schew nificantly alter the view of fixed growth and de- 1995), one semiprecocial species (Jackass Pen- velopment. guin [Spheniscus demersus]; Heath and Randall We used ephemeral food restrictions to sim- 1985), and one semialtricial species (American ulate environmental perturbations as a means Kestrel [Falco sparverius]; Negro et al. 1994). No- to slow growth and development. Following tably scarce are tests of compensation in altri- the restriction, food provisioning became un- cial birds. Konarzewski et al. (1996) tested for limited to allow nestlings an opportunity to re- compensation in the Song Thrush (Turdus phi- spond. Here, we report on the response of nest- lomelos) following a period of food restriction ling House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)to and found no increase in growth rate. However, these conditions and discuss the implications nestlings were overfed 24 h a day for two days for altricial birds. and then sacrificed. Thus, no measure of growth until fledging or adulthood was ob- METHODS tained. The only other study investigating com- pensatory growth in altricial nestlings found Study site.—Natural and artificial nest sites were no accelerated growth in European Starlings located in Madison, Wisconsin. Cardboard nest box- es were placed in known House Sparrow breeding (Sturnus vulgaris; Schew 1995). Nevertheless, sites during January 1995. Beginning in mid-March given the number of altricial species that exhib- 1995, all potential nesting locations were visited it labile development, coupled with the lack of twice a week to note the onset of laying. From 1 May studies, the presence of compensatory growth to 8 August, we strived to visit all nests daily be- in altricial birds remains open to question. tween 1030 and 1330 CST to ensure accurate and Accelerated growth after food restriction in consistent aging and structural measurements. At 166 LEPCZYK AND KARASOV [Auk, Vol. 117 each visit, we weighed nestlings to the nearest 0.01 time they were placed on a similar mass-mainte- g with a portable electronic scale, marked them on nance diet for 48 h. The mass-maintenance level was their back and scapulars with an indelible marker, found to be 0.2 mL food per hour for early restricted and returned them to the nest. Starting on day 3 nestlings and 0.4 mL food per hour for late-restricted (hatching ϭ day 0), we measured the length of the nestlings based on the pilot group of nestlings. After culmen, tarsus, and eighth primary (hereafter P8) to 48 h of maintenance rationing, early restricted and the nearest mm. late-restricted nestlings were fed to satiation every Experimental design.—To test for compensatory hour using a six-step feeding hierarchy. First, we growth following ephemeral periods of food restric- tried feeding Ͼ125% of the age-specific level for con- tion, we set up three laboratory treatments of House trol nestlings of the same chronological age. If the Sparrow nestlings: (1) control, (2) early restricted, nestling would not consume Ͼ125%, we then tried and (3) late restricted. A fourth group, composed of feeding 125% of the age-specific level for control field nestlings, was set up to monitor nestlings under nestlings of the same chronological age. As a third natural conditions. Subjects for the experimental step, we fed at an hourly rate that provided the same treatments were removed from their nests between total amount of food during the nestling period as 1030 and 1230 on day 3 and transported to our lab- control nestlings received. This rate was determined oratory at the University of Wisconsin. Only nest- to be either 0.06 mL per hour for early restricted lings that had hatched synchronously on day 0 were nestlings or 0.11 mL per hour for late-restricted nest- used in the experiment (i.e. no asynchronous nest- lings above the age-specific control level. The fourth lings were used). To control for nest effects, nestlings step was feeding the restricted nestlings at the age- from the same clutch were randomly assigned to one specific control rate. If a nestling would not accept of the three groups (i.e. all treatments were filled the control level, then it was fed whatever it was will- once before adding a second nestling) upon being ing to accept. Finally, if the nestling refused to eat, brought into the laboratory. Nestlings were placed in was satiated, or regurgitated, it was skipped for that round (12 ϫ 9 cm) tissue-lined plastic containers and hour. To ensure that all nestlings reached fledging housed in an environmental