The Licensing of

The Reverend John Michael Blakeley

by the of Southwell and Nottingham The Right Reverend

and the Installation by the The Venerable Phil Williams

in the presence of The The Right Reverend Glyn Webster

Photo credit Jordan Dawson as -in-Charge of St Stephen’s with St Matthias, Sneinton on Tuesday 15th June 2021 at 7.30pm

About this service This is a special service of celebration that marks the beginning of a new phase of ministry both for John and for the people of this community. Although a more limited gathering, necessitated by the requirement to be Covid-19 safe, this service gives the community an opportunity to welcome the priest to their new role, and allows both priest and people to commit themselves to the ministry ahead, praying for God’s leading in it. We are immensely grateful to many who, whilst not able to form part of this evening’s formal welcome, are upholding John and the parish in prayer at this time.

The ministry to which John is being appointed is to the local parish and the wider community. The role of the Anglican parish priest is to care for the whole community and to nurture the faithful. They work with all those in the local community, whether they are people of faith or not. Therefore, within this service, the welcome is made by both church and representatives of the wider community.

In this service, John is presented to the Bishop and then presented to the community by the Bishop. The Bishop will remind John of the responsibility for the care of these parishes which is shared with the Bishop. The Archdeacon will install John giving him oversight for the church. John is then formally welcomed by representatives of the church and the wider community across the benefice.

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About John Blakeley John grew up in Gloucester and made the decision to follow Jesus at the age of 13. Thanks to a dedicated vicar who helped him grow in faith and give him plenty of opportunities to serve, John learned a lot about what it means to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ.

John went on to study Religious Studies and Sociology at St Martin’s College in Lancaster, where he met and married Lynda. Their eyes met across a Christian Union meeting room! After obtaining his degree John trained to be a secondary school teacher and moved to Derby for a short while before settling in Nottingham over 20 years ago. John taught for 5 years in Derby before making the move into a leadership role as Head of RE and following that as Head of Year at the Nottingham Emmanuel School.

John and Lynda have two sons. Michael is shortly going to University and David is starting his Sixth Form studies in September.

It was during his time as a teacher that John sensed a call to ordained ministry and went on to do his theological training at St Mellitus College, London.

John was privileged to serve his curacy at St Nic’s in the centre of Nottingham which was a very rewarding experience. He was delighted to be part of a dedicated staff team who were committed to sharing the love of Christ.

John and Lynda (due to be ordained on 4th July) started feeling called to serve in Sneinton in 2014 and both of them are very excited to be part of this next chapter in the life of St Stephen’s. They are passionate about sharing God’s love and Good News of Jesus Christ and can’t wait to see all that God will do during this next season. Both John and Lynda are excited and energised by playing their part in the fulfilment of the Diocesan vision to grow disciples of Jesus wider, younger and deeper. Please continue to uphold them in prayer. 3

Introduction A welcome from the Area Dean, The Revd Colin Bourne

The congregation is asked to join in all texts printed in non-italic bold. Please refrain from singing but do feel free to say or mouth the hymn/song words. As the ’ Procession enters, we stand and listen to

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation 1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! Come, all who hear; now to his temple draw near, join me in glad adoration.

2. Praise to the Lord, above all things so wondrously reigning; sheltering you under his wings, and so gently sustaining! Have you not seen all that is needful has been sent by his gracious ordaining?

3. Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you; surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you. Ponder anew what the Almighty can do, if with his love he befriends you.

4. Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him! All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him. Let the Amen sound from his people again; gladly forever adore him. © Public Domain


The Greeting Bishop Paul Grace, mercy and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you All And also with you

Please sit.

Bishop Paul brings his greetings and introduces the service, and then all pray: All God our Father, Lord of all the world, we thank you that through your Son you have called us into the fellowship of your universal Church: hear our prayer for your faithful people that in their vocation and ministry each may be an instrument of your love: and give to your servant John the needful gifts of grace; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Presentation The Archdeacon of Nottingham, The Venerable Phil Williams, invites John to stand before the Bishop and says: Bishops, I present John Blakeley to be admitted to the Cure of Souls of this parish.

