9781107055360 Index.Pdf
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05536-0 - Body, Dress, and Identity in Ancient Greece Mireille M. Lee Index More information INDEX Abrahams, Ethel, 14 wearing, 293n182 ; defi ned, 152 ; Greek terms for, accessories, 4 , 127–171 , 231 ; body-modifi cation and, 293n176 ; as identity markers, 153 ; kestos functioning as 127 ; defi ned, 127 ; gender and, 127 ; historiographic type of, 138 ; leaf-amulets, 293n182 ; pregnant women attention to, 14 ; social context and meaning of, wearing, 213 ; sex workers wearing, 49 , 153 127 ; types of, 127 . See also belts ; footwear ; garment Anacreon, 74 fasteners ; hand-held accessories ; headgear ; jewelry Anacreontic vases (fi g. 7.13), 147 , 168 , 220 , 267n243 , accidental bodily display, 192 297n274 Acharnians (Aristophanes), 65 , 262n161 , 264n199 , 265n215 anakalypteria (bridal unveiling), 105 , 210 , 211–212 Achilles Painter, red-fi gure lekythos (fi g. 4.7), 103 , 207 , Anaxagoras, 35 306n137 anaxyrides (structured jackets and leggings), 120 , 126 , acrobats. See entertainers, dancers, and acrobats, female 282n230 Acropolis, Athens. See Athenian Acropolis ancient Greek dress. See Greek dress Adikia, represented in vase painting, 86 Andania inscription, 215 , 216 Aegina: late Archaic temple of Aphaia on, 282n231 ; pins Andromache (Euripides), 254n51 used to blind sole survivor of military expedition to, animal-head terminals, pennanular bracelets with (fi g. 101–102 , 130–131 5.13), 150 Aeschines, 116 , 225 , 280n200 animal skins worn as clothing, 120 , 282n228 , 282n229 Aeschylus, 100 ,
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