chamber under constant mass, they were fed through day 16 (average fledg- conditions of 14L : 10D photoperiod, 35.6 Ϯ SE of ing age is 14 to 15 days; Weaver 1942, Summers- 0.02ЊC, and 61.9 Ϯ 0.16% relative humidity using a Smith 1967). On the morning of day 17, nestlings water bath system. Conditions within the chamber were moved to individual 45 ϫ 32 ϫ 60 cm metal were similar to those found in natural nests (Blem cages. Nestlings were transitioned to the powdered 1975). Nestlings in the field group were weighed and form of the diet and provided with food and water measured daily until they left the nest. ad libitum. We measured fledglings daily through day Feeding protocol.—All nestlings brought to the lab- 30 and then weekly through day 55. oratory were hand-fed a synthetic liquid diet devel- Analysis of growth curves.—Growth data for surviv- oped by E. Caviedes-Vidal (pers. comm.) and synthe- ing nestlings of each group were fit using the inte- sized by ICN Biomedicals, Inc. The diet was com- grated Richards equation as described by Brisbin et posed primarily of protein (casein), corn starch, and al. (1986) and modified by Leberg et al. (1989): water (see Lepczyck et al. 1998). The diet was 75% wa- ϭ (1Ϫm)(1Ϫ Ϫm)(1Ϫ Ϫm)(Ϫ2t/T)·(1ϩm)1/(1Ϫm) ter on a wet-mass basis, which provided an adequate Mt [A [A M0 ]·e ] amount of water for hydration. Nestlings were re- ϩ ei, (1) moved from the environmental chamber every hour and fed by gavage using a 1-mL syringe for a total of where Mt is body mass at time t, A is asymptotic

15 times per day, beginning at 0630. Prior to and fol- mass, m is the Richards shape parameter, M0 is mass lowing feeding, each nestling’s body mass was re- at hatching, and T is the growth period (i.e. the ap- corded to account for the mass of food eaten. The vol- proximate time to reach asymptote; Richards 1959). ume of food consumed at each feeding was also re- Because both laboratory groups displayed continued corded. Because a pilot study revealed that nestlings growth beyond an asymptote (as a result of the feed- fed according to begging did not grow in a similar ing protocol), the fitting procedure was modified as manner to field nestlings, we adopted an age-specific follows. Control individuals were constrained by a feeding schedule that previously had yielded normal 25-g asymptote (the mean A of field nestlings) with growth curves (E. Caviedes-Vidal pers. comm.). all data points above 25 g being excluded from the The age-specific feeding schedule for control nest- curve-fitting procedure. Late-restricted nestlings lings was 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.85, 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 mL were constrained in the same manner as control nest- of food per hour for nestlings of ages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, lings and were further modified by removing the two 9, and 10 to 16 days, respectively. Early restricted days at which body mass was held constant (i.e. data nestlings were fed just enough food to keep their were shifted back two days by recoding day 8 as day body mass constant for 48 h beginning on day 3, 6, etc.). Parameter estimates for m were 2.28 Ϯ 0.47 whereas late-restricted nestlings were fed in a like and 1.75 Ϯ 0.27 for the control and late-restricted manner as control nestlings until day 6, at which nestlings, respectively (see Results for estimates of January 2000] Food Restriction and Growth 167

T). Early restricted nestlings were not fit to the mod- alyzed using a two-tailed t-test. Means are reported el because none survived until fledging (see Results). Ϯ 1 SE unless otherwise noted. Carcass analysis.—Because true compensatory growth is defined as the addition of lean body mass, we performed body composition analyses of control RESULTS and late-restricted nestlings on day 11 (early restrict- ed nestlings excluded because most did not survive The proportion of nestlings that survived for 72 h after restriction). We chose day 11 to allow from hatching to day 16 or fledging was 0.914 nestlings in the late-restricted group several days of (32 of 35), 1.0 (9 of 9), 0 (0 of 9), and 0.6 (6 of ad libitum feeding. Nestlings were sacrificed between 10) for field, control, early restricted, and late 1230 and 1630, at which time they were dissected to restricted, respectively. All nestlings survived remove the stomach, liver, and intestines for bio- the 48-h food restriction, but mortality began chemical measures (Lepczyk et al. 1998). The stom- occurring within 