University of Opole, Poland


An Overview of Attitude Towards Selected Aspects of Electoral Programs of Polish Political Groups Taking Part in the 2014 Elections to the European Parliament


Elections to the European Parliament (EP), because of its role in establishing the legal order in member states of the European Union (EU), should become increasingly crucial among all the direct elections in which Poles participate in our country’s political system. But the results of analyses carried out by various research institutions indicate that, in Polish public opinion, the elections to the EP are the least important in terms of the meaning they have for Poles. Since the start of their organization, these elections have consistently come second (in terms of significance) to domestic elections – Presidential, Parliamentary, and local. Yet these elections, for many reasons, were actually the most important of all European elections so far. The following paper is an attempt at answering the question of importance of the issues of Polish membership in the EU, EU’s functioning and policy, economic and some selected socio-cultural (especially moral and religious) problems. To answer that question, there was made an analysis of the program documents of all parties participating in the 2014 elections to the EP, as well as of party leaders’ statements, mostly posted on the Internet (i.e. on the political groups’ websites). The analysis was conducted taking into consideration three areas: • Political – expansion of the Eurozone into Poland, the possibility of blocking treaties by particular member countries, a common EU foreign policy, the idea of “European solidarity”, the assessment of the integration process, and potential sanctions to be placed by the EU on Russia; • Economic – commercialization and privatization of the health care system, the problem of govern- ment interference in the economy, environmental protection at the cost of economic development, decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the economic crisis, and employee redundancies; • Moral-religious – the possibility of legalizing unions by homosexual couples, the legalization of abortion and marijuana for personal use, the possibility of trading on Sundays and holidays, the introduction of sexual education into schools, the separation of church and state by removing religious symbols from the public sphere, as well as the impossibility of financing churches through public funds.

Key words: political science, party system, political parties, political programs, European Parliament 2014 elections 44 Ewa Ganowicz


According to the decision of the European Council of 14 June 2013, on 22–25 May 2014, in the 28 EU countries, elections to the European Parliament for the VIII parliamentary term (2014–2019) were conducted [European Council Decision of 28 June 2013 establishing the composition of the European Parliament O.J L 181, 29/06/2013 P. 0057-0058 213/312/EU]. In Poland, where, since 2004, such an event constitutes a permanent part of the calendar of political events, election took place for the third time. Thus, although it was not a debut, it is still a relatively new experience in the ten-year history of the state as a member of the European Union. Since 1979, every 5 years, EU citizens elect their representatives to the European Parliament which, in accordance with Article 10 of the Treaty on European Union, expresses their will (unlike the Council, which represents the member states), thus ensuring participation in decision-making organization, in accordance with the rules of democracy being a fundamental principle of the Union. The complex nature of the European Union and the location, role and functioning of the Parliament as a transnational body, affect the specific nature of elections.F rom the very beginning, they are the subject of scientific discussions and various analyzes. This phenomenon, only because of the huge electorate (more than 500 million people) and the number of the participating political parties is fascinating, however, other features of the elections at this level determine their uniqueness as well. In the literature they are called the “second order” elections (although this “sec- ondary” character is increasingly weakening) [Trechsel 2009: 4], according to the terms presented in Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt’s studies conducted after the first election [Trechsel 2009: 3]. They play only a complementary/supplementa- ry role in relation to national elections, and are considered a kind of test before the next elections. This is due to many causes, including complex structure of the EU, which must decentralize the debates by moving them to the nation-states. On the other hand, among others, the scope of activities of the European Parliament, which deals with matters unlikely to require broader social participation [Tosiek 2006: 82]. Thus, typical for the European elections is the focus of political programs on national issues and the marginalization of European ones, which are placed too far away from the citizens to be identified with them. Therefore, it is natural that interest in voting is low, resulting in lower than in national elections participation. Moreover, voters rather assess the ruling party by giving them support or not. Here, smaller and newly established parties have a chance to succeed. This analysis, carried out over 30 years ago, still appears to be adequate, despite the changes in the Union and strengthened role of the European Parliament. Democracy at the supranational level, seems to be much more complicated in practical application. The turnout in the next election falls (from almost 62% in 1979 to a record low level of 42.54% in 2014). However, in the last two classes only insignificantly (42.97% in 2009) [], AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 45 and awareness of the importance of participation continues to increase due to the visible effects of the activities of the Parliament. Most EU citizens recognize participation in elections to the European Parliament as the best way to ensure the opportunity to be heard by EU decision makers – almost six out of ten EU citizens believe that the right to vote in the European elections is the best way to ensure the opportunity to be heard by EU decision-makers [Eurobarometr dla Parlamentu Europejskiego EB/PE 77.4 Europejczycy na dwa lata przed wyborami europejskimi w 2014 r., Bruksela, dnia 20 sierpnia 2012 r.] [European Parliament Eurobarometer Report EB/PE 77.4 Europeans two years prior to the 2014 EP elections, Brussels, 20 August 2012]. As already mentioned, in Poland, the European Parliament elections were held three times – in 2004 (less than a few weeks after the accession), 2009 and 2014. Each of them took place in other political circumstances, but with decreasing frequency []. The available number of analyzes show that the specificity of these choices is also confirmed in the case of Poland [see: Gagatek 2009]. In this article, attention is focused on the content of political programs of in- dividual parties participating in the political competition. As noted by A. Fuksie- wicz, “party programs are extremely difficult to compare. They do not refer (...) to a uniform set of EU policies. They focus on selected issues. Moreover, a significant part of the program does not refer to actions that could be taken in the European Parliament. These are often general statements and not the demands of the program (...). Often, moreover, these statements relate to the national policy, not European” [Fuksiewicz 2014: 4] . In their programs, political parties present attitude towards European integration (strength, pace, range), i.e. place of Poland in the organization and relations with the European Union (the problem of subsidiarity and solidarity, understood as the supremacy of Union’s interest over the particular interests of the member states) and the Union’s policy (not policies, although these can also be found in the programs) on key issues. These issues are not as important as those related to the economy and the socio-cultural matters (often closely related). Since the latter are not implemented in national countries, they are transferred to the EU level with the expectation that it will become a reality in supranational arena (or following the next national elections). The EU, as a democratic entity with success in the field of protection of individual human rights, is a specific instance to which representatives of contentious positions are turning to with hopes of making some solutions and then enforce them with the support of a supranational organization. The purpose of this article is to present the most important issues contained in the programs of political parties in the European Parliament elections in 2014. Due to practical difficulties in comparing the differences in programs’ quality, content and its size, the focus is on the following issues: relations with the EU, issues re- lated to its politics and its underlying principles, and problems of economic and socio-cultural character. 46 Ewa Ganowicz

An attitude to the organization and conditions of membership, economic and socio-cultural aspects are highlighted according to the main criteria of the Union’s activities (economy, society) and in a holistic approach considering it as an organ- ization with a specific structure. It is a supranational organization of political-eco- nomic and social character, an international, supranational legal entity. Its base is a single market supporting development and strengthening of homogeneity in terms of well-being which is so important to preserve and nurture European Community’s different values in particular countries. Current crisis situation requires some solutions. Finally, the European differenc- es clash on transnational forum using the freedom of movement, the possibility of cultural diffusion. Issues such as abortion, legalization of drugs, homosexual mar- riage, etc. are important to society as considered as basic human rights that cannot be discriminated. Not only the state, as a whole, differs in its views, but the national scene is usually highly divided. European dialogue could lead to unify positions on basic issues through legal regulations and their implementation in domestic orders, which is what is expected by representatives of different views. This analysis is only an overview of programs for the purpose of comparative analyzes possibly carried out in the future.


Elections in 2014 had a special significance. As pointed out by the European Com- mission, “They will be the first since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which strengthened the democratic foundations of the Union and reinforced the role and the powers of the European Parliament. They are also taking place at a key moment for Eu- ropean integration, in a context where the EU is taking decisive action to exit the crisis which has far reaching consequences amongst citizens” [KE: Sprawozdanie Komisji dla Parlamentu Europejskiego, Rady, Europejskiego Komitetu Ekonomiczno-Społecznego i Komitetu Regionów. W kierunku bardziej demokratycznych wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego. Sprawozdanie z realizacji zaleceń Komisji z dnia 12 marca 2013 r. dotyczących usprawnienia demokratycznego i skutecznego przeprowadzania wyborów do Parlamentu Europejskiego, Bruksela, dnia 27.3.2014 r. COM(2014) 0196 final] [EC: Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Eu- ropean Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Towards more democratic European Parliament elections. Report on the implementation of the Commission’s recommendations of 12 March 2013 on enhancing the democratic and efficient conduct of the elections to the European Parliament, Brussels, 12 March 2014]. It seems also that these elections were actually the most important of all European elections so far mostly because of the economic crisis in the European Union and the situation in Ukraine. But, as a very important factor, a new, stronger role of the European Parliament should be taken into account. AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 47

A student, a designer, a businesswoman, a farmer… Those are a few of the over 400 Europeans who decided about European leadership in May. “We’ve got the op- portunity to be a part of something truly great. (…) We must be a part of the union and vote,” said retired landscape architect Ricardo [excerpted from a social campaign spot meant to encourage Europeans to vote in the elections to the European Parliament (EP), Daj-si%C4%99-zainspirowa%C4%87-i-zag%C5%82osuj!]. Yet, despite the fact that in the European Parliament – whose legislative, budgetary, investigating and consultative powers have decidedly been strengthened under the Treaty of Lisbon – strategic deci- sions are made concerning citizens of the European Union (EU), the elections to the EP largely fail to arouse the interest of Poles. Research conducted by CBOS (Center for Public Opinion Research) [see: CBOS announcement, Zainteresowanie wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego (Interest in the elections to the European Parliament), February 2014 (A. Cybulska)] clearly shows that in the Polish public opinion the elec- tions to the EP are the least important among all direct elections that Poles participate in under the current political system in their country. This is in spite of the fact that the EP’s impact on the legal structures of member countries is significant. In terms of their meaning for Poles, the EP elections, unchangeably since their start, have come far behind domestic ones – presidential, parliamentary, and local. And so, in the Poles’ first elections to the EP in June 2004, only 20.87% of those eligible cast their vote [ac- cording to the National Electoral Commission (Państwowa Komisja Wyborcza), http://]. This is a much lower percentage than in all national elections so far. The level of interest among Poles in voting in the EP elections at that time was also lower compared to most other EU member states [Zainteresowanie wyborami…, p. 1]. Of all 25 countries that were choosing representatives to the EP, only Slovakia noted a lower voter turnout [ibid.]. Such an insignificant interest in the 2004 elections was explained at the time as the effect of insufficiently preparing citizens for voting, a weak awareness campaign, as well as a weak electoral offer. However, the next elections in June 2009 attracted only a slightly higher number of voters; again, a mere 24.53% of eligible voters [according to the National Electoral Commission, http://pe2009.pkw.]. Keeping in mind the voter turnout in this year’s “Euroelections”, it seems that after 10 years the knowledge and experience gained by Poles has failed to change their attitude to these particular elections. “Elections of members of the European Parliament representing Poland are deemed important only by little over a third of eligible voters (36%). The majority, three fifths of those surveyed (60%), see the elections as an event of little (29%) or minimal (31%) importance. Poles attach the most importance to local government elections – 55% of those surveyed perceive them as important; followed by the Polish presidential elections (52%) and Polish parliamentary elections (48%)” [Zainteresowanie wyborami…, p. 2]. Likely due to this lack of interest and commitment, the voter turnout in the EP elections in May of this year was at a record low level, with only 23.83% of those eligible voting [according to the National Electoral Commission,]. 48 Ewa Ganowicz

It should be noted that most of the citizens of our country (89%) support Polish membership in the EU [CBOS announcement, 10 lat członkostwa Polski w Unii Eu- ropejskiej (Ten years of Polish membership in the EU), April 2014, p. 1]. It seems that the scant interest of the Polish public in the elections is connected to its assessment of the process of membership – almost half of Poles (47%) have neutral feelings about Poland’s membership in the EU. Research shows a clear prevalence of people with positive judgments (37%) over those with negative ones (12%) [Dudkiewicz, Fuk- siewicz, Kucharczyk, Łada 2013: 7]. Support for Poland’s integration with the EU is also influenced, in some way, by political affiliation. Practically, all supporters of PO () and SLD () make up a potential electorate for Poland’s EU membership. Opponents can be found in sympathizers of PiS () and PSL (Polish People’s Party), although they are not numerous [10 lat członkostwa…, p. 3]. At the same time, Poles have a positive assessment of the Eu- ropean Parliament and the European Commission. The relatively positive attitude of surveyed Poles towards the EU is in stark contrast to their lack of knowledge about its institutions. Only 40% of recently surveyed Poles know that the European Parliament is an elected body, which marks a 17% drop compared to the previous survey done just after the elections in 2009. Twenty-seven percent of those surveyed believe that members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are chosen by deputies in the and by senators within their own circle; 14% believe that they are nominated by the gov- ernment; and 19% have no opinion [ibid.]. Poles also lack an awareness of the function of the EP. While it is true that the EP’s predecessor, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) played only a consultative role, after 1979 (from the time of the first direct elections to the EP) the various union treaties that followed gradually increased the EP’s powers. Currently, the European Parliament is involved in decisions concerning the Union’s budget, or the rules of Europe’s interior market, for instance. Thus, it is involved in issues that directly influence Europeans’ daily lives.

Graph 1. Interest among Poles in the elections to the EP

Source: CBOS announcement, Zainteresowanie wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego, February 2014 (A. Cybulska, p. 5).

At the same time, Poles have little knowledge about what Polish MEPs actually do. They are also critical of their work. Nearly half of those surveyed by CBOS be- AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 49 lieve that Polish MEPs do not care enough about the interests of our country, while 40% believe otherwise. Forty-three percent are satisfied with the way Polish MEPs represent the country, while an almost equal number (41%) are unsatisfied. Nearly 4 of every 10 surveyed individuals (39%) opine that Polish MEPs are less active than they should be on the European forum, whereas 33% of respondents rate their activity positively [CBOS announcement, Polscy eurodeputowani i wybory do Par- lamentu Europejskiego (Polish representatives to the European Parliament and the elections to the EP), March 2014 (M. Feliksiak, p. 1)]. It appears that these negative assessments might also be the causes of Poles’ scant interest in the elections to the EP. Towards the end of the previous term in the EP, when voter turnout had been better, Poles’ attitudes towards their own MEPs was much more favorable than now, and their assessment of the MEPs’ activity was generally positive [ibid.]. Poles received most of their information about political parties, committees, and candidates to the EP from informational and publicity programs shown on television (58%) and from political spots and advertisements (52%), mostly aired on radio and television [CBOS announcement, Odbiór kampanii wyborczej i aktywność polityczna w Internecie (Reception of the electoral campaign and political activity on the Internet), July 2014 (M. Feliksiak, p.1)].

Graph 2. Sources of information about political parties, committees, and candidates to the European Parliament in 2014 (%).

Source: CBOS announcement, Odbiór kampanii wyborczej i aktywność polityczna w Internecie, July 2014 (M. Feliksiak, p.1).

In turn, the electoral registers of candidates have said much about the low level of involvement of the “political class”: here one can find many names with no con- nection to politics – celebrities, athletes, actors, or “unemployed” politicians who have treated the European Parliament as a means of filling time until the next national 50 Ewa Ganowicz elections, while they have clearly had no intention of appearing frequently in Brussels. Furthermore, the electoral campaign was rather sluggish and not very substantive, dominated largely by two political committees, PO and PiS. The remaining, smaller, committees and the PSL electoral committee were marginalized by both the public and commercial media [Kampania wyborcza do Parlamentu Europejskiego w głównych wydaniach serwisów informacyjnych TVP SA, TVN, Polsat, TV Trwam, TV Republika i Superstacja w okresie 10–23 maja 2014 r. Wnioski z monitoringu. Oprac. Zespół Departamentu Mediów Publicznych, [The electoral campaign to the European Parliament in the main news programs of TVP SA, TVN, Polsat, TV Trwam, TV Republika, and Superstacja between 10–23 May 2014. Conclusions from monitoring. Ed. by Public Media Department Team]. In electoral messages, the most attention was paid to the rivalry between the two largest political parties, PO and PiS, and to their campaign tactics. Yet, the media spoke to a much lesser degree about the parties’ political programs themselves or about candidates’ outlooks; these were generally divided into two categories – either supporters of the European Union or Eurosceptics. “The majority of statements shown in electoral communications were those of party leaders, especially the leaders of the two biggest political groups, PO and PiS. They often displayed some form of spitefulness, invective, or slogans referring to internal politics. They rarely referred to crucial matters, i.e. to the so-called »European topics«. We are definitely dealing with an over-personalization of the way of relating the course of the campaign by reducing it to verbal skirmishes between the leaders of PO and PiS” [ibid.]. It seems that the way in which the campaign was conducted also influenced the involvement of voters, who often become bored with politicians’ personal “issues”. CBOS research shows the weaknesses of the campaign, of its reach, and its informational quality. Only 11% of respondents said that they gained “much” information from the campaign about candidates from their own voting districts. Al- most half (48%) of respondents received “not much” information, and two fifths (39%) received no information. To compare, in reference to the campaign preceding local elections in 2010, 22% of Poles declared that the campaign informed them well about the candidates, and 24% stated that they were not informed at all [CBOS announcement, Odbiór kampanii wyborczej i aktywność…, p. 3]. What the research has shown, however, is that potential voters had little knowl- edge about the propositions of particular political parties taking part in the “race” to the European Parliament.


