“Om Sri Lakshmi Narashimhan Nahama”

Valmiki – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31

Lakshmana Angrily Goes to


Enraged goes to the extent of saying that Sugreeva is to be eliminated and then Angada and others will search for Seetha. Perturbed by his brother's vehemence pacifies him and sends to Kishkindha where on seeing the infuriated, hissing, snakelike Lakshmana monkeys are upset. Lakshmana sends Angada to Sugreeva to inform about his arrival. Sugreeva could not comprehend firstly because he is in an inebriated condition, but later comes to senses on the advice of his ministers.

Chapter [Sarga] 31 in Detail

sa kaaminam diinam adiina sattvah

shoka abhipannam samudiirna kopam |

narendra suunur naradeva putram

raamaanujah puurvajam iti uvaaca || 4-31-1

When Rama of undeterred stamina has become pitiable while yearning for Seetha, overcome with grief while the search for Seetha is becoming futile, overwrought with anger while Sugreeva is reneging on his promise, to such an elder prince-brother from a godlike king, his younger prince-brother Lakshmana spoke in this way. [4-31-1]

na vaanarah sthaasyati saadhu vritte

na manyate karma phala anusa.ngaan |

na bhoksyate vaanara raajya laksmiim

tathaa hi na abhikramate asya buddhih || 4-31-2

"As a forester Sugreeva will not abide by the conduct of gentlefolk, he is not appreciative of the fruits of incidental events like gaining kingdom and regaining wife occurring out of your deed of eliminating , thus he will not enjoy the prosperity of the kingdom anymore. Obviously his prudence is behindhand, isn't it! [4-31-2]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 mati ksayaat graamya sukhesu saktah

tava prasaada apratikaara buddhih |

hato agrajam pashyatu vaalinam

na raajyam evam vigunasya deyam || 4-31-3

"Without any notion of requiting the beneficence you have accorded he is insanely involved in primitive pleasures, such as he is, let him see his elder brother Vali when slain. Hence, kingdoms are unaffordable to dishonest. [4-31-3]

na dhaaraye kopam udiirna vegam

nihanmi sugriivam asatyam adya |

hari praviiraih saha vaali putro

narendra putryaa vicayam karotu || 4-31-4

"Unbearable is this anger that is tiding quickly, now I shall kill that unfaithful Sugreeva and the best braving monkeys shall search for that princess Seetha, remaining under the command of Vali's son, Angada." Thus said Lakshmana to Rama. [4-31-4]

tam aatta baana aasanam utpata.ntam

nivedita artham rana canda kopam |

uvaca raamah para viira hantaa

sva veksitam sa anunayam ca vaakyam || 4-31-5

Rama, the slayer of braving enemies, spoke this well thought sentence that includes persuasiveness to Lakshmana who is with an irrepressible wartime anger, who has apprised his intention to slay Sugreeva, and who on taking his bow is now leaping at Kishkindha. [4-31-5]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 na hi vai tvat vidho loke paapam evam samaacaret |

kopam aaryena yo hanti sa viirah purusottamah || 4-31-6

"Certainly none of your kind shall commit this sort of sin in this world, and if such a situation occurs, he who by his noble gesture kills his own anger is a valorous one, and he really becomes the best one among men." Thus Rama is saying to Lakshmana. [4-31-6]

na idam atra tvayaa graahyam saadhu vrittena laksmana |

taam priitim anuvartasva puurva vrittam ca sa.ngatam || 4-31-7

"Lakshmana, as person with righteous conduct you are not supposed to understand this matter in this way, or undertake in this way, but you are supposed to adhere to those aspects of friendliness with Sugreeva and the affinity earlier existed in dealing with him. [4-31-7]

saama upahitayaa vaacaa ruuksaani parivarjayan |

vaktum arhasi sugriivam vyatiitam kaala paryaye || 4-31-8

"It will be apt of you to speak to that reneger Sugreeva with placating words rather than with caustic remarks, as his sin is no more than flouting the timeframe." Thus Rama said to Lakshmana. [4-31-8]

