HyPower in multi-turn coils I Expertise in generators enhanced Expertise ingeneratorsenhanced I in multi-turncoils Columbia Rivercutspowerfulpath Voith Hydro customermagazine I Globalizing I know-how

June 2009 18 SUMMARY

6 46 56

News Focus on the U.S. 43 Voith Hydro selected for AMP-Ohio 4 New name for successful joint Fish-friendliness projects venture 18 Fish-friendly solutions for the 50 Equipment for South African Ingula 5 Growth pattern sustained but customers pumped storage scheme preparing for harder times ahead The CRITFC’s view 51 Two new hydro power plants 22 Salmon – a corner stone of tribal life for China Report Interview 6 Columbia River cuts powerful path 26 U.S. hydro plans to keep up with Ocean energies 14 A network of agencies ensure expected boom 52 New developments in ocean energies the Columbia River flows The NHA’s view America’s 34 America’s largest renewable energy Politics resource set to double by 2030 54 Sustainability in hydro – first HSAF consultation phase now completed Electrical expertise 30 Globalizing know how in multi-turn Events coils 55 Conferences, seminars and symposia 46 Expertise in generators further enhanced Essay 56 Adventurous travelling in the U.S. Projects around the world 100 years ago 37 Overhaul of Bath County Pumped Storage Station News from the Voith Group 38 Work continues on Rock Island 60 Voith Turbo hydro project 60 Voith Industrial Services 39 Historic renovation in Bonneville 61 Voith Paper See backflap for the 100th 40 Refurbishing generators Brunnenmühle anniversary. at Conowingo Today’s Brunnenmühle 41 Model testing for Folsom Dam 62 100 years old and absolutely project begins state-of-the-art 42 Four work together to refurbish Lookout Point project

2 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower EDITORIAL

Dr. Roland Münch President and CEO of Voith Hydro Member of the Board of Voith AG

Dear readers,

In my first year as CEO of Voith Efficiency gains in existing systems The Hydropower Sustainability Hydro I have had many opportuni- and the increase of the renewables’ Assessment Forum (HSAF), has set ties to observe this business and share in the global energy mix are a first strong mark at the beginning I was able to meet many of our our best bet. of this year and proves evidence of customers. a new and extremely professional Of course, the hydro industry’s process to develop guidelines and The first excellent meeting with a aspiration is to see more hydro criteria for sustainable hydro power U.S.-based group of owners and development. From the large stations worldwide. Voith Hydro operators for me happened intense- number of in the U.S., only fully supports and commits to this ly during Hydrovision 2008 in Sac- 2,400 are generating electricity. process, and I hope we can inspire ramento, California. My impression The potential by “only” adding others to further join forces here! of the U.S. hydro business is the hydro power plants to these existing impression of a market in full up- constructions is considerable. Last but not least, we have changed swing. And this trend seems to Built for navigation, water supply our name: from Voith Siemens continue despite the financial crisis. or irrigation purposes, this infra- Hydro Power Generation to Voith structure is already in place; adding Hydro. Nothing changes – but the The U.S. – as many countries – a hydro power plant will not create name. Siemens will remain our have the tremendous challenge to a great impact on the environment 35% shareholder and we will con- meet their increasing energy needs or local area. And it can tap a sig- tinue to be the same joint venture and cost with a fuel mix that will nificant potential and create the as started in 2000: a leading and have to be clearly oriented towards opportunity of powering millions of successfully growing full-line pro-

CO2 reduction. The new administra- U.S. homes. With our recent con- vider of hydro power plant equip- tion of President Obama is – as we tract for the projects, ment and services. can observe it – certainly setting our largest ever for our U.S. loca- very new accents here. tion in York, Pennsylvania, we are To give me your thoughts and ideas proud to contribute to this effort. on any subject in the industry, There is no silver bullet, but a new please do not hesitate to mail me mind set for international models In addition we are committed to the under [email protected]. and a strong drive with new orienta- sustainable development of new tion certainly make things happen hydro power stations for the future. unthought of for many years.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 3 NEWS

Voith Hydro: new name for successful joint venture

The company name is changing, but the successful course will continue in mutual agreement: Since 1st April 2009, Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation is Voith Hydro. The shares remain the same.

In the year 2000, Voith and Siemens The joint venture has been able to A look on the figures confirm this had joined forces to create a joint substantially develop its competen- assessment: Over the last years, venture of the two leading manufac- cies during the last nine years. the joint venture successfully ex- turers of hydro turbine and genera- Today, Voith Hydro is a full-service panded its leading position in the tor technology in the field of hydro- provider offering everything from global market for hydroelectric electric power. Since then, the joint the complete solution to individual power. The order volume has grown venture has been driven forward electrical and hydraulic components above one billion order intake per with great success. Now, the suc- from own engineering and produc- business year for two years in a row cess stays, with the company tion facilities. to nearly 1.4 billion Euro today (see name changing due to a name page 5), not least due to the high agreement that limits the use of Dr. Roland Münch, Chairman of worldwide demand for emission-free the Siemens brand. The shares the Board of Voith Hydro, feels energy. of the two joint venture partners confident, that also under the new remain unchanged, though: Voith name the company continues to holds 65 percent and Siemens stand for proven expertise, excel- 35 percent of the company shares lent research and development, in Voith Hydro. technical reliability and innovations that gained worldwide recognition.

4 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower NEWS

Voith Group: Growth pattern sustained but preparing for harder times ahead

In Voith’s fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, the company once again successfully maintained the pattern of growth witnessed in the preceding years.

Order intake rose 18.7 % to 6.1 Around 400 million Euro were spent In the first months of the current billion Euro from a previous year’s on investments and acquisitions, fiscal year, the impact of the eco- 5.1 billion Euro. Sales were up while a further 250 million Euro nomic crisis varied throughout 17.8 % to 4.9 billion Euro from were channelled into research and the Group. Both new orders and 4.2 billion Euro – the highest level development, thus laying a firm sales remained stable in the Group in the history of the Voith Group. foundation for the future. Divisions that service the markets for oil, gas, energy and public trans- Double-digit sales growth had President and CEO Dr. Hubert port. Voith is nevertheless confident contributed to robust business Lienhard sees Voith’s products that the future holds strong business performance. At the same time, provide answers to the pivotal potential in its markets. Voith further expanded its strong questions of the 21st century, ad- position in the world’s key growth dressing issues such as the efficient Voith Hydro’s order intake for fiscal regions with around 30 % of product use of energy and resources and year 2007/2008 was another year and system sales in the forward- the need for clean, renewable to grow, from almost 1.1 billion Euro looking markets of Asia. sources of energy. With a healthy to nearly 1.4 billion Euro. This good balance sheet and adequate capital trend continued in the first six resources in place, he sees room to months of the current fiscal year. maneuver in difficult times ahead.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 5 REPORT REPORT

Columbia River cuts powerful path REPORT

The Columbia River is power. It’s also tradition. History. Recreation. Transportation. Controversy. Arguably one of the most significant forces in the United State’s Pacific Northwest, the Columbia River cuts an impressive 1,250-mile path, start- ing in Canada, winding through the states of Washington and Oregon, and ending in the Pacific Ocean.

Through lush green surroundings, “The river is a unifying force, and According to oral history passed steep rocky landscapes and passed plays an integral role in the every- down from Native American elders, high Evergreen-spotted cliffs, the day lives of the region’s citizens”, tribal culture, pattern of movement Columbia River is a provider – of says Donna Sinclair, program man- and many traditions were based on power, food, transportation and ager at the Center for Columbia the Columbia River and its salmon recreation. The historic river is not River History. “From salmon to season. Like the buffalo’s impor- without controversy, as farmers, windsurfing, the Columbia is at the tance to tribes in the United States’ utilities, native tribes and recrea- center of the economy, society, Great Plains, the salmon from the tional enthusiasts compete for its policy and spirit of the Northwest.” Columbia River provided a valuable use across state and national bor- resource that is still celebrated ders. A long history of tradition today.

Almost everyone in the Pacific Human life along the Columbia Europeans first became aware Northwest is touched by the River basin dates back more than of the Columbia River in the 17th Columbia River, whether it’s be- 15,000 years. Those early groups century, charting its course on cause of the low electricity rates, fished the river, hunted and gath- maps in the late 18th century. eating apples or cherries grown ered plants, and they built their Then came the industrial revolution. in rich soil irrigated by the river dwellings along the river. Many The Columbia River played a key or enjoying a direct product of Native American tribes continue role in transportation in those early the river – fresh salmon. to have a strong presence on the years. Columbia River.

8 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower REPORT

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 9 REPORT

Discovering the Northwest: The Lewis and Clark expedition As canneries, fur-trading and other commerce grew, so did transporta- It was not before 1793 that a Scottish fur The party travelled some 8,000 miles tion on the river – first sail power, trader reached the Pacific as the first Euro- (12,900 km) in one and a half years, docu- and later, steam. Commercial ves- pean via an overland route on Native Ameri- menting everything that came their way. sels populated the Columbia, mov- can trails crossing through the Canadian It is reported though that the spelling in Rockies and making the path for fur trade. their journals was so bad that it took histo- ing goods and freight in the region. Through a book on this trader’s adventures, rians a few extra years to sort out all the Now, roughly 50 million tons of President Thomas Jefferson’s interest was information. Notes on 122 animals and cargo each year is transported on 178 plants, including some new discoveries awakened and the idea of a journey for the the Columbia River system. Barges exploration of this area was born: In 1801, were recorded. can operate on 475 miles of the Jefferson made his personal secretary, The party reached the mouth of the Meriwether Lewis to lead an expedition and Columbia River in 1805, establishing Fort river system, playing a significant chart the region. The goal was to find a Clatsop, where they stayed for the winter. role in moving cargo around the waterway to the Pacific and explore the They headed back home in 1806. region. Recreation on the Columbia newly acquired land of the Northwest. Lewis was later appointed governor of also began in those early settlement the Louisiana Territory but died a year later Lewis, then 27, had no training in this sort times with steamboat tours up the of action, but could not reject the opportu- under unclear circumstances. Even until nity. He managed to convince his friend, today, his death seems to be more related river from Portland. In the 1920s, William Clark, age 33, to come along. to suicide than to murder. Clark obviously sport fishing for salmon and steel- was much better able to deal with this fate Clark was an experienced frontiersman and head became popular, as well as and fame and was appointed governor of army veteran. In 1804, a party of 40 left post-World War II activities such St. Louis, Missouri, to go West. The party the Missouri Territory, living to the age travelled relatively well, in part because of 68. as sailing, water skiing, canoeing one of the French-Canadian trappers in the Their expedition laid important groundwork and other water sports. Around the group was married to a young Shoshone that considerably helped the future U.S. Columbia River’s Gorge area – woman who, together with Clark’s African expansion toward the West. about 60 miles east of Portland – American servant, was key to guiding, translating and smoothening tension strong winds helped create an among the group and Native Americans internationally known destination on their way. for windsurfing today.

