flea NEWS 56 Department of Entomology Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 50, June, 1995; No. 51, December, 1995; No. 52, June, 1996, No. 53, December, Table of Contents 1996; No. 54, June, 1997, 55, January, 1998 and this number. Literature..............................662 Mailing List Changes .............668 ❊❄❊❄❊❄❊ Miscellanea...........................660 MISCELLANEA Flea News (Online) has now been FLEA NEWS is a biannual newsletter assigned the following International devoted to matters involving insects Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1089- belonging to the order Siphonaptera (fleas) 7631 and related subjects. It is compiled and distributed free of charge by Robert E. Lewis ❖❏❖❏❖❏❖ <
[email protected]> in cooperation with the Department of Entomology at Iowa State Dr. Glen Chilton of the Department University, Ames, IA, and a grant in aid of Biology, St. Mary's College, Calg- from Wellmark International. ary, Alberta, T2S 2N5, Canada, rec- Flea News is mainly bibliographic in nature. Many of the sources are abstracting ently called my attention to the Birds journals and title pages and not all citations of North America accounts published have been checked for completeness or jointly by the American Ornithol- accuracy. Additional information will be ogists' Union and the Academy of provided upon written or e-mail request. Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. To Further, recipients are urged to contribute date 320 accounts have been publish- items of interest to the professon for ed and the following titles include inclusion herein. information on fleas: This newsletter is now available in 7. Northern Mockingbird electronic format. The preferred method of 11. Tree Swallow accessing the electronic version is through the 12.