Within its pages is a rare collection of superb drink recipes, in which Rum, - most versatile of all distilled spirits, - is the chief ingredient. The use of Ronrico in these glamorous drinks means perfection and the inimitable taste and bouquet which only this finest quality rum can give. Within its pages too, are selected culinary rec­ ipes, many of them masterpieces created by in­ ternationally famous chefs, who have selected Ronrico Rum as a prime requisite for flavoring. Pore over these tested recipes, try them, follow the instructions carefully - achieve the same degree of perfection in their making as the originators, to whom the Ronrico Corporation expresses its everlasting gratitude.


SERIES RC·1 MIL 7-1·44 Copyrigllt 194'1-Rmrrico Corporation, Sa" lrtan, P. R . .For cmturi~ tM St'Ynal ~lands of tM Wtst lndits M'Yt btm famtd in IM production of Rum .

Thr world's 6.nesr sugar unr is producrd on thr Wesr Indies islands. Ronrico Rum as a da~· rill&tr of molasses drrivrd from choicrsr Puerto Rican sugar cane. Puerto Rico, home of Ron· rico, supplies more rum to the Unired Surts than sevrral rum producing counrrirs rogtth~:r

Our map on the uuad«: pages shows the location of thr m01t important rum producang area Ill thr world.

Ronrico Rum pouesan a warming bouqu«:t and m~:llowness, rh~: result of srv«:ral g~:n«:ullons of rum distilling uprriencr.

Ronrico, diStillrrs of the world's fintst rum, lavr millioriS of galloriS of rum - a goldtn tTeasure, assuring th«: unvarying uc~:llenc«: of Ronnco for yean to com<:.



I teaspoonful granulated bar sugar lf2 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice I dash White Liqueur llf2 .oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL 6 oz. finely cracked ice (not shaved} (Use 6 oz. measuring cup} Place in Waring Mixer in above order; mix at high speed until thoroughly blended. Pour into 6-oz. Ronrico West Indies Glass, which has been pre­ viously chilled. No strainer necessary.

MAKE IT THE RICHT WAY NOTE: If old type mixer is used, add large quan tity of finely cracked ice (mixer ha!f.full for OnE drink-full for 2 or 3 drinks). When well-frapped; strain through kitch~n·type wire strainer, tapping strainer with cup to force fine ice into the glass. If. Waring, or similar modern mixer is used, straining is not necessary. If old type electric mixer is used, strain drinks as poured into glass. "Ronrico ice" is finely cracked ice. We recommend Lightning Ice Crusher No. 106, manufactured by North Brothers Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Penna., and sold in most bar supply stores. 5 ffanWtl4 fYiomtico FROSTED FRESH FRUIT WEST INDIES* *TRADEMARK REG. U. 5, PATENT OFFICE

Pineapple To a regular Ronrico West Indies, add two sticks of juicy fresh pineapple, or one ounce of freshly squeezed pineapple juice. Strawberry To ingredients for a Ronrico West Indies, simply add three or four large ripe stniwberries. ' Follow the same procedure for making.

Fresh Mint Try these delicious To ingredients for tropical treats made a Ronrico West In­ with your choice of dies, simply add fruits or mint. four or five leaves of fresh mint and mix in Waring Mixer.

Apple Add Ys of a peeled apple to Ronrico ~ NOTA West Indies in­ gredients for each 1_;5~ .

EXPLANATORY Pony = One ounce Jigger = 1 Y! ounces Teaspoonful = Ys ounce "Dash" = 5 drops (Dash of Bitters, etc.) I Bar Spoon = Yz teaspoon I Tablespoon= Yz ounce Bar Sugar is finely granulated sugar.

6 ionrico Cocktail () teaspoon bar sugar or 2 teaspoons Grenadine Juice of liz lime 11/2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Dissolve sugar or grenadine in lime juice. Add Ronrico and cracked ice. Shake or Waring-mix. Strain or pour into 3 !/;: oz. . If Waring­ mixed, use only 3-oz. small cracked ice.

Sparkling Ronrico

1 teaspoon sugar liz oz. lemon juice 1/3 oz. blue grape JUICe 11/z oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Waring-mix at high speed, or hand shake with 4- oz. Ronrico ice. Serve in Ronrico West Indies Glass. Strain if hand shaken.


~ Jigger Vermouth (dry) or Sherry Jigger or 11/z oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Twist of orange peel (do not drop) A dash orange bitters (optional) Stir well with cracked ice (don't shake). Strain into 3 Y! oz. glass with oliv1 or cocktail onion. Squeeze orange peel on top of drink (do not drop) and serve.

Mary Pickford

2 teaspoons Grenadine 4 sticks fresh juicy pineapple or liz oz. fresh pineapple juice 11/2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Muddle Grenadine and fresh pineapple well. Add Ronrico and crushed ice. Shake or Waring-mix well. If shaken, strain into 3-oz. cocktail glass. If Waring mixed, pour into 5 !·o -oz. saucer champagne glass. 7 Ronrico &. Benedictine lfa oa. Benedic:tin8; D.O.M. oL RONBIC0 .,GOLD ,LABEL 1/1 1 Fill 1 OL cordial glua balfrfull Bmedictin&-mnain· du of glua with Ronrico.


Ronrico Old .~shioned 1 Cube .ugar Da.h of ·Anqoatura Bi«era lfs oa. Seltzer Cube ice 11/a oa. RONIUCO RED or GOLD LABEL Ulins Glua, uturate ausar with Bitten. Add ultur and muddle well. Add ice cuba and. Ronrico; atir until sugar iJ diuolved. Decocate with Jlice of orange, .Ode of pineapple and ~. T wiJt of lemoo rind on rop. _,,.., Ronrico Very amall daah Bittera 1 oL JtaUazi' Vermouth 11/1 oL RONBICO GOLD LABEL Stir well with cradced ice (don't .halce), Strain into 3 !tl en. coclctail slua. TwiJt ocanse peel on top (for oil). Serve with cherry.

Ronrico 'I• OL Cointreau 1fz OL lemon juice '~• OL RONICO GOLD LABEL Shalce well with cracked ice. Strain and urve with Maruchino cherry in 3-oz. cocktail glus.

Ron rico ' lfz oa. RONBICO WHITE LABEL 1 oL White Creme de Menthe P~ above inJredienu into 3 \.'l-oz. cocktail glua filled .with craclced ice. Suve with ahort lttaws. 8 The (

El Presidente 1 teaspoon Groadlne 1/z OL French Vermouth 1 daah Curacao 11/1 oL RONBICO GOLD LABEL Stir with cube ice; strain and serve in 3 Y: oz. cockt11l glua. Decorate with rrd chrrry and squreu orange rind on top of drink.

