Roman Military Service: Ideologies of Discipline in the Late Republic and Early Principate Sara Elise Phang Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88269-9 — Roman Military Service: Ideologies of Discipline in the Late Republic and Early Principate Sara Elise Phang Index More Information Index ij The most familiar form of a proper name is given; otherwise, names are alphabetized according to nomen, thus Agricola (C. Iulius), Sulla (L. Cornelius), but Cn. Calpurnius Piso. Check dates. Page references to ancient authors refer to the main text. abandonment of arms ambitus, 160 punishment, 106, 123–5, 129, 138, 173, 262 ambushes, 261 abjection, theory of, 34 Ammianus Marcellinus, 7, 57, 62, 103, 262, 265–6, at Numantia, 271, 282 274, 281 Douglas, Mary, 34 anger see ira, furor exclusion of social inferiors, 34–5 angareia, 174–5 Kristeva, Julia, 34 Antonius Primus, 215 rejected identities, 34–5 Antony (M. Antonius) of camp followers, 272, 282 coinage of, 195 of dishonorably discharged soldiers, 146 Cleopatra and, 271 of infames, 146 decimation by, 125–6 absentes rei publicae causa, 114, 211, 234 drunkenness of, 259 acclamations, 88–9 Appian, 51, 88, 125, 214, 230 by soldiers and veterans, 88–9 Appius Claudius imperial, 24 decimation by, 125 acting, 146 L. Apronius adultery, 94, 97, 132, 137 decimation by, 116, 127 Aelian, 50–2 Apuleius, 237 Aelius Aristides, 74 arbor infelix, 117 Aemilius Macer (jurist), 135–7, 146, 176 armor, Roman, 84–6 L. Aemilius Paullus, 40, 103, 120, 157, 258 as spectacle or display, 84 M. Aemilius Scaurus, 136 parades in, 84 aggression see anger punishment for not wearing, 84 Agricola (C. Iulius), 45, 246 resembles modern uniform,
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