10 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower REPORT

The real business on the Columbia The last dams on the Columbia In the state of Washington, almost started in 1932, when private power were finished in the 1970s. 70 percent of electricity is produced companies completed the Rock from hydro power, compared to only Island Dam in the middle of the The early structures were built as three percent in the rest of the U.S. river to start harnessing its power. a result of the New Deal program, Because of hydro power, the Pacific providing jobs during the Great Northwest has some of the lowest Turning darkness to dawn Depression in the U.S. after World energy rates in the United States. War I. The dams were built to pro- And since it’s a clean, renewable With its heavy flow and large eleva- vide irrigation, flood control and energy source, residents will con- tion drop, the river lends itself to electricity. Grand Coulee helps tinue to enjoy low electricity rates hydro power. In fact, the Columbia irrigate more than 500,000 acres of far into the future. River Basin is the most hydroelectri- fertile – but arid – land in the area. cally developed river system in the Where before few crops could grow, There’s no doubt hydro power has world, possessing nearly one-third the central Washington state now become a part of the culture along of the country’s hydroelectric poten- is a major agricultural resource, the Columbia River. The Bonneville tial. With more than 400 dams in known for producing apples, pota- Power Administration, the federal the whole basin system – and about toes, alfalfa, corn, barley and beets. agency that markets the electricity 150 hydroelectric projects – the In fact, due to Columbia River irriga- generated at federal hydro power Columbia River’s generating capac- tion system, Washington State projects on the Columbia River, ity is more than 21,000 megawatts – produces more than half of all U.S. hired folk singer Woody Guthrie in that’s enough power to generate production of apples, sweet cher- 1941 to write songs about the river, electricity for roughly 6 million ries, pears and hops. its history, its culture and the new typical U.S. homes. era of hydro power. Songs include For most residents in the Pacific the popular “Roll on Columbia”, with The two largest projects are the Northwest, hydro power brings a the lyrics: “Roll on, Columbia, roll Bonneville Dam, completed in 1938, tremendous opportunity – one not on; Your power is turning our dark- and the Grand Coulee Dam, com- found in other parts of the U.S. ness to dawn.” pleted in 1941.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 11 REPORT

“ It’s a contested river”, says Sinclair, whose Center for Columbia River History has well documented the river’s key players. But, over the years, the stake holders learned how to better communicate with each other.

Donna Sinclair, Center for Columbia River History

The folk songs are just as much a part of the legacy along the river now as the Columbia’s colorful “pre-hydro” history.

Hydro power fuels the Pacific Northwest’s technology boom

The Pacific Northwest is known for its innovative businesses and corporations, especially in technol- ogy. Puget Sound is home to Microsoft, Amazon.com, Starbucks 8dgehd[:c\^cZZgh9Vbh and Costco. And those companies 9VbhdlcZYWndi]Zgh B^XV require a tremendous amount of 8VcVYV safe and reliable energy to operate.


GZkZahid`Z V Without hydro power and the low-

jbW^ 9jcXVc cost energy it provides, it’s unlikely

8da @ZZcaZnh^YZ this region would have the jobs and haVcY LVcVejb BdciVcV An abundance of low-cost power – Eg^ZhiGVe^Yh 9ldgh]V` a capacity of 2,000 megawatts – from two hydroelectric projects at 7dccZk^aaZ =Zaah8Vcndc Grant County Public Utility District I]Z9VaaZh DmWdl ?d]c9Vn 7gdlcaZZ (PUD) in central Washington means >YV]d BXCVgn large companies like Microsoft and >XZ=VgWdg 7d^hZEgd_ZXih ?VX`hdcAV`Z AdlZgBdcjbZciVa Yahoo are building huge server DgZ\dc A^iiaZ

8Va^[dgc^V CZkVYV JiV] buildings – in the county because of the inexpensive power.

12 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower REPORT

“ There is also more room for growth. I think hydro has a bright future.”

Tim Culbertson, General Manager Grant County PUD

Demand in the area is booming, Commissions, pacts and accords The treaty was shrouded by contro- bringing international customers like have been reached. There are still versy, and still today, there is con- REC (Renewable Energy Corpora- disagreements, but Sinclair says cern because the treaty does not tion), a Norwegian silicon manufac- competing interests have more cover fish protection and other turer, to Grant County. empathy for the other side. And, environmental concerns – only they are now willing to sit at a table hydroelectricity and flood control. “The Columbia River means a great together to work out their differ- That’s because those early dams deal to the entire Northwest”, said ences. were built before there were major Tim Culbertson, General Manager concerns about fish runs. The treaty of Grant County PUD. “The river Crossing so many borders, federal can be terminated with 10 year’s gives us a flexible, renewable en- governments, state governments notice any time after 2034. ergy source. Without it, we would be and county lines, the Columbia much more reliant on coal and other River is governed by a mix of One commission that plays a resources.” agreements. The Columbia River strong role protecting salmon in Treaty, an agreement between the the Columbia River is the Columbia Lots of eggs, one basket: the United States and Canada, covers River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Columbia River’s stakeholders the development and control of the (CRITFC). Created in 1977 by four upper Columbia River basin. Native American tribes with treaty With so many stakeholders in the fishing rights on the Columbia River, Columbia River, there’s bound to A unique balancing act the CRITFC coordinates fish man- be competing interests, and plenty agement policies and objectives of controversy. In the U.S., hydro Signed in 1961 and finalized in and works on restoring the salmon power operations are overseen by 1964, the treaty dictates flood runs. federal agencies and utilities, but protection and power generation, many non-profit commissions and and mandated the construction The Commission calls themselves local and regional agencies also of three water storage facilities “co-managers of the river” says have a say in how the river is used. in British Columbia, and a fourth Jeremy FiveCrows, a member of the in the U.S. Under the treaty, any participating Nez Perce tribe. “It’s a contested river”, says Sinclair, additional hydro power generated The Portland, Oregon-based Com- whose Center for Columbia River in the U.S. is to be shared by both mission reached an historic 10-year History has well-documented the countries, equally. agreement with federal agencies river’s key players. But, over the last year – ending years of conten- years, the stakeholders learned how tious legal battles. to better communicate with each other.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 13 REPORT

Wanapum aerial view. Priest Rapids power house view. A network of agencies ensure the Columbia River flows

The day-to-day operations of the The Grant County PUD, Chelan Douglas County PUD operates the Columbia River are overseen by County PUD and Douglas County Wells Dam on the Columbia River, a mix of governmental agencies, PUD hydro power operations have and has a capacity of 840 mega- utilities and private companies a combined peak capacity of almost watts. managing 21,000 megawatts in 5,000 megawatts. Chelan PUD the Columbia River basin. owns and operates the nation‘s On the federal side, the Army Corps second-largest non-federal, pub- is comprised of a mix of mostly There are 31 federal U.S. hydro licly-owned hydroelectric generating civilian and some military personnel. power facilities on the Columbia system. Two of the District’s hydro It’s the world’s largest public engi- River and its tributaries. The U.S. power stations, Rocky Reach and neering, design and construction Army Corps of Engineers operates Rock Island, are part of an 11-hydro management agency. 21 of them. The other 10 federal power system on the main U.S. operations are run by the U.S. portion of the Columbia River. “We are part of the Army, but we Bureau of Reclamation, created in The district also has a third hydro are engineers”, said Diana Fredlund, 1902 to boost the economic devel- project on Lake Chelan, giving the Corps spokesperson. “In the Pacific opment of the dry western states PUD the capacity of more than Northwest, we are mostly civil through irrigation. 2,000 megawatts. workers who manage the navigable waters of the United States.” Three public utility districts (PUDs) Grant County PUD operates two – nonprofit, community-owned and hydroelectric projects, Priest Rapids The Bureau of Reclamation, the governed utilities providing electric- Dam and Wanapum Dam. Together, other federal agency with oversight ity, water, wholesale telecommuni- both operations have a combined on the Columbia River, oversaw cations and sewer services – oper- capacity of about 2,000 megawatts. development of the Grand Coulee ate five significant hydroelectric Dam on the Columbia, which is the operations on the Columbia. largest electric power-producing

14 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower REPORT

facility in the U.S., as well as the The agreement allows for continu- Idaho’s Bill Booth, chairman of nation’s largest concrete structure. ance of hydroelectric projects the BPA-funded Council, said the and commits federal agencies to Columbia River presents a unique The Bonneville Power Administra- spend 900 million U.S. dollar on balancing act between a need for tion (BPA) is a federal agency improving Columbia River condi- cost-efficient energy provided by created in 1937 to market electric tions for salmon runs. The salmon hydro power, and protection of power from the Bonneville Dam population was in jeopardy even natural resources. and other federal hydroelectric before the dams were built, but operations, and to create facilities FiveCrows said the addition of the “You’ve got to take a holistic ap- needed to transmit that power. dams over the last 70 years meant proach”, Booth said. “You’ve got The Portland, Oregon-based BPA there was no chance of rebuilding to keep improving passage through sells all power from federally those habitats. Now, the region is dams, through turbines, for fish.” owned hydroelectric projects in hoping to restore those salmon runs Northwest Power and Conservation the four-state region representing as much as possible. Council, CRITFC and the other about 35 percent of the electricity stakeholders focus on four main in the area. Another governing board with au- factors that affect fish runs. thority on the Columbia River is the The “Four Hs” include habitat, The BPA also owns and operates Northwest Power and Conservation hatcheries, harvest, along with 24,445 kilometers of high-voltage Council, which was created by hydro power. transmission lines, one of the Congress in 1980 to give citizens largest systems in the U.S. of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and For example, annual fish harvest Montana a voice in determining the rates are tightly controlled based on future of hydro power, and also to predictions of the size of fish runs. protect the fish and wildlife affected by the power resource.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 15 REPORT