The following analysis is an attempt to answer the question of how important the issues related to Polish membership in the EU, the economic crisis in the Eurozone, or the conflict in Ukraine were for particular political parties involved in the EP elections. What was their attitude towards other problems related to Polish membership or the AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 51 functioning of the EU especially those concerning economic and socio-cultural issues? To answer these questions, there was made an analysis of program documents of all parties involved in the elections to the European Parliament in 2014, as well as of the statements of political party leaders (largely posted on the Internet, i.e. on political groups’ websites). The analysis was conducted with consideration of three aspects: – political: expansion of the Eurozone into Poland, the possibility to block treaties by particular member states, a common foreign policy in the Union, the idea of “European solidarity” (as a supremacy of EU interest over national particular interests), an evaluation of the integration process, and the potential sanctions put on Russia by the EU; – economic: the commercialization and privatization of the health care system, the problem of the state’s intervention in the economy, environmental pro- tection at the cost of economic development, and cost-cutting as a form of fighting against the economic crisis, and staff redundancies; − moral-religious: the possibility of legalizing civil unions between homosexu- als, the legalization of abortion and marijuana for personal use, the possibility of allowing trading on Sundays and holidays, the introduction of sexual edu- cation into schools, the separation of church and state through the removal of religious symbols from the public sphere, as well as disallowing the financing of the church through public funds. The results of the analysis are presented in the tables below.


1. The political party programs analyzed above differed in length, form, and content [Fuksiewicz 2014: 4]. For instance, PiS presented a comprehensive program for 2014 that primarily included domestic affairs. European affairs were not distinguished in the program in any way; only one chapter was ded- icated to foreign policy and it includes the subchapter European Integration – membership in the European Union. Yet even in this subchapter, the political declarations are of a very general nature and make reference to noble slogans connected to integration, (such as equality, European solidarity) rather than answering concrete questions related to Poland’s membership in the EU. In turn, PO presented an electoral manifesto specially prepared for the needs of the electoral campaign to the European Parliament, yet this is also a document of a general nature. PSL published three documents, but none of them can be considered an electoral program. Instead of specific postulates, it contains only ideological declarations. SLD failed to present any individual program, and it only referenced the manifesto of the Party of European Socialists, to which it belongs; and translated only the main theses of this European party. The most complete document, when it comes to issues related to activity in 52 Ewa Ganowicz

the EP, came from Twój Ruch (as Twój Ruch [Europe Plus ], a coalition created for the needs of these particular elections). The program concentrated on selected priorities, mainly on electoral rights of citizens, employment rights, and consumer rights. 2. As expected, the parties that took part in the elections do not devote much attention to presentations of their electoral programs; these would give voters answers to their questions about what the representatives of a given party would like to achieve in the European Parliament. The majority of programs contain only general declarations. 3. Often, the parties’ attitudes to key issues in Poland’s membership in the EU are ambiguous. Instead of focusing on a homogeneous set of areas in European politics, they focus on selected issues – which often vary widely – that it is difficult to compare. For this reason, making conclusions about their attitudes to particular problems necessitates an analysis of statements made by the party leaders. 4. As expected again, in their programs, the political groups often fail to con- centrate on issues related to the EU and on the activities of the EP; instead, they concentrate on matters that are important for internal policy, such as privatization, the growth of Polish enterprise, changes in the Polish Consti- tution, or even changes in the country’s political regime. 5. The political programs do not raise the issues of potential institutional chang- es in the European Union. We only find certain elements related to attitudes towards the future of the EU. 6. Parties differ in terms of extent of subsidiarity (allowed mainly in financial areas of cohesion policy) and European solidarity (PiS states that EU’s role has to be only accessory, it should not take precedence over the national interest – different meaning of solidarity). 7. finally, which is typical in matter of electoral programs in European elections, they focused on internal problems, mostly of moral and religious character. These issues are widely discussed all over the EU: abortion, legalisation of drug use, homosexual marriage, ban on trade on Sundays or holidays. They are concerning basic human rights and a freedom of choice and sometimes have some economic repercussion (trade on Sunday and holiday). European Parliament is considered as a forum for discussion and agreement. These is- sues might find some solution and become a part of European legal order and then be implemented to national legal systems. However, it is more possible that these issues are raised bearing in mind next national elections. It is difficult to disagree with the statement of A.F uksiewicz that Polish parties do not attach much importance to presenting election programs which would give voters an answer to the question, what members of the party in Parliament would like to achieve. These are not programs but rather ideological manifests. AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 53


10 lat członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej, kwiecień 2014 [Ten years of Poland’s membership in the European Union, April 2014]. Decyzja Rady Europejskiej z dnia 28 czerwca 2013 r. ustanawiająca skład Parlamentu Europejskiego, Dziennik Urzędowy L 181, 29/06/2013 P.0057-0058, [European Council Decision of 28 June 2013 establishing the composition of the European Parliament, Official Journal of the European Union L 181], content/EN/ALL/?uri=OJ%3AL%3A2013%3A181%3ATOC (access 30.09.2016). Documents, publications and websites of particular political parties. Dudkiewicz, M., Fuksiewicz, A., Kucharczyk, J., Łada, A. 2013. Parlament Europejski. Społeczne zaufanie i (nie)wiedza, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa. Fuksiewicz, A. (współpraca: A. Łada) 2014. Porównanie programów partii przed wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2014, Warszawa. Kampania wyborcza do Parlamentu Europejskiego w głównych wydaniach serwisów informacyjnych TVP SA, TVN, Polsat, TV Trwam, TV Republika i Superstacja w okresie 10–23 maja 2014 r. Wnioski z monitoringu. Oprac. Zespół Departamentu Mediów Publicznych [The electoral campaign to the European Parliament in the main news services of TVP SA, TVN, Polsat, TV Trwam, TV Repub- lika, and Superstacja between 10–23 May 2014. Conclusions from monitoring. Ed. by Public Media Department Team]. Kroet, C. 2014. European Parliament election turnout was lowest ever, european-parliament-elections-2014-reveal-lowest-voter-turnout-ever/ (access 30.09.2016) Na rok przed wyborami europejskimi w 2014 r. Podsumowanie analityczne. Bruksela, grudzień 2013 [One year before the European elections of 2014. An analytical summary. Brussels, December 2013]. Odbiór kampanii wyborczej i aktywność polityczna w Internecie, lipiec 2014 [The reception of the electoral campaign and political activity on the Internet, July 2014]. Polscy eurodeputowani i wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego, marzec 2014 [Polish representatives to the European Parliament and the elections to the European Parliament, March 2014]. Tosiek, P. 2010. Komitologia. Szczególny rodzaj decydowania politycznego w Unii Europejskiej, Wy- dawnictwo UMCS, Lublin. Traktat o Unii Europejskiej (wersja skonsolidowana) OJ C 326, 26.10.2012, pp. 13–390; http://eur-lex. Trechsel, A. H. 2009. How much ‘second-order’ were the European Parliament elections 2009?, [in:] The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament Country Reports, W. Gagatek (ed.), European Uni- versity Institute Florence, Florence. Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego, kwiecień 2014 [Elections to the European Parliament, April 2014]. Wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego, maj 2014 [Elections to the European Parliament, May 2014]. Zainteresowanie wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego, luty 2014 [Interest in the elections to the Euro- pean Parliament, February 2014].


Ewa Ganowicz, PhD, researcher at the University of Opole. Scientific interests: national minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, the theory of democracy, local and regional politics in Poland. E-mail: [email protected] 54 Ewa Ganowicz

------ski’s ski’s ń [http:// ” . ederation F ederation in supporter of against Russia [http://www.pis. [http://www.pis. org.

similar vein, PiS leader J. leader PiS vein, similar “hard-handed” “hard-handed” approach ing economic sanctions Position on implement PiS is a a in including Russia, towards the case of economic sanc aggression to connected tions in Ukraine. Expression of this view is J. Brudzi political the of (one statement Euro “The leaders): group’s Poland also and Union, pean as an important member of the EU, truly have the in struments to punish Russia, entry of basis the on only not freez asset and prohibitions es.” pl/ article.php?id=22857]. a In “Today said: also Kaczyński it seems necessary to intro duce strict sanctions against the Russian the economic, political, and symbolic spheres www. 14234444/ informacje /polska/prezes -pis-potrzebne-ostre-sank cje-wobec-rosji/, accessed: 14.04.2014]. - - - - - Additionally, Additionally, [PiS Program

in the EU “Union of Homelands”, [ PiS Program 2014, p. 158, goal in itself and the end of tool for realizing Polish national in national Polish realizing for tool Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s In spite of Eurosceptical elements, the elements, Eurosceptical of spite In party supports membership Poland’s in that posits it However, EU. the in national Polish serve should tegration interests, and not be an end in itself. This can been seen in the following international in “Membership excerpt: organizations such as the European should be treated as Union or NATO a terests and creating an international environment that is favorable to us, but nations, other with cooperation in not as a Polish subjectivity.” 2014, p. 150, http://www. =partia&iddoc=164, dokumenty.php?s accessed: 14.04.2014]. dec no is there rhetoric party’s the in laration of the necessity to leave the by funds of abuse of talk is There EU. as well as government, Tusk’s Donald sov Polish maintain to necessity the of should Europe view, PiS’s In ereignty. remain a and not aim towards federalization. Member states should maintain their “subjectivity and their own model of in national to according development terests.” http://www. dokumenty. accessed: &iddoc=164, =partia php?s 14.04.2014]. ------sim [PiS Program solidary solidary state. The new dynamic in the “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of One One of the party’s main pos tulates is a political group feels that the EU should also try for a ilar principal: “Under the Law and Justice [PiS] government, Poland will once again try to imple ment a Union based on the notion of solidarity, cooperation among nations based on and within the rule of international law, keeping within the limits of We national constitutions. (…) look at the European Union through Polish interests. This perspective leads us to believe that the EU’s most important achievements are the common market, the free movement of people, goods, capital, and services; freedom and equali common laws and common ty, context, this in and obligations; the principle of solidarity and helpfulness which guarantees sub its keeps country every that jectivity and its own model of na its to according development tional interests.” http://www 157–158, pp. 2014, dokumenty.php?s =partia&iddoc=164, accessed: 14.04.2014]. ------CRITERIA poli ” [PiS . common common Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European The party admits that the EU should conduct a foreign policy, but should not restrict independence Poland’s prob basic “The respect. this in lem that touches Poland today politics international of terms in is the loss, by the government, of the tools for an independent inter nation’s the of realization import particularly is This ests. ant in the context of growing geopolitical competition in the sur closest our including world, policy foreign Polish roundings. can policy security external and to currently) is (as limited be not supra mainstream the following national decisions and actions mediation the to according only of integrational organizations. F or this reason, it is best to get away from today’s secondary and peripheral politics, a tics of self-degradation and of harmonizing our views with the views of those who feel they are the strongest Program 2014, p. 149, http:// www.pis. /dokumenty. php?s=partia&iddoc=164, ac cessed: 14.04.2014].

------United United treaties An analysis of political parties’ positions on the European Union and its politics An analysis of political parties’ . Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The The party supports the possi bility of veto power by mem ber states due to the dangers to the interests of any given nation that can arise with new criticizes party The regulations. the argument that veto power is an “atomic bomb” that can disintegrate the EU. This po sition was made clear during the debate over the “climate package.” In the party’s pro for But “(…) find: can we gram ensuring our national interests we cannot exclude veto power those to pertaining decisions in to contrary are which structures In priorities. and aspirations our three the of two EU, the in fact, countries that most frequently use veto power are the “lead ers of European integration”, countries very involved in its Bel and Germany development: gium. This means that one can simultaneously love a Europe and creatively protest against some of its aspects.” [http://www. alnosci/sojusznicy-i-wartoci. html; „Zdrowie, praca, rodzi 23]. p. 2014”, PiS Program na. Table 1 Table - - - - quick adoption quick lack of responsibil of lack political mistake, but ex but mistake, political

into the Eurozone Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party is against adopting the Euro as currency, as can be seen in the statement in the party program from 2014: of reason Poland’s by „Driven state, economic interests, and economic factors connected with development, we choose to keep our national currency proj any (…) zloty Polish the – a at aimed ects of the Euro in Poland are not a only a of amples our for politicians ruling of ity economy.” [http:// www.pis., [accessed: 10.04.2014]; PiS Program 2014 p. 74]. Presi the Kaczyński, Jarosław the at stated clearly PiS, of dent „ 2013): (June Congress Party adopting to ‘no’ say firmly We the Euro in Poland.” [http:// www. news-kaczynski-na-kongresie- nie-dla-wprowadzenia-euro- koniec-z-um,nId,988941]. PiS Justice) (Law and of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 55 ------F or peaceful peaceful

good solution. They against Russia head is not (PO leaders ing economic sanctions Position on implement PO’s PO’s position in this matter is clear yet balanced. On one hand, the party is for implementing sanctions against Russia and from the beginning it has taken an offensive stance on the EU the hand, other the On forum. party realizes the EU mem on dependence countries’ ber Russia for energy resources the (especially, primary for Germany). – partner eign matters bringing reason, this to a say) a underline the necessity of conducting increased ne gotiations with Russia in order to ensure a fact, In crisis. the to solution ad taking are politicians PO vantage of this situation to partners European their make diversify to need the of aware become and supplies energy independent from Russian poglos. [ttp://www. supplies pl/poglos/artykul/aktual org/ nosci/sankcje-gospodarcze/; http://www. polskieradio. pl/7/477/Artykul/1093150, accessed: 11.04.2014]. - [http://www. pro-European party pro-European

united Europe. Donald in the EU “Poland in the European the in “Poland : Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s PO is decidedly a decidedly is PO and emphasizes the benefits Poland gains from a states Tusk Union is living the best years in its history. On entering the Union, we have reached the goal that previous generations had only dreamed of. take to interest our in it’s why is That Union.” the of care good aktualnosc/36509/je stesmy-wzorem-nie-psujmy-tego, accessed: 09.04.2014]. - solidary solidary

“European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of PO leaders are for a Europe, according to which wealthier regions should sup poorer of development the port regions in order to balance differences in development, [http://www. filipkaczmarek. pl/prezydencja.html, accessed: 11.04.2014].

- - - - - CRITERIA Nas [Elec

Następny Taking the the Taking ), pp. 9–10]. ( historical op F oreign politics Taking the next step Taking ( ), p. 89]. Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European PO treats Poland’s accession into the EU as a portunity [D. preamble Tusk’s program, electoral PO’s to tępny krok razem next step together According to PO, “With the accession to the EU, but also lines the globalization, to thanks between foreign and domestic policy are blurring. It is on the are decisions that forum Union made concerning 2/3 of our legislation. our of whole the concerns thus why is that and activity political it must from domestic interests and be firmly rooted in the country’s economic in terests. All external actions of the Tusk government aim at supporting steady growth of en wealth, of and economy the country the of safety the suring and its citizens, increasing the chances of modernizing the country and strengthening its international position.” PO, of program toral razem krok together - - rigid

[http:// pragmatic pragmatic treaties form of pressure. This pressure. of form Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member PO politicians are supporters of negotiations and mutual compromises (of a a of than rather approach), be should power Veto position. a as used case the in instance, for so, was of the climate package. wysokie ka-konwencjonalna/308-polska- niepotrzebnie-straszy-wetem -klimatycznym, accessed: 11.04.2014]. : ------), PO website, http:// website, PO ), “soft” approach to this to approach “soft” We are an example, let’s let’s example, an are We into the Eurozone ( geopolitical one. Entering Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s In PO’s opinion, the strategic aim of Poland should be ac Con Eurozone. the to cession cerning the date of Poland’s position party’s the accession, before was it as strict as not is crisis economic the of onset the party the Currently, Europe. in a takes issue and makes the date of accession dependent on the preparedness of the Polish competi is it that so economy, the of resilience the on and tive, Eurozone to potential crises. says Tusk Donald leader Party the on up give not should “We goal which is membership in the Eurozone – it is not only an economic project but also a the Eurozone, in this strategic context, would be another an chor that would keep Poland in the group of the most im and West the in nations portant would increase our security.” [interview with Donald Tusk, Jesteśmy wzorem, nie psujmy tego it ruin not www. aktual nosc/36509/jestesmy-wzorem- nie-psujmy-tego, accessed: 09.04.2014]. PO (Civic Platform) of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation 56 Ewa Ganowicz ------situation situation

against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement The political group opposes strict sanctions against Rus sia, fearing that they will backfire on Polish farmers elim to Russia allow will and inate Polish business from its market. Such a lead PSL to according could, ers, give others the opportu nity to “do business over our (Poles’) heads” [http:// www. Artykul/1092434,PSL-ods lania-karty-Ludowcy-zatwi erdza-jedynki-do-PE; http:// 14680568/ pl/ regionalna.tvp. psl-to-blad-ze-po-i-pis-sci gali-sie-kto-szybciej-wy jedzie-na-majdan; http:// wobec-rosji-nie-wplyna-na- mrg/01116247, accessed: 10.04.2014]. - - - F rom European

in the EU significant point for the Polish the for point significant Congress of PSL, p. 28]. p. PSL, of Congress th chance for the country’s develop Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s PSL notes that “Poland, as a as “Poland, that notes PSL European the of member and country Union should be actively interested in the rise of Europe’s role on the international arena. That is why we inte European of process the believe gration to be the most proper way of reaching that goal. We see Poland’s membership in the EU as the main policy, foreign our in point reference a as and with links economic its and economy from Documents [Program world.” the 10 the the Electoral Declaration of PSL it deems party the that concluded be can Poland’s membership in the EU as a re financial of terms in mainly ment, sources that can be directed towards rural regions of the country. poorer,

- - - - - Con th Wspólnie Wspólnie Deklarac Together for Together Europy. Europy. Polskie “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of PSL PSL is in favor of balanced regional development in the country and in the EU. “To do this, we want to tap into domestic and EU resources, stimulate the activity of local groups, give more support to [ regions” poorest the ja wyborcza Polskiego Stron nictwa Ludowego. dla Polski i polityki priorytety europejskiej Po the of Declaration (Electoral Party. People’s lish prior Polish Europe. and Poland politics,, European PSL’s in ities p. 3)]. It is belief PSL’s that is traditionally rural [Program Documents from the 10 gress of PSL, p. 26]. ------CRITERIA common common system of jus Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European Within Within the EU, PSL wants primarily to realize a foreign security policy, policy, and a tice and internal affairs. An appropriate policy for Poland in the EU should contribute to international Poland’s building es are that matters In position. pecially important or difficult for Poland, the country should work together with other EU members, or at least try to co ordinate its politics within the politics of the Union. On the also should EU the hand, other with position Poland’s consider should EU The politics. union in with instrument an become also which to build good relations with especially neighbors, with Germans, who, having an es pecially strong position in the Poles. to important very are EU, [ ska-polityka-zagraniczna.html #.U0ezdaIufQA; POLSKIE_ PRIORYTETY_EUROPEJ SKIEJ_POLITYKI_PSL, ac cessed: 10.04.2014].

