Mark my words! TheNews As part of the ‘Thy King- JULY 2018 dom Come’ global wave or DIOCESE OF YORK, AMY JOHNSON WAY, CLIFTON MOOR, YORK YO30 4XT. prayer from Ascension to
[email protected] T:01904 699500 F:01904 699501 WWW.DIOCESEOFYORK.ORG.UK Pentecost this year, mem- bers of Easingwold Parish Church and guests under- took to read the whole of York’s Dean to be Bristol’s Bishop St Mark’s Gospel in sec- tions during the evening of The current Dean of York, the Very Revd 17th May. Vivienne Faull, is to be the 57th Bishop of Bristol. The reading took about two th hours, including a brief in- Speaking in Bristol following the 15 May terval for tea and it proved to be an inspiring event, as the different voices really announcement, Viv said: “It was 24 years brought the scripture to life, each in their own way. Vicar of Easingwold the Revd ago that Bristol was the first diocese to or- Margaret Young said it was “A rare opportunity to hear the whole of a Gospel in dain women as priests, and I want the Dio- one session.” cese to continue to show that pioneering courage. “I look forward to leading a church that shows the love of Christ to everyone, who- persuading the Dean and Chapter to put on ever they are.” A slice of the action... the Mystery Plays inside the Minster. Ordained priest in 1994, Viv became the first She has made the Minster a great home of woman to lead a Church of England Cathe- The Royal Wedding of Meghan hospitality, worship and friendliness.