HIGHBALLS &. LONG DRINKS Red Rummie 11/z oL RED LABEL BONBICO A quarter of a lime (optional) Sparkling Papaya Drink Pour Ronrico Rum into a 10-oz. glau. Add 2 cubes of ice. Fill glau with Sparkling Papaya­ then add lime if duirtd. lonrico Collins Juice of 1/z lemon Juice of 1/z lime 1 heaping teaapoon bar sugar 11/z oL BONIUCO GOLD or WHITE LABEL Shalce or Waring-mix with amall amount Ronrico icr. Pour into 10 or 12-oz. glau lilted with cubed ice. Fill with Oub Soda and atir wrll. Decoratr with cbeny and alice of orange. Another formula:­ Diaiolve au gar in lime juice, add rum and Ronrico · ice--611 with Oub Soda. 10 1Ronrico Planters Punch 1 dash Angostura Bitters 'h oz. freshly squeezed lime juice 1 oz. simple syrup 1'h oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Waring-mix with 3-oz. Ronrico ice at high speed. Fill I 0-oz. glass with cracked ice-pour and decorate with red or green cherries and serve with straws. If hand-shaken, strain. Ronrico 1 teaspoon sugar Juice of whole lemon 1'h oz. RONRICO RED or GOLD LABEL Shake by hand or Waring-mix with enough ice to chill. Strain or pour into Parfait Glass. Decorate with red cherry and slice of orange. Ronrico Swizzle 1 teaspoon sugar lf4 oz. lemon juice lf2 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice Large dash Angostura Bitters 1112 oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Place Bitters, lime and lemon juice, sugar and Ron­ rico in 10-oz. glass. Fill with crushed ice. Add carbonated water to fill. Foam with "Swizzle Stick" or spoon and serve witq straws. Ronrico teaspoon sugar 4 or 6 mint leaves 3 oz. RONRICO GOLD LABEL 3 oz. Ronrico ice Place ingredients into Waring Mixer, and mix un­ til ice and mint leaves are liquefied. Pour into 10- oz. Ronrico Mint Julep Glass filled with Ronrico ice. Stir vigorously and decorate liberally with sprigs of mint. Serve with straws that just show tips through your mint decoration. Float with Ronrico Red Label or Purple Label, if desired. 11 Ronrico ·

1 ~~~Po~n br~wn sugm: liz ~z. 1~e 'juice · · 1 ~z. Passi~n Fruit** Sli,!:e pineapple 1/2 ~z. RONlliCO WHITE LABEL. ~6 Pi'o'~f. . ' liz ~z. RONRICO GOLD LABEL. 86 Pr~~f. · liz ~z. RONRICO RED LABEL. 90 Pr~~f. lfz oz. RONRICO PURPLE LABEL. 151 Proof*.

Waring-mix with 6 ounces of Ronrico ice and serve with ice in 13-oz. chimney glass. Decorate with round of lime, stick of pineapple, re4 cherries and colored straws. *If Ronrico Purple Label is not available substitute Ronrico Red Label. **Passion Fruit is available in certain parts of the country thr~-ugh drug stores. If not available in your area, please write us directly and we will be glad to furnish name of source of supply.

Ronrico New Orleans :

2 teasSJoons bar sugar 3 drops Orange flower Water liz oz. lemon juice' lfz oz. lime juice White of 1 egg · 1 oz. light cream 1 oz. Carbonated Water 11/2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL RUM Shake all ingredients (including carbon~ted water) . w!ch· Ronrico. ice slowly three to five minutes. Strain in~Q· 10 .oz. hjgh~all glass. If Waring electric mixer· :. i~ ~d •. ~ix ~ith)ionrico . ice at sl!>w speed for about ' ~ . Yz . t,nin_uies. ' Just before removing cup, turn mixer :to ·.high speed . .for two or three seconds to fluff mhl­ !=tJre. Pour into 12 oz. highball glass. Ronrico Fi:z::z: I 1f2 teaspoons bar sugar liz oz. lemon juice 2 dashes lime juice · !liz oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Shake well, or W aring·mix, using small amount Ronrico ice. Strain or pour into 6-oz. Fizz Glass. Fill with carbonated water.

Ronrico Silver Fi:z::z: (Tht tgg whitt makes it difftrtut!) Same as Ronrico Fizz, adding the white of an egg. Use 8-oz. highball glass.

Ronrico Colden Fi:z::z: Same as Ronrico Fizz, adding the yolk of an egg. Use 8-oz. highball glass.

F rtqueut refereua is madt throughout this booklet to ••Rour ico ice' -- This is simply our uamc for ice cracked just mfficieutly fiue to suit the 1•arie(y of Rourico recip" calling /or its use. Most bar supply stores carry ice en~ sheri.

Ronrico Flip I teaspoon powdered sugar 1 egg

. 11/2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Shake well with Ronrico ice, strain and serve with nutmeg on top. Use parfait glass.

Iced Coffee with Ronrico Prepare hot coffee-! V: tablespoons of coffee for each cup ( ~~ pint) of water. Make by any method de­ sired. Pour over cracked ice in highball glass. Add to each serving two or more teaspoons of Ronrico Rum.

TABLESPOON EQUALS ~~ OUNCE 13 Ronrico Milk Punch 1112 teaspoons powdered sugar 3 oz. sweet milk 1112 oz. RONRIGO GOLD or RED LABEL Shake or Waring mix. Strain or pour into 10-oz. glass and serve with nutmeg on top.

Tahitian Rum Punch lfz teaspoon sugar liz oz. lemon juice lf2 oz; Passion Fruit Dash of 2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Waring mix with enough ice to chill and pour into 10-oz. glass with Ronrico ice. Decorate with straws, red cherry and slice of orange.

Pan American 1 teaspoon bar sugar lf2 oz. lime juice 1 stick pineapple 1 teaspoon Pa-Pi-A syrup Dash of Drambuie lfz oz. RONRICO RED LABEL lf2 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL 1 oz. RONRICO GOLD LABEL Waring mix with 3-oz. Ronrico ice and serve in 10- oz. glass half filled with Ronrico ice. Decorate with slice of orange, green cherry and colored straws.

Tahitian Deep· Purple 1 oz. Blue Grape Juice 1 oz. Passion Fruit , lf2 oz. lime juice 11/2 oz. RONRICO GOLD LABEL Place in Waring Mixer w\th 5-oz. Ronrico ice and serve in 14-oz. chimney glass, half-filled with Ronrico ice--Use colored straws. lico Royal

1 heaping teaspoon sugar lf2 oz. lime juice 4 oz. fresh or canned pineapple juice 3 oz. RONRICO RED LABEL 5 oz. Ronrico ice Waring mix at high speed. Fill 24·oz. special red glass Y, full of Ronrico ice; decorate with orange, red cherry, stick of pineapple, frrsh mint.

Ronrico Sling

lf2 oz. lime juice 1 oz. Pa-Pi-A syrup lf4 teaspoon Tom & Jerry Prepared batter llh oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Waring mix to chill with J .oz. Ronrico ice, and pour into I 0-oz. glass with three cubes of ice. Decorate with fresh mint and serve with colored straws.

Hurricane Punch

oz. lime juice oz. lemon juice 2 oz. Passion Fruit syrup 4 oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Waring mix with 9-oz. Ronrico ice. Serve in 24-oz. Special Blue Glass, half-filled with Ronrico ice. Deco­ rate with slice of orange, two cherries and colorrd straws.

