Skippyjon Jones Script Skippyjon awakes in a birds nest

Mama Junebug Jones: [angry] Mr. Kitten Britches get yourself down here right now! No self-respecting cat ever slept with a flock of birds. Or ate worms, or flew, or did his laundry in Mrs. Doohiggy’s birdbath.

Mama takes Skippyjon home and continues the lecture

Mama Junebug Jones: You need to think about just what it means to be a cat . . . not a bird . . . not a mouse or a grouse . . . not a moose or a goose . . . not a rat or a bat . . . .You need to think about just what it means to be a Siamese cat! Stay in your room and stay out of your closet, Mr. Fuzzy Pants!

As soon as mom leaves the room Skippyjon goes to jump on bed

Skippyjon: Oh, I’m Skippyjonjones, and I bounce on my bed, and once or SIX times, I land on my head.

Skippyjon sees himself in the mirror

Skippyjon: Holy Guacamole! What was that? I am a Chihuahua!

Skippyjon digs through toy box . . . finds a mask and puts it on


My name is Skippito Friskito. (clap-clap) I fear not a single bandito. (clap-clap) My manners are mellow, I’m sweet like the Jell-O, I get the job done, yes indeed-o (clap-clap)

Back in the kitchen, Ju-Ju Bee, Jezebel, and Jilly Boo Jones help Mama Junebug make lunch

Ju-Ju Bee: Can Skippyjon come out of his room now?

Mama Junebug Jones: No . . . No. Mr. Fluffernutter is still thinking.

Skippyjon racing around his room is not thinking at all, but imagining . . . he goes into his closet and imagines he is in a desert in Mexico

Skippyjon: Ay, caramba! Who goes there?

Skippyjon runs into a mysterious band of Chihuahuas

Don Diego: We go by the name of Los Chimichangos. Who are you?

Skippyjon: I am El Skippito, the great sword fighter.

Poquito Tito: Why the maskito, dude?

Skippyjon: I go incognito!

Pintolito: Do you like rice and beans?

Skippyjon: Sí I love mice and beans

Tia Mia: [whispering] He might be the dog of our dreams . . . if he knows the secret password.

Skippyjon: [sneezes/speaks password into Don Diego’s ear] aaaaAAAAAAAHHCHOOOO-PICHU!

Don Diego: Then it is true. Yip, Yippee, Yippito! It’s the end of Alredo Buzzito! Skippito is here, we have nothing to fear. Adíos to the bad Bumblebeeto!

Chimichangos go crazy loco and have a party and then take a nap

When they awake Don Diego draws a picture of the Great Bumblebeeto

© Judith Byron Schachner Crowd: [whispering] Alfredo Buzzito, El Blimpo Bumblebeeto Bandito.

Poquito Tito: The Bandito steals our frijoles.

Skippyjon: [outraged] Not your beans!

Poquito: Sí.

Red bean, black beans, Boston baked, and blue, Cocoa, coffee, kidney beans, Pinto, and jelly too! And now he comes for us.

Skippyjon: ¿Por qúe?

Poquito: Because we are full of the beans too.

Poquito Tito: The dude just wants his beans back, and you are the dog for the job.

Skippyjon: Me?

Skippyjon doesn’t have time for a plan, because a gigantic shadow darkens the landscape

Doggies: Vamos, Skippito—or it is you the Bandito will eato!

Skippito stands his ground, but his legs are shivering and his teeth are chattering

Skippyjon: [in a soft voice] My name is Skippito Friskito. I . . . fear . . . not a . . . single bandito.

Alfredo Buzzito flies straight for Skippito and hovers right about his face

Skippyjon: Holy Frijoles!

Skippito thrusts his sword in the air. He pops the Bandito with his sword and beans come spilling out


Yip, Yippee, Yippito! (clap-clap) Our hero is El Skippito! (clap-clap) He’s the dog of our dreams Who delivered the beans, And now we can make our burritos! (clap-clap)

Mama Junebug Jones and Skippyjon’s sisters hear a loud noise and rush to his room to see what is going on. They go in and see Skippyjon’s closet exploding! Skippyjon appears with his birthday piñata on his head

Everyone: Skippyjon Jones!

Skippy: Hola, muchachitas.

Mama Junebug Jones: What am I going to do with you, Mr. Cocopugs?

It’s bedtime and Skippy begins to bounce on his big-boy bed


Oh, I’m Skippyjonjones, With a mind of my own, And I’ll bounce on my bed for hours. I know I’m a cat, But forget about that . . .

Mama Junebug Jones: Say good night, Skippyjon Jones.

Skippyjon: Buenas noches, mis amigos.

© Judith Byron Schachner Skippyjon Jones in the Doghouse Script

In the living room, Skippyjon Jones is drawing on the walls when Mama comes in

Mama Junebug Jones: [gasp] Drop that crayon right now, Mr. Doodlepaws!

Skippyjon: You’re not the boss of me!

Mama Junebug Jones: In your dreams, Mr. Beans! I cannot believe you drew Chihuahuas all over the walls. You are a naughty Siamese cat, not a Chihuahua, and you need a timeout!

