W^Tv -^ssgasss JSoK . v^^B v ^ Is THE LEGAL PROFESSION IN UPPER CANADA IX ITS EARLY PERIODS. BY / WILLIAM RENWICK RIDDELL, LL.D., FELLOW ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, ETC., JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO. l HOLD EVERY MAN A DEBTOR TO HIS PROFESSION." BACON, "THE ELEMENTS OF THE COMMON LAW," PREFACE. c 3 R 13456 TORONTO, PUBLISHED BY THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA, 1916. NORTH YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY MAIN Copyright, Canada, by THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA. DEDICATION. THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF SIR ^EMILIUS IRVING, K.C., AND GEORGE FERGUSSON SHEPLEY, ESQ., K.C., SOMETIME TREASURERS OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA DULCE DECUS MEUM IN TOKEN OF GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF THEIR UNVARYING COURTESY AND KINDLY CONSIDERATION, BY THEIR FORMER COLLEAGUE AND FELLOW-BENCHER, THE AUTHOR. OSGOODE HALI,, TORONTO, JANUARY 18TH., 1916. PREFACE. This work is the result of very many hours of dili gent and at the same time pleasant research. To one who loves and is proud of his profession there is nothing more interesting than its history; and the history of the legal profession in this Province Upper Canada or Ontario yields in interest to that of no other. It is my hope that the attention of others may be drawn to our past by these pages, and that others may be induced to add to our knowledge of the men and times of old. I am wholly responsible for everything in this book (proof-reading included) except where otherwise spe stated and shall be to be informed of cifically ; glad any error which may have crept in.
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