St Aldhelms Roman Catholic Church

Pentecost Sunday, 23 May 2021

Live Webcam Link for all our Masses

To Make your Weekly Contribution Online

Wednesday Word

Zoom Link for Rosary

Meeting ID: 836 2273 7619

Passcode: avemaria

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Aldhelm's,

We hope you are ok wherever you are. We are delighted to be in touch with you through this newsletter.

We celebrate this sunday as the Pentecost Sunday. Readings Pentecost, with Christmas and Easter, ranks among Pentecost the great feasts of Christianity. It commemorates not Sunday ff.pdf only the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Disciples, but also the fruits and effects of that event: the completion of the work of redemption, the Sequence Veni fullness of grace for the Church and its children, and Sancte the gift of faith for all nations. Spiritus.pdf Pentecost takes its name form the fact that it comes about fifty days after Easter. The name was originally CBCEW- given to the Jewish Feast of Weeks, which fell in the COVID -Step- fiftieth day after Passover, when the first fruits of the 3-Gui dance- corn harvest were offered to the Lord (Deuteronomy iv.pd f 16:9), and later on the giving of the law to Moses was celebrated. In the early Church, Pentecost meant the whole period from Easter to Pentecost Sunday, during General which no fasting was allowed, prayer was only made Audience, standing, and Alleluia was sung more often. 19.05.2021.pdf

Weekday Mass 21 Sign Up

The Pope’s May Friday words at the Regina Caeli 10 am prayer,


Weekend Mass, 22 Sign Up

Pastoral May Sat

Guidelines for 6.30 pm the Celebration of

World Youth Weekend Mass, 23 Sign Up Day in the

Particular May Sun Churches.pdf 10 am

Weekend Mass, 24 Sign Up

May Mon

3 Tips for 10 am keeping

balance in your life as a Weekday Mass, 27 Sign Up

mother.pdf May Thursday

10 am Our Lord JC-

full texts.pdf

Weekday Mass, 28 Sign Up

First May Friday

confessions 10 am Pentecost 22 May 2021.pdf

Weekend Mass, 29 Sign Up

Pentecost May Sat Sunday 23 May 2021.pdf 6.30 pm

Weekend Mass, 30 Sign Up

May Sun

10 am

Weekday Mass, 31 Sign Up

May Mon

Feast Day Mass of St Aldhelm

10 am

Rosary Tonight You are very welcome to join us for the Rosary tonight at 7.15 pm via zoom.

Baptism Warm welcome to Margaret Ines Cruz Trinidad to the family of God as she will be baptized on 23rd May. Best wishes to her parents Joey Ryan and Marta Elena Cabuello Cruz, and her godparents Jayson Sanchez and Eillen Vispo.

First Confession Our best wishes and congratulations to our Children who will be making their first confession on 22 May Sat at 5.30 pm. May they be blessed with a new and profound experience of the forgiveness and mercy of our loving God on the day of their first Confession.

NB: Please note that, on Sat eve 6.30 mass (22 May), the readings and liturgy have been adapted for first confession of our FHC children.

Thank you (India Apeal) We are glad to communicate to you that we raised £1465 towards appeal for India. Thank you for your great generosity! We greatly appreciate your donation, and your sacrifice. We feel very blessed by your generosity. This donation we are sure will go towards wiping some of the tears that millions are shedding at this unprecedented times in India. We continue to pray for healing and return to normal.

Mass for Filipino Families We have mass for Filipino families in our parish on 5 June at 5 pm. However, we will have our normal parish mass at 6.30 pm.

Water Color Painting (Anna Longridge) If you would like to have a look at Anna’s website and consider buying the wonderful Indian water color cards found on her website, that will be great. Anna would like to donate 50 per cent of the cost to the Indian appeal. Some sample images have been sent in earlier email. The link to the website is: For further queries: Email: [email protected]; Telephone: 01666 823233.

PS: Anna has painted and exhibited all her life. Her career began with her first major show in Bermuda of oils painted with palate knife, boats being of great interest. In watercolours, she has developed her own technique, creating translucent images without washes. Her years of engraving at Putney Art School became a great discipline in her later architectural watercolours and oils around Europe and the Middle East.

Mary’s Meals Thank you for your continued donations in aid of Mary’s Meals. This week we are requesting donations of pencil cases and small balls to add to the backpacks for the children we are supporting.

80th and 18th Birthday Would you kindly let us know those who will celebrate their 80th this year and those we have missed this last 18 months. And equally Those who were 18 during the last 18 months and will be 18 this year. It is a moment to celebrate and rejoice the gift of life and all the blessings the Lord has showered upon you.

First Holy Communion 2021 We have the FHC scheduled for this year on 4th of July Sunday, and the children who were not able to make it last year will be making their FHC on the 27th of June Sunday. Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first Holy Communicants will take place on the 22nd of May, Sat at 5.30 pm, and the children will take part in the mass that follows. FHC group of last year are encouraged and welcome to take part in the sacrament of reconciliation on the 26th of June from 5.30-6.30 pm.

Pastoral Letter on the Environment for Pentecost A Pastoral Letter on the environment, prepared by the of England and Wales, will be read out during masses this weekend as we celebrate the Pentecost Sunday.