16 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower REPORT

In the case of hydro power, the But the larger facilities will likely He predicts continued growth along focus is on fish ladders and other continue to evolve and modernize, the Columbia, especially since fish by-pass facilities, as well as with more efficient turbines. relationships between utilities and more fish-friendly turbine designs. native tribes are better now than Other countries that are just now “You’ll see retro-fitting of certain even a few years ago, and equip- starting to develop hydro power dams – we’re already seeing that”, ment is increasing in efficiency should look to current projects to Booth said. “You’ll see more effi- and is even more environmentally help guide them. And all entities – cient turbines.” And, Booth says, we friendly. from governments to environmental should see a boost in the health of agencies – need to work together the salmon runs. “They are coming “Not only is there more room for the and look at the whole picture to back”, he says. “It’s not too late.” region to work together to protect make hydro power a true success, our natural resources and provide Booth says. The future of hydro power is expect- the best renewable resource for our ed to continue evolving and pro- region, but there is also more room Hopes for the Columbia’s gressing along the Columbia River, for growth”, Culbertson said. “I think future as all the stakeholders work toward hydro has a bright future.” common goals – providing a reli- As for the Columbia River, its future able, renewable and affordable Fish-friendly turbines will continue to be both a source of energy source that is environmen- Fish-friendly turbines are helping Grant clean renewable energy, as well as tally sustainable. There are still four County PUD operate at its full maximum capacity – and helped the PUD meet tough- transportation, irrigation, recreation, significant facilities on the Columbia er conditions to gain a new 44-year federal food and ongoing tradition. River yet to undergo any modern- license to continue operating the two dams. izing upgrade – meaning there’s Before the turbines were installed, the PUD Governments and coalitions will still plenty of room for hydro growth and could not operate at full capacity because of concerns about migrating salmon and debate its uses. In the future, some efficiency in the future. steelhead. The new turbines, which are of the smaller hydro power stations supplied by Voith Hydro, are not only more might go offline, unable to sustain At Grant County PUD, Culbertson efficient, but have increased the number of the costs of the new fish-friendly says the future of hydro power likely fish to successfully pass through the hydro project – while still allowing more water to requirements. means building pumped storage go through the turbines. facilities to gain further electricity flexibility.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 17 FISH-FRIENDLINESS

Wanapum aerial view. Voith Hydro offers fish-friendly solutions for customers

The recent energy concerns worldwide have placed the spotlight on the need for environmentally sustainable energy alternatives. Hydro power is one of the largest renewable energy resources in the world, accounting for 20 percent of all electricity generated and 10 percent of the United States’ electrical supply.

Increasing environmental concerns that are both cost effective and in turbine designs that improved fish regarding the impact of hydro power environmentally friendly. survival. VHY engineers collabo- on fish and aquatic habitat have rated with scientists to understand sparked the development of fish- Beginning in the 1990s, Voith the biological effects on fish passing friendly solutions for hydro power Hydro York (VHY), working with downstream through the turbines. generation. The two main challeng- several clients including the Grant The areas studied included the rate es facing hydro power designers County Public Utility District, the of pressure change, blade strikes, are fish passage and water quality U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and abrasions or cutting due to sharp for aquatic habitats. Voith Hydro is the Chelan County Public Utility edges and cavitation. The investiga- committed to developing state-of- District, began in-depth efforts to tors also examined design changes the-art hydro equipment designs create environmental improvements to mitigate these effects.

18 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower FISH-FRIENDLINESS

Wanapum generator floor.

damage to fish. Blade designs also are upgrading or installing new were altered to diminish the rate of turbines with environmentally friend- pressure change and component ly designs as part of their endeav- shapes were changed to reduce ors for improving energy generation fluid shear. efficiency, as well as addressing a requirement of relicensing. The goal was to increase fish pas- sage survival rates toward 98 per- The Federal Energy Regulatory cent. Previous survival rates ranged Commission (FERC) is the lead Wanapum runner ready for installation. from 88 to 94 percent. The imple- permitting agency for private hydro- mented fish-friendly improvements electric plants. The U.S. Fish and to the Kaplan turbines have met Wildlife Service for the eastern part The result was a fish-friendly Kaplan customer expectations in fish- of the country, and the National turbine design that is being used friendly design. Marine Fishery Service for the for power generation plants along western part, are other agencies the Columbia River in the north- While the enhancements were that make recommendations on fish western United States. The turbine aimed at improving the environmen- mortality goals. In response to the modifications decreased wicket tal efficiency of hydro power, addi- 1986 Electric Consumers Protection gate overhang and minimized gaps tional benefits were derived, includ- Act these agencies have set their between the machine blades and ing improved plant energy genera- target as “no fish production loss” hub, as well as between the blade tion and reduced operating and for all new hydro projects as well and discharge ring. Thicker blade maintenance costs. Today, many as for any projects for which the entrance edges reduced the strike progressive U.S. utility companies hydraulic license is expiring.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 19 FISH-FRIENDLINESS

There are hundreds of plants in Fish survivability tests were con- the U.S. that must pass through ducted through December 2005 relicensing over the next decade; and the desired success rates were thus, fish-friendly Kaplan turbine achieved. The second and third solutions are in demand. units for Wanapum Dam were commissioned in September 2006 Wanapum Dam and November 2007, respectively. All 10 units will be completed by Located downstream from Vantage, mid-year 2013. Washington, Wanapum Dam is nearing completion with the installa- Rocky Reach Dam tion of the fifth unit of the 10-unit Kaplan turbine project. The Grant Rocky Reach Dam spans the County Public Utility District project Columbia River just a few miles incorporates the Voith Hydro pat- north of the city of Wenatchee, ented fish-friendly turbines. Washington. The primary scope of this completed project was Beginning in 2003, Voith Hydro replacing the existing Kaplan units York performed hydraulic and basic with new units that include modern engineering, followed by detailed designed replacement runners. engineering, manufacturing and The project was necessary due installation. The first unit was com- to a severe runner blade cracking missioned in February 2005, about problem. 80 days ahead of schedule.

Rocky Reach aerial view.

20 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower FISH-FRIENDLINESS

Rocky Reach tailrace view.

Operated by the Public Utility Dis- In June 1994, after model testing Hydro projects along the Columbia trict of Chelan County, Washington, was completed, the contract for River at Wanapum and Bonneville. Rocky Reach Dam is the first Voith refurbishing units 1-7 at Rocky The entire Rocky Reach Dam reha- Hydro project where the customer Reach Dam was awarded to Voith bilitation project was completed by specifically contracted for model Hydro. Fish-friendly modi fications, Voith Hydro in March 2003. testing for fish-friendly solutions. primarily based on the elimination Model testing of the fish passage of wedge-shaped gaps between Author alternatives were tested at the the runner blades and adjacent Joseph M. Cybularz former Voith Hydro Riva Hydraulic components, were developed, Project Manager, Laboratory in Milan, Italy. These implemented on the model and York, PA, USA tests included injecting model-size tested. This modification was later fish into the water passageways to applied to all 11 Rocky Reach [email protected] gauge survivability. turbines, as well as other Voith

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 21 THE CRITFC’S VIEW

Salmon – a corner stone of tribal life

Nowhere has any community in the American West sacrificed so much in the face of industrial expansion and development than tribal communities. Their physical and cultural livelihood was placed at risk as the land, waters, and the bounties from them were exploited to meet an aggressive demand for resources. And, today, in a turnaround, no western community has achieved more in the face of adversity to restore and protect the environ- ment than these same tribal communities.

22 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower THE CRITFC’S VIEW

Long before written history, the Though scholars relied on carbon At treaty times, ten to sixteen million combined ancestral homelands of to estimate the tribes’ existence at salmon returned up the Columbia. the tribes and bands of Yakama, over 10,000 years, their opening As the settlers moved in they took a Umatilla, Warm Springs and Nez chapter begins precisely at “time cue from the tribes recognizing the Perce covered nearly one-third immemorial.” Since time immemo- wealth contained in salmon. Unfor- of the Columbia River basin in the rial these tribes gathered at places tunately, dramatic change occurred: United States. Each of the four like Celilo Falls on the Columbia commercial fishing lacked regula- tribes maintained an autonomy that River to share in the salmon harvest tion, resource extraction tore into could be heard in distinct languages where their ancestors practiced riparian habitat poisoning clean and distinguished by individual restraint and worship so that the waters, and dams harnessed the styles of governance. However, salmon would flourish for future natural flows to build a new econo- the rivers provided a unifying figure: generations. Their intent was never my with low-cost electrical power, salmon. They relied on its abun- to conquer nature because if they navigation, and irrigation paving the dance for physical and cultural did, it would defeat the very pur- way for urbanization. sustenance. The salmon connected pose of their existence and would them by river and through blood place their survival at risk. When you make life difficult for the forging alliances that exist even to river, you make life difficult for the this day. In 1855 when these four tribes and fish, and when you make life difficult the United States negotiated trea- for the fish, you make life difficult for Today, the four tribes are aligned ties, their forefathers explicitly Indian people. The tribes bore the through the Columbia River Inter- reserved – and the U.S. agreed to brunt as salmon runs plummeted. Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC). assure – their right to fish in perpe- In 1957, their ancient fishing CRITFC’s mission is to ensure a tuity across their ancestral home- grounds at Celilo Falls disappeared unified voice in the management of lands and at all usual and accus- behind the Dalles Dam. the fishery and to assist in protect- tomed places. They kept their word ing treaty rights through the exer- by ceding vast portions of their Treaties were intended to secure cise of tribal sovereign powers. homelands and in exchange the peace, however as salmon popula- U.S. pledged to honor their ances- tions declined, conflict ensued. tral rights.

Celilo Falls.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 23 THE CRITFC’S VIEW

Repeatedly the tribes were in court Each individual tribe retains the Hatchery production will meet miti- as their sovereignty and treaty autonomy to determine their course gation obligations for destroyed rights were challenged. In an at- of action. Yet, it is important to habitat while being consistent with tempt to fence them off the river note that the tribes hold the longest wild fish restoration. and monopolize the fishery, the track record for collaboration in court in U.S. v. Winans upheld their this country, clearly shown by their Second, three of the CRITFC tribes treaty, noting fishing was “not much sharing of the salmon harvest at along with the federal agencies less necessary to the existence of Celilo Falls and the treaty negotia- that operate the river system and the Indians than the atmosphere tions. sell the hydro power signed the they breathed”. In another attempt “Columbia Basin Fish Accords”. to deprive the tribes of their share The tribes’ willingness to harmonize The Accords commit the parties of the harvest, U.S. v. Oregon diverse interests was recently rep- to salmon, sturgeon, and lamprey affirmed fair allocation; and in the resented in a trio of ten-year agree- restoration actions. approach to enforce state laws over ments. First, an agreement was a tribal sovereign, Tulee v. Wash- reached with the states under U.S. Third, under the Pacific Salmon ington upheld that a treaty takes v. Oregon, which provided a frame- Treaty, U.S. and Canadian negotia- precedence over state law. work for salmon harvest and hatch- tors recommended updated fishing ery production. Harvest is set using arrangements under the Treaty. Litigation is one approach yet the an abundance-based approach to The updates contain harvest reduc- tribes never overlook the value of protect weak stocks while providing tions off the north Pacific coast to negotiation. Both ways are chal- harvest on strong populations. enable more returning adult fish to lenging, but the difference is in the spawn in the Columbia basin. result.

24 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower THE CRITFC’S VIEW

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Tribal ceded lands and present-day reservations. Projects under the Columbia Basin First Accord over ten years.