Ronrico Loving Cup

lllz oz. Passion Fruit syrup 2 oz. French Vermouth (dry) 4 oz. RONRICO WHITE LABEL Waring mix with 6-oz. Ronrico ice, put 36-oz. Ron­ rico ice in large bowl, - pour and decorate with half peach - one red and one green cherry in center of peach, four colored straws. Add 4-oz. Champagne and serve. IS Seven-up Highball 11/z oz. RONRICO GOLD LABEL lf4 of a lime 2. cubes of ice Use highball glass. Fill with Seven-up and stir. Ronricola Ronrico 'l't:rsion of Cuba Libre or Rum 'n Coke 11/z oz. RONRICO GOLD or RED LABEL A bottle of Coca-Cola (addition of lfz partly squeezed lime· optional.) Pour Ronrico into 10-oz. highball glass with 2 cubes of ice. Fill glass with Coca-Cola - then add lime if desired. Stir well.

Ronrico and Soda or Water 1113 oz. RONRICO WHITE or GOLD LABEL . Split of Club Soda. Pour Ronrico into 8-oz. highball glass with 2 cubes of ice. Fill with soda or water and stir well. The rind of lemon or lime twisted on top is often desired. Ronrico Rum makes an excellent highball with most mixers.

PUNCHES AND HOLIDAY DRINKS Ronrico Party Punch (For 12 people) 9 oz. freshly squeezed lime juice 6 tablespoons granulated bar sugar 1 bottle (4/5 qt.) RONRICO WHITE LABEL Dissolve augar thoroughly in lime juice. Add Ron­ rico and stir well. . To serve: Place mixture in punch bowl with large piece of ice in center. Add one pint of car­ bonated water, 1 can of .crushed pineapple, and 1 can of sliced peaches. Stir until cold. Serve in 5-oz.' punch cup. 16 -Ronrico Party Cocktails

Use same ingredients as for punch, omitting car­ bonated water. Pour !4 full of the mixture-fill shaker with cracked ice-shake well and serve in 3-oz. cocktail glass.

Ronrico West Indies Plantation Punch 8 oz. orange juice 8 oz. lime juice 4 oz. fresh pineapple juice 1 pint Grenadine 1 bottle (4/ 5 qt.) RONRICO WHITE or RED LABEL RUM Stir well and pour into punch bowl with large piece of ice. Add slices of two oranges, 12 Maraschino cherries, pint of cubed fresh pineapple or other avail­ able fresh fruit. Serve in 5-oz. punch cup.

Winter Punch

Stick cloves into the skin of a large orange. Hold it before an open fire or cook in a hot oven. When the orange skin turns brown, cut the fruit into slices and put in a saucepan. Add two teaspoons of granu­ lated sugar. \'V'arm over fire for one minute. Then add a bottle of champagne and three ounces of Ron­ rico Red Label or four ounces of Ronrico Gold Label Rum. Coronation Cup

Into a large bowl mix the following : 1 glass Sherry liz glass White Curacao liz glass Triple Sec liz glass RONRICO RED LABEL 1 teaspoon of Angostura Bitters Whole rind of a large lemon 3 slices of lemon 3 slices of orange teaspoon sugar syrup Mix well. Place large cake of ice in bowl, and pour over one large bottle Champagne and one borde seitzer water. Serve in open stem Champagne glasses. 17 Ronrico Burgundy Cup

To two bonia of ~ood Buraundy wine add a half poucd oi pnulated auav, a few whole dovea and me pet! hom a half lemon. Add one wine ala .. of Ronrico Red Label Ol' Ronrico Gold Label. Heat in heavy pan, but be careful noc to let it boil. Tbia cup can be made with heavy Port Ol' Sherry. Spica of aU lcinda may be added, includin& cinnamon, to tute.

Ronrico Two-Calion Punch

3 bottle• (4/S qt. aille) RONBJCO WHITE or GOLD lABEL 2 qucuu UD8Weetened piDecrpple juice 2 bottle• (4/S qt. alze) Sauterne 2 qucuu Dry Ginger Ale (Champaqne may he auhatituted for ginger ale) . 1 bottle (4/S qt. alze) RONRJCO RED lABEL 1 oL Bittera Place inaredienu in larse punch bowl and float un· aweerened crwhed pineapple oc anr cittua fruiu, cut in aquarea. Uae on~ larse piece o ice in bowl. Thia minure malcn a very dry punch, at no auaar ia wed. It will melee siny-four -4 -oz. drinks. For amallu quantity, reduc~ amounu of inaredienu in proportion.

Ronrico Football Punch

I quart RONRJCO RED lABEL 2 teaapoona allapice 1 quart apple dder 3 aticlta cinnamon 3 teaapoona butter Simmer over alow 6re until uunce of apicea hu permuted the minure. Stir w~ll and pour into pr.. heac.ad mup. Fill a thermoa jua and we to the game foe between-the-halvea warm·Upt. 18 Jarty Eggnog

(For 10 ptople cdtbrating Chri

Ronrico Eggnog

1 teaspoon powdered sugar, 1 egg 4 oz. milk 11/z oz. RONRICO RED or GOLD LABEL Shake or electric-mix well with small amount Ronrico ice. Strain or pour into I 0-oz. glass and serve with grated nutmeg on top. A delicious Ronrico eggnog can also be very easily made by using Pickwick Eggnog Powder.

Ronrico Bridge Cocktail

(For 12 to 15 cocktails) 1 cup canned pineapple juice 8 oz. 1 cup lemon or lime juice 8 oz. 2 cups RONRICO GOLD or WHITE LABEL 16 oz. Add sugar to taste Put pineapple juice, lemon or lime juice, and Ronrico Rum in pitcher or suitable receptacle, stir and add sugar to taste. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve. Place 8 cubes of ice in cocktail shaker with the mix· ture prepared as above, shake and serve in 3 or 3 Yt ·OZ. cocktail glasses. 19 Singapore Ronrico

(With Wine and Egg) Beat separately the whites and yolks of a dozen eggs. Pow: two bottles of heavy Oaret or Burgundy into a saucepan, thinning with half amount of water. Just before this mixture comes to a . boil, fold in very slowly the whites and y9lks, stirrinl[l tpe hot wine slow· ly. Adcl eight O\Ulces of Ronri«o Red ~bel (heavy· bodied) R~- or the Ronrico Gold LaPel m~~oY be used in equal amount. Serve in cups garnished with nutm,eg or cinnamon.


Hot Zombie lf2 slice pineapple 11/z oz, RONRJCO ~q:b LABEL 1 teaspoon brown sugar lf2 oz. Passion Fruit Juice of 1/2 lime Place in Wa~ing mixer and mix until pineapple is liquified, then pour into 8-oz. mug. Fill with boil­ ing-water, add small chip of butter and serve. (If Waring mixer is not available, aubstitute 1 oz. Dole's Pineapple Juice and use regular cocktail shaker.)

Punchino Level teaspoon bar sugar Lemon peel Strong hot black coltee 11/z oz. RONRICO RED or GOLD LABEL Place demi,tisse spoon in .Old Fashioned Glass, fill %. full with hot coffee. A del sugar, Ronrico and twist ·lemon peel on top. Stir well. 20 tfot Buttered Ronrico Cocktail cube sugar Pinch of cloves Pinch of allspice Jlfz oz. RONRICO RED LABEL Small piece of butter

Dissolve sugar in a little hot water. Add allspice, cloves and Ronrico in hot rum glass. Fill with hot water and stir. Add butter.