Mama drags Skippyjon to his room

Mama Junebug Jones: You must think like a cat, think Siamese! And stay out of your closet or you’ll really be in the doghouse.

Mama leaves the room and closes the door

Skippyjon starts bouncing on his bed

Skippyjon: Doghouse . . . hmm . . .

Everyone knows from my big ears to my toes I’m not a Siamese cat. I’m Skippyjon Jones A Chihuahua to my bones. And that’s what I think about that.

Skippyjon changes into a mask and cape and sings, with a Spanish accent:

Oh, my name is Skippito Friskito (clap-clap) And I heard from a leetle birdito (clap-clap) That the doggies have fled From the gobbling head Who goes by the name Bobble-ito! (clap clap)

Skippyjon skateboards into his closet and deep inside finds a shack at the edge of a cliff

Skippyjon: Where the heckito am I?

Don Diego: [in a deep, growling voice] Who wants to know?

Skippyjon: It ees I, El Skippito Friskito, the Great Bumblebeeto eater, the great fly defeater, the greatestpoco perrito of all.

Someone pulls Skippyjon into the shack, which is . . . full of Chihuahuas!

Don Diego: Hola, Skippito. We have been waiting for you, dude.

Poquito Tito: Sí, Skippito, last night we found a Bobble-ito in la casa perrito.

Skippyjon: Not in the leetle doghouse!

Polka Dot-ito: Uh-huh, and you are just what the dog-tor ordered to get him out!

Los Chimichangos (the dogs): [dancing and singing]

First you turn the music way up loud, Then you nod your head up and down And wag your loco tail, back and forth, To the chimichanga rumba nd the cha-cha-cha.

© Judith Byron Schachner Skippyjon: Stop eet! You are keel-ing me, dudes!

Poquito Tito: Enough of the monkey beez-ness. Come lie down on this tortilla.

Skippyjon: [nervously] Porque?

Poquito Tito: Because we have to make you into a three-bean burrito for our plan to work. Uno, dos, tres! Let’s sing as we go to the valley of the dogs.

Los Chimichangos (the dogs): [singing]

Yes, sirree sirrito, (clap-clap) It’s the return of our boy, El Skippito! (clap-clap) A bird in his ear Said we needed him here. It’s Ka-boom! To the big Bobble-ito! (clap-clap)

Don Diego: [coming to a halt] The nodding Bobble-ito is up in the attica.

Skippyjon: I’m too scared to look!

Polka Dot-ito: We don’t give a hootito. We’re going to trampoline you up-ito with the burrito. Go get him, Skippito!

Skippyjon: [as he catapults up to the attica] Oh, mamalita!

Skippyjon bounces off the Bobble-ito and bounces around the attic, then bounces out the window and onto the waiting tortilla

Los Chimichangos (the dogs): [singing]

Muchas gracias, Skippy-dippy-dango, Bye, Bobble-ito, boogie-woogie tango, Muchos poochos, licky-sticky mango, Gozo bozo, chimi-chimi-chango.

Los Chimichangos bring Skippyjon/Skippito back into his room and leave him there

Mama Junebug Jones: [right outside the door, listening] Everything is very quiet in there. I wonder what he’s up to. I’ll just peek in . . . . What a little crumb cake. He’s wrapped up in his old white blanket and talking to Ju-Ju Bee’s itty-bitty-kitty bobblehead. I guess he must be thinking Siamese.

Skippyjon: [asking the bobblehead] Do you like mice and beans?

The bobblehead nods. Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

Skippyjon: Me, too.

© Judith Byron Schachner Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble Script

Skippyjon Jones is standing outside his litter box thinking when his mom walks in

Mama Junebug Jones: Hey, you, Mr. McPooh, just what do you think you’re doing?

Skippyjon doesn’t answer because he is too busy reading

Mama Junebug Jones: Hey, Little Digger—I’m talking to you. A pyramid outside the litter box will never ever do.

She notices what Skippyjon is reading

Mama Junebug Jones: National Leographic magazine! and “ of the cat-mummy.” Why, this will give you nightmares, boy, with an upset tummy, too. Plus a puffy tail of the grandest scale. This story is taboo!

Skippyjon runs into his room to bounce on his big boy bed

Skippyjon: Oh, I’m Skippyjonjones, and I do love my mummy. But if I don’t bounce, I get knots in my tummy!

Skippyjon bounces up to look in the mirror

Skippyjon: Holy Smoke-ito! I know you! (He sees a chihuahua in the mirror)

Your ears are too big for your head. Your head is too big for your body. You are not a Siamese cat! You are steel the beeg Chihuahua, dude, the whole enchilada!

Skippyjon puts on his mask and cape and begins to sing quietly


My name is Skippito Friskito, (clap-clap) And I’m off to see old Egypt-ito. (clap-clap) My chicos insist, and I dare not resist, The chance to go meet a mummito. (clap-clap)

Skippyjon’s little sisters enter his room with a plan of their own, but Skippy is already deep inside his closet on his way to ancient Egypt

Skippyjon is paddling down the Nile and sees a crocodile with his old friends, the Chimichangos pack on his back

Skippyjon: ¿A dónde van?