so agrajena anushista artho yathaavat purusarsabhah |

pravivesha puriim viiro laksmanah para viira haa || 4-31-9

That brave one and the slayer of braving enemies Lakshmana thus schooled expediently by his elder brother about the means of gainfulness, that best one among men proceeded to enter the city of Kishkindha. [4-31-9]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 tatah shubha matih praajno bhraatuh priyahiteratah |

laksmanah pratisa.mrabdho jagaama bhavanam kapeh || 4-31-10

shakra baanaasana prakhyam dhanuh kaalaa.ntaka upamah |

pragrihya giri shri.ngaabham mandarah saanumaan iva || 4-31-11

That right-minded and well-informed Lakshmana who is bent on doing only that which is agreeable and beneficial to his elder brother, then swallowing his exasperation and wielding a bow which is shining forth like the bow of , and which is standing out like a peaking mountain proceeded towards the palace of the monkey, namely Sugreeva, and with such a bow he appeared to be the peaking Mt. Mandhara and like the Era-Ender. [4-31-10, 11]

yathaa ukta kaarii vacanam uttaram caiva sa uttaram |

brihaspati samo buddhyaa mattvaa raamaanujah tadaa || 4-31-12

kaama krodha samutthena bhraatuh kopaagninaa vritah |

prabha.njana iva apriitah prayayau laksmanah tadaa || 4-31-13

Lakshmana the non-defying adherer of Rama, a coequal of Brihaspati-Jupiter, in intelligence, then mulled over the exact words of Rama to be spoken to Sugreeva, possible reply of Sugreeva on them, and his own sensible counter-reply to them, enwrapped as he is in a furious fire fired up by the desire of Rama for Seetha, proceeded to Sugreeva's palace like an embittered whirlwind aided and abetted by a furious fire. [4-31-12, 13]

saala taala ashva karnaam ca tarasaa paatayan balaat |

paryasyan giri kuutaani drumaan anyaam ca vegitah || 4-31-14

shilaah ca shakalii kurvan padbhyaam gaja iva aashu gah |

duuram eka padam tyaktvaa yayau kaaryavashaat drutam || 4-31-15

While knocking down Saala, Palm, Ashwakarna trees with his might, razing mountain- crests and even other trees with his strength, splintering boulders underfoot, Lakshmana made haste through an enmeshed path leaving off one-foot-pathway as with an elephant striding fleetly, and proceeded swiftly impelled by the mission. [4-31-15]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 taam apashyat bala aakiirnaam hariraaja mahaapuriim |

durgaam iksvaaku shaarduulah kiski.ndhaam giri sa.nkate || 4-31-16

Entrenched among mountains, impregnated with -army is the magnificent citadel of the king of monkeys, and the tigerly-Ikshvaku, Lakshmana, has seen such an impassable city, namely Kishkindha. [4-31-16]

rosaat prasphuramaana osthah sugriivam prati laksmanah |

dadarsha vaanaraan bhiimaan kiski.ndhaayaa bahih caraan || 4-31-17

While his lips are quivering owing to rancor towards Sugreeva, Lakshmana saw formidable Vanara-s at the outposts of Kishkindha. [4-31-17]

tam dristvaa vaanaraah sarve lakshmanam purusarsabham

shaila shri.ngaani shatashah pravriddhaam ca mahiiruhaan |

jagrihuh ku.njara prakhyaa vaanaraah parvata a.ntare || 4-31-18

On seeing the most notable one among men, Lakshmana all of the elephantine vanara-s available in the gorges of mountain have grabbed hundreds of mountain-crests and gigantic trees, and they are at the ready. [4-31-18]

taan grihiita praharanaan sarvaan dristvaa tu laksmanah |

babhuuva dvigunam kruddho bahu i.ndhana iva analah || 4-31-19

But on seeing all of them handling assaultive peaks and trees, Lakshmana's fury has become twofold as with a fire to which much fuel is added. [4-31-19]

