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EPICARIDEOS DE BAJA CALIFORNIA I. PRIMER REGISTRO Y NOTAS BIOECOLOGICAS DE DOS BOPYRIDAE Y UN CRYPTONISCIDAE (CRUSTACEA, ISOPODA) PARA MEXICO EPICARIDEANS FROM BAJA CALIFORNIA L FIRST RECORD AND BIOECOLOGICAL NOTES ON TWO BOPYRIDAE AND ONE CRYPTONISCIDAE (CRUSTACEA, ISOPODA) FOR MEXICO Ernesto Campos-Gonzilez Jos6 R. Cartipoy-Favela Escuela Superior de Ciencias Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California Apaitado Postal 2300 Ensenda, BC., M&dco Campos-Gonzilez Ernesto y Campoy-Favela, J.R.-Epicarfdeos de Baja California I. Primer registro y ttotas bioecoldgicas de dos Bopyridae y un Ciyptoniscidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) para M&dco. Epicarideans from Baja California I. First record and bioecological notes on two Bopyridae and oneCryptoniscidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) for Mesrico. Ciencias Marinas, Vol. 13(3): 39-48,1987. RESUMEN Apombopyrus muguensis Shiino, Phyllodurus abdqmmalis Stimpson y Hemioniscus balanii Buchholz se regi^ran por primera vez para M^co. Se discuten algunas observadonesbioecolo- gicas para cada especie y finalmente se anota una clave de identificad6n para los Epicandeos registrados en la costa oeste de Baja California. ABSTRACT Apombopyrus muguensis Si)Mo, Phyllodurus abdominaiis Sdmpson and Hemioniscus baJani Buchholz are recorded for the first time in Mexico. Some: bioecological observations are discussed for these spedes, and a dichotomic key to Epicaridean recorded in the West coast of Baja California is noted. INTRODUCCION INTRODUCTION De los Crustaceos que habitan en la Among the Crustaceans that inhabit the costa oeste de Baja California, los Is6podos west coast of Baja CaUfomia, the Epicaridean Epicarf deosconstituyen un grupo de pardsitos Isopods form a group of parasites poorty poco conoddo. Todas las espedes descritas known. All the described q>edes are holopar- son holopardsitas de otros crustaceos, la asites of other crustac^uns; females are larger hembra es mucho mayor que el macho y su than males and their bilateral symm^ry can simetr^a bilateral puede ser ligera 6 fuerte- be slightly or strongly distorted. Accordng to mente distorsionada. SegCin nuestra informa- our information, onfy St^ophryxus k^halus d6n solamente Stegpphryxus hyphcdus Maikham (1974) and Munidion pleuroncodis Markhaih (1974) y Munidion pleuroncodis Markham (1975) have been recorded for this Markham (1975) se han r^istrado para esta geographic area. The present note adds three irea geograflca. La presente nota adidona spedes, discusses some bioecological observa- 39 Campos-Gonzilez E. y Campoy-Favela J.R.. Epicarf deos tres ecpede^ discute algiimas obse^^dones tions and provides an identificadon key for bioecol6gicas y o£rec«una. dave de identifi- the Epicaridean jpedes recorded in the west caddn para las opodes conoddas en la costa coast <^ Baja California; ocddental <te B^a California. MATERIALES V ftffilODOS MATERUl, AND MEIHODS El mat<»ial rcwado Aie colectado por The revised matraiH was collected by los autores, y por ccde^ del C«uro de the authors and b^ coHetguesof the Cefltro de Invest%ad&) Cieittffica y de E(htcad6n Supe Investigaddn Cientffica y Educaddn Superior rior de Ensoiada. .^^tualmente esta bidxddo de Ensenada. At present, it is induded in the en la Colecd6n Inveztdirados, Etcuela Supe Invertebrates Collection of the Escuela Supe rior de Ciendas, Uni<^»dad Aut6noina de rior de Ciendas, Universidad Aut6noma de Baja California. R^istros sobre habitat Baja California. Records on the habitat were fueron bajo obsenrad6n directa, las medi- imdo' direct observation, the measurements dones se hideron utHizando un mio^etro were made using an eyepiece micrometers and ocular y/o un vernier (precision 0.01mm). vernier O^fecision 0.01mm). RESULTADOS Y DISCUSION RESISTS AND DISCUSSION FAMILIA BOPYRIDAE Rafinisque, 1815 FAMILY BOPYRIDAE Rafinisque, 1815. Aporobopyms muguensis Shiino, 1%4 Apowbop^ta nwgMtms Shiint^ 1964 Distribuddn c<»iodda.- Varios regi^os Previously known distribution.- Several para la costa central y sur de California, records from Central and &>uthem California EUA., (Shiino, 1964; Lee y Miller, 1980; coast, USA. (Shiino, 1964; Lee and Miller, Wallentein, 1980; Van Wyk, 1^82: Sassaman, 1980; Wallerstein, 1980; Van Wyk, 1982; era/.,l%4). Sassaman, et al., 1984). Material examinado.-19 hembras (10 o- Material examined: 19 females (10 vf geras) y 17 machos se encontraron en la c&- ovigerous) and 17 males, found in the mara branquial de Pachycheles nidis Stimp- branchial chamber of Pachycheles rudis son, 1859; Punta San Miguel, Bahfa Todos Stimpson, 1859; Punta San Miguel, Bahia Santos, Baja California (3l016'N,116045'O); Todos Santos, Baja California, Mexico 20 febrero 1982, PA- Ramfrez, col. El hu«s- (Sioie-N, 11604S'0), 2p february 1982, PA. ped se enc6ntr6 asodado a Phmgmatapoma Ramfrez, coll. The host was found assodated califomica (Fewkes, 1889). to Phmgrnatopoma califomica (Fewkes, 1889). Comentarios.