- country that country

fragment from need for broader for need proponent of dia of proponent Polish concept and concept Polish treaties Congress of PSL, p. 29]. th Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The party is a is party The This is logue and compromise. expressed in a the Program Documents from the PSL Congress: “We think it highly important for Poland to build an image of itself as an open nation, willing to its protect to able compromise, and affairs connect its national union. the of those with interests Previous governments did not always know how to do this. a sees also PSL aiming society, in consultations a creating at vision for further development Poland Union. European the of a as seen be cannot union for out hand one reaches hand other the using while funds to block bolder initiatives for integration. Such politics may have fatal repercussions in the future. This also concerns the issue of Union expansion.” [Program Documents from the 10 - - - - PSL th low and low road to bigger invest careful approach in this in approach careful

into the Eurozone worse level of competitive Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s PSL does not openly reject the the reject openly not does PSL currency, potential the as Euro party the being time the for but a takes that view the hold They matter. “the later we enter the Euro tendency the with – then zone, for appreciation of the zloty – that structure cost the worse the to compared into enter will we prices in other EU countries. Therefore, we will enter with a Ac economy. own our of ness means Eurozone the to cession a of advantage taking stable interest rate and fuller access to the savings Union’s and capital.” In view, PSL’s it is “a opportunities bigger and ments for social benefits.” [Program documents from the 10 this Currently 21]. p. Congress, position has evolved and PSL believes that Poland should not rush into the Eurozone, at of capable is zone the until least crisis. economic the managing PSL Party) (Polish People’s People’s of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 57 ------against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement F rom statements of party leaders, we may conclude that they are not against in troducing sanctions against doubts have they but Russia, as to their efficacy. The Polish delegation of social democrats supported the resolution appealing to EU immediate place to countries sanctions on Russia [http:// pe-polscy-socjalisci-wyla muja-sie-z-frakcji-ws-sank cji-dla-rosji, http://www. tykul/1188802,UE-szyku je-nowe-sankcje-wobec-Ros ji-To-nie-rozwiaze-konfliktu, accessed: 15.08.2014].

. - - - …, (SLD SLD. Jutro Jutro SLD.

Jutro Jutro bez obaw Program [ .

in the EU Tomorrow Tomorrow without fear Program for Poland), p. 79]. “In the “In 79]. p. Poland), for Program

Program Program SLD Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s bez obaw. bez Program dla obaw. Polski Program. A Poland’s in lies it Left, the of opinion in expand and deepen to interest best Union.” European the within tegration [ p. 24]. The party supports Poland’s member Poland’s supports party The “Poland opinion, its In EU. the in ship the over debate the in present be must as and, integration European of future debate. that initiate possible, as much deep and EU the of strengthening The ening the process of its integration, ‘Europe the consideration into taking 2020’ project and the report of the Policy Review Group ‘Europe 2030’ should be the foundation of Polish policy.” foreign

. ------…, just Pro [

(Declara (SLD Pro Deklaracja Deklaracja ide fair apportionment fair

Jutro Jutro bez obaw ruthless primacy of Tomorrow without Tomorrow fear sense of responsibility and “European solidarity” “European Program for Poland), p. 8] civilizational model thanks solidary and fraternal nation. fair apportioning of the costs

Position on the concept of Program SLD. Jutro bez obaw. obaw. bez Jutro SLD. Program One of its main postulates is a ideas its of Declaration SLD’s In fun most its of one program, and damental values is “Observing the rule of social justice, a with along goods of distribution a of the crisis.” [ SLD owo-programowa program, and ideas SLD’s of tion 10.12.2011]. , find can we program party the In the following: “(…) do We not believe in a financial institutions over the economic situation of citizens. F or that reason SLD will act in support of those powers and crisis of hour the in that concepts firstpeople of good the put will a for fight and of costs (…).” [ Program dla Polski gram. A and “The Polish vision of the European Union must include a to which it will be possible to create international order based on a global solidarity (…) At the same time – for the EU to be able to develop harmoniously – European solidarity must be of distribution The strengthened. Eu of interest the in lies wealth world.” whole the and rope gram SLD. p. 24]. . - - CRITERIA (SLD Pro Jutro bez obaw. obaw. bez Jutro Tomorrow without Tomorrow fear Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European Program for Poland), p. 82]. oreign and Security Policy Program SLD. Program SLD believes that Poland should Poland that believes SLD active and development support ly participate in the Common F Union European the of (C F SP) [ dla Polski Program gram. A

, - - - si Pro (SLD Pro whole [ whole proponent of treaties Position on the possibility Program for Poland), p. 82]. of member states blocking of member Program SLD. Jutro bez obaw. obaw. bez Jutro SLD. Program The party is a The compromise. and dialogue political group supports a the of strengthening multaneous European powers Parliament’s while also increasing the role of national parliaments in the legislation Union of proceedings [ dla Polski Program gram. Tomorrow without fear. A The party wants to effectively with interests national reconcile a as EU the of those gram SLD. Jutro bez obaw… p. 24].

- - - Tomorrow Tomorrow Program for

9–82]. . A realistic plan for Po for plan realistic Program SLD. Jutro Jutro SLD. Program [

into the Eurozone statement from the party Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party is for Poland’s acces Poland’s for is party The wants It Eurozone. the to sion a create to expressed is This entry. land’s in a process the “Limiting program: of current Eurozone countries their in off themselves closing own circle, while at the same adop towards progressing time tion of the Euro in Poland – after proper preparation and fulfillment ofthe Maastricht criteria.” Polski dla Program obaw. bez (SLD Program. without fear Poland), pp. 7 SLD (Democratic of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation Left Alliance) Left 58 Ewa Ganowicz ------[http:// [http://


camp as pos as camp against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement Twój Twój Ruch is for placing sanctions on Russia which are “Of two kinds: the first are financial consequences Putin and elite Russian the for sanc are second The himself. tions that would undermine Russia’s political position in the Council of Europe, the G8, the WHO, aiming at giving Russia a feeling of the from exclusion necessary also is It world. ic to actions diplomatic take to a large as build sible to that would support such hard politics.” /wiadomosci/ wolnosc/janusz-palikot-po -naradzie-u-premiera-wcia gajmy-bardziej-zachod-w-sy accessed: tuacje-na-ukrainie, 15.08.2014]. - - - tezy quick common Eu common …, p. 36]. ederation must F ederation Deklaracja i in the EU (Declaration and pro ederation whose entities whose F ederation Deklaracja European European

progressive integration with the EU EU the with integration progressive European

Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s The party is in favor of Poland’s mem Poland’s of favor in is party The development “The EU. the in bership and institutions European common of a We Poland. of interest best the in lies will support the unifying current in a towards aim and politics union a of Poland by adoption ropean [ currency.” programowe gram theses), twój, p. 10]. “We are for the establishment of a all above but states, national be would A citizens. mean that decisions are made on an national, European, – level appropriate or local.” [ - - be


solidary solidary way by

asylum) must

“European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of This issue was not raised in the party program. However, in the case of policies dealing with immigration and political asylum, the responsibility “for controlling the outer borders of the Union must be mutual, and the costs of maintaining seekers asylum integrating and persons of deportation for (and not granted taken up in a all member states.” likot. deklaracja-europejska/, acces sed: 15.08.2014]. - - - CRITERIA proponent of common fiscal pol fiscal common common common energy poli common foreign policy,

[http://palikot. [http://palikot. blog.onet.

Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European common foreign policy: “If The party is a a need we better, live to want we more, not less, integration. We a have must icy, a policy, defense policy, security and a cy.” pl/2014/02/17/deklaracja-euro 15.08.2014]. accessed: pejska/, treaties Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The program does not bring up bring not does program The these issues.

- - by Poland of Poland by

tezy programowe tezy

progressive integration into the Eurozone quick adoption quick common European currency.” currency.” European common Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s Deklaracja i Deklaracja The The party supports Poland’s entry into the Eurozone. As Dec program its in expressed of development “The laration: institutions European common and a with the EU lies in the best interest of Poland. We will in current unifying the support towards aim and politics union a a [ the program and (Declaration ses), twó, p. 10]. (Your (Your Twój Ruch Twój Movement) of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 59 ------The party The

ederation. F ederation. project of resolu of project coalition of nations of coalition

against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement Solidary Poland supports placing sanctions on Russia in connection with Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. The party’s politicians personal ly declared support for the Ukrainian side both on the refer the during and Maidan “Solidary Crimea. in endum Poland, like the remaining political groups in Poland, disapproval express to wishes towards actions Russia’s for Ukrainian Ukraineand Crimea. It is well that after today’s National Security Council meeting the leaders agreement in are parties all of realistic the of aware are and and direct threat to Ukraine, and the indirect threat to Poland. The government of Tusk Donald Minister Prime has taken some action in a building of actions the towards critical the President of the Russian F ederation, Vladimir Putin. that postulates Poland United place the demand should we ment of sanctions on Russia countries.” EU by a prepared Parlia European the of tions other on call will which ment, countries to place sanctions on the Russian // [http: sp-przedstawi-projekt-rezo lucji-pe-wzywajacy-do-sank cji-wobec-rosji/, accessed 06.08.2014]. - - - - series of losses: in the EU clear and decisive program decisive and clear Union based on economic on based Union

for economic cooperation

Europejski Europejski dekalog Solidarnej (The European Decalogue of [ forum

costly energy and climate package. return to a to return Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s In its program, the party expresses many expresses party the program, its In Eurosceptical postulates. It favors Po land’s membership in the EU as long Other country. the for beneficial is it as possibility the exclude not does it wise, of Poland leaving the EU. “Solidary a has Poland ,for Europe: there should be as much for are We benefits. are there as Union a graduallythe against and cooperation, increasing political integration, which con solutions accept to Poland pushes in Poland Poles. of attitudes the to trary only mean cannot Union European the mean also must it regulations; European European advantages for the society. (…) The balance of the pros and cons not is EU the in membership Poland’s of civilizational obvious the Besides clear. funds, structural through achieved leap we have observed a closing of shipyards, sugar refineries, a It is also impossible not to notice the unequal treatment of Polish farmers planned the paid), supplements (unequal shale of Poland in use the on restrictions support for the Nord gas, or the EU’s disadvantageous is that pipeline stream that believes Poland . to sense makes only Union European the as a and limited political cooperation. If it becomes difficult to restrain further expansion of Brussels’ powers, the solutions pushed on Poland will make the in stay to Poland for unprofitable it EU.” Polski Solidary Poland), p. 1]. - - - (The European Decalo “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of Europejski dekalog Solidarnej Solidarnej dekalog Europejski The party supports equal distri equal supports party The bution of European funds and of using them to balance out developmental and economic differences among member European the in “Poland states. Euro only mean cannot Union pean regulations; it must also for advantages European mean our words, other In society. the Union European the in presence must mean that our earnings, family welfare benefits, and pensions will be on the same level as in highly-developed countries in the Union.” [ Polski gue of Solidary Poland), p. 1]. ------CRITERIA (The (The Union Europejski Europejski [

return to a Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European common foreign policy, espe policy, foreign common The party’s position in this matter has not been clearly docu program its in expressed because of this po Yet, ments. towards stance grouping’s litical European integration, we may having against is it that conclude a are there where case the in cially the among interests conflicting EU countries or when foreign policy actions would harm Po are “We being. of reason land’s in favor of a based on economic coopera tion, and against the gradually integration, political increasing which pushes Poland to accept solutions contrary to the atti Eu the in Poland Poles. of tudes only mean cannot Union ropean European regulations; it must advantag European mean also society.” the for es Polski Solidarnej dekalog Solidary of Decalogue European Poland), p. 1]. - (The (The Europejski Europejski [

treaties Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The party’s position in this supports the SP matter is clear. possibility of member states to use veto power in cases of endangerment of any given country’s interests. “Member states must have veto power economic absurd of face the in regulations invented by offi cials in Brussels.” Polski Solidarnej dekalog Solidary of Decalogue European Poland), p. 7].

- - - (The European Deca into the Eurozone F or this reason, United Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s Europejski dekalog Solidarnej dekalog Europejski The party is against Poland’s entry into the Eurozone. “The Polish Zloty must remain the Polish national currency. United Poland believes that lie not does Euro the adopting experi As interest. Poland’s in Eurozone the shown, has ence led to the economic crisis in Greece, Spain, Portugal, It aly, and Ireland. To this day, these countries struggle with economic problems that they could have avoided if they had had their own currencies. (…) Poland is against introducing against and Poland in Euro the any steps taken to reach that end, such as the fiscal pact.” [ Polski logue of Solidary Poland), p. 3]. Polska Poland) (Solidary Solidarna of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation 60 Ewa Ganowicz ------against Russia European embargo on ing economic sanctions Position on implement The political group is for placing economic sanctions on Russia. At the same time, it is for giving aid to Ukraine, including in the area of defense [http:// al-nalezy-wesprzec-ukrain cow-takze-militarnie/;http:// diu-pin-unia-rzadzi-strach- a-strach-napedza-agresje/; http:// al-w-pr3-ue-bala-sie-strac ic-kilka-euro-zaplacila-zy ciem-obywateli/, accessed: 06.08.2014]. The party also proposes imposing a coal export from Russia [http://, 93015,1,0,0,0,0,0,pols ka-razem-potrzebne -eu ropejskie-embargo-na-we giel-z-rosji.html, accessed: 07.08.2014]. - - - - Big Poland in

4]. – Manifesto of Polish of Manifesto

Program Polska Ra Polska Program [

A renewal of values that in the EU Manifest polskiego euro polskiego Manifest (Program of Together Poland of (Program małej Unii. Unii. małej Small Union. Small Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s zem Jarosłwa Gowina. Wielka Polska Wielka Gowina. Jarosłwa zem w realizmu of Jarosław A Gowin. a Eurorealism), pp. 2 Poland Together Poland Together supports the return that believes It roots. its to Poland of Poland should take advantage of its for opportunity an as membership EU economic At development. the same time, it opts for expanding the Euro pean Union in the future by Eastern European countries. are “We for a have fallen under the foundations of European integration, and above all free fundamental four maintaining for doms: the free movement of goods, people, services, and capital. Our the restricting for fight to is principle freedom the on bureaucracy of impact of economic activity and to protest against any attempts to limit access markets.” job to - - - - - Small


Manifest pol Manifesto of Polish Big Poland in a in Poland Big

A “European solidarity” “European małej Unii. Position on the concept of Program Program Polska Razem Jaro The The party is for an equal dis tribution of European funds. “ F rance and other countries are effectively lobbying in the European Union, protect ing their agriculture and their rural areas. It’s high time that Poland learned how to do this. The opportunities for farmers in the whole Union should be equal – we do not mean only the supplementary payments but also the protection of Pol ish products. are We for equal levels of direct supplementary payments, for maintaining and milk, for amounts the increasing and for equal complementary area payments throughout the European Union.” [ sława Gowina, Wielka Polska w skiego eurorealizmu Jarosław of Together Poland of A Gowin. Union. Eurorealism), p. 7]. ------CRITERIA małej małej Program Program [

Small Union. Small F oreign Affairs and (Program of Poland new institution, such as such institution, new Manifest polskiego euro Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European Manifesto of Polish Eurore Big Poland in a in Poland Big European army.”