Having sustainable, harvestable Tribal experts provide research and salmon populations requires a mix- consult with hydro operators on how ture of good science, smart politics, best to manage the system for fish collaboration, and when necessary, survival. They are now gathering litigation. Tribes have long been the knowledge to address a chang- able co-managers and make good ing climate. And, tribal leadership allies because they are in this for is readily found in framing public the long haul and bring to the table policy and outreach. About CRITFC tribal fisheries programs that are CRITFC, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal professional and determined. It has been no small feat and the Fish Commission ensures that the four Their watershed restoration extends tribes’ work is far from over. tribes have an aligned and unified voice beyond tribal land to work with The salmon have been the corner- in the management of fishery of salmon federal, state and private land stone of our lives for well over on the Columbia River and assist in the protection of the reserved treaty rights, managers to improve water quality 10,000 years and we both intend laid down in the 1855 treaty with the U.S. and habitat. Tribal biologists and to be around for another 10,000 government, by exercising the inherent their regional and international years. And we both intend to still tribal sovereign power from each tribe. counterparts collaborate to assure have our say. Author the harvest is shared and within Jeremy FiveCrows limits. They use nature’s wisdom is a member of the Nez Perce to refine hatcheries to rebuild fish Tribe and works for the populations. Their conservation Columbia River Inter-Tribal officers are in the rivers to protect Fish Commission in Portland, Oregon, USA the treaty fishers and their rights.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 25 INTERVIEW

U.S. hydro plans to keep up with expected boom

Interview with Mark Garner

Mark Garner, President & CEO of Voith Hydro York

[email protected] Mr. Garner, how is the York With strong headquarter facilities Operating Unit positioned with in R&D and engineering, our global the current booming demand positioning is strong. We have for clean energy in the United developed expertise on moderniza- States? tion of current plants, and created integrated solutions and services. Mark Garner: We’re seeing an When we saw a slowing of new increasing demand for hydro power, business years ago, we developed and the York facility is well-posi- new expertise that is now paying tioned to meet this growing need. off. In the past 15 years, we’ve seen a market primarily for rehab and What was the biggest refurbishment of equipment. Now, challenge in this? we’re seeing growth of new plants, which was hard to imagine a few Certainly, the re-building of busi- years ago. ness segments and the understand- ing of a completely different growth We are ready to take this business mindset was a challenge. But that – both new and modernization – work helped us plan for the future, including the full-range expertise and come up with the first initiatives from components to total plant on integrated offers and partnering design, from mechanical and elec- models. trical equipment to complex auto- mation and control solutions, to What are your assets and meet the needs of the growing investments today? market. We strongly value our employees How did the York facility and our customers. We value our prepare, in terms of skills dedicated employees who we honor and growth, for this renewed each year for their service. At the interest in hydro power? end of financial year 07/08 we celebrated a combined 1,875 years We have always anticipated growth of service for 61 colleagues having and conducted massive process reached milestones in their careers. orientation and qualification drives for our staff in all disciplines.

26 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower INTERVIEW

Promise for new hydro promotion by the new President who visited Voith Hydro York last year during the election campaign.

At the same time we welcomed Why do you think Voith Hydro It’s that kind of forward-thinking and 133 new employees who look for- in York and elsewhere can teamwork that attracts top-notch ward to long careers with Voith attract staff in such magni- people to a company, and allows Hydro. We follow the visions and tude? us to grow in innovative ways. values set by the entire Voith corpo- ration: “We never let a customer The corporate values of Voith and How would you evaluate the down.” We offer what we call Voith Hydro offer a series of specific interconnection of U.S. hydro “engineered reliability” – not only and unique working conditions. development with global driv- in terms of highly engineered and We are a family owned business ers affecting your business? reliable and safe products, but also and we are able to focus on trust with how we develop customer rather than deals – with both cus- The global demand for energy has relationships and keep them. tomers and employees. finally reached the U.S., which is seeing soaring prices for Our Board of Directors has ap- Our historic roots, com- “We are ready resources of all kinds, from proved capital investments of over bined with a long-estab- to take oil to gas to daily products. 20 million U.S. dollar to expand our lished level of trust, have this business.” The seemingly once-abun- capabilities and capacities in York. created pioneering ap- dant fossil supply has peak- We will be adding to our factory two proaches throughout our company’s ed and will drive prices further up. new machine tools with other in- history. S. Morgan Smith was a The public is just now realizing the vestments throughout the company. friend of Hanns Voith 80 years ago. seriousness of the situation, and Working together, they set up the that alternatives must be found. How much is your operation first cooperation on development growing? of turbines. Also, Voith took a revo- This means renewable energy is lutionary stance and grew interna- gaining favor in the public eye as It’s growing fast. We hired 170 tionally, at a time when globalization the one-and-only opportunity to people in the last eighteen months. was far beyond people’s imagina- counter soaring gas and energy To recruit experienced and skilled tion. The first turbines in Niagara, prices. And this, in turn, creates a employees and educate them on the largest at their time, were sup- renewed interest in hydro power. our special demands is a huge plied by Voith. And after this, the effort. But we were able to build on company’s units have constantly There is an incredible amount of recognition programs, motivating contributed to world records, from growth potential for hydro power. and enabling our staff to develop Niagara to Grand Coulee to Three In the past 12 months we were with the challenging growth of our Gorges. awarded two contracts for the four business and keep pace with de- Ohio River plants, where we are mand and technology. only adding generation plants to existing dams or locks.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 27 INTERVIEW

28 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower INTERVIEW

No new dams are needed, so we But we are experts in this area, 23,000 MW of potential for increases do not face environmental or social and will continue to be innovative. in capacity by 2025. This includes: issues. A recent study conducted 2,300 MW capacity gains at existing by the Electric Power Research We believe hydro technology devel- conventional hydro power facilities Institute (EPRI) indicated that an opment is crucial for the U.S.’s 5,000 MW of new conventional hydro power additional 5,000 MW of potential future. But we also go beyond the at existing non-power dams conventional hydro generation is traditional power-from-water tech- 2,700 MW of new small and low head power possible at existing dam sites by nology as a global organization. conventional hydro power the year 2025. So the potential here The U.S. is lagging behind in all (< 30 MW installed capacity) is incredibly high. other technologies connected with 10,000 MW from ocean wave energy renewable generation, including technologies

We also see the development of the “new hydro” of ocean energies. 3,000 MW from hydrokinetic technologies new pumped storage in the U.S. The U.S. lacks the political frame- (river-based) because the electricity grid be- work and regulation. But we have comes more reliant on intermittent another advantage over any other Location Info emission-free renewables such company here, in the U.S. and Voith Hydro in York, PA, is a major operat- as solar and wind. Wind and solar worldwide: Voith Hydro is a tech- ing unit of Voith Hydro’s global network. The company includes a full range of need backup, also called firming. nology leader in ocean energies, mechanical production, and also capability Pumped storage is a proven tech- including commercially-operated for electrical machines, such as generator nology that can store the energy wave power plants and tidal current re-winding, bars and coils. In addition, the York location has a hydraulic laboratory generated by the intermittent technologies. for model testing, which is the only one renewables and we are well posi- dedicated to hydro turbine development in tioned to provide these plants. The future in the U.S. for Voith North America. Hydro is very strong. We will con- Author What is the future vision tinue to build new plants and mod- Coby Leber of Voith Hydro in the U.S.? ernize existing facilities. As the Supervisor, public continues its desire for clean, Administrative Services, We will continue to be an industry renewable energy, we expect our York, PA, USA leader in terms of engineering, company will be busy keeping up [email protected] reliability and customer orientation with demand for years to come. – and very importantly – in innova- tive technology, not just traditional hydro. Due to the long gap in new power plant development, many companies no longer have the skills and knowledge on how to design and operate hydro power plants.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 29 ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

Globalizing know how in multi-turn coils

Exciting developments are underway at Voith Hydro in Mississauga, Canada, as it unveils its global mandate to supply multi-turn coils. This mandate has been enabled by significant investment in leading- edge coil manufacturing equipment along with the introduction of the Micalastic insulation system in North America. The current schedule to supply Micalastic coils commercially is August 2009.

30 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

The Micalastic insulation technol- This is evidenced once more these Benefits of this new coil manufac- ogy has enjoyed a remarkable days by the significant new invest- turing equipment to our customers reputation for quality and reliability ment in leading-edge coil manufac- are for many years already. turing equipment now installed in Mississauga. Best-in-class delivery cycle times The Mississauga location has been with shorter manufacturing cycles a market leader in providing gen- This new equipment consists of: 50% less handling of coils in erator modernization services within Coil forming machine production North America in addition to supply- Electric press for coils Highest quality product properties ing coils, having supplied coils to Six-axis auto-taping machine Unprecedented repeatability and over 300 generators across 230 Micalastic Vacuum Pressure reproducibility of coil dimensions. different generating stations over Impregnation (VPI) System. the past thirty-five years. This repre- Another key advantage of the new sents over one gigawatt of ma- One of the key improvements of the equipment is in the design phase chines serviced with coils produced winding manufacturing process is for new generators and for genera- in Mississauga alone. the introduction of six-axis control- tors being modernized. The high led taping for coils. The taping precision of the new coil equipment Leading-edge in coil machine wraps the fine mica tape will allow design engineers in Voith manufacture with an adjustable and consistent Hydro to further maximize the overlap and tension around the slot amount of copper in generators Voith Hydro has always demon- and end-winding portions of the which in turn will benefit customers strated a technology leadership coils, thus ensuring uniform thick- with machines that have higher approach in the hydro industry in ness over the full length of the coil, efficiencies and lower losses. With both its design and manufacturing including the knuckle of the coil. regard to modernization solutions approaches. In combination with a modern and efforts of Voith Hydro during the sophisticated VPI technology, design phase, this new equipment this also ensures a void free, high will allow to further increase genera- dielectric insulation system. tor up-rate potential to customers.

New coil forming machine. Advanced computerized design tools.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 31 ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE



Six-axis auto-taping machine. Corona-control finishes.