1 For bar or party uu: Cream \~ lb. of butter with : pound brown sugar. Add small amount of powdered cinnamon. Use I teaspoon of the above mixture to each drink. Serve in a Tom and Jerry mug in which has been placed one small piece of cinnamon stick and one whole clove. Use I '.-: oz . Ronrico Red Label to each drink. Fill with hot water. Twist of lemon peel may be added, if desired.

Coffee Royale (Per/at fi11ale to a delicious meal)

On a teaspoon place a cocktail cube of sugar which has been saturated with Ronrico Rum. Fill teaspoon with Ronrico and hold over demi·tasse of hot black coffee. Light the rum with match. When it has burned out pour into coffee and stir.

Hot Rum Chaud

1 cube sugar Jlfz oz. RONRICO RED LABEL 3 oz. hot water

Place sugar in hot rum glass or mug, saturate sugar with 1 oz. Ronrico. Add hot water and stir well. Top off with Y, oz. Ronrico and twist lemon peel. Serve with small spoon. 21 Ronrico Tom and Jerry RECIPE FOR ONE DRINK Yolk of 1 egg white of 1 egg, beaten stiff Keep separated · 11/z oz. RONRICO RED LABEL 2 teaspbons powdered sugar lf4 teaspoon allspice Pinch cinnamon Shake or Warlng:mix and pour into 6-oz. or 8-oz. mlig. Add hot water or milk to fill. Stir and sprinkle nutmeg. on top .. A delicious Ronrico Tom and Jerry can also easily be made by using Pickwick Tom and Jerry Powder:

RECIPE FOR BAR OR PARTY USE For Batter: 12 eggs 24 teaspoons powdered sugar 3 t~aspoons powdered allspice % teaspoon cinnamon Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and add sugar, allspice, cinnamon and a pinch of baking soda and mix till very smooth. Beat yolk of eggs till smooth and mix with whites. Put batte~ into Tom and Jerry bowl. To Serve: Put 2 tablespoonsful of batter into Tom and Jerry mug. Add 1 Yz ounces Ronrico Gold Label or Red Label. Fill mug slowly with hot water or hot milk, stirring as you pour. Sift grated nutmeg on top and serve.

Hot Ronrico 1 teaspoon sugar 1 oz. lime juice llfz oz. RONRICO RED or GOLD LABEJ. . Dissolve sugar in lime juice. Add Ronrico in Hot Rum · Glass. Fill with hot water. Stir with cinna· nion stick. · 22

si,LEEPY, 'UNNY, ARECmO, Distilled from the cream of the Sugar Cane on the shores of the blue Caribbean, is sit­ crop, every step in the distillation is super­ uated this ancient distillery which produces vised by Spanish Dons, experts in fine rum Ronrico, the richest rum in all the West making for over a half century. Indies. Inimitable taste, smoothness and rich bou­ Here, too, are vast warehouses holding over quet have won for Ron·rico the slogan, Best two million gallons of rum; a golden treasure Rum-Bar None. assuring the unvarying excellence of Ronrico *Translation: Distillers of Ronrico - the first and for years to come. foremost rum of Puerto Rico.

T • S T E·~ lette,.

On· the following pages, we present a selection of culinary masterpieces. All are unusual recipes pre­ pared by some of America's most celebrated chefs, and Ronrico's own Culinary Division. For special oc­ casions, when the host or hostess wishes to delight the palate of the most travelled gourmet,-the adventurer who delights in discovering tantalizing food,-the distillers of Ronrico offer ample proof that flavor is the main essential toward achieving success in the preparation of delicious epicurean feasts.

Because Ronrico Rum is a distillate of rich Puerto Rican molasses, derived from the world's finest sugar cane, it lends itself to every recipe that includes sugar.

In numerous restaurants of New York, New Or­ leans, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and other cities, high salaried, world-famous chefs use Ronrico Rum as a flavoring agent in soups, meats, sea foods, poultry, cheese and egg dishes, gravies, salads and ·dressings, desserts, sauces and candy. Ronrico Rum contributes rich inimitable flavor, attainable in no other way.

Where the following recipes call for Ronrico, the most desirable and most widely accepted type is Ron­ rico Purple Label especially distilled for culinary flavoring. When Ronrico Purple Label is not available, use a larger quantity of Ronrico Red Label. Purple Label .is available in most states in culinary gallons; a more economical way to buy rum for cooking. In monopoly srates where Ronrico Purple Label may not be available it can be obtained by special order thtough the Srate Liquor Commission.

?.7 SOUPS Shrimp Bisque a Ia Ronrico

I c:cm tome~to soup 1 ccm peer soup 1 cup sweet milk or cream 1 pouzad bqUe

Si:ir·soups together un~ thoroughly mixed. If shrimp are jtimbos, break into halve~. Add to soup mixture. Bring to a boil, stirring slowly. When mil;ture comes to a boil, remove from stove, add 1 Yz ounces Ronrico. Stir well and serve. May bl! made with crab meat instead of shrimp, or a combination of both. Quick Turtle Soup 1 can thin turtle soup 1 can chicken soup, seasoned with salt cmd pepper 1 tc:rblespoon RONRICO Miz soups and heat thoroughly. Pour into soup dishes, into which 1 tablespoonful of Ronrico has been placed. Sl!.rve immediately.

RAREBIT Ronrico Rarebit 1 pound American cheese liz cup RONRICO 1 dash cayenne lfz teaspoon dry mustard lfz teaspoon salt Slices of toast or saltines Slice cheese into line pieces. Pla~e them in saucepan or chafing dish with three·fourths of the Ronrico, stirring until cheese is melted. Add mustard, salt and pepper. Add remaining Ronrico. Pour mixture over slices of toast· .or saltines. Everything must be very hoi: and must be served at once; as the cheese hardens quickly. Some use a tea· spoon of butter and beaten·yolks of 2 eggs, added just before serving. The egg makes it richer and prevents cheese from hardening so quickly. 28 MEATS, FOWL AND SEA FOODS Baked Ham Ronrico 1 ham Whole cloves Fruits for garnish 1 cup RONRICO 1 cup brown sugar \X'ash the ham and place in roaster, fat side up, wi th about one quart of hot water. Cover roaster and bake in a slow oven (300 F.), allowing nor less than 20 minutes per pound. When half done, remove the rind, score the fat surface and cover with brown sugar and whole cloves. Pour over one cup of Ronrico and con· tinue cooking, basting frequently. Remove cover from roaster during the last hour of cooking. Interior temperature of ham when done should read 158 F. Serves 16 to 18. Garnish with apples, oranges, pineapple, or glazed cherries stuck on long stemmed cloves. If precooked ham is used, pour over it the cup of Ronrico and haste frequently for about one hour, until harn is heated completely through. Garnish as desired.