48 h after restriction in both ach was emptied, blotted, and weighed, whereas the early and late-restricted groups. A single early liver was simply blotted and weighed. The entire car- restricted nestling survived until day 15 but cass (minus the intestines) of each individual was then freeze-dried to constant mass and homoge- subsequently died. nized. Two separate 0.75-g samples of the dry ho- Mean food consumption before restriction mogenate were extracted for crude lipids in a Soxhlet was 24.3 Ϯ 0.3 g and 24.4 Ϯ 0.5 g for control apparatus using petroleum ether (Helrich 1990). The and late-restricted nestlings, respectively (t ϭ samples were redried and the lipid content calculat- Ϫ0.17, df ϭ 13, P ϭ 0.87). During the 48-h re- ed. Protein content was determined by the macro striction, mean food consumption was 25.6 Ϯ Kjeldahl method (Helrich 1990) using replicate 0.5-g 0.2 g and 12.1 Ϯ 0.03 g for control and late-re- samples of the dry homogenate. Ash content was de- stricted nestlings (t ϭ 60.74, df ϭ 13, P Ͻ termined as the mass remaining after burning rep- 0.0005). Following restriction, late-restricted licate 0.50-g samples in a muffle furnace at 525ЊC. nestlings consumed more food than did control Percentages of each component with respect to wet mass were calculated as [100 ϫ mass of component]/ nestlings (t ϭϪ6.93, df ϭ 13, P Ͻ 0.0005). Mean wet body mass. Total water and lipid masses were food consumption following restriction was divided by lean dry mass to calculate water and lipid 185.6 Ϯ 0.2 g for control nestlings and 215.2 Ϯ indices, respectively (Blem 1975). 5.3 g for late-restricted nestlings. Although Data analysis.—The times taken to reach near as- late-restricted nestlings consumed more food ymptote (i.e. T) were analyzed with the covariates of after restriction, it was difficult to overfeed mass on day 0 (M0) and day 3 (M3) and the categorical them as indicated by the increase in consump- variable of group (G). Body mass covariates were ini- tion of only 15.9%. Furthermore, nestlings re- tially chosen because each nestling had slightly dif- gurgitated when fed more than the 15.9%. ferent hatching masses (day 0) and slightly different Due to small sample size of field nestlings af- handling effects (day 3). All possible model combi- ter day 11, structural analyses were performed nations were investigated using Mallows Cp statistic (Draper and Smith 1981) to find the most parsimo- from days 3 to 11 for comparison among all nious model explaining T. The T of surviving nest- three groups. Tarsus length (Fig. 1) and culmen lings was best estimated by the model: length (Fig. 2) did not differ among field, con- trol, and late-restricted nestlings (repeated- T ϭ␣ ϩ␣G ϩ e , (2) i 0 1 i measures ANOVA; tarsus, F ϭ 0.728, df ϭ 16 and 70, P ϭ 0.757; culmen, F ϭ 0.613, df ϭ 16 where Ti ϭ T, ␣0 is a constant, ␣1 is a coefficient, and e ϭ error. Daily rate of change in body mass (i.e. in- and 70, P ϭ 0.281). However, development of P8 cremental growth) was analyzed for each 24-h incre- (Fig. 3) was different among treatments (F ϭ ment using ANCOVA, with initial body mass for the 0.414, df ϭ 14 and 72, P ϭ 0.002) owing to sev- period as the covariate. Structural growth was ana- eral days of different incremental growth in lyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA and com- one of the treatments. Final structural lengths pared using the Wilks’ lambda statistic. Length of P8 of the laboratory-raised nestlings were ana- was analyzed for each 24-h increment in the same lyzed using a repeated-measures ANOVAfrom fashion as incremental body mass. The multivariate days 3 to 55. Notably, one late-restricted nest- general linear hypothesis module in SYSTAT was used for data analysis (Wilkinson 1992). Group dif- ling died, and four nestlings had broken shafts ferences other than structural measurements were on P8 before day 55, which reduced sample siz- compared using Tukey’s HSD procedure (Zar 1996). es to 9 and 5, 9 and 5, and 7 and 3 in control Body compositions and food consumption were an- and late-restricted nestlings for tarsus, culmen, 168 LEPCZYK AND KARASOV [Auk, Vol. 117

FIG. 1. Tarsus length (x¯ Ϯ SE) as a function of age FIG. 2. Culmen length (x¯ Ϯ SE) as a function of for field (filled circles), control (open circles), and age for field (filled circles), control (open circles), and late-restricted (triangles) nestlings. Arrow denotes late-restricted (triangles) nestlings. Arrow denotes onset of 48-h food restriction. onset of 48-h food restriction.