One global standard Technology offer to the market- Process Control in insulation place that is technology specific as opposed to site specific. Six Sigma tools are currently being The current insulation system being No matter where your Voith used to monitor the coil manufactur- used in Mississauga is Therma- Hydro product comes from, the ing process and collect data on lastic. As such, coils currently pro- uniqueness of technology and an ongoing basis. This will eventu- duced for North America from this engineering approach around ally lead to process harmonization location were based on the Therma- the globe will be based on one across the locations of Voith Hydro lastic insulation system. Both Mica- global standard and the philoso- that manufacture this product: lastic and Thermalastic systems phy of engineered reliability. Shanghai, China, São Paulo, Brazil, are epoxy resin based and both and Mississauga, Canada. So, in have a long tradition in the industry Micalastic in high-voltage addition to the global standard in recognized worldwide for its techni- hydro generators insulation technology as such, the cal features and reliability. global process and its control will be The common characteristics shared consistent. Global process control Voith Hydro’s approach has always by all types of Micalastic insulation ensures early warning and a fail- been to provide customers with the are the use of inorganic fine mica safe system within production for best engineered solution for their tape as a base material, and heat- the highest quality and engineered unique applications. Moving to one curing synthetic resins as a bonding reliability to customers. global standard in insulation sys- material. This, coupled with state- tems, Micalastic will offer techno- of-the-art manufacturing techniques Going global logical advantages that will benefit geared to the various types and customers in many ways: size of machines, makes for its Micalastic coils have been the most outstanding features which standard outside North America for Leading-edge technology in are high breakdown strength, long- quite some time. Supply of Micalas- insu lation will ensure continuation term resistance to electrical stress, tic coils outside North America will of the best engineered insulation and a low power factor (tan ) as be seamless. Within North America, systems for customer applica- well as excellent resistance to the supply of Micalastic coils for tions. mechanical and thermal stress. the majority of customers will be a Insurance of uninterrupted and The Micalastic insulation system non-event since both Micalastic and stable supply of product to cus- is based on Vacuum Pressure Thermalastic systems fundamen- tomers. Impregnation technology and meets tally share many of the same char- Thermal Class 155 (IEC)/Class F acteristics. (IEEE) standards.

32 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

In fact, there are several customers The range of applicability for multi- We look forward to passing on the and machines in Canada and in the turn coil windings is up to 150 MVA great benefits of this highly engi- U.S. that already have Micalastic and voltages up to 15.75 kV. Higher neered product to our customers coils installed and supplied by the voltages are possible by request. all over the world. Brazilian location of Voith Hydro in the past. These Micalastic coils The new coil manufacturing equip- Micalastic records in hydro have performed absolutely flaw- ment in Mississauga was commis- Insulation system started and lessly since that time. sioned in January 2009 and the continuously developed since 1957 impregnation system following in More than 55 million accumulated Design April. Micalastic coil qualification service hours trials started in May and coils More than 300,000 bars and coils supplied Computerized design tools allow will be commercially available by More than 6,300 accumulated service modeling of the performance of the August 2009. years entire generator. Optimization of the Applied to approximately 500 hydro units coil design with respect to losses, This indeed is an exciting chapter worldwide over 5 MVA heating and overall rating is per- for Voith Hydro, as it again demon- Author formed. Based on extensive test strates its technological leadership William Malus results on completed projects, the in the supply of multi-turn coils Chief Operating Officer, calibrated calculation allows the through its significant investment Mississauga, Canada winding performance to be guaran- in equipment and Micalastic tech- teed. nology in Mississauga, Canada. [email protected]

Micalastic Insulation System, the Voith Hydro VPI Technology

≈ Relative dielectric constant, r, 20 °C, 50 Hz / 60 Hz 4 Tang at 0.2 UN, 20 °C, 50 Hz / 60 Hz 1.5% / 1.0% – w/o resp. w. ICP 1 /2 (Tang / 0.6 UN – Tang / 0.2 UN), 20 °C, 50 Hz / 60 Hz 0.15% / 0.10% – w/o resp. w. ICP Max. Tang / step 0.2 UN (from 0.2 UN to 1.0 UN) 0.25% / 0.10% – w/o resp. w. ICP Breakdown strength, 50 Hz / 60 Hz, slot side kV/mm 25 Single stator bars (half coil) kV Up 6.0 UN at slot side kV Up 3.0 UN at front side Surge voltage endurance along slot kV/mm 50 (1.2 / 50 s wave) kV Us (4 UN + 5 kV) at slot side

Test voltage, 50 Hz / 60 Hz, UPRMS, 1 min

Single stator bars (half coil) kV Standard: Up = (2 UN + 6 kV) (higher values can be applied after request)

Finish winding assembly kV Up = (2 UN + 1 kV)

Ratio between test DC and AC voltage UpDC / UpAC 1.7 Test voltage, conductor strands, 50 Hz / 60 Hz V 220 Permissible surge voltage on windings in operation kV 3.5 UN at Uphase-core kV 5 UN at Uphase-phase Maximum permissible temperature IEC 62114 / IEC 60034-18 °C 155, Class F Flammability: as per model test Self-extinguishing

Test voltage, 50 Hz / 60 Hz, UPRMS, 1 min – Leads kV 1.5 x Up

UN = rated (line-to-line) voltage

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 33 THE NHA’S VIEW

America’s largest renewable energy resource set to double by 2030

Strong commitment from both public and private partners needed. As the world turns its attention to climate change and U.S. leaders face growing concern over energy policy, the U.S. hydro power industry is charting a course that could see America’s largest renewable energy resource double by 2030.

34 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower THE NHA’S VIEW

Today, hydro power generates FERC reports interest in all sectors, about seven percent of all U.S. including proposals for 2,700 mega- electricity – enough for nearly every watts of new capacity at existing household in the 10 largest conventional facilities, U.S. cities. The Electric Power Strong 20,000 megawatts of Research Institute (EPRI) in committment pumped storage, and a 2007 report estimates that needed approximately 10,000 the industry could expand its megawatts of proposed current 96,000-megawatt capacity ocean, tidal, and instream hydroki- to add another 23,000 megawatts netic technologies. by 2025, through efficiency im- provements at existing facilities, This fast-growing industry demands by developing new tidal, ocean, a strong commitment from both wave and pressurized water tech- public and private partners. FERC nologies, and by adding hydro is already showing its leadership power at existing non powered through efforts like its policies that dams. allow developers of hydrokinetic projects to connect to the electric Many believe this is just the begin- grid during pilot testing – an ap- ning of the industry’s potential proach that speeds energy to con- expansion. U.S. Federal Energy sumers and gives developers rev- Regulatory Commission (FERC) enue to support their work. Chairman Jon Wellinghoff chal- lenged National Hydropower Asso- The U.S. Department of Energy’s ciation (NHA) members to double (DOE) research efforts are also installed capacity, adding more than showing dividends. DOE’s Ad- 90,000 megawatts by 2030. vanced Hydropower Turbine Sys- tem program helped to bring the In fact, FERC is already reviewing Voith Hydro Kaplan fish-friendly more development projects than it turbine design out of testing and has in a decade, reviewing projects into commercial use at Grant that could add some 30,000 mega- County (WA) Public Utility District’s watts of new capacity. Wanapum Dam, where it has re- placed existing units and created additional capacity.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 35 THE NHA’S VIEW

The industry is urging DOE to begin As part of the recent Recovery Act, full-scale testing of a second tur- Congress approved an extension bine, the Alden Laboratory design. for production tax credits for renew- Brookfield Power has offered its able energy, through 2013, as well School Street Project as a site in as creating investment tax credit New York for testing the design’s and grants from the U.S. Treasury. potential for addressing eel-pas- With NHA members reporting that sage issues in the Northeast. tax incentives drive between 20 and 50 percent of their development NHA members are also active in work, hydro development can play About NHA testing applications that don’t re- an important role in economic de- NHA is a member-driven association that quire water impoundments, such as velopment. NHA, its members, and accomplishes its policy work and outreach Voith Hydro’s Wavegen technology. other renewable energy organiza- through standing committees. NHA’s Board Companies are testing promising tions continue to press for long-term of Directors serves as the association’s policy board and uses recommendations wave, tidal, and combined wind/ extensions to these provisions. from the standing committees to base their hydro projects all along U.S. shore- decisions. Representatives from NHA mem- lines. NHA is also working with the ber organizations across the country serve on these committees, providing expertise new presidential administration. and recommendations to ensure that NHA’s But, as EPRI noted in its landmark President Obama has stressed initiatives serve the interests of the hydro 2007 report, continued federal his commitment to building the power industry. funding for R&D is critical to ex- country’s energy portfolio through E. Mark Garner, President & CEO of Voith Hydro York, is currently serving panding the U.S. industry. Congress renewables and other clean-energy as a Director of NHA. demonstrated its support for this and domestic resources – descrip- http://www.hydro.org/ work by approving 40 million U.S. tions tailor-made for waterpower dollar in funding for next year – four technologies. With a fleet of new Author times the current federal funding technologies and approaches at Linda Church Ciocci level. NHA is working with DOE and the ready, the U.S. hydro power Executive Director industry to propose projects that will industry stands ready to serve. of the National Hydropower use these resources to build clean- Association energy resources. [email protected]

36 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower BATH COUNTY

Overhaul of Bath County Pumped Storage Station

Voith York is nearing completion of an overhaul of the Bath County (Virginia) Pumped Storage Station which is owned by Dominion Generation and Allegheny Energy. The station’s six pump-turbines and motor-generators have been overhauled, providing increased unit reliability of the 23-year-old facility.

Installed in 1985, the six pump- A significant challenge faced by turbines and motor-generators at Voith Hydro design engineers was the Bath County Pumped Storage the transportation of the enormous Station are now being overhauled to turbine components from the York, enhance the long-term serviceability Pennsylvania, manufacturing plant of the facility’s electric generation to the station located in Mountain capacity. This facility is recognized Grove, Virginia. The major compo- as one of the largest pumped stor- nents to be transported weighed age stations in the world. approximately 100 tons. Transport- ing these items 250 miles over Author Working in partnership, Dominion highways and back roads required Robert D. Steele Generation and Voith Hydro staffs a special 19-axle truck. Project Manager, reviewed the operational character- York, PA, USA istics of the station to determine the Voith Hydro York completed the long-term operational goals and Bath County Pumped Storage [email protected] generation capabilities. These early Station overhaul in March 2009. work sessions developed what changes should be considered for the station’s equipment.

The major goal was to overhaul the facility to extend the operational life of the equipment. During this process, a slight increase in the minimum dependable capacity of the units also was established as a goal, generating 407 MW each.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 37 ROCK ISLAND

Work continues on Rock Island hydro project

The generator refurbishment and upgrade project for the Rock Island hydro project awarded to Voith Hydro in December 2007 is proceeding on schedule.

The installation of four modernized Operated by Chelan County Public When Voith Hydro York completes generators at the Rock Island hydro Utility District No. 1, the Rock Island the Rock Island project in 2014, project, located 12 miles down- hydro project was the first hydro the power output of the four refur- stream on the Columbia River from power station on the Columbia bished generators will increase Wenatchee, Washington, began in River. Work began on the first four the original nameplate rating of late March 2009. Voith Hydro York power units in January 1930 and 16.7 MVA to 23 MVA. is working closely with colleagues the power station entered operation at Voith Hydro São Paulo, Brazil, in February 1933. Powerhouse and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, expansion and installation of six to supply necessary equipment to additional units by Chelan County replace the support structure of Public Utility District began in July the generators’ core. This includes 1951 and was completed in April updating generator stator frames 1953. Construction of the Second and stator cores, as well as replac- Powerhouse, with its eight turbine ing stator windings. generators located on the west Author bank of the river, began in August Robert Baginski The Voith Hydro processes will 1974. The Second Powerhouse was Lead Engineer, ensure the coordination between placed in commercial operation in Power Systems Automation, operating units so that parts are August 1979. The current project York, PA, USA “ready to assemble” in the field. has 19 total power units. [email protected]

38 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower BONNEVILLE

Historic renovation almost complete in Bonneville

Voith Hydro is completing a major rehabilitation of the Bonneville Lock and Dam First Powerhouse, a National Historic Registry site located in Cascade Locks, Oregon.