Ronrico Puerto Rico Roast

2 pounds beef roast 1 small bottle stuffed olives lf4 pound salt pork I onion (sliced) 2 teaspoons salt I pint canned tomatoes % cup RONRICO Mak; small slits on each side of roast with a sharp knife. Ci..tt strips of salt pork about an inch long and stuff into slits alternately with stuffed olives. Place into a heavy kettle or iron pot to heat. Enough pork fat will melt to sear onion, which is added at this time. As soon as onion is tender, remove all bits of sale pork. Brown roast on all sides and add tomatoes. Cook for 10 minutes and add Ronrico. Simmer for three hours. Salt and pepper to taste should be added after the first hour of cooking. ARMOUR AND Co., Chicago 29 Tenderloin of Lake Trout Marguery, Ronrico Put eight nice :fillets of trout in a buttered shallow pan, · with sixteen small oysters, from w!tich the eyes have been· removed, twelve heads of French mushrooms sliced and sixteen small shrimps; season each fillet with salt and white pepper; sprmide over all two ounces of Purple -or Red Label Ronrico. Warm the pan on range arif{ light the rum, When rum· llames subside, pour over all two ounces of good dry white wine and two ounces of water, or if available, fish stock; cover with a· piece of buttered paper and cook in the oven for about eight minutes. · Remove the·. fillets and garnish, to a platter, with the garnishing around, and keep warm. Add to the stock left in the pan, two cups of good white wine sauce,· bring to a Qoil, and bind with the yolks of two eggs; add three ounces of good butter, mix well until butter is melted in the sauce; strain; pour over all; sprinkle ·a little white bread crumbs over and balce in a very hot oven just long enough to get a nice golden color and serve at once. (Serves 8 portions) )os. AsroRIAS, Chief Steward The Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans

Lobster a Ia R'onrico % lb. mild American cheelle 1 can lobster meat, or equal amo\U:It of fresh lobster Ifa pound butter 3 ounces RONRIGO Melt butter and cheese in saucepan. Stir in Ronrico. Bring to a slow boil. Just as ·boiling begins, add the shredded lobster meat and stir for one minute . . Serve on toast.

Ronrico Lobster a Ia Newburg Spclnkle i cups cooked or canned lobst;r, llaked, with . 2 tablespoohs lemon juice: Let stand 10 minutes. Then cook for 5 minutes in 3 tablespoons bu,tter. Stir in slowly 1% cups evaporated milk, ~ teaspoon salt, and 14 teaspoon pepper. Heat to the boiling point. _ Stir into 2 slightly beaten egg yolks. Cook 2 minutes longer. · JuSt:·before serving add 1 tablespoon Ronrico. ~erve at once in patty shells, or on toast or saltines. Enough for six portions. .

30 0 Puerto Rican Chicken and Rice

{Arro.: con Polio) First-Place the neck, back pieces, and wings of chicken in a medium size pot of water and cook for broth. Then combine in a wooden bowl and ehop well: 2 medium size onions 2 large fresh tomatoes 1f2 green pepper 1 large clove of garlic

Add to chopped mixture:

I small can mushrooms 2 bay leaves 2 teaspoons salt Place all chopped ingredients into an extra large stew· ing pot with ~ cup olive oil and cook over a medium fire fO<" 10 minutes. Add uncooked chicken (jointed), except liver, and cook slowly for 20 minutes, turning each piece of chicken several rimes. Add enough chicken broth to cover chicken and bring to the boiling point. Then add Y. cup Ronrico and cook briskly for 15 minutes. Add more broth and continue cooking over hot fire. Cover with lid. Place 15 threads of saffron on lid of pot to dry. While saffron dries, place chicken liver in small frying pan with butter, and chop while it cooks. Add to chicken mixture. Remove saffron from pot lid and place in a cup with Yz teaspoon broth. Crush with a spoon until saffron is dissolved. Add to other ingredi· ents. Wash 3 cupfuls of rice and add to rhe large pot and about a quart of broth. Turn down Aame until fire is very slow. An asbestos plate under the pot is advisable to prevent sticking or burning. Don't stir mixture. As rice cooks and begins to dry out, keep moist with additional broth. When rice is thorough! y done pour a can of small green peas over the top. Garnish with pieces of pimento. Remove from fire and serve. 31 GIAVI.ES AND SAUCES

Ronrico Ice Cream Sauce' 1 quart vanilla ice cream 3 ounces RONRICO Allow ice cream to soften. Add the Ronrico and stir briskly with a fork. Serve over black cherries, berries, canned fruits, or any fresh fruit in season. · FruTz STEINKAMP, Pastry Chef New Bismarck Hotel, Chicago

Ronrico Brown Cravy

Put in skillet 2 tablespoons flour. Heat slowly until flour is an even brown color, stir­ rmg constantly. Then blend in 2 tablespoons fat, Yz teaspoon salt, and Ys teaspoon pepper. Stir in * cup meat stock. Boil 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add * cup evaporated milk and heat thoroughly. Add 2\4 teaspoons Ronrico. Serve with meats . .ARMAND CHEVALLEY, Executive Chef Black Hawk Restaurant, Chicago

Ronrico Hard Sauce

Cream 4 tablespoons butter until soft. Slowly add * cup confectionery sugar. Stir in, a teaspoonful at a time, 2 taplespoons evapo­ rated milk. Beat until very light. Flavor with 1)4 teaspoons Ronrico Chill before serving. CoNRAD SPRINGER, Pastry Chef Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago

Ru..- Sauce for Baked Ham

When ham is• taken out of pan, put 1 cup of good brown gravy (demi glace) into pan,.add the juice of an orange, and let cook for 10 minutes. Then add 4 ounces of Ronrico, strain, and serve over ham. THEODORE MEYER, Assistant Chef New Bismarck Hotel, Chicago 32 Sage and Onion Stuffing with Ronrico Rum (For all roasttd fowl)

Bake four large onions in the oven with their skins on. When they are cooked, peel them and chop very fine. Then fry them in butter with a pinch of chopped sage. Add bread crumbs, which have been saturated with milk and pressed, about the same amount of onions, half chat amount of chopped veal fat and 2 ounces of Ron rico.

FERNAND PoJNTREAU, Exewtiu Chef Hotel Sherman, Chicago

RON RICO (Rich Rum)

Rich in quality as well as name, Ronrico has a delicate bouquet and palace pleasing flavor that distinguishes it from all other rums. Ronrico sells for less chan many ocher rums from the West Indies, simply be· cause Puerto Rican rums enjoy immunity from United States customs duties.

Months of research and culinary experiments, with the wholehearted cooperation of many hotel chefs and barmen, have developed chis book of recipes. In· eluded are many old rum recipes chat have oudived the centuries.


Fur usut: Coole one amall onion, chopped lim, in one tablespoon of butter, until dtu. Add th~ followins, thm brins to a boil: lfz cup cataup 1 . tecupoon muatard 1 tecupoon celery •alt lfz tea•poon paprika 1 tab!.. poon •uqar 1 tableepoon Worce•tenhire •auce 3 tabl ..poon• Ylneqar 1 tecupoon tabcuco aauce 2 tabl.. poona BONBJCO

Slit one pound of Eranltfurtan, lensthwise. Place in a flat pan, dit aides up. Pour ~auce over and balce in a moderate oven about twenty·hve minutes.