tam te bhayapariita a.ngaah khsubdham dristvaa plava.mgamaah |

kaala mrityu yugaa.ntaaabham shatasho vidrutaa dishah || 4-31-20

On seeing overexcited Lakshmana who is like the Time-god and the Epoch-Ender, troops and troops of those fly-jumpers quickly fled away in all directions with scare coiling their bodies. [4-31-20]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 tatah sugriiva bhavanam pravishya haripu.ngavaah |

krodham aagamanam caiva laksmanasya nyavedayan || 4-31-21

Then on entering the palace of Sugreeva, some best ones among monkeys have appraised about the arrival of Lakshmana, and even about his fury. [4-31-21]

taarayaa sahitah kaamii saktah kapivrisah tadaa |

na tesaam kapi viiraanaam shushraava vacanam tadaa || 4-31-22

At that time, he who is in a lustful mood, who is in the company of Lady and who is enmired in privacy, that foremost monkey Sugreeva is un-heedful of the words of those bold monkeys who brought the message. [4-31-22]

tatah saciva sa.mdistaa harayo romaharsanaah |

giri ku.njara megha aabhaa nagaryaa niryayuh tadaa || 4-31-23

Then, as directed by ministers of Kishkindha in order to figure out the mood of Lakshmana, some of the elephantine monkeys who are frightening just by their appearance, who in sheen are similar to mountains and dark-clouds have gone out of the city. [4-31-23]

nakha da.mstra aayudhaa sarve viiraah vikrita darshanaah |

sarve shaarduula darpaah ca sarve ca vikrita aananaah || 4-31-24

All of those brave Vanara-s are armed with their own teeth and nails, all are with tigerish pride, all are hideous in look and horrendous by their faces. [4-31-24]

dasha naaga balaah kecit kecit dasha gunottaraah |

kecit naaga sahasrasya babhuuvuh tulya varcasah || 4-31-25

Some of those Vanara-s are with the might of ten elephants, some ten times more, and some with vigor matching that of a thousand elephants. [4-31-25]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 tatah taih kapibhir vyaaptaam druma hastair mahaabalaih |

apashyat laksmanah kruddhah kiski.ndhaam taam duraasadam || 4-31-26

Infuriated Lakshmana has then seen Kishkindha, an unassailable city, as those great- mighty monkeys flaunting trees are spreading throughout it. [4-31-26]

tatah te harayah sarve praakaara parikha a.ntaraat |

niskramya udagra sattvaah tu tasthur aaviskritam tadaa || 4-31-27

All of those monkeys then exiting from the inside of the compound-wall of the castle and coming underneath of the iron-latches of the castle's gateway, they became visible and stood up to Lakshmana with their ebullient might. [4-31-27]

sugriivasya pramaadam ca puurvajasya artham aatmavaan |

dristvaa kopa vasham viirah punar eva jagaama sah || 4-31-28

On envisaging Sugreeva's blunder and of his elder-brother's expediency, that sensible one and fury restrained Lakshmana, again went into the restraint of fury on seeing the monkeys. [4-31-28]

sa diirgha usna mahaa ucchvaasah kopa sa.mrakta locanah |

babhuuva nara shaarduula sa dhuuma iva paavakah || 4-31-29

With his long, fiery, and endless exhales and eyes bloodshot in fury, that tigerly-man Lakshmana is like a fuming fire. [4-31-29]

baana shalya sphurat jihvah saayaka aasana bhogavaan |

sva tejo visa sa.nghaatah pa.nca aasya iva pannagah || 4-31-30

Lakshmana has become identical to a five-faced serpent as his curvy-bow looked like the curvy-hood of a serpent; arrowheads looked like the poking tongues of the serpent, and as his own fervency is proliferating as that serpent's venom. [4-31-30]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 tam diiptam iva kaalaagnim naagendram iva kopitam |