The First Powerhouse was built in The major goal of the project has Voith Hydro anticipates completing the late 1930s by the United States been to increase the reliability and the Bonneville Lock and Dam First War Department under President survivability rate of fish passage Powerhouse major rehabilitation Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administra- through the turbines. Voith Hydro’s project in calendar year 2009. tion. The hydroturbine/generator patented fish-friendly equipment units at Bonneville had never been has raised fish survivability to ap- out of service for a major rehabilita- proximately 98 percent, a major Author tion over the nearly 60 years of improvement. In addition to becom- Robert D. Steele operation when the Voith Hydro ing more fish-friendly, the Bonneville Project Manager, renovation project began in 1994. project is designed to provide for York, PA, USA The dam’s generating unit contin- electricity generation, river barge ued to operate smoothly while navigability, and enhanced tourism [email protected] eight turbine generator units were for the northwestern United States. replaced. The rehabilitation work is more than 50 percent complete on the ninth of 10 units and work is underway on the tenth unit.

One of the first dams built on the Columbia River, Bonneville Lock and Dam has required special attention during its renovation. The First Powerhouse at Bonneville is listed on the National Historic Register and is a tourist attraction in the northwestern United States. Thus, Voith Hydro had to take great care in protecting the working envi- ronment of the facility as the power generation units were replaced, including protecting all of facility’s historic ceramic tile floors.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 39 CONOWINGO

Voith Hydro refurbishing generators at Conowingo Dam

Voith Hydro York has begun work on refurbishing three genera- tor units at Exelon Power’s Conowingo Dam in Darlington, MD. This 22 million U.S. dollar project continues a 20-year relation- ship of providing service and equipment to Exelon Power.

For this project, Voith Hydro is The Conowingo Dam project began Spanning the Cecil and Harford supplying new generator stators, in February 2009. Replacing one Counties border in Maryland, surface air coolers and refurbishing generator per year, the entire reha- Conowingo Dam also serves as the generator rotor poles. The stator bilitation project will be completed in a bridge for U.S. Route 1 across frame will be built in York while the summer of 2012. Individual unit the Susquehanna River. Voith Hydro Mississauga, Ontario, outages will be finished in 51 work- will supply the new generator wind- ing days. When complete, these ings. three units at Conowingo Dam will boast a 75 MVA rating, up 20 per- In addition to manufacturing and cent from the current 61.8 MVA refurbishing equipment, Voith Hydro rating. will re-work the foundation of the generator stator to accommodate Conowingo Dam is a large hydro- Author the new stator frame. The stator will electric dam located on the Lower Kathy Chronister be pre-assembled off the critical Susquehanna River. Originally Project Manager, energy pathway and then installed, built in 1926, this facility features York, PA, USA saving down-time and lowering 11 units (seven original and four costs for the customer. newer units) with a total capacity [email protected] of 512 MW.

40 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower FOLSOM

Voith Hydro begins model testing for Folsom Dam project

Model testing for the Folsom Dam project began in April 2009 at the Voith Hydro Inc. North America headquarters in York. Systems engineers will be testing the new turbine runner designs that will be used to upgrade the facility’s three hydro power generation units. Each unit will receive a new turbine runner, coupling hardware and shear pins.

To prepare for the model test, In September 2008, the U.S. Bureau Refurbishment of the entire Folsom Voith Hydro engineers reviewed of Reclamation selected Voith Hydro Dam power generation facility will existing drawings of the facility’s to perform the 7.1 million U.S. dollar be completed in 2013. The first water passageways and created refurbishment of Folsom Dam. refurbished turbine will be delivered model drawings for constructing a All equipment manufacturing and in April 2011. The remaining tur- scaled-down replica of the Folsom model testing for the project will bines will be delivered in 2012 and Dam. The model has been con- take place in York. 2013. structed and is being prepared for testing at Voith Hydro’s S. Morgan Folsom Dam is located about Smith Model Testing Laboratory. 23 miles northeast of Sacramento, Testing should be concluded by CA, on the American River. The the end of June 2009. multipurpose project was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Author and is operated by the Bureau of Joseph M. Cybularz Reclamation. Each of the dam’s Project Manager, power generation units will have York, PA, USA a new rated output of 70.8 MW of electricity. [email protected]

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 41 LOOKOUT POINT

Four work together to refurbish Lookout Point project

Four Voith Hydro Operating Units are collaborating to complete the refurbishment of the hydroelectric equipment at Lookout Point Dam in Lowell, OR. The project includes replacement of runners and rehabilitation of turbine equipment for two of the facility’s three power generating units, with an option to extend the project to include the third unit.

The 19.1 million U.S. dollar contract Voith Hydro’s York unit will oversee Lookout Point Dam is located on is the largest U.S. Army Corps of the project’s management, field the Middle Fork of the Willamette Engineers award that Voith Hydro engineering and overall completion, River and has been in service since has received since 1994. Voith as well as manufacturing the run- 1954. Each hydro power generation Hydro was selected from six bid- ners and rehabilitating the majority unit produces 47 MW of electricity. ders because it presented the best of the turbine equipment. The São Operated by the Bonneville Power technical solution demonstrating Paulo Operating Unit will manufac- Authority, the dam’s primary pur- a superior understanding of the ture the replacement turbine runner poses are flood control, power project challenges and the lowest blades and Voith Hydro’s Brunnen- generation, navigation and irriga- risk for performance success. mühle staff will perform the project’s tion. The facility also provides systems engineering and model fishing, water quality control and testing. The Peak Hydro Solutions recreation. Operating Unit, located in Eugene, OR, will handle the project’s field The Lookout Point rehabilitation machining needs. project is scheduled to be complet- ed by 2012.

Author Richard F. Dague Project Manager, York, PA, USA

[email protected]

42 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower OHIO RIVER AWARDS

View on the Ohio River in Cincinnati.

Voith Hydro selected for AMP-Ohio projects totaling 423 million U.S. dollar

Voith Hydro Inc. has received contracts totaling 423 million U.S. dollar to provide the equipment for several hydroelectric projects that will add 313 MW of emission-free generation to existing dams on the Ohio River. Voith Hydro’s scope of supply includes generators, turbines, automation equipment and the balance of plant mechanical and electrical equipment.

American Municipal Power-Ohio Combined, these three projects is developing four run-of-the-river include eight bulb turbines with hydroelectric plants at existing an expected capacity of 208 MW. dams on the Ohio River. The first A fourth project on the Ohio River is three sites are Willow Island Locks jointly developed by AMP-Ohio and and Dam near Waverly, West Vir- the city of Hamilton, OH. The part- ginia; Cannelton Locks and Dam ners are constructing the Captain near Cannelton, ; and Meldahl Dam project as a part of an Smithland Locks and Dam in aggressive hydroelectric generation Livingston County, . development program.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 43 OHIO RIVER AWARDS

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One river – four states – one goal. Meldahl Dam is expected to have “AMP-Ohio believes in the value Four projects along the Ohio River a capacity of 105 MW and is the of hydroelectric generation”, said to add hydro power generation to existing dam sites. largest of the four hydroelectric AMP-Ohio President/CEO Marc projects AMP-Ohio currently has Gerken. “Our hydro projects are a under development. These projects part of an asset development effort represent the newest large hydro- designed to reduce our member electric developments in the United communities’ current over-exposure 3-D design of generator States since the 1980s. to the volatile wholesale market. and turbine components.

44 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower OHIO RIVER AWARDS

This asset development effort, in “We recognize AMP-Ohio’s national AMP-Ohio is the Columbus, Ohio- addition to these significant hydro leadership in developing new, clean based nonprofit wholesale power projects, also includes new fossil hydroelectric capacity. Hydro power supplier and services provider for fuel development, as well as wind is and will continue to be America’s 126 member municipal electric and solar. From our experience in largest, most flexible renewable systems in Ohio, Pennsylvania, building and operating the Belleville resource and it has no carbon Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia Hydroelectric Plant, we know that emissions. This is a good move for and Kentucky. The organization hydro power is reliable, predictable AMP-Ohio, its members and their provides a diverse mix in its whole- and affordable. We’re pleased to be customers.” sale generation resources, which able to pursue these projects on includes fossil fuel, wind, hydroelec- behalf of our member communities.” Voith Hydro was selected for these tric, landfill gas and distributed projects over several other interna- generation. “Voith Hydro is thrilled to be part tional competitors because it pro- of this exciting development of vided the best technical solutions renewable energy in the United for AMP-Ohio’s needs. Specifically, States. These projects represent Voith’s three-bladed bulb turbines the largest order in our 132-year deliver world-class efficiency and history in the United States. performance for a wide range of This also clearly demonstrates our water flow conditions. ability of total plant expertise be- Author yond equipment know-how”, said Model tests for the projects were David J. Rittle E. Mark Garner, Voith Hydro York’s completed in January 2009 and Project Manager, President and CEO. final reports were submitted in York, PA, USA March 2009. The power plants are scheduled for completion by late [email protected] 2012.

Ohio River. Willow Island Locks and Dam. Cannelton Locks and Dam.

Picture courtesy of Paul Seigle

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 45 ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

Expertise in generators further enhanced

The year 2008 saw additions to the company’s generator expertise in engineering and manufacturing capabilities and capacities. Two new electric generator workshops in Heidenheim, Germany, and Shanghai, China, were officially put into operation. Voith Hydro now, together with the locations in Mississauga and São Paulo, has four large locations for generator manufacturing around the globe.

These four workshops have been “The aim of Voith Hydro’s invest- set up specifically in the strategic ment in new infrastructure for the markets in the vicinity of customers: manufacturing of generators is the Manufacture, rehabilitation and capacity and capability expansion of services are most efficient and our workshops to deliver excellent successful when carried out close hydro power units”, said Dr. Roland to the owners and operators in Münch, CEO of Voith Hydro.

Preparations for the high-voltage test order to enhance transport cost, of Wehr’s motor-generator stator. short delivery and flexibility. Operational excellence at its best The stator windings’ insulation has applies for all Voith Hydro locations: to withstand 45,000 Volt. All workshops manufacture accord- ing to the same guidelines and highest standards regardless of their location in the world.