Broil oc fry lwnburser patties until almost done. Place them in the laUCe and aimmer sently fcx ten min uta.

Seuon tpareribt with r.alt and pepper and covrr with a thin layer of onion alicu. Pour the r.auce over, covtr tishdy and balce for one hour in a moderate oven.

Slice rout beef in ~en slices and hut thoroushly in thia sauce. Serve with belted poutoea.

Place les of lamb in an open routins pan. Pour r.auce over, butins frequently 10 ~hat the r.auce will 6avcx the meat. Coole in a 32~ desree oven, allowins 35 m.lnuta to each pound.


French Dressing Ronrico

Mix together 1 tablespoon dry mustard, Y. teaspoon paprika, 1 tablespoon salt, and 1 Y, teaspoons pepper. Add 9 tablespoons evaporated milk. Stir in 1 Y, cups salad oil. Add Y. cup lemon juice and 1 Y, teaspoons Ronrico. Beat vigorously with rotary beater 1 minute. Keep in refrigerator in covered jar and use as needed.

Ronrico Thousand Island Dressing

Put in mixing bowl Y, cup evaporated milk, Y, cup chili sauce, Y, cup salad oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, Y.l teaspoon salt and Ys teaspoon pepper. Add 1 Yz teaspoons Ronrico. Beat until well blended. Keep in refrigerator in cov· ered jar and use as needed on salad greens. Makes about 1 Y, cups.

Fruit Salad Dressing

Prepare fruit salad in the usual manner and serve with the following dressing: lf2 cup mayonnaise lf2 cup whipped cream I ounce RONRICO Mix the ingredients well.

Cream Cheese Dressing

Combine one package Philadelphia Cream Cheese and one tablespoon Ronrico, bearing with a fork. Delicious as a topping for fruit salads or spread on gingerbread.

35 DESSERTS Crepes Suzettes (For fi/JproKim41tl'1 12·1' pttncalcn) 1 C1UJ OoiU Yolka of 2 egq1 2 table1pooau 1ugar ~c:b lalt Grated rind of If• lemon and lf• orange 1f• lb. buHer 1~ c;upc mille 1 tea1poon CW'ac:ao Mix the above ingredients and add yolks of eqs. Mix the whole toacthar and add the malted buttar, atinin1 well. Sauu I. Place KVeral slicH of ocange and lemon ~d in pan. 2. Rub 10 lumps of sugar against rind of orange and place in pan. 3. Add juice of half oran1e an.d few drops of lemon juice. -4. Melt one-fourth pound butter in same pan. ) . Add teaspoonful of oun1e Curacao into sauce. 6. Tr&JUfer pancalces into dish containing above in· gredimu and Itt simmer for • few minutH. Fold or roll, add 2 tabltspoons Drambuie and 2 tablt· spoons Ronrico Purplt Label; ignite and serve. ToNI i..u.tARE, Internationally known 1omrnclicr Netherland Piau; Gncinnati lonrico-Jello Ice Cream 1 pleg. Jello Ice Cream Powdor - un· Oa•ored 4 tabJe~poODI lUgar 2 C:UPI mille 2 C:UPI whipping cream 2 table1pooau RONRICO RED or PURPLE LABEL Mix the Jello Icc Cream Powder with the suaar. Pour on the mille very gradually, stirring until diuolvcd. Add the rwo tablespoons of Ronrico Rum, then fold in the aeam, whipped. Turn into frcning trl)' and frttzc in accocd.ancc with directions on Jcllo Ice Cream Pow­ du package, from 2 ~~ to thrtt hours. Malcu I Yz quart a. 36 ,.onrico Rum Russe

1 tablespoon Knox Sparkling Gelatine 1/4 cup cold water 1f2 cup boiling water 1 cup sugar YJ cup RONRICO 2 stili-beaten egg whites I cup cream. whipped lf2 cup chopped maraschino or candied cherries

Soak gelatine in cold water, then dissolve in boiling water; add sugar, Ronrico, and when sugar is dissolved, strain. Cool and when it begins to thicken, beat well and fold in egg whites; add cream, a small amount at a time and blend thoroughly; add cherries and put into wet mold. Chill and serve. Serves 6.

Frozen Pudding

1% cups canned pineapple juice lj~ cup juice I package strawberry gelatine 3 tablespoons RONRICO lf2 cup canned crushed pineapple I2 maraschino cherries, chopped YJ cup chopped walnut meats I% cups cream, whipped

Combine fruit juices and heat. Dissolve gelatine in hot juices. Chill. Pour Ronrico over fruit and let stand. When gelatine mixture is cold and syrupy, place in bowl of cracked ice or ice water and whip with rotary egg beater until fluffy and thick like whipped cream. Turn into freezing trays of automatic refrigerator and let stand 4 to 5 hours, or until frozen. Or turn into 2-quart container, cover with waxed paper, press cover down tightly over paper, and pack in equal parts ice and salt; l~t stand 4 to 5 hours. Makes about 2 quarts. Tested Recipe, Consumer Service Department General Foods, Inc.

~7 Ronrico Ice. Box Cake

Filling ' ' ' ; .i ·c•>.:} cup -butter 1 cup confectionery sugar · 1/a teaspoon cinnamon Whipped cream 2 squares melted bitter chocolate 4 oz. RONRICO Beat: ·· . f cup c~nfectioners sugar 2 .. eggs that have been beaten light Mix well and pour over sponge cake or lady fingers.

Ronrico Chocolate Fudge Frosting

Heat slowly 6 tablespoons evaporated milk. Add gradually 3 cups confectionery sugar until .miz­ ture is thick enough to spread. Add · 3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted, 1 Yz teaspoons Ronrico, and 1 tablespoon melted butter. Beat well. If suga~ is lumpy, sift or ;oil before using.

Ronrico Angel Food

1% cups egg whites (about 12) - 1% teaspoons cream of tartar lf4 '1easpoon salt 11/z cups granulated sugar 1 cup sifted cake flour 3 tablespoons RONRICO Beat egg whites with flat whip until frothy. Beat in cream of tartar and salt. Continue beating until egg whites are glossy, fine-grained and will stand up in a stiff point. Measure sugar by spooning lightly into cup• . Sift and gradual!~ beat in one cup sugar and the Ronrico. Gradually fold in the flour, sifted three times with the remaining Yz .cup sugar. Bake 60 to 70 minutes in a. slow oven; 325 F., using an ungreased 9-inch tube-center pan. When done, invert pan until cake is cold before removing. ' 40 Ronrico Fruit Cake. pound butter cup brown sugar cup granulated sugar dozen eggs 4 cups flour teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon cloves teaspoon nutmeg teaspoon mace pound currants pound candied cherries liz pound citron liz pound candied pineapple liz pound orange and lemon peel mixed lf2 pound dates 1 package seeded raisins package seedless raisins pound almonds cup RONRICO

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one at a time, beat­ ing well, sift flour, spices and baking powder together. Prepare fruit by washing and drying currants, cutting cherries in half; cut citron, orange and lemon peel, and pineapple in slices; cut dates and seeded raisins and blanch almonds, and cut in strips. Add the prepared fruit to the flour and mix well, chen scir into che butter and eggs. Add Ronrico, place mixture in pans chat have been lined with heavy brown paper, filling pans two-thirds full.