oreign F oreign policy, and especial Poland Together Poland Together supports the idea of leaving foreign policy, the in policy, defense including hands of EU member states. “ ly matters concerning defense, remain within the competency of the member states, and the High Representative of the Union for Security may only realize the aims agreed on by the Council There is no need to create new and costly defense structures and duplicating existing ones, especially NATO. Defense forces separate for the EU will generate costs that should be allocated to strengthening na tional armies and cooperative programs between them. Until the in reforms serious are there Union in terms of cost saving, cre of talk any be cannot there a ating a Polska Razem Jarosława Go wina, Wielka Polska w Unii. realizmu Together of Jarosław Gowin. A A alism), p. 11]. - - - treaties country’s interests. At the At interests. country’s Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The party’s position The on party’s this is sue is unclear. However, con sidering PR’s postulate about defending Poland’s interests in decision-making by all of Europe, as well as the primacy of Polish interests over Union interests, we can assume that the group supports veto power for countries when decisions taken by the EU are harmful a for same time, it is in favor of ref the when instance any at erenda Poland of competencies political are transferred to EU policy. ------ref con (Pro return to return debate in debate common Manifest Manifest Manifesto

Big Poland Big

return to na controlled dissolution controlled małej Unii. into the Eurozone failed experiment, as it is it as experiment, failed Small Union. A Union. Small Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s Program Program Polska Razem Ja The political group is against Poland’s entry into the Euro pos it time, same the At zone. a tulates a and Eurozone the of national currencies. “One has ad to courage enough have to to out turned Euro the that mit a be a have to impossible currency in countries on such different levels of economic Euro the Today, development. threatens the foundations of European integration. The only solution is a trolled disassembly of the Eurozone and a tional currencies. We should break the barrier of political a start and correctness such of costs the about Europe an operation and the ways of maximally limiting the losses connected with the process.” [ rosława Gowina, Pol Wielka ska w polskiego eurorealizmu gram of Poland Together of A Gowin. Jarosław a in of Polish Eurorealism), p. 2]. The party wants to hold a erendum and public opinion polls [ polska-razem-nie-dla-waluty- euro-bez-zgody-polakow/, accessed: 07.08.2014]. Polska Razem (Poland Together) of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 61 - - - - against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement The The New Right opposes the mutual interference of Poland and other countries in internal affairs, so it is against placing sanctions on Russia for aggression in wiado [http://www. Ukraine mikke_wprowadzanie_sank cji_to_absurd_310405.html, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - - - - [http:// [http://

2014]. “In free trade zone trade free reduction of the free-trade free-trade zone in the EU free movement area for citizens, for area movement free Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s The party is against Polish member ship in the EU. “The goal of KNP is the liquidation of the EU through a artificial, stative-fiscal-ideological creation to only a – the original European Economic of source the was which Community, the economic success and wealth of II.” War World after West the nowa -wyborczy/program-wyborczy-do- pe-2014, accessed: 11.08. foreign policy we will be driven by not and loss, and profit of calculation by affinities orWe antipathies. will put an end to mindless our country’s Brussels. in bureaucrats to subjection its EU the to back give to aim will We a as meaning original a and without the institutional buildup and the bureaucratic absurdities.” www. info/pro gram-wyborczy/program-wyborczy 2014]. -knp, accessed: 11.08. - - lack of interfer proponent of economic “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of Considering Considering that the party is against Poland’s membership its express not does it EU, the in Meanwhile, issue. this on stand it is a freedom and a in state the and EU the by ence economic matters; thus, it op public of distribution the poses funds, including Union funds.

- - - - - CRITERIA ba funda different different “In a Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European “At the same time we believe a is sovereignty Polish that a and value political sic mental condition in realizing our aims.” nowaprawicajkm. [http://www. pl/info/program-wyborczy/ deklaracja-ideowa, accessed: 11.08.2014]. way than most Polish MEPs against vote will we – doing are in to meant acts legislative any the range, or way, any in crease, fis or statism, interventionism, supernation.” EU the of calism [http:// info/program-wyborczy/pro gram-wyborczy-do-pe-2014, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - - treaties stand stand in this matter

Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The New Right is against mu countries’ into intervention tual Poland between affairs internal and other countries. Its goal is to eliminate the EU, so it does not take a [http:// info/program-wyborczy/pro gram-wyborczy-do-pe-2014, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - - - - - into the Eurozone Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party opposes the intro currency as Euro the of duction [ program-kongresu-nowej- 11.08.2014, accessed: prawicy, http:// wydarzenia/530-debata-kan dydatow-do-parlamentu-eu ropejskiego-europoslan ka-z-po-jako-jedyna-broni-por talu-za-66-mln-zl-film, accessed: 11.08.2014]. Nowej Right) Prawicy Kongres Kongres (Congress (Congress of the New of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation 62 Ewa Ganowicz - against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement The The party has not officially declared its position on this matter. categorical proponent of proponent in the EU federation. The Nationals plan Nationals The federation.

Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s The group does not take a take not does group The a is It issue. this on stand in but EU, the in participation Polish the sense of a Europe Homelands, a as not reject Treaty, Lisbon the terminate to flags Union remove and pact, fiscal the from Polish public buildings. “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of The group has not expressed its expressed not has group The position on this matter. - - - - CRITERIA [http:

voluntary voluntary supernation sovereignty common foreign policy Positions on a common F rankfurt wish to replace European foreign policy foreign European The group is against conduct ing a by EU members. “Poles and Europeans need a cooperation. economic of form a need not do They bureaucracy centralist by driven in Brussels. will We terminate the federalist Lisbon Treaty, replacing it with a free political reclaiming treaty, The nations. European for dom the from return will government European headquarters to the will rein national We capitals. Polish the of superiority the state and law Union over Constitution over the hidden power of the of Tribunal Justice the in judges fiscal the reject will We EU. the bureaucrats which through pact in Brussels can interfere in the War in adopted budget national Poland’s allow not will We saw. entry into the banking union, through which the technocrats in the European Central Bank in over supervision bank national unions. credit and funds, banks, We will take down the Union flags that are illegally hung on public buildings of the Polish Republic, where the only flags white.” and red be should //, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - - - pro


solution solution would

Europe of indepen of Europe treaties federation. federation. “We wish

Europe of Homelands and Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The National Movement has not has Movement National The on position its expressed clearly this yet matter, one of its main of sovereignty the is postulates the nation. It sees the EU as a not as a inter Polish defend strongly to international of face the in ests forces and the bureaucracy of Brussels. We will support the a of creation voluntary on based nations, dent cooperation.” economic narodowcy, may We 12.08.2014]. accessed: a is party the that conclude the when power veto of ponent adoption of a threaten Polish interests. - - - into the Eurozone Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party opposes the intro duction of the Euro in Poland [http://wiadomosci. kat,1342,title,Ruch-Naro dowy-sprzeciwia-sie-wprow 16594817, -euro,wid, adzeniu wiadomosc.html, accessed: 12.08.2014]. Ruch (National Narodowy Movement) of a political party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 63 ------against Russia political party represent party political ing economic sanctions Position on implement As a As ing the interests of farmers (the group that would suf fer the most if sanctions were placed on Russia), it is against placing sanctions on Russia. This is mainly because of the financial costs that the Polish econ omy would have to endure [http://www. samoobrona. Aktualnosci/index.php?doc ument=0647.html, dostęp: 13.08.2014, Stanowiska/index.php?doc accessed: ument=0654.html, 13.08.2014]. - - - - - in the EU second-rate member of the Union severe threat for Poland’s economic economic Poland’s for threat severe

Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s It does not negate either the historical the either negate not does It civilization potential the or conditions par Poland’s from arising benefits al Samoobrona Yet, EU. the in ticipation condi negotiated the accept not does tions of accession and sees in them a stability and standard of living. It is convinced that in the present state of giving and assets national the looting them over to the control of foreign capital, accession to the Union on unequal conditions (also economic) Poland is threatened with becoming a [http://www. pl/ pages/02b. Program/index.php?doc ument=/489.program.html#12, ac cessed: 13.08.2014]. - - “European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of The group stresses above all the all above stresses group The ac EU’s the basing of necessity solidarity. of idea the on tivities It supports “social solidarity”. In its view, the conditions of Poland on imposed membership by the EU fail to fulfill basic equality and solidarity of tenets be should integration which on based [http://www. samoobro index.php?document=/489. program.html#13, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - CRITERIA common common Europe as an as Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European Samoobrona has not clearly ex clearly not has Samoobrona pressed its view in this matter. However, considering the fact that it is for a cooperating tightly of sociation nations, especially politically, we assume that in most mat it policy, foreign involving ters allows for playing a “game”. - - - - Europe of Home clear stance in this in stance clear treaties Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member In its program, the party has not has party the program, its In a expressed context. However, it supports the idea of a lands, hence an association of national states tightly cooper ating economically, militarily, and politically, yet retaining the identity of particular na may tions. conclude We that it supports veto power when res olutions are made that would threaten Polish interests.

------of the « slowing down slowing rushed entry into entry rushed

proper and realistic and proper sharp socioeconomic sharp cooling down » into the Eurozone Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party is not against Po Eurozone, the into entry land’s but it conditions this move on the condition of the country’s “A economy. adequate without Eurozone, the econ Polish the of preparation may omy, quickly lead to not only a a and economy more but, growth, economic of a to over, crisis in Poland. The matter requires caution and balanced decisions, and not convergent vanguardism. That is why we see the announcements of the [Pol NBP the and government ish National Bank] relating to Poland’s imminent entry into Euroland as unrealistic and harmful. Self-Defence be lieves that this could all pos sibly happen in the long-term a after and (not just formal) preparation economy and of the country’s finances to this act, as well as after reforming the institu tional basis of the Euroland.” [ pl/pages/09.%20Polemiki/in dex.php?document=945.html, accessed: 13.08.2014]. of the Poland) Republic of of a political Samoobrona party’s name party’s Abbreviation Abbreviation (Self-Defence 64 Ewa Ganowicz - against Russia ing economic sanctions Position on implement The party’s program does not does program party’s The raise these issues. - - - - new in the EU [http://, accessed:, [http://

Position on Poland’s membership Position on Poland’s The party supports Poland’s member Poland’s supports party The ship in the EU. are supporters of further expan “We sion of the European Union. ac We a as role key Poland’s knowledge the in Union European the of member of east countries with relations latter’s Belar and Ukraine especially Poland, us.” 13.09.2014].

- - - [http://partiazie

“European solidarity” “European Position on the concept of The group postulates increasing postulates group The EU aid for developing coun tries up to 0.7% of the GDP in order to eliminate hunger, improve the health and wealth of residents. Thus, it is for the idea of “European solidarity”. founded Union, European “The on solidarity and cooperation among member countries is one of the powers counterbal ancing the negative aspects of is that globalization progressing based on the hegemony of the superpowers.” 13.09.2014]. accessed:, - - - CRITERIA com culture of culture The party’s program does not raise these issues The party’s Positions on a common European foreign policy foreign European The party supports a mon European foreign policy (“speaking in one voice”) di a promoting at rected dialogue, international cooper ation, and respect for human rights [http://, accessed: 13.09.2014]. treaties Position on the possibility of member states blocking of member The party’s The programs party’s does not raise these issues. into the Eurozone Position on Poland’s entry Position on Poland’s The party’s The program party’s does not raise these issues. (Direct (Direct Democracy) Demokracja of a political party’s name party’s () Abbreviation Abbreviation Bezpośrednia Partia Zieloni AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 65 - - return to the to return 2014 (PiS Program2014), (PiS 2014 crucial role in its program; its in role crucial PiS

social social party in the economic

Position on employee redundancies Program PiS PiS is a sense and the protection of employee a plays rights of basis the on employment against is it the so-called “junk contracts”. It also wants to maintain protection against redundancy for 4 years before reaching retirement age (pp.112–114). It postu lates the protection of employee rights retire increased the of abolishment and a with years) (67 age ment men) for 65 women, for (60 age previous [ pp. 112–114, 120]. pp. 112–114, - - - so very 2014 After taking After

proponent of decre of proponent Program Program PiS economic crisis It is not a not is It Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing 2–3% growth rate “(…) with a with “(…) rate growth 2–3% expenses as a means of fighting the The party’s position in this matter is not clear. The 2014 Program shows a GDP, the in investments of share high private.” and public both wants group political the power, over deceler to finances public sanitize to ate public debt [ (PiS Program 2014), p. 74]. At the same time, the party promises relief (for example, for families, disabled persons, grants for preschools, for the academic and cultural spheres), postulating an increase in spending from the public sphere. It postulates limits in administrative expenditures by diminishing the administration and through organizational changes. It wants to bring new institutions to life (for example, the Ministry of Affairs Maritime of Ministry Energy, the up, sum To Shipping). Inland and in party, economic matters, has a cial character. It makes reference to social solidarity, social teachings of the church, care for impaired social groups. asing budget expenditures.

- - - - pol barrier country Program Program [

clear stance clear

requirement of government that takes CRITERIA balance in these two areas. two these in balance nomic growth nomic growth 2014 (PiS Program2014), p. 105]. protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental stimulus for growth, became a became growth, for stimulus PiS wants a wants PiS a take not does it However, on this issue. In the program, we read that: “(…) today we must once again while development economic for stand respecting nature and the Polish land economy innovative an Building scape. while respecting the rules of sustain able development is a national politics” and later: “Law and Justice will conduct a itics of sustainable development with respect to environmental protection. The role of a care of national cohesion in a is reconciling developmental policy with the protection of nature and the Polish landscape” and “Nature 2000 unique is an example of how Poland’s being of instead resources, natural live a to economic development.” PiS At the same time, the party is against package. energy and climate the signing It appealed to the Prime Minister to matter this about decision EU’s the veto at the Brussels summit, that arguing it will negatively impact Polish industry and consumers.

------2014 small Program strategy for fundamental Program PiS Program An analysis of political parties’ positions on economic issues An analysis of political parties’ . Table 2 Table intervention in the economy pre-requisite The for sec success. 2014 (PiS Program 2014), p. 14]. Attitude towards governmental PiS is for government action within the as economy, written in the party’s medio of trap the “Escaping program: the rejecting requires development cre thesis that passivity is the only proper policy of the government towards the Active economy. politics, the govern policy economic an of up taking ment’s is a diag appropriate an is requirement ond nosis and subsequent use of resources or used on a that are now ‘dead’ scale. In these resources we include financial resources or other resources most the Today, dynamic. social the of no) (or insufficient of causes important use of resources are various patholo [ corruption.” especially gies, PiS in government the of role the Increasing a is economy the forming postulate of this group. The party has devoted an entire chapter of its pro [ issues these to gram The 73–106]. pp. 2014), Program (PiS group believes that the government’s task should be creating a resources mobilizing and development mediocre of trap the escape to order in development. - - - - civilizational civilizational 2014 (PiS Pro commodity like any like commodity PiS

system bad solution for patients, for solution bad Program [

Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care Issues of health care are strongly pres strongly are care health of Issues ent throughout PiS’s whole program com the against is party The 2014. for the of privatization and mercialization health service, which is shown in the statement: “Universal health security should be treated as a We world. modern the of achievement mechanisms market that claim the reject of functioning the for basis the be could system, care health the of part main the a is health that and other.” party The 115–120]. 25, p. 2014), gram the from services health financing for is contribu health which to budget, state PiS context, this In return. should tions that opined Kaczyński Jarosław leader of privatization and commercialization a is hospitals since in this case profit decides about not and units, care health of services the [http://www.pis. patient the of good the org. pl/article. php?id=21003; http:// /article.php?id=13585, accessed: 14.04.2014]. - PiS name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 66 Ewa Ganowicz , - - solu ), p. 20]. Przedmowa D. would have the [

(Donald Tusks’s Przedmowa D. Tuska... crisis i.e. through longer [

Position on employee redundancies p. 107, 173–174]. One of the political goals of PO is increasing the number of jobs. At the flexible of favor in is party the time, same forms of employment and lowering the expressed is This employment.. of costs in the program: party’s will “We intro duce renewable seasonal contracts for employees into the work code, which employment of stability the increase will among young people.” Tuska do Programu wyborczego PO. Następny krok razem Preface to the PO Electoral Program. the next step together Taking During the period that the contract is in effect, the employee would he/she but remuneration, to right not receive payment if he/she did not carry out his/her work due to causes from the employer’s side. Such a tion would relieve the employer from having to pay high employment costs, stability employee the ensure would and in employment. “We have adopted the has which package, anti-crisis so-called given employers the means for flexible reactions to a payroll processing and the introduction of flexitime.” ------fact we must we fact [http://www. [http://www.

crisis would be dangerous scenar economic crisis up, to issue easy money. We We money. easy issue to up,

choice for saving, but partic orum in September 2013: “We “We 2013: September in F orum Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the PO believes that cost-cutting is one of the ways of fighting the economic Prime from deduced be can This crisis. Eco the on statement Tusk’s Minister nomic decided that at the moment when the a being started crisis debt make a ularly the type of saving that won’t block the most important thing for strong being that – development Polish investment, of rate That investments. the was investment, public especially time, same the at But eye. our of apple we had to begin financial consolida tion despite the fact that everybody around us claimed that the best path at the beginning of a loosen to wanted to avoid a io and we succeeded. Those sugges tions that concerned radical funding of banks – I’m speaking of the turn between 2008 and 2009 – filling up econ Polish the in arose that holes the fill ‘options’, so-called the after omy ing them with money.” stapienie-tuska-forum-ekonomiczne -krynica, accessed: 11.04.2014].