For a few years now, the European hydro market experiences a boom in service business. Amongst oth- ers, this is due to the implementa- tion of Germany’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare- Energien-Gesetz, EEG). Voith Hydro Heidenheim’s response to this boom was an expansion and restructuring of its workshop to also serve modernization of generators.

46 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 47 ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

The expansion of the generator Having the new workshop complete, The giant left the Heidenheim workshop took place in two steps. Voith Hydro Heidenheim offers full- workshop in August 2008, while its The first step was to implement a service for generators and turbines generator poles were still being new work area for the rehabilitation to be viewed by visitors first-time overhauled in Heidenheim. Martin of generator stators and rotors. during festivities of the Brunnen- Andrä, CEO of Voith Hydro’s Ger- Heart of the workshop is a 1,000 mühle’s 100th anniversary (see man Operating Unit, was pleased tons press which is an in-house backflap). to see the generator leaving the development for the manufacturing workshop: “The delivery of this of rotor coil windings. Stacking of The first motor-generator in the new generator clearly signals our ability new stator cores, assembly of stator German workshop was the unit of to competitively supply from our windings and re-insulation of poles the pumped storage plant of Wehr German workshop new or modern- was feasible from spring 2007 on. in Germany’s south. With 300 tons ized electrical components for such and 300 MVA, the machine is one of high-performance generators.” In a second step a new workshop the largest of its kind in Europe, and area was extended as well as in operation since 1976. The gen- The new electric generator work- an area for the assembly of coils erator stator was newly manufac- shop at the manufacturing facilities and pole cores was established. tured and tested thoroughly. In the in Shanghai opened in October A special assembly cell for genera- final voltage test, the stator wind- 2008. Over 80 high rank represent- tor windings was designed and ings’ insulation had to withstand atives from trade and industry as installed. 45,000 Volt, more than twice the well as from federal, state and local rated voltage during operation. governments attended the opening ceremony.

48 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ELECTRICAL EXPERTISE

During the opening festivities in Shanghai, employees demonstrate insulation of stator bars which is the heart of stator bar manufacturing.

Assembly of stator windings requires extremely thorough work to assure safe and highly reliable performance of the windings during operation.

The Chinese workshop offers “With new infrastructure and mod- 3,500 square meters for the manu- ern tools we feel ourselves very well facture of generator poles and equipped to meet our customers’ stator bars and is equipped with demands”, said Dr. Roland Münch. machinery for the manufacture of “It strongly emphasizes our position units up to 700 MW. This is the as a full-line supplier for hydro equivalent of one coal-fired power power units.” plant. The workshop will meet the growing needs for large-capacity and high-quality generators in the booming hydro power markets of China and other Asian countries. At the moment, the generator for Xi Luo Du (see page 51) is pro- Author duced in the new workshop. Dr. Udo Erich Wunsch Head of International Production, Heidenheim, Germany

[email protected]

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 49 INGULA

Signing of the contract in Johannesburg. The plant will be built close to Ladysmith, South Africa. Equipment for South African Ingula pumped storage scheme

Eskom, the major South African utility, has awarded a contract to Voith Hydro for the equipment supply to the Ingula pumped storage project. Order value runs up to 140 million Euro. Contract signing between the two parties took place in Johannesburg.

Voith Hydro will supply the complete This region contributes a major Ingula is the first new pumped electro-mechanical equipment with share to the country’s electricity storage scheme in South Africa in the four pump-turbines at a rated generation. The Bedford Stream 25 years. In 1983, Eskom built and output of 342 megawatts each, four will serve as an upper reservoir started the Palmiet pumped storage motor-generators and the complete and will be connected to the power plant in the Western Cape Province. automation and control system for house by a headrace tunnel of Pump-turbines and motor-genera- commissioning in 2013. The compa- around two kilometers in length. tors in this plant were also supplied ny’s German and Japanese Operat- A tunnel of similar length will be by Voith Hydro. ing Units are joint partners in this built in the tailrace area to lead the project to design and manufacture water into a lower reservoir towards the equipment, with the motor- the Braamhoek River. generators coming from Kawasaki in Japan, while the pump-turbines With commissioning in 2013, will be supplied from Heidenheim, Ingula’s four pump-turbine units Author Germany. will significantly contribute to grid Norbert Pichowski stabilization by pumping water Regional Marketing Manager The Ingula pumped storage plant from excess electricity during for Africa, is being built close to the city of low demand periods to the upper Heidenheim, Germany Ladysmith in eastern South Africa. reservoir and releasing for peaking [email protected] energy generation.

50 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower XI LUO DU & LI YUAN

Two new hydro power plants in China’s national energy development strategy

Growing more rapidly than others, China is currently one of the most important hydro power markets in the world. With the awards of Xi Luo Du and Li Yuan on the Jinsha or “Golden Sands” River, Voith Hydro has again received the go-ahead for two large hydro power stations in the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan.

Xi Luo Du will be equipped with Li Yuan will be built in the middle three generators and three Francis reaches of the Jinsha River which turbines at a rated capacity of plays a vital role in China’s elec- 784 MW each. Upon completion, tricity strategy. This strategy aims Xi Luo Du will be one of the biggest to supply the densely populated hydro power plants worldwide with east of the country with electricity an overall capacity of 12,600 MW. from the sparsely populated west. It will be operated by the China From 2013 on, the plant will gener- Three Gorges Project Corporation. ate low-carbon energy with a rated capacity of 2,448 MW. Voith Hydro In spring 2009, the first design delivers four sets of turbines, ring liaison meeting with the customer gates and further equipment. The and the consultant took place in contract has a volume of around Germany. After two weeks of inten- 80 million Euro. One of the key Author sive work they agreed on the layout challenges for project execution Clare Chen of the generating unit and the basic is the tight delivery schedule. Communications Coordinator, design of major components. Shanghai, China

[email protected]

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 51 OCEAN ENERGIES

New developments in ocean energies at Voith Hydro

Early in 2009, the Scottish Government granted consent for the world’s largest wave power project. With it the Siadar wave energy project on the Scottish island of Lewis should be one of the first projects to operate under the Scottish Government’s proposed multiple Renewable Obligation Certificates scheme, the revenue support system to promote the development of marine energy generation.

“It is an important step on the way The scheme will harness power to the full commercial employment from the Atlantic waves in Siadar of wave energy”, said Matthew Bay to generate electricity from Seed, CEO of Voith Hydro Wave- 4 MW of installed capacity. The gen. The operator of the planned produced energy could meet the facility will be RWE npower renew- average annual electricity needs ables, a UK-subsidiary of RWE of around 1,500 homes in the Innogy. RWE npower renewables Western Isles. and Voith Hydro Wavegen have been working together on the Last summer, Jim Mather, Scottish project since 2006. Government Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism, officially start- ed operation of Voith Hydro Wave- gen’s new 100 kW turbine.

52 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower OCEAN ENERGIES

Picture courtesy of RWE npower renewables

It will not only be deployed in the First experiences proved him right: RWE Innogy will make a signifi- Siadar scheme but in future wave “The 100 kW turbine is showing cant capital investment and hold energy projects worldwide. It ap- similar reliability to the well proven 20 percent in the new company plies Voith Hydro Wavegen’s oscil- 20 kW machine. It is also extracting while Voith Hydro will be the major- lating water column technology and much more power and operating at ity shareholder with 80 percent. was developed with support from close to rated power even with the The total investment guaranteed the Scottish Government’s Wave limited capture width of the Limpet by both partners over the next few and Tidal Energy Support (WATES) plant on Islay.” years equals over 30 million Euro. scheme. The establishment of the joint But the Siadar project is not the venture is already approved by the At that time Matthew Seed was only common activity in ocean relevant anti-trust authorities. already convinced that Voith Hydro energies with RWE Innogy. Wavegen had extended the range In February 2009, Voith Hydro and of application for wave energy RWE Innogy have announced the plants with this turbine to include formation of the joint venture of more energetic and hence more Voith Hydro Ocean Current Tech- Author economically attractive environ- nologies. Dr. Jochen Weilepp ments. Head of Ocean Energies, With the new company, both part- Heidenheim, Germany ners will accelerate the develop- ment, manufacture and marketing [email protected] of ocean current technologies.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 53 HSAF

The IHA World Congress will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Sustainability in hydro – first HSAF consultation phase now completed

The Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum (HSAF) of the International Hydropower Association (IHA) has presented the outcomes of the first consultation phase of the current Sustainability Assessment Protocol development process.

Constituted in March 2008, the The Forum comprises several NGO The outcomes report and Forum 14 members from different sectors groups, including the WWF, Oxfam, responses are now available in have made considerable progress Transparency International, and the IHA’s website www.hydropower.org/ in several follow-up meetings all Nature Conservancy, commercial sustainable_hydropower/hsaf.html. over the world, concluding the first and development bank representa- The Forum is coordinated by year of work with an intense consul- tives, and the IHA. Dr. Helen Locher who can be tation. reached at [email protected]. Sustainable hydro power stations The objective of the Forum is to whether planned, implemented or A broad report on further outcomes review and refine the existing IHA operated – will be of the essence will also be presented by the Forum Sustainability Assessment Protocol to global energy demand for clean IHA’s 2009 World Congress from in relation to the development and and renewable energy generation. June 23-26, 2009 in Reykjavik, operation of hydro power plants, Development of a certification tool Iceland. aiming to establish a broadly en- that measures what is – or is not – dorsed assessment tool. sustainable in hydro power projects is the major task for the industry Experts on environmental, social to achieve a global and unified Author and economic aspects, together standard. Barbara Fischer-Aupperle with government representatives of Head of Communications, Norway, Iceland, China and Zambia Heidenheim, Germany support the Forum over its two years. [email protected]

54 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower EVENTS Conferences, seminars and symposia

Date Event/Further information

June 16 - 17, 2009 Workshop on Regional Cooperation in Sediment Management Kathmandu, Nepal in Hydropower Projects Voith Hydro paper presentation

June 23 - 26, 2009 Advancing Sustainable Hydropower Reykjavik, Iceland Congress of the International Hydropower Association www.ihacongress.org Voith Hydro panel participation

July 27 - 30, 2009 Waterpower XVI 2009 Spokane, USA www.waterpowerconference.com Voith Hydro paper presentations Please visit us at booth no. 1000.

August 16 - 22, 2009 7th International Symposium on Cavitation Washington, USA www.cavitation.engin.umich.edu Voith Hydro paper presentations

September 24 - 25, 2009 Zwölftes Internationales Anwenderforum Bozen, Italy Kleinwasserkraftwerke (OTTI) www.otti.de Voith Hydro paper presentation

October 14 - 16, 2009 3rd IAHR International Meeting for Cavitation and Brno, Czech Republic Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems http://khzs.fme.vutbr.cz/iahrwg2009 Voith Hydro paper presentations

October 26 - 28, 2009 Hydro 2009 Lyon, France Progress – Potential – Plans www.hydropower-dams.com/hd_72_0.htm Voith Hydro paper presentations Please visit us at booth no. 92.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 55 ESSAY

Adventurous travelling 100 years ago: Seasickness and a roast fit for cannibals

56 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ESSAY

These are the impressions of a Voithian who traveled to Niagara Falls in 1909. One hundred years ago, the turbines at Niagara Falls made Voith world-famous. They were the largest units of their time and are still operational. These turbines are an excellent example for the legendary Voith reliability or, as one would say today, “Engineered reliability”.