tion, mass gain of late-restricted birds did not and P8, respectively. No significant differences differ significantly from that of controls by ei- occurred between control and late-restricted ther ANCOVA (F ϭ 0.027, df ϭ 1 and 12, P ϭ nestlings in final lengths of the tarsus (F ϭ 2.17, 0.87) or a t-test (t ϭϪ1.48, df ϭ 13, P ϭ 0.16). df ϭ 1 and 12, P ϭ 0.17; Fig. 1), culmen (F ϭ A power analysis of the data over two days 0.61, df ϭ 1 and 12, P ϭ 0.45; Fig. 2), and P8 (F (two-sample t-test with ␣ϭ0.05 and ␤ϭ0.2) ϭ 2.51, df ϭ 1and8,P ϭ 0.15; Fig. 3). indicated that a difference in mass gain be- Control nestlings reached T faster than late- tween the two groups of at least 1.7 g would restricted nestlings (F ϭ 8.66, df ϭ 1 and 13, P ϭ 0.011; Fig. 4). Mean T-values were 13.8 Ϯ 0.4 days for control nestlings and 15.5 Ϯ 0.5 days for late-restricted nestlings. Although the con- trol nestlings maintained a slightly higher body mass than the late-restricted nestlings, the difference was not significant after day 13 (t ϭ 2.09, df ϭ 13, P ϭ 0.057; Fig. 5A). Over the course of their development, daily rates of change in body mass varied among field, con- trol, and late-restricted nestlings (Fig. 5B). The telltale sign of compensatory growth would have been a significantly faster rate of gain in the late-restricted group than the control group during the days following the end of food re- striction. Although this was not observed based on ANCOVA for the three groups (Fig. 5B), t- tests comparing the two laboratory groups alone indicated a significantly higher mass gain on the first day following restriction (t ϭϪ5.11, FIG. 3. Length of P8 (x¯ Ϯ SE) as a function of age df ϭ 13, P ϭ 0.0002) and a significantly lower for field (filled circles), control (open circles), and mass gain on the second day (t ϭ 3.93, df ϭ 13, late-restricted (triangles) nestlings. Arrow denotes P ϭ 0.0017). In the two days following restric- onset of 48-h food restriction. January 2000] Food Restriction and Growth 169

FIG. 4. Daily mass of individuals and fitted growth curves. The left column shows daily mass for indi- viduals of each group with histograms representing the time to reach T in the Richards growth model (equa- tion 1). The arrow in the late-restricted group denotes initiation of 48-h food restriction. The right column illustrates fitted growth curves for a single individual within each respective group. Dashed lines represent the fit to equation 1, and the dashed arrow represents the time to reach T in equation 1.