- - - - Taking the Taking ), pp. 76–77]. Przedmowa D. Tuska do CRITERIA [ nomic growth nomic growth

(Donald Tusk’s Preface to (Donald Tusk’s choice for the development of development the for choice protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental PO is of the opinion that it is necessary is it that opinion the of is PO to fulfill our obligations pertaining to the climate and energy package as negotiated on the EU forum, while, at the same time, taking care about the particular national interest of our economy, which is still largely based natural favors party The energy. coal on “By energy. atomic and gas, shale gas, a making innovative energetics, gas and atomic of care taking be will we plants, power both the natural environment and our forth set as obligations climate-related years, recent In Union. European the by been has and fast developed has Poland making up its arrears in infrastructure devel dynamic This economy. the and with accordance in happening is opment protection, environmental of principles contin country our reason this for and ues to distinguish itself among other na unpolluted with countries, European picturesque and forests, beautiful ture, landscape.” PO. Programu Wyborczego Następny razem krok the PO Electoral Program. next step together - - - - busi coun Inwestycje Inwestycje Taking the next Taking ), pp. 137–143]. Thanks [Polish Investments], which (Donald Tusk’s (Donald Preface Tusk’s to the Przedmowa D. Tuska do Pro intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental PO sees the role of the government in unnecessary removing as economy the restrictions and bureaucratic regula tions, which hinder entrepreneurship and raise costs of maintaining a ness [ krok Następny PO. Wyborczego gramu razem Program. Electoral PO together step a restrictions, these removing to It increased. is appeal investment try’s was PO that took the initiative to call together the partnership Polskie practically meant increasing the role of government in the economy [http:// print/198526; http:// 3265, www. accessed: 11.04.2014].

- - - - - und]” F und]” competitor Przedmowa [

plan for bringing rom F rom 2013 we will fragment from Don from fragment Taking the next step the next step Taking system …, p. 111]. ), p. 20]. In the beginning of Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization Przedmowa D. Tuska do Programu and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care PO is in favor of the marketization and marketization the of favor in is PO This service. health the of privatization a in clear made is speech electoral from PO’s ald Tusk’s right the Poles give will “We program: health their receive will who choose to a in bringing contributions, for the N F Z [National Health [ razem krok Następny PO. Wyborczego Elec PO the to Preface Tusk’s (Donald toral Program. together 2009 PO prepared a hospitals out of debt, under the condi commercial into them reforming of tion partnerships. Between 2009-2011 38 hospitals took advantage of this form by process, this support To support. of mil 300 approximately 2011 August 30 In purpose. this for given was PLN lion include will process the years next the further health service units (PO plans to allocate 1.7 billion PLN ). The PO program states: “ give Poles the right to choose who will receive their health care contri butions, bringing in the possibility of competition for the N F Z by creating medical contract will that funds health patients.” their for services D. Tuska - PO name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 67 - (The National priorities National (The Narodowe Narodowe priorytety PSL na Position on employee redundancies PSL believes the State should effectively effectively should State the believes PSL protect the interests and rights of em ployees [ 2007–2011 lata p. 3]. for the years 2007–2011), of PSL

------th minor minor domi Doku [

Congress of Congress th X Kongresu PSL Kongresu X sustained budget deficit, economic crisis proponent of rationaliza complex and opaque tax system. tax opaque and complex

Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the PSL PSL is a tion of expenses and diminishing the public debt. This is expressed in the Program the from fragment following 10 the from Documents the PSL: “PSL sees the following as the primary weaknesses of public fi through removal warrant which nance, reform: a incurring high and growing costs of servicing the public debt, a nant share (approximately 75%) in the national budget of the so-called ‘rigid spending’ alongside a share of expenses for development, a and expresses PSL its conviction that the achievement of the goals of public finance reform requires an in-depth assessment of both income and ex penses, as well as of specific institu organizations. finance public and tions for allow also will assessment an Such strengthening of financial resources, for as well as service, social especially rationalization of the expenses of all entities in the public sector.” z Programowe menty (Program Documents from the 10 Congress of the PSL), p. 26].

------X X - Eu Deklarac multifunctional, multifunctional, ), p. 4]. balanced regional (Program Documents (PSL’s Electoral (PSL’s Decla CRITERIA Congress of the PSL), p. Wspólnie dla Polski i th nomic growth nomic growth Dokumenty Programowe z Together for Poland and Europe and Poland for Together change in this direction in the [

protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental Polskie Priorytety… PSL is PSL in favor of a [ country the of development ja wyborcza Polskiego Stronnictwa Ludowego. Polskie ropy. Priorytety Europejskiej Polityki PSL ration. Politics), European of priorities Polish p. 2]. One of the party’s aims is lim iting the impact of energetics on the “in times view, environment. In PSL’s of great challenges connected with climate change, protecting the natu ral environment and ensuring energy security requires a areas rural of development sustainable and a Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.” Kongresu PSL from the 10 guide EU’s “The Meanwhile: 27]. 23, pol climate and energy regarding lines which aim to limit carbon dioxide icy, Poland.” for unacceptable are emissions [

------th Do decisively decisively X Kongresu friendly legal and insti intervention in the economy (Program Documents from the 10 the from Documents (Program Attitude towards governmental PSL PSL is for government intervention PSL’s In agriculture). in (especially ism should government of role the opinion continu of liquidation the on based be busi limit that barriers ously-emerging The innovation. and development ness areas: 4 in active be should government 1) ensuring a tutional environment; 2) making use solutions implementing and science of research, actions, innovative supporting increasing including development, and the effectiveness of knowledge trans fer into the economy; 3) a faster development of state-of-the art infrastructure in transport, communi cations, shipping, and ICT; in infra of one sees PSL development, structure active of pre-requisites fundamental the development economic the for support of our country and growth of interest for domestic and foreign investors; 4) consistent privatization of the assets of the National Treasury with the ex [ strategic deemed areas of clusion kumenty Programowe z PSL Congress of the PSL), p. 22].

- th X Kongresu Kongresu X rise of many private more expansive use system private market for health

(Program Documents from the 10 the from Documents (Program Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization Dokumenty Programowe z Programowe Dokumenty and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care PSL supports partial commercialization partial supports PSL of the health service in Poland as well as attempts at a of private resources to finance health services. “A services has developed in our country. There has been a both in interested is PSL clinics. health the of functioning efficient the ensuring health care system and further devel opment of the health services market. Private health clinics should have the same responsibilities as public ones, and the same rights. They should also be subject to the same supervision.” [ PSL Congress of the PSL), p. 25]. - PSL name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 68 Ewa Ganowicz

, - - - - are

Program Program Program for

, p. 168]. SLD . A (SLD Program. Program SLD. Jutro bez obaw. bez obaw. SLD. Jutro Program [ Program SLD. Jutro bez obaw… bez Jutro SLD. Program

“safe and stable form of employment”, of form stable and “safe

Position on employee redundancies Deklaracja ideowo-programowa SLD SLD supports the tenet that “markets that tenet the supports SLD here to serve people, not vice-versa.” [ Declaration of SLD’s ideas and pro gram), 10.12.2011]. The Warsaw party as employment of contracts full supports a phenom the against “fight to wants and enon of fake self-employment and the gray market”. It is for “reinstating the balance between flexibility and job sta bility.” Program Program dla Polski without fear Tomorrow Poland), p. 107]. It supports “civil law in only self-employment and agreements areas of the job market where they are substantively justified (…)” [ SLD. Jutro bez obaw… wants to “permanently introduce into legislation certain resolutions foreseen in the anti-crisis act: supplements to remunerations workers’ during periods to supplements downtime, economic of social security contributions paid par to supplements (…), employers by tially expenses study postgraduate or training [ (…).” p. 109].

- - - - Program SLD. Program Program SLD. Program [

Tomorrow without Tomorrow …, p. 102]. economic crisis Program for Poland), p. 102].

. A . Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the The party is against cutting expendi [ policy social on tures Jutro bez obaw. Program dla Polski (SLD Program. fear poli social see governments “Rightist econo the of ball-and-chain the as cy is policy social on spending Polish my. among the lowest in the whole Euro the in are we Meanwhile, Union. pean highest the with countries of forefront stratification.” income bez obaw Jutro ------), - Pro social, social, Tomorrow Tomorrow (Declaration of (Declaration Deklaracja ide Program for Poland

CRITERIA . A Jutro Jutro bez obaw. Program discussion on the EU level EU the on discussion nomic growth nomic growth stimulus for socioeconomic for stimulus (SLD Program. supporter of maintaining a protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental The party’s position on this issue is not so clear. The political group is a national character of the environmen tal protection system [ SLD owo-programowa Warsaw program), the and ideas SLD’s pro environmental sees It 10.12.2011]. a as tection development. It supports sustainable development, i.e. through coordinat environmental with planning spatial ing At protection. the same time, it wants a initiate to modern and verification the concerning ization of the European policy for en the of terms in protection, vironmental of areas designating for used principles efficacy the or system 2000 Nature the of the European climate policy [ gram SLD. dla Polski without fear pp. 160–162]. - - Deklaracja Deklaracja (Declaration ‘night ‘night watchman’ but rather

intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental SLD is for the government’s regulating government’s the for is SLD and interventionist role in key socio the to limited not processes, economic role of a taking care of job availability, less ening social differences. [ ideowo-programowa SLD ideowo-programowa Warsaw program), and ideas SLD’s of 10.12.2011]. - - - - - To Program Program for supporter of

. A (SLD Program. Program. (SLD system social, national charac Program SLD. Jutro bez obaw. obaw. bez Jutro SLD. Program [ ), p. 128]. dramatic decrease of Poles’ health Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care The political group is a maintaining a ter of the health service. [Deklaracja (Delaration SLD ideowo-programowa Warsaw program), and ideas SLD’s of It is against 10.12.2011]. the commer cialization and privatization of the health service. “The government’s obsessive aspiration to commercialize and privatize all health care institu tions, including hospitals, has led to a security. Hospitals should serve the common good, and their primary aim not – health of protection the be should earning profits. This is why they must char non-commercial public, their keep acter.” Polski dla Program morrow without fear Poland - SLD name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 69 ] ------Kancelaria Spraw Kancelaria Klub Ruchu Palikota Ruchu Klub ] is preparing an amendment project Position on employee redundancies The The party is against employee redun Pa of Club Parliamentary The dancies. [ Movement likot’s together with Piotr Ikonowicz’s Social [ Chancellary Justice iedliwości Społecznej Piotra Ikonowic za with regard to the work Code. Among other things, the party wants the right to form labor unions to be available to employed those to only not workers, all on full employment contracts. It also wants employers to have the obliga tion of providing reasons for breaking all types of work contracts (except for contracts for trial periods), not just in definite term contracts. The authors of protects law today’s that note project the only those workers employed on indef inite-term contracts [ artykul/790754.html?print=tak&p=0, accessed: 15.08.2014]. - - - - - means means of fighting the [http://pragapoludnie. [http://pragapoludnie.

economic crisis bad way of managing social managing of way bad

realistic reform of public fi Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing way way of lowering the deficit starts

expenses as a means of fighting the The The party is for lowering budget expenses as a economic crisis. bud the of causes the opinion, their In get deficit “are excessive structural adminis ineffective An expenditures. A tration. supervision and bad Awful expenses. investment planning. The search for a with a nances, including (…). The elimina tion of unnecessary expenses (there are still many) and the reduction of liquidation the (i.e. administration the elimination the offices, unnecessary of of districts).” dowych-klamstwach-w-sprawie-ofe, accessed: 15.08.2014]. ------tezy tezy “The

Deklaracja i [ …, p. 30].

supporter supporter of renew

CRITERIA (Declaration and program and (Declaration nomic growth nomic growth Deklaracja [

protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental global scale – which should be reflect be should which – scale global The party’s position on this issue is not clear. It is a able energy resources, but by reason of economic benefits rather than envi ronmental protection concerns. “The develop be will that industry of branch on decades next the in dynamically ing a ed in the priorities of Polish industrial policy – is energetics. This concerns ob of effectiveness the increasing both sources, renewable from energy taining and looking for more environmental coal. burning of techniques ly-friendly If the whole world is turning to solar or wind production, why shouldn’t Poland use EU funds to create its own wind or panels solar producing industry advanced of export The stations? power profits greater us bring will technology than the sale of raw materials or low processed goods.” programowe 12–13]. pp. twó, theses), investing be to seems solution optimal in renewable energy resources (water, sun, wind). The industrial sector pro energy obtaining for equipment ducing devel to continues sources these from businesses Polish that means Which op. can benefit from creating and imple this in technologies innovative menting field.” - - - - - greater greater

long-term Deklarac [ Deklaracja Deklaracja


(Declaration and century – that ‘the invisible hand intervention in the economy more active economic policy will

Attitude towards governmental developmental breakthrough in the …, p. 14]. crisis crisis is cut costs, especially on the “technological leap” and a and leap” “technological tezy programowe

Twój Twój Ruch is clearly for government interventionism. “The convictions that Polish govern ments adhered to for the last quarter of a every regulate would economy’ the of thing, that international corporations jobs well-paid of millions create would in Poland and modernize the country, is management bad for remedy the that the privatization of everything at any that industry, need don’t we that price, when the GDP grows we will all get during do to thing only the that wealthy, a numer most the are they because poor ous – was mistaken. That is why we into tap actively to government the want We policy. economic of tools available do not fear government intervention ism, and we do not fear investment in needs Poland entities. economic public a vision for economic Without policy. government the of participation active a economy is impossible.” ja i program theses), twój, p. 10]. “A ultimately lead to the appearance of Participation the with Enterprises new of the State or Treasury, to a ones.” existing of meaning Deklaracja Deklaracja [

F und should be …, p. 22]. (Declaration and system Deklaracja [

tezy programowe Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care The The party’s stance towards this issue is ambiguous, as on one hand it wants care health of financing the increase to hand other the on but funds, public from supports actions of private entities in this area. “It is necessary to increase system care health the of financing the from the state budget.” i program theses), twó, p. 21]. “The National Health replaced by competitive health care funds, and the handling of health care private by done be should contributions entities.” - name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political Twój Ruch Twój 70 Ewa Ganowicz ------

large large percent redundancies Position on employee In SP’s view, “The job view, In mar SP’s ket must ensure the protec tion of workers’ rights and simultaneously flexible and conditions. business-friendly It is with great concern that we accept such uneasy phe nomena like the level of un employment, the reality of employing a age of people on the basis of junk contracts, and the high unemployment levels among both young people just entering the job market and those over 50 years of supports also party The age.” of possibility the “Restricting so-called junk contracts, for example through increasing tax obligations for employ less are that contracts for ers beneficial from the employ ee’s point of view, such as temporary contracts.” [http://www. pl/blogroll/miejsca-pracy/].

------realistic one. It is economic crisis budget expenses as Position on decreasing Position on decreasing a means of fighting the means of fighting the eco [http://wgospodarce. pl/ informacje/3102-solidarna -polska-mowi-stop-finanso waniu-partii-politycznych-z accessed: -budzetu-panstwa, 15.08.2014]. The party is for lowering budgetary expenses as a nomic crisis, for instance by stopping the financing of political parties from public funds; this is evident in Z. Ziobro’s statement: “The threat of exceeding the second prudence thresh old in terms of the relation of the public debt to the GDP is a therefore necessary to lim it expenses from the state budget which are meant for subsidizing the statutory ac tivities of political parties.” ------Soli Europejski Europejski [

veto from the (The European European Citizens European serious threat to approx to threat serious loss of up to 300,000 jobs.” 300,000 to up of loss

tion at the expense of economic growth tion at the expense of economic growth Attitude towards environmental protec Attitude towards environmental Dekalog Dekalog Solidarnej Polski Decalogue of Solidary Poland), p. 4]. a begun has Polska darna Initiative for the suspension of the climate [http://www. Poland for package energy and blogroll/pakiet-klimatyc zny/; http://, accessed: 06.08.2014]. The party also demanded a Prime Minister with regard to the climate package [http:// zadamy-weta-premiera-d-tuska-na-szczy cie-europejskim-ws-rozszerzenia-paki 06.08.2014]. accessed: etu-klimatycznego/, SP opposes environmental protection at the at protection environmental opposes SP cost of economic This growth. can be seen in the party’s stance towards the climate package. “The Climate Package imposes of terms in industry Polish on norms rigorous emissions. gas greenhouse of reduction the conduct Economy of Chamber National The that showed conclusions whose analyses ed the implementation of appropriate actions in zlotys billion 5 approximately cost could this cost could restrictions further and 2015, number to go up to even 13 billion zlotys in 2030. If the climate policy is exacerbat ed and reaches its goal of 80% reductions in emissions by 2050, the costs to Polish industry will increase by another 9 billion zlotys annually in 2030. All together, the costs will reach 22 billion zlotys annually a constitute will and including imately the ten areas of industry, metal, cement, chemical, coke, paper, and in increase an be will result The sectors. coal well as 30%, to up power electric for prices a as