- El huisped usualmente dtado para este ecoparisito es P. rudis. Un Remarks: The host often dted for this reservorio ocasional registrado para Monte ecoparasite is P. rudis. An occasional host rey, California, EUA.,esP. pubescats Holmes, recorded for Monter^, California, USA is P. 1900 (Sassaman, e/ a/., 1984). De 69 P. rudis pubescens HohnM, 1900 (Sassaman, et al., examinados, 21 (30.43%) presentaron la dis- 1984). From 69 P. rudis collerted, 21 tensi6n en la re^6n branqiiial del caparazdn (30.43%) showed the distention of the ca- (11 sobre el lado derecho, 10 sobre el izquier- parace branchial region (11 on the right side, do). Dos dcf ellos no presentaron parAsito. 10 on the left side). Two of them did not have Entre los cangre§os parantados 11 fueron parasite. Among para»ted crabs, 11 were machos y ocho h^bras (siete ovfgeras). De males and eight females (seven ovigerous). acuerdo a Van Wyk (1982) la predominanda According to Van Wyk (1982) the predomi del Is6podo no difiere significativamente entre nance of the isopod did not differ significantfy ambos sexos dd hui^sd. La presencda de between both sexes of the host. The presence 40 Campos-Gonzilez E. y Campoy-Favela J.R.- Epicarf deos hembras ovfgeras y el desarrollo normal de los of ovigerous females and normal development gondpodos del macho conHrma las observa- of the gonopods in males confirms the obser dones de Van Wyk (1980, 1982) quiin es- vations of Van Wyk (1980, 1982), who estab tabledd quey4. muguensis no ca^ra (hembras) lished that A muptensis does not castrate o feminiza (machos) a su hu6q>ed. (females) or foninized (males) its host. El an&lisis biomitrico muestra una rela- The biometric anafysis shows a direct ci6n directa entre la longitud del caparaz6n relation between host carapace length and del cangrejo y la longitud del isdpodo hembra female isopod total length (Fig. 1). This (Fig. 1). Esta reladdn nos permite establecer relationship lead us to establish that the que la infe^ad6n inicial se restringe a huis- initial infe^ation was restricted to small hosts. pedes pequertos. Similarmente Van Wyk Similarly, Van Wyk (1982) found 94% of the (1982) encontr6 el 94% de las hembras in- immature female isopods on hosts with cara maduras de A muguensis en cangrejos con paces shorter than 4.5mm. This pattern of una longitud de c^araz6n menor a 4Jnun. infestation is similar to that in many others Este patr6n de infestaddn es semejante al de bopyrid-host rdationdiq)s (see revision, Bedc, muchas otras reladones hu^^ed-bopfrido 1980). The r^ression plot of the total length (ver revisi6n en Bedi, 1980). La linea de (Y) of 19 females isopods (from 2.94 to regresi6n de la longitud total (Y) de 19 is6- 7.0mm) on the carapace length (X) of their podos h«nbra (de 2.94 hasta T.Omm) sobre la reqjective hosts (from 3.86 to 9.0mm) pro longitud del caparaz6n (X) de su hu^sped duced the equation, Y=0.167 + 0.759X host req)ectivo (de 3.86 hasta 9.0mm) produjo la length. The correlation coeffident is 0.893. ecuadin: Y=0.167+0.759X. El coefidente de conelad6n es 0.893. Phyllodurus abdominalis Stimpson, 1857 Phyilodwns abdominalis Stimpson, 1857. Previous^ known distribution.- South- em British Columbia, Canada to Central Distribuddn conodda.- Sur de California (host Upogebia pugettensis (Dana, Columbia Britinica, Canadi, hasta California 1852)) and Tijuana slough, 2JS miles north of central (huisped Upogebia pugettensis (Dana, Mexican border (host U. macginitieorum 1852)), y Estuario Tijuana, 2.5 millas al norte Williams, 1986), (Maridiam, 1977; Williams, de la frontera M6dco-EUA, (hu«q)ed, U. 1986). macpnitieorum Williams, 1986), (Markham, 1977; Williams, 1986). Material examined- Three females (one ovigerous) and one male; host Upogebia Material Examinado.- Tres hembras macginitieorum; Punta Morro, Bahfa Todos (una ovfgera) y un macho; huiqjed U. Santos, Baja California (310547^, 116036'O); macgimtieorum; Funta Morro, Bahfa Todos 19 February 1985, J.R. Campoy-Favela coll. Santos, Baja California (31054^, 116036'O); Host collected in middle interti(tel, burrowing 19 febrero 1985, J. R. Campoy-Favela col. in sandy gravel between and beneath boulders. Huiqjed se colect6 en el mesolitoral, en madrigueras construidas en grava arenosa, entre y bajo rocas. Remarks.- Based on the zoogeographic revision of Northwestern Pacific (see Brusca Comentarios.- Basado en la revisidn and Wallerstein, 1979) and the knowledge zoogeogr^ca del PacfHco nor-oriental (ver that we have on host and Bopyrid, we notice Brusca y Wallersten, 1979) y en el cono- that U. pugettensis is the reservoir of this dmiento que hasta ahora tenemos de ambos, ecoparasite in the Aleutian and Oregonian hu<q)edes y Bopfrido, observamos que U. Province (Markham, 1977) and that it is pugettensis es el reseivorio de este ecopari- r^laced by U macginitieomm in the Califor sito en la Provinda Aleutiana y Oregoniana nia Province (Williams, 1986; this work). This (Maikham, 1977) y que es reemplazadopor U. inference is now discrete, because it is neces macginitieonan en la Provinda Califomiana sary to certificate whether U. Upta Williams, 41 Cainpc^GoBZ^lez E.