samaasaadya a.ngadah traasaat visaadam agamat param || 4-31-31

Angada succumbing to high despair caused by the scare neared Lakshmana who is aglow like the Fire of Perdition and like aadi shesha, the Thousand-hooded King of Serpents, who is perforce infuriated. [4-31-31]

so angadam rosa taamraaksah sa.mdidesha mahaayashaah |

sugriivah kathyataam vatsa mama aagamanam iti uta || 4-31-32

With his eyes reddened in rancor that highly adorable Lakshmana sent a word through Angada, saying "oh, boy, let Sugreeva be informed about my arrival," and said this way. [4-31-32]

esa raamaanujah praaptah tvat sakaasham arindamah |

bhraatur vyasana sa.ntapto dvaari tisthati laksmanah || 4-31-33

tasya vaakyam yadi rucih kriyataam saadhu vaanarah |

iti uktvaa shiighram aagaccha vatsa vaakyam arindama || 4-31-34

"Oh, enemy-destroyer Angada, oh, boy, you may say these words to Sugreeva, 'oh, enemy-destroyer Sugreeva, distressed by the distress of his brother this Lakshmana has arrived in your presence and waiting at the door, oh, Sugreeva, the Vanara, if you are interested it will be apt of you to listen to his advise, either by coming here or inviting him inside...' saying so oh, boy Angada, you comeback quickly." Thus Lakshmana spoke to Angada. [4-31-33, 34]

laksmanasya vacah shrutvaa shokaavisto a.ngado abraviit |

pituh samiipam aagamya saumitrih ayam aagatah || 4-31-35

On hearing the words of Lakshmana Angada is muffled up in grief, and on arriving in the presence of his father Sugreeva he informed "Soumitri has come." [4-31-35]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 atha a.ngadah tasya sutiivra vaacaa

sa.mbhraanta bhaavah paridiina vak.htrah |

nirgatya puurvam nripateh tarasvii

tato rumaayaah caranau vavande || 4-31-36

Bewildered in his perception at the very sharp words of Lakshmana, mighty Angada then has gone to the palace assuming a very sad face, and there he firstly saluted the feet of his father Sugreeva and then at the feet of Ruma, wife of Sugreeva. [4-31-36]

samgrihya paadau pituh ugratejaa

jagraaha maatuh punar eva paadau |

paadau rumaayaah ca nipiidayitvaa

nivedayaamaasa tatah tat artham || 4-31-37

Angada whose vitality is intense clinched himself to the feet of his father Sugreeva, and later clung to the feet of his mother Tara, and he even clasped the feet of his paternal-aunt Ruma, and latching on to the feet of his parents then he stated to appeal to them about the message of Lakshmana. [4-31-37]

sa nidraa mada sa.mviito vaanaro na vibuddhavaan |

babhuuva mada mattah ca madanena ca mohitah || 4-31-38

Sugreeva, the Vanara, who is bound up in drowsiness and dizziness could not comprehend clearly what Angada is talking about, as he is benumbed with intoxication, and even numbed down with the torpor of lustfulness. [4-31-38]

tatah kila kilaam cakruh lakshmanam prekshya vaanaraah |

prasaadayantah tam kruddham bhaya mohita cetasah || 4-31-39

The hearts of mobbing monkeys are flustered with fear when they pored over infuriated Lakshmana, thus they jibber-jabbered so as to appease him. [4-31-39]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 te mahaa ogha nibham dristvaa vajra ashani sama svanam |

simha naadam samam cakrur laksmanasya samiipatah || 4-31-40

And those monkeys on observing Lakshmana instantly raised a hubbub at his nearby that is similar to a storm of a torrent, thunder of a thunderbolt, and the roar of a lion. [4-31-40]

tena shabdena mahataa pratyabudhyata vaanarah |

mada vihvala taamraakso vyaakula sragvi bhuusanah || 4-31-41

With that uproarious noise of monkeys Sugreeva came to his senses, but because of stupor his coppery eyes are helter-skelter and his garlands and ornaments are topsy-turvy. [4-31- 41]