Married Singles Lifestyle –The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This programme has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. There is no group therapy or group work For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the programme commencing with a ‘Virtual’ weekend on …1st – 4th July 2021 Call or text +44 788 7296983 or+44 797 3380443 or Email [email protected] - or visit

CandleOfJustice: a moment of action for racial justice on 25 May To mark the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd, churches are invited to come together for the #CandleOfJustice prayer initiative, taking place on Tuesday 25 May at noon. This is a moment for individuals and churches to light a candle, pray for racial justice and commit to taking action. The web page contains further information and a range of resources, including a prayer written by CTBI’s Richard Reddie and CTE’s Shermara Fletcher.

You also spread the word by sharing/re-tweeting our posts on Twitter and Facebook.

CTE’s second Racial Justice Working Group meeting took place last week, and representatives from the churches were very encouraged to hear of this opportunity to prayerfully mark the anniversary of the killing of George Floyd together. Further information is pasted below, along with details of a national ecumenical church service on the evening of 25 May organised by CTBI, which we are promoting alongside this #CandleOfJustice initiative.

CTE will also be sharing daily prayers on racial justice from our Member Churches, one each day from Sunday 23 to Sunday 30 May. A prayer will be added daily to from Sunday 23 May, and also made available to share on our social media channels Twitter and Facebook.

Root and Branch Inclusive Synod, from 5 – 12 September 2021 Inspired by Pope Francis’s synodal vision, some lay Catholics from across the UK invite you to embrace and advance renewal, reform and healing in the Catholic Church.

As the Pope has said, quoting Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s book, The Leopard, “if we want everything to stay the same, everything must change.” Already taking place twice-monthly on Zoom, Root and Branch Inclusive Synod will reach its conclusions on issues of equality, inclusion and governance in online workshops from 5 – 8 September 2021. The Synod will culminate with a conference on 10 – 12 September 2021, earthed in the State of the Art, conference centre of St Michael’s Church, Stoke Gifford, beside Bristol Parkway Station.

The conference will start with a cup of tea with Rt. Revd. Vivienne Faull, of Bristol, and a recorded welcome from Bishop Declan Lang, Bishop of Clifton. To read further: from-5-12-september-2021/

Laudato Si Week: 16-25 May What does ‘Laudato Si” mean to you? Do you recognise it as the name given to Pope Francis’ Encyclical letter back in 2015? Papal Encyclicals come and go and are soon forgotten. But this one was different. I think I’m right in saying that it has outsold every encyclical that has ever been produced. And that probably doesn’t include those who accessed it on the internet.

So, ‘Laudato Si’, or ‘On Care of Our Common Home’, has become a landmark Encyclical, a game changer. And on the fifth anniversary of its publication, a year of celebration was instigated from May 2020 to May 2021, which ends, now, with a final Laudato Si’ Week 16-25 May.

The week long event will celebrate the great progress the global Church has made in its ecological conversion journey during the past six years and offer a clear road map for the decade ahead. We know that much remains to be done, but we rejoice and celebrate the steps we have taken so far, and we look to the future with hope. To read further:

We pray as people of peace for an end to the violence engulfing the Holy Land: Bishop Declan Bishop Declan Lang, Chair of the Bishops’ International Affairs department, has echoed calls for an end to “the occupation, discrimination and human rights violations that propagate violent attacks on civilians, standing in the way of a stable and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis.”

Statement As people of peace, we pray for an end to the airstrikes, shooting, missile attacks, and communal violence engulfing the Holy Land.

Pope Francis reminds us that: “Every act of violence committed against a human being is a wound in humanity’s flesh; every violent death diminishes us as people.” The local churches have clearly stated that peace requires justice. We echo their calls for an end to the occupation, discrimination and human rights violations that propagate violent attacks on civilians, standing in the way of a stable and peaceful future for Palestinians and Israelis.

We reaffirm our commitment to the internationally recognised status of Jerusalem, the Status Quo of its holy sites, and the equal rights of Jews, Christians and Muslims in the city.

At this critical time let us also offer our support to those humanitarian organisations working tirelessly to save lives and alleviate suffering.

Source: the-violence-engulfing-the-holy-land-bishop-declan/

Changes in effect now in the Church (although many of them continue to be the same)

Holy Water Stoups –Unfilled

Votive Candles- Available

Veneration of Statues-Touch but don’t kiss

Incense and Candles -Can be used

Readers-Limit touching of Lectionary, but no need to sanitise hands at lectern

Prayer of the Faithful -Can be reintroduced

Offertory Procession -Can be reintroduced with those involved sanitising their hands

Sign of Peace -Remains suspended (conventional way of giving hands remains suspended, but we can salute one another by smile on our face and pressing the palms together with the fingertips facing upwards as we have been doing (Indian way of wishing and greeting)

Foodbank MALMESBURY & DISTRICT FOODBANK have been helping local people in crisis. They provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.


Masses Requested 21 May Fri: For the intentions and good health of Mike Holland as he celebrates his 80th Birthday.

22 May Sat: For the intentions of FHC Children and thier parents

23 May Sun: Missa pro populo

30 May Sun: For the happy repose of the soul of Celia Fernandez RIP (offered by Theresa Adams)

Saints this Week 24 May Mon: Memorial of Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church 25 May Tue: St Bede the Venerable, and Doctor; St Gregory VII, Pope, Religious 26 May Wed: St Philip Neri, Priest 27 May Thursday: Satin Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop 29 May Sat: St Paul VI, Pope 30 May Sun: Most Holy Trinity

With every blessing, Father Thomas and Steve

Quote from St Francis de Sales “Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.”

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

And kindle in them the fire of your love.

Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.

And you will renew the face of the earth.

Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful.

In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right and always rejoice in your consolation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sent by Father Thomas Kulandaisamy

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