The Declaration of Assent and Oaths John stands before the Bishop, who is seated in his chair, and the Archdeacon of Nottingham is invited to read the Preface: The is part of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy


Scriptures and set forth in the catholic Creeds, which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation. Led by the Holy Spirit, it has borne witness to Christian truth in its historic formularies, the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordering of Bishops, and . In the declaration you are about to make, will you affirm your loyalty to this inheritance of faith as your inspiration and guidance under God in bringing the grace and truth of Christ to this generation and making him known to those in your care?

John says: I, John Michael Blakeley, do so affirm, and accordingly declare my belief in the faith which is revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the catholic Creeds, and to which the historic formularies of the Church of England bear witness; and in public prayer and administration of the sacraments I will use only the forms of service authorised or allowed by .

Taking a New Testament, John faces the people and says: I swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her heirs and successors according to law; so help me God.

Turning to the Bishop, John says: I swear by Almighty God that I will pay true and canonical obedience to the Bishop of Southwell & Nottingham and his successors, in all things lawful and honest; so help me God.

Please remain seated as the worship group play and the Declarations are signed.


The Ministry of the Word A Reading from the Gospel according to St Matthew 28:16-20 read by Marion Woodhead Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” At the end the reader says: This is the word of the Lord. All Thanks be to God

The Sermon Given by the Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham, The Right Reverend Paul Williams

Please remain seated for a time of reflection as we listen to sung worship played by the worship group

King of Kings In the darkness we were waiting Without hope, without light 'Til from Heaven You came running There was mercy in Your eyes To fulfill the law and prophets To a virgin came the word From a throne of endless glory To a cradle in the dirt


Praise the Father, praise the Son Praise the Spirit, three in one God of glory, Majesty Praise forever to the King of Kings

To reveal the kingdom coming And to reconcile the lost To redeem the whole creation You did not despise the cross For even in your suffering You saw to the other side Knowing this was our salvation Jesus for our sake you died Chorus

And the morning that You rose All of Heaven held its breath 'Til that stone was moved for good For the Lamb had conquered death And the dead rose from their tombs And the angels stood in awe For the souls of all who'd come To the Father are restored

And the church of Christ was born Then the Spirit lit the flame Now this gospel truth of old Shall not kneel, shall not faint By His blood and in His name In His freedom I am free For the love of Jesus Christ Who has resurrected me Chorus © 2019 Hillsong Music Publishing


Father, we love You, we worship and adore You Father, we love You We worship and adore You Glorify Your name in all the earth Glorify Your name Glorify Your name Glorify Your name in all the earth

Jesus, we love You We worship and adore You Glorify Your name in all the earth Glorify Your name Glorify Your name Glorify Your name in all the earth

Spirit, we love You We worship and adore You Glorify Your name in all the earth Glorify Your name Glorify Your name Glorify Your name in all the earth © 1976, 1981, Maranatha! Music.

The Licensing The Parish Priest designate stands before the Bishop.

Bishop Dearly beloved in the Lord, the Declaration of Assent, the Oaths of Allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, and the Oaths of Canonical Obedience to the Bishop having been taken and subscribed before us as the law requires: we propose now in the name of God, and in the presence of this congregation, to licence


to the Parish of St Stephen’s with St Matthias Sneinton, our well- beloved in Christ, John, and we ask you to join together with us in prayer to Almighty God, that he would grant to his servant grace to perform his solemn duties aright.

John kneels before the Bishop.

Silence is kept.

The Bishop reads the licence then gives it to the priest saying John, receive the Cure of Souls, which is both yours and mine; in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All Amen.

John remains kneeling and the Bishop blesses him: The God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the eternal covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you for ever. All Amen.

The Installation Bishop Having admitted John to the Cure of Souls in this parish, I charge and require you, Archdeacon Phil, to install him into this church and benefice.

All stand and turn as the Churchwardens lead the Archdeacon and the Priest to the main door of the church.


Archdeacon Phil says: John, you are now the Priest of this parish, and share its rights, responsibilities and opportunities for ministry. The Lord bless your going out and your coming in, now and always. All Amen

John then rings the bell to signify the beginning of his ministry in the parish

The Churchwardens lead the Archdeacon and John to the front of the church.