While the journey from the Heiden- Here are some amusing treats from heim headquarters to Niagara Falls his traveling journal: takes less than a day now, it was a true adventure lasting several 22nd September 1909 – at sea weeks 100 years ago. Sea purple, half rain, half sun; This is when Albert Ungerer set off mankind appears to develop a huge to attend a meeting, leaving to appetite – if this continues, every- posterity a humorously written dairy, body will be suffering from gout by which, like all Voith documents of the time we reach New York. historical value, can be enjoyed at the Business Archives in Stuttgart. 23nd September 1909 – at sea Albert Ungerer joined Voith on 3rd January 1898 at age 23. Later he We have been cruising around on was a director in the turbine con- the ocean for some hours. After struction department. consulting the steward, we have opened the portholes in the cabin, in order to enjoy the sea air as unhindered as possible, even dur- ing our sleep. There are clothes hooks on both sides, I have chosen the ones on the bow side and lo, it was good.

Albert Ungerer crossed the Atlantic by ship in 1909. His experiences are written down in his diary.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 57 ESSAY

At dawn I am awakened by gently She manifests a certain amount of rushing waters, at the same time tastelessness by wearing a spooky my position in the berth changes. skunk bonnet, which is possibly I jump up – too late. Splish-splash, very precious, but also simply a curious wave slips through the disgusting, and also by an even window and Mr. Siedenburg’s more disgusting lapdog, black with (a co-traveler) wardrobe is pickled yellow spots, probably a cross in brine. As a precautionary meas- between a bulldog and a fire sala- ure against a repeat, I close the mander. hatch and am pleased with myself. Next time, I will again hang my 24th September 1909 – clothes to the front. In plain clothes, and what had to happen, Miss Farrar (a former star of Berlin happens opera) is not exactly a paragon of heavenly splendor and beauty, but The ship is rolling heavily, attend- there is something very likeable ance at mealtimes is sparse. Gigantic: the turbines for the about her appearance. Niagara Falls helped Voith to gain worldwide fame 100 years ago. They are still in good operating condition. The second man from the right is the young Hanns Voith.

58 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower ESSAY

25th September 1909 – 29th September 1909 – and it gets worse grilled steak – a grim affair

Our suitcases perform witches’ I am ordering tomato soup and a dances in the cabin, the walls groan sirloin steak, whereupon he (the and creak, it is impossible to get waiter) starts by planting a small any sleep, therefore out! One can- table in front of me, and then brings not stand up, one needs to dress bread, butter or rather – well, let’s whilst sitting down and I feel very call it butter –, iced water and the peculiar with every move. Will give soup – a horrible, reddish, floury shaving a miss, I’d rather attend broth mixed with sugar. Afterwards, dinner as a porcupine than with a delightful blacksmith aroma wafts a half-amputated nose. I have to through the room and a complete forego the morning bath – just get ox rib appears, approximately two on deck and into the fresh air. kilograms, burnt on the outside and The ocean looks magnificent in its dripping with blood on the inside. wildness, it resembles a moving They call it “grilled” – it is a grim mountain range, and the waves affair! I cut a piece off this cannibal play with the ship colossus as if roast and apply a generous meas- it was a shuttlecock. If one asks ure of mustard, salt and pepper, people about their well-being, they in order to overcome the outer taste just utter “ugh” and poke their of charcoal and the inner taste of tongue out. nothing at all…

Despite the turbulences at sea, Albert Ungerer reaches New York unharmed.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 59 NEWS FROM THE VOITH GROUP

Voith Turbo Voith Industrial Services

Optimized cost and fuel In parallel, Voith Turbo has also Acquisitions 2008 consumption, fewer emissions developed relevant configuration and simulation tools. These allow Voith Industrial Services widens the Apart from various hybrid solutions establishing and analyzing the portfolio with two major acquisitions. for the rail vehicle industry, Voith individual operation conditions of It acquired a majority stake in the Turbo also offers solutions for rail vehicles. On the basis of this engineering company CeBeNetwork optimized fuel consumption and data, it is possible to identify the and thus expands its service port- lower emission outputs of existing most economical process for reduc- folio in the engineering segment. fleets. With Voith EcoConsult, the ing life-cycle costs (LCC) and fuel Simultaneously it acquired new drive systems manufacturer has consumption. As a result of im- competencies in the aviation indus-

created such a tool. proved fuel consumption, CO2 try. emissions can also be significantly The Voith eco-solutions currently lowered. CeBeNetwork is an engineering consist of the Voith HydroBrid with company specializing in complex a hydrostatic and an electric recu- With the new Voith EcoConsult development projects. With 360 peration unit, the Voith MicroBrid toolbox, Voith Turbo offers a consul- employees and a turnover of around with stop-start function, and the tation program that identifies opti- 52 million Euro, it is one of the exhaust heat utilization system mum solutions from the portfolio largest providers of engineering SteamDrive. These solutions can of innovations. At the same time, services to the aerospace industry be developed further individually vehicle operators can also further in Europe, and with its network of both for railcars and locomotives. improve the performance of their 35 cooperation partners, has access existing fleets. to the knowledge and expertise of 5,000 engineers and technicians all over the world. EADS is one of the most important customers of CeBe- Network.

60 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower NEWS FROM THE VOITH GROUP

Voith Paper

Voith Industrial Services further acquired Canadian Yankee Dust and mist removal systems, forged ahead with its expansion hood supplier PremiAir heat recovery systems, and all strategy and acquired the German services to assess and improve Ermo group with 750 employees Voith Paper has acquired PremiAir existing installations are part of and a turnover of 80 million Euro. Technology Inc., Montreal, Canada the product and service portfolio. on October 1st, 2008. PremiAir who “With Ermo, we have acquired a is active in the area of air systems PremiAir will be embedded in Voith company that not only supplements for the pulp, paper and tissue indus- Paper’s Air Systems Group with and complements our portfolio but try is well known for its extensive locations in Bayreuth, Mönchenglad- also matches our company culture know-how and high level of technol- bach (both in Germany) and now in perfectly”, says Markus Glaser- ogy in engineering, designing, Montreal, Canada. By this acquisi- Gallion, Member of the Board of manufacturing, and servicing of tion Voith Paper Air Systems com- Management of Voith Industrial Yankee drying hood systems. pleted its portfolio with regard to Services Holding GmbH. Ermo is products and services in all areas of a premium provider of technical PremiAir started its business air systems for the pulp, paper, and services primarily for the petro- 23 years ago. The Yankee drying tissue industry. Voith Paper’s Tissue chemical industry and for power hood systems have a very high division is now able to provide plants. In Europe it is leading in reputation. Their Yankee hood complete tissue machines starting shutdown management and mainte- “The Ultra” sets standards when it from stock preparation and ending nance, and like Voith Industrial comes to high temperature hoods. at the rewinder/roll transportation Services, it also provides services Several hood references operating system. to the chemical as well as to the at temperatures up to 650 °C pulp and paper industry. (1200 °F) are established, offering the potential to increase productivity (for rebuilds) as well as improved tissue quality compared to standard hoods.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 61 TODAY’S BRUNNENMÜHLE

The Brunnenmühle: 100 years old and absolutely state-of-the-art

62 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower Around 200 customers and partners The next day brought guests to from 25 countries came to celebrate the re-opening of the modernized the anniversary and the re-opening Brunnenmühle where they had of the laboratory. A symposium the opportunity to see and feel the opened the event, providing a com- laboratory. prehensive view on hydro power’s range of offers and opportunities Dr. Roland Münch said in the open- in the background of global growth ing ceremony: “Although everybody and related increase in energy of us hopes that we don’t need demand. Apart from new views on model tests anymore in 100 years hydro power and ocean energies, time: We certainly feel well prepared it also set focus on the growing for the future. Happy Birthday, importance of sustainability, safety Brunnenmühle!” and environmental issues in hydro power implementation.

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 63 TODAY’S BRUNNENMÜHLE

June 2009 I 18 I HyPower 64 TODAY’S BRUNNENMÜHLE

The new test stand equipment Test rig team enjoys the new set-up. also includes the HyConTM 400 automation package which was developed in-house, as well as high-performance computers.

Voith Hydro’s central technology location for hydro power, the Brunnenmühle, turned one hundred in mid-November 2008. For the occasion the laboratory had been completely modern- ized and expanded, with a new office building added to match growth and to be prepared for the continued boom in hydro power business.

The laboratory and the new office New super-computers allow for Today, as during its commissioning building had seen an overall-invest- even more precise simulations one hundred years ago, only the ment of more than 20 million Euro. for prediction of flows in hydraulic, newest technologies are applied in Today’s testing capacities have magnetic and electrical fields of the Brunnenmühle – making it one doubled and provide significantly hydro power units. of the world’s most modern and shortened cycle times. high performing test laboratories.

The six test stands in the hydraulic laboratory of Brunnenmühle in Heidenheim after refurbishment

Test rig Turbine type Max. turbine output Max. head Universal high pressure test rig Francis and Kaplan turbines 1000 kW 200 m (UHD 1)

Universal high pressure test rig Pump-, Francis and Kaplan turbines 1200 kW 240 m (UHD 2)

Universal high pressure test rig Francis and Kaplan turbines 600 kW 150 m (UHD 3)

Low pressure test rig Kaplan turbines 220 kW 60 m

Pelton test rig Pelton turbines 750 kW 200 m (horizontal)

Pelton test rig Pelton turbines 750 kW 200 m (vertical)

65 June 2009 I 18 I HyPower Wahl Druck GmbH,Aalen,Germany Print: “Strategies 360”,Seattle, WA, USA Werbeagentur OHG,Aalen,Germany Manfred Schindler In cooperationwith: www.voithhydro.com [email protected] 28 Fax +49732137-78 54 Fon +49732137-63 89522 Heidenheim,Germany Alexanderstr. 11 Voith HydroHoldingGmbH&Co. KG Leonhardt Marie-Luise Editorial coordination: Barbara Fischer-Aupperle Editor: A Voith andSiemensCompany Voith HydroHoldingGmbH&Co. KG Published by: Imprint permission of theeditor.permission form whatsoever, withoutexpress written inany orinwholeotherworks in part nor may any ofthecontent initbeused reproduced orotherwisedisseminated ofthispublication mayNo part becopied, Copyright:

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