------CRITERIA Spółka Spółka national treasure that [Polish Cableways] (protection of tourism of (protection Cableways] [Polish ], whose assets are a national treasure, and maintaining majority share majority maintaining and treasure, national , its defense, and its economy. This idea is expressed is idea This economy. its and defense, its , tat É w-Mościce S.A. [The “Puławy” Nitrogen Works Joint Stock Joint Works Nitrogen “Puławy” [The S.A. w-Mościce ó legislative project by Sejm representatives concerning Polskie Koleje Linowe Koleje Polskie legislative project by Sejm representatives concerning the main the concerning representatives Sejm by project legislative

raison d’ removing administrative and legal barriers that hinder the de velopment of enterprise (excessive concessions, permits, tedious procedures); removing barriers connected with occupational corporatism; supporting domestic innovation and state-of-the-art technology imple while guarantees providing and research financing through [ development technological menting blogroll/gospodarka/, accessed: 06.08.2014]. A the maintenance of specific rights by sury the or National other Trea state legal entities in Zakłady partnerships known Azotowe as “Puławy” S.A. and in Tarn Zakłady Azotowe Stock Joint Tarnów-Mościce of Works Nitrogen The and Company concern legislation other certain in changes about and Company]; ing obligating the and National Treasury other state legal entities to maintain specific rights in the two institutions listed above; restrictions will be introduced in the conversions of ownership in than other entities to assets of disposing the in and partnerships the [http://orka.sejm. Treasury National the 06.08.2014]; dostęp: ty/7-020-495-2012/$file/7-020-495-2012.pdf, A legal state the or Treasury National the by rights specific of tenance entities in the Polish Cableways Joint Stock Company [ Akcyjna Koleje Linowe has strategic meaning for the nation’s cultural and technological achievement; also concerning changes in other legislation – the project concerns introducing mechanisms for safeguarding the is shareholder only whose Railways, [Polish PKP by maintenance which company, the to rights ownership of Treasury] National the a comprises also in parts off selling before mountains the in infrastructure leisure and of it to foreign capital [http://orka. ka.nsf/0/ F ile/989.pdf, F BC1257AD40047ABE6/%24 BC65A70ED5AB54 accessed: 06.08.2014]. Attitude towards governmental intervention in the economy According to the the party, role of the government in the economy should be based on: − − − to strategic entities economic over control maintain should state The its proposals for two legislative projects:. by SP’s − − - - - - - [http://www.

system cialization and privat Position on the commer ization of the health care ization of the health care Solidarna Polska opposes the privatization of the health care system. It ac cepts the idea that “public health services can be reshaped only into public utility partnerships that are not subject to privat ization (…)” ochrona-zdrowia/, acces sed: 06.08.2014]. - name Polska party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi Solidarna a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 71 - - - - - free (The (The The The Constitution supporter of a dancies Droga do bogactwa. Konsty bogactwa. do Droga [ Position on employee redun The party’s position on this issue is issue this on position party’s The Due to unclear. the fact that Polska Razem (alongside Nowa Prawica/ New Right) is a work (of movement free and market in that conclude can we well), as ers terms of employment it is for free choice for employers. One of the mi excluding is stipulations party’s cro- and small businesses (up to 50 employees and 10 million Euros of regulations the under from turnover) of Code, the as Work well as regu lating employment based on Civil companies such in agreements Code through conflict resolution in work courts. Polski tucja wolności gospodarczej Razem Jarosława Gowina Road to Wealth. for economic freedom of Jarosław p. 9]. Together), Poland Gowin’s ------Big


małej małej Unii.

(The Program (The Manifesto of Polish of Manifesto

The Constitution for and Social and

limiting expenses on admin on expenses limiting large measure, their role is

Program Program Polska Razem Jaro [

Small Union. A Union. Small

(The Road to Wealth. Wealth. (The Road to Limiting government interference in citizens’ citizens’ in interference government Limiting level the on expenses public limiting by lives of 35% the GDP; state the by incursion debt further Prohibiting in the Polish Constitution; sala gross of level the on salaries net Placing functioning the in cutting cost to thanks ries, of the state; the joining by costs administration Lowering treasury the and (ZUS) Office Security Social administration. a means of fighting the economic crisis Droga Droga do bogactwa. Konstytucja wolności Position on decreasing budget expenses as Position on decreasing The party supports party The are “We administration. EU including istration, for moving all the workings of the European parliamentary Currently place. one to Parliament and Brussels – cities two in work representatives is administration Parliamentary The Strasbourg. and buildings three Maintaining Luxembourg. in their personnel costs about 200 million Euros advisory two the running of cost The year. each and Regions the of Committee the – institutions Economic European the is will We similar. postulate for their elimina tion because, in a taken over by the European Parliament.” “The be should representatives and clerks of expenses should trips official for reimbursements – limited func highest-ranked The costs. real only include official their of reports publish should tionaries costs online.” sława Gowina. Wielka polska w eurorealizmu polskiego Manifest of Poland of Together Jarosław Gowin. A a in Poland Eurorealism), p. 8]. The party further stipulates: − − − − [ Polski gospodarczej Razem Gowi Jarosława na Poland Gowin’s Jarosław of freedom economic p. 1]. Together), ------reduction reduction

Small Union. price hike for Manifest pol (The Program Program Program Polska [

CRITERIA małej Unii. economic growth economic growth Big Poland in a

protection at the expense of protection Manifesto of Polish Eurorealism),

Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental The The party is against environmental protection at the cost of economic This is evident in the party’s growth. attitude to the climate package. The party wants to support those actions lowest the guarantee will which “(…) and emissions gas greenhouse for cost raw of import the for prices low ensure energy materials.” Razem Jarosława Gowina. Wielka polska w skiego eurorealizmu Gow Jarosław of Together Poland of in. A A country our view, party’s the In 10]. p. since package climate the veto should en Polish of interests the at strikes it trepreneurs, as well as the interests of the whole Among country. other things, it will cause a electricity and heat and a pol [http:// branches many in jobs in ergetyki-konferencja-dra-marka-mi galskiego-w-katowicach/, accessed: 07.08.2014]. - - - - free proponent of a of proponent intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental Polska Razem is a is Razem Polska market in which the role of govern ment and its institutions is “not to interfere” [http:// konferencja-prjg-donald-tusk-zdrad zil-idealy-wolnego-rynku-3/, ac cessed: 07.08.2014; The Road To Wealth. The Constitution for eco nomic freedom of Jarosław Gowin’s p. 2]. Together, Poland - - - F rom this we range of guar care system care Balancing public costs meant for health care with a anteed health provisions; Lowering the needless demand for health provisions generated the and bureaucracy excessive by of health care; bad organization Ceasing activities that lead to lowering the rank of the medical society’s lowering and profession trust for doctors – activities con ducted by the government that growth unjustified an to contribute medical additional for demand in consultations and examinations. and privatization of the health − − − Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization The party is generally for speeding leader The processes. privatization up of Polska Razem, Jarosław Gowin, has appealed to PiS to stop “scar ing Poles about the privatization of hospitals.” [ odbiurokratyzowac-sluzbe-zdrowia/, accessed: 07.08.2014]. may conclude that it supports the In service. health the of privatization this context, it also stipulates about: - name Polska Razem party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 72 Ewa Ganowicz - - - - supporter of the free the of supporter Position on employee redundancies The party’s stance toward this area is Nowa that fact the Considering unclear. Prawica (alongside Polska Razem/Po a is Together) land market, free movement (also of work ers), we can conclude that in terms of free employers’ supports it employment dom of choice. The party is in favor of connect those including costs, lowering simplifying of and employment, with ed the functioning of business enterprises [ program-wyborczy/deklaracja-ideowa, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - - - The The party [http://www. [http://www.

supporter of limiting view to lowering the costs the lowering to view economic crisis balanced budget. We will not allow not will We budget. balanced

Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the The party is a expenses for the administration, as well as lowering the EU budget. “A nor state, the by incursion debt further for our children or grandchildren to inherit only our debts.” -wyborczy/program-wyborczy-knp, accessed: 11.08.2014]. wants to radically reduce bureaucra a with – cy of the functioning of the state [http:// www gram-wyborczy/deklaracja-ideowa, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - - - - - [http://www. [http://www.

CRITERIA nomic growth nomic growth protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental Although the party has not made any stipu it area, this in statements concrete concessions, all of elimination the lates permits, most likely also in terms of emissions of carbon dioxide and the party’s the Iwaszkiewicz, Jarosław like. following the said EP, the to candidate about the primacy of environmental protection over economic develop ment: “All climate-related activities so far have generated enormous costs and haven’t brought results. All acts of tightening the environmental laws can we and freedom, economic restrict not allow this. The energy policy of should and varied is countries European not be monopolized by one supplier. Poland should make use of its own resources, both the traditional and the newly-discovered, such as shale gas. Energy security will only be ensured sup external from independence our by pliers. Essential supplies from outside should be diversified.”, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - - supporter supporter of the

free free market. We

intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental change in the system, new statutes Nowa Nowa Prawica is a free market.: “A will eliminate any interference by the government in the economy. After a will become effective within 6 years of passing.” nowaprawi [http://www. gram-kongresu-nowej-prawicy/item/ program-kongresu-nowej-prawicy, accessed: 11.08.2014]. - system Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care The party wants to privatize the en tire health care system [https://www., accessed: After 11.08.2014]. coming to power, it plans to liquidate state hospitals. - name Nowej party’s party’s ation of Prawicy Kongres Kongres Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 73 - [http://narodowcy2014 .pl/ [http://narodowcy2014 Position on employee redundancies The party’s position in this matter is not is matter this in position party’s The includ costs, lowering supports It clear. ing costs of employment, while it also wants workers employed on civil law agreements to have the right to social (…). security program/, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - consti balanced budget balanced economic crisis Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the The political group is an opponent of indebting the state and wants the a of implementation through the introduction of a tutional anti-debt prohibiting anchor, expenses public of sum the increasing above the rate of economic growth [http://narodowcy, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - - - - [http://

considerable part of part considerable CRITERIA nomic growth nomic growth ‘Polish rebate’ relieving us relieving rebate’ ‘Polish protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental The party opposes environmental protection at the cost of economic growth. This is evidenced in the par ty’s attitude to the climate package. “Our industry will be beaten down by packet, energy and climate union’s the disproportionally us on imposes which hiked-up amounts of carbon dioxide emission reductions. This will lead to a of liquidation the whole the If Poland. in energetics coal unemployment accepted, were package would rise by almost one million jobs lost in mining and energy-consuming prices energy and industry, of branches for households and businesses would increase tenfold or more. That is why it is necessary to stop the implemen tation of the packet, and it would be best to reject it entirely or at least re a negotiate from some of its dictations.” accessed:, narodowcy 12.08.2014]. - - - - - free free [

free nation has the possibility

intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental Ruch Narodowy is in favor of a self-manage of freedom “The market: A ment. material the building independently of foundations of its life and disposing of the fruits of its labor. The present state, in which the costs of maintain the on mainly rest sector public the ing en small on and population lower-paid trepreneurs, is unacceptable. It pushes millions of Poles to labor migration. Ruch Narodowy will fight against the pathologies of bureaucracy and fiscal ism, will defend taxpayers’ rights. It and action of freedom the for fight will entrepre Polish the for capital to access so neur, that he can create new places of work.” program/, accessed: 12.08.0214]. system Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care In the party’s program there are no statements pertaining to this issue. - Ruch name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political Narodowy 74 Ewa Ganowicz ------com pathet living off of greater burden greater


Position on employee redundancies The party is against employee redundan employee against is party The a exclusively be cannot “Labor cies. mar the of laws wild the to subject modity societal important have also should It ket. and social functions. Liberal economic costs employment high that claim experts’ economic to barriers fundamental the are most The false. basically is development of downturn financial of cause important businesses and the main barrier to eco nomic development is not the high cost of employment but rather the Monetary Policy Council’s maintenance of high interest rates in the central bank and the unrealistic exchange rate of the Polish currencies main other to relations in zloty A EUR). and (USD em to (compared economy Polish the for ployment costs) is the tax, the extortion money, collected by international credit in businessmen from (banks) institutions the form of high interest rates on loans. transferred are extortion this of costs The the all with employees, onto employers by negative consequences they entail. The so-called restructuring processes carried out in businesses, resulting in massive pressure the employees, of redundancies wages, hourly lower to employers on put the wages, overtime wage, minimum the human at hit that code work the in changes dignity, the widespread replacement of employment contracts by so-called junk contracts, is nothing more than a ic attempt at saving business at the ex pense of worsening income conditions for social groups making a wages.” [http://www. samoobrona. org. pl/pages/02b.Program/index.php?docu ment=/489.program.html#6, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - - way way of fight

nation-wide economic economic crisis Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing expenses as a means of fighting the Samoobrona is against lowering bud lowering against is Samoobrona getary expenses as a ing the economic crisis, especially in the social, agricultural, or health care spheres. However, it wants to seek out savings via the liquidation of most agencies, foundations, and funds financedby the state budget, which could amount to 25% savings. In it the view, is party’s necessary to carry out a inspection and inspection of assets. Recovery of stolen material assets or assets lost for compensation obtaining will constitute another source of fi Repairing for Program the for nancing the Polish Economy [ moobrona. index.php?document=/489.program. html#6, accessed: 13.08.2014]. ------prop

industry and industry

[http://www. samoo [http://www.

lack of care for the en the for care of lack

CRITERIA nomic growth nomic growth barrier barrier to development and

protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental The party opposes environmental pro environmental opposes party The growth. economic of cost the at tection need the acknowledge does it However, to protect the environment and sees it eco country’s the for opportunity an as of state good “The development. nomic contribute can environment natural the to the development of many areas of A economy. the vironment by the state and its citizens can be a contribute to the downfall of ecolog ically-sensitive areas of the economy, A tourism. and agriculture as such er state policy in this matter – one of the protect that investments promoting pro-ecological promoting environment, in technology production agriculture, and encouraging citizens’ and attitudes environmentally-friendly lifestyles – can bring the country and its people measurable social and eco nomic benefits.” php?document=/489.program.html#6, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - - favorable favorable intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental The political group has a stance towards state interventionism, especially in agriculture – i.e. inter vention buying – in order to protect of effects the from economy Polish the [http://www.samoo crisis economic an php?document=/489.program.html#13, accessed: sa 13.08.2014, http://www. pl/pages/03.Stanow iska/index.php?document=0661.html, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - network of pro such as epidemics as such necessary back-up – system Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care Samoobrona opposes the privatization the opposes Samoobrona be to hospitals all wants It hospitals. of postu also It funds. public by financed lates the creation of a would that hospitals municipal vincial These well. as persons uninsured serve would serve as a potential for bed-count of terms in base events unforeseen and natural disasters [http://www. sa index.php?document=/489.program. html#13, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - name brona party’s party’s Samoo ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 75 - - - fight against fight

full-time basis and a and basis full-time

return of self-employed persons to Elimination Elimination of junk contracts (not only by mechanically raising the social security contributions, as the out leveling by but – does government employees of rights and securities the in all types of work agreements); employing businesspeople for Relief a on fictitious self-employment through a the universal PIT (personal income tax) system; in inequalities lessen to action Taking payments: increasing the minimum scandalously the limiting while wage [http://par chairmen of salaries high 13.08.2014]. accessed:, Position on employee redundancies − − − The party program does not raise these issues. redundan employee against is party The cies. In this context it stipulates the im solutions: following the of plementation - - - - - view to creating economic crisis Position on decreasing budget Position on decreasing detailed inspection of state expen clear and fair system of fiscal and so and fiscal of system fair and clear expenses as a means of fighting the One of the group’s postulates is the introduction of the rule of budgetary balance in the Polish Constitution [, accessed: 13.08.2014]. Aware of the threat resulting from growing public debt, the party is for a efficacy the increasing for and ditures public from spent zloty every using of tax simplifying of favor in is It funds. regulations with a a integrating postulates It payments. cial calcula economic the in costs external tion, elimination of socially and eco logically harmful subsidies, and tax reforms based on increasing taxation of natural resources while lowering [http://partiazielo taxes employment ni. pl/, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - supporter of environ CRITERIA nomic growth nomic growth protection at the expense of eco protection Attitude towards environmental Attitude towards environmental The party is a mental protection at the expense of economic growth. It supports the idea [http://par development sustainable of tiazieloni. pl/, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - - simul [http://

intervention in the economy Attitude towards governmental The party is against state interven tionism in the economic sphere. “The role of the government is introducing mechanisms to regulate the economy, which eliminate its short-sighted and harmful expansion alongside a taneous creation of conditions for the cre enterprise, human of development measure The initiative. local and ativity, of the efficacy of the economy should be the level of consideration for the criteria of fulfillment interest, common of sustainable development, fewer in and living, of standard the in equalities work.” of places worthy creating 13.08.2014]. accessed:, - The party program does not raise these issues. system Position on the commercialization Position on the commercialization and privatization of the health care and privatization of the health care The party is opposed to the privatiza stipulations its of One hospitals. of tion is the existence of public health care [, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - nia name Partia Zieloni party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political Bezpośred Demokracja 76 Ewa Ganowicz

- - - - …, PiS


Świątynia Świątynia Program proponent proponent of

Program [

very important em [http://www. niedziela. [http://www.