atha angada vacah shrutvaa tena eva ca samaagatau |

ma.ntrino vaanarendrasya sammata udaara dar.hshinau || 4-31-42

plaksah ca eva prabhaavah ca ma.ntrinau artha dharmayoh |

vaktum uccaavacam praaptam laksmanam tau shasha.msatuh || 4-31-43

On hearing the words of Angada two ministers who are agreeable in their advice and appreciable in their aspect have come along with him, and those two ministers of the king of Vanara-s, namely Plaksha and Prabhava, have appraised Sugreeva that Lakshmana has arrived to discuss variously about the prosperity and probity. [4-31-42, 43]

prasaadayitvaa sugriivam vacanaih sa artha nishcitaih |

aasiinam paryupaasiinau yathaa shakram marutpatim || 4-31-44

Those two ministers sitting around and nearby Sugreeva, who is seated like the king of wind-gods, namely Indra, on appeasing him with meaningful and expressive words they spoke to him in this way. [4-31-44]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 satya sa.ndhau mahaabhaagau bhraatarau raama laksmanau |

vayasya bhaavam sa.mpraaptau raajya arhau raajya daayinau || 4-31-45

"Rama and Lakshmana are the brothers who abide by truth, highly-providential, and though they are worthy enough to rule kingdom for themselves they have bestowed the kingdom to you, such as they are, they have become your true friends." Thus started the ministers to say to Sugreeva. [4-31-45]

tayoh eko dhanuspaanir dvaari tisthati laksmanah |

yasya bhiitaah pravepante naadaan mu.ncanti vaanaraah || 4-31-46

"One among those two, Lakshmana, is biding at the door wielding his bow, by whom the monkeys are panicked and venting out alarms shuddering utterly. [4-31-46]

sa esa raaghava bhraataa laksmano vaakya saarathih |

vyavasaaya rathah praaptah tasya raamasya shaasanaat || 4-31-47

"This Lakshmana, the brother of Raghava, has arrived here at the decree of Rama on the chariot called his 'endeavor', charioted by the charioteer called 'the word of Rama.' [4-31-47]

ayam ca tanayo raajan taaraayaa dayito a.ngadah |

lakshmanena sakaasham te presitah tvarayaa anagha || 4-31-48

"Oh, merited one, even Lakshmana has ushered this Angada hastily, oh, king, the precious son of Tara, to your presence. [4-31-48]

sah ayam rosa pariitaaksho dvaari tisthati viiryavaan |

vaanaraan vaanarapate cakshusaa nirdahana iva || 4-31-49

"Oh, king of monkeys, such as he is, that brave Lakshmana is sticking fast at the door with an awning of rancor on his eyes and as if to burn down the monkeys just with his eyes. [4- 31-49]

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Valmiki Ramayana – Kishkinda Kanda – Chapter 31 tasya muurdhnaa pranamya tvam sa putra saha baandhavah |

gaccha shiighram mahaaraaja roso hi adya upashamyataam || 4-31-50

"You may approach him quickly along with your son and relatives, oh, great-king, prostrate yourself before him holding him in reverence, and thus let his bitterness be indeed pacified now. [4-31-50]

yathaa aaha raamo dharmaatmaa tat kurusva samaahitah |

raajan tistha sva samaye bhava satya pratishravah || 4-31-51

"Whatever that virtue-souled Rama says that you have to implement wholeheartedly, oh, king, you abide by the forthrightness of your promise, stick up for the pact you made." Thus the ministers advised Sugreeva. [4-31-51]

iti vaalmiiki raamaayane aadi kaavye kiskindha kaande eka tri.nsha sargah

Thus, this is the 31st chapter in Kishkindha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate


Desiraju Hanumanta Rao. (2000). Kishkindha Kanda - The Empire of Holy Monkeys.

Merriam-Webster. (2007). At http://www.m-w.com.

Reference.com. (2007). At http://www.reference.com.

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