A Celebration P Ampiile1\ Montreal in 1856, Its Trade, Railways
~ ~ ~ ~ CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING r~ ~ ~ ~ I GRAND ~ BY ~ A SUB-COM~IITTEE OF THE CELEBRATION COMMITTEE. ~ ~ SECOND EDITION. ~ Zi~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ j'lr1ontnal: ~ PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, AT HIS STEAM -PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, ~ i >T, N<CR;~~~.'TREET' .~ • Q «Z ..J (J) (J) ~ Z I.LI ..J W :t. I (J) ~ o 0:: LL. '" ..J« w 0:: I z o :ii! MONTREAL IN 1856. A SKETCH' PREPARED FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING OF THE GRAND TRUNK RAIL'VAY OF (JAN!D!. BY A SUB-CmIMITTEE OF THE CELEBRA.TION COJ\fMITTEE. ilf[ontl'taI! PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL, AT HIS STE.AJ~[-PRINTINGESTABLISHnmNT, ST. NICHOLAS STREET. 1856. PREFA.CE. At a meeting of the General Railroad Celebration Committee, the following Resolu tion was adopted :- Resolved.-That the Executive Committee be instructed to take the necessary steps w procure the compilation of an historical and general account of the City and its Trade and Manufactures, with suggestions as to the means of their future development. And to carry out this object, the following Sub-Committee were sele(lted, viz: B. CHAMBERLIN, Chairman. L. H. HOLTON, M. P. P., ALFRED PERRY, E. G. PENNY, ALEX. MORRIS, M. A., T. C. KEEFER, and JOHN ROSE, Q. C. Some of the members of the Committee were not able to enter upon the discharg~ of its active duties, but others assumed the task, and they now submit the ensuing paget! to the attention of the reader, in the hope that the facts therein stated, may tend to advance the common interests of Montreal, and the Province of which it is an important commercial centre.
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