funds ] [http://wiadomosci. [http://wiadomosci. ] [, [,

and the financing of the church through public through and the financing of church refuge of ‘Polishness’ – for this reason, according reason, this for – ‘Polishness’ of refuge Position on religious symbols in the public sphere symbols in the public sphere Position on religious PIS PIS recognizes the special role of the Church in against is party The life. public including life, Polish sphere, public the from symbols religious removing [ Sejm) the from cross the instance, (for 2014 (PiS Program 2014) pp. 10–11]. poli party by statements in clear made is idea This “PiS that stated Duda Andrzej instance: for ticians, will defend the cross, as its place is in the Polish when Poland in come has time the “(…) and Sejm” public the from cross the of removal demand people move Poles Catholic of majority the where sphere, about, for whom the cross is a blem.” accessed: 09.04.2014]. are we “Today that: stated also himself Kaczyński J. and Church the on attack greatest the to eyewitnesses fundamental as matters on attack an is It values. its Church the of presence the and life of defense the as life.” public in religion and pl/artykul/5240/Jaroslaw-Kaczynski-dla-%E2%80% 9ENiedzieli%E2%80%9D, accessed: 09.04.2014]. as PiS by perceived is institution, an as Church, The a to the it party, deserves special significance: “The national our in Church Catholic the of status special and public life is uniquely important. We want to destroying at attempts that believe we and it uphold for dangerous are Church the attacking unjustly and the general shape of social life.” build for aid financial supported also He 10–11]. pp. ing the Temple of Divine Providence [ Bożej Opatrzności polityka/artykuly/450423,klotnia-o-dotacje-na-swia 09.04.2014]. accessed: tynie-opatrznosci-bozej.html, F rom this we may also conclude that he accepts financial aid for his political structure from public funds. The political group is also a bound closely also is It schools. in religion teaching Trwam”. with “Radio Maryja” and “TV ------[http://

statement statement think that g. pl/article. family, family, not for Position on the in troduction of sexual troduction education in schools PiS PiS opposes the in troduction of sexual education in schools. Their position is ex pressed in a by Prof. Ryszard Ter lecki, published on the party’s website: “What education? sexual about Personally I schools should prepare students for function ing in a sexual life.” www.pis.or php?id=16387, ac cessed: 09.04.2014]. - - - - - previous bill by bill previous ban on trading on Position on the pos sibility of trading on similar case during vot during case similar CRITERIA Sundays and holidays PiS is against this pos by evidenced as sibility, the results of voting on bills related to this is sue. PiS representatives voted against rejecting the civic project (“ F ree Sunday”) that places a Sundays no. [Voting 12 – session 64, accessed: 21.03.2014]. There was a a on ing representatives [Voting no. 10 – session 64, ac cessed: 21.03.2014]. ------[http:// [http:// right to

have a small small amount of I

drug dealer is caught sion for personal use sion for of marijuana posses Position on the legality PiS PiS opposes the legal ization of ‘soft drugs’, which finds expression state Hofman’s Adam in if opinion, my “In ment: a with a drugs can avoid convic tion, then we are on the road to legalizing soft drugs. my opinion.” kat,1342,title,Prze stroga-PiS-to-droga -do-legalizacji-miek kich-narkotykow, wid, 13765186,wiadomosc. html?ticaid=11280e&_ ticrsn=3].

------2014 (Pro 2014 An analysis of political parties’ attitudes towards moral and religious issues An analysis of political parties’ . way that excludes Position on abortion Program PiS Program PiS PiS is against abortion under any circumstanc protection the for is It es. con natural from life of death. natural to ception In the Program we can read: “The right to life be relations determines tween individuals and communities in such a the possibility of mak ing arbitrary decisions about depriving others of life: it also protects them from self-destruc tive actions. In modern times it is mainly about the protecting life from conception.” of time the [ gram PiS 2014), p. 7]. Table 3 Table

------2014 (PiS man, as the primary the as man, couples Program Program PiS [

Position on the possibility of back door. It is very dangerous union pertains to various social woman and a and woman legalizing unions of homosexual PIS is against giving the same rights same the giving against is PIS homosex by unions establishing to ual couples. The political group believes such unions are against These issues are nature. addressed program: “The concept of in PiS’s a groups, but the most important of nation. the and family the are these foun whose at family, the treat We dation is the permanent union of a which in one life, social of structure the vital needs of humans are met, including the need for human in timacy.” Program 2014) p. 8]. PiS of statements the Additionally, against are they that show activists the legalization of homosexual the (over debate one During unions. legalization of marriages in other countries), the then representative Beata Kempa uttered the follow ing: “(…) the legalization of ho through occurred unions mosexual a legislation.” She was echoed by representative Adam Hofman: “It is an introduction of homosexual marriages into the Polish legal or der. In the year of John Paul II’s beatification, nobody should be giving presents like this to Poles.” [ wiadomosci/1,114873,9057622, PiS__Nowa_ustawa_furtka_dla_ malzenstw_homoseksualnych. html, accessed: 09.04.2014]. - PiS name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 77 ------sym sign of und and F und [quotation

reminder about readi public funds in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious financing of the church through through financing of the church PO’s PO’s position on this issue is not unanimous [http://wiadomosci.,1342,opage,6,title,Tusk- zabral-glos-ws-krzyza-w-sejmie, wid,13892222, wiadomosc.html?t icaid=112852; http:// wiadomosci. kraj/projekt-uchwaly-pis- ws-krzyza-do-dalszych-prac-w- sejmie/rghqq; http://www.fakt. pl/ Niesiolowski-ostro-o-Paliko cie-i-zdejmowaniu-krzyza,artykuly, 133620,1.html, accessed: frac conservative The 11.04.2014]. tion of PO is in favor of leaving the “a as sphere, public the in cross bol of religious pain and a pub the in and people, for love God’s lic sphere – a human another for sacrifice for ness being and oblation. The cross rep resents values that build respect for the being, human every of dignity the the and being, human every of rights rights of communities.” freedom the concerning bill the from of religion – signed by 10 represen tatives from PO]. PO proposes the Church the of eliminations possibility the implementing instead of writing off 0.3% of income tax for churches and religious associa the to according – would These tions. proposition – party’s independently pay contributions for social secu rity and health care for the clergy [ rzad-i-episkopat-z-nadzieja-po-roz mowach-ws-finansowania-kosci ola/; http://www.tvpparlament. pl/ aktualnosci/jak-finansowac-kosci accessed: ol-dzis-kolejne-spotkanie/, 11.04.2014]. ------resolution accord resolution schools rom Donald Tusk’s Tusk’s Donald F rom Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in PO’s PO’s position in this matter – as in many concerning is vague. is – worldview of sues two are there party, the Within conflicting fractions: the pro con the and fraction gressive servative. statements, we can assume that he is against sexual edu cation in schools:: „Sexuality family, the in home, at begins and has no place in school.” [http://wiadomosci. kraj/kluzik-rostkowska-na jpierw-badania-potem-de cyzja-ws-edukacji-seksualnej/ 11.04.2014]. accessed: m3de1, the Currently, political group a postulates ing to which various learning solutions will be proposed to students, and parents will decide about what their chil dren learn. - - - - ktual ban could cause holidays Position on the possibility rise in unemployment [http:// unemployment in rise of trading on Sundays and

PO is against the prohibition of trade during holidays be cause such a a www. nosc/19300/po-przeciw na-zakazowi-handlu-w-nied ziele, accessed: 11.04.2014]. - - - - CRITERIA small amount small

personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of PO is opposed to legalizing the possession of marijuana for personal use. In 2011, it opposed the inclusion of this medications.of list the on drug Meanwhile, it proposes the introduction of legal regula tions that would allow justice authorities to waive pursuance a of possession of [http://www. radio.bialystok. pl/wiadomosci/polskaiswiat/ http://www. id/57217; swiat/id/57156; http:// wiado mosci. gazeta. pl/wiadomości /1,114873,9350906,Blaszczak_ pyta_premiera_o_stanowisko_ rzadu_ws__posiadania.html, accessed: 11.04.2014]. ------doctor. How doctor. Position on abortion Officially, Officially, the party is for maintaining currently func tioning resolutions in this pro-abortion is it Thus, matter. conditions specific under only the of life or health the (when mother or the fetus is endan gered, when the pregnancy is the with and rape) of result the permission of a attitudes party, the inside ever, 2011, July in and divided; are PiS, from votes (with Sejm the almost all of PSL and part of PO) rejected the proposal for proj civic entire the rejecting ect for the family planning bill, protection of the human fetus and the conditions for allowing abortion, which completely prohibited abor further for it referred and tion, consideration by the com mittee [ polityka/142059-komorows ki-po-za-wszelka-cene-powin na-bronic-kompromisu-ws- aborcji; http:// www.rmf24. pl/fakty/polska/news-odrzu cono-projekt-ustawy-zaostr zajacej-przepisy-ws-aborc ji,nId,643944, accessed: 11.04.2014]. ------bill concern bill

sexual couples consensus regarding civil regarding consensus

door for entering into ho legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of PO is strongly divided on this on divided strongly is PO issue, which could be seen a on work during ing civil unions/partnerships, to made was attempt an where of party position the combine initia the (supporting liberals conser party of that with tive) vatives (who were opposed). is position official party’s The homosexual legalizing against inner-party an 2013, In unions. to work was established team a out unions, after the conservative re to voted had PO of fraction ject all three bills, including main The Dunin. Artur of that reason for this was a fear that the regulations would open a [http://fakty. unions mosexual spol-wewnatrzparty jny-opracuje-projekt-ws-zwi http:// azkow-nief,nId,935947; wiado mosci/1,114873,13310853,D laczego_poslowie_PO_ glosowali_przeciwko_ zwiazkom.html; http:// 1,35055,13367158,Posel_PO_ nie_chce_malzenstw_homo seksualnych__Puknijcie.html, accessed: 11.04.2014]. - PO name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 78 Ewa Ganowicz ------[http:/

result of the of result

F und, as spo public funds political party that includes that party political in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious proposition of the government, basis. However, party members’ party members’ basis. However, financing of the church through through financing of the church / 1, 76842,11368838, 76842,11368838, 1, / PSL__Podatek_na_kosciol__To_ nie_nasz_pomysl.html#ixzz2yt Se4thk,accessed: 10.04.2014]. PSL is a is PSL itself in the Christian-democratic current, thus in matters of world view it relies on the social teach ings of the Church. At the same time, the party’s lack of clearly defined attitudes towards these is a is program the in sues represen PSL that principle party’s practice to obligated not are tatives believes party The discipline. party vote should representative each that according to his/her own con science, although he/she should always take Church teachings as a statements show that they are for leaving religious symbols in the public sphere [ polityka/120993-po-pis-psl-za- tym-by-krzyz-pozostal-w-sejmie- inicjatywe-palikota-popiera-rze komo-slaski-senator-kutz; http:// cie/walka-o-wolnosc-religii-w-eu ropie-sukces-polityka-z-polski/ nedvs, accessed: 10.04.2014]. PSL did not support its coalition partner, PO, on the issue of liqui dating the Church ken by one of the group’s lead ers, Marek Sawicki:”This is not a idea.” Boni’s Michał is this ------supporter representa schools Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in In PSL, there is no unanimous no is there PSL, In position towards this issue. F or instance, Halina Szy a miec-Raczyńska, a is party, this of tive schools. in education sexual of howev members, Most party er, are against introducing sexual education into schools [ ka-halina-szymiec-raczyns ka-w-psl-u,51450, accessed: 10.04.2014]. ------responsible role holidays rise rise in unemployment. significant part of society. Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and

PSL advocates the ban on trad on ban the advocates PSL ing on Sundays and holidays. forcing opinion, party’s the In in Sundays on work to people shopping centers, especially women, who constitute the majority of sales employees and fulfill a in family life, and childrear ing, is judged negatively by a The party is concerned that the trading ban could cause a That is why, in the party’s opinion, this issue should be examined when the econom ic situation of the country improves [http://wyborcza. pl/ 1,91446,15658156,Sejm_ podzielony_ws__zakazu_ handlu_w_niedziele.html; http://www. polskieradio. pl/5/3/Artykul/1080644,Se jm-odmawia-nie-bedzie-zaka zu-handlu-w-niedziele-; http://serwisy. gazetapraw tykuly/785289,zakaz-hand lu-w-niedziele-w-sklepach. html, accessed: 10.04.2014]. - - - - CRITERIA personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of PSL PSL is against the legaliza tion of soft drugs [http:// mosci/1,114873,10374290,De bata___PO__PiS__PSL_ przeciwko_legalizacji_mar ihuany.html, accessed: 10.04.2014]. ------complete ban http://www.tvn24. http://www.tvn24. fetus diagnosed with diagnosed fetus Position on abortion defect) and a PSL is against abortion and for and abortion against is PSL stricter legal regulations con voting When abortion. cerning prohibition stricter for bills on of abortion (the ban would a concern a on abortion – both civic proj representatives PSL the – ects to bills the referring for voted further amendment by the [ committee pl/wiadomosci-z-kraju,3/w- sejmie-debata-o-aborcji-pis -psl-i-sp-chca-dalszych-prac- nad-obywatelskim-projektem, 357840.html; http:// wia domosci. po-sld-i-rp-przeciw-pro jektowi-dot-aborcji-pis-psl -i-sp-za-dalszymi-pracami/ 10.04.2014] accessed: 6gq0m, - - sexual couples legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of The party is against the legal the against is party The unions. homosexual of ization - PSL name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 79

- - - - - with

Tomorrow voluntary tax de Program SLD. Jutro Jutro SLD. Program Program for Poland), for Program [

A . public funds proponent of the principle the of proponent bez obaw. bez Program dla obaw. Polski Program. (SLD out fear pp. 21–24]. Revision Revision of the law regarding the of colors hymn, emblem, the Polish Republic, and the state of placement the excluding seal, ideological, religious, particular party, and corporate symbols government public of places in rule, as well as the exclusion of ostentatious display of such functionaries public by symbols government in term their during office;. Striving to impede the process of clericalization of the public school system; Abolishment of the Church F und, restricting other direct grants to the Catholic Church and the clergy; Restriction of tax relief for Church corporations and in troducing a duction of 1% – on the same orga benefit public for as basis nizations.. in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious financing of the church through through financing of the church − − − − SLD is a is SLD of government neutrality in mat ters of religion and conviction. It postulates:

- - - - Tomorrow Program for

. A schools Program Program SLD. Jutro [

(SLD Program. (SLD Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in The party is in favor of intro ducing sexual education into public schools at all levels. sensi age, the to “appropriate abilities perceptual and tivity, of children and young people (…)” bez obaw. Program dla Pol ski without fear Poland), p. 118]. holidays Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and The party program does not raise these issues. CRITERIA personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of The party program does not raise these issues. - - - - - Tomor modern modern deepen Program

law whose . A Program Program SLD. [

growing abortion

(SLD Program. (SLD Position on abortion SLD is in favor of leaving the leaving of favor in is SLD the to abortion about decision woman. This is expressed in will “We program: party’s the consistently strive towards the abolishment of the law concerning family planning, the protection of the human fetus, and the conditions al lowing for termination of pregnancy – a result is a underground and a ing conviction in women that in citizens second-rate are they Poland, with no rights to de To lives. own their about cide replace the abortion law that women, against discriminates we will introduce a law concerning conscious parenthood, allowing access plan family of methods all to ning and reproductive health in general.” Jutro bez Program dla obaw. Polski row without fear for Poland), p. 118].