Decorate tops with scrips of almond, pieces of pine­ apple and cherries .

. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. and place cakes on middle shelf. Pour boiling water in a large pan and put on lower shelf under cakes. This prevents scorch­ ing and also forms a steam which keeps cakes moist while baking. Bake from 2 to 3 hours, according co ~ize of cakes, and lase hour reduce heat to 250 de­ grees F. CoNRAD SPRINGER, Pastry Cht/ Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago

41 Ronrico Phun Pudding 2 lbs. currants 1 lb. ~ed,c:!. raisins 11/4 lbs. ftadlesa raisins 2 oz. chopped nuts 1 lb. apples (chopped) 21f: oz. cqdied orange. peel llf: oz. cQndied lemon peel Ifz lb. ca"died citron 6 oz. RONBICO PURPLE LABELRUM • lfz lb•. brqWJl sugar Ifa lb. granulated sugar 7 egg11 4 cups flour liz tbsp. mace I .tap. allspice 1 tsp. DUfmjlg I tsp. cinnamon 1 lb. beef suet Sfa lb. white bread crumbs (15 slices) Pour 4 oz. of the Ronrico Purple Label ovet the cur· rants, raisins and nuts. In a separate bowi' put the cho~ped apples, orange and lemon peel and citron, and potir the remaining 2 oz. of Ronrico Purple Label over ·chi&. Let stand for 24 hours. Sift the spices and flour together over the raisin mix· ture and stir until raisins and currants are well coated with flour. Combine with fruits and add chopped suet. Beat eggs, add sugar and bread crumbs and stir well. Then combine together all ingredients and mix thor- oughly. ' - When ready to use place required amount of pudding in center of a square of cheesecloth, double thickness, bdrig ends together and tie. Place in steamer or sub· merge in water. Steam or boil for two to four hours, according to size. ' Ronrico Cherries Ju_J,ilee Ad~ two tablespoons of sugar to one can of pitted' black cherries. Boil slowly fifteen minutes, then pour iitto a glass bowl. Prepare individual portions of vanilla ice cream in s«ving dishes. Po1.1r two ounces of Ronrico Purple Label over the cherry mixture and ignite. Serve the sauce over the ice cr,am. One can of .eherries serves four portions. 42 CANDIES Ronrico Fudge 2 cups granulated sugar 1 or 2 squares chocolate (or 4 tbsp. cocoa) 2 tablespoons corn syrup YJ cup milk 1 tablespoon RONRlCO 2 tablespoons butter Mix the sugar, milk, chocolate or cocoa, and corn syrup and boil slowly, stirring until the ingredients are well blended. Boil to the soft-ball srage (238 F.). Remove from lire, add the butter bur do not stir ic in. \X! hen lukewarm, add the Ronrico .1 nd beat until creamy. Spread in a buttered pan and whei1 h.1rdened, mark into squares.

Ronrico Marshmallows 2 envelopes Knox .Sparkling Gelatine liz cup cold water 2 cups sugar % cup boiling water liz teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons RONR1CO Dissolve sugar in boiling water and boil together until thread forms when syrup is dropped from edge of a silver spoon. Remove from lire. Pour cold water in bowl and sprinkle gelatine on cop of water. Add co hot syrup and scir until dissolved. Let stand until partially cooled. Add snit and Ronriw. Beat until mixture be­ comes chick, Ruffy and cold. Pour into pan about 4 x 8 inches, thickly covered with powdered sugar, having the mixture about one inch in depth. Let stand in cool place (nor in refrigerator) until partially chilled. \XIich a wet sh.1rp knife loosen .1round edges of pan and turn out on a board lighrly coverrd .with powdered sugar. Cut in cuhes and roll in powdrred sugar. Fruit juices m.1)' be used in pbce of p.1rt of the water. Nut>, chocolate or candied fruits, chopped, may be added, or rhe plain candy rolled in grated cocoanut before being sugared. Dates stuffed with chis confection are delicious. Makes about 100 pieces of candy, weighs about I~~ lbs. and costs about 21 c. 43 Buffer Taffy with Ronrico Rum 2 cups light brown sugar lfz cup molasses 2·tablespoons vinegar 3 tablespoons RONRICO · ' 114 cup butter Boil sugar, molasses, vinegar and Ronrico together. When nearly done, add butter. Cook to 260 degrees F. until it forms a hard ball in cold water. Remove from fire .. Tum into well bttttered pan and mark into squares or pull. Makes 20 pieces. Ronrico Divinity 2 cups granulated sugar liz cup com syrup liz cup 'VI!'ater 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons RONRICO Put sugar, water and com syrup into pan. Stir until dissolved over fire, then let boil without stirring to the "light crack" stage (265 F.). Beat egg whites. When syrup is ready, gradually pour over. stiffiy beaten egg whites while beating constantly. Continue beating un­ til creamy. If desired, add Yz cup raisins and Yz cup chopped nut meats. Drop by teaspoonsful on an oiled sheet. Makes about 40 pieces.

USE THE RICHT CLAS 5 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. ! t I I ! !w1Yil 7. 8. 9. 10. i.' 1 oz. Cordial 6. Hot Rum 2. Parfait 7. Old Fashioned · 3 •. 10 . oz. Shell 8. 6 oz. Highball 4. 8 oz. Highball 9. 5 Yz oz. Champagne 5. 3 or 3 Yz· oz. Cocktail 10. 6 or 8 oz. Mug 44 COCKTAILS AND SHORT DRINKS Page Coconga ...... 9 El Presldente ...... t u Frosted West Indies ...... 5 Frosted Fresh Fruit West Ind..les ...... 6 Mary Pickford ...... 7 Ronrlco Alexander ...... • . . 10 Ronrlco and Benedictine ...... 8 Ronrico Cocktail (Daiquiri) ...... 7 Ronrico Manhattan ...... 8 Ronrlco Martini ...... • ...... 7 Ronrlco Old Faehloned ...... 8 Ronrico Sidecar ...... 8 Ronrico Stinger ...... • ...... 8 Sparkling Rourico ...... • ...... 7 West !ndle~ Apple Cocktail ...... 6 West Indies Fresh Mint Cocktail .. . . , ...... 6 West 11\dies Pineapple Cocktail ...... 6 West Indies Strawberry Cocktail ...... 6 AND LONC DRINKS Cuba. Libre or Rum 'n Coke (Ronrlcola) ...... 16 Iced Cotlee with Ronrico ...... 13 Punch ...... 15 Pan American ...... 14 Red Rummie ...... , ...... 10 Rico Royal ...... , ...... 16 Rourico & Soda ...... • ...... 16 Ronrico Collins ...... • ...... o o •• o o • o • 10

Ronrico Fizz ...... 0 ••• • •••• •••• • • ••• ••• 0 13

Ronrico Flip ...... 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 •• • o • 0 o • • • 13

Ron rico Golden Fizz ..... 0 • o 0 • o • o 0 0 • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13

Ronrlco Loving Cup ...... 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 • •• 0 • • • • 15

Ron rico Milk Punch .. 0 •• 0 •• • 0 • 0 0 0 •• 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 14