have been required for us to detect it. Besides ϭ 0.45) and lipid (t ϭ 0.78, df ϭ 14, P ϭ 0.45) these differences, the only other time that late- indices (Table 1). restricted nestlings gained mass faster than control nestlings (field nestlings not included) DISCUSSION was when growth tailed off in the controls on days 14 to 15 (t ϭϪ3.24, df ϭ 13, P ϭ 0.006). Growth following realimentation.—Following Body composition analysis in control and 48 h of food restriction, late-restricted nestlings late-restricted nestlings revealed no significant gained mass at a similar rate to control nest- differences in the content of lipid (t ϭ 0.33, df lings, despite being offered excess food and ϭ 14, P ϭ 0.75), protein (t ϭϪ0.67, df ϭ 14, P consuming 15.9% more than control nestlings. ϭ 0.51), ash (t ϭϪ0.90, df ϭ 14, P ϭ 0.38), and The late-restricted nestlings reached T roughly water (t ϭ 0.59, df ϭ 14, P ϭ 0.57; Table 1). Sim- two days later than control nestlings, corre- ilarly, no significant differences occurred be- sponding to their two days of food restriction tween the groups in water (t ϭ 0.78, df ϭ 14, P (Fig. 4). This delayed maturation is consistent 170 LEPCZYK AND KARASOV [Auk, Vol. 117

FIG. 5. Mean daily mass and incremental growth of House Sparrow nestlings. (A) Mean daily mass (ϮSE) of field (filled circles), control (open circles), and late-restricted (triangles) nestlings, respectively. The left arrow denotes the time when control and late-restricted nestlings were brought into the laboratory, and the right arrow denotes onset of the 48-h food restriction. (B) Daily rates of change in body mass using least square means (ϮSE) for each treatment. Letters denote significant differences between groups on a given day according to a Tukey HSD multiple comparisons test. Field differed from control and late restricted (a), late restricted differed from field and control (b), control differed from late restricted (c), and control differed from late restricted when field was absent (d). with the prevailing hypothesis that an environ- (Schew 1995), which also lack the ability to ac- mental perturbation delays maturity (e.g. as- celerate their growth rate. ymptotic mass or fledging) by a length of time Although a period of accelerated mass gain equal to the perturbation (Schew and Ricklefs appeared within 24 h of realimentation (Fig. 1998). Furthermore, the inability of nestling 5B), it can be attributed to a gut-fill phenome- House Sparrows to achieve compensatory non (see Wilson and Osbourn 1960) that oc- growth following an ephemeral food restric- curred within the first 3 to 4 h after restriction, tion is consistent with European Starlings when nestlings were begging but literally could not consume any more food without re- gurgitating. The phenomenon disappeared the TABLE 1. Body composition analysis for 16 House Sparrow nestlings (8 per treatment) at 11 days of following day, during which mass gain in the age. Values are treatment means Ϯ SD. previously restricted birds was somewhat low- er than the controls. Hence, over the two-day Control Late-restricted period following restriction, and for subse- Component nestlings nestlings quent days, the incremental growth did not dif- % Lipid 7.02 Ϯ 0.72 6.86 Ϯ 1.10 fer significantly between control and late-re- % Protein 14.90 Ϯ 0.45 15.22 Ϯ 1.27 % Ash 2.30 Ϯ 0.11 2.41 Ϯ 0.32 stricted nestlings except for days 14 to 15, when %Water 71.71 Ϯ 1.01 71.20 Ϯ 2.26 the growth of the former group was tailing off % Lean dry mass 21.27 Ϯ 0.68 21.94 Ϯ 1.71 (Fig. 5B). The control and late-restricted nest- Water index 3.38 Ϯ 0.15 3.27 Ϯ 0.35 lings continued to add mass well after the field Lipid index 0.33 Ϯ 0.04 0.31 Ϯ 0.05 nestlings had reached asymptotic mass, and January 2000] Food Restriction and Growth 171 they were heavier than the field nestlings. This ging was not a reliable indicator of satiation, we added mass was partially due to an increase in used a previously developed feeding protocol subcutaneous fat, which was visible in the pec- that yielded growth and development similar toralis region on days 15 and 16. The fat de- to wild nestlings (E. Caviedes-Vidal pers. creased noticeably, and body mass declined to comm.). Similarly, begging was not reliable in a lower asymptotic level, after the birds’ tran- the post-restriction period of early and late-re- sition to cages. stricted nestlings. As such, we developed a hi- Growth of the culmen and tarsus in late-re- erarchical feeding protocol that offered food ad stricted nestlings