The Archdeacon leads John and installs him saying By this act, John, I install you as the priest in the congregation of Christ in this parish. May you fulfil well the ministry you have received from the Lord. See that you lead your people in the way of holiness and faithful service of God our Father, after the pattern of our Saviour Jesus Christ. All Amen

The Welcome John is presented to the congregation by The Right Reverend Glyn Webster, Bishop of Beverley and Provincial Episcopal Visitor. Bishop Glyn welcomes John, and then presents him to the congregation with these words: I present to you John as your new Priest-in-Charge. Remember that you share with him in the ministry to which he has been called; for as St Peter wrote to all Christians: You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people.

The Area Dean introduces others to welcome the new Priest-in-Charge on behalf of the parish and the wider local community. Welcomes are given by: Perrie Astill (Churchwarden), Elaine Hinchliffe (Lay Chair of Nottingham South Deanery), Kelly Lee (Head of Sneinton Church of England Primary School), Cllr David Mellen (Leader of Nottingham City Council) and Sarah McCamphill (Salvation Army) 11

The Revd John Blakeley acknowledges the welcomes and announces the forthcoming services

The Intercessions As the new Parish Priest, John leads the people in prayer. The following response may be used: Lord, in your mercy All hear our prayer

As our Saviour has taught us, so we pray All Our Father in heaven; hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen.

Please stand.

The Blessing and Dismissal The Bishop says May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. All Amen 12

The Bishops’ Procession moves to the back of church, as we listen to Crown with Him with Many Crowns 1. Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne, while heaven's eternal anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing of him who died to be your saviour and your matchless king through all eternity.

2. Crown him the Lord of life triumphant from the grave, who rose victorious from the strife for those he came to save: his glories now we sing who died and reigns on high; he died eternal life to bring and lives that death may die.

3. Crown him the Lord of peace his kingdom is at hand; from pole to pole let warfare cease and Christ rule every land! A city stands on high, his glory it displays, and there the nations 'Holy' cry in joyful hymns of praise.

4. Crown him the Lord of years, the potentate of time, creator of the rolling spheres 13

in majesty sublime: all hail, Redeemer, hail, for you have died for me; your praise shall never, never fail through all eternity! © Public Domain

John, the new Priest-in-Charge says Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. All In the name of Christ. Amen

Organ Voluntary


Forthcoming Services and Events

Every week there is mass at 9.30am on a Thursday and Sunday

Every day for 40 days from 16th June at 6.30pm to 7pm a time of prayer will be held in St Stephen's - a mix of traditional and modern. All are welcome and if you would like to find out more or receive weekly prayer emails please email: [email protected]

Songs reproduced under CCLI No 1261218 and 1261225 Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England material from which is included in this service, is copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2000 14

History of the Parish of St Stephen with St Matthias, Sneinton

St. Stephen’s is one of the oldest Church sites in Nottingham, first recorded by name in 1234, although the parish paid a Pentecostal offering to the Diocese in the 12th century, when the land was owned by Lenton Priory. The monks conducted services in this first church, since when there have been 38 named incumbents beginning in 1596 with Robert Aldridge. The parish was originally St. Stephen’s but became St. Stephen with St. Alban when a daughter church was built in the parish to accommodate the ever-growing congregation. Following the closure of St. Matthias Church, we are now the enlarged parish of St. Stephen with St. Matthias.

The current building is the fifth on the site, being completed and rededicated in 1912. It was built around the earlier church, to allow services to continue, and it incorporates the tower and parts of the transept of the previous church, from 1838. The Chancel contains the magnificent High Altar reredos, designed by Bodley in 15th century German style and carved in Oberammergau, and medieval choir stalls, complete with misericord which attract many visitors. They were removed from St. Mary’s during a restoration in 1848. There are various tales about how they arrived at St. Stephen’s, the favourite being that the then organist spotted them for sale on Sneinton Market, and snapped them up for the princely sum of 10 shillings. Equally old is the stone font which dates from the first church, probably from the 14th century.

The nave altar, with its three etched glass frontal panels and a small carved mouse was installed in 2014, and consecrated by Bishop Glyn on St. Stephen’s Day. The European style Calvary in the churchyard was dedicated in 1920, and dedicated to the men of Sneinton who died in the 1914-1918 war and now bears a plaque in memory of those who died in World war Two.

In 1558 the first, 14th century, building was the victim of a violent storm, so strong that the church bells ended up in the churchyard, and in 1941 the current church building was damaged by a German bomb, the South transept not being fully repaired till 1946. A second bomb landed in the churchyard but failed to explode and was later excavated from a depth of 12ft.