------Tomor Program

. A (Declaration Program Program SLD. [ fear

), p. 24]. sexual couples (SLD Program. (SLD and freedom understood freedom and

legalizing unions of homo Deklaracja ideowo-pro Position on the possibility of The political group supports homosexual of legalization the unions as civil partnerships, but not marriages. One of the basic values written into the Declaration of SLD’s ideas and program is democracy “understood as majority rule minori of protection the with ethnic, national, of – rights ty religious, and sexual minori ties” as “freedom of making life about deciding freely choices, tolerance.” and (…) self, one’s [ gramowa SLD program), and ideas SLD’s of 10.12.2011]. Warsaw In SLD’s Program, the party declares willingness to legal ize “unions of partners, both of the same sex and opposite the maintaining while – sexes visible legal differences in The marriages. to comparison F rench package of social sol as serve could (PACS) idarity inspiration.” Jutro bez Program dla obaw. Polski row without for Poland - SLD name party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 80 Ewa Ganowicz

------…, com

secular Deklaracja [

Deklaracja [

large large part of tax (Declaration and program fact that a …, p. 34]. through public funds through to ensure that in governing and legisla and governing in that ensure to

sphere and the financing of the church and the financing of church sphere tezy programowe Position on religious symbols in the public Position on religious Deklaracja One of the party’s stipulations is the absence of religious symbols in public life (including schools) and no financing of the Church from public funds. “An open, secular country that guards the law and freedom, should create conditions for free, pluralistic social life, free of hate, insecurities, A and xenophobia. a be must diversity in rich nation mon nation, governed by law and not the arbitrary will of politicians and officials.” i theses), twó, p. 9]. “We demand respect for Article 25.2 in the accord Poland, of Republic the of Constitution Republic the in authorities ‘public which to ing of Poland maintain impartiality in matters of philosophy, and ideology, conviction, religious ensuring the freedom of their expression in public This life.’ rule obligates governmental organs or religiosity, atheism, favor not will they tion any religious or secular ideological systems. matters in that certainty the have must Citizens the of government ideology, will exercise the utmost restraint and refrain from establishing philosoph or religious any of basis the on laws ical convictions. Instead, they should leave as much room for our choice as possible. No others than privileges greater have can church symbols religious of absence The – life state in of proof the be should etc., schools, offices, in the impartiality of the state.” p. 33]. “Though it is a payers are Catholics it does not follow that we can fund things such as catechism or the F ield Ordinariate from public finances (there fore, money paid by non-Catholics as well). entirely come should activities such for F unds from collections organized in the Church.” [ ------(Decla Deklarac [

Deklaracja [

in schools ..., p. 25]. tion of sexual education tezy programowe Position on the introduc Twój Ruch demands the in the demands Ruch Twój educa sexual of troduction demand “We schools. in tion sexual education, access to contraceptives, modern free, the right to legal abortion, and the refunding of in vi treatment.” tro i theses), program and ration twó, p. 19]. “Besides the rules for healthy eating, diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, les prevention, medical and sex include also should sons education and guidelines The alcohol. of use safe for development of prevention will help lower health care costs, and sexual education will teach young people to is Sex behavior. risky avoid life of area an important too of fear with associated be to embarrassment.” ja - - - - - holidays CRITERIA Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and Twój Twój Ruch is against ban ning trade on holidays. The group’s representa tives did not support the bill introducing this ban, since in their view it was ideologically-tainted and had no real impact on im proving the situation of sales workers [http://www. rmf24. pl/fakty/polska/ news-zakaz-handlu-w-nied ziele-sejm-podzielo ny-premier-sceptyczny ,nId,1360761, accessed: 07.,08.2014]. ------(Decla substance Deklaracja Deklaracja moral perspec practical/medical beneficial solution beneficial personal use case for its use in treating in use its for case tezy programowe marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of Twój Twój Ruch is in favor of legalizing marijuana. “The legalization of mari a is juana both from a a and tive one. There is no reason for the government to pursue people who, without harm ing others, use a that is no more harmful es alcohol; or tobacco than pecially that the palliative make marijuana of qualities a many illnesses, and an ex into money bring would cise the budget.” [ i theses), program and ration twó, p. 47]. - - - - - tezy tezy

child, (Declaration …, pp. 19–20]. pp. …, Deklaracja Deklaracja i Position on abortion civilized country, howev civilized country, possibility. Every woman possibility. Deklaracja The The party demands the “We abortion. legal to right demand sexual education, access to free, modern contraceptives, the right to legal abortion, and the refunding of in vitro treat ment.” [ programowe and program theses), twó, p. 19]. “Our right to decide about our own reproduction has been taken The away. religious fanatically rightist, to trying always are groups, tighten the already restric tive abortion law of 1993. Yet, the right to abortion is not an obligation, but a who wants to have a can child), ill most the (even love him and raise him. In a er, no one can force wom en to have children (…).” [ ------law law tezy tezy (Declaration …, p. 47]. Deklaracja i [

homosexual couples of legalizing unions law is especially essential especially is law traditional wedding. Such wedding. traditional Deklaracja Position on the possibility The political group supports group political The the legalization of homo sexual unions, including the right to legal marriage. citi all treat must state “The giving way, same the in zens them opportunities to real and Men goals. life their ize and nationals Polish women, members of other national minorities, heterosexuals and homosexuals – all should not only have the same political rights, but benefits the of use make also of legal institutions, which particular their consider will needs.” programowe and program theses), twó, p. 9]. “It is very crucial to introduce a concerning partnerships mutual the facilitate will that var (for who people of lives ious reasons) do not desire a a for the equality of rigths of homosexuals, who are un marriage.” into enter to able [ - Twój Twój name Ruch party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 81

------public funds in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious financing of the church through through financing of the church SP SP jest against removing re ligious symbols from the pu blic domain and public (i.e. life, the cross in [http://www. the Sejm) artykul/sprawa_krzyza_w_sej mie_na_wokandzie_warszaw skiego_sadu_257279.html, http:// pl/aktualnosci/ wiadomosci/artykul/solidarna;pol ska;oskarza;poslow;o;zniewaze nie;chrzescijanstwa;,44,0,1220652. html, accessed: 07.08.2014].

------prop schools debate, Marzena Wróbel Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in SP opposes the introduction of introduction the opposes SP schools. into education sexual The group’s representatives that bill the rejecting for voted in education sex include would ed sex identify They schools. and “pedophilia” with ucation “gender education”. During a (Solidarna Polska) warned that such lessons could “dev astate the insides of young people” because they are not about education, but “a osition for demoralization.” [http://wyborcza. pl/1,75478,16261405,Chca__ by_za__genderowa_eduka ml#ixzz39gwiGuHG, http:// polska. -lis-na-zywo-andrzej-rozenek -marzena-wrobel-edukacja -seksualna,artykuly,277148,1. html, accessed: 07.08.2014]. - - - - - 2014]. holidays Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and SP supports the ban on trading on ban the supports SP on Sundays and holidays. The group’s representatives are in favor of further work on the bill concerning the [http:// Sundays on ban trading /fakty/polska/ news-zakaz-handlu-w-nied ziele-sejm-podzielony-pre mier-sceptyczny,nId,1360761, http://rozumny.salon24. pl/511020,zdecydowanie-pop ieram-wprowadzenie-zaka zu-handlu-w-niedziele, ac cessed: 07.08. - - - CRITERIA personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of SP SP wants tighter regulations concerning drug possession. politicians party’s the 2013, In politicians other to letters sent and celebrities who – in their opinion – propagate the use of marijuana. The project presented by the party at that time presupposed the repealing of criminal pro ceedings for possession of insignificant amounts of drugs meant for personal use [http://www. 749258,972439-SP-chce- zaostrzenia-kar-za-posi adanie-narkotykow.html, http://polska. solidarna-polska-solidar nie-przeciw-narkotykom, 87441,1,1.html accessed: 07.08.2014]. - - - Position on abortion SP SP is against abortion and wants tighter regulations in this area, which would result ban abortion an introducing in in the case of fetuses with defects [http:// www.wprost. pl/ar/ 349593/Solidarna-Pol ska-proponuje-niech-aborc ja-bedzie-trudniejsza/, ac cessed: 07.08.2014]. ------man. man. union be F amily Rights. woman and a sexual couples declaration of faith and ad legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of The party is against legalizing against is party The same-sex marriages and ho mosexual unions. It believes that marriage is a tween a The group proposed the es tablishment of October 22 as the Day of “Regulations that would equate same-sex partnerships with marriages understood as unions between women and shame unacceptable., are men will Polska Solidarna and ful, wrote – them” oppose always the for spokesman Jaki, Patryk Parliamentary Club Solidar na Polska [http:// wpolityce. pl/polityka /125321-sol idarna-polska-proponu je-zamiast-zwiazkow-part nerskich-palikota-dz ien-praw-rodziny, accessed: 07.08.2014]. SP also proposes increasing legal protection of the con science clause via changes in regulations concerning the medical and dental profes sions; in the party’s opinion, this could lessen the witch- hunt for doctors who sign a here to the conscience clause [http: //www. pl/kp-sprawiedliwa-pols ka-domaga-sie-wzmocnie nia-prawnego-klauzuli-sumi enia/, accessed: 06.08.2014]. - name Polska party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political Solidarna 82 Ewa Ganowicz - - - - - public funds in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious financing of the church through through financing of the church Although Polska Razem declares itself against discrimination, in cluding religious discrimination, religious of removal the against is it public the from cross) (the symbols [http:// Sejm) the from (i.e. domain tykul/998636,Krzyz-zostaje-w-Se jmie-Nikomu-niepotrzebny-spor, ityka/artykuly/445314,krzyz-zos taje-w-sejmie-co-na-to-politycy. html, accessed: 10.08.2014]. The party does not raise this topic directly in its program. Moreover, its postulates in this context are vague. On one hand, they want autonomy for churches from the state, legal protection for atheists recognize and non-Christians, and religious freedom; on the other Christian acknowledge they hand, values and Catholic traditions as important. , ------sexual sexual He added He

terrible injury [

schools am ashamed of what is be Position on the introduc pedophile, who will caress tion of sexual education in would prefer for my daughter my for prefer would As in the case of soft drugs and other cases of ideologi cal problems, the party fails to present its position clear ly in its program. However, its leader Jarosław Gowin voted for rejecting the bill concerning sexual education [http://www. watch?v=IbBvr5ktw ac GY, cessed: 10.08.2014]. The party is against intro ducing sexual education in schools. Party leader Ja nusz Korwin-Mikke said in an interview for kafeteria. tv: “This is a to young people’s minds. I to get caught in the hands of a her, rather than in a education class.” “I ing done with young people nowadays.” -mikke-edukacja-sek sualna-potworne-okalecza nie-psychiki-mlodych-ludzi/, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - - - holidays Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and The party’s position is not clear in this context and not clearly expressed in the program documents. On one hand, it is for economic freedom, but on the other its leaders (while they were still Jarosław – representatives PO Gowin and Jacek Żalek) vot trading banning bill the for ed by presented later Sundays, on [http://www. 2013 May in PiS, tvn 3/zakaz-handlu-w-niedziele- glownie-z-inicjatywy-pis- zobacz-liste,328954.html, accessed: 10.08.2014]. The party does not raise this issue directly in its program. because of the Yet fact that it opposes government interfer ence in citizens’ affairs, we may conclude that it is also against implementing the ban. It should be noted, how recognizes party the that ever, Catholic and values Christian traditions. ------CRITERIA clear waste of time” of waste personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of The party does not hold a hold not does party The (at issue this regarding position least in their program). How its ever, leader believes these “a be to issues or “filler topics”. It seems that in ideological issues the party has rightist views, so it is against legalization of soft drugs, including marijuana [http://www.fronda. pl/a/ gowin-zajmowanie-sie-zwi azkami-partnerskimi-mar ihuana-i-podobnymi-rzec zami-to-strata-czasu,26073. html, accessed: 10.08.2014]. The party is for legalizing soft drugs such as marijua na [ wazne/zobacz/nowa_prawi ca_przedstawia_swoj_pro gram_obnizka_podatkow _i_legalizacja_trawki/41978, accessed: 12.08.2014]. ------lesser F or instance, Position on abortion Polska Razem does not have of issues on position official an ideology or worldview (such as abortion, in vitro fertiliza yet partnerships), civil or tion, its politicians display conser vative attitudes. Jarosław Gowin thinks that abortion ban should law Polish for the so-called “eugenic” reasons [http://www .fronda. pl/a/jaroslaw-gowin-jest-za- calkowitym-zakazem-aborc ji-przeczytaj-jego-ankiete- dla-jeden-z-nas,37749.html, accessed: 07.08.2014]. According to the party, ter minating pregnancy should be prohibited. Janusz Kor win-Mikke speaks of excep abortion which in cases tional could be allowed as “a entirely.” it allowing than evil nowaprawica.wroclaw. [http:// pl/artykuly,n292,piotr_t_ waszkiewicz__aborcja_a_ holocaust.html, accessed: 12.08.2014]. ------[http://

man. In order sexual couples woman and a legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of The party is against legalizing against is party The homosexuals. between unions It emphasizes that, in accor dance with the Constitution, marriage is the union of a to legalize civil partnerships, are Constitution the in changes polskarazem. [http:// required pl/gowin-malzenstwo-to-zwi azek-mezczyzny-i-kobiety/, Polska 07.08.2014]. accessed: Razem is of the opinion that accepting para-marital insti tutions in the case of homo sexuals is the first step to the homo by children of adoption sexuals [http:// www.fronda. pl/a/tecza-nowy-spot-jaro slawa-gowina,36970.html, accessed: 07.08.2014]. The party is opposed to the legalization of unions be tween homosexuals. “We will not allow marriage to be equated with other sexual partnerships. semi-sexual and The legal status of marriage can only be given to partner ships of individuals who can conceive children.” www. info/program-wyborczy/ pro gram -kongresu-nowej-pra wicy/item/program-kongre su-nowej-prawicy, accessed: 12.08.2014]. - name Nowej Polska party’s party’s Razem ation of Prawicy Kongres Kongres Abbrevi a political AN OVERVIEW OF ATTITUDE TOWARDS SELECTED ASPECTS OF ELECTORAL PROGRAMS… 83 public funds in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious financing of the church through through financing of the church The party’s position on this issue lacks program party The unclear. is same the At issue. this to references values Christian to appeals it time, in its program. - - - - - schools Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in The The party opposes the intro duction of sexual education into schools [http://www. dydatki-ruchu-narodowe go-w-eurowyborach-zaprez entowaly-sie-w-warszawie, http:// oraz 13.08.2014 dostęp: .pl/program/, narodowcy2014 accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - F rom statements holidays ban on trading on Sundays Position on the possibility of trading on Sundays and The party’s position on this issue is unclear. The pro gram lacks references to this issue. made by certain members it follows that they support a and holidays [http://mysl24. pl/ spoleczenstwo/1471-wol nosc-czy-uzaleznienie. html, accessed: 13.08.2014]. Moreover, the party appeals to Christian values in its pro gram. - CRITERIA problem in rom statements by statements F rom personal use marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of The party’s position on this matter is not The clear. party program lacks references to issue. this that follows it members certain the legalization of soft drugs may constitute a society [ com/ watch?v=3 F V0_0ZSm Bg, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - - “fe Position on abortion The political group is against abortion, calling it a lony” [http://www. prawy .pl/z-kraju/5218-kandydatki -ruchu-narodowego-w-euro wyborach-zaprezentowaly -sie-w-warszawie, accessed: 13.08.2014]. ------sexual couples Latin civilization. Today, Latin civilization. Today,

legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of The party is against legal izing homosexual unions. in rooted be to needs “Poland tradition, despite subversive currents. Our forefathers got their moral principles from natural law, read in the con text of Poland’s Christening, its belonging to the Catholic and there are ideologies making their way across Europe that are hostile to universal nat ural law and destructive to healthy morality. In Poland, will We stopped. be must they neutralize the propaganda of sodomites and block the im plementation of the so-called ‘gender’ We ideology. won’t allow for the depravation of our children and youth by institutions meant for educa and schools, preschools, – tion others. will We not allow the destruction of families or the or masculinity of deformation femininity through ideas that conflict with human nature. In the public media and in cultural institutions we will block the offensive of cultur [http://narodow Marxism.” al accessed:, 12.08.2014]. - - name Ruch dowy Naro party’s party’s ation of Abbrevi a political 84 Ewa Ganowicz

------Pacyfikacja ”, “Chłopska Dro public funds nation is the government’s government’s the is nation ), 18.IV.1993]. The Pacification of “Self-De of Pacification The in the public sphere and the in the public sphere Position on religious symbols Position on religious Samoobrony financing of the church through through financing of the church “ ( ga” The party has not expressed itself clearly on this issue. However, often it rallies its organizing when uses religious symbols, often by carrying pictures and other reli gious symbols, or singing church songs. [J. Łowicki. fence” The party believes that the condi tion for the existence of minori a in ties [http://partia neutrality ideological 13.08.2014]. accessed:, Thus, it is in favor of separating does it However, state. and church on position its express directly not the matter of removing religious or sphere public the from symbols public through churches financing funds. - - - schools Position on the introduc tion of sexual education in In In its program, the group postulates “preparing young people for family life.” [http://www. samoobrona. pages/02b.Program/ index.php?document=/489. program.html#6, accessed: 13.08.2014]. Partia Zieloni is for universal and modern sexual education and for universal, state-fi nanced access to contracep tives [, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - holidays amilies/ Liga Polskich Liga F amilies/ complete ban on trade on trade on ban complete Position on the possibility compromise that resulted in resulted that compromise result of analyses it withdrew it analyses of result of trading on Sundays and The party’s position on this matter is unclear. On one of [League PiS–LPR the hand, Polish Rodzin]–Samoobrona colali tion came the closest to forc a ing Sundays and holidays, but as a from this idea and created a the ban being enforced on 12 holidays religious and national per year [http://www.ekono /artykul/1080884. html, accessed: 13.08.2014]. The party’s program does not The party’s raise these issues. - - CRITERIA personal use The party program does not make reference to these issues. marijuana possession for marijuana possession for Position on the legality of In the 2007 elections the po legal the for was group litical Currently marijuana. of ization this to references no are there issue in the program. The party’s program does not The party’s raise these issues. - - - - - indi


woman’s woman’s It is against woman has the exclusive the has woman Position on abortion substitute for contraception. for substitute

Samoobrona Samoobrona presents the option of moderate conserva tism in matters of ideology/ worldview and customs. The party clearly underlines its attachment to ethical norms expounded by the Catholic Church, but its position in this context is moderate. It is against abortion, but notices the social sources of the high number of abortions, which correlates with social exclu sion and poverty. regulations. current tightening the supports group political The recognizes and abortion to right a that right to decide if she wants to have children. “We are in fa vor of respecting a motherhood, conscious to right about decision her entails which when children, have to whether many. how and children, have to also We emphasize the impor fatherhood. responsible of tance cannot abortion that believe We a be However, we are for creating conditions in which the law does not regulate the issue of for room leaving abortion, decisions.” moral vidual, accessed: 13.08.2014]. ------lack of supporter of le of supporter sexual couples legalizing unions of homo Position on the possibility of The party’s The party’s views on matters of custom is based on Catho against is It science. social lic the legalization of same-sex unions. there Yet is a such statements in the pro gram. a is party The with unions, same-sex galizing the possibility of marriage. ho of right the recognize “We registered to couples mosexual unions. We are for the right to legally-registered unions, homosexual, and hetero- both that are not marriages to mu rights asset and tax, civil, tual and responsibilities.” [http://, accessed: 13.08.2014]. - - - - name Partia Samo kracja Demo party’s party’s Bezpo Zieloni obrona ation of średnia Abbrevi a political