was not noticeably affected libitum without overfeeding. Although late-re- by the restriction (Figs. 1 and 2) and subse- stricted nestlings consumed significantly more quent realimentation. Growth of P8 (Fig. 3), on food than control nestlings, they were not able the other hand, differed among field, control, to translate this into a faster growth rate. The and late-restricted nestlings. When viewed in- explanation for this lack of increased growth crementally, feather growth did not show any rate is that the food had a shorter residence consistent group trend. Notably, late-restricted time (mean retention time), which reduced di- nestlings had slower feather growth on two oc- gestive efficiency and hence resulted in a rate casions immediately following realimentation. of energy gain similar to that of control nest- Similar reductions in rates of feather growth lings (Lepczyk et al. 1998). Furthermore, our have been observed in European Swifts (Lack methodology only varied the quantity of food and Lack 1951) and Mangrove Swallows (Rick- delivered and not the quality, which might be lefs 1976) following periods of poor food con- a factor during realimentation. ditions. Thus, of the structural components The pattern of survival differed markedly measured, only P8 showed any negative re- among groups. Although field nestlings sponse to food restriction. Overall, though, the showed high fledging success compared with final length of P8 did not differ among treat- reported rates (Weaver 1942, Seel 1970), it ments (Fig. 3). should be kept in mind that only synchronous- Results of our body composition analysis be- ly hatched nestlings from surviving clutches tween control and late-restricted nestlings were included. The lack of mortality in control were similar to those of Blem (1975) and Myr- nestlings indicates that the diet, feeding pro- cha et al. (1973). Percent body water and the tocol, and environmental chamber provided water index were used as indices of tissue mat- adequate energy, nutrients, and conditions for uration (Ricklefs and Webb 1985, Konarzewski raising nestling House Sparrows. However, a 1988), and hence age, to compare control and handling effect was detected in the form of late-restricted nestlings. Lack of a difference lower growth rates on day 3 when the nestlings between the two groups in these indices indi- were first transferred to the laboratory (Fig. 5). cated that they were of the same physiological Cause(s) of mortality in the early and late-re- and chronological age. Furthermore, the lack of stricted nestlings are unknown. In a similar disparity in physiological age indicated that study of European Starlings, nearly all nest- physiological and chronological age did not be- lings that experienced 72 h of mass-mainte- come decoupled during restriction in the late- nance feeding on days 3 or 8 survived until restricted nestlings. Because no differences oc- fledging (Schew 1995). Notably, however, the curred between control and late-restricted nestling starlings were returned to their origi- nestlings in body fat, protein, or ash, we sur- nal nests to be raised by their parents following mise that the late-restricted nestlings had add- the restriction. Because of our interest in inves- ed tissue in a manner similar to that of control tigating digestive physiology during and fol- nestlings. Moreover, the lack of differences in- lowing food restriction, as well as the potential dicates that true growth between the two treat- for nest abandonment, returning nestlings to ments was similar as of day 11 and was not an their nests was not a feasible option. Thus, artifact of fattening. within the laboratory setting, our results are Feeding protocol and survival.—The inability of consistent with the conclusion of Wilson and altricial nestlings to feed themselves presented Osbourn (1970) that ‘‘undernutrition in the ear- a potential challenge in studying growth and lier stages of growth is more detrimental to an development of House Sparrows. Because beg- than restriction at a later stage.’’ Be- 172 LEPCZYK AND KARASOV [Auk, Vol. 117 cause the duration and severity of the restric- face of poor food conditions, and that under tion were similar for early and late-restricted good food conditions, they grow at a maximal nestlings, yet the response was markedly dif- rate. In altricial nestlings, this maximal growth ferent, perhaps the early restricted nestlings rate may be the optimal growth rate. Notably, were more susceptible to food restriction than although the optimal growth rate has been pro- were the late-restricted nestlings. However, the posed in terms of external selection pressures, control and late-restricted nestlings experi- such as risk of predation (Lack 1968, Bosque enced a minor food restriction on day 3, as ev- and Bosque 1995), and physiological con- idenced by the handling effect (Fig. 5), but did straints (Ricklefs 1969, 1979), both views con- not display a similar mortality rate as the early sider altricial nestlings to be growing maxi- restricted nestlings. Another possibility is that mally (i.e. optimal growth rate can be the max- food restriction may have put nestlings into a imum growth rate). On the other hand, growth state of chronic malnutrition that lasted beyond rates in poultry and wild precocial birds do not the restriction period. Finally, it is also impor- appear to be maximal growth rates as indicated tant to note that the actual level of food restric- by food restriction and realimentation experi- tion might be crucial for later development and ments that demonstrate accelerated growth. In survival. However, as previously mentioned, poultry, for example, accelerated growth is as- nearly all European Starlings nestlings held at sociated with increased feeding rates (Auck- constant body mass for 72 h survived until land et al. 1969) or increased ‘‘feed efficiency’’ fledging (Schew 1995), suggesting that a mass- (Moran 1981, Plavnik and Hurwitz 1988, San- maintenance feeding level is not detrimental to toso et al. 1995). Because these increases do not post-restriction survival in and of itself. occur in control individuals of the same chro- Compensatory growth and labile development in nologic age, birds that experience ad libitum altricial birds.—Thus far, the presence of com- conditions may be growing at sub-maximal pensatory growth in altricial nestlings has not rates. One caveat of these studies is that poultry been demonstrated. Indeed, Schew and Ricklefs are under intense artificial selection for specific (1998) suggest that whether compensatory characteristics (e.g. faster growth and feed con- growth occurs in any birds remains open to version), which complicates comparisons with question owing to the way in which growth wild birds. However, given that wild precocial data are typically expressed. The fact remains, birds grow at sub-maximal rates, the compar- however, that some altricial birds display labile ison has validity. Thus, precocial and domestic growth rates and development times, such as birds appear to grow at sub-maximal rates, White-fronted Bee-eaters (Emlen et al. 1991), whereas altricial birds appear to be growing European Swifts (Lack and Lack 1951), Man- maximally. grove Swallows (Ricklefs 1976), and House Martins (Bryant 1978). Although the House ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sparrow has not previously been described as a labile developer, older nestlings showed sev- We are indebted to Rebecca Cook, Kris Manganaro eral signs of lability. First, late-restricted nest- and Eugenia Ciminari for lab assistance and animal lings reached a similar fledging mass as control care. Special thanks go to Erinn Birmingham and nestlings. Second, no abnormal growth or Meghan Saur, who volunteered to feed nestlings. We stunted structural development occurred. thank Mark Cook for the use of his laboratory for car- Thus, the House Sparrow represents a species cass analysis and Bruce Darken for providing never- that, to some extent, displays a labile growth ending lab and field assistance. Peter Arcese, Mark rate resulting in a longer nestling period when Cook, D.A. McCallum, Robert E. Ricklefs, James S. faced with poor food conditions. Such lability Sedinger, and two anonymous reviewers provided critical reviews of the manuscript. The project ben- helps to explain the wide range in fledging efited from useful discussions with Scott Mc- times for House Sparrows reported in the lit- Williams, Enrique Caviedes-Vidal, and William erature (12 to 18 days; Weaver 1942, North Schew. Final thanks go to John Cary, who spent many 1973). days assisting with growth curve analysis and other The presence of labile development without statistical matters. Funding was provided by NSF accelerated growth suggests that altricial nest- IBN-9318675 to WHK and the Max McGraw Wildlife lings reduce growth and development in the Foundation. This paper was submitted in partial ful- January 2000] Food Restriction and Growth 173

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