Chihuahuas: We are going to the Under Mundo

Skippyjon: Not to the underwear!

Chihuahuas: No, no, no, you seely leetle beast! To the Under World where mummitos rest in peas.

Skippyjon: Peas? Who wants to sleep in peas?

Doggies: We do! We hear they are to die for.

Skippyjon: You mean they are better than the frijoles?

Poquito Tito: Si, mucho major, señor.

Skippyjon: ¡Vamonos! What are we waiting for?

Don Diego: Hold your ponies, Pepito. To get to the Under Mundo, we first have to answer the Reedle of the Finx.

© Judith Byron Schachner Skippyjon: But I’m not good at reedles.

Poquito Tito: No problema, you have a muy big brain.

They forth from the río Nile to find the Finx. They begin to sing

Skippee-Skippooh-Skippito! We only have one chance-erito To pass by the Finx, So don’t be a . Just answer the Riddle-dum-dito!

They arrive at the Finx

Don Diego: Don’t let the gato get your tongue, dude.

Skippyjon: What cat, where?

Don Diego: That cat there [points to the Finx].

Finx: Whose ears are too big for his head? And who loves to go bounce on his bed? Who creeps on all fours, through his own closet door, straight into the Land of the Dead?

Skippyjon knew the answer, but was too nervous to answer. He coughs up a fur ball.

Don Diego: You call that an answer, dude?


The perritos are now free to pass on to the tomb of King Rootin-Tootin-Kitten-Kabootin. When they finally reach the pyramid, the doggies burst into song and dance.

O-si, o-say, Osiris, (clap-clap) Our boy had a touch of the virus. (clap-clap) He coughed up a ball, So the Finx made a call, And now it’s inscribed on papyrus. (clap-clap)

Skippyjon: My tummy hurts, and my tail is getting puffy, too.

His friends do not comfort him because they want their peas

Poquito Tito: Are you not El Skippito Friskito, the great sword fighter?

Skippyjon: Sí. That is me.

Don Diego: Then do your duty, dog.

Skippyjon dives into the darkness of the musty old tomb chanting

Skippyjon: Peas por favor, peas por favor, peas por favor.

Skippyjon reels through the vault until sunddenly he hits a wall and knocks himself out. Soon after, three goddesses appear from the shadows to prepare the kitty boy for his journey to the Under Mundo

Goddess 1: First we salt and pepper him.

Goddess 2: And sprinkle him with lucky charms.

Goddess 3: Then we wrap him and roll him and bundle him tight, and blow him a kiss and say nighty-night.

They roll the wrapped cat down the ramp into the king’s chamber. Across the room is the four-thousand-year-old sarcophagus of King Rootin-Tootin-Kitten-Kabootin. Just as they are about to deliver El Skippito Mummito, he rolls right into the feet of the oldy, moldy mummy

© Judith Byron Schachner King: Ba-Da-Bing. [moans] I need to rest in peace.

Skippyjon: Peas!

Skippyjon runs and grabs two pawsful of peas and hightails it out of there. When Skippyjon runs out the doggies begin to chant


Green chícharos hot, Green chícharos cold, The best chícharos in the world Are those that Skippito holds!

Skippyjon is too scared to slow down. He chucks the peas at his friends and keeps running straight into the arms of his mummy

Mama Junebug Jones: What’s the matter, Fuzzy Bug?

Skippyjon: Ba-Da-Bing! [he wails, dropping the last of the peas]

Then his three sisters, the giggling goddesses, race into the room after Skippyjon with their puppets and a roll of toilet paper

Sisters: We’re going to wrap you and roll you and bundle you tight! And check you for , then kiss you good night.

That night, before Skippyjon gets into bed, he says:

Skippyjon Jones:

No mummies in my closet, No mummies in my bed, No mummies in my bookcase, No mummies in my head.

Skippyjon checks his room one more time for mummies, but the only one he sees is his own

Skippyjon: I love you, Mummy.

Mama Junebug Jones: I love you, too, Bunny Boots. Now go to sleep, por favor.

© Judith Byron Schachner Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group Maze Name Tags Coloring Sheet Skippy is being chased by the three goddesses! Connect the Dots Skippyjon Jones had a big adventure! Now he’s safe with Can you get him safely back into his bed? Who is that hiding in the stuffed animals? his mummy. Color in Skippy and his mom as they cuddle. Guide him through the maze to find out! Connect the dots to find out! Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Hola amigos! Hola amigos! My name is . . . My name is . . .

Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books Reproducible Activity Dutton Children’s Books © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group © Judith Byron Schachner A division of Penguin Young Readers Group

Find the Amigos Which Amigo is Biggest? What’s Different? Draw for Skippy Skippyjon Jones’ Chihuahua friends are hiding Skippy needs to find the biggest Chihuahua of all. Can you All of these Skippys are the same except for one. help Skippy and circle the biggest amigo? Holy Guacamole! Skippy is hungry. in the background. How many can you find? Can you circle the one that is different? In the space next to Skippy, can you draw him a snack?

Circle all the amigos you find! Answer: There are five amigos five are There Answer:

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