Ronr!cc Mint Julep ...... 0 • 0 0 0 o o o o o o o 0 o o • o o • 11

Ronrico New Orleans Fizz .. . 0 0 0 o • 0 0 0 o •• 0 0 0 •• 12

Ron rico Plante.-' Punch . 0 •• •• 0 • 0 0 • • •• 0 0 0 • • • 11

Ronrlco Silver Fizz .. 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o o . o • o o • o 0 o o • • o 13

Ronrico Sling ..... o • 0 0 0 • •• 0 o o. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •• 0 16

Ronrlco Sour ...... o o o ••••••• o o o •• • 0 0 • • • 11

Ronrlco Swizzle .... o 0 o ••• o •• • o o • o •• o o • 0 •• 0 11

Ronrlco Zombie '. .. . 0 • 0 0 • 0 • • • 0 •• 0 0 0 0 • 0 • • 0 • • • 12

Seven·Up Highball ... . o 0. o ••• 0 • •• 0 . 0. 0. 0 0 •• 16 Tahitian Deep Purple ...... H

Tahitian Rum Punch ...... 0 • 14 PUNCHES AND HOLIDAY DRINKS

Coronntlon Cup ...... o •• • •• o • •• o • • • • • • • • 17

Party Eggnog ...... 0 0 0 o o 0 •• 0 o •• 0. 0 0 •• • • • 19

Ronrlco Bridge Cocktail 0 0. o o 0 0 0. o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 •• 0 19

Ronrlco Burgundy Cup •• , , , o,,, o 0 o o o. 0 0 o • 0 0 18 Ron rico Eggnog ...... •• , 0 , ••• • o • • 0 • • • • • • 19

Ronrico Football Punch 0 • o o • o o ••• o , • 0, 0 • 0 0 0 0 18

Ronrlco Party Cocktails •••. 0 0 0 o • 0 0 • o • 0 0 o o • 0 17

Ronrlco Party Punch ... 0 0 o •• • •• • o •••• •• 0 •• 0 0 16

Ronrlco Two Gallon Punch . 0 o • •• o • • • • • • • • • • • • 18

Ronrlco W inter Punch 0 0 o o o 0 o o • 0 0 0 o o • 0 o o • • 0 o 17

B!nga~ore Ronrlco ...... 0 ••• • •• • 0 0 • 0 • 0 20 West Indies Plantation Punch .. , ...... o 17 HOT RUM DRINKS · Page -Coffee Royale . . • . . . . . • . . • • . . • . . . . • ...... 21 ·Hot Buttered Bonrico ••••••••...••.•.....•.. 21 Hot Bonricp . . . . • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • . • 22 Hot Bum Chaud • . . . . • • • • • • . • • . • • ...... • 21 Hot Zombi~! .•••.•.•••..••••.••••.•.••....• 20 Punchino • • ...... • • . . • . . • ...... 20 Bonrico Tom and Jerry ...... • . • ...... 22 SOUPS Quick Turtl11 Soup ..••...... __ ...... 28 -· Shrimp Bisque a la Bonrico ...... 28 RAREBIT ~onrico Rarebit • . . . . • ...... 28 MEATS, FOWL AND SEA FOODS Baked Ham Bonrico ...... • • • . . . . . • . . • • • • • . • 29 Bonrico Puerto Rico Boast . . • • . . • • • . • • . • • • • . • 29 Lobster a la Bonrico ...... • • . . • • • • • • • . • • • . 30 Bonrico ;Lobster a la newburg . . . . . • . . • • . • . . . 30 Tenderloin of Lake Trout ~ Ma,rguery, Bonrico ...... · • · · • • • · · · • · · · . . . . 30 Puerto Rican Chicken and ice ...... 31 ORAVIES- SAUCES Bonrico Barbeque Sauce . • • . . • . . • . . . . . • • . . • . • 34 Bonrico Brown Gravy • • • . • • • • ...... 32 ROnrlco Hard Sauce ...... • . . • ...... 32 Bonrlco Ice Cream Sauce . . • ...... 32 Bum Sauce for Baked Ham • • . . • ...... 32 Sage and .Onion Stuftlng ...•...... 33 SALAD DRESSINCS Cream Cheese Dressing . . . . . • ...... • . . . . 35 Fr.ench Dressing Bonrico ...... ·...... 35 Fruit Salad Dressing ...... • 35 Bonrico Thousand Island Dressing ...... 35 DESSERTS Crepe Suzettes . • • . • ...... • 36 Frozen Pudding • • • ...... • 37 Bonrlco Cherries Jubilee ...... • . . . . . 42 :Bonrico Jello Ice Cream ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 36 Bonrlco Plum Pudding ...... • • • • • • • • • • • . • • 42 Bonrlco Bum ·Busse • ...... • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . . 37 Bonrico Angel Food ...... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40 Bonrico Chocolate Fudge Frostin!' • • • • • • • • • • • • 40 Bonrico Fruit Cake ..•..••.•••.•••••••••••.• 41 Bonrlco Ice Box Cake .. ; . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 40. Graham Cracker Pie Cmst . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • 38- Lemon or Lime Chiffon Pie Bonrico • • • • • • • • • . . 38 Mince Pie •...... •••.· .•••••••••••.•.. 39 Nabisco Pie Crust ...... • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • . • . 39 Pumpkin Pie ...... •••..•••••.•.... 39 Bonrico Apple Pie . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . • • • • • • • • . . 39 Bonrlco Pie . • • • . • ...... • • . . . • • • . . • • . . . • 38 CANDIES Butter 'l'affy ...... • . . . . • • . • . . • . • • • • • . . 44 ROnrii:ci :OiVinlty · • • ...... • • ...... • • • 44 Bcinri~ci Fudge . . . . . • . • • • . • . • • • . • • . • . . • • • . • • 43 Bolirico Marshmallows • • . • • • • • • • • • . . • • • . . . • . 43 GOLD LABEL 86 PROOF ILl ea l strai:;ht, and in tropieul drinks o r in any (lrinl\ in plaee of whi !:i l\:C .\" o r g- in. Unu :-;u ally d elicate I.Jouquct. WHITE LABEL 86 PROOF :\fost th• li•·all'l)' fla,·or e d of u11 l'll lll :-1. 'J'he itlt•n l mi XL' r o r 11:-il'd sl rai;.dJt a :-; a liq1lt'lll'. r ~ t·tl in tlu· Iii-!lil(' l' Ll'Opit':t l cocktails and in nll drink s t: allin;.:· ror g·in a~ a base. RED LABEL 90 PROOF A lll' :t\' ,\', J•if'll. pun;rent. fnll fla ­ ,·on•tl rum . [or p tln <· lu: :-: . :-:w iz:d t.•:-: . llol 1'11111 d1· inl\ :-: flllll footl fln,·orin;:. PUTIPLE LABEL 151 PROOF Simil::tL' in flavor to Ut·cl Lal H'I hut lllll('h S II'OII ;.!"t' r . l d t:.' :tl for all food r· t·t·ipeK t·nllin;..r for r1111 1. .-\ r o lJJJ :-:; 1 :-:p irit